mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 15:05:38 +05:00
22359: Body Fitting algorithm: grid orientation
Fix a crash in the release mode + // Creation of this class disables vtkMatplotlibMathTextUtilities + struct MPLMathText_Disabler : protected vtkMatplotlibMathTextUtilities
This commit is contained in:
@ -181,7 +181,23 @@
// of auto-color picking up
// REMOVE the code about MPLMathText_Disabler if it does not complite at porting to ParaView-4.1
#include <vtkMatplotlibMathTextUtilities.h>
// Creation of this class disables vtkMatplotlibMathTextUtilities
struct MPLMathText_Disabler : protected vtkMatplotlibMathTextUtilities
vtkMatplotlibMathTextUtilities::MPLMathTextAvailable =
// Declarations
void ImportMeshesFromFile(SMESH::SMESH_Gen_ptr theComponentMesh,
@ -195,7 +211,6 @@
void Control( int theCommandID );
// Definitions
void ImportMeshesFromFile( SMESH::SMESH_Gen_ptr theComponentMesh,
@ -1698,190 +1713,190 @@
QString RefType = CheckTypeObject(selected.First());
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It(selected);
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next())
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
QString Type = CheckTypeObject(IObject);
if (Type.compare(RefType) != 0)
return "Heterogeneous Selection";
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
QString Type = CheckTypeObject(IObject);
if (Type.compare(RefType) != 0)
return "Heterogeneous Selection";
return RefType;
} //namespace
void SMESHGUI::OnEditDelete()
void SMESHGUI::OnEditDelete()
// VSR 17/11/04: check if all objects selected belong to SMESH component --> start
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected; aSel->selectedObjects( selected, QString::null, false );
_PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::GetActiveStudyDocument();
_PTR(StudyBuilder) aStudyBuilder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
_PTR(AttributeIOR) anIOR;
int objectCount = 0;
QString aNameList;
QString aParentComponent = QString::null;
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO;
for( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt( selected ); anIt.More(); anIt.Next() )
// VSR 17/11/04: check if all objects selected belong to SMESH component --> start
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected; aSel->selectedObjects( selected, QString::null, false );
_PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::GetActiveStudyDocument();
_PTR(StudyBuilder) aStudyBuilder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
_PTR(AttributeIOR) anIOR;
int objectCount = 0;
QString aNameList;
QString aParentComponent = QString::null;
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO;
for( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt( selected ); anIt.More(); anIt.Next() )
anIO = anIt.Value();
QString cur = anIO->getComponentDataType();
_PTR(SObject) aSO = aStudy->FindObjectID(anIO->getEntry());
if (aSO) {
// check if object is reference
_PTR(SObject) aRefSObj;
aNameList.append("\n - ");
if ( aSO->ReferencedObject( aRefSObj ) ) {
QString aRefName = QString::fromStdString ( aRefSObj->GetName() );
aNameList.append( aRefName );
cur = QString::fromStdString ( aRefSObj->GetFatherComponent()->ComponentDataType() );
anIO = anIt.Value();
QString cur = anIO->getComponentDataType();
_PTR(SObject) aSO = aStudy->FindObjectID(anIO->getEntry());
if (aSO) {
// check if object is reference
_PTR(SObject) aRefSObj;
aNameList.append("\n - ");
if ( aSO->ReferencedObject( aRefSObj ) ) {
QString aRefName = QString::fromStdString ( aRefSObj->GetName() );
aNameList.append( aRefName );
cur = QString::fromStdString ( aRefSObj->GetFatherComponent()->ComponentDataType() );
if( aParentComponent.isNull() )
aParentComponent = cur;
else if( !aParentComponent.isEmpty() && aParentComponent!=cur )
aParentComponent = "";
if ( objectCount == 0 )
return; // No Valid Objects Selected
if ( aParentComponent != SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->name() ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
QObject::tr("NON_SMESH_OBJECTS_SELECTED").arg( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->moduleName() ) );
// VSR 17/11/04: check if all objects selected belong to SMESH component <-- finish
if (SUIT_MessageBox::warning
QObject::tr("SMESH_REALLY_DELETE").arg( objectCount ).arg( aNameList ),
SUIT_MessageBox::Yes | SUIT_MessageBox::No,
SUIT_MessageBox::Yes) != SUIT_MessageBox::Yes)
SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
// Put the whole hierarchy of sub-objects of the selected SO's into a list and
// then treat them all starting from the deepest objects (at list back)
std::list< _PTR(SObject) > listSO;
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It(selected);
for( ; It.More(); It.Next()) // loop on selected IO's
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
if(IObject->hasEntry()) {
_PTR(SObject) aSO = aStudy->FindObjectID(IObject->getEntry());
// disable removal of "SMESH" component object
if(aSO->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR")){
anIOR = anAttr;
if ( engineIOR() == anIOR->Value().c_str() )
//Check the referenced object
_PTR(SObject) aRefSObject;
if ( aSO && aSO->ReferencedObject( aRefSObject ) )
aSO = aRefSObject; // Delete main Object instead of reference
listSO.push_back( aSO );
std::list< _PTR(SObject) >::iterator itSO = --listSO.end();
for ( ; itSO != listSO.end(); ++itSO ) {
_PTR(ChildIterator) it = aStudy->NewChildIterator( *itSO );
for (it->InitEx(false); it->More(); it->Next())
listSO.push_back( it->Value() );
// Check if none of objects to delete is referred from outside
std::list< _PTR(SObject) >::reverse_iterator ritSO;
for ( ritSO = listSO.rbegin(); ritSO != listSO.rend(); ++ritSO )
_PTR(SObject) SO = *ritSO;
if ( !SO ) continue;
std::vector<_PTR(SObject)> aReferences = aStudy->FindDependances( *ritSO );
for (size_t i = 0; i < aReferences.size(); i++) {
_PTR(SComponent) aComponent = aReferences[i]->GetFatherComponent();
std::string type = aComponent->ComponentDataType();
if ( type != "SMESH" )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( anApp->desktop(),
QObject::tr("DEP_OBJECT") );
return; // outside SMESH, there is an object depending on a SMESH object
// Call mesh->Clear() to prevent loading mesh from file caused by hypotheses removal
for( It.Initialize( selected ); It.More(); It.Next()) // loop on selected IO's
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface< SMESH::SMESH_Mesh >( IObject );
if ( !mesh->_is_nil() )
// Treat SO's in the list starting from the back
aStudyBuilder->NewCommand(); // There is a transaction
for ( ritSO = listSO.rbegin(); ritSO != listSO.rend(); ++ritSO )
_PTR(SObject) SO = *ritSO;
if ( !SO ) continue;
std::string anEntry = SO->GetID();
/** Erase graphical object and remove all its data **/
if(SO->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR")) {
SMESH::RemoveVisualObjectWithActors( anEntry.c_str(), true);
/** Remove an object from data structures **/
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( SMESH::SObjectToObject( SO ));
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow( SMESH::SObjectToObject( SO ));
if ( !aGroup->_is_nil() ) { // DELETE GROUP
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = aGroup->GetMesh();
aMesh->RemoveGroup( aGroup );
else if ( !aSubMesh->_is_nil() ) { // DELETE SUBMESH
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = aSubMesh->GetFather();
aMesh->RemoveSubMesh( aSubMesh );
_PTR(SObject) aMeshSO = SMESH::FindSObject(aMesh);
if (aMeshSO)
SMESH::ModifiedMesh(aMeshSO, false, aMesh->NbNodes()==0);
else {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = new SALOME_InteractiveObject
( anEntry.c_str(), engineIOR().toLatin1().data(), SO->GetName().c_str() );
QString objType = CheckTypeObject(IObject);
if ( objType == "Hypothesis" || objType == "Algorithm" ) {// DELETE HYPOTHESIS
aStudyBuilder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( SO );
else {// default action: remove SObject from the study
// san - it's no use opening a transaction here until UNDO/REDO is provided in SMESH
//SUIT_Operation *op = new SALOMEGUI_ImportOperation(myActiveStudy);
aStudyBuilder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( SO );
} /* listSO back loop */
/* Clear any previous selection */
aSel->setSelectedObjects( l1 );
if( aParentComponent.isNull() )
aParentComponent = cur;
else if( !aParentComponent.isEmpty() && aParentComponent!=cur )
aParentComponent = "";
//} namespace
if ( objectCount == 0 )
return; // No Valid Objects Selected
if ( aParentComponent != SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->name() ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
QObject::tr("NON_SMESH_OBJECTS_SELECTED").arg( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->moduleName() ) );
