mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 23:07:55 +05:00
0020464: EDF 1100 SMESH: Performance issue of the function MoveNode
0020139: EDF 944 SMESH : Get 2D/3D element with X, Y, Z coordinates optimize for performance
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,19 +30,37 @@
* \brief SMESH_Octree Constructor
* \param maxLevel - The level max the octree can reach (If <0 unlimited)
* Constructor. limit must be provided at tree root construction.
* limit will be deleted by SMESH_Octree.
SMESH_Octree::SMESH_Octree (const int maxLevel, const double minBoxSize):
SMESH_Octree::SMESH_Octree (SMESH_Octree::Limit* limit):
myIsLeaf( false ),
myLimit( limit ),
myBox = new Bnd_B3d();
* \brief Compute the Octree
void SMESH_Octree::compute()
if ( myLevel==0 )
myBox = buildRootBox();
if ( myLimit->myMinBoxSize > 0. && maxSize() <= myLimit->myMinBoxSize )
myIsLeaf = true;
@ -50,85 +68,25 @@ SMESH_Octree::SMESH_Octree (const int maxLevel, const double minBoxSize):
* \brief SMESH_Octree Destructor
SMESH_Octree::~SMESH_Octree ()
if(myChildren != NULL)
for(int i = 0; i<8; i++)
delete myChildren[i];
delete[] myChildren;
myChildren = 0;
delete myBox;
* \brief Set the bounding box of the Octree
* \param box - 3d Bounding Box of the Octree
void SMESH_Octree::setBox(const Bnd_B3d* box)
// delete myBox;
// myBox=new Bnd_B3d(*box);
*myBox = *box;
* \brief Set box to the 3d Bounding Box of the Octree
* \param box - Set box to the 3d Bounding Box of the Octree
void SMESH_Octree::getBox(Bnd_B3d& box)
// if(box != NULL)
// delete box;
// box = new Bnd_B3d (*myBox);
box = *myBox;
* \brief Set the max level of the Octree
* \param maxLevel - The level max the octree can reach (If <0 unlimited)
void SMESH_Octree::setMaxLevel(const int maxLevel)
{myMaxLevel = maxLevel;}
* \brief Compute the bigger dimension of the box
* \param box - 3d Box
* \retval double - bigger dimension of the box
double SMESH_Octree::maxSize(const Bnd_B3d* box)
if(box ==NULL)
return 0;
gp_XYZ min = box->CornerMin();
gp_XYZ max = box->CornerMax();
gp_XYZ Size = (max - min);
double returnVal = (Size.X()>Size.Y())?Size.X():Size.Y();
return (returnVal>Size.Z())?returnVal:Size.Z();
* \brief Compute the Octree
void SMESH_Octree::Compute()
// As soon as the Octree is a Leaf, I stop building his children
if ( myBox )
delete myBox;
myBox = 0;
if ( level() == 0 )
delete myLimit;
myLimit = 0;
@ -136,8 +94,11 @@ void SMESH_Octree::Compute()
* \brief Build the 8 children boxes and call buildChildrenData()
void SMESH_Octree::buildChildren()
if ( isLeaf() ) return;
myChildren = new SMESH_Octree*[8];
gp_XYZ min = myBox->CornerMin();
@ -147,7 +108,6 @@ void SMESH_Octree::buildChildren()
gp_XYZ childHsize = HSize/2.;
Standard_Real XminChild, YminChild, ZminChild;
Bnd_B3d* box;
gp_XYZ minChild;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
@ -166,19 +126,53 @@ void SMESH_Octree::buildChildren()
ZminChild = (i<4)?min.Z():mid.Z();
minChild.SetCoord(XminChild, YminChild, ZminChild);
box = new Bnd_B3d(minChild+childHsize,childHsize);
// The child is of the same type than its father (For instance, a SMESH_OctreeNode)
// We allocate the memory we need for the child
myChildren[i] = allocateOctreeChild();
// and we assign to him its box.
delete box;
myChildren[i]->myFather = this;
myChildren[i]->myLimit = myLimit;
myChildren[i]->myLevel = myLevel + 1;
myChildren[i]->myBox = new Bnd_B3d(minChild+childHsize,childHsize);
if ( myLimit->myMinBoxSize > 0. && myChildren[i]->maxSize() <= myLimit->myMinBoxSize )
myChildren[i]->myIsLeaf = true;
// After building the 8 boxes, we put the data into the children..
// After building the 8 boxes, we put the data into the children.
