mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 04:37:56 +05:00
IPAL52444: Viscous Layers and Projection fail
This commit is contained in:
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ bool SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge(const SMESHDS_Mesh* theM
return false;
SMESHDS_SubMesh * eSubMesh = theMesh->MeshElements( theEdge );
if ( !eSubMesh || ( eSubMesh->NbElements()==0 && eSubMesh->NbNodes() == 0))
if ( !eSubMesh || ( /*eSubMesh->NbElements()==0 && */ eSubMesh->NbNodes() == 0))
return false; // edge is not meshed
int nbNodes = 0;
@ -86,20 +86,15 @@ typedef map< const SMDS_MeshElement*, int > TNodePointIDMap;
#define smdsNode( elem ) static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( elem )
//function : SMESH_Pattern
//purpose :
SMESH_Pattern::SMESH_Pattern ()
//function : getInt
//purpose :
static inline int getInt( const char * theSring )
inline int getInt( const char * theSring )
if ( *theSring < '0' || *theSring > '9' )
return -1;
@ -119,7 +114,7 @@ static inline int getInt( const char * theSring )
//purpose :
static inline double getDouble( const char * theSring )
inline double getDouble( const char * theSring )
char *ptr;
return strtod( theSring, &ptr );
@ -131,9 +126,9 @@ static inline double getDouble( const char * theSring )
// Return the number of the found tokens
static int readLine (list <const char*> & theFields,
const char* & theLineBeg,
const bool theClearFields )
int readLine (list <const char*> & theFields,
const char* & theLineBeg,
const bool theClearFields )
if ( theClearFields )
@ -206,6 +201,65 @@ static int readLine (list <const char*> & theFields,
return nbRead;
//function : isRealSeam
//purpose : return true if an EDGE encounters twice in a FACE
// bool isRealSeam( const TopoDS_Edge& e, const TopoDS_Face& f )
// {
// if ( BRep_Tool::IsClosed( e, f ))
// {
// int nb = 0;
// for (TopExp_Explorer exp( f, TopAbs_EDGE ); exp.More(); exp.Next())
// if ( exp.Current().IsSame( e ))
// if ( ++nb == 2 )
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
//function : loadVE
//purpose : load VERTEXes and EDGEs in a map. Return nb loaded VERTEXes
int loadVE( const list< TopoDS_Edge > & eList,
TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape & map )
list< TopoDS_Edge >::const_iterator eIt = eList.begin();
// vertices
int nbV;
for ( eIt = eList.begin(); eIt != eList.end(); eIt++ )
nbV = map.Extent();
map.Add( TopExp::FirstVertex( *eIt, true ));
bool added = ( nbV < map.Extent() );
if ( !added ) { // vertex encountered twice
// a seam vertex have two corresponding key points
map.Add( TopExp::FirstVertex( *eIt, true ).Reversed());
nbV = map.Extent();
// edges
for ( eIt = eList.begin(); eIt != eList.end(); eIt++ )
map.Add( *eIt );
return nbV;
} // namespace
//function : SMESH_Pattern
//purpose :
SMESH_Pattern::SMESH_Pattern ()
//function : Load
//purpose : Load a pattern from <theFile>
@ -647,31 +701,34 @@ bool SMESH_Pattern::Load (SMESH_Mesh* theMesh,
// Load shapes in the consequent order and count nb of points
// vertices
for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ ) {
int nbV = myShapeIDMap.Extent();
myShapeIDMap.Add( TopExp::FirstVertex( *elIt, true ));
bool added = ( nbV < myShapeIDMap.Extent() );
if ( !added ) { // vertex encountered twice
// a seam vertex have two corresponding key points
myShapeIDMap.Add( TopExp::FirstVertex( *elIt, true ).Reversed());
loadVE( eList, myShapeIDMap );
myShapeIDMap.Add( face );
nbNodes += myShapeIDMap.Extent() - 1;
for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ )
if ( SMESHDS_SubMesh * eSubMesh = aMeshDS->MeshElements( *elIt ))
nbNodes += eSubMesh->NbNodes() + 1;
// edges
for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ )
myShapeIDMap.Add( *elIt );
// the face
myShapeIDMap.Add( face );
myPoints.resize( nbNodes );
// Load U of points on edges
for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ )
list<int>::iterator nbEinW = myNbKeyPntInBoundary.begin();
int iE = 0;
vector< TopoDS_Edge > eVec;
for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++, iE++ )
if ( isClosed && ( iE == 0 || iE == *nbEinW ))
