mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 23:07:55 +05:00
bos #20144 [CEA 20142] Import1D - Error: Algorithm failed
This commit is contained in:
@ -1077,6 +1077,11 @@ namespace
else // 2D_mesh_QuadranglePreference_00/A1, bos20144.brep
continue; // bndSegs.size() == 1
bndSegs[i].setBranch( branchID, bndSegsPerEdge ); // set to i-th and to the opposite bndSeg
if ( bndSegs[i].hasOppositeEdge() )
branchEdges[ bndSegs[i].branchID() ].push_back( bndSegs[i]._edge );
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
* \brief Redistrubute element boxes among children
* \brief Redistribute element boxes among children
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
#include "SMESH_Octree.hxx"
#include <Precision.hxx>
#include <limits>
* Constructor. limit must be provided at tree root construction.
@ -90,7 +93,12 @@ void SMESH_Octree::enlargeByFactor( Bnd_B3d* box, double factor ) const
gp_XYZ halfSize = 0.5 * ( box->CornerMax() - box->CornerMin() );
for ( int iDim = 1; iDim <= 3; ++iDim )
halfSize.SetCoord( iDim, factor * halfSize.Coord( iDim ));
double newHSize = factor * halfSize.Coord( iDim );
if ( newHSize < std::numeric_limits<double>::min() )
newHSize = Precision::Confusion(); // 1.e-7
halfSize.SetCoord( iDim, newHSize );
box->SetHSize( halfSize );
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
#include "SMESH_Utils.hxx"
const double theEnlargeFactor = 1. + 1e-10;
// Data limiting the tree height
struct SMESH_TreeLimit {
@ -160,6 +162,7 @@ void SMESH_Tree<BND_BOX,NB_CHILDREN>::compute()
if ( !myLimit ) myLimit = new SMESH_TreeLimit();
myBox = buildRootBox();
enlargeByFactor( myBox, theEnlargeFactor );
if ( myLimit->myMinBoxSize > 0. && maxSize() <= myLimit->myMinBoxSize )
myIsLeaf = true;
@ -227,7 +230,7 @@ void SMESH_Tree<BND_BOX,NB_CHILDREN>::buildChildren()
myChildren[i]->myLimit = myLimit;
myChildren[i]->myLevel = myLevel + 1;
myChildren[i]->myBox = newChildBox( i );
enlargeByFactor( myChildren[i]->myBox, 1. + 1e-10 );
enlargeByFactor( myChildren[i]->myBox, theEnlargeFactor );
if ( myLimit->myMinBoxSize > 0. && myChildren[i]->maxSize() <= myLimit->myMinBoxSize )
myChildren[i]->myIsLeaf = true;
@ -840,16 +840,6 @@ bool StdMeshers_Hexa_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & aMesh,
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& columnX0 = columns[ colIndex( x, 0 )];
for ( z = 0; z < zSize; ++z )
renumHelper.AddReplacingNode( columnX0[ z ] );
if ( x == 0 || x == X )
for ( y = 1; y < ySize; ++y )
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& column0Y = columns[ colIndex( x, y )];
for ( z = 0; z < zSize; ++z )
renumHelper.AddReplacingNode( column0Y[ z ] );
const double rX = x / double(X);
@ -38,14 +38,19 @@
#include "SMESH_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MeshEditor.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Octree.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMeshEventListener.hxx"
#include "Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
#include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <BndLib_Add3dCurve.hxx>
#include <GCPnts_TangentialDeflection.hxx>
#include <ShapeAnalysis_Curve.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
@ -55,25 +60,251 @@
using namespace std;
* Creates StdMeshers_Import_1D
StdMeshers_Import_1D::StdMeshers_Import_1D(int hypId, SMESH_Gen * gen)
:SMESH_1D_Algo(hypId, gen), _sourceHyp(0)
_name = "Import_1D";
_shapeType = (1 << TopAbs_EDGE);
namespace // INTERNAL STUFF
* \brief Compute point position on a curve. Use octree to fast reject far points
