mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 08:54:34 +05:00
PAL7403. In Save(), remove shape referring data if a referred shape was deleted
This commit is contained in:
@ -975,13 +975,15 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// write reference on a shape if exists
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myRef;
bool shapeRefFound = false;
bool found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), myRef );
if ( found ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myShape;
bool ok = myRef->ReferencedObject( myShape );
if ( ok ) {
shapeRefFound = (! CORBA::is_nil( myShape->GetObject() ));
string myRefOnObject = myShape->GetID();
if ( myRefOnObject.length() > 0 ) {
if ( shapeRefFound && myRefOnObject.length() > 0 ) {
aSize[ 0 ] = myRefOnObject.length() + 1;
aDataset = new HDFdataset( "Ref on shape", aTopGroup, HDF_STRING, aSize, 1 );
@ -990,11 +992,19 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// maybe a shape was deleted in the study
if ( !shapeRefFound && !mySMESHDSMesh->ShapeToMesh().IsNull() ) {
TopoDS_Shape nullShape;
myLocMesh.ShapeToMesh( nullShape ); // remove shape referring data
// write applied hypotheses if exist
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myHypBranch;
found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( GetRefOnAppliedHypothesisTag(), myHypBranch );
if ( found ) {
if ( found && !shapeRefFound ) { // remove applied hyps
myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder()->RemoveObjectWithChildren( myHypBranch );
if ( found && shapeRefFound ) {
aGroup = new HDFgroup( "Applied Hypotheses", aTopGroup );
@ -1033,7 +1043,10 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// write applied algorithms if exist
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myAlgoBranch;
found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( GetRefOnAppliedAlgorithmsTag(), myAlgoBranch );
if ( found ) {
if ( found && !shapeRefFound ) { // remove applied hyps
myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder()->RemoveObjectWithChildren( myAlgoBranch );
if ( found && shapeRefFound ) {
aGroup = new HDFgroup( "Applied Algorithms", aTopGroup );
@ -1070,9 +1083,48 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// --> submesh objects sub-branches
for ( int i = GetSubMeshOnVertexTag(); i <= GetSubMeshOnCompoundTag(); i++ ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubmeshBranch;
found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( i, mySubmeshBranch );
if ( found ) // check if there is shape reference in submeshes
bool hasShapeRef = false;
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var itSM =
myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( mySubmeshBranch );
for ( ; itSM->More(); itSM->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubRef, myShape, mySObject = itSM->Value();
if ( mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), mySubRef ))
mySubRef->ReferencedObject( myShape );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( myShape ) && !CORBA::is_nil( myShape->GetObject() ))
hasShapeRef = true;
{ // remove one submesh
if ( shapeRefFound )
{ // unassign hypothesis
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var mySubMesh =
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow( SObjectToObject( mySObject ));
if ( !mySubMesh->_is_nil() ) {
int shapeID = mySubMesh->GetId();
TopoDS_Shape S = mySMESHDSMesh->IndexToShape( shapeID );
const list<const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>& hypList =
mySMESHDSMesh->GetHypothesis( S );
list<const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator hyp = hypList.begin();