//After we pass to the next level of the Octree
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (int i = 0; i<8; i++)
* \brief Tell if Octree is a leaf or not
* An inheriting class can influence it via myIsLeaf protected field
bool SMESH_Octree::isLeaf() const
return myIsLeaf || ((myLimit->myMaxLevel > 0) ? (level() >= myLimit->myMaxLevel) : false );
* \brief Compute the bigger dimension of my box
double SMESH_Octree::maxSize() const
if ( myBox )
gp_XYZ min = myBox->CornerMin();
gp_XYZ max = myBox->CornerMax();
gp_XYZ Size = (max - min);
double returnVal = (Size.X()>Size.Y())?Size.X():Size.Y();
return (returnVal>Size.Z())?returnVal:Size.Z();
return 0.;
@ -34,68 +34,90 @@
class SMESH_Octree {
// Constructor
SMESH_Octree (const int maxLevel = -1, const double minBoxSize = 0.);
// Data limiting the tree height
struct Limit {
// MaxLevel of the Octree
int myMaxLevel;
// Minimal size of the Box
double myMinBoxSize;
// Default:
// maxLevel-> 8^8 = 16777216 terminal trees
// minSize -> box size not checked
Limit(int maxLevel=8, double minSize=0.):myMaxLevel(maxLevel),myMinBoxSize(minSize) {}
virtual ~Limit() {} // it can be inherited
// Constructor. limit must be provided at tree root construction.
// limit will be deleted by SMESH_Octree
SMESH_Octree (Limit* limit=0);
// Destructor
virtual ~SMESH_Octree ();
// Tell if Octree is a leaf or not (has to be implemented in inherited classes)
virtual const bool isLeaf() = 0;
// Compute the Octree. Must be called by constructor of inheriting class
void compute();
// Compute the Octree
void Compute();
// Set the maximal level of the Octree
void setMaxLevel(const int maxLevel);
// Set the minimal size of the Box
void setMinBoxSize(const double minBoxSize){myMinBoxSize = minBoxSize;};
// Set the bounding box of the Octree
void setBox(const Bnd_B3d* box);
// Set box to the 3d Bounding Box of the Octree
void getBox(Bnd_B3d & box);
// Compute the bigger dimension of the box
static double maxSize(const Bnd_B3d* box);
// Tell if Octree is a leaf or not.
// An inheriting class can influence it via myIsLeaf protected field
bool isLeaf() const;
// Return its level
int level() const { return myLevel; }
// Get box to the 3d Bounding Box of the Octree
const Bnd_B3d& getBox() const { return *myBox; }
// Compute the bigger dimension of my box
double maxSize() const;
// Return index of a child the given point is in
inline int getChildIndex(double x, double y, double z, const gp_XYZ& boxMiddle)const;
// Constructor for children (has to be implemented in inherited classes)
virtual SMESH_Octree* allocateOctreeChild() = 0;
// Return box of the whole tree
virtual Bnd_B3d* buildRootBox() = 0;
// Build the 8 children boxes
void buildChildren();
// Constructor for children
virtual SMESH_Octree* allocateOctreeChild() const = 0;
// Build the data in the 8 children (has to be implemented in inherited classes)
virtual void buildChildrenData() = 0;
// Build the data in the 8 children
virtual void buildChildrenData() = 0;
// members
// Box of the Octree
Bnd_B3d* myBox;
// Array of 8 Octree children
SMESH_Octree** myChildren;
// Point the father, set to NULL for the level 0
SMESH_Octree* myFather;
// Tell us if the Octree is a leaf or not
bool myIsLeaf;
// Tree limit
const Limit* myLimit;
// Build the 8 children boxes recursively
void buildChildren();
// Level of the Octree
int myLevel;
// MaxLevel of the Octree
int myMaxLevel;
// Minimal size of the Box
double myMinBoxSize;
// Tell us if the Octree is a leaf or not (-1 if not initialized)
int myIsLeaf;
Bnd_B3d* myBox;
* \brief Return index of a child the given point is in
inline int SMESH_Octree::getChildIndex(double x, double y, double z, const gp_XYZ& mid) const
