mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 00:13:07 +05:00
bos #24596 [CEA] New MeshGems license
This commit is contained in:
@ -537,3 +537,37 @@ Driver_Mesh::Status DriverGMF_Read::storeBadNodeIds(const char* gmfKwd, int elem
return DRS_OK;
* \brief Return number of mesh entities in a file
bool DriverGMF_Read::GetMeshInfo(smIdType & nbNodes,
smIdType & nbEdges,
smIdType & nbFaces,
smIdType & nbVols)
nbNodes = nbEdges = nbFaces = nbVols = 0;
Kernel_Utils::Localizer loc;
int dim, version;
int meshID = GmfOpenMesh( myFile.c_str(), GmfRead, &version, &dim );
if ( !meshID )
return false;
DriverGMF::MeshCloser aMeshCloser( meshID ); // An object closing GMF mesh at destruction
nbNodes = GmfStatKwd(meshID, GmfVertices );
nbEdges = GmfStatKwd(meshID, GmfEdges );
nbFaces = ( GmfStatKwd(meshID, GmfTriangles ) +
GmfStatKwd(meshID, GmfQuadrilaterals ));
nbVols = ( GmfStatKwd(meshID, GmfTetrahedra ) +
GmfStatKwd(meshID, GmfPyramids ) +
GmfStatKwd(meshID, GmfHexahedra ) +
GmfStatKwd(meshID, GmfPrisms ));
return true;
@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ public:
virtual Status Perform();
bool GetMeshInfo(smIdType & nbVertex,
smIdType & nbEdge,
smIdType & nbFace,
smIdType & nbVol);
Status storeBadNodeIds(const char* gmfKwd, int elemNb, int nb, ...);
@ -19,8 +19,11 @@
#include "MG_ADAPT.hxx"
#include "SMESH_File.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
#include <DriverGMF_Read.hxx>
#include <SMESH_Comment.hxx>
#include <SMESH_File.hxx>
#include <SMESH_MGLicenseKeyGen.hxx>
#include <SMESH_TypeDefs.hxx>
#include <MEDFileData.hxx>
#include <MEDFileField.hxx>
@ -1005,7 +1008,7 @@ std::string MgAdapt::getCommandToRun()
cmd += " --";
cmd += " ";
// std::cout << "--- option: '" << option << ", value: '" << value <<"'"<< std::endl;
// std::cout << "--- option: '" << option << ", value: '" << value <<"'"<< std::endl;
cmd += option + " " + value;
@ -1015,13 +1018,31 @@ std::string MgAdapt::getCommandToRun()
cmd+= " --verbose "+ ToComment(verbosityLevel);
//~cmd+= " >"
// get license key
smIdType nbVertex, nbEdge, nbFace, nbVol;
DriverGMF_Read gmfReader;
gmfReader.SetFile( meshIn );
gmfReader.GetMeshInfo( nbVertex, nbEdge, nbFace, nbVol );
std::string errorTxt;
std::string key = SMESHUtils_MGLicenseKeyGen::GetKey( meshIn,
FromSmIdType<int>( nbVertex ),
FromSmIdType<int>( nbEdge ),
FromSmIdType<int>( nbFace ),
FromSmIdType<int>( nbVol ),
errorTxt );
if ( key.empty() )
return ToComment( "Problem with library SalomeMeshGemsKeyGenerator: " + errorTxt );
cmd += " --key " + key;
#ifdef WIN32
cmd += " < NUL";
cmd += " < NUL";
// std::cout << "--- cmd :"<< std::endl;
// std::cout << cmd << std::endl;
// std::cout << "--- cmd :"<< std::endl;
// std::cout << cmd << std::endl;
return cmd;
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ SET(SMESHUtils_HEADERS
# --- sources ---
@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ SET(SMESHUtils_SOURCES
# --- rules ---
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
// Copyright (C) 2007-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESHUtils_MGLicenseKeyGen.cxx
// Created : Sat Jul 31 18:54:16 2021
// Author : Edward AGAPOV (OCC)
#include "SMESH_MGLicenseKeyGen.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
#include "SMESH_File.hxx"
#include "SMESH_TryCatch.hxx"
#include <Basics_DirUtils.hxx>
#include <Basics_Utils.hxx>