// VSR 17/11/04: check if all objects selected belong to SMESH component <-- finish
if (SUIT_MessageBox::warning
QObject::tr("SMESH_REALLY_DELETE").arg( objectCount ).arg( aNameList ),
SUIT_MessageBox::Yes | SUIT_MessageBox::No,
SUIT_MessageBox::Yes) != SUIT_MessageBox::Yes)
SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
// Put the whole hierarchy of sub-objects of the selected SO's into a list and
// then treat them all starting from the deepest objects (at list back)
std::list< _PTR(SObject) > listSO;
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It(selected);
for( ; It.More(); It.Next()) // loop on selected IO's
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
if(IObject->hasEntry()) {
_PTR(SObject) aSO = aStudy->FindObjectID(IObject->getEntry());
// disable removal of "SMESH" component object
if(aSO->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR")){
anIOR = anAttr;
if ( engineIOR() == anIOR->Value().c_str() )
//Check the referenced object
_PTR(SObject) aRefSObject;
if ( aSO && aSO->ReferencedObject( aRefSObject ) )
aSO = aRefSObject; // Delete main Object instead of reference
listSO.push_back( aSO );
std::list< _PTR(SObject) >::iterator itSO = --listSO.end();
for ( ; itSO != listSO.end(); ++itSO ) {
_PTR(ChildIterator) it = aStudy->NewChildIterator( *itSO );
for (it->InitEx(false); it->More(); it->Next())
listSO.push_back( it->Value() );
// Check if none of objects to delete is referred from outside
std::list< _PTR(SObject) >::reverse_iterator ritSO;
for ( ritSO = listSO.rbegin(); ritSO != listSO.rend(); ++ritSO )
_PTR(SObject) SO = *ritSO;
if ( !SO ) continue;
std::vector<_PTR(SObject)> aReferences = aStudy->FindDependances( *ritSO );
for (size_t i = 0; i < aReferences.size(); i++) {
_PTR(SComponent) aComponent = aReferences[i]->GetFatherComponent();
std::string type = aComponent->ComponentDataType();
if ( type != "SMESH" )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( anApp->desktop(),
QObject::tr("DEP_OBJECT") );
return; // outside SMESH, there is an object depending on a SMESH object
// Call mesh->Clear() to prevent loading mesh from file caused by hypotheses removal
for( It.Initialize( selected ); It.More(); It.Next()) // loop on selected IO's
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface< SMESH::SMESH_Mesh >( IObject );
if ( !mesh->_is_nil() )
// Treat SO's in the list starting from the back
aStudyBuilder->NewCommand(); // There is a transaction
for ( ritSO = listSO.rbegin(); ritSO != listSO.rend(); ++ritSO )
_PTR(SObject) SO = *ritSO;
if ( !SO ) continue;
std::string anEntry = SO->GetID();
/** Erase graphical object and remove all its data **/
if(SO->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR")) {
SMESH::RemoveVisualObjectWithActors( anEntry.c_str(), true);
/** Remove an object from data structures **/
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( SMESH::SObjectToObject( SO ));
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow( SMESH::SObjectToObject( SO ));
if ( !aGroup->_is_nil() ) { // DELETE GROUP
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = aGroup->GetMesh();
aMesh->RemoveGroup( aGroup );
else if ( !aSubMesh->_is_nil() ) { // DELETE SUBMESH
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = aSubMesh->GetFather();
aMesh->RemoveSubMesh( aSubMesh );
_PTR(SObject) aMeshSO = SMESH::FindSObject(aMesh);
if (aMeshSO)
SMESH::ModifiedMesh(aMeshSO, false, aMesh->NbNodes()==0);
else {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = new SALOME_InteractiveObject
( anEntry.c_str(), engineIOR().toLatin1().data(), SO->GetName().c_str() );
QString objType = CheckTypeObject(IObject);
if ( objType == "Hypothesis" || objType == "Algorithm" ) {// DELETE HYPOTHESIS
aStudyBuilder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( SO );
else {// default action: remove SObject from the study
// san - it's no use opening a transaction here until UNDO/REDO is provided in SMESH
//SUIT_Operation *op = new SALOMEGUI_ImportOperation(myActiveStudy);
aStudyBuilder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( SO );
} /* listSO back loop */
/* Clear any previous selection */
aSel->setSelectedObjects( l1 );
extern "C" {
SMESHGUI_EXPORT CAM_Module* createModule()
@ -1939,6 +1954,8 @@ SalomeApp_Module( "SMESH" )
/* load resources for all available meshers */
MPLMathText_Disabler d; // disable vtkMatplotlibMathTextUtilities
Reference in New Issue
Block a user