mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 23:07:55 +05:00
IPAL54527: SIGSEGV after group removal
Fix SMESHDS_GroupOnFilter.cxx + partial fix for SALOME_TESTS/Grids/smesh/imps_09/K0 (SMESH_Slot.cxx)
This commit is contained in:
@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ namespace // Iterator
size_t myNbToFind, myNbFound, myTotalNb;
vector< const SMDS_MeshElement*>& myFoundElems;
bool & myFoundElemsOK;
bool myFoundElemsChecked;
TIterator( const SMESH_PredicatePtr& filter,
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr& elems,
@ -161,14 +162,15 @@ namespace // Iterator
myNbFound( 0 ),
myTotalNb( totalNb ),
myFoundElems( foundElems ),
myFoundElemsOK( foundElemsOK )
myFoundElemsOK( foundElemsOK ),
myFoundElemsChecked( false )
myFoundElemsOK = false;
if ( !myFoundElemsOK )
if ( !myFoundElemsChecked && !myFoundElemsOK )
clearVector( myFoundElems );
virtual bool more()
@ -225,6 +227,8 @@ namespace // Iterator
if ( !myFoundElemsOK )
clearVector( myFoundElems );
myFoundElemsChecked = true; // in destructor: not to clearVector() which may already die
@ -759,10 +759,7 @@ namespace SMESH_MeshAlgos
const double theSign,
const bool theOptimize );
//! Cut a face by planes, whose normals point to parts to keep
bool CutByPlanes(const SMDS_MeshElement* face,
const std::vector< gp_Ax1 > & planes,
std::vector< SMESH_NodeXYZ > & newConnectivity );
void IntersectNewEdges( const CutFace& theCFace );
@ -815,7 +812,6 @@ namespace SMESH_MeshAlgos
bool & isCollinear );
bool intersectEdgeEdge( int iE1, int iE2, IntPoint2D& intPoint );
bool isPointInTriangle( const gp_XYZ& p, const std::vector< SMESH_NodeXYZ >& nodes );
void intersectNewEdges( const CutFace& theCFace );
const SMDS_MeshNode* createNode( const gp_XYZ& p );
@ -1662,7 +1658,7 @@ namespace SMESH_MeshAlgos
void Intersector::Algo::intersectNewEdges( const CutFace& cf )
void Intersector::Algo::IntersectNewEdges( const CutFace& cf )
IntPoint2D intPoint;
@ -1859,7 +1855,7 @@ namespace SMESH_MeshAlgos
if ( cf.myLinks.size() >= limit )
throw SALOME_Exception( "Infinite loop in Intersector::Algo::intersectNewEdges()" );
throw SALOME_Exception( "Infinite loop in Intersector::Algo::IntersectNewEdges()" );
++i1; // each internal edge encounters twice
@ -1913,7 +1909,7 @@ namespace SMESH_MeshAlgos
const CutFace& cf = *cutFacesIt;
cf.ReplaceNodes( myRemove2KeepNodes );
intersectNewEdges( cf );
IntersectNewEdges( cf );
// make new faces
@ -1948,7 +1944,7 @@ namespace SMESH_MeshAlgos
// avoid loops that are not connected to boundary edges of cf.myInitFace
if ( cf.RemoveInternalLoops( loopSet ))
intersectNewEdges( cf );
IntersectNewEdges( cf );
cf.MakeLoops( loopSet, normal );
// erase loops that are cut off by face intersections
@ -2228,6 +2224,10 @@ namespace SMESH_MeshAlgos
theNewFaceConnectivity.push_back( facePoints );
// intersect cut lines
algo.IntersectNewEdges( cf );
// form loops of new faces
EdgeLoopSet loopSet;
cf.MakeLoops( loopSet, normals[ faceToCut->GetID() ]);
@ -42,12 +42,10 @@
#include <Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx>
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
typedef SMESH_MeshAlgos::Edge TEdge;
//! point of intersection of a face edge with the cylinder
struct IntPoint
@ -55,19 +53,50 @@ namespace
SMESH_NodeXYZ myNode; // point and a node
int myEdgeIndex; // face edge index
bool myIsOutPln[2]; // isOut of two planes
double SquareDistance( const IntPoint& p ) const { return ( myNode-p.myNode ).SquareModulus(); }
//! cut of a face
struct Cut
IntPoint myIntPnt1, myIntPnt2;
const SMDS_MeshElement* myFace;