#include <regex>
#include <cstdlib> // getenv, system
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
namespace boofs = boost::filesystem;
#ifdef WIN32
# include <windows.h>
# include <process.h>
# define LibHandle HMODULE
# define LoadLib( name ) LoadLibrary( name )
# define GetProc GetProcAddress
# define UnLoadLib( handle ) FreeLibrary( handle );
#else // WIN32
# include <dlfcn.h>
# define LibHandle void*
# define LoadLib( name ) dlopen( name, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL )
# define GetProc dlsym
# define UnLoadLib( handle ) dlclose( handle );
#endif // WIN32
// to retrieve description of exception caught by SMESH_TRY
#define SMESH_CAUGHT error =
static LibHandle theLibraryHandle = nullptr; //!< handle of a loaded library
const char* theEnvVar = "SALOME_MG_KEYGEN_LIB_PATH"; /* var specifies either full file name
of libSalomeMeshGemsKeyGenerator or
URL to download the library from */
const char* theTmpEnvVar = "SALOME_TMP_DIR"; // directory to download the library to
* \brief Remove library file at destruction in case if it was downloaded from server
struct LibraryFile
std::string _name; // full file name
bool _isURL;
LibraryFile(): _isURL( false ) {}
if ( _isURL )
if ( theLibraryHandle )
UnLoadLib( theLibraryHandle );
theLibraryHandle = nullptr;
std::string tmpDir; // tmp dir that should not be removed
if ( const char* libPath = getenv( theTmpEnvVar ))
tmpDir = libPath;
while (( !tmpDir.empty() ) &&
( tmpDir.back() == '/' || tmpDir.back() == '\\' ))
while ( SMESH_File( _name ).remove() )
size_t length = _name.size();
_name = boofs::path( _name ).parent_path().string(); // goto parent directory
if ( _name.size() == length )
break; // no more parents
if ( _name == tmpDir )
break; // don't remove tmp dir
if ( !Kernel_Utils::IsEmptyDir( _name ))
* \brief Retrieve description of the last error
* \param [out] error - return the description
* \return bool - true if the description found
bool getLastError( std::string& error )
#ifndef WIN32
if ( const char* text = dlerror() )
error = text;
return true;
return false;
DWORD dw = GetLastError();
void* cstr;
(LPTSTR) &cstr,
if ( msgLen > 0 )
error = (char*) cstr;
return msgLen;
* \brief Adjust file extension according to the platform
bool setExtension( std::string& fileName, std::string& error )
if ( fileName.empty() )
error = "Library file name is empty";
return false;
#if defined(WIN32)
std::string ext = ".dll";
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
std::string ext = ".dylib";
std::string ext = ".so";
fileName = fileName.substr( 0, fileName.find_last_of('.')) + ext;
return true;
* \brief Check if library file name looks like an URL
* \param [in,out] libraryFile - holds file name and returns result in _isURL member field
* \return bool - true if the file name looks like an URL
bool isURL( LibraryFile & libraryFile )
enum { SCHEME = 2, AUTHORITY = 4, PATH = 5 }; // sub-strings
std::regex urlRegex ( R"(^(([^:\/?#]+):)?(//([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?)",
std::regex::extended );
std::smatch matchResult;
libraryFile._isURL = false;
if ( std::regex_match( libraryFile._name, matchResult, urlRegex ))
libraryFile._isURL = ( !matchResult.str( SCHEME ).empty() &&
!matchResult.str( AUTHORITY ).empty() &&
!matchResult.str( PATH ).empty() );
return libraryFile._isURL;
* \brief Download libraryFile._name URL to SALOME_TMP_DIR