class CurveProjector : public SMESH_Octree
CurveProjector( const TopoDS_Edge& edge, double enlarge );
bool IsOnCurve( const gp_XYZ& point, double & distance2, double & u );
bool IsOut( const gp_XYZ& point ) const { return getBox()->IsOut( point ); }
CurveProjector() {}
SMESH_Octree* newChild() const { return new CurveProjector; }
void buildChildrenData();
Bnd_B3d* buildRootBox();
struct CurveSegment : public Bnd_B3d
double _chord, _chord2, _length2;
gp_Pnt _pFirst, _pLast;
gp_Lin _line;
Handle(Geom_Curve) _curve;
CurveSegment() {}
void Init( const gp_Pnt& pf, const gp_Pnt& pl,
double uf, double ul, double tol, Handle(Geom_Curve)& curve );
bool IsOn( const gp_XYZ& point, double & distance2, double & u );
bool IsInContact( const Bnd_B3d& bb );
std::vector< CurveSegment > _segments;
* \brief Create an octree of curve segments
CurveProjector::CurveProjector( const TopoDS_Edge& edge, double enlarge )
:SMESH_Octree( 0 )
double f,l;
Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve( edge, f, l );
double curDeflect = 0.3; // Curvature deflection
double angDeflect = 1e+100; // Angular deflection - don't control chordal error
GCPnts_TangentialDeflection div( BRepAdaptor_Curve( edge ), angDeflect, curDeflect );
_segments.resize( div.NbPoints() - 1 );
for ( int i = 1; i < div.NbPoints(); ++i )
try {
_segments[ i - 1 ].Init( div.Value( i ), div.Value( i+1 ),
div.Parameter( i ), div.Parameter( i+1 ),
enlarge, curve );
catch ( Standard_Failure ) {
_segments.resize( _segments.size() - 1 );
if ( _segments.size() < 3 )
myIsLeaf = true;
if ( _segments.size() == 1 )
myBox->Enlarge( enlarge );
* \brief Return the maximal box
Bnd_B3d* CurveProjector::buildRootBox()
Bnd_B3d* box = new Bnd_B3d;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < _segments.size(); ++i )
box->Add( _segments[i] );
return box;
* \brief Redistribute segments among children
void CurveProjector::buildChildrenData()
bool allIn = true;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < _segments.size(); ++i )
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if ( _segments[i].IsInContact( *myChildren[j]->getBox() ))
((CurveProjector*)myChildren[j])->_segments.push_back( _segments[i]);
allIn = false;
if ( allIn && _segments.size() < 3 )
myIsLeaf = true;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
static_cast<CurveProjector*>( myChildren[j])->myIsLeaf = true;
SMESHUtils::FreeVector( _segments ); // = _segments.clear() + free memory
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
CurveProjector* child = static_cast<CurveProjector*>( myChildren[j]);
if ( child->_segments.size() < 3 )
child->myIsLeaf = true;
* \brief Return true if a point is close to the curve
* \param [in] point - the point
* \param [out] distance2 - distance to the curve
* \param [out] u - parameter on the curve
* \return bool - is the point is close to the curve
bool CurveProjector::IsOnCurve( const gp_XYZ& point, double & distance2, double & u )
if ( getBox()->IsOut( point ))
return false;
if ( isLeaf() )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < _segments.size(); ++i )
if ( !_segments[i].IsOut( point ) &&
_segments[i].IsOn( point, distance2, u ))
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (((CurveProjector*) myChildren[i])->IsOnCurve( point, distance2, u ))
return true;
return false;
* \brief Initialize
void CurveProjector::CurveSegment::Init(const gp_Pnt& pf,
const gp_Pnt& pl,
const double uf,
const double ul,
const double tol,
Handle(Geom_Curve)& curve )