// new wire begins; put EDGEs in eVec
list<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator eEnd = elIt;
std::advance( eEnd, *nbEinW );
eVec.assign( elIt, eEnd );
if ( iE > 0 )
iE = 0;
TopoDS_Edge & edge = *elIt;
list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( edge );
double f, l;
@ -698,13 +755,8 @@ bool SMESH_Pattern::Load (SMESH_Mesh* theMesh,
TopoDS_Shape & v = is2 ? v2 : v1;
if ( helper.IsRealSeam( v ) ) {
// reverse or not depending on orientation of adjacent seam
TopoDS_Edge seam;
list<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator eIt2 = elIt;
if ( is2 )
seam = ( ++eIt2 == eList.end() ? eList.front() : *eIt2 );
seam = ( eIt2 == eList.begin() ? eList.back() : *(--eIt2) );
if ( seam.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED )
int iSeam = helper.WrapIndex( iE + ( is2 ? +1 : -1 ), eVec.size() );
if ( eVec[ iSeam ].Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED )
@ -999,6 +1051,7 @@ void SMESH_Pattern::computeUVOnEdge (const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge,
BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( theEdge, TopoDS::Face( myShape ), f, l );
ePoints.back()->myInitU = 1.0;
//ePoints.front()->myInitU = 0.0; //myUV = C2d->Value( isForward ? f : l ).XY();
list< TPoint* >::const_iterator pIt = ePoints.begin();
for ( pIt++; pIt != ePoints.end(); pIt++ )
@ -2387,33 +2440,7 @@ bool SMESH_Pattern::Apply (const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
// here shapes get IDs, for the outer wire IDs are OK
list<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator elIt = eList.begin();
for ( ; elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ ) {
myShapeIDMap.Add( TopExp::FirstVertex( *elIt, true ));
bool isClosed1 = BRep_Tool::IsClosed( *elIt, theFace );
// BEGIN: jfa for bug 0019943
if (isClosed1) {
isClosed1 = false;
for (TopExp_Explorer expw (theFace, TopAbs_WIRE); expw.More() && !isClosed1; expw.Next()) {
const TopoDS_Wire& wire = TopoDS::Wire(expw.Current());
int nbe = 0;
for (BRepTools_WireExplorer we (wire, theFace); we.More() && !isClosed1; we.Next()) {
if (we.Current().IsSame(*elIt)) {
if (nbe == 2) isClosed1 = true;
// END: jfa for bug 0019943
if (isClosed1)
myShapeIDMap.Add( TopExp::LastVertex( *elIt, true ));// vertex orienation is REVERSED
int nbVertices = myShapeIDMap.Extent();
for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ )
myShapeIDMap.Add( *elIt );
int nbVertices = loadVE( eList, myShapeIDMap );
myShapeIDMap.Add( face );
if ( myShapeIDToPointsMap.size() != myShapeIDMap.Extent() ) {
@ -2425,10 +2452,11 @@ bool SMESH_Pattern::Apply (const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
list< list< TPoint* > > edgesPointsList;
edgesPointsList.push_back( list< TPoint* >() );
list< TPoint* > * edgesPoints = & edgesPointsList.back();
list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt;
list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt, pEnd;
// compute UV of points on the outer wire
int iE, nbEdgesInOuterWire = nbVertexInWires.front();
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator elIt;
for (iE = 0, elIt = eList.begin();
iE < nbEdgesInOuterWire && elIt != eList.end();
iE++, elIt++ )
@ -2543,14 +2571,24 @@ bool SMESH_Pattern::Apply (const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
// re-fill myShapeIDMap - all shapes get good IDs
for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ )
myShapeIDMap.Add( TopExp::FirstVertex( *elIt, true ));
for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ )
myShapeIDMap.Add( *elIt );
nbVertices = loadVE( eList, myShapeIDMap );
myShapeIDMap.Add( face );
} // there are inner wires
// Set XYZ of on-vertex points
// for ( int iV = 1; iV <= nbVertices; ++iV )
// {
// const TopoDS_Vertex& V = TopoDS::Vertex( myShapeIDMap( iV ));
// list< TPoint* > & vPoints = getShapePoints( iV );
// if ( !vPoints.empty() )
// {
// //vPoints.front()->myUV = BRep_Tool::Parameters( V, theFace ).XY();
// vPoints.front()->myXYZ = BRep_Tool::Pnt( V );
// }
// }
// Compute XYZ of on-edge points
TopLoc_Location loc;
