mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 01:45:36 +05:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://codev-tuleap.cea.fr/plugins/git/salome/smesh
This commit is contained in:
@ -7729,26 +7729,55 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::applyMerge( const SMDS_MeshElement* elem,
// ========================================================
// class : SortableElement
// purpose : allow sorting elements basing on their nodes
// class : ComparableElement
// purpose : allow comparing elements basing on their nodes
// ========================================================
class SortableElement : public set <const SMDS_MeshElement*>
class ComparableElement : public boost::container::flat_set< int >
typedef boost::container::flat_set< int > int_set;
const SMDS_MeshElement* myElem;
int mySumID;
mutable int myGroupID;
SortableElement( const SMDS_MeshElement* theElem )
ComparableElement( const SMDS_MeshElement* theElem ):
myElem ( theElem ), mySumID( 0 ), myGroupID( -1 )
myElem = theElem;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeIt = theElem->nodesIterator();
while ( nodeIt->more() )
this->insert( nodeIt->next() );
this->reserve( theElem->NbNodes() );
for ( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeIt = theElem->nodesIterator(); nodeIt->more(); )
int id = nodeIt->next()->GetID();
mySumID += id;
this->insert( id );
const SMDS_MeshElement* Get() const
{ return myElem; }
const SMDS_MeshElement* GetElem() const { return myElem; }
int& GroupID() const { return myGroupID; }
//int& GroupID() const { return const_cast< int& >( myGroupID ); }
ComparableElement( const ComparableElement& theSource ) // move copy
ComparableElement& src = const_cast< ComparableElement& >( theSource );
(int_set&) (*this ) = boost::move( src );
myElem = src.myElem;
mySumID = src.mySumID;
myGroupID = src.myGroupID;
static int HashCode(const ComparableElement& se, int limit )
return ::HashCode( se.mySumID, limit );
static Standard_Boolean IsEqual(const ComparableElement& se1, const ComparableElement& se2 )
return ( se1 == se2 );
mutable const SMDS_MeshElement* myElem;
@ -7757,48 +7786,47 @@ private:
// Search among theElements or in the whole mesh if theElements is empty
void SMESH_MeshEditor::FindEqualElements(TIDSortedElemSet & theElements,
TListOfListOfElementsID & theGroupsOfElementsID)
void SMESH_MeshEditor::FindEqualElements( TIDSortedElemSet & theElements,
TListOfListOfElementsID & theGroupsOfElementsID )
typedef map< SortableElement, int > TMapOfNodeSet;
typedef list<int> TGroupOfElems;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt;
if ( theElements.empty() ) elemIt = GetMeshDS()->elementsIterator();
else elemIt = SMESHUtils::elemSetIterator( theElements );
vector< TGroupOfElems > arrayOfGroups;
TGroupOfElems groupOfElems;
TMapOfNodeSet mapOfNodeSet;
typedef NCollection_Map< ComparableElement, ComparableElement > TMapOfElements;
typedef std::list<int> TGroupOfElems;
TMapOfElements mapOfElements;
std::vector< TGroupOfElems > arrayOfGroups;
TGroupOfElems groupOfElems;
for ( int iGroup = 0; elemIt->more(); )
while ( elemIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* curElem = elemIt->next();
SortableElement SE(curElem);
ComparableElement compElem = curElem;
// check uniqueness
pair< TMapOfNodeSet::iterator, bool> pp = mapOfNodeSet.insert(make_pair(SE, iGroup));
if ( !pp.second ) { // one more coincident elem
TMapOfNodeSet::iterator& itSE = pp.first;
int iG = itSE->second;
const ComparableElement& elemInSet = mapOfElements.Added( compElem );
if ( elemInSet.GetElem() != curElem ) // coincident elem
int& iG = elemInSet.GroupID();
if ( iG < 0 )
iG = arrayOfGroups.size();
arrayOfGroups.push_back( groupOfElems );
arrayOfGroups[ iG ].push_back( elemInSet.GetElem()->GetID() );
arrayOfGroups[ iG ].push_back( curElem->GetID() );
else {
arrayOfGroups.push_back( groupOfElems );
arrayOfGroups.back().push_back( curElem->GetID() );
vector< TGroupOfElems >::iterator groupIt = arrayOfGroups.begin();
std::vector< TGroupOfElems >::iterator groupIt = arrayOfGroups.begin();
for ( ; groupIt != arrayOfGroups.end(); ++groupIt )
if ( groupIt->size() > 1 ) {
//groupOfElems.sort(); -- theElements is sorted already
theGroupsOfElementsID.push_back( groupOfElems );
theGroupsOfElementsID.back().splice( theGroupsOfElementsID.back().end(), *groupIt );
//groupOfElems.sort(); -- theElements are sorted already
theGroupsOfElementsID.emplace_back( *groupIt );