_pFirst = pf;
_pLast = pl;
_curve = curve;
_length2 = pf.SquareDistance( pl );
_chord2 = Max( _line. SquareDistance( curve->Value( uf + 0.25 * ( ul - uf ))),
Max( _line.SquareDistance( curve->Value( uf + 0.5 * ( ul - uf ))),
_line.SquareDistance( curve->Value( uf + 0.75 * ( ul - uf )))));
_chord2 = Max( tol, _chord2 );
_chord = Sqrt( _chord2 );
_line.SetLocation( pf );
_line.SetDirection( gp_Vec( pf, pl ));
Bnd_Box bb;
BndLib_Add3dCurve::Add( GeomAdaptor_Curve( curve, uf, ul ), tol, bb );
Add( bb.CornerMin() );
Add( bb.CornerMax() );
* \brief Return true if a point is close to the curve segment
* \param [in] point - the point
* \param [out] distance2 - distance to the curve
* \param [out] u - parameter on the curve
* \return bool - is the point is close to the curve segment
bool CurveProjector::CurveSegment::IsOn( const gp_XYZ& point, double & distance2, double & u )
distance2 = _line.SquareDistance( point );
if ( distance2 > _chord2 )
return false;
// check if the point projection falls into the segment range
gp_Vec edge( _pFirst, _pLast );
gp_Vec n1p ( _pFirst, point );
u = ( edge * n1p ) / _length2; // param [0,1] on the edge
if ( u < 0 )
if ( _pFirst.SquareDistance( point ) > _chord2 )
return false;
else if ( u > _chord )
if ( _pLast.SquareDistance( point ) > _chord2 )
return false;
gp_Pnt proj;
distance2 = ShapeAnalysis_Curve().Project( _curve, point, Precision::Confusion(),
proj, u, false );
distance2 *= distance2;
return true;
* \brief Check if the segment is in contact with a box
bool CurveProjector::CurveSegment::IsInContact( const Bnd_B3d& bb )
if ( bb.IsOut( _line.Position(), /*isRay=*/true, _chord ))
return false;
gp_Ax1 axRev = _line.Position().Reversed();
axRev.SetLocation( _pLast );
return !bb.IsOut( axRev, /*isRay=*/true, _chord );
int getSubmeshIDForCopiedMesh(const SMESHDS_Mesh* srcMeshDS, SMESH_Mesh* tgtMesh);
enum _ListenerDataType
@ -590,8 +821,50 @@ namespace // INTERNAL STUFF
return 0;
* \brief Return minimal square length of edges of 1D and 2D elements sharing the node
double getMinEdgeLength2( const SMDS_MeshNode* n )
SMESH_NodeXYZ p = n;
double minLen2 = Precision::Infinite();
for ( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = n->GetInverseElementIterator(); eIt->more(); )
const SMDS_MeshElement* e = eIt->next();
const SMDSAbs_ElementType type = e->GetType();
if ( type != SMDSAbs_Edge && type != SMDSAbs_Face )
int i = e->GetNodeIndex( n );
int iNext = SMESH_MesherHelper::WrapIndex( i + 1, e->NbCornerNodes() );
minLen2 = Min( minLen2, p.SquareDistance( e->GetNode( iNext )));
if ( type != SMDSAbs_Face )
int iPrev = SMESH_MesherHelper::WrapIndex( i - 1, e->NbCornerNodes() );
minLen2 = Min( minLen2, p.SquareDistance( e->GetNode( iPrev )));
return minLen2;
} // namespace
* Creates StdMeshers_Import_1D
StdMeshers_Import_1D::StdMeshers_Import_1D(int hypId, SMESH_Gen * gen)
:SMESH_1D_Algo(hypId, gen), _sourceHyp(0)
_name = "Import_1D";
_shapeType = (1 << TopAbs_EDGE);
* Check presence of a hypothesis
@ -658,17 +931,31 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape & th
const double edgeTol = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( geomEdge );
const int shapeID = tgtMesh->ShapeToIndex( geomEdge );
set<int> subShapeIDs;
subShapeIDs.insert( shapeID );
double geomTol = Precision::Confusion();
for ( size_t iG = 0; iG < srcGroups.size(); ++iG )
const SMESHDS_GroupBase* srcGroup = srcGroups[iG]->GetGroupDS();
for ( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr srcElems = srcGroup->GetElements(); srcElems->more(); )