* \param [in,out] libraryFile - holds the URL and returns name of a downloaded file
* \param [out] error - return error description
* \return bool - is a success
bool downloadLib( LibraryFile& libraryFile, std::string & error )
// check if can write into SALOME_TMP_DIR
std::string tmpDir = Kernel_Utils::GetTmpDirByEnv( theTmpEnvVar );
if ( tmpDir.empty() ||
!Kernel_Utils::IsExists( tmpDir ))
error = "Can't download " + libraryFile._name + " as SALOME_TMP_DIR is not correctly set";
return false;
if ( !Kernel_Utils::IsWritable( tmpDir ))
error = "Can't download " + libraryFile._name + " as '" + tmpDir + "' is not writable. "
"Check SALOME_TMP_DIR environment variable";
return false;
// Download
std::string url = libraryFile._name;
#ifdef WIN32
std::string outFile = tmpDir + "libMeshGemsKeyGenerator.dll";
// use wget (== Invoke-WebRequest) PowerShell command available since Windows 7
std::string psCmd = "wget -Uri " + url + " -OutFile " + outFile;
std::string cmd = "start powershell.exe " + psCmd;
std::string outFile = tmpDir + "libMeshGemsKeyGenerator.so";
std::string cmd = "wget " + url + " -O " + outFile;
if ( Kernel_Utils::IsExists( outFile )) // remove existing file
SMESH_File lib( outFile, /*open=*/false );
if ( !lib.remove() )
error = lib.error();
return false;
system( cmd.c_str() ); // download
SMESH_File resultFile( outFile, /*open=*/false );
bool ok = ( resultFile.exists() && resultFile.size() > 0 );
if ( ok )
libraryFile._name = outFile;
return ok;
* \brief Load libMeshGemsKeyGenerator.so
* \param [out] error - return error description
* \param [out] libraryFile - return library file name and _isURL flag
* \return bool - is a success
bool loadLibrary( std::string& error, LibraryFile& libraryFile )
if ( theLibraryHandle )
return true;
const char* libPath = getenv( theEnvVar );
if ( !libPath )
error = SMESH_Comment( "Environment variable ") << theEnvVar << " is not set";
return false;
libraryFile._name = libPath;
// if ( !setExtension( libraryFile._name, error )) // is it necessary?
// return false;
if ( isURL( libraryFile ))
if ( !downloadLib( libraryFile, error ))
// try to fix extension
std::string url = libraryFile._name;
if ( !setExtension( libraryFile._name, error ))
return false;
if ( url == libraryFile._name )
return false; // extension not changed
if ( !downloadLib( libraryFile, error ))
return false;
#if defined( WIN32 ) && defined( UNICODE )
std::wstring encodePath = Kernel_Utils::utf8_decode_s( libraryFile._name );
const wchar_t* path = encodePath.c_str();
const char* path = libraryFile._name.c_str();
theLibraryHandle = LoadLib( path );
if ( !theLibraryHandle )
if ( ! getLastError( error ))
error = "Can't load library '" + libraryFile._name + "'";
return theLibraryHandle;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace SMESHUtils_MGLicenseKeyGen // API implementation
* \brief Sign a CAD
* \param [in] meshgems_cad - pointer to a MG CAD object (meshgems_cad_t)
* \param [out] error - return error description
* \return bool - is a success
bool SignCAD( void* meshgems_cad, std::string& error )
LibraryFile libraryFile;
if ( !loadLibrary( error, libraryFile ))
return false;
typedef bool (*SignFun)(void* );
SignFun signFun = (SignFun) GetProc( theLibraryHandle, "SignCAD" );
if ( !signFun )
if ( ! getLastError( error ))
error = SMESH_Comment( "Can't find symbol 'SignCAD' in '") << getenv( theEnvVar ) << "'";
