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synced 2025-03-01 09:35:37 +05:00
0021559: EDF 2175 SMESH: Hexa/Tetra mixed meshes
1) + static std::vector< std::string > GetPluginXMLPaths(); 2) In GetAlgo(), choose a concurrent 2D algorithm whose output is suitable to both different 3D algos on SOLIDs
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx"
#include <TopoDS_Iterator.hxx>
#include <LDOMParser.hxx>
#include "memoire.h"
@ -896,6 +897,176 @@ bool SMESH_Gen::IsGlobalHypothesis(const SMESH_Hypothesis* theHyp, SMESH_Mesh& a
return aMesh.GetHypothesis( aMesh.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToMesh(), filter, false );
* \brief Return paths to xml files of plugins
std::vector< std::string > SMESH_Gen::GetPluginXMLPaths()
// Get paths to xml files of plugins
vector< string > xmlPaths;
string sep;
if ( const char* meshersList = getenv("SMESH_MeshersList") )
string meshers = meshersList, plugin;
string::size_type from = 0, pos;
while ( from < meshers.size() )
// cut off plugin name
pos = meshers.find( ':', from );
if ( pos != string::npos )
plugin = meshers.substr( from, pos-from );
plugin = meshers.substr( from ), pos = meshers.size();
from = pos + 1;
// get PLUGIN_ROOT_DIR path
string rootDirVar, pluginSubDir = plugin;
if ( plugin == "StdMeshers" )
rootDirVar = "SMESH", pluginSubDir = "smesh";
for ( pos = 0; pos < plugin.size(); ++pos )
rootDirVar += toupper( plugin[pos] );
rootDirVar += "_ROOT_DIR";
const char* rootDir = getenv( rootDirVar.c_str() );
if ( !rootDir || strlen(rootDir) == 0 )
rootDirVar = plugin + "_ROOT_DIR"; // HexoticPLUGIN_ROOT_DIR
rootDir = getenv( rootDirVar.c_str() );
if ( !rootDir || strlen(rootDir) == 0 ) continue;
// get a separator from rootDir
for ( pos = strlen( rootDir )-1; pos >= 0 && sep.empty(); --pos )
if ( rootDir[pos] == '/' || rootDir[pos] == '\\' )
sep = rootDir[pos];
#ifdef WNT
if (sep.empty() ) sep = "\\";
if (sep.empty() ) sep = "/";
// get a path to resource file
string xmlPath = rootDir;
if ( xmlPath[ xmlPath.size()-1 ] != sep[0] )
xmlPath += sep;
xmlPath += "share" + sep + "salome" + sep + "resources" + sep;
for ( pos = 0; pos < pluginSubDir.size(); ++pos )
xmlPath += tolower( pluginSubDir[pos] );
xmlPath += sep + plugin + ".xml";
bool fileOK;
#ifdef WNT
fileOK = (GetFileAttributes(xmlPath.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES);
fileOK = (access(xmlPath.c_str(), F_OK) == 0);
if ( fileOK )
xmlPaths.push_back( xmlPath );
return xmlPaths;
namespace // Access to type of input and output of an algorithm
struct AlgoData
int _dim;
set<SMDSAbs_GeometryType> _inElemTypes; // acceptable types of input mesh element
set<SMDSAbs_GeometryType> _outElemTypes; // produced types of mesh elements
bool IsCompatible( const AlgoData& algo2 ) const
if ( _dim > algo2._dim ) return algo2.IsCompatible( *this );
// algo2 is of highter dimension
if ( _outElemTypes.empty() || algo2._inElemTypes.empty() )
return false;
bool compatible = true;
set<SMDSAbs_GeometryType>::const_iterator myOutType = _outElemTypes.begin();
for ( ; myOutType != _outElemTypes.end() && compatible; ++myOutType )
compatible = algo2._inElemTypes.count( *myOutType );
return compatible;
* \brief Return AlgoData of the algorithm
const AlgoData& getAlgoData( const SMESH_Algo* algo )
static map< string, AlgoData > theDataByName;
if ( theDataByName.empty() )
// Read Plugin.xml files
vector< string > xmlPaths = SMESH_Gen::GetPluginXMLPaths();
LDOMParser xmlParser;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < xmlPaths.size(); ++i )
bool error = xmlParser.parse( xmlPaths[i].c_str() );
if ( error )
TCollection_AsciiString data;
INFOS( xmlParser.GetError(data) );
// <algorithm type="Regular_1D"
// ...
