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synced 2025-03-10 15:04:32 +05:00
0020843: EDF 1374 : SMESH Projection 2D + Extrusion 3D issue
* Rewrite LoadNodeColumns() to be usable in case of quasi quadrilateral face
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
#define RETURN_BAD_RESULT(msg) { MESSAGE(msg); return false; }
namespace {
@ -1170,244 +1172,63 @@ bool SMESH_MesherHelper::LoadNodeColumns(TParam2ColumnMap & theParam2ColumnMap,
const TopoDS_Edge& theBaseEdge,
SMESHDS_Mesh* theMesh)
// get vertices of theBaseEdge
TopoDS_Vertex vfb, vlb, vft; // first and last, bottom and top vertices
TopoDS_Edge eFrw = TopoDS::Edge( theBaseEdge.Oriented( TopAbs_FORWARD ));
TopExp::Vertices( eFrw, vfb, vlb );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* faceSubMesh = theMesh->MeshElements( theFace );
if ( !faceSubMesh || faceSubMesh->NbElements() == 0 )
return false;
// find the other edges of theFace and orientation of e1
TopoDS_Edge e1, e2, eTop;
bool rev1, CumOri = false;
TopExp_Explorer exp( theFace, TopAbs_EDGE );
int nbEdges = 0;
for ( ; exp.More(); exp.Next() ) {
if ( ++nbEdges > 4 ) {
return false; // more than 4 edges in theFace
TopoDS_Edge e = TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() );
if ( theBaseEdge.IsSame( e ))
TopoDS_Vertex vCommon;
if ( !TopExp::CommonVertex( theBaseEdge, e, vCommon ))
eTop = e;
else if ( vCommon.IsSame( vfb )) {
e1 = e;
vft = TopExp::LastVertex( e1, CumOri );
rev1 = vfb.IsSame( vft );
if ( rev1 )
vft = TopExp::FirstVertex( e1, CumOri );
e2 = e;
if ( nbEdges < 4 ) {
return false; // less than 4 edges in theFace
if ( e2.IsNull() && vfb.IsSame( vlb ))
e2 = e1;
// get nodes on theBaseEdge sorted by param on edge and initialize theParam2ColumnMap with them
// submeshes corresponding to shapes
SMESHDS_SubMesh* smFace = theMesh->MeshElements( theFace );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* smb = theMesh->MeshElements( theBaseEdge );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* smt = theMesh->MeshElements( eTop );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* sm1 = theMesh->MeshElements( e1 );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* sm2 = theMesh->MeshElements( e2 );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* smVfb = theMesh->MeshElements( vfb );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* smVlb = theMesh->MeshElements( vlb );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* smVft = theMesh->MeshElements( vft );
if (!smFace || !smb || !smt || !sm1 || !sm2 || !smVfb || !smVlb || !smVft ) {
RETURN_BAD_RESULT( "NULL submesh " <<smFace<<" "<<smb<<" "<<smt<<" "<<
sm1<<" "<<sm2<<" "<<smVfb<<" "<<smVlb<<" "<<smVft);
if ( smb->NbNodes() != smt->NbNodes() || sm1->NbNodes() != sm2->NbNodes() ) {
RETURN_BAD_RESULT(" Diff nb of nodes on opposite edges" );
if (smVfb->NbNodes() != 1 || smVlb->NbNodes() != 1 || smVft->NbNodes() != 1) {
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Empty submesh of vertex");
// define whether mesh is quadratic
bool isQuadraticMesh = false;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = smFace->GetElements();
if ( !eIt->more() ) {
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("No elements on the face");
const SMDS_MeshElement* e = eIt->next();
isQuadraticMesh = e->IsQuadratic();
if ( sm1->NbNodes() * smb->NbNodes() != smFace->NbNodes() ) {
// check quadratic case
if ( isQuadraticMesh ) {
// what if there are quadrangles and triangles mixed?