@ -2558,8 +2596,7 @@ bool SMESH_Pattern::Apply (const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
BRepAdaptor_Curve C3d( *elIt );
list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( iE++ );
pIt = ePoints.begin();
for ( pIt++; pIt != ePoints.end(); pIt++ )
for ( pIt = ++ePoints.begin(), pEnd = ePoints.end(); pIt != pEnd; pIt++ )
TPoint* point = *pIt;
point->myXYZ = C3d.Value( point->myU );
@ -3881,13 +3918,97 @@ void SMESH_Pattern::clearMesh(SMESH_Mesh* theMesh) const
//function : findExistingNodes
//purpose : fills nodes vector with nodes existing on a given shape (IMP 22368)
// Returns true if all nodes for all points on S are found
bool SMESH_Pattern::findExistingNodes( SMESH_Mesh* mesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& S,
const std::list< TPoint* > & points,
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > & nodesVector)
if ( S.IsNull() || points.empty() )
return false;
SMESHDS_Mesh* aMeshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS();
switch ( S.ShapeType() )
case TopAbs_VERTEX:
int pIndex = points.back() - &myPoints[0];
if ( !nodesVector[ pIndex ] )
nodesVector[ pIndex ] = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( TopoDS::Vertex( S ), aMeshDS );
return nodesVector[ pIndex ];
case TopAbs_EDGE:
const TopoDS_Edge& edge = TopoDS::Edge( S );
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* > paramsOfNodes;
if ( !SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge( aMeshDS, edge,
paramsOfNodes )
|| paramsOfNodes.size() < 3 )
// points on VERTEXes are included with wrong myU
list< TPoint* >::const_reverse_iterator pItR = ++points.rbegin();
list< TPoint* >::const_iterator pItF = ++points.begin();
const bool isForward = ( (*pItF)->myU < (*pItR)->myU );
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u2n = ++paramsOfNodes.begin();
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u2nEnd = --paramsOfNodes.end();
TPoint* p;
if ( paramsOfNodes.size() == points.size() )
for ( ; u2n != u2nEnd; ++u2n )
p = ( isForward ? *pItF : *pItR );
int pIndex = p - &myPoints[0];
if ( !nodesVector [ pIndex ] )
nodesVector [ pIndex ] = u2n->second;
return true;
const double tolFact = 0.05;
while ( u2n != u2nEnd && pItF != points.end() )
const double u = u2n->first;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = u2n->second;
const double tol = ( (++u2n)->first - u ) * tolFact;
p = ( isForward ? *pItF : *pItR );
if ( Abs( u - p->myU ) < tol )
int pIndex = p - &myPoints[0];
if ( !nodesVector [ pIndex ] )
nodesVector [ pIndex ] = n;
while ( p->myU < u && ( ++pItF, ++pItR != points.rend() ));
} // case TopAbs_EDGE:
} // switch ( S.ShapeType() )
return false;
//function : MakeMesh
//purpose : Create nodes and elements in <theMesh> using nodes
// coordinates computed by either of Apply...() methods
// WARNING : StdMeshers_Projection_... relies on MakeMesh() behavior: that
// it does not care of nodes and elements already existing on
// sub-shapes. DO NOT MERGE them or modify also StdMeshers_Projection_..
bool SMESH_Pattern::MakeMesh(SMESH_Mesh* theMesh,
@ -3982,98 +4103,23 @@ bool SMESH_Pattern::MakeMesh(SMESH_Mesh* theMesh,
nodesVector.resize( myPoints.size(), 0 );
// find existing nodes on EDGEs and VERTEXes (IMP 22368)
map< int, list< TPoint* > >::iterator idPointIt = myShapeIDToPointsMap.begin();
if ( !myShapeIDMap.IsEmpty() && aMeshDS->NbNodes() > 0 )
for ( ; idPointIt != myShapeIDToPointsMap.end(); idPointIt++ )
const TopoDS_Shape& S = myShapeIDMap( idPointIt->first );
list< TPoint* > & points = idPointIt->second;
if ( points.empty() )
switch ( S.ShapeType() )
case TopAbs_VERTEX:
int pIndex = points.back() - &myPoints[0];
if ( !nodesVector[ pIndex ] )
nodesVector[ pIndex ] = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( TopoDS::Vertex( S ), aMeshDS );
case TopAbs_EDGE:
const TopoDS_Edge& edge = TopoDS::Edge( S );
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* > paramsOfNodes;
if ( !SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge( aMeshDS, edge,
paramsOfNodes )
|| paramsOfNodes.size() < 3 )
// points on VERTEXes are included with wrong myU