while ( hyp != hypList.end() ) {
int hypID = (*hyp++)->GetID(); // goto next here because
myLocMesh.RemoveHypothesis( S, hypID ); // hypList changes here
myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder()->RemoveObjectWithChildren( mySObject );
} // loop on submeshes of a type
if ( !shapeRefFound || !hasShapeRef ) { // remove the whole submeshes branch
myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder()->RemoveObjectWithChildren( mySubmeshBranch );
found = false;
} // end check if there is shape reference in submeshes
if ( found ) {
char name_meshgroup[ 30 ];
if ( i == GetSubMeshOnVertexTag() )
@ -1099,7 +1151,8 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
for ( ; itSM->More(); itSM->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySObject = itSM->Value();
CORBA::Object_var anSubObject = SObjectToObject( mySObject );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( anSubObject ) ) {
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( anSubObject ))
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var mySubMesh = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow( anSubObject ) ;
int subid = myStudyContext->findId( string( GetORB()->object_to_string( anSubObject ) ) );
@ -1109,31 +1162,18 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
aSubGroup = new HDFgroup( submeshGrpName, aGroup );
// // Put submesh data to MED convertor
// if ( myImpl->_mapSubMesh.find( mySubMesh->GetId() ) != myImpl->_mapSubMesh.end() ) {
// if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE( "VSR - SMESH_Gen_i::Save(): saving submesh with ID = "
// << mySubMesh->GetId() << " to MED file" );
// ::SMESH_subMesh* aLocalSubmesh = myImpl->_mapSubMesh[mySubMesh->GetId()];
// myWriter.AddSubMesh( aLocalSubmesh->GetSubMeshDS(), subid );
// }
// write reference on a shape if exists
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubRef;
found = mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), mySubRef );
if ( found ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myShape;
bool ok = mySubRef->ReferencedObject( myShape );
if ( ok ) {
string myRefOnObject = myShape->GetID();
if ( myRefOnObject.length() > 0 ) {
aSize[ 0 ] = myRefOnObject.length() + 1;
aDataset = new HDFdataset( "Ref on shape", aSubGroup, HDF_STRING, aSize, 1 );
aDataset->WriteOnDisk( ( char* )( myRefOnObject.c_str() ) );
// write reference on a shape, already checked if it exists
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubRef, myShape;
if ( mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), mySubRef ))
mySubRef->ReferencedObject( myShape );
string myRefOnObject = myShape->GetID();
if ( myRefOnObject.length() > 0 ) {
aSize[ 0 ] = myRefOnObject.length() + 1;
aDataset = new HDFdataset( "Ref on shape", aSubGroup, HDF_STRING, aSize, 1 );
aDataset->WriteOnDisk( ( char* )( myRefOnObject.c_str() ) );
// write applied hypotheses if exist
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubHypBranch;
@ -1257,6 +1297,7 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// Store the group contents into MED file
if ( myLocMesh.GetGroup( myGroupImpl->GetLocalID() ) ) {
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE( "VSR - SMESH_Gen_i::Save(): saving group with StoreName = "
<< grpName << " to MED file" );
SMESHDS_GroupBase* aGrpBaseDS =
@ -1274,7 +1315,8 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
if ( aGeomGrp ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubRef, myShape;
if (mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), mySubRef ) &&
mySubRef->ReferencedObject( myShape ))
mySubRef->ReferencedObject( myShape ) &&