// int n1 = sm1->NbNodes()/2;
// int n2 = smb->NbNodes()/2;
// int n3 = sm1->NbNodes() - n1;
// int n4 = smb->NbNodes() - n2;
// int nf = sm1->NbNodes()*smb->NbNodes() - n3*n4;
// if( nf != smFace->NbNodes() ) {
// MESSAGE( "Wrong nb face nodes: " <<
// sm1->NbNodes()<<" "<<smb->NbNodes()<<" "<<smFace->NbNodes());
// return false;
// }
else {
RETURN_BAD_RESULT( "Wrong nb face nodes: " <<
sm1->NbNodes()<<" "<<smb->NbNodes()<<" "<<smFace->NbNodes());
// IJ size
int vsize = sm1->NbNodes() + 2;
int hsize = smb->NbNodes() + 2;
if(isQuadraticMesh) {
vsize = vsize - sm1->NbNodes()/2 -1;
hsize = hsize - smb->NbNodes()/2 -1;
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode*> sortedBaseNodes;
if ( !SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge( theMesh, theBaseEdge,/*noMedium=*/true, sortedBaseNodes)
|| sortedBaseNodes.size() < 2 )
return false;
int nbRows = faceSubMesh->NbElements() / ( sortedBaseNodes.size()-1 ) + 1;
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator u_n = sortedBaseNodes.begin();
double f = u_n->first, range = sortedBaseNodes.rbegin()->first - f;
for ( ; u_n != sortedBaseNodes.end(); u_n++ )
double par = ( u_n->first - f ) / range;
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nCol = theParam2ColumnMap[ par ];
nCol.resize( nbRows );
nCol[0] = u_n->second;
// load nodes from theBaseEdge
// fill theParam2ColumnMap column by column by passing from nodes on
// theBaseEdge up via mesh faces on theFace
std::set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> loadedNodes;
const SMDS_MeshNode* nullNode = 0;
TParam2ColumnMap::iterator par_nVec_2 = theParam2ColumnMap.begin();
TParam2ColumnMap::iterator par_nVec_1 = par_nVec_2++;
TIDSortedElemSet emptySet, avoidSet;
for ( ; par_nVec_2 != theParam2ColumnMap.end(); ++par_nVec_1, ++par_nVec_2 )
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nCol1 = par_nVec_1->second;
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nCol2 = par_nVec_2->second;
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> & nVecf = theParam2ColumnMap[ 0.];
nVecf.resize( vsize, nullNode );
loadedNodes.insert( nVecf[ 0 ] = smVfb->GetNodes()->next() );
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> & nVecl = theParam2ColumnMap[ 1.];
nVecl.resize( vsize, nullNode );
loadedNodes.insert( nVecl[ 0 ] = smVlb->GetNodes()->next() );
double f, l;
BRep_Tool::Range( eFrw, f, l );
double range = l - f;
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = smb->GetNodes();
const SMDS_MeshNode* node;
while ( nIt->more() ) {
node = nIt->next();
if(IsMedium(node, SMDSAbs_Edge))
const SMDS_EdgePosition* pos =
dynamic_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( node->GetPosition().get() );
if ( !pos ) {
return false;
double u = ( pos->GetUParameter() - f ) / range;
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> & nVec = theParam2ColumnMap[ u ];
nVec.resize( vsize, nullNode );
loadedNodes.insert( nVec[ 0 ] = node );
if ( theParam2ColumnMap.size() != hsize ) {
RETURN_BAD_RESULT( "Wrong node positions on theBaseEdge" );
// load nodes from e1
std::map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode*> sortedNodes; // sort by param on edge
nIt = sm1->GetNodes();
while ( nIt->more() ) {
node = nIt->next();
const SMDS_EdgePosition* pos =
dynamic_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( node->GetPosition().get() );
if ( !pos ) {
return false;
sortedNodes.insert( std::make_pair( pos->GetUParameter(), node ));
loadedNodes.insert( nVecf[ vsize - 1 ] = smVft->GetNodes()->next() );
std::map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator u_n = sortedNodes.begin();
int row = rev1 ? vsize - 1 : 0;
int dRow = rev1 ? -1 : +1;
for ( ; u_n != sortedNodes.end(); u_n++ ) {
row += dRow;
loadedNodes.insert( nVecf[ row ] = u_n->second );
// try to load the rest nodes
// get all faces from theFace
TIDSortedElemSet allFaces, foundFaces;
eIt = smFace->GetElements();
while ( eIt->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* e = eIt->next();
if ( e->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face )
allFaces.insert( e );
// Starting from 2 neighbour nodes on theBaseEdge, look for a face
// the nodes belong to, and between the nodes of the found face,
// look for a not loaded node considering this node to be the next
// in a column of the starting second node. Repeat, starting
// from nodes next to the previous starting nodes in their columns,
// and so on while a face can be found. Then go the the next pair
// of nodes on theBaseEdge.