return (x > mid.X()) + ( y > mid.Y())*2 + (z > mid.Z())*4;
@ -46,18 +46,22 @@ using namespace std;
SMESH_OctreeNode::SMESH_OctreeNode (const set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> & theNodes, const int maxLevel,
const int maxNbNodes , const double minBoxSize )
:SMESH_Octree( new SMESH_Octree::Limit( maxLevel,minBoxSize)),
// We need to compute the first bounding box via a special method
myNbNodes = myNodes.size();
myIsLeaf = ((myLevel == myMaxLevel) ||
(myNbNodes <= myMaxNbNodes) ||
(maxSize(myBox) <= myMinBoxSize));
// All the children (Boxes and Data) are computed in Compute()
* \brief Constructor used to allocate a child
SMESH_OctreeNode::SMESH_OctreeNode (int maxNbNodes):
SMESH_Octree(), myMaxNbNodes(maxNbNodes)
@ -65,16 +69,10 @@ SMESH_OctreeNode::SMESH_OctreeNode (const set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> & theNodes,
* \brief Construct an empty SMESH_OctreeNode used by SMESH_Octree::buildChildren()
SMESH_Octree* SMESH_OctreeNode::allocateOctreeChild()
SMESH_Octree* SMESH_OctreeNode::allocateOctreeChild() const
SMESH_OctreeNode * theOctree = new SMESH_OctreeNode();
theOctree->myFather = this;
theOctree->myLevel = myLevel + 1;
theOctree->myMaxLevel = myMaxLevel;
theOctree->myMaxNbNodes = myMaxNbNodes;
theOctree->myMinBoxSize = myMinBoxSize;
theOctree->myNbNodes = 0;
return theOctree;
return new SMESH_OctreeNode(myMaxNbNodes);
@ -84,25 +82,20 @@ SMESH_Octree* SMESH_OctreeNode::allocateOctreeChild()
* We take the max/min coord of the nodes
void SMESH_OctreeNode::computeBoxForFather()
Bnd_B3d* SMESH_OctreeNode::buildRootBox()
Bnd_B3d* box = new Bnd_B3d;
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator it = myNodes.begin();
for (; it != myNodes.end(); it++) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = *it;
gp_XYZ p1( n1->X(), n1->Y(), n1->Z() );
if ( myNodes.size() <= myMaxNbNodes )
myIsLeaf = true;
* \brief Tell if Octree is a leaf or not (has to be implemented in inherited classes)
* \retval - True if the Octree is a leaf
const bool SMESH_OctreeNode::isLeaf()
return myIsLeaf;
return box;
@ -113,19 +106,15 @@ const bool SMESH_OctreeNode::isLeaf()
* \retval bool - True if Node is in the box within precision
const bool SMESH_OctreeNode::isInside (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node, const double precision)
double X = Node->X();
double Y = Node->Y();
double Z = Node->Z();
bool Out = 1 ;
gp_XYZ p (Node->X(),Node->Y(),Node->Z());
if (precision <= 0.)
return !(myBox->IsOut(gp_XYZ(X,Y,Z)));
Bnd_B3d BoxWithPrecision;
return !(getBox().IsOut(p));
Bnd_B3d BoxWithPrecision = getBox();
Out = BoxWithPrecision.IsOut(gp_XYZ(X,Y,Z));
return !(Out);
return ! BoxWithPrecision.IsOut(p);
@ -136,16 +125,15 @@ const bool SMESH_OctreeNode::isInside (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node, const double
void SMESH_OctreeNode::buildChildrenData()
gp_XYZ min = myBox->CornerMin();
gp_XYZ max = myBox->CornerMax();
gp_XYZ min = getBox().CornerMin();
gp_XYZ max = getBox().CornerMax();
gp_XYZ mid = (min + max)/2.;
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator it = myNodes.begin();
int ChildBoxNum;
while (it != myNodes.end())
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = *it;
ChildBoxNum = (n1->X() > mid.X()) + (n1->Y() > mid.Y())*2 + (n1->Z() > mid.Z())*4;
int ChildBoxNum = getChildIndex( n1->X(), n1->Y(), n1->Z(), mid );
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = dynamic_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*> (myChildren[ChildBoxNum]);
myNodes.erase( it );
@ -154,10 +142,8 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::buildChildrenData()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