!CORBA::is_nil( myShape->GetObject() ))
string myRefOnObject = myShape->GetID();
if ( myRefOnObject.length() > 0 ) {
@ -1287,13 +1329,18 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
else // shape ref is invalid:
// save a group on geometry as ordinary group
myWriter.AddGroup( aGeomGrp );
} // loop on groups
if ( strcmp( strHasData.c_str(), "1" ) == 0 )
@ -1303,135 +1350,138 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// Store node positions on sub-shapes (SMDS_Position):
aGroup = new HDFgroup( "Node Positions", aTopGroup );
// in aGroup, create 5 datasets to contain:
// "Nodes on Edges" - ID of node on edge
// "Edge positions" - U parameter on node on edge
// "Nodes on Faces" - ID of node on face
// "Face U positions" - U parameter of node on face
// "Face V positions" - V parameter of node on face
// Find out nb of nodes on edges and faces
// Collect corresponing sub-meshes
int nbEdgeNodes = 0, nbFaceNodes = 0;
list<SMESHDS_SubMesh*> aEdgeSM, aFaceSM;
// loop on SMESHDS_SubMesh'es
const map<int,SMESHDS_SubMesh*>& aSubMeshes = mySMESHDSMesh->SubMeshes();
map<int,SMESHDS_SubMesh*>::const_iterator itSubM ( aSubMeshes.begin() );
for ( ; itSubM != aSubMeshes.end() ; itSubM++ )
if ( !mySMESHDSMesh->SubMeshes().empty() )
SMESHDS_SubMesh* aSubMesh = (*itSubM).second;
if ( aSubMesh->IsComplexSubmesh() )
continue; // submesh containing other submeshs
int nbNodes = aSubMesh->NbNodes();
if ( nbNodes == 0 ) continue;
int aShapeID = (*itSubM).first;
int aShapeType = mySMESHDSMesh->IndexToShape( aShapeID ).ShapeType();
// write only SMDS_FacePosition and SMDS_EdgePosition
switch ( aShapeType ) {
case TopAbs_FACE:
nbFaceNodes += nbNodes;
aFaceSM.push_back( aSubMesh );
case TopAbs_EDGE:
nbEdgeNodes += nbNodes;
aEdgeSM.push_back( aSubMesh );
// Treat positions on edges or faces
for ( int onFace = 0; onFace < 2; onFace++ )
// Create arrays to store in datasets
int iNode = 0, nbNodes = ( onFace ? nbFaceNodes : nbEdgeNodes );
if (!nbNodes) continue;
int* aNodeIDs = new int [ nbNodes ];
double* aUPos = new double [ nbNodes ];
double* aVPos = ( onFace ? new double[ nbNodes ] : 0 );
aGroup = new HDFgroup( "Node Positions", aTopGroup );
// Fill arrays
// loop on sub-meshes
list<SMESHDS_SubMesh*> * pListSM = ( onFace ? &aFaceSM : &aEdgeSM );
list<SMESHDS_SubMesh*>::iterator itSM = pListSM->begin();
for ( ; itSM != pListSM->end(); itSM++ )
// in aGroup, create 5 datasets to contain:
// "Nodes on Edges" - ID of node on edge
// "Edge positions" - U parameter on node on edge
// "Nodes on Faces" - ID of node on face
// "Face U positions" - U parameter of node on face
// "Face V positions" - V parameter of node on face
// Find out nb of nodes on edges and faces
// Collect corresponing sub-meshes
int nbEdgeNodes = 0, nbFaceNodes = 0;
list<SMESHDS_SubMesh*> aEdgeSM, aFaceSM;
// loop on SMESHDS_SubMesh'es
const map<int,SMESHDS_SubMesh*>& aSubMeshes = mySMESHDSMesh->SubMeshes();
map<int,SMESHDS_SubMesh*>::const_iterator itSubM ( aSubMeshes.begin() );
for ( ; itSubM != aSubMeshes.end() ; itSubM++ )
SMESHDS_SubMesh* aSubMesh = (*itSM);
SMESHDS_SubMesh* aSubMesh = (*itSubM).second;
if ( aSubMesh->IsComplexSubmesh() )
continue; // submesh containing other submeshs
int nbNodes = aSubMesh->NbNodes();
if ( nbNodes == 0 ) continue;
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr itNode = aSubMesh->GetNodes();
// loop on nodes in aSubMesh
while ( itNode->more() )
//node ID
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = itNode->next();
aNodeIDs [ iNode ] = node->GetID();
// Position
const SMDS_PositionPtr pos = node->GetPosition();
if ( onFace ) { // on FACE
const SMDS_FacePosition* fPos =
dynamic_cast<const SMDS_FacePosition*>( pos.get() );
