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synced 2025-03-14 19:51:16 +05:00
Fix spns #36624 . Improve CGNS import by creating boundary conditions as groups of faces (or edges) even if they as stored as Vertex ids
Works in 2D and 3D with structured and unstructured zones. TODO: add tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ namespace
ids[2] = NodeID( i+1, j+1 );
ids[3] = NodeID( i+1, j );
void IFaceNodes( int i, int j, int k, cgsize_t* ids ) const // face perpendiculaire to X (3D)
void IFaceNodes( int i, int j, int k, cgsize_t* ids ) const // face perpendicular to X (3D)
ids[0] = NodeID( i, j, k );
ids[1] = ids[0] + _sizeX*( i==_sizeX ? 1 : _sizeY );
@ -136,14 +136,14 @@ namespace
ids[2] = ids[0] + _sizeX + 1;
ids[3] = ids[0] + ( k==_sizeZ ? _sizeX : 1);
void IEdgeNodes( int i, int j, int /*k*/, cgsize_t* ids ) const // edge perpendiculaire to X (2D)
void IEdgeNodes( int i, int j, int /*k*/, cgsize_t* ids ) const // edge perpendicular to X (2D)
ids[0] = NodeID( i, j, 0 );
ids[0] = NodeID( i, j);
ids[1] = ids[0] + _sizeX;
void JEdgeNodes( int i, int j, int /*k*/, cgsize_t* ids ) const
ids[0] = NodeID( i, j, 0 );
ids[0] = NodeID( i, j);
ids[1] = ids[0] + 1;
#define gpXYZ2IJK(METHOD) \
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ namespace
* \brief Finds an existing boundary element
* \brief Finds an existing boundary element given its nodes ids
@ -628,9 +628,82 @@ namespace
MESSAGE("First node not found");
return 0;
* \brief Helper function for findElements
bool isAllNodesCommon(int nbChecked, int nbCommon, int nbNodes, int /*nbCorners*/,
bool & toStopChecking )
// Code from SMESH_Mesh_i
// TODO: factorize it in SMESHDS_Mesh
toStopChecking = ( nbCommon < nbChecked );
return nbCommon == nbNodes;
* \brief Finds existing boundary elements given all their nodes ids
void findElements(const vector<cgsize_t> &nodeIDs,
const SMESHDS_Mesh* aMeshDS,
const SMDSAbs_ElementType anElemType,
SMDS_MeshGroup& resGroupCore)
// Get elements of theElemType based on all nodes of elements of group
// Code adapted from SMESH_Mesh_i::CreateDimGroup
// TODO: factorize it in SMESHDS_Mesh
const SMDS_MeshNode* n;
int nbChecked, nbCommon, nbNodes, nbCorners;
int nbNodesInGroup = nodeIDs.size();
cgsize_t maxNodeIdInGroup = *max_element(std::begin(nodeIDs), std::end(nodeIDs));
vector<bool> isNodeInGroups(maxNodeIdInGroup);
// initialize isNodeInGroups
for ( cgsize_t nodeID : nodeIDs )
isNodeInGroups[nodeID] = true;
vector<bool> isElemChecked( aMeshDS->MaxElementID() + 1 );
for ( int iN = 0; iN < nbNodesInGroup; ++iN )
n = aMeshDS->FindNode( nodeIDs[iN] );
// check nodes of elements of theElemType around n
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elOfTypeIt = n->GetInverseElementIterator( anElemType );
while ( elOfTypeIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elOfType = elOfTypeIt->next();
vector<bool>::reference isChecked = isElemChecked[ elOfType->GetID() ];
if ( isChecked )
isChecked = true;
nbNodes = elOfType->NbNodes();
nbCorners = elOfType->NbCornerNodes();
nbCommon = 0;
bool toStopChecking = false;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = elOfType->nodesIterator();
for ( nbChecked = 1; nIt->more() && !toStopChecking; ++nbChecked )
const smIdType nID = nIt->next()->GetID();
if ( nID<=maxNodeIdInGroup && isNodeInGroups[ nID ] &&
isAllNodesCommon( nbChecked, ++nbCommon, nbNodes, nbCorners, toStopChecking ))
resGroupCore.Add( elOfType );
} // namespace
@ -666,6 +739,8 @@ Driver_Mesh::Status DriverCGNS_Read::Perform()
myMeshName = meshName;
MESSAGE("myMeshName: " << myMeshName);
MESSAGE("spaceDim: " << spaceDim);
MESSAGE("meshDim: " << meshDim);
