mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:51:34 +05:00
Suppress memory leak when using Kernel_Utils::decode()
+ some code cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,9 +41,6 @@ class LightApp_SelectionMgr;
* The GeomSelectionTools class gives high level tools to select Geom (and other objects)
* A specific attention has been given to analyze selected GEOM objects.
* @param myStudy This class is specific to the study !
class PLUGINUTILS_EXPORT GeomSelectionTools
@ -48,11 +48,12 @@ static std::string removeFile(std::string fileName, int& notOk)
std::string errStr;
notOk = std::remove(fileName.c_str());
if (notOk) errStr = ToComment("\n error while removing file : ") << fileName;
else errStr = ToComment("\n file : ") << fileName << " succesfully deleted! \n ";
else errStr = ToComment("\n file : ") << fileName << " succesfully deleted! \n ";
return errStr;
std::string MG_ADAPT::remove_extension(const std::string& filename) {
std::string MG_ADAPT::remove_extension(const std::string& filename)
size_t lastdot = filename.find_last_of(".");
if (lastdot == std::string::npos) return filename;
return filename.substr(0, lastdot);
@ -65,104 +66,103 @@ namespace
return SMESH_File( fName ).exists();
// =======================================================================
med_idt openMedFile(const std::string aFile)
// =======================================================================
// renvoie le medId associe au fichier Med apres ouverture
med_idt medIdt = MEDfileOpen(aFile.c_str(),MED_ACC_RDONLY);
if (medIdt <0)
// =======================================================================
med_idt openMedFile(const std::string aFile)
// =======================================================================
// renvoie le medId associe au fichier Med apres ouverture
THROW_SALOME_EXCEPTION("\nThe med file " << aFile << " cannot be opened.\n");
return medIdt;
// =======================================================================
void getTimeStepInfos(std::string aFile, med_int& numdt, med_int& numit, std::string fieldName)
// =======================================================================
// Il faut voir si plusieurs maillages
herr_t erreur = 0 ;
med_idt medIdt ;
// Ouverture du fichier
medIdt = openMedFile(aFile);
if ( medIdt < 0 ) return ;
// Lecture du nombre de champs
med_int ncha = MEDnField(medIdt) ;
if (ncha < 1 )
//~addMessage( ToComment(" error: there is no field in ") << aFile, /*fatal=*/true );
// Lecture des caracteristiques du champs
// Lecture du type du champ, des noms des composantes et du nom de l'unite
char nomcha [MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
strcpy(nomcha, fieldName.c_str());
// Lecture du nombre de composantes
med_int ncomp = MEDfieldnComponentByName(medIdt, nomcha);
char meshname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
char * comp = (char*) malloc(ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1);
char * unit = (char*) malloc(ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1);
char dtunit[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
med_bool local;
med_field_type typcha;
med_int nbofcstp;
erreur = MEDfieldInfoByName (medIdt, nomcha, meshname,&local,&typcha,comp,unit,dtunit, &nbofcstp);
if ( erreur < 0 )
//~addMessage( ToComment(" error: error while reading field ") << nomcha << " in file " << aFile , /*fatal=*/true );
med_float dt;
med_int tmp_numdt, tmp_numit;
//~med_int step = data->myUseLastTimeStep ? nbofcstp : data->myTimeStep+1;
//~myPrint("step ", step);
erreur = MEDfieldComputingStepInfo ( medIdt, nomcha, 1, &numdt, &numit, &dt );
for( int step = 1; step <= nbofcstp; step++ )
erreur = MEDfieldComputingStepInfo ( medIdt, nomcha, step, &tmp_numdt, &tmp_numit, &dt );
if(tmp_numdt > numdt)
med_idt medIdt = MEDfileOpen(aFile.c_str(),MED_ACC_RDONLY);
if (medIdt <0)
numdt = tmp_numdt;
numit = tmp_numit;
THROW_SALOME_EXCEPTION("\nThe med file " << aFile << " cannot be opened.\n");
return medIdt;
if ( erreur < 0 )
// =======================================================================
void getTimeStepInfos(std::string aFile, med_int& numdt, med_int& numit, std::string fieldName)
// =======================================================================
//~addMessage( ToComment(" error: error while reading field ") << nomcha << "step (numdt, numit) = " <<"("<< numdt<< ", "
//numit<< ")" <<" in file " << aFile , /*fatal=*/true );
// Il faut voir si plusieurs maillages
herr_t erreur = 0 ;
med_idt medIdt ;
// Ouverture du fichier
medIdt = openMedFile(aFile);
if ( medIdt < 0 ) return ;
// Lecture du nombre de champs
med_int ncha = MEDnField(medIdt) ;
if (ncha < 1 )
//~addMessage( ToComment(" error: there is no field in ") << aFile, /*fatal=*/true );
// Lecture des caracteristiques du champs
// Lecture du type du champ, des noms des composantes et du nom de l'unite
char nomcha [MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
strcpy(nomcha, fieldName.c_str());
// Lecture du nombre de composantes
med_int ncomp = MEDfieldnComponentByName(medIdt, nomcha);
char meshname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
char * comp = (char*) malloc(ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1);
char * unit = (char*) malloc(ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1);
char dtunit[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