const IntPoint& operator[]( size_t i ) const { return i ? myIntPnt2 : myIntPnt1; }
double SquareDistance( const gp_Pnt& p, gp_XYZ & pClosest ) const
gp_Vec edge( myIntPnt1.myNode, myIntPnt2.myNode );
gp_Vec n1p ( myIntPnt1.myNode, p );
double u = ( edge * n1p ) / edge.SquareMagnitude(); // param [0,1] on the edge
if ( u <= 0. )
pClosest = myIntPnt1.myNode;
return n1p.SquareMagnitude();
if ( u >= 1. )
pClosest = myIntPnt2.myNode;
return p.SquareDistance( myIntPnt2.myNode );
pClosest = myIntPnt1.myNode + u * edge.XYZ(); // projection of the point on the edge
return p.SquareDistance( pClosest );
//! poly-line segment
struct Segment
typedef boost::container::flat_set< const SMDS_MeshNode* > TNodeSet;
//typedef std::list< TEdge > TEdgeList;
typedef std::vector< Cut > TCutList;
const SMDS_MeshElement* myEdge;
TNodeSet myEndNodes; // ends of cut edges
//TEdgeList myCutEdges[2];
const SMDS_MeshElement* myEdge;
TCutList myCuts;
std::vector< const IntPoint* > myFreeEnds; // ends of cut edges
Segment( const SMDS_MeshElement* e = 0 ): myEdge(e) { myCuts.reserve( 4 ); }
// return its axis
gp_Ax1 Ax1( bool reversed = false ) const
@ -76,67 +105,100 @@ namespace
SMESH_NodeXYZ n2 = myEdge->GetNode( !reversed );
return gp_Ax1( n1, gp_Dir( n2 - n1 ));
// return a node
const SMDS_MeshNode* Node(int i) const
return myEdge->GetNode( i % 2 );
// store an intersection edge forming the slot border
void AddEdge( TEdge& e, double tol )
void AddCutEdge( const IntPoint& p1,
const IntPoint& p2,
const SMDS_MeshElement* myFace )
const SMDS_MeshNode** nodes = & e._node1;
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
std::pair< TNodeSet::iterator, bool > nItAdded = myEndNodes.insert( nodes[ i ]);
if ( !nItAdded.second )
myEndNodes.erase( nItAdded.first );
myCuts.push_back( Cut({ p1, p2, myFace }));
// { -- PREV version
// int i = myCutEdges[0].empty() ? 0 : 1;
// std::insert_iterator< TEdgeList > where = inserter( myCutEdges[i], myCutEdges[i].begin() );
// //double minDist = 1e100;
// SMESH_NodeXYZ nNew[2] = { e._node1, e._node2 };
// int iNewMin = 0, iCurMin = 1;
// for ( i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
// {
// if ( myCutEdges[i].empty() )
// continue;
// SMESH_NodeXYZ nCur[2] = { myCutEdges[i].front()._node1,
// myCutEdges[i].back()._node2 };
// for ( int iN = 0; iN < 2; ++iN )
// for ( int iC = 0; iC < 2; ++iC )
// {
// if (( nCur[iC].Node() && nCur[iC] == nNew[iN] ) ||
// ( nCur[iC] - nNew[iN] ).SquareModulus() < tol * tol )
// {
// where = inserter( myCutEdges[i], iC ? myCutEdges[i].end() : myCutEdges[i].begin() );
// iNewMin = iN;
// iCurMin = iC;
// //minDist = dist;
// iN = 2;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// if ( iNewMin == iCurMin )
// std::swap( e._node1, e._node2 );
// where = e;
// }
Segment( const SMDS_MeshElement* e = 0 ): myEdge(e) { myEndNodes.reserve( 4 ); }
// return number of not shared IntPoint's
int NbFreeEnds( double tol )
if ( myCuts.empty() )
return 0;
if ( myFreeEnds.empty() )
int nbShared = 0;
std::vector< bool > isSharedPnt( myCuts.size() * 2, false );
for ( size_t iC1 = 0; iC1 < myCuts.size() - 1; ++iC1 )
for ( size_t iP1 = 0; iP1 < 2; ++iP1 )
size_t i1 = iC1 * 2 + iP1;
if ( isSharedPnt[ i1 ])
for ( size_t iC2 = iC1 + 1; iC2 < myCuts.size(); ++iC2 )
for ( size_t iP2 = 0; iP2 < 2; ++iP2 )
size_t i2 = iC2 * 2 + iP2;
if ( isSharedPnt[ i2 ])
if ( myCuts[ iC1 ][ iP1 ].SquareDistance( myCuts[ iC2 ][ iP2 ]) < tol * tol )
nbShared += 2;
isSharedPnt[ i1 ] = isSharedPnt[ i2 ] = true;
myFreeEnds.reserve( isSharedPnt.size() - nbShared );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < isSharedPnt.size(); ++i )
if ( !isSharedPnt[ i ] )