list< TPoint* >::reverse_iterator pItR = ++points.rbegin();
list< TPoint* >::iterator pItF = ++points.begin();
const bool isForward = ( (*pItF)->myU < (*pItR)->myU );
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u2n = ++paramsOfNodes.begin();
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u2nEnd = --paramsOfNodes.end();
TPoint* p;
if ( paramsOfNodes.size() == points.size() )
for ( ; u2n != u2nEnd; ++u2n )
p = ( isForward ? *pItF : *pItR );
int pIndex = p - &myPoints[0];
if ( !nodesVector [ pIndex ] )
nodesVector [ pIndex ] = u2n->second;
const double tolFact = 0.05;
while ( u2n != u2nEnd && pItF != points.end() )
const double u = u2n->first;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = u2n->second;
const double tol = ( (++u2n)->first - u ) * tolFact;
p = ( isForward ? *pItF : *pItR );
if ( Abs( u - p->myU ) < tol )
int pIndex = p - &myPoints[0];
if ( !nodesVector [ pIndex ] )
nodesVector [ pIndex ] = n;
while ( p->myU < u && ( ++pItF, ++pItR != points.rend() ));
} // end of "find existing nodes on EDGEs and VERTEXes"
// loop on sub-shapes of myShape: create nodes
idPointIt = myShapeIDToPointsMap.begin();
map< int, list< TPoint* > >::iterator idPointIt = myShapeIDToPointsMap.begin();
for ( ; idPointIt != myShapeIDToPointsMap.end(); idPointIt++ )
TopoDS_Shape S;
if ( !myShapeIDMap.IsEmpty() ) {
S = myShapeIDMap( idPointIt->first );
list< TPoint* > & points = idPointIt->second;
TopoDS_Shape S;
if ( !myShapeIDMap.IsEmpty() )
S = myShapeIDMap( idPointIt->first );
// find existing nodes on EDGEs and VERTEXes
if ( findExistingNodes( theMesh, S, points, nodesVector ))
list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt = points.begin();
for ( ; pIt != points.end(); pIt++ )
TPoint* point = *pIt;
//int pIndex = pointIndex[ point ];
int pIndex = point - &myPoints[0];
if ( nodesVector [ pIndex ] )
@ -4082,8 +4128,8 @@ bool SMESH_Pattern::MakeMesh(SMESH_Mesh* theMesh,
nodesVector [ pIndex ] = node;
if ( !S.IsNull() /*subMeshDS*/ ) {
// !!!!! do not merge new nodes with ones existing on submeshes (see method comment)
if ( !S.IsNull() ) {
switch ( S.ShapeType() ) {
case TopAbs_VERTEX: {
aMeshDS->SetNodeOnVertex( node, TopoDS::Vertex( S )); break;
@ -4755,7 +4801,7 @@ bool SMESH_Pattern::setShapeToMesh(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape)
TopTools_MapOfShape seamVertices;
TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face( theShape );
TopExp_Explorer eExp( theShape, TopAbs_EDGE );
for ( ; eExp.More() && nbNodeOnSeamEdge == 0; eExp.Next() ) {
for ( ; eExp.More() /*&& nbNodeOnSeamEdge == 0*/; eExp.Next() ) {
const TopoDS_Edge& ee = TopoDS::Edge(eExp.Current());
if ( BRep_Tool::IsClosed(ee, face) ) {
// seam edge and vertices encounter twice in theFace
@ -334,6 +334,12 @@ private:
void clearMesh(SMESH_Mesh* theMesh) const;
// clear mesh elements existing on myShape in theMesh
bool findExistingNodes( SMESH_Mesh* mesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& S,
const std::list< TPoint* > & points,
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > & nodes);
// fills nodes vector with nodes existing on a given shape
static SMESHDS_SubMesh * getSubmeshWithElements(SMESH_Mesh* theMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& theShape);
// return submesh containing elements bound to theShape in theMesh
@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ void SMESHGUI_BaseComputeOp::computeMesh()
long nbElements = 0;
if ( !memoryLack )
// List of objects that will be updated automatically
// List of objects that will be updated automatically
QList< QPair< SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var, _PTR(SObject) > > aListToUpdate;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var aMeshObj = SMESH::SObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>( aMeshSObj );
// put Mesh into list
@ -949,60 +949,60 @@ void SMESHGUI_BaseComputeOp::computeMesh()
// update mesh, sub-mesh and groups, if it's possible
QList< QPair< SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var, _PTR(SObject) > >::iterator anIter;
for( anIter = aListToUpdate.begin(); anIter != aListToUpdate.end(); anIter++ ) {