med_bool local;
med_field_type typcha;
med_int nbofcstp;
erreur = MEDfieldInfoByName (medIdt, nomcha, meshname,&local,&typcha,comp,unit,dtunit, &nbofcstp);
if ( erreur < 0 )
//~addMessage( ToComment(" error: error while reading field ") << nomcha << " in file " << aFile , /*fatal=*/true );
med_float dt;
med_int tmp_numdt, tmp_numit;
//~med_int step = data->myUseLastTimeStep ? nbofcstp : data->myTimeStep+1;
//~myPrint("step ", step);
erreur = MEDfieldComputingStepInfo ( medIdt, nomcha, 1, &numdt, &numit, &dt );
for( int step = 1; step <= nbofcstp; step++ )
erreur = MEDfieldComputingStepInfo ( medIdt, nomcha, step, &tmp_numdt, &tmp_numit, &dt );
if(tmp_numdt > numdt)
numdt = tmp_numdt;
numit = tmp_numit;
if ( erreur < 0 )
//~addMessage( ToComment(" error: error while reading field ") << nomcha << "step (numdt, numit) = " <<"("<< numdt<< ", "
//numit<< ")" <<" in file " << aFile , /*fatal=*/true );
// Fermeture du fichier
if ( medIdt > 0 ) MEDfileClose(medIdt);
// Fermeture du fichier
if ( medIdt > 0 ) MEDfileClose(medIdt);
struct GET_DEFAULT // struct used to get default value from GetOptionValue()
bool isDefault;
operator bool* () {
struct GET_DEFAULT // struct used to get default value from GetOptionValue()
bool isDefault;
operator bool* () {
return &isDefault;
class outFileStream : public std::ofstream{
class outFileStream : public std::ofstream{
~outFileStream(){close();} //to close file at dtor
} // anonymous namespace
@ -863,14 +863,15 @@ void MgAdapt::execCmd( const char* cmd, int& err)
std::ostream logStream(buf);
#if defined(WIN32)
#if defined(UNICODE)
# if defined(UNICODE)
const wchar_t * aCmd = Kernel_Utils::utf8_decode(cmd);
SMESHUtils::ArrayDeleter<const wchar_t> deleter( aCmd );
std::unique_ptr <FILE, decltype(&_pclose)> pipe(_wpopen(aCmd, O_RDONLY), _pclose );
# else
std::unique_ptr <FILE, decltype(&_pclose)> pipe(_popen(cmd, "r"), _pclose );
# endif
std::unique_ptr <FILE, decltype(&pclose)> pipe(popen(cmd, "r"), pclose );
@ -961,12 +962,12 @@ std::string MgAdapt::getCommandToRun()
//~// constant value TODO
//~// constant value TODO
// Check coherence between mesh dimension and option fo adaptation
// sizemap file is written only if level is higher than 3
// sizemap file is written only if level is higher than 3
if ( verbosityLevel > 3)
std::string solFileOut = getFileName()+".sol";
@ -1357,7 +1358,7 @@ void MgAdapt::convertMedFile(std::string& meshFormatMeshFileName, std::string& s
MEDCoupling::MEDFileMeshes* meshes = mfd->getMeshes();
MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh = meshes->getMeshAtPos(0); // ok only one mesh in file!
if (meshNameOut =="")
meshNameOut = fileMesh->getName();
meshNameOut = fileMesh->getName();
MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileFields> fields = MEDCoupling::MEDFileFields::New();
@ -1077,18 +1077,14 @@ std::vector< std::string > SMESH_Gen::GetPluginXMLPaths()
xmlPath += sep + plugin + ".xml";
bool fileOK;
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef UNICODE
# ifdef UNICODE
const wchar_t* path = Kernel_Utils::decode_s(xmlPath);
SMESHUtils::ArrayDeleter<const wchar_t> deleter( path );
# else
const char* path = xmlPath.c_str();
# endif
fileOK = (GetFileAttributes(path) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES);
#ifdef UNICODE
delete path;
fileOK = (access(xmlPath.c_str(), F_OK) == 0);
@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ bool SMESH_File::open()
if ( !_map && length > 0 )
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef UNICODE
# ifdef UNICODE
std::wstring aName = Kernel_Utils::utf8_decode_s(_name);
const wchar_t* name = aName.c_str();
# else
char* name = _name.data();
# endif
_file = CreateFile(name, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ,
bool ok = ( _file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ namespace SMESHUtils
TOBJ* _obj;
ArrayDeleter( TOBJ* obj ): _obj( obj ) {}
~ArrayDeleter() { delete [] _obj; _obj = 0; }
operator TOBJ*() { return _obj; }
TOBJ* get() { return _obj; }
ArrayDeleter( const ArrayDeleter& );
@ -460,18 +460,17 @@ GenericHypothesisCreator_i* SMESH_Gen_i::getHypothesisCreator(const char* theHyp
// load plugin library
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("Loading server meshers plugin library ...");
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef UNICODE
# ifdef UNICODE
const wchar_t* path = Kernel_Utils::decode_s(aPlatformLibName);
SMESHUtils::ArrayDeleter<const wchar_t> deleter( path );
# else
const char* path = aPlatformLibName.c_str();
# endif
const char* path = aPlatformLibName.c_str();
LibHandle libHandle = LoadLib( path );
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
delete path;
if (!libHandle)
// report any error, if occurred
@ -5194,7 +5193,8 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
TCollection_AsciiString aStudyName( "" );
if ( isMultiFile ) {
CORBA::WString_var url = aStudy->URL();
aStudyName = (char*)SALOMEDS_Tool::GetNameFromPath( Kernel_Utils::encode(url.in()) ).c_str();
SMESHUtils::ArrayDeleter<const char> urlMulibyte( Kernel_Utils::encode( url.in()) );
aStudyName = (char*)SALOMEDS_Tool::GetNameFromPath( urlMulibyte.get() ).c_str();
// Set names of temporary files
TCollection_AsciiString filename = tmpDir + aStudyName + "_SMESH.hdf";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user