int iP = i % 2;
int iC = i / 2;
myFreeEnds.push_back( & myCuts[ iC ][ iP ]);
return myFreeEnds.size();
typedef ObjectPoolIterator<Segment> TSegmentIterator;
//! Segments and plane separating domains of segments, at common node
struct NodeData
std::vector< Segment* > mySegments;
gp_Ax1 myPlane; // oriented OK for mySegments[0]
void AddSegment( Segment* seg, const SMDS_MeshNode* n )
mySegments.push_back( seg );
if ( mySegments.size() == 1 )
myPlane = mySegments[0]->Ax1( mySegments[0]->myEdge->GetNodeIndex( n ));
gp_Ax1 axis2 = mySegments[1]->Ax1( mySegments[1]->myEdge->GetNodeIndex( n ));
myPlane.SetDirection( myPlane.Direction().XYZ() - axis2.Direction().XYZ() );
gp_Ax1 Plane( const Segment* seg )
return ( seg == mySegments[0] ) ? myPlane : myPlane.Reversed();
typedef NCollection_DataMap< const SMDS_MeshNode*, NodeData, SMESH_Hasher > TSegmentsOfNode;
* \brief Intersect a face edge given by its nodes with a cylinder.
void intersectEdge( const gp_Cylinder& cyl,
bool intersectEdge( const gp_Cylinder& cyl,
const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n1,
const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n2,
const double tol,
@ -149,7 +211,7 @@ namespace
intersection.IsParallel() ||
intersection.IsInQuadric() ||
intersection.NbPoints() == 0 )
return false;
gp_Vec edge( n1, n2 );
@ -196,7 +258,7 @@ namespace
std::swap( intPoints[ i ], intPoints[ i - 1 ]);
return intPoints.size() - oldNbPnts > 0;
@ -218,11 +280,11 @@ namespace
bool isOut( const gp_Pnt& p, const gp_Ax1* planeNormal, bool* isOutPtr )
bool isOut( const gp_Pnt& p, const gp_Ax1* planeNormal, bool* isOutPtr, int nbPln = 2 )
isOutPtr[0] = isOutPtr[1] = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
for ( int i = 0; i < nbPln; ++i )
isOutPtr[i] = ( signedDist( p, planeNormal[i] ) <= 0. );
@ -317,6 +379,131 @@ namespace
if ( !theWorkGroups.empty() )
theFaceID2Groups.Bind( theFace->GetID(), theWorkGroups );
* \brief Check distance between a point and an edge defined by a couple of nodes
bool isOnEdge( const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2,
const gp_Pnt& p,
const double tol )
SMDS_LinearEdge edge( n1, n2 );
return ( SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( &edge, p ) < tol );
* \return Index of intersection point detected on a triangle cut by planes
* \param [in] i - index of a cut triangle side
* \param [in] n1 - 1st point of a cut triangle side
* \param [in] n2 - 2nd point of a cut triangle side
* \param [in] face - a not cut triangle
* \param [in] intPoint - the intersection point
* \param [in] faceNodes - nodes of not cut triangle
* \param [in] tol - tolerance
int edgeIndex( const int i,
const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n1,
const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n2,
const SMDS_MeshElement* face,
const IntPoint& intPoint,
const std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& faceNodes,
const double tol )
if ( n1.Node() && n2.Node() )
return face->GetNodeIndex( n1.Node() );
// project intPoint to sides of face
for ( size_t i = 1; i < faceNodes.size(); ++i )
if ( isOnEdge( faceNodes[ i-1 ], faceNodes[ i ], intPoint.myNode, tol ))
return i - 1;
return -(i+1);
* \brief Find a neighboring segment and its next node
* \param [in] curSegment - a current segment
* \param [in,out] curNode - a current node to update
* \param [in] segmentsOfNode - map of segments of nodes
* \return Segment* - the found segment
Segment* nextSegment( const Segment* curSegment,
const SMDS_MeshNode* & curNode,
const TSegmentsOfNode& segmentsOfNode )
Segment* neighborSeg = 0;
const NodeData& noData = segmentsOfNode( curNode );