@ -7849,8 +7877,8 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeEqualElements()
TIDSortedElemSet aMeshElements; /* empty input ==
to merge equal elements in the whole mesh */
TListOfListOfElementsID aGroupsOfElementsID;
FindEqualElements(aMeshElements, aGroupsOfElementsID);
FindEqualElements( aMeshElements, aGroupsOfElementsID );
MergeElements( aGroupsOfElementsID );
@ -114,14 +114,15 @@ struct SMESH_NodeSearcherImpl: public SMESH_NodeSearcher
myOctreeNode->NodesAround( thePnt.Coord(), dist2Nodes, myHalfLeafSize );
if ( !dist2Nodes.empty() )
return dist2Nodes.begin()->second;
std::list<const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodes;
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodes;
//myOctreeNode->NodesAround( &tgtNode, &nodes, myHalfLeafSize );
double minSqDist = DBL_MAX;
if ( nodes.empty() ) // get all nodes of OctreeNode's closest to thePnt
// sort leafs by their distance from thePnt
typedef std::map< double, SMESH_OctreeNode* > TDistTreeMap;
typedef std::multimap< double, SMESH_OctreeNode* > TDistTreeMap;
TDistTreeMap treeMap;
std::list< SMESH_OctreeNode* > treeList;
std::list< SMESH_OctreeNode* >::iterator trIt;
@ -143,10 +144,7 @@ struct SMESH_NodeSearcherImpl: public SMESH_NodeSearcher
const Bnd_B3d& box = *tree->getBox();
double sqDist = thePnt.SquareDistance( 0.5 * ( box.CornerMin() + box.CornerMax() ));
std::pair<TDistTreeMap::iterator,bool> it_in =
treeMap.insert( std::make_pair( sqDist, tree ));
if ( !it_in.second ) // not unique distance to box center
treeMap.insert( it_in.first, std::make_pair( sqDist + 1e-13*treeMap.size(), tree ));
treeMap.insert( std::make_pair( sqDist, tree ));
// find distance after which there is no sense to check tree's
@ -163,17 +161,17 @@ struct SMESH_NodeSearcherImpl: public SMESH_NodeSearcher
if ( sqDist_tree->first > sqLimit )
SMESH_OctreeNode* tree = sqDist_tree->second;
tree->NodesAround( tree->GetNodeIterator()->next(), &nodes );
tree->AllNodesAround( tree->GetNodeIterator()->next(), &nodes );
// find closest among nodes
minSqDist = DBL_MAX;
const SMDS_MeshNode* closestNode = 0;
std::list<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator nIt = nodes.begin();
for ( ; nIt != nodes.end(); ++nIt ) {
double sqDist = thePnt.SquareDistance( SMESH_TNodeXYZ( *nIt ) );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i )
double sqDist = thePnt.SquareDistance( SMESH_NodeXYZ( nodes[ i ]));
if ( minSqDist > sqDist ) {
closestNode = *nIt;
closestNode = nodes[ i ];
minSqDist = sqDist;
@ -182,7 +180,7 @@ struct SMESH_NodeSearcherImpl: public SMESH_NodeSearcher
* \brief Finds nodes located within a tolerance near a point
* \brief Finds nodes located within a tolerance near a point
int FindNearPoint(const gp_Pnt& point,
const double tolerance,
@ -227,7 +225,7 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
typedef boost::container::flat_set< const SMDS_MeshElement* > TElemSeq;
typedef boost::container::flat_set< const SMDS_MeshElement*, TIDCompare > TElemSeq;
ElementBndBoxTree(const SMDS_Mesh& mesh,
SMDSAbs_ElementType elemType,
@ -30,7 +30,9 @@
#include "SMESH_OctreeNode.hxx"
#include "SMDS_SetIterator.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MeshAlgos.hxx"
#include "SMESH_TypeDefs.hxx"
#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
using namespace std;
@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ using namespace std;
SMESH_OctreeNode::SMESH_OctreeNode (const TIDSortedNodeSet & theNodes, const int maxLevel,
const int maxNbNodes , const double minBoxSize )
:SMESH_Octree( new Limit( maxLevel,minBoxSize,maxNbNodes)),
myNodes( theNodes.begin(), theNodes.end() )
@ -96,12 +98,9 @@ SMESH_Octree* SMESH_OctreeNode::newChild() const
Bnd_B3d* SMESH_OctreeNode::buildRootBox()
Bnd_B3d* box = new Bnd_B3d;
TIDSortedNodeSet::iterator it = myNodes.begin();
for (; it != myNodes.end(); it++) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = *it;
gp_XYZ p1( n1->X(), n1->Y(), n1->Z() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < myNodes.size(); ++i )
box->Add( SMESH_NodeXYZ( myNodes[ i ]));
if ((int) myNodes.size() <= getMaxNbNodes() )
myIsLeaf = true;
@ -117,12 +116,13 @@ Bnd_B3d* SMESH_OctreeNode::buildRootBox()
const bool SMESH_OctreeNode::isInside (const gp_XYZ& p, const double precision)
const bool SMESH_OctreeNode::isInside ( const gp_XYZ& p, const double precision )
if (precision <= 0.)
return !(getBox()->IsOut(p));
if ( precision <= 0.)
