mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 14:24:32 +05:00
bos [#42217] separate polyhedrons with doubled faces.
This commit is contained in:
@ -184,6 +184,22 @@ bool StdMeshers_Cartesian_3D::CheckHypothesis (SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
return aStatus == HYP_OK;
* \brief Represent the edges of polyhedrons. Used to check validity of created polyhedrons (see checkPolyhedronValidity2 function)
struct _Edge // link connecting two _Node's
smIdType _nodeId[2];
bool isConnectedTo( const smIdType n0, const smIdType n1 )
return (_nodeId[0] == n0 && _nodeId[1] == n1) || (_nodeId[0] == n1 && _nodeId[1] == n0);
_Edge(const smIdType n0, const smIdType n1 ): _nodeId{ n0, n1 } {}
@ -944,8 +960,13 @@ namespace
bool operator==(const _nodeDef& other ) const { return Ptr() == other.Ptr(); }
virtual vector<int>& quantity() {return _quantities; };
virtual const SMDS_MeshNode* meshNode( const int index ) { return _nodes[index].Node(); };
vector< _nodeDef > _nodes;
vector< int > _quantities;
vector< int > _quantitiesOffsets;
_volumeDef* _next; // to store several _volumeDefs in a chain
TGeomID _solidID;
double _size;
@ -961,6 +982,52 @@ namespace
{ _nodes.swap( other._nodes ); _quantities.swap( other._quantities ); other._volume = 0;
_names.swap( other._names ); }
void defineQuantityOffsets()
_quantitiesOffsets.resize(_quantities.size() + 1, 0 );
for (size_t i = 0; i < _quantities.size(); i++)
_quantitiesOffsets[i+1] = _quantities[i] + _quantitiesOffsets[i];
/// \brief Iterate in each node id defining polyhedron faces and apply the lambda function
/// \remark To call this function for each face of a polyhedron do:
/// for ( int faceId = 0; faceId < _quantities.size(); faceId++ )
/// this->forEachNodeIdInQuantity( faceId, [&] ( const SMDS_MeshNode* node )
/// {
/// code to do smth usefull with each node of the polyhedron faceId
/// } );
/// \remark Polyhedrons are defined based in the number of nodes per faces and the index ids of those nodes
/// the vector _quantities define the number of nodes per face and vector _quantitiesOffsets accumulate
/// those values so it is easier to iterate through the nodes ids in each face
virtual void forEachNodeIdInQuantity( const int index, const std::function<void(const SMDS_MeshNode* node )>& function )
if ( _quantitiesOffsets.empty() )
for (int idx = _quantitiesOffsets[ index ]; idx < _quantitiesOffsets[ index + 1 ]; idx++)
function( _nodes[ idx ].Node() );
/// \brief Iterate in each face and give access to all the edges (through node id) in pairs defining a closed face
/// \remark helper function used in checkPolyhedronValidity2 function
/// \remark all edges are visited, including the one to closing the face.
virtual void forEachPairNodeIdInQuantity( const int index, const std::function<void(const smIdType id0, const smIdType id1)>& function )
if ( _quantitiesOffsets.empty() )
const int initIter = _quantitiesOffsets[ index ];
const int endIter = _quantitiesOffsets[ index + 1 ];
for (int idx = initIter; idx < endIter; idx++)
if ( idx != endIter - 1 )
function( _nodes[ idx ].Node()->GetID(), _nodes[ idx + 1 ].Node()->GetID() );
function( _nodes[ idx ].Node()->GetID(), _nodes[ initIter ].Node()->GetID() );
size_t size() const { return 1 + ( _next ? _next->size() : 0 ); } // nb _volumeDef in a chain
_volumeDef* at(int index)
{ return index == 0 ? this : ( _next ? _next->at(index-1) : _next ); }
@ -975,6 +1042,7 @@ namespace
( !_next || _next->IsEmpty() )); }
bool IsPolyhedron() const { return ( !_quantities.empty() ||
( _next && !_next->_quantities.empty() )); }
struct _linkDef: public std::pair<_ptr,_ptr> // to join polygons in removeExcessSideDivision()
@ -1001,6 +1069,75 @@ namespace
struct _lightVolDef : public _volumeDef
_lightVolDef( _volumeDef & vol ) : _quantities( vol._quantities ), _nodes( vol._nodes ) {
for (auto n : _nodes )
_lightVolDef( vector< int >& quantities, vector<const SMDS_MeshNode* >& smeshnodes ) : _quantities( quantities ), _nodes( vector<_nodeDef>() ), _smeshnodes(smeshnodes)