SMESH_OctreeNode* myChild = dynamic_cast<SMESH_OctreeNode*> (myChildren[i]);
myChild->myNbNodes = (myChild->myNodes).size();
myChild->myIsLeaf = ((myChild->myLevel == myMaxLevel) ||
(myChild->myNbNodes <= myMaxNbNodes) ||
(maxSize(myChild->myBox) <= myMinBoxSize));
if ( myChild->myNodes.size() <= myMaxNbNodes )
myChild->myIsLeaf = true;
@ -175,7 +161,7 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
if (isInside(Node,precision))
if (myIsLeaf)
if (isLeaf())
Result->insert(Result->end(), myNodes.begin(), myNodes.end());
@ -190,6 +176,61 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
* \brief Return in dist2Nodes nodes mapped to their square distance from Node
* \param node - node to find nodes closest to
* \param dist2Nodes - map of found nodes and their distances
* \param precision - radius of a sphere to check nodes inside
* \retval bool - true if an exact overlapping found
bool SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround(const SMDS_MeshNode * node,
map<double, const SMDS_MeshNode*>& dist2Nodes,
double precision)
if ( !dist2Nodes.empty() )
precision = min ( precision, sqrt( dist2Nodes.begin()->first ));
else if ( precision == 0. )
precision = maxSize() / 2;
if (isInside(node,precision))
if (!isLeaf())
// first check a child containing node
gp_XYZ mid = (getBox().CornerMin() + getBox().CornerMax()) / 2.;
int nodeChild = getChildIndex( node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z(), mid );
if ( ((SMESH_OctreeNode*) myChildren[nodeChild])->NodesAround(node, dist2Nodes, precision))
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if ( i != nodeChild )
if (((SMESH_OctreeNode*) myChildren[i])->NodesAround(node, dist2Nodes, precision))
return true;
else if ( NbNodes() > 0 )
double minDist = precision * precision;
gp_Pnt p1 ( node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z() );
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator nIt = myNodes.begin();
for ( ; nIt != myNodes.end(); ++nIt )
gp_Pnt p2 ( (*nIt)->X(), (*nIt)->Y(), (*nIt)->Z() );
double dist2 = p1.SquareDistance( p2 );
if ( dist2 < minDist )
dist2Nodes.insert( make_pair( minDist = dist2, *nIt ));
// if ( dist2Nodes.size() > 1 ) // leave only closest node in dist2Nodes
// dist2Nodes.erase( ++dist2Nodes.begin(), dist2Nodes.end());
return ( sqrt( minDist) <= precision * 1e-12 );
return false;
* \brief Return in theGroupsOfNodes a list of group of nodes close to each other within theTolerance
@ -202,15 +243,14 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::NodesAround (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
* \param maxNbNodes - maximum Nodes in a Leaf of the SMESH_OctreeNode constructed, default value is 5
void SMESH_OctreeNode::FindCoincidentNodes (set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> theSetOfNodes,
void SMESH_OctreeNode::FindCoincidentNodes (set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& theSetOfNodes,
list< list< const SMDS_MeshNode*> >* theGroupsOfNodes,
const double theTolerance,
const int maxLevel,
const int maxNbNodes)
SMESH_OctreeNode* theOctreeNode = new SMESH_OctreeNode(theSetOfNodes, maxLevel, maxNbNodes, theTolerance);
theOctreeNode->FindCoincidentNodes (&theSetOfNodes, theTolerance, theGroupsOfNodes);
delete theOctreeNode;
SMESH_OctreeNode theOctreeNode(theSetOfNodes, maxLevel, maxNbNodes, theTolerance);
theOctreeNode.FindCoincidentNodes (&theSetOfNodes, theTolerance, theGroupsOfNodes);
@ -285,7 +325,7 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::FindCoincidentNodes (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
if (isInsideBool)
// I'm only looking in the leaves, since all the nodes are stored there.