return !( getBox()->IsOut(p) );
Bnd_B3d BoxWithPrecision = *getBox();
BoxWithPrecision.Enlarge( precision );
return ! BoxWithPrecision.IsOut(p);
@ -132,27 +132,37 @@ const bool SMESH_OctreeNode::isInside (const gp_XYZ& p, const double precision)
* Shares the father's data with each of his child
void SMESH_OctreeNode::buildChildrenData()
gp_XYZ min = getBox()->CornerMin();
gp_XYZ max = getBox()->CornerMax();
gp_XYZ mid = (min + max)/2.;
TIDSortedNodeSet::iterator it = myNodes.begin();
while (it != myNodes.end())
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = *it;
int ChildBoxNum = getChildIndex( n1->X(), n1->Y(), n1->Z(), mid );
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = dynamic_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*> (myChildren[ChildBoxNum]);
myNodes.erase( it );
it = myNodes.begin();
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = static_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*>( myChildren[ i ]);
myChild->myNodes.reserve( myNodes.size() / 8 );
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for ( size_t i = 0; i < myNodes.size(); ++i )
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = dynamic_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*> (myChildren[i]);
SMESH_NodeXYZ n = myNodes[ i ];
int ChildBoxNum = getChildIndex( n.X(), n.Y(), n.Z(), mid );
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = static_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*>( myChildren[ ChildBoxNum ]);
myChild->myNodes.push_back( myNodes[ i ]);
SMESHUtils::FreeVector( myNodes );
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = static_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*>( myChildren[ i ]);
if ((int) myChild->myNodes.size() <= getMaxNbNodes() )
myChild->myIsLeaf = true;
if ( myChild->myNodes.empty() )
SMESHUtils::FreeVector( myChild->myNodes );
@ -164,23 +174,24 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::buildChildrenData()
* \param Result - list of Nodes potentials to be near Node
void SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
list<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* Result,
const double precision)
void SMESH_OctreeNode::AllNodesAround (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* Result,
const double precision)
SMESH_TNodeXYZ p(Node);
if (isInside(p, precision))
SMESH_NodeXYZ p = Node;
if ( isInside( p, precision ))
if (isLeaf())
if ( isLeaf() )
Result->insert(Result->end(), myNodes.begin(), myNodes.end());
Result->insert( Result->end(), myNodes.begin(), myNodes.end() );
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = dynamic_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*> (myChildren[i]);
myChild->NodesAround(Node, Result, precision);
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = static_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*> (myChildren[i]);
myChild->AllNodesAround( Node, Result, precision );
@ -197,7 +208,7 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
bool SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround(const gp_XYZ &node,
bool SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround(const gp_XYZ & node,
map<double, const SMDS_MeshNode*>& dist2Nodes,
double precision)
@ -206,16 +217,16 @@ bool SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround(const gp_XYZ &node,
else if ( precision == 0. )
precision = maxSize() / 2;
if (isInside(node, precision))
if ( isInside( node, precision ))
if (!isLeaf())
if ( !isLeaf() )
// first check a child containing node
gp_XYZ mid = (getBox()->CornerMin() + getBox()->CornerMax()) / 2.;
int nodeChild = getChildIndex( node.X(), node.Y(), node.Z(), mid );
if ( ((SMESH_OctreeNode*) myChildren[nodeChild])->NodesAround(node, dist2Nodes, precision))
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if ( i != nodeChild )
if (((SMESH_OctreeNode*) myChildren[i])->NodesAround(node, dist2Nodes, precision))
@ -224,16 +235,15 @@ bool SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround(const gp_XYZ &node,
else if ( NbNodes() > 0 )
double minDist = precision * precision;
TIDSortedNodeSet::iterator nIt = myNodes.begin();
for ( ; nIt != myNodes.end(); ++nIt )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < myNodes.size(); ++i )
SMESH_TNodeXYZ p2( *nIt );
double dist2 = ( node - p2 ).SquareModulus();
SMESH_NodeXYZ p2 = myNodes[ i ];
double dist2 = ( node - p2 ).SquareModulus();
if ( dist2 < minDist )
dist2Nodes.insert( make_pair( minDist = dist2, p2._node ));
dist2Nodes.insert( std::make_pair( minDist = dist2, myNodes[ i ] ));
// if ( dist2Nodes.size() > 1 ) // leave only closest node in dist2Nodes
// dist2Nodes.erase( ++dist2Nodes.begin(), dist2Nodes.end());
// if ( dist2Nodes.size() > 1 ) // leave only closest node in dist2Nodes
// dist2Nodes.erase( ++dist2Nodes.begin(), dist2Nodes.end());
// true if an exact overlapping found
return ( sqrt( minDist ) <= precision * 1e-12 );
@ -260,21 +270,20 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround(const gp_XYZ& point,
if ( isLeaf() && NbNodes() )
double minDist2 = precision * precision;
TIDSortedNodeSet::iterator nIt = myNodes.begin();
for ( ; nIt != myNodes.end(); ++nIt )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < myNodes.size(); ++i )
SMESH_TNodeXYZ p2( *nIt );
SMESH_NodeXYZ p2 = myNodes[ i ];
double dist2 = ( point - p2 ).SquareModulus();
if ( dist2 <= minDist2 )
nodes.push_back( p2._node );
nodes.push_back( myNodes[ i ] );
else if ( myChildren )
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = dynamic_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*> (myChildren[i]);
myChild->NodesAround( point, nodes, precision);
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = static_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*>( myChildren[ i ]);
myChild->NodesAround( point, nodes, precision );
@ -292,15 +301,19 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround(const gp_XYZ& point,
* \param maxNbNodes - maximum Nodes in a Leaf of the SMESH_OctreeNode constructed, default value is 5
void SMESH_OctreeNode::FindCoincidentNodes (TIDSortedNodeSet& theSetOfNodes,
list< list< const SMDS_MeshNode*> >* theGroupsOfNodes,
const double theTolerance,
const int maxLevel,
const int maxNbNodes)
TListOfNodeLists* theGroupsOfNodes,
const double theTolerance,
const int maxLevel,
const int maxNbNodes)
// VSR 14/10/2011: limit max number of the levels in order to avoid endless recursing
// VSR 14/10/2011: limit max number of the levels in order to avoid endless recursion
const int MAX_LEVEL = 10;
SMESH_OctreeNode theOctreeNode(theSetOfNodes, maxLevel < 0 ? MAX_LEVEL : maxLevel, maxNbNodes, theTolerance);
SMESH_OctreeNode theOctreeNode(theSetOfNodes,
maxLevel < 0 ? MAX_LEVEL : maxLevel,
theOctreeNode.FindCoincidentNodes (&theSetOfNodes, theTolerance, theGroupsOfNodes);
@ -314,36 +327,40 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::FindCoincidentNodes (TIDSortedNodeSet& theSetOfNodes,
* \param theGroupsOfNodes - list of nodes closed to each other returned
void SMESH_OctreeNode::FindCoincidentNodes ( TIDSortedNodeSet* theSetOfNodes,
const double theTolerance,
list< list< const SMDS_MeshNode*> >* theGroupsOfNodes)
TIDSortedNodeSet::iterator it1 = theSetOfNodes->begin();
list<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator it2;
list<const SMDS_MeshNode*> ListOfCoincidentNodes;
void SMESH_OctreeNode::FindCoincidentNodes ( TIDSortedNodeSet* theSetOfNodes,
const double theTolerance,
TListOfNodeLists* theGroupsOfNodes )
// un-mark all nodes; we mark nodes added to theGroupsOfNodes
SMESH_MeshAlgos::MarkElems( SMESHUtils::elemSetIterator( *theSetOfNodes ), false );
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> coincidentNodes;
TIDCompare idLess;
while (it1 != theSetOfNodes->end())
TIDSortedNodeSet::iterator it1 = theSetOfNodes->begin();
for ( ; it1 != theSetOfNodes->end(); ++it1 )
const SMDS_MeshNode * n1 = *it1;
if ( n1->isMarked() )
n1->setIsMarked( true );
// Searching for Nodes around n1 and put them in ListofCoincidentNodes.