// input="EDGE"
// output="QUAD,TRIA">
LDOM_Document xmlDoc = xmlParser.getDocument();
LDOM_NodeList algoNodeList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName( "algorithm" );
for ( int i = 0; i < algoNodeList.getLength(); ++i )
LDOM_Node algoNode = algoNodeList.item( i );
LDOM_Element& algoElem = (LDOM_Element&) algoNode;
TCollection_AsciiString algoType = algoElem.getAttribute("type");
TCollection_AsciiString input = algoElem.getAttribute("input");
TCollection_AsciiString output = algoElem.getAttribute("output");
TCollection_AsciiString dim = algoElem.getAttribute("dim");
AlgoData & data = theDataByName[ algoType.ToCString() ];
data._dim = dim.IntegerValue();
for ( int isInput = 0; isInput < 2; ++isInput )
TCollection_AsciiString& typeStr = isInput ? input : output;
set<SMDSAbs_GeometryType>& typeSet = isInput ? data._inElemTypes : data._outElemTypes;
int beg = 1, end;
while ( beg <= typeStr.Length() )
while ( beg < typeStr.Length() && !isalpha( typeStr.Value( beg ) ))
end = beg;
while ( end < typeStr.Length() && isalpha( typeStr.Value( end + 1 ) ))
if ( end > beg )
TCollection_AsciiString typeName = typeStr.SubString( beg, end );
if ( typeName == "EDGE" ) typeSet.insert( SMDSGeom_EDGE );
else if ( typeName == "TRIA" ) typeSet.insert( SMDSGeom_TRIANGLE );
else if ( typeName == "QUAD" ) typeSet.insert( SMDSGeom_QUADRANGLE );
beg = end + 1;
return theDataByName[ algo->GetName() ];
* Finds algo to mesh a shape. Optionally returns a shape the found algo is bound to
@ -909,7 +1080,61 @@ SMESH_Algo *SMESH_Gen::GetAlgo(SMESH_Mesh & aMesh,
SMESH_HypoFilter filter( SMESH_HypoFilter::IsAlgo() );
filter.And( filter.IsApplicableTo( aShape ));
return (SMESH_Algo*) aMesh.GetHypothesis( aShape, filter, true, assignedTo );
TopoDS_Shape assignedToShape;
SMESH_Algo* algo =
(SMESH_Algo*) aMesh.GetHypothesis( aShape, filter, true, &assignedToShape );
if ( algo &&
aShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE &&
!aShape.IsSame( assignedToShape ) &&
SMESH_MesherHelper::NbAncestors( aShape, aMesh, TopAbs_SOLID ) > 1 )
// Issue 0021559. If there is another 2D algo with different types of output
// elements that can be used to mesh aShape, and 3D algos on adjacent SOLIDs
// have different types of input elements, we choose a most appropriate 2D algo.
// try to find a concurrent 2D algo
filter.AndNot( filter.Is( algo ));
TopoDS_Shape assignedToShape2;
SMESH_Algo* algo2 =
(SMESH_Algo*) aMesh.GetHypothesis( aShape, filter, true, &assignedToShape2 );
if ( algo2 &&
assignedToShape2.ShapeType() == assignedToShape.ShapeType() &&
aMesh.IsOrderOK( aMesh.GetSubMesh( assignedToShape2 ),
aMesh.GetSubMesh( assignedToShape )))
// get algos on the adjacent SOLIDs
filter.Init( filter.IsAlgo() ).And( filter.HasDim( 3 ));
vector< SMESH_Algo* > algos3D;
PShapeIteratorPtr solidIt = SMESH_MesherHelper::GetAncestors( aShape, aMesh,
TopAbs_SOLID );
while ( const TopoDS_Shape* solid = solidIt->next() )
if ( SMESH_Algo* algo3D = (SMESH_Algo*) aMesh.GetHypothesis( *solid, filter, true ))
algos3D.push_back( algo3D );
filter.AndNot( filter.Is( algo3D ));
// check compatibility of algos
if ( algos3D.size() > 1 )
const AlgoData& algoData = getAlgoData( algo );
const AlgoData& algoData2 = getAlgoData( algo2 );
const AlgoData& algoData3d0 = getAlgoData( algos3D[0] );
const AlgoData& algoData3d1 = getAlgoData( algos3D[1] );
if (( algoData2.IsCompatible( algoData3d0 ) &&
algoData2.IsCompatible( algoData3d1 ))
!(algoData.IsCompatible( algoData3d0 ) &&
algoData.IsCompatible( algoData3d1 )))
algo = algo2;
if ( assignedTo && algo )
* assignedTo = assignedToShape;
return algo;
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