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( SMESH::SObjectToObject( (*anIter).second ));
if ( getSMESHGUI()->automaticUpdate( (*anIter).first, &entities, &limitExceeded, &hidden, &nbElements ) )
try {
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( SMESH::SObjectToObject( (*anIter).second ));
if ( getSMESHGUI()->automaticUpdate( (*anIter).first, &entities, &limitExceeded, &hidden, &nbElements ) )
try {
bool toDisplay = false;
bool toDisplay = false;
if ( !aMesh->_is_nil() ) { // display a mesh only
toDisplay = true;
SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject( aMesh );
if ( !anActor ) anActor = SMESH::CreateActor( (*anIter).second->GetStudy(), (*anIter).second->GetID().c_str(), true );
if ( anActor ) // actor is not created for an empty mesh
anActor->SetEntityMode( entities );
SMESH::DisplayActor( SMESH::GetActiveWindow(), anActor );
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = new SALOME_InteractiveObject
( (*anIter).second->GetID().c_str(), "SMESH", (*anIter).second->GetName().c_str() );
SMESH::Update(anIO, toDisplay);
if ( !aMesh->_is_nil() ) { // display a mesh only
toDisplay = true;
SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject( aMesh );
if ( !anActor ) anActor = SMESH::CreateActor( (*anIter).second->GetStudy(), (*anIter).second->GetID().c_str(), true );
if ( anActor ) // actor is not created for an empty mesh
anActor->SetEntityMode( entities );
SMESH::DisplayActor( SMESH::GetActiveWindow(), anActor );
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = new SALOME_InteractiveObject
( (*anIter).second->GetID().c_str(), "SMESH", (*anIter).second->GetName().c_str() );
SMESH::Update(anIO, toDisplay);
if ( limitExceeded && !aMesh->_is_nil() )
QStringList hiddenMsg;
if ( hidden & SMESH_Actor::e0DElements ) hiddenMsg << tr( "SMESH_ELEMS0D" );
if ( hidden & SMESH_Actor::eEdges ) hiddenMsg << tr( "SMESH_EDGES" );
if ( hidden & SMESH_Actor::eFaces ) hiddenMsg << tr( "SMESH_FACES" );
if ( hidden & SMESH_Actor::eVolumes ) hiddenMsg << tr( "SMESH_VOLUMES" );
if ( hidden & SMESH_Actor::eBallElem ) hiddenMsg << tr( "SMESH_BALLS" );
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(),
tr( "SMESH_WRN_SIZE_INC_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" ).arg( nbElements ).arg( limitSize ).arg( hiddenMsg.join(", ") ) );
catch (...) {
if ( limitExceeded && !aMesh->_is_nil() )
QStringList hiddenMsg;
if ( hidden & SMESH_Actor::e0DElements ) hiddenMsg << tr( "SMESH_ELEMS0D" );
if ( hidden & SMESH_Actor::eEdges ) hiddenMsg << tr( "SMESH_EDGES" );
if ( hidden & SMESH_Actor::eFaces ) hiddenMsg << tr( "SMESH_FACES" );
if ( hidden & SMESH_Actor::eVolumes ) hiddenMsg << tr( "SMESH_VOLUMES" );
if ( hidden & SMESH_Actor::eBallElem ) hiddenMsg << tr( "SMESH_BALLS" );
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(),
tr( "SMESH_WRN_SIZE_INC_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" ).arg( nbElements ).arg( limitSize ).arg( hiddenMsg.join(", ") ) );
catch (...) {
#ifdef _DEBUG_
MESSAGE ( "Exception thrown during mesh visualization" );
MESSAGE ( "Exception thrown during mesh visualization" );
if ( SMDS_Mesh::CheckMemory(true) ) { // has memory to show warning?
else {
memoryLack = true;
else if ( limitExceeded && !aMesh->_is_nil() )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(),
tr( "SMESH_WRN_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" ).arg( nbElements ).arg( limitSize ) );
if ( SMDS_Mesh::CheckMemory(true) ) { // has memory to show warning?
else {
memoryLack = true;
else if ( limitExceeded && !aMesh->_is_nil() )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(),
tr( "SMESH_WRN_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" ).arg( nbElements ).arg( limitSize ) );
LightApp_SelectionMgr *Sel = selectionMgr();
@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ int SMESH_Block::GetShapeIDByParams ( const gp_XYZ& theCoord )
* \brief Return number of wires and a list of oredered edges.
* \param theFace - the face to process
* \param theEdges - all ordered edges of theFace (outer edges goes first).