// read nb of domains (Zone_t) in the mesh
@ -798,6 +873,9 @@ Driver_Mesh::Status DriverCGNS_Read::Perform()
int nbI = zone._sizeX - 1, nbJ = zone._sizeY - 1, nbK = zone._sizeZ - 1;
cgsize_t nID[8];
MESSAGE("nbI: "<< nbI);
MESSAGE("nbJ: "<< nbJ);
MESSAGE("nbK: "<< nbK);
if ( meshDim > 2 && nbK > 0 )
for ( int k = 1; k <= nbK; ++k )
@ -1035,9 +1113,28 @@ Driver_Mesh::Status DriverCGNS_Read::Perform()
addMessage( cg_get_error() );
SMDSAbs_ElementType elemType = SMDSAbs_All;
switch ( location ) {
case CGNS_ENUMV( Vertex ): elemType = SMDSAbs_Node; break;
case CGNS_ENUMV( Vertex ):
// if the BC info is stored on Vertex, create BC group on meshDim-1
MESSAGE(" case CGNS_ENUMV( Vertex )");
if ( meshDim == 3)
elemType = SMDSAbs_Face;
MESSAGE(" meshDim == 3 => elemType = SMDSAbs_Face");
else if ( meshDim == 2 )
elemType = SMDSAbs_Edge;
MESSAGE(" meshDim == 2 => elemType = SMDSAbs_Edge");
elemType = SMDSAbs_Node;
MESSAGE(" meshDim == 1 => elemType = SMDSAbs_Node");
case CGNS_ENUMV( FaceCenter ): elemType = SMDSAbs_Face; break;
case CGNS_ENUMV( IFaceCenter ): elemType = SMDSAbs_Face; break;
case CGNS_ENUMV( JFaceCenter ): elemType = SMDSAbs_Face; break;
@ -1045,148 +1142,159 @@ Driver_Mesh::Status DriverCGNS_Read::Perform()
case CGNS_ENUMV( EdgeCenter ): elemType = SMDSAbs_Edge; break;
// add group of elemType on Mesh
SMESHDS_Group* group = new SMESHDS_Group ( groupID++, myMesh, elemType );
myMesh->AddGroup( group );
SMESH_Comment groupName( name ); groupName << " " << cg_BCTypeName( bcType );
SMESH_Comment groupName( name );
// add the BC type to the name of the group
// because sometimes BCs with the same name group has different types
if (bcType)
groupName << " " << cg_BCTypeName( bcType );
MESSAGE(" groupName: " << groupName);
MESSAGE(" elemType: " << elemType);
group->SetStoreName( groupName.c_str() );
SMDS_MeshGroup& groupDS = group->SMDSGroup();
if ( elemType == SMDSAbs_Node )
if ( zone.IsStructured() )
if ( zone.IsStructured() )
MESSAGE(" zone.IsStructured()");
MESSAGE("ids.size(): " << ids.size() );
MESSAGE("I Index Range : " << ids[0] << " " << ids[0+meshDim] );
MESSAGE("J Index Range : " << ids[1] << " " << ids[1+meshDim] );
if (meshDim == 3)
MESSAGE("K Index Range : " << ids[2] << " " << ids[2+meshDim] );
int axis = 0; // axis perpendicular to which boundary elements are oriented
if ( (int) ids.size() >= meshDim * 2 )
vector< cgsize_t > nodeIds;
if ( psType == CGNS_ENUMV( PointRange ))
// nodes are given as (ijkMin, ijkMax)
TPointRangeIterator idIt( & ids[0], meshDim );
nodeIds.reserve( idIt.Size() );
while ( idIt.More() )
nodeIds.push_back( zone.NodeID( idIt.Next() ));
// nodes are given as (ijk1, ijk2, ..., ijkN)
nodeIds.reserve( ids.size() / meshDim );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < ids.size(); i += meshDim )
nodeIds.push_back( zone.NodeID( ids[i], ids[i+1], ids[i+2] ));
ids.swap( nodeIds );
for ( ; axis < meshDim; ++axis )
if ( ids[axis] - ids[axis+meshDim] == 0 )
else if ( zone._nodeIdShift )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < ids.size(); ++i )
ids[i] += zone._nodeIdShift;
for ( ; axis < meshDim; ++axis )
if ( normIndex[axis] != 0 )
if ( axis == meshDim )
addMessage( SMESH_Comment("axis could not be guessed from BC's range or normIndex for ") << name );
MESSAGE(" axis : " << axis);
const int nbElemNodesByDim[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8 };
const int nbElemNodes = nbElemNodesByDim[ meshDim ];
if ( psType == CGNS_ENUMV( PointRange ) ||
psType == CGNS_ENUMV( ElementRange ))
// elements are given as (ijkMin, ijkMax)
MESSAGE(" elements are given as (ijkMin, ijkMax)");