// Searching for Nodes around n1 and put them in coincidentNodes.
// Found nodes are also erased from theSetOfNodes
FindCoincidentNodes(n1, theSetOfNodes, &ListOfCoincidentNodes, theTolerance);
findCoincidentNodes( n1, theSetOfNodes, &coincidentNodes, theTolerance );
if ( !ListOfCoincidentNodes.empty() )
if ( !coincidentNodes.empty() )
// We build a list {n1 + his neighbors} and add this list in theGroupsOfNodes
if ( idLess( n1, ListOfCoincidentNodes.front() )) ListOfCoincidentNodes.push_front( n1 );
else ListOfCoincidentNodes.push_back ( n1 );
ListOfCoincidentNodes.sort( idLess );
theGroupsOfNodes->push_back( list<const SMDS_MeshNode*>() );
theGroupsOfNodes->back().splice( theGroupsOfNodes->back().end(), ListOfCoincidentNodes );
std::sort( coincidentNodes.begin(), coincidentNodes.end(), idLess );
list<const SMDS_MeshNode*> newGroup;
newGroup.push_back( n1 );
newGroup.insert( newGroup.end(), coincidentNodes.begin(), coincidentNodes.end() );
it1 = theSetOfNodes->begin();
theGroupsOfNodes->emplace_back( newGroup );
@ -357,57 +374,45 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::FindCoincidentNodes ( TIDSortedNodeSet*
* \param precision - Precision used
void SMESH_OctreeNode::FindCoincidentNodes (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
TIDSortedNodeSet* SetOfNodes,
list<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* Result,
const double precision)
gp_Pnt p1 (Node->X(), Node->Y(), Node->Z());
bool isInsideBool = isInside( p1.XYZ(), precision );
if (isInsideBool)
void SMESH_OctreeNode::findCoincidentNodes (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
TIDSortedNodeSet* SetOfNodes,
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* Result,
const double precision)
SMESH_NodeXYZ p1 = Node;
if ( isInside( p1, precision ))
// I'm only looking in the leaves, since all the nodes are stored there.
if (isLeaf())
if ( isLeaf() )
TIDSortedNodeSet::iterator it = myNodes.begin();
const double tol2 = precision * precision;
bool squareBool;
while (it != myNodes.end())
for ( size_t i = 0; i < myNodes.size(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = *it;
squareBool = false;
// We're only looking at nodes with a superior Id.
// JFA: Why?
//if (Node->GetID() < n2->GetID())
if (Node->GetID() != n2->GetID()) // JFA: for bug 0020185
gp_Pnt p2 (n2->X(), n2->Y(), n2->Z());
// Distance optimized computation
squareBool = (p1.SquareDistance( p2 ) <= tol2);
if ( myNodes[ i ]->isMarked() ) // coincident node already found
// If n2 inside the SquareDistance, we add it in Result and remove it from SetOfNodes and myNodes
if (squareBool)
//if ( Node != myNodes[ i ]) // JFA: for bug 0020185
// If n2 inside the SquareDistance, we add it in Result
bool coincide = ( p1.SquareDistance( myNodes[ i ]) <= tol2 );
if ( coincide )
Result->insert(Result->begin(), n2);
SetOfNodes->erase( n2 );
myNodes.erase( *it++ ); // it++ goes forward and returns it's previous position
Result->push_back ( myNodes[ i ]);
myNodes[ i ]->setIsMarked( true );
if ( !squareBool )
if ( !Result->empty() )
myNodes.erase(Node); // JFA: for bug 0020185
// If I'm not a leaf, I'm going to see my children !