* \param theEdges - all ordered edges of theFace (outer edges go first).
* \param theNbEdgesInWires - nb of edges (== nb of vertices in closed wire) in each wire
* \param theFirstVertex - the vertex of the outer wire to set first in the returned
* list ( theFirstVertex may be NULL )
@ -529,6 +529,8 @@ bool StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::FindSubShapeAssociation(const TopoDS_Shape& the
TShapePairsList::iterator s1_s2 = shapesQueue.begin();
for ( ; s1_s2 != shapesQueue.end(); ++s1_s2 )
if ( theMap.IsBound( s1_s2->first )) // avoid re-binding for a seam edge
continue; // to avoid this: Forward seam -> Reversed seam
InsertAssociation( s1_s2->first, s1_s2->second, theMap );
TopoDS_Iterator s1It( s1_s2->first), s2It( s1_s2->second );
for ( ; s1It.More(); s1It.Next(), s2It.Next() )
@ -381,8 +381,10 @@ namespace {
SMESH_Mesh * srcMesh,
const TAssocTool::TShapeShapeMap& shape2ShapeMap)
const double tol = 1.e-7*srcMesh->GetMeshDS()->getMaxDim();
SMESHDS_Mesh* tgtMeshDS = tgtMesh->GetMeshDS();
SMESHDS_Mesh* srcMeshDS = srcMesh->GetMeshDS();
const double tol = 1.e-7 * srcMeshDS->getMaxDim();
gp_Trsf trsf; // transformation to get location of target nodes from source ones
if ( tgtFace.IsPartner( srcFace ))
@ -441,11 +443,11 @@ namespace {
pOK = (( tgtP.Distance( tgtPP[0] ) > tol*tol ) &&
( tgtPP.size() == 1 || tgtP.Distance( tgtPP[1] ) > tol*tol ));
//cout << "V - nS " << p._node->GetID() << " - nT " << SMESH_Algo::VertexNode(TopoDS::Vertex( tgtShape),tgtMesh->GetMeshDS())->GetID() << endl;
//cout << "V - nS " << p._node->GetID() << " - nT " << SMESH_Algo::VertexNode(TopoDS::Vertex( tgtShape),tgtMeshDS)->GetID() << endl;
else if ( tgtPP.size() > 0 )
if ( SMESHDS_SubMesh* tgtSmds = tgtMesh->GetMeshDS()->MeshElements( tgtShape ))
if ( SMESHDS_SubMesh* tgtSmds = tgtMeshDS->MeshElements( tgtShape ))
double srcDist = srcPP[0].Distance( p );
double eTol = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( TopoDS::Edge( tgtShape ));
@ -486,26 +488,33 @@ namespace {
map<const SMDS_MeshNode* , const SMDS_MeshNode*> src2tgtNodes;
map<const SMDS_MeshNode* , const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator srcN_tgtN;
for ( TopExp_Explorer srcEdge( srcFace, TopAbs_EDGE); srcEdge.More(); srcEdge.Next() )
for ( TopExp_Explorer srcExp( srcFace, TopAbs_EDGE); srcExp.More(); srcExp.Next() )
const TopoDS_Shape& tgtEdge = shape2ShapeMap( srcEdge.Current(), /*isSrc=*/true );
const TopoDS_Shape& srcEdge = srcExp.Current();
const TopoDS_Shape& tgtEdge = shape2ShapeMap( srcEdge, /*isSrc=*/true );
if ( srcMesh->GetSubMesh( srcEdge )->IsEmpty() ||
tgtMesh->GetSubMesh( tgtEdge )->IsEmpty() )
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* > srcNodes, tgtNodes;
if ( !SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge( srcMesh->GetMeshDS(),
TopoDS::Edge( srcEdge.Current() ),
/*ignoreMediumNodes = */true,
srcNodes )
if (( ! SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge( srcMeshDS,
TopoDS::Edge( srcEdge ),
/*ignoreMediumNodes = */true,
srcNodes ))
!SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge( tgtMesh->GetMeshDS(),
TopoDS::Edge( tgtEdge ),
/*ignoreMediumNodes = */true,
tgtNodes )
( ! SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge( tgtMeshDS,
TopoDS::Edge( tgtEdge ),
/*ignoreMediumNodes = */true,
tgtNodes ))
srcNodes.size() != tgtNodes.size())
(( srcNodes.size() != tgtNodes.size() ) && tgtNodes.size() > 0 )
return false;
if ( !tgtEdge.IsPartner( srcEdge.Current() ))
if ( !tgtEdge.IsPartner( srcEdge ))
if ( tgtNodes.empty() )
return false;
// check that transformation is OK by three nodes