typedef void (TZoneData::*PGetNodesFun)( const gp_XYZ& ijk, cgsize_t* ids ) const;
PGetNodesFun getNodesFun = 0;
if ( meshDim == 3 )
switch ( axis ) {
case 0: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::IFaceNodes; break;
case 1: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::JFaceNodes; break;
case 2: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::KFaceNodes; break;
else if ( meshDim == 2 )
switch ( axis ) {
case 0: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::IEdgeNodes; break;
case 1: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::JEdgeNodes; break;
if ( !getNodesFun )
addMessage( SMESH_Comment("Unsupported BC location in BC ") << name
<< " " << cg_GridLocationName( location )
<< " in " << meshDim << " mesh");
// Set last id -1 for other axes
// (otherwise, we are outside the mesh, since getNodesFun is meant for i, j, k on cells centers
// and we use it for i, j, k points)
if (location == CGNS_ENUMV( Vertex ))
if (axis!=0)
ids[meshDim] = ids[meshDim]-1;
if (axis!=1)
ids[1+meshDim] = ids[1+meshDim]-1;
if (meshDim == 3 && axis!=2)
ids[2+meshDim] = ids[2+meshDim]-1;
TPointRangeIterator rangeIt( & ids[0], meshDim );
vector< cgsize_t > elemNodeIds( rangeIt.Size() * nbElemNodes );
for ( int i = 0; rangeIt.More(); i+= nbElemNodes )
(zone.*getNodesFun)( rangeIt.Next(), &elemNodeIds[i] );
ids.swap( elemNodeIds );
// elements are given as (ijk1, ijk2, ..., ijkN)
MESSAGE("elements are given as (ijk1, ijk2, ..., ijkN)");
typedef void (TZoneData::*PGetNodesFun)( int i, int j, int k, cgsize_t* ids ) const;
PGetNodesFun getNodesFun = 0;
if ( elemType == SMDSAbs_Face )
switch ( axis ) {
case 0: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::IFaceNodes; break;
case 1: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::JFaceNodes; break;
case 2: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::KFaceNodes; break;
else if ( elemType == SMDSAbs_Edge && meshDim == 2 )
switch ( axis ) {
case 0: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::IEdgeNodes; break;
case 1: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::JEdgeNodes; break;
if ( !getNodesFun )
addMessage( SMESH_Comment("Unsupported BC location in BC ") << name
<< " " << cg_GridLocationName( location )
<< " in " << meshDim << " mesh");
vector< cgsize_t > elemNodeIds( ids.size()/meshDim * nbElemNodes );
for ( size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < ids.size(); i += meshDim, j += nbElemNodes )
(zone.*getNodesFun)( ids[i], ids[i+1], ids[i+2], &elemNodeIds[j] );
ids.swap( elemNodeIds );
zone.ReplaceNodes( &ids[0], ids.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < ids.size(); ++i )
if ( const SMDS_MeshNode* n = myMesh->FindNode( ids[i] ))
groupDS.Add( n );
else // BC applied to elements
if ( zone.IsStructured() )
PAddElemFun addElemFun = 0;
switch ( meshDim )
int axis = 0; // axis perpendiculaire to which boundary elements are oriented
if ( (int) ids.size() >= meshDim * 2 )
for ( ; axis < meshDim; ++axis )
if ( ids[axis] - ids[axis+meshDim] == 0 )
for ( ; axis < meshDim; ++axis )
if ( normIndex[axis] != 0 )
if ( axis == meshDim )
addMessage( SMESH_Comment("Invalid NormalIndex in BC ") << name );
const int nbElemNodesByDim[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8 };
const int nbElemNodes = nbElemNodesByDim[ meshDim ];
if ( psType == CGNS_ENUMV( PointRange ) ||
psType == CGNS_ENUMV( ElementRange ))
// elements are given as (ijkMin, ijkMax)
typedef void (TZoneData::*PGetNodesFun)( const gp_XYZ& ijk, cgsize_t* ids ) const;
PGetNodesFun getNodesFun = 0;
if ( elemType == SMDSAbs_Face && meshDim == 3 )
switch ( axis ) {