const SMDS_MeshElement* edge = srcElems->next();
geomTol = Sqrt( 0.5 * ( getMinEdgeLength2( edge->GetNode(0) ) +
getMinEdgeLength2( edge->GetNode(1) ))) / 25;
iG = srcGroups.size();
CurveProjector curveProjector( geomEdge, geomTol );
// get nodes on vertices
set<int> vertexIDs;
list < SMESH_TNodeXYZ > vertexNodes;
list < SMESH_TNodeXYZ >::iterator vNIt;
TopExp_Explorer vExp( theShape, TopAbs_VERTEX );
for ( ; vExp.More(); vExp.Next() )
const TopoDS_Vertex& v = TopoDS::Vertex( vExp.Current() );
if ( !subShapeIDs.insert( tgtMesh->ShapeToIndex( v )).second )
if ( !vertexIDs.insert( tgtMesh->ShapeToIndex( v )).second )
continue; // closed edge
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( v, tgtMesh );
if ( !n )
@ -696,56 +983,61 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape & th
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr srcElems = srcGroup->GetElements();
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> newNodes;
SMDS_MeshNode *tmpNode = helper.AddNode(0,0,0);
double u = 0.314159; // "random" value between 0 and 1, avoid 0 and 1, false detection possible on edge restrictions
while ( srcElems->more() ) // loop on group contents
const SMDS_MeshElement* edge = srcElems->next();
gp_XYZ middle = 0.5 * ( SMESH_NodeXYZ( edge->GetNode(0)) +
SMESH_NodeXYZ( edge->GetNode(1)));
if ( curveProjector.IsOut( middle ))
// find or create nodes of a new edge
newNodes.resize( edge->NbNodes() );
//MESSAGE("edge->NbNodes " << edge->NbNodes());
newNodes.back() = 0;
int nbNodesOnVertex = 0;
SMDS_MeshElement::iterator node = edge->begin_nodes();
SMESH_TNodeXYZ a(edge->GetNode(0));
// --- define a tolerance relative to the length of an edge
double mytol = a.Distance(edge->GetNode(edge->NbNodes()-1))/25;
//mytol = max(1.E-5, 10*edgeTol); // too strict and not necessary
//MESSAGE("mytol = " << mytol);
for ( size_t i = 0; i < newNodes.size(); ++i, ++node )
TNodeNodeMap::iterator n2nIt = n2n->insert( make_pair( *node, (SMDS_MeshNode*)0 )).first;
TNodeNodeMap::iterator n2nIt = n2n->insert( make_pair( *node, nullptr )).first;
if ( n2nIt->second )
if ( !subShapeIDs.count( n2nIt->second->getshapeId() ))
int sId = n2nIt->second->getshapeId();
if ( sId != shapeID )
if ( vertexIDs.count( sId ))
else if ( !vertexNodes.empty() )
// find an existing vertex node
double checktol = max(1.E-10, 10*edgeTol*edgeTol);
for ( vNIt = vertexNodes.begin(); vNIt != vertexNodes.end(); ++vNIt)
if ( vNIt->SquareDistance( *node ) < checktol)
//MESSAGE("SquareDistance " << vNIt->SquareDistance( *node ) << " checktol " << checktol <<" "<<vNIt->X()<<" "<<vNIt->Y()<<" "<<vNIt->Z());
(*n2nIt).second = vNIt->_node;
vertexNodes.erase( vNIt );
else if ( vNIt->SquareDistance( *node ) < 10*checktol)
MESSAGE("SquareDistance missed" << vNIt->SquareDistance( *node ) << " checktol " << checktol <<" "<<vNIt->X()<<" "<<vNIt->Y()<<" "<<vNIt->Z());
if ( !n2nIt->second )
// find out if node lies on theShape
//double dxyz[4];
tmpNode->setXYZ( (*node)->X(), (*node)->Y(), (*node)->Z());
if ( helper.CheckNodeU( geomEdge, tmpNode, u, mytol, /*force=*/true)) // , dxyz )) // dxyz used for debug purposes
// find out if the node lies on theShape
SMESH_NodeXYZ xyz = *node;
double dist2, u;
if ( curveProjector.IsOnCurve( xyz, dist2, u ))
SMDS_MeshNode* newNode = tgtMesh->AddNode( (*node)->X(), (*node)->Y(), (*node)->Z());
n2nIt->second = newNode;
tgtMesh->SetNodeOnEdge( newNode, shapeID, u );
//MESSAGE("u=" << u << " " << newNode->X()<< " " << newNode->Y()<< " " << newNode->Z());