gp_Pnt p0S = SMESH_TNodeXYZ( (srcNodes.begin()) ->second);
gp_Pnt p1S = SMESH_TNodeXYZ( (srcNodes.rbegin()) ->second);
@ -527,11 +536,13 @@ namespace {
return false;
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u_tn = tgtNodes.begin();
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u_sn = srcNodes.begin();
for ( ; u_tn != tgtNodes.end(); ++u_tn, ++u_sn)
src2tgtNodes.insert( make_pair( u_sn->second, u_tn->second ));
if ( !tgtNodes.empty() )
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u_tn = tgtNodes.begin();
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u_sn = srcNodes.begin();
for ( ; u_tn != tgtNodes.end(); ++u_tn, ++u_sn)
src2tgtNodes.insert( make_pair( u_sn->second, u_tn->second ));
// Make new faces
@ -540,7 +551,6 @@ namespace {
SMESH_MesherHelper helper( *tgtMesh );
helper.SetSubShape( tgtFace );
helper.IsQuadraticSubMesh( tgtFace );
helper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
SMESH_MesherHelper srcHelper( *srcMesh );
srcHelper.SetSubShape( srcFace );
@ -548,11 +558,12 @@ namespace {
const SMDS_MeshNode* nullNode = 0;
// indices of nodes to create properly oriented faces
bool isReverse = ( trsf.Form() != gp_Identity );
int tri1 = 1, tri2 = 2, quad1 = 1, quad3 = 3;
if ( trsf.Form() != gp_Identity )
if ( isReverse )
std::swap( tri1, tri2 ), std::swap( quad1, quad3 );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* srcSubDS = srcMesh->GetMeshDS()->MeshElements( srcFace );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* srcSubDS = srcMeshDS->MeshElements( srcFace );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = srcSubDS->GetElements();
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > tgtNodes;
while ( elemIt->more() ) // loop on all mesh faces on srcFace
@ -560,6 +571,7 @@ namespace {
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = elemIt->next();
const int nbN = elem->NbCornerNodes();
tgtNodes.resize( nbN );
helper.SetElementsOnShape( false );
for ( int i = 0; i < nbN; ++i ) // loop on nodes of the source element
const SMDS_MeshNode* srcNode = elem->GetNode(i);
@ -567,27 +579,117 @@ namespace {
if ( srcN_tgtN->second == nullNode )
// create a new node
gp_Pnt tgtP = gp_Pnt(srcNode->X(),srcNode->Y(),srcNode->Z()).Transformed( trsf );
gp_Pnt tgtP = gp_Pnt( SMESH_TNodeXYZ( srcNode )).Transformed( trsf );
SMDS_MeshNode* n = helper.AddNode( tgtP.X(), tgtP.Y(), tgtP.Z() );
srcN_tgtN->second = n;
gp_Pnt2d srcUV = srcHelper.GetNodeUV( srcFace, srcNode,
elem->GetNode( helper.WrapIndex(i+1,nbN)));
n->SetPosition( new SMDS_FacePosition( srcUV.X(), srcUV.Y() ));
switch ( srcNode->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() )
gp_Pnt2d srcUV = srcHelper.GetNodeUV( srcFace, srcNode );
tgtMeshDS->SetNodeOnFace( n, helper.GetSubShapeID(), srcUV.X(), srcUV.Y() );
const TopoDS_Shape & srcE = srcMeshDS->IndexToShape( srcNode->getshapeId() );
const TopoDS_Shape & tgtE = shape2ShapeMap( srcE, /*isSrc=*/true );
double srcU = srcHelper.GetNodeU( TopoDS::Edge( srcE ), srcNode );
tgtMeshDS->SetNodeOnEdge( n, TopoDS::Edge( tgtE ), srcU );
const TopoDS_Shape & srcV = srcMeshDS->IndexToShape( srcNode->getshapeId() );
const TopoDS_Shape & tgtV = shape2ShapeMap( srcV, /*isSrc=*/true );
tgtMeshDS->SetNodeOnVertex( n, TopoDS::Vertex( tgtV ));
tgtNodes[i] = srcN_tgtN->second;
// create a new face
helper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
switch ( nbN )
case 3: helper.AddFace(tgtNodes[0], tgtNodes[tri1], tgtNodes[tri2]); break;
case 4: helper.AddFace(tgtNodes[0], tgtNodes[quad1], tgtNodes[2], tgtNodes[quad3]); break;
if ( isReverse ) std::reverse( tgtNodes.begin(), tgtNodes.end() );