case 0: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::IFaceNodes; break;
case 1: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::JFaceNodes; break;
case 2: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::KFaceNodes; break;
else if ( elemType == SMDSAbs_Edge && meshDim == 2 )
switch ( axis ) {
case 0: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::IEdgeNodes; break;
case 1: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::JEdgeNodes; break;
if ( !getNodesFun )
addMessage( SMESH_Comment("Unsupported BC location in BC ") << name
<< " " << cg_GridLocationName( location )
<< " in " << meshDim << " mesh");
TPointRangeIterator rangeIt( & ids[0], meshDim );
vector< cgsize_t > elemNodeIds( rangeIt.Size() * nbElemNodes );
for ( int i = 0; rangeIt.More(); i+= nbElemNodes )
(zone.*getNodesFun)( rangeIt.Next(), &elemNodeIds[i] );
ids.swap( elemNodeIds );
// elements are given as (ijk1, ijk2, ..., ijkN)
typedef void (TZoneData::*PGetNodesFun)( int i, int j, int k, cgsize_t* ids ) const;
PGetNodesFun getNodesFun = 0;
if ( elemType == SMDSAbs_Face )
switch ( axis ) {
case 0: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::IFaceNodes; break;
case 1: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::JFaceNodes; break;
case 2: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::KFaceNodes; break;
else if ( elemType == SMDSAbs_Edge && meshDim == 2 )
switch ( axis ) {
case 0: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::IEdgeNodes; break;
case 1: getNodesFun = & TZoneData::JEdgeNodes; break;
if ( !getNodesFun )
addMessage( SMESH_Comment("Unsupported BC location in BC ") << name
<< " " << cg_GridLocationName( location )
<< " in " << meshDim << " mesh");
vector< cgsize_t > elemNodeIds( ids.size()/meshDim * nbElemNodes );
for ( size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < ids.size(); i += meshDim, j += nbElemNodes )
(zone.*getNodesFun)( ids[i], ids[i+1], ids[i+2], &elemNodeIds[j] );
ids.swap( elemNodeIds );
zone.ReplaceNodes( &ids[0], ids.size() );
PAddElemFun addElemFun = 0;
switch ( meshDim ) {
case 1: addElemFun = & add_BAR_2; break;
case 2: addElemFun = & add_QUAD_4; break;
case 3: addElemFun = & add_HEXA_8; break;
smIdType elemID = meshInfo.NbElements();
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < ids.size(); i += nbElemNodes )
if ( iZone == 1 || !( elem = findElement( &ids[i], nbElemNodes, myMesh )))
elem = addElemFun( &ids[i], myMesh, ++elemID );
groupDS.Add( elem );
case 1: addElemFun = & add_0D; break;
case 2: addElemFun = & add_BAR_2; break;
case 3: addElemFun = & add_QUAD_4; break;
else // unstructured zone
smIdType elemID = meshInfo.NbElements();
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = 0;
MESSAGE(" adding elements to group given their nodes");
for ( size_t i = 0; i < ids.size(); i += nbElemNodes )
if ( iZone == 1 || !( elem = findElement( &ids[i], nbElemNodes, myMesh )))
elem = addElemFun( &ids[i], myMesh, ++elemID );
if (elem)
groupDS.Add( elem );
MESSAGE(" group on structured zone. " << groupDS.Extent() << " elements have been added to " << groupName);
MESSAGE(" end of adding elements to group");
else // unstructured zone
if (location == CGNS_ENUMV( Vertex ))
// ids are ids of all nodes, not stored element by element
// so we can't use findElement
// => Use findElements adapted from CreateDimGroup instead
findElements(ids, myMesh, elemType, groupDS);
MESSAGE(" group on unstructured zone. " << groupDS.Extent() << " elements have been added to " << groupName);
if ( zone._elemIdShift )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < ids.size(); ++i )
Reference in New Issue
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