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = dynamic_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*> (myChildren[i]);
myChild->FindCoincidentNodes(Node, SetOfNodes, Result, precision);
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = static_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*> (myChildren[i]);
myChild->findCoincidentNodes( Node, SetOfNodes, Result, precision );
@ -423,17 +428,18 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::UpdateByMoveNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* node, const gp_Pnt
if ( isLeaf() )
TIDSortedNodeSet::iterator pNode = myNodes.find( node );
bool nodeInMe = ( pNode != myNodes.end() );
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator pNode =
std::find( myNodes.begin(), myNodes.end(), node );
bool nodeInMe = ( pNode != myNodes.end() );
bool pointInMe = isInside( toPnt.Coord(), 1e-10 );
if ( pointInMe != nodeInMe )
if ( pointInMe )
myNodes.insert( node );
myNodes.push_back( node );
myNodes.erase( node );
myNodes.erase( pNode );
else if ( myChildren )
@ -454,6 +460,7 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::UpdateByMoveNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* node, const gp_Pnt
* \brief Return iterator over children
SMESH_OctreeNodeIteratorPtr SMESH_OctreeNode::GetChildrenIterator()
return SMESH_OctreeNodeIteratorPtr
@ -466,9 +473,8 @@ SMESH_OctreeNodeIteratorPtr SMESH_OctreeNode::GetChildrenIterator()
* \brief Return nodes iterator
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr SMESH_OctreeNode::GetNodeIterator()
return SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr
( new SMDS_SetIterator< SMDS_pNode, TIDSortedNodeSet::const_iterator >
( myNodes.begin(), myNodes.size() ? myNodes.end() : myNodes.begin()));
return boost::make_shared< SMDS_NodeVectorIterator >( myNodes.begin(), myNodes.end());
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ class SMESH_OctreeNode;
typedef SMDS_Iterator<SMESH_OctreeNode*> SMESH_OctreeNodeIterator;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<SMESH_OctreeNodeIterator> SMESH_OctreeNodeIteratorPtr;
typedef std::set< const SMDS_MeshNode*, TIDCompare > TIDSortedNodeSet;
typedef std::list< std::list< const SMDS_MeshNode*> > TListOfNodeLists;
class SMESHUtils_EXPORT SMESH_OctreeNode : public SMESH_Octree
@ -65,9 +66,9 @@ class SMESHUtils_EXPORT SMESH_OctreeNode : public SMESH_Octree
virtual const bool isInside(const gp_XYZ& p, const double precision = 0.);
// Return in Result a list of Nodes potentials to be near Node
void NodesAround(const SMDS_MeshNode * node,
std::list<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* result,
const double precision = 0.);
void AllNodesAround(const SMDS_MeshNode * node,
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* result,
const double precision = 0.);
// Return in dist2Nodes nodes mapped to their square distance from Node
bool NodesAround(const gp_XYZ& point,
@ -81,21 +82,21 @@ class SMESHUtils_EXPORT SMESH_OctreeNode : public SMESH_Octree
// Return in theGroupsOfNodes a list of group of nodes close to each other within theTolerance
// Search for all the nodes in nodes
void FindCoincidentNodes ( TIDSortedNodeSet* nodes,
const double theTolerance,
std::list< std::list< const SMDS_MeshNode*> >* theGroupsOfNodes);
void FindCoincidentNodes ( TIDSortedNodeSet* nodes,
const double theTolerance,
TListOfNodeLists * theGroupsOfNodes);
// Static method that return in theGroupsOfNodes a list of group of nodes close to each other within
// theTolerance search for all the nodes in nodes
static void FindCoincidentNodes ( TIDSortedNodeSet& nodes,
std::list< std::list< const SMDS_MeshNode*> >* theGroupsOfNodes,
const double theTolerance = 0.00001,
const int maxLevel = -1,
const int maxNbNodes = 5);
static void FindCoincidentNodes ( TIDSortedNodeSet& nodes,
TListOfNodeLists* theGroupsOfNodes,
const double theTolerance = 0.00001,
const int maxLevel = -1,
const int maxNbNodes = 5);
* \brief Update data according to node movement
void UpdateByMoveNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* node, const gp_Pnt& toPnt );
void UpdateByMoveNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* node, const gp_Pnt& toPnt );
* \brief Return iterator over children
@ -131,14 +132,14 @@ protected:
// Construct an empty SMESH_OctreeNode used by SMESH_Octree::buildChildren()
virtual SMESH_Octree* newChild() const;
// Return in result a list of nodes closed to Node and remove it from SetOfNodes
void FindCoincidentNodes( const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
TIDSortedNodeSet* SetOfNodes,
std::list<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* Result,
const double precision);
// Return in result a list of nodes closed to Node
void findCoincidentNodes( const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
TIDSortedNodeSet* SetOfNodes,
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* Result,
const double precision);
// The set of nodes inside the box of the Octree (Empty if Octree is not a leaf)
TIDSortedNodeSet myNodes;
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > myNodes;
@ -2473,281 +2473,237 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::ConcatenateCommon(const SMESH::ListOfIDSources& theMeshesArray,
CORBA::Boolean theCommonGroups)
throw ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception )
typedef list<SMESH::SMESH_Group_var> TListOfNewGroups;