std::cout << "Calling _lightVolDef constructor\n";
virtual vector<int>& quantity() { return _quantities; };
virtual const SMDS_MeshNode* meshNode( const int index ) { return _smeshnodes[index]; };
void defineQuantityOffsets()
_quantitiesOffsets.resize(_quantities.size() + 1, 0 );
for (size_t i = 0; i < _quantities.size(); i++)
_quantitiesOffsets[i+1] = _quantities[i] + _quantitiesOffsets[i];
/// \brief Iterate in each node id defining polyhedron faces and apply the lambda function
/// \remark To call this function for each face of a polyhedron do:
/// for ( int faceId = 0; faceId < _quantities.size(); faceId++ )
/// this->forEachNodeIdInQuantity( faceId, [&] ( const SMDS_MeshNode* node )
/// {
/// code to do smth usefull with each node of the polyhedron faceId
/// } );
/// \remark Polyhedrons are defined based in the number of nodes per faces and the index ids of those nodes
/// the vector _quantities define the number of nodes per face and vector _quantitiesOffsets accumulate
/// those values so it is easier to iterate through the nodes ids in each face
virtual void forEachNodeIdInQuantity( const int index, const std::function<void(const SMDS_MeshNode* node )>& function )
if ( _quantitiesOffsets.empty() )
for (int idx = _quantitiesOffsets[ index ]; idx < _quantitiesOffsets[ index + 1 ]; idx++)
function( _smeshnodes[ idx ] );
/// \brief Iterate in each face and give access to all the edges (through node id) in pairs defining a closed face
/// \remark helper function used in checkPolyhedronValidity2 function
/// \remark all edges are visited, including the one to closing the face.
virtual void forEachPairNodeIdInQuantity( const int index, const std::function<void(const smIdType id0, const smIdType id1)>& function )
if ( _quantitiesOffsets.empty() )
const int initIter = _quantitiesOffsets[ index ];
const int endIter = _quantitiesOffsets[ index + 1 ];
for (int idx = initIter; idx < endIter; idx++)
if ( idx != endIter - 1 )
function( _smeshnodes[ idx ]->GetID(), _smeshnodes[ idx + 1 ]->GetID() );
function( _smeshnodes[ idx ]->GetID(), _smeshnodes[ initIter ]->GetID() );
vector< int > _quantities;
vector< _nodeDef > _nodes;
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode* > _smeshnodes;
/// \brief this vector makes easier to iterate through faces nodes
/// \remark Defined as _offsets[i+1] = _offsets[i] + _quantities[i+1]
vector< int > _quantitiesOffsets;
// topology of a hexahedron
_Node _hexNodes [8];
_Link _hexLinks [12];
@ -1083,7 +1220,13 @@ namespace
bool hasStrangeEdge() const;
bool checkPolyhedronSize( bool isCutByInternalFace, double & volSize ) const;
int checkPolyhedronValidity( _volumeDef* volDef, std::vector<std::vector<int>>& splitQuantities,
std::vector<std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>>& splitNodes );
std::vector<std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>>& splitNodes, bool & markFail2 );
int checkPolyhedronValidity2( _volumeDef* volDef, std::vector<int>& splitQuantities, std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& splitNodes, bool & markFail2 );
void checkPolyhedronValidity3( const std::vector<int>& splitQuantities, const std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& splitNodes );
// int splitPolyWithFreeEdges( _volumeDef* volDef, std::vector<std::vector<int>>& splitQuantities,
// std::vector<std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>>& splitNodes );
const SMDS_MeshElement* addPolyhedronToMesh( _volumeDef* volDef, SMESH_MesherHelper& helper, const std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodes,
const std::vector<int>& quantities );
bool addHexa ();
@ -4917,17 +5060,26 @@ namespace
if ( !useQuanta )
// split polyhedrons of with disjoint volumes
// split polyhedrons with disjoint volumes
std::vector<std::vector<int>> splitQuantities;
std::vector<std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > > splitNodes;
if ( checkPolyhedronValidity( volDef, splitQuantities, splitNodes ) == 1 )
v = addPolyhedronToMesh( volDef, helper, nodes, volDef->_quantities );
bool fail2 = false;