TParam2ColumnMap::iterator par_nVec_1 = theParam2ColumnMap.begin();
TParam2ColumnMap::iterator par_nVec_2 = par_nVec_1;
// loop on columns
int col = 0;
for ( par_nVec_2++; par_nVec_2 != theParam2ColumnMap.end(); par_nVec_1++, par_nVec_2++ ) {
row = 0;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = par_nVec_1->second[ row ];
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = par_nVec_2->second[ row ];
const SMDS_MeshElement* face = 0;
bool lastColOnClosedFace = ( nVecf[ row ] == n2 );
do {
// look for a face by 2 nodes
face = SMESH_MeshEditor::FindFaceInSet( n1, n2, allFaces, foundFaces );
if ( face ) {
int nbFaceNodes = face->NbNodes();
if ( face->IsQuadratic() )
nbFaceNodes /= 2;
if ( nbFaceNodes>4 ) {
RETURN_BAD_RESULT(" Too many nodes in a face: " << nbFaceNodes );
// look for a not loaded node of the <face>
bool found = false;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n3 = 0; // a node defferent from n1 and n2
for ( int i = 0; i < nbFaceNodes && !found; ++i ) {
node = face->GetNode( i );
found = loadedNodes.insert( node ).second;
if ( !found && node != n1 && node != n2 )
n3 = node;
if ( lastColOnClosedFace && row + 1 < vsize ) {
node = nVecf[ row + 1 ];
found = ( face->GetNodeIndex( node ) >= 0 );
if ( found ) {
if ( ++row > vsize - 1 ) {
RETURN_BAD_RESULT( "Too many nodes in column "<< col <<": "<< row+1);
par_nVec_2->second[ row ] = node;
foundFaces.insert( face );
n2 = node;
if ( nbFaceNodes==4 ) {
n1 = par_nVec_1->second[ row ];
else if ( nbFaceNodes==3 && n3 == par_nVec_1->second[ row + 1 ] ) {
n1 = n3;
else {
RETURN_BAD_RESULT( "Not quad mesh, column "<< col );
int i1, i2, iRow = 0;
const SMDS_MeshNode *n1 = nCol1[0], *n2 = nCol2[0];
// find face sharing node n1 and n2 and belonging to faceSubMesh
while ( const SMDS_MeshElement* face =
SMESH_MeshEditor::FindFaceInSet( n1, n2, emptySet, avoidSet, &i1, &i2))
if ( faceSubMesh->Contains( face ))
int nbNodes = face->IsQuadratic() ? face->NbNodes()/2 : face->NbNodes();
if ( nbNodes != 4 )
return false;
n1 = face->GetNode( (i2+2) % 4 ); // opposite corner of quadrangle face
n2 = face->GetNode( (i1+2) % 4 );
if ( ++iRow >= nbRows )
return false;
nCol1[ iRow ] = n1;
nCol2[ iRow ] = n2;
avoidSet.insert( face );
while ( face && n1 && n2 );
if ( row < vsize - 1 ) {
MESSAGE( "Too few nodes in column "<< col <<": "<< row+1);
MESSAGE( "Base node 1: "<< par_nVec_1->second[0]);
MESSAGE( "Base node 2: "<< par_nVec_2->second[0]);
if ( n1 ) { MESSAGE( "Current node 1: "<< n1); }
else { MESSAGE( "Current node 1: NULL"); }
if ( n2 ) { MESSAGE( "Current node 2: "<< n2); }
else { MESSAGE( "Current node 2: NULL"); }
MESSAGE( "first base node: "<< theParam2ColumnMap.begin()->second[0]);
MESSAGE( "last base node: "<< theParam2ColumnMap.rbegin()->second[0]);
return false;
} // loop on columns
if ( iRow + 1 < nbRows ) // compact if necessary
nCol1.resize( iRow + 1 ), nCol2.resize( iRow + 1 );
return true;
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