typedef map< pair<string, SMESH::ElementType>, TListOfNewGroups > TGroupsMap;
TPythonDump* pPythonDump = new TPythonDump;
TPythonDump& aPythonDump = *pPythonDump; // prevent dump of called methods
std::unique_ptr< TPythonDump > pPythonDump( new TPythonDump );
TPythonDump& pythonDump = *pPythonDump; // prevent dump of called methods
// create mesh
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aNewMesh = CreateEmptyMesh();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var newMesh = CreateEmptyMesh();
SMESH_Mesh_i* newImpl = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( newMesh );
if ( !newImpl ) return newMesh._retn();
if ( aNewMesh->_is_nil() )
return aNewMesh._retn();
::SMESH_Mesh& locMesh = newImpl->GetImpl();
SMESHDS_Mesh* newMeshDS = locMesh.GetMeshDS();
SMESH_Mesh_i* aNewImpl = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( aNewMesh );
if ( !aNewImpl )
return aNewMesh._retn();
typedef std::list<SMESH::SMESH_Group_var> TListOfNewGroups;
typedef std::pair<string, SMESH::ElementType > TNameAndType;
typedef std::map< TNameAndType, TListOfNewGroups > TGroupsMap;
TGroupsMap groupsMap;
TListOfNewGroups listOfNewGroups;
::SMESH_Mesh& aLocMesh = aNewImpl->GetImpl();
SMESHDS_Mesh* aNewMeshDS = aLocMesh.GetMeshDS();
TGroupsMap aGroupsMap;
TListOfNewGroups aListOfNewGroups;
::SMESH_MeshEditor aNewEditor(&aLocMesh);
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var aListOfGroups;
::SMESH_MeshEditor::ElemFeatures elemType;
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> aNodesArray;
::SMESH_MeshEditor newEditor( &locMesh );
::SMESH_MeshEditor::ElemFeatures elemType;
// loop on sub-meshes
for ( CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < theMeshesArray.length(); i++)
for ( CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < theMeshesArray.length(); i++ )
if ( CORBA::is_nil( theMeshesArray[i] )) continue;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var anInitMesh = theMeshesArray[i]->GetMesh();
if ( anInitMesh->_is_nil() ) continue;
SMESH_Mesh_i* anInitImpl = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( anInitMesh );
if ( !anInitImpl ) continue;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var initMesh = theMeshesArray[i]->GetMesh();
SMESH_Mesh_i* initImpl = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( initMesh );
if ( !initImpl ) continue;
//::SMESH_Mesh& aInitLocMesh = anInitImpl->GetImpl();
//SMESHDS_Mesh* anInitMeshDS = aInitLocMesh.GetMeshDS();
// assure that IDs increments by one during iteration
::SMESH_Mesh& initLocMesh = initImpl->GetImpl();
SMESHDS_Mesh* initMeshDS = initLocMesh.GetMeshDS();
if ( initMeshDS->MaxNodeID() != initMeshDS->NbNodes() ||
initMeshDS->MaxElementID() != initMeshDS->NbElements() )
// remember nb of elements before filling in
SMESH::long_array_var prevState = aNewMesh->GetNbElementsByType();
SMESH::long_array_var prevState = newMesh->GetNbElementsByType();
typedef std::map<const SMDS_MeshElement*, const SMDS_MeshElement*, TIDCompare > TEEMap;
TEEMap elemsMap, nodesMap;
// copy nodes
// loop on elements of a sub-mesh
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itElems = anInitImpl->GetElements( theMeshesArray[i], SMESH::ALL );
const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem;
const SMDS_MeshElement* aNewElem;
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode;
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNewNode;
int anElemNbNodes;
while ( itElems->more() )
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > newNodes( initMeshDS->NbNodes() + 1, 0 );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = initImpl->GetElements( theMeshesArray[i], SMESH::NODE );
while ( elemIt->more() )
anElem = itElems->next();
anElemNbNodes = anElem->NbNodes();
aNodesArray.resize( anElemNbNodes );
SMESH_NodeXYZ node = elemIt->next();
newNodes[ node->GetID() ] = newMeshDS->AddNode( node.X(), node.Y(), node.Z() );
// loop on nodes of an element
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itNodes = anElem->nodesIterator();
// copy elements
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > newElems( initMeshDS->NbElements() + 1, 0 );
elemIt = initImpl->GetElements( theMeshesArray[i], SMESH::ALL );
while ( elemIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = elemIt->next();
elemType.myNodes.resize( elem->NbNodes() );
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr itNodes = elem->nodeIterator();
for ( int k = 0; itNodes->more(); k++)
aNode = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( itNodes->next() );
TEEMap::iterator n2nnIt = nodesMap.find( aNode );
if ( n2nnIt == nodesMap.end() )
aNewNode = aNewMeshDS->AddNode(aNode->X(), aNode->Y(), aNode->Z());
nodesMap.insert( make_pair( aNode, aNewNode ));
aNewNode = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( n2nnIt->second );
aNodesArray[k] = aNewNode;
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = itNodes->next();
elemType.myNodes[ k ] = static_cast< const SMDS_MeshNode*> ( newNodes[ node->GetID() ]);
// creates a corresponding element on existent nodes in new mesh
if ( anElem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Node )
aNewElem = 0;
aNewElem =
aNewEditor.AddElement( aNodesArray, elemType.Init( anElem, /*basicOnly=*/false ));
if ( aNewElem )
elemsMap.insert( make_pair( anElem, aNewElem ));
} //elems loop
aNewEditor.ClearLastCreated(); // forget the history
newElems[ elem->GetID() ] =