if ( fPos ) {
aUPos[ iNode ] = fPos->GetUParameter();
aVPos[ iNode ] = fPos->GetVParameter();
else { // on EDGE
const SMDS_EdgePosition* ePos =
dynamic_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pos.get() );
if ( ePos ) {
aUPos[ iNode ] = ePos->GetUParameter();
} // loop on nodes in aSubMesh
} // loop on sub-meshes
// Write datasets
if ( nbNodes )
aSize[ 0 ] = nbNodes;
// IDS
string aDSName( onFace ? "Nodes on Faces" : "Nodes on Edges");
aDataset = new HDFdataset( (char*)aDSName.c_str(), aGroup, HDF_INT32, aSize, 1 );
aDataset->WriteOnDisk( aNodeIDs );
// U Positions
aDSName = ( onFace ? "Face U positions" : "Edge positions");
aDataset = new HDFdataset( (char*)aDSName.c_str(), aGroup, HDF_FLOAT64, aSize, 1);
aDataset->WriteOnDisk( aUPos );
// V Positions
if ( onFace ) {
aDataset = new HDFdataset( "Face V positions", aGroup, HDF_FLOAT64, aSize, 1);
aDataset->WriteOnDisk( aVPos );
int aShapeID = (*itSubM).first;
int aShapeType = mySMESHDSMesh->IndexToShape( aShapeID ).ShapeType();
// write only SMDS_FacePosition and SMDS_EdgePosition
switch ( aShapeType ) {
case TopAbs_FACE:
nbFaceNodes += nbNodes;
aFaceSM.push_back( aSubMesh );
case TopAbs_EDGE:
nbEdgeNodes += nbNodes;
aEdgeSM.push_back( aSubMesh );
delete [] aNodeIDs;
delete [] aUPos;
if ( aVPos ) delete [] aVPos;
// Treat positions on edges or faces
for ( int onFace = 0; onFace < 2; onFace++ )
// Create arrays to store in datasets
int iNode = 0, nbNodes = ( onFace ? nbFaceNodes : nbEdgeNodes );
if (!nbNodes) continue;
int* aNodeIDs = new int [ nbNodes ];
double* aUPos = new double [ nbNodes ];
double* aVPos = ( onFace ? new double[ nbNodes ] : 0 );
} // treat positions on edges or faces
// Fill arrays
// loop on sub-meshes
list<SMESHDS_SubMesh*> * pListSM = ( onFace ? &aFaceSM : &aEdgeSM );
list<SMESHDS_SubMesh*>::iterator itSM = pListSM->begin();
for ( ; itSM != pListSM->end(); itSM++ )
SMESHDS_SubMesh* aSubMesh = (*itSM);
if ( aSubMesh->IsComplexSubmesh() )
continue; // submesh containing other submeshs
// close "Node Positions" group
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr itNode = aSubMesh->GetNodes();
// loop on nodes in aSubMesh
while ( itNode->more() )
//node ID
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = itNode->next();
aNodeIDs [ iNode ] = node->GetID();
// Position
const SMDS_PositionPtr pos = node->GetPosition();
if ( onFace ) { // on FACE
const SMDS_FacePosition* fPos =
dynamic_cast<const SMDS_FacePosition*>( pos.get() );
if ( fPos ) {
aUPos[ iNode ] = fPos->GetUParameter();
aVPos[ iNode ] = fPos->GetVParameter();
else { // on EDGE
const SMDS_EdgePosition* ePos =
dynamic_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pos.get() );
if ( ePos ) {
aUPos[ iNode ] = ePos->GetUParameter();
} // loop on nodes in aSubMesh
} // loop on sub-meshes
// Write datasets
if ( nbNodes )
aSize[ 0 ] = nbNodes;
// IDS
string aDSName( onFace ? "Nodes on Faces" : "Nodes on Edges");
aDataset = new HDFdataset( (char*)aDSName.c_str(), aGroup, HDF_INT32, aSize, 1 );
aDataset->WriteOnDisk( aNodeIDs );
// U Positions
aDSName = ( onFace ? "Face U positions" : "Edge positions");
aDataset = new HDFdataset( (char*)aDSName.c_str(), aGroup, HDF_FLOAT64, aSize, 1);
aDataset->WriteOnDisk( aUPos );
// V Positions
if ( onFace ) {
aDataset = new HDFdataset( "Face V positions", aGroup, HDF_FLOAT64, aSize, 1);
aDataset->WriteOnDisk( aVPos );
delete [] aNodeIDs;
delete [] aUPos;
if ( aVPos ) delete [] aVPos;
} // treat positions on edges or faces
// close "Node Positions" group
} // if ( there are submeshes in SMESHDS_Mesh )
} // if ( hasData )
// close mesh HDF group
Reference in New Issue
Block a user