if (myIsLeaf)
if (isLeaf())
gp_Pnt p1 (Node->X(), Node->Y(), Node->Z());
@ -333,6 +373,43 @@ void SMESH_OctreeNode::FindCoincidentNodes (const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
* \brief Update data according to node movement
void SMESH_OctreeNode::UpdateByMoveNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* node, const gp_Pnt& toPnt )
if ( isLeaf() )
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator pNode = myNodes.find( node );
bool nodeInMe = ( pNode != myNodes.end() );
SMDS_MeshNode pointNode( toPnt.X(), toPnt.Y(), toPnt.Z() );
bool pointInMe = isInside( &pointNode, 1e-10 );
if ( pointInMe != nodeInMe )
if ( pointInMe )
myNodes.insert( node );
myNodes.erase( node );
else if ( myChildren )
gp_XYZ mid = (getBox().CornerMin() + getBox().CornerMax()) / 2.;
int nodeChild = getChildIndex( node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z(), mid );
int pointChild = getChildIndex( toPnt.X(), toPnt.Y(), toPnt.Z(), mid );
if ( nodeChild != pointChild )
((SMESH_OctreeNode*) myChildren[ nodeChild ])->UpdateByMoveNode( node, toPnt );
((SMESH_OctreeNode*) myChildren[ pointChild ])->UpdateByMoveNode( node, toPnt );
* \brief Return iterator over children
@ -342,7 +419,7 @@ SMESH_OctreeNodeIteratorPtr SMESH_OctreeNode::GetChildrenIterator()
return SMESH_OctreeNodeIteratorPtr
( new SMDS_SetIterator< SMESH_OctreeNode*, SMESH_Octree** >
( myChildren, ( isLeaf() ? myChildren : &myChildren[ 8 ] )));
( myChildren, (( isLeaf() || !myChildren ) ? myChildren : &myChildren[ 8 ] )));
@ -354,5 +431,5 @@ SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr SMESH_OctreeNode::GetNodeIterator()
return SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr
( new SMDS_SetIterator< SMDS_pNode, set< SMDS_pNode >::const_iterator >
( myNodes.begin(), myNodes.end() ));
( myNodes.begin(), myNodes.size() ? myNodes.end() : myNodes.begin()));
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include "SMDS_ElemIterator.hxx"
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ class SMESH_OctreeNode;
typedef SMDS_Iterator<SMESH_OctreeNode*> SMESH_OctreeNodeIterator;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<SMESH_OctreeNodeIterator> SMESH_OctreeNodeIteratorPtr;
class SMESH_OctreeNode : public SMESH_Octree{
class SMESH_OctreeNode : public SMESH_Octree {
@ -59,9 +60,6 @@ public:
virtual ~SMESH_OctreeNode () {};
// Tells us if SMESH_OctreeNode is a leaf or not (-1 = not initialiazed)
virtual const bool isLeaf();
// Tells us if Node is inside the current box with the precision "precision"
virtual const bool isInside(const SMDS_MeshNode * Node, const double precision = 0.);
@ -70,6 +68,11 @@ public:
std::list<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* Result,
const double precision = 0.);
// Return in dist2Nodes nodes mapped to their square distance from Node
bool NodesAround(const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
std::map<double, const SMDS_MeshNode*>& dist2Nodes,
double precision);
// Return in theGroupsOfNodes a list of group of nodes close to each other within theTolerance
// Search for all the nodes in nodes
void FindCoincidentNodes ( std::set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* nodes,
@ -78,10 +81,15 @@ public:
// Static method that return in theGroupsOfNodes a list of group of nodes close to each other within
// theTolerance search for all the nodes in nodes
static void FindCoincidentNodes ( std::set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodes,
static void FindCoincidentNodes ( std::set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodes,
std::list< std::list< const SMDS_MeshNode*> >* theGroupsOfNodes,
const double theTolerance = 0.00001, const int maxLevel = -1,
const double theTolerance = 0.00001,
const int maxLevel = -1,
const int maxNbNodes = 5);
* \brief Update data according to node movement
void UpdateByMoveNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* node, const gp_Pnt& toPnt );
* \brief Return iterator over children
@ -93,25 +101,20 @@ public:
* \brief Return nb nodes in a tree
int NbNodes() const { return myNbNodes; }
int NbNodes() const { return myNodes.size(); }
* \brief Empty constructor
SMESH_OctreeNode (){};
SMESH_OctreeNode (int maxNbNodes );
// Compute the bounding box of the whole set of nodes myNodes
virtual Bnd_B3d* buildRootBox();
// Shares the father's data with each of his child
virtual void buildChildrenData();
// Compute the bounding box of the whole set of nodes myNodes (only used for OctreeNode level 0)
void computeBoxForFather();
// Construct an empty SMESH_OctreeNode used by SMESH_Octree::buildChildren()
virtual SMESH_Octree* allocateOctreeChild();
virtual SMESH_Octree* allocateOctreeChild() const;
// Return in result a list of nodes closed to Node and remove it from SetOfNodes
void FindCoincidentNodes( const SMDS_MeshNode * Node,
@ -120,13 +123,11 @@ protected:
const double precision);
// The max number of nodes a leaf box can contain
int myMaxNbNodes;
int myMaxNbNodes;
// The set of nodes inside the box of the Octree (Empty if Octree is not a leaf)
std::set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> myNodes;
// The number of nodes I have inside the box
int myNbNodes;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user