newEditor.AddElement( elemType.myNodes, elemType.Init( elem, /*basicOnly=*/false ));
newEditor.ClearLastCreated(); // forget the history
// create groups of just added elements
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aNewGroup;
SMESH::ElementType aGroupType;
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var newGroup;
SMESH::ElementType groupType;
if ( theCommonGroups )
SMESH::long_array_var curState = aNewMesh->GetNbElementsByType();
// type names
const char* typeNames[] = { "All","Nodes","Edges","Faces","Volumes","0DElems","Balls" };
{ // check of typeNames: compilation failure mains that NB_ELEMENT_TYPES changed:
const int nbNames = sizeof(typeNames) / sizeof(const char*);
int _assert[( nbNames == SMESH::NB_ELEMENT_TYPES ) ? 2 : -1 ]; _assert[0]=_assert[1]=0;
for( aGroupType = SMESH::NODE;
aGroupType = (SMESH::ElementType)( aGroupType + 1 ))
SMESH::long_array_var curState = newMesh->GetNbElementsByType();
for( groupType = SMESH::NODE;
groupType = (SMESH::ElementType)( groupType + 1 ))
if ( curState[ aGroupType ] <= prevState[ aGroupType ])
if ( curState[ groupType ] <= prevState[ groupType ])
continue; // no elements of groupType added from the i-th mesh
// make a group name
const char* typeNames[] = { "All","Nodes","Edges","Faces","Volumes","0DElems","Balls" };
{ // check of typeNames: compilation failure mains that NB_ELEMENT_TYPES changed:
const int nbNames = sizeof(typeNames) / sizeof(const char*);
int _assert[( nbNames == SMESH::NB_ELEMENT_TYPES ) ? 2 : -1 ]; _assert[0]=_assert[1]=0;
string groupName = "Gr";
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshSObj = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, theMeshesArray[i] );
if ( aMeshSObj ) {
CORBA::String_var name = aMeshSObj->GetName();
std::string groupName = "Gr";
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap meshSO = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, theMeshesArray[i] );
if ( meshSO ) {
CORBA::String_var name = meshSO->GetName();
groupName += name;
groupName += "_";
groupName += typeNames[ aGroupType ];
groupName += typeNames[ groupType ];
// make and fill a group
TEEMap & e2neMap = ( aGroupType == SMESH::NODE ) ? nodesMap : elemsMap;
aNewGroup = aNewImpl->CreateGroup( aGroupType, groupName.c_str() );
if ( SMESH_Group_i* grp_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Group_i*>( aNewGroup ))
newGroup = newImpl->CreateGroup( groupType, groupName.c_str() );
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > & elemVec =
( groupType == SMESH::NODE ) ? newNodes : newElems;
if ( SMESH_Group_i* grp_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Group_i*>( newGroup ))
if ( SMESHDS_Group* grpDS = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_Group*>( grp_i->GetGroupDS() ))
TEEMap::iterator e2neIt = e2neMap.begin();
for ( ; e2neIt != e2neMap.end(); ++e2neIt )
for ( size_t j = 0; j < elemVec.size(); ++j )
aNewElem = e2neIt->second;
if ( aNewElem->GetType() == grpDS->GetType() )
grpDS->Add( aNewElem );
if ( prevState[ aGroupType ]++ >= curState[ aGroupType ] )
if ( elemVec[j] && elemVec[j]->GetType() == grpDS->GetType() )
grpDS->Add( elemVec[j] );
aGroupsMap.insert(make_pair( make_pair(groupName, aGroupType), aListOfNewGroups ));
listOfNewGroups.push_back( newGroup );
groupsMap.insert( std::make_pair( TNameAndType( groupName, groupType ),
listOfNewGroups ));
if ( SMESH_Mesh_i* anSrcImpl = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( theMeshesArray[i] ))
if ( SMESH_Mesh_i* initImpl = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( theMeshesArray[i] ))
// copy orphan nodes
if ( anSrcImpl->NbNodes() > (int)nodesMap.size() )
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itNodes = anInitImpl->GetElements( theMeshesArray[i], SMESH::NODE );
while ( itNodes->more() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = static_cast< const SMDS_MeshNode* >( itNodes->next() );
if ( aNode->NbInverseElements() == 0 )
aNewNode = aNewMeshDS->AddNode(aNode->X(), aNode->Y(), aNode->Z());
nodesMap.insert( make_pair( aNode, aNewNode ));
// copy groups
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr aGroup;
CORBA::String_var aGroupName;
SMESH::long_array_var anNewIDs = new SMESH::long_array();
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr group;
CORBA::String_var groupName;
SMESH::long_array_var newIDs = new SMESH::long_array();
// loop on groups of a source mesh
aListOfGroups = anSrcImpl->GetGroups();
for ( CORBA::ULong iG = 0; iG < aListOfGroups->length(); iG++ )
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var listOfGroups = initImpl->GetGroups();
for ( CORBA::ULong iG = 0; iG < listOfGroups->length(); iG++ )
aGroup = aListOfGroups[iG];
aGroupType = aGroup->GetType();
aGroupName = aGroup->GetName();
string aName = aGroupName.in();
group = listOfGroups[iG];
groupType = group->GetType();
groupName = group->GetName();
std::string name = groupName.in();
// convert a list of IDs
anNewIDs->length( aGroup->Size() );
TEEMap & e2neMap = ( aGroupType == SMESH::NODE ) ? nodesMap : elemsMap;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itGrElems = anSrcImpl->GetElements( aGroup, SMESH::ALL );
int iElem = 0;
newIDs->length( group->Size() );
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > & elemVec =
( groupType == SMESH::NODE ) ? newNodes : newElems;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itGrElems = initImpl->GetElements( group, SMESH::ALL );
int nbElems = 0;