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> tmpNodes;
for (auto node : volDef->_nodes )
tmpNodes.push_back( node._node );
if ( checkPolyhedronValidity( volDef, splitQuantities, splitNodes, fail2 ) == 1 )
v = addPolyhedronToMesh( volDef, helper, nodes, volDef->_quantities );
int counter = -1;
for (size_t id = 0; id < splitQuantities.size(); id++)
v = addPolyhedronToMesh( volDef, helper, splitNodes[ id ], splitQuantities[ id ] );
// Check that there are not bare edges on this polys
// checkPolyhedronValidity3( splitQuantities[ id ], splitNodes[ id ] );
if ( id < splitQuantities.size()-1 )
volDef->_brotherVolume.push_back( v );
@ -5159,124 +5311,319 @@ namespace
return volume > initVolume / _grid->_sizeThreshold;
* \brief Identify polys with faces with bare edges
void Hexahedron::checkPolyhedronValidity3( const std::vector<int>& quantities, const std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodes )
std::vector<int> quantitiesOffsets(quantities.size() + 1, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < quantities.size(); i++)
quantitiesOffsets[i+1] = quantities[i] + quantitiesOffsets[i];
std::map<int,std::tuple<int,int,bool,bool>> faceToConnection;
for (size_t faceId = 0; faceId < quantities.size(); faceId++) /*Iterate in all faces of the polyhedron!*/
faceToConnection[faceId] = std::make_tuple(quantities[faceId], /* numOfEdges */
0, /* numOfConnections */
true, /* all edges 1to1 connected? */
true /* Has free edges? */ );
const int initIter = quantitiesOffsets[ faceId ];
const int endIter = quantitiesOffsets[ faceId + 1 ];
smIdType id0;
smIdType id1;
for (int idx = initIter; idx < endIter; idx++)
if ( idx != endIter - 1 )
id0 = nodes[ idx ]->GetID();
id1 = nodes[ idx + 1 ]->GetID();
id0 = nodes[ idx ]->GetID();
id1 = nodes[ initIter ]->GetID();
_Edge edge( id0, id1 );
bool edgeHasOneConnection = false;
for (size_t fId = 0; fId < quantities.size(); fId++) /*Iterate in all faces of the polyhedron!*/
if ( faceId != fId /*skip connection of face with herself!*/)
const int iniitIter = quantitiesOffsets[ fId ];
const int endiIter = quantitiesOffsets[ fId + 1 ];
smIdType iid0;
smIdType iid1;
for (int idx = iniitIter; idx < endiIter; idx++)
if ( idx != endiIter - 1 )
iid0 = nodes[ idx ]->GetID();
iid1 = nodes[ idx + 1 ]->GetID();
iid0 = nodes[ idx ]->GetID();
iid1 = nodes[ iniitIter ]->GetID();
if ( edge.isConnectedTo( iid0, iid1 ) )
std::get<1>( faceToConnection[faceId] )++; // increment the counter on the connection
edgeHasOneConnection = true;
std::get<3>(faceToConnection[faceId]) &= edgeHasOneConnection;
for( auto faceInfo : faceToConnection )
if ( !std::get<3>( faceInfo.second ) /* has face free edge? */ )
std::cout << "checkPolyhedronValidity3. Free edge on splited poly with " << faceToConnection.size() << " Faces\n ";
* \brief Identify polys with faces that are coplanar between then
* If coplanar faces are identified then a new poly w/o those faces is created and defined in splitQuantities and splitNodes
int Hexahedron::checkPolyhedronValidity2( _volumeDef* volDef, std::vector<int>& splitQuantities, std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& splitNodes, bool & markFail2 )
auto connectivity = volDef->quantity();
// Count the number of connected edges each face has!
// Identify coplanar faces.
// In a regular polyhedron every face will only share
std::map<int,std::tuple<int,int,bool>> faceToConnection;
int numOfFacesWithProblem = 0;
for (size_t faceId = 0; faceId < connectivity.size(); faceId++) /*Iterate in all faces of the polyhedron!*/
faceToConnection[faceId] = std::make_tuple( connectivity[faceId],
/* numOfEdges */0,
/* All edges has one to one */true );
std::map<int,int> face2faceConnection;
volDef->forEachPairNodeIdInQuantity( faceId, [&] (const smIdType nId0, const smIdType nId1)
_Edge edge( nId0, nId1 );
/*Iterate in all faces of the polyhedron!*/
for (size_t fId = 0; fId < connectivity.size(); fId++)
/*skip connection of face with herself!*/
if ( faceId != fId )
volDef->forEachPairNodeIdInQuantity( fId, [&] (const smIdType Iid0