helper.AddPolygonalFace( tgtNodes );
// check node positions
if ( !tgtFace.IsPartner( srcFace ) )
int nbOkPos = 0;
const double tol2d = 1e-12;
srcN_tgtN = src2tgtNodes.begin();
for ( ; srcN_tgtN != src2tgtNodes.end(); ++srcN_tgtN )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = srcN_tgtN->second;
switch ( n->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() )
gp_XY uv = helper.GetNodeUV( tgtFace, n ), uvBis = uv;
if (( helper.CheckNodeUV( tgtFace, n, uv, tol )) &&
(( uv - uvBis ).SquareModulus() < tol2d ) &&
( ++nbOkPos > 10 ))
return true;
nbOkPos = 0;
const TopoDS_Edge & tgtE = TopoDS::Edge( tgtMeshDS->IndexToShape( n->getshapeId() ));
double u = helper.GetNodeU( tgtE, n ), uBis = u;
if (( !helper.CheckNodeU( tgtE, n, u, tol )) ||
(( u - uBis ) < tol2d ))
nbOkPos = 0;
return true;
} // bool projectPartner()
* \brief Check if two consecutive EDGEs are connected in 2D
* \param [in] E1 - a well oriented non-seam EDGE
* \param [in] E2 - a possibly well oriented seam EDGE
* \param [in] F - a FACE
* \return bool - result
bool are2dConnected( const TopoDS_Edge & E1,
const TopoDS_Edge & E2,
const TopoDS_Face & F )
double f,l;
Handle(Geom2d_Curve) c1 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( E1, F, f, l );
gp_Pnt2d uvLast1 = c1->Value( E1.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED ? f : l );
Handle(Geom2d_Curve) c2 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( E2, F, f, l );
gp_Pnt2d uvFirst2 = c2->Value( f );
gp_Pnt2d uvLast2 = c2->Value( l );
double tol2 = 1e-5 * uvLast2.SquareDistance( uvFirst2 );
return (( uvLast1.SquareDistance( uvFirst2 ) < tol2 ) ||
( uvLast1.SquareDistance( uvLast2 ) < tol2 ));
* \brief Preform projection in case if the faces are similar in 2D space
@ -612,19 +714,31 @@ namespace {
// make corresponding sequence of tgt EDGEs
TSideVector tgtWires( srcWires.size() );
for ( unsigned iW = 0; iW < srcWires.size(); ++iW )
for ( size_t iW = 0; iW < srcWires.size(); ++iW )
list< TopoDS_Edge > tgtEdges;
StdMeshers_FaceSidePtr srcWire = srcWires[iW];
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape edgeMap; // to detect seam edges
for ( int iE = 0; iE < srcWire->NbEdges(); ++iE )
tgtEdges.push_back( TopoDS::Edge( shape2ShapeMap( srcWire->Edge( iE ), /*isSrc=*/true)));
TopoDS_Edge E = TopoDS::Edge( shape2ShapeMap( srcWire->Edge( iE ), /*isSrc=*/true));
// reverse a seam edge encountered for the second time
const int oldExtent = edgeMap.Extent();
edgeMap.Add( tgtEdges.back() );
if ( oldExtent == edgeMap.Extent() )
const int index = edgeMap.Add( E );
if ( index < edgeMap.Extent() ) // E is a seam
// check which of edges to reverse, E or one already being in tgtEdges
if ( are2dConnected( tgtEdges.back(), E, tgtFace ))
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt = tgtEdges.begin();
std::advance( eIt, index-1 );
tgtEdges.push_back( E );
tgtWires[ iW ].reset( new StdMeshers_FaceSide( tgtFace, tgtEdges, tgtMesh,
/*theIsForward = */ true,
@ -897,12 +897,12 @@ namespace
if ( SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( e )) continue;
TopExp::Vertices( e, VV[0], VV[1], /*CumOri=*/true );
if ( VV[1].IsSame( fromV )) {
nbEdges += edges[ 0 ].IsNull();
edges[ 0 ] = e;
else if ( VV[0].IsSame( fromV )) {
nbEdges += edges[ 1 ].IsNull();
edges[ 1 ] = e;
@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ namespace
else if ( nbEdges == 1 )
dir = getFaceDir( faceFrw, edges[0], node, helper, ok );
dir = getFaceDir( faceFrw, edges[ edges[0].IsNull() ], node, helper, ok );
if ( cosin ) *cosin = 1.;
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