for ( size_t iS = 0; iS < noData.mySegments.size() && !neighborSeg; ++iS )
if ( noData.mySegments[ iS ] != curSegment )
neighborSeg = noData.mySegments[ iS ];
if ( neighborSeg )
int iN = ( neighborSeg->Node(0) == curNode );
curNode = neighborSeg->Node( iN );
return neighborSeg;
* \brief Tries to find a segment to which a given point is too close
* \param [in] p - the point
* \param [in] minDist - minimal allowed distance from segment
* \param [in] curSegment - start segment
* \param [in] curNode - start node
* \param [in] segmentsOfNode - map of segments of nodes
* \return bool - true if a too close segment found
const Segment* findTooCloseSegment( const IntPoint& p,
const double minDist,
const double tol,
const Segment* curSegment,
const SMDS_MeshNode* curNode,
const TSegmentsOfNode& segmentsOfNode )
double prevDist = Precision::Infinite();
while ( curSegment )
double dist = SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( curSegment->myEdge, p.myNode );
if ( dist < minDist )
// check if dist is less than distance of curSegment to its cuts
// double minCutDist = prevDist;
// bool coincide = false;
// for ( size_t iC = 0; iC < curSegment->myCuts.size(); ++iC )
// {
// if (( coincide = ( curSegment->myCuts[iC].SquareDistance( p.myNode ) < tol * tol )))
// break;
// for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < 2; ++iP )
// {
// double cutDist = SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( curSegment->myEdge,
// curSegment->myCuts[iC][iP].myNode );
// minCutDist = std::min( minCutDist, cutDist );
// }
// }
// if ( !coincide && minCutDist > dist )
return curSegment;
if ( dist > prevDist )
prevDist = dist;
curSegment = nextSegment( curSegment, curNode, segmentsOfNode );
return 0;
@ -338,10 +525,10 @@ SMESH_MeshAlgos::MakeSlot( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theSegmentIt,
if ( !theSegmentIt || !theSegmentIt->more() || !theMesh || theWidth == 0.)
return bndEdges;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// put the input segments to a data map in order to be able finding neighboring ones
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::vector< Segment* > TSegmentVec;
typedef NCollection_DataMap< const SMDS_MeshNode*, TSegmentVec, SMESH_Hasher > TSegmentsOfNode;
TSegmentsOfNode segmentsOfNode;
ObjectPool< Segment > segmentPool;
@ -357,15 +544,16 @@ SMESH_MeshAlgos::MakeSlot( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theSegmentIt,
for ( SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = edge->nodeIterator(); nIt->more(); )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = nIt->next();
TSegmentVec* segVec = segmentsOfNode.ChangeSeek( n );
if ( !segVec )
segVec = segmentsOfNode.Bound( n, TSegmentVec() );
segVec->push_back( segment );
NodeData* noData = segmentsOfNode.ChangeSeek( n );
if ( !noData )
noData = segmentsOfNode.Bound( n, NodeData() );
noData->AddSegment( segment, n );
// ---------------------------------
// Cut the mesh around the segments
// ---------------------------------
const double tol = Precision::Confusion();
std::vector< gp_XYZ > faceNormals;
@ -398,21 +586,8 @@ SMESH_MeshAlgos::MakeSlot( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theSegmentIt,
// get normals of planes separating domains of neighboring segments
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) // loop on 2 segment ends
planeNormal[i] = segment->Ax1(i);
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = segment->Node( i );
const TSegmentVec& segVec = segmentsOfNode( n );
for ( size_t iS = 0; iS < segVec.size(); ++iS )
if ( segVec[iS] == segment )
gp_Ax1 axis2 = segVec[iS]->Ax1();
if ( n != segVec[iS]->Node( 1 ))
axis2.Reverse(); // along a wire
planeNormal[i].SetDirection( planeNormal[i].Direction().XYZ() + axis2.Direction().XYZ() );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = segment->Node( i );
planeNormal[i] = segmentsOfNode( n ).Plane( segment );
// we explore faces around a segment starting from face edges;
@ -455,11 +630,12 @@ SMESH_MeshAlgos::MakeSlot( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theSegmentIt,
int nbNodes = face->NbCornerNodes();
if ( nbNodes != 3 )
throw SALOME_Exception( "MakeSlot() accepts triangles only" );
facePoints.assign( face->begin_nodes(), face->end_nodes() );
facePoints.resize( nbNodes + 1 );
facePoints[ nbNodes ] = facePoints[ 0 ];
faceNodes.assign( face->begin_nodes(), face->end_nodes() );
faceNodes.resize( nbNodes + 1 );
faceNodes[ nbNodes ] = faceNodes[ 0 ];
facePoints.assign( faceNodes.begin(), faceNodes.end() );
// check if cylinder axis || face
// check if cylinder axis || face
const gp_XYZ& faceNorm = computeNormal( face, faceNormals );
bool isCylinderOnFace = ( Abs( faceNorm * cylAxis.Direction().XYZ() ) < tol );
@ -489,28 +665,23 @@ SMESH_MeshAlgos::MakeSlot( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theSegmentIt,
intPoints[ iP ].myEdgeIndex = i;
for ( ; iP < intPoints.size(); ++iP )
if ( n1.Node() && n2.Node() )
intPoints[ iP ].myEdgeIndex = face->GetNodeIndex( n1.Node() );
intPoints[ iP ].myEdgeIndex = -(i+1);
intPoints[ iP ].myEdgeIndex = edgeIndex( i, n1, n2, face,
intPoints[ iP ], faceNodes, tol );
nbFarPoints += ( segLine.SquareDistance( n1 ) > radius2 );
// feed startEdges
if ( nbFarPoints < nbPoints || !intPoints.empty() )
for ( int i = 0; i < nbPoints; ++i )
for ( size_t i = 1; i < faceNodes.size(); ++i )
const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n1 = facePoints[i];
const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n2 = facePoints[i+1];
if ( n1.Node() && n2.Node() )
const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n1 = faceNodes[i];
const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n2 = faceNodes[i-1];
isOut( n1, planeNormal, p[0].myIsOutPln );
isOut( n2, planeNormal, p[1].myIsOutPln );
if ( !isSegmentOut( p[0].myIsOutPln, p[1].myIsOutPln ))
isOut( n1, planeNormal, p[0].myIsOutPln );
isOut( n2, planeNormal, p[1].myIsOutPln );
if ( !isSegmentOut( p[0].myIsOutPln, p[1].myIsOutPln ))
startEdges.push_back( NLink( n1.Node(), n2.Node() ));
startEdges.push_back( NLink( n1.Node(), n2.Node() ));
@ -570,20 +741,12 @@ SMESH_MeshAlgos::MakeSlot( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theSegmentIt,
cutOff( intPoints[iE-1], intPoints[iE],
planeNormal[ intPoints[iE-1].myIsOutPln[1] ], tol );
edegDir = intPoints[iE].myNode - intPoints[iE-1].myNode;
if ( edegDir.SquareModulus() < tol * tol )
gp_XYZ edegDirNew = intPoints[iE].myNode - intPoints[iE-1].myNode;
if ( edegDir * edegDirNew < 0 ||
edegDir.SquareModulus() < tol * tol )
continue; // fully cut off
// face cut
meshIntersector.Cut( face,
intPoints[iE-1].myNode, intPoints[iE-1].myEdgeIndex,
intPoints[iE ].myNode, intPoints[iE ].myEdgeIndex );
Edge e = { intPoints[iE].myNode.Node(), intPoints[iE-1].myNode.Node(), 0 };
segment->AddEdge( e, tol );
bndEdges.push_back( e );
findGroups( face, theGroupsToUpdate, faceID2Groups, groupVec );
segment->AddCutEdge( intPoints[iE], intPoints[iE-1], face );
} // loop on faces sharing an edge
@ -595,63 +758,151 @@ SMESH_MeshAlgos::MakeSlot( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theSegmentIt,
} // loop on all input segments