//MESSAGE("d=" << dxyz[0] << " " << dxyz[1] << " " << dxyz[2] << " " << dxyz[3]);
// tolerance relative to the length of surrounding edges
double mytol2 = getMinEdgeLength2( *node ) / 25 / 25;
if ( dist2 < mytol2 )
SMDS_MeshNode* newNode = tgtMesh->AddNode( xyz.X(), xyz.Y(), xyz.Z() );
n2nIt->second = newNode;
tgtMesh->SetNodeOnEdge( newNode, shapeID, u );
if ( !(newNodes[i] = n2nIt->second ))
@ -763,12 +1055,17 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape & th
newEdge = tgtMesh->AddEdge( newNodes[0], newNodes[1], newNodes[2] );
newEdge = tgtMesh->AddEdge( newNodes[0], newNodes[1]);
//MESSAGE("add Edge " << newNodes[0]->GetID() << " " << newNodes[1]->GetID());
tgtMesh->SetMeshElementOnShape( newEdge, shapeID );
e2e->insert( make_pair( edge, newEdge ));
if ( nbNodesOnVertex >= 2 ) // EDGE is meshed by a sole segment
iG = srcGroups.size(); // stop looingp on groups
} // loop on group contents
} // loop on groups
if ( n2n->empty())
return error("Empty source groups");
@ -324,8 +324,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape &
const SMDS_MeshElement* face = srcElems->next();
SMDS_MeshElement::iterator node = face->begin_nodes();
if ( bndBox3d.IsOut( SMESH_TNodeXYZ( *node )))
if ( bndBox3d.IsOut( SMESH_NodeXYZ( face->GetNode(0) )))
// find or create nodes of a new face
@ -334,13 +333,14 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape &
newNodes.back() = 0;
int nbCreatedNodes = 0;
bool isOut = false, isIn = false; // if at least one node isIn - do not classify other nodes
for ( size_t i = 0; i < newNodes.size(); ++i, ++node )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < newNodes.size(); ++i )
SMESH_TNodeXYZ nXYZ = *node;
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = face->GetNode( i );
SMESH_NodeXYZ nXYZ = node;
nodeState[ i ] = TopAbs_UNKNOWN;
newNodes [ i ] = 0;
it_isnew = n2n->insert( make_pair( *node, (SMDS_MeshNode*)0 ));
it_isnew = n2n->insert( make_pair( node, nullptr ));
n2nIt = it_isnew.first;
const SMDS_MeshNode* & newNode = n2nIt->second;
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape &
if ( newNode->GetID() < (int) isNodeIn.size() &&
isNodeIn[ newNode->GetID() ])
isIn = true;
if ( !isIn && bndNodes.count( *node ))
if ( !isIn && bndNodes.count( node ))
nodeState[ i ] = TopAbs_ON;
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape &
// find out if node lies on the surface of theShape
gp_XY uv( Precision::Infinite(), 0 );
isOut = ( !helper.CheckNodeUV( geomFace, *node, uv, groupTol, /*force=*/true ) ||
isOut = ( !helper.CheckNodeUV( geomFace, node, uv, groupTol, /*force=*/true ) ||
bndBox2d.IsOut( uv ));
//int iCoo;
if ( !isOut && !isIn ) // classify
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape &
nodeState[i] = classifier.Perform( uv ); //classifier.Perform( geomFace, uv, clsfTol );
//nodeState[i] = classifier.State();
isOut = ( nodeState[i] == TopAbs_OUT );
if ( isOut && helper.IsOnSeam( uv ) && onEdgeClassifier.IsSatisfy( (*node)->GetID() ))
if ( isOut && helper.IsOnSeam( uv ) && onEdgeClassifier.IsSatisfy( node->GetID() ))
// uv.SetCoord( iCoo, helper.GetOtherParam( uv.Coord( iCoo )));
// classifier.Perform( geomFace, uv, clsfTol );
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape &
isNodeIn.resize( newNode->GetID() + 1, false );
if ( nodeState[i] == TopAbs_ON )
bndNodes.insert( *node );
bndNodes.insert( node );
else if ( nodeState[i] != TopAbs_UNKNOWN )
isNodeIn[ newNode->GetID() ] = isIn = true;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user