while ( itGrElems->more() )
anElem = itGrElems->next();
TEEMap::iterator e2neIt = e2neMap.find( anElem );
if ( e2neIt != e2neMap.end() )
anNewIDs[ iElem++ ] = e2neIt->second->GetID();
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = itGrElems->next();
const SMDS_MeshElement* newElem = elemVec[ elem->GetID() ];
if ( newElem )
newIDs[ nbElems++ ] = newElem->GetID();
anNewIDs->length( iElem );
newIDs->length( nbElems );
// check a current group name and type don't have identical ones in final mesh
TGroupsMap::iterator anIter = aGroupsMap.find( make_pair( aName, aGroupType ));
if ( anIter == aGroupsMap.end() ) {
// check that a current group name and type don't have identical ones in final mesh
TNameAndType nameAndType( name, groupType );
TGroupsMap::iterator anIter = groupsMap.find( nameAndType );
if ( anIter == groupsMap.end() )
// add a new group in the mesh
aNewGroup = aNewImpl->CreateGroup( aGroupType, aGroupName.in() );
// add elements into new group
aNewGroup->Add( anNewIDs );
newGroup = newImpl->CreateGroup( groupType, groupName.in() );
newGroup->Add( newIDs );
aGroupsMap.insert(make_pair( make_pair(aName, aGroupType), aListOfNewGroups ));
listOfNewGroups.push_back( newGroup );
groupsMap.insert( std::make_pair( nameAndType, listOfNewGroups ));
else if ( theUniteIdenticalGroups ) {
else if ( theUniteIdenticalGroups )
// unite identical groups
TListOfNewGroups& aNewGroups = anIter->second;
aNewGroups.front()->Add( anNewIDs );
aNewGroups.front()->Add( newIDs );
else {
// rename identical groups
aNewGroup = aNewImpl->CreateGroup(aGroupType, aGroupName.in());
aNewGroup->Add( anNewIDs );
newGroup = newImpl->CreateGroup( groupType, groupName );
newGroup->Add( newIDs );
TListOfNewGroups& aNewGroups = anIter->second;
string aNewGroupName;
if (aNewGroups.size() == 1) {
aNewGroupName = aName + "_1";
TListOfNewGroups& newGroups = anIter->second;
std::string newGroupName;
if ( newGroups.size() == 1 )
newGroupName = name + "_1";
newGroups.front()->SetName( newGroupName.c_str() );
char aGroupNum[128];
sprintf(aGroupNum, "%u", (unsigned int)aNewGroups.size()+1);
aNewGroupName = aName + "_" + string(aGroupNum);
newGroupName = name + "_" + SMESH_Comment( newGroups.size() + 1 );
newGroup->SetName( newGroupName.c_str() );
newGroups.push_back( newGroup );
} //groups loop
} // loop on groups
} // if an IDSource is a mesh
} //meshes loop
if (theMergeNodesAndElements) // merge nodes
if ( theMergeNodesAndElements ) // merge nodes
TIDSortedNodeSet aMeshNodes; // no input nodes
SMESH_MeshEditor::TListOfListOfNodes aGroupsOfNodes;
aNewEditor.FindCoincidentNodes( aMeshNodes, theMergeTolerance, aGroupsOfNodes,
/*SeparateCornersAndMedium=*/ false );
aNewEditor.MergeNodes( aGroupsOfNodes );
TIDSortedNodeSet meshNodes; // no input nodes == treat all
SMESH_MeshEditor::TListOfListOfNodes groupsOfNodes;
newEditor.FindCoincidentNodes( meshNodes, theMergeTolerance, groupsOfNodes,
/*SeparateCornersAndMedium=*/ false );
newEditor.MergeNodes( groupsOfNodes );
// merge elements
// Update Python script
aPythonDump << aNewMesh << " = " << this << "."
<< ( theCommonGroups ? "ConcatenateWithGroups" : "Concatenate" )
<< "([";
for ( CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < theMeshesArray.length(); i++) {
if (i > 0) aPythonDump << ", ";
aPythonDump << theMeshesArray[i];
aPythonDump << "], ";
aPythonDump << theUniteIdenticalGroups << ", "
<< theMergeNodesAndElements << ", "
<< TVar( theMergeTolerance ) << ")";
pythonDump << newMesh << " = " << this
<< "." << ( theCommonGroups ? "ConcatenateWithGroups" : "Concatenate" ) << "("
<< theMeshesArray << ", "
<< theUniteIdenticalGroups << ", "
<< theMergeNodesAndElements << ", "
<< TVar( theMergeTolerance ) << ")";
delete pPythonDump; // enable python dump from GetGroups()
pPythonDump.reset(); // enable python dump from GetGroups()
// 0020577: EDF 1164 SMESH: Bad dump of concatenate with create common groups
if ( !aNewMesh->_is_nil() )
if ( !newMesh->_is_nil() )
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups = aNewMesh->GetGroups();
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups = newMesh->GetGroups();
// IPAL21468 Change icon of compound because it need not be computed.
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshSObj = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, aNewMesh );
SetPixMap( aMeshSObj, "ICON_SMESH_TREE_MESH" );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap meshSO = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, newMesh );
SetPixMap( meshSO, "ICON_SMESH_TREE_MESH" );
if (aNewMeshDS)
return aNewMesh._retn();
return newMesh._retn();
@ -5658,7 +5658,7 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::DoubleElements(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theElements,
SMESHDS_Group* groupDS = static_cast< SMESHDS_Group* >( group_i->GetGroupDS() );
const SMESH_SequenceOfElemPtr& aSeq = getEditor().GetLastCreatedElems();
for ( size_t i = 0; i <= aSeq.size(); i++ )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < aSeq.size(); i++ )
groupDS->SMDSGroup().Add( aSeq[i] );
@ -5450,7 +5450,7 @@ namespace /* Iterators used in SMESH_Mesh_i::GetElements(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_v
const SMDS_MeshElement* res = _node;
_node = 0;
while (( _elemIter->more() || _nodeIter->more() ) && !_node )
while ( !_node && ( _elemIter->more() || _nodeIter->more() ))
if ( _nodeIter->more() )
Reference in New Issue
Block a user