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// If a plane fully cuts off edges of one side of a segment,
// it also may cut edges of adjacent segments
// ----------------------------------------------------------
for ( TSegmentIterator segIt( segmentPool ); segIt.more(); ) // loop on all segments
Segment* segment = const_cast< Segment* >( segIt.next() );
if ( segment->NbFreeEnds( tol ) >= 4 )
for ( int iE = 0; iE < 2; ++iE ) // loop on 2 segment ends
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = segment->Node( iE );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = segment->Node( 1 - iE );
planeNormal[0] = segmentsOfNode( n1 ).Plane( segment );
bool isNeighborCut;
Segment* neighborSeg = segment;
do // check segments connected to the segment via n2
neighborSeg = nextSegment( neighborSeg, n2, segmentsOfNode );
if ( !neighborSeg )
isNeighborCut = false;
for ( size_t iC = 0; iC < neighborSeg->myCuts.size(); ++iC ) // check cut edges
IntPoint* intPnt = &( neighborSeg->myCuts[iC].myIntPnt1 );
isOut( intPnt[0].myNode, planeNormal, intPnt[0].myIsOutPln, 1 );
isOut( intPnt[1].myNode, planeNormal, intPnt[1].myIsOutPln, 1 );
const Segment * closeSeg[2] = { 0, 0 };
if ( intPnt[0].myIsOutPln[0] )
closeSeg[0] = findTooCloseSegment( intPnt[0], 0.5 * theWidth - tol, tol,
segment, n1, segmentsOfNode );
if ( intPnt[1].myIsOutPln[0] )
closeSeg[1] = findTooCloseSegment( intPnt[1], 0.5 * theWidth - tol, tol,
segment, n1, segmentsOfNode );
int nbCut = bool( closeSeg[0] ) + bool( closeSeg[1] );
if ( nbCut == 0 )
isNeighborCut = true;
if ( nbCut == 2 ) // remove a cut
if ( iC < neighborSeg->myCuts.size() - 1 )
neighborSeg->myCuts[iC] = neighborSeg->myCuts.back();
else // shorten cuts of 1) neighborSeg and 2) closeSeg
// 1)
int iP = bool( closeSeg[1] );
gp_Lin segLine( closeSeg[iP]->Ax1() );
gp_Ax3 cylAxis( segLine.Location(), segLine.Direction() );
gp_Cylinder cyl( cylAxis, 0.5 * theWidth );
if ( intersectEdge( cyl, intPnt[iP].myNode, intPnt[1-iP].myNode, tol, intPoints ) &&
intPoints[0].SquareDistance( intPnt[iP] ) > tol * tol )
intPnt[iP].myNode = intPoints[0].myNode;
// 2)
double minCutDist = theWidth;
gp_XYZ projection, closestProj;
int iCut;
for ( size_t iC = 0; iC < closeSeg[iP]->myCuts.size(); ++iC )
double cutDist = closeSeg[iP]->myCuts[iC].SquareDistance( intPnt[iP].myNode,
projection );
if ( cutDist < minCutDist )
closestProj = projection;
minCutDist = cutDist;
iCut = iC;
if ( minCutDist < tol * tol )
double d1 = SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( neighborSeg->myEdge,
closeSeg[iP]->myCuts[iCut][0].myNode );
double d2 = SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( neighborSeg->myEdge,
closeSeg[iP]->myCuts[iCut][1].myNode );
int iP2 = ( d2 < d1 );
IntPoint& ip = const_cast< IntPoint& >( closeSeg[iP]->myCuts[iCut][iP2] );
ip = intPnt[iP];
// update myFreeEnds
neighborSeg->NbFreeEnds( tol );
while ( isNeighborCut );
// -----------------------
// Cut faces by cut edges
// -----------------------
for ( TSegmentIterator segIt( segmentPool ); segIt.more(); ) // loop on all segments
Segment* segment = const_cast< Segment* >( segIt.next() );
for ( size_t iC = 0; iC < segment->myCuts.size(); ++iC )
Cut & cut = segment->myCuts[ iC ];
computeNormal( cut.myFace, faceNormals );
meshIntersector.Cut( cut.myFace,
cut.myIntPnt1.myNode, cut.myIntPnt1.myEdgeIndex,
cut.myIntPnt2.myNode, cut.myIntPnt2.myEdgeIndex );
Edge e = { cut.myIntPnt1.myNode.Node(), cut.myIntPnt2.myNode.Node(), 0 };
bndEdges.push_back( e );
findGroups( cut.myFace, theGroupsToUpdate, faceID2Groups, groupVec );
// -----------------------------------------
// Make cut at the end of group of segments