bool ok;
ok = signFun( meshgems_cad );
SMESH_CATCH( SMESH::returnError );
if ( !error.empty() )
ok = false;
else if ( !ok )
error = "SignCAD() failed (located in '" + libraryFile._name + "')";
return ok;
* \brief Sign a mesh
* \param [in] meshgems_mesh - pointer to a MG mesh (meshgems_mesh_t)
* \param [out] error - return error description
* \return bool - is a success
bool SignMesh( void* meshgems_mesh, std::string& error )
LibraryFile libraryFile;
if ( !loadLibrary( error, libraryFile ))
return false;
typedef bool (*SignFun)(void* );
SignFun signFun = (SignFun) GetProc( theLibraryHandle, "SignMesh" );
if ( !signFun )
if ( ! getLastError( error ))
error = SMESH_Comment( "Can't find symbol 'SignMesh' in '") << getenv( theEnvVar ) << "'";
bool ok;
ok = signFun( meshgems_mesh );
SMESH_CATCH( SMESH::returnError );
if ( !error.empty() )
ok = false;
else if ( !ok )
error = "SignMesh() failed (located in '" + libraryFile._name + "')";
return ok;
* \brief Return a license key to pass as argument to a MG mesher executable
* \param [in] gmfFile - path to an input mesh file
* \param [in] nb* - nb of entities in the input mesh
* \param [out] error - return error description
* \return std::string - the key
std::string GetKey(const std::string& gmfFile,
int nbVertex,
int nbEdge,
int nbFace,
int nbVol,
std::string& error)
std::string key;
LibraryFile libraryFile;
if ( !loadLibrary( error, libraryFile ))
return key;
typedef std::string (*GetKeyFun)(std::string const &, int, int, int, int );
GetKeyFun keyFun = (GetKeyFun) GetProc( theLibraryHandle, "GetKey" );
if ( !keyFun )
if ( ! getLastError( error ))
error = SMESH_Comment( "Can't find symbol 'GetKey' in '") << getenv( theEnvVar ) << "'";
key = keyFun( gmfFile, nbVertex, nbEdge, nbFace, nbVol );
if ( key.empty() )
error = "GetKey() failed (located in '" + libraryFile._name + "')";
return key;
* \brief Return false if libMeshGemsKeyGenerator.so is not functional
* \param [out] error - return error description
* \return bool - is a success
bool CheckKeyGenLibrary( std::string& error )
return !GetKey("",4,0,2,0,error ).empty();
* \brief Return KeyGenerator library name
std::string GetLibraryName()
std::string libName, error;
if ( const char* libPath = getenv( theEnvVar ))
libName = Kernel_Utils::GetBaseName( libPath );
libName = "libSalomeMeshGemsKeyGenerator";
setExtension( libName, error );
return libName;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// Copyright (C) 2007-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESH_MGLicenseKeyGen.hxx
// Created : Sat Jul 31 18:41:04 2021
// Author : Edward AGAPOV (OCC)
#ifndef __SMESHUtils_MGLicenseKeyGen_HXX__
#define __SMESHUtils_MGLicenseKeyGen_HXX__
#include "SMESH_Utils.hxx"
#include <string>
* \brief Manage loading libSalomeMeshGemsKeyGenerator.[so|dll] and sing MeshGems CAD or mesh
namespace SMESHUtils_MGLicenseKeyGen
SMESHUtils_EXPORT bool SignCAD( void* meshgems_cad, std::string& error );
SMESHUtils_EXPORT bool SignMesh( void* meshgems_mesh, std::string& error );
SMESHUtils_EXPORT std::string GetKey(const std::string& gmfFile,
int nbVertex,
int nbEdge,
int nbFace,
int nbVol,
std::string& error);
SMESHUtils_EXPORT bool CheckKeyGeLibrary( std::string& error );
SMESHUtils_EXPORT std::string GetLibraryName();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user