// -----------------------------------------
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> polySegments;
for ( TSegmentsOfNode::Iterator nSegsIt( segmentsOfNode ); nSegsIt.More(); nSegsIt.Next() )
const TSegmentVec& segVec = nSegsIt.Value();
if ( segVec.size() != 1 )
const NodeData& noData = nSegsIt.Value();
if ( noData.mySegments.size() != 1 )
const Segment* segment = segVec[0];
const SMDS_MeshNode* segNode = nSegsIt.Key();
const Segment* segment = noData.mySegments[0];
// find two end nodes of cut edges to make a cut between
if ( segment->myEndNodes.size() != 4 )
// find two IntPoint's of cut edges to make a cut between
if ( segment->myFreeEnds.size() != 4 )
throw SALOME_Exception( "MakeSlot(): too short end edge?" );
SMESH_MeshAlgos::PolySegment linkNodes;
gp_Ax1 planeNorm = segment->Ax1( segNode != segment->Node(0) );
double minDist[2] = { 1e100, 1e100 };
Segment::TNodeSet::const_iterator nIt = segment->myEndNodes.begin();
for ( ; nIt != segment->myEndNodes.end(); ++nIt )
std::multimap< double, const IntPoint* > dist2IntPntMap;
for ( size_t iE = 0; iE < segment->myFreeEnds.size(); ++iE )
SMESH_NodeXYZ n = *nIt;
double d = Abs( signedDist( n, planeNorm ));
double diff1 = minDist[0] - d, diff2 = minDist[1] - d;
int i;
if ( diff1 > 0 && diff2 > 0 )
i = ( diff1 < diff2 );
else if ( diff1 > 0 )
i = 0;
else if ( diff2 > 0 )
i = 1;
linkNodes.myXYZ[ i ] = n;
minDist [ i ] = d;
const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n = segment->myFreeEnds[ iE ]->myNode;
double d = Abs( signedDist( n, noData.myPlane ));
dist2IntPntMap.insert( std::make_pair( d, segment->myFreeEnds[ iE ]));
// for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide )
// {
// if ( segment->myCutEdges[ iSide ].empty() )
// throw SALOME_Exception( "MakeSlot(): too short end edge?" );
// SMESH_NodeXYZ n1 = segment->myCutEdges[ iSide ].front()._node1;
// SMESH_NodeXYZ n2 = segment->myCutEdges[ iSide ].back ()._node2;
// double d1 = Abs( signedDist( n1, planeNorm ));
// double d2 = Abs( signedDist( n2, planeNorm ));
// linkNodes.myXYZ [ iSide ] = ( d1 < d2 ) ? n1 : n2;
// linkNodes.myNode1[ iSide ] = linkNodes.myNode2[ iSide ] = 0;
// }
linkNodes.myVector = planeNorm.Direction() ^ (linkNodes.myXYZ[0] - linkNodes.myXYZ[1]);
std::multimap< double, const IntPoint* >::iterator d2ip = dist2IntPntMap.begin();
SMESH_MeshAlgos::PolySegment linkNodes;
linkNodes.myXYZ[0] = d2ip->second->myNode;
linkNodes.myXYZ[1] = (++d2ip)->second->myNode;
linkNodes.myVector = noData.myPlane.Direction() ^ (linkNodes.myXYZ[0] - linkNodes.myXYZ[1]);
linkNodes.myNode1[ 0 ] = linkNodes.myNode2[ 0 ] = 0;
linkNodes.myNode1[ 1 ] = linkNodes.myNode2[ 1 ] = 0;
@ -682,8 +933,7 @@ SMESH_MeshAlgos::MakeSlot( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theSegmentIt,
intPoints[iP].myEdgeIndex = -1;
for ( int iN = 0; iN < nbNodes && intPoints[iP].myEdgeIndex < 0; ++iN )
SMDS_LinearEdge edge( faceNodes[iN], faceNodes[iN+1] );
if ( SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( &edge, intPoints[iP].myNode) < tol )
if ( isOnEdge( faceNodes[iN], faceNodes[iN+1], intPoints[iP].myNode, tol ))
intPoints[iP].myEdgeIndex = iN;
@ -6419,7 +6419,7 @@ class Mesh(metaclass = MeshMeta):
holeNodes = SMESH.FreeBorder(nodeIDs=holeNodes)
if not isinstance( holeNodes, SMESH.FreeBorder ):
raise TypeError("holeNodes must be either SMESH.FreeBorder or list of integer and not %s" % holeNodes)
self.editor.FillHole( holeNodes, groupName )
return self.editor.FillHole( holeNodes, groupName )
def FindCoincidentFreeBorders (self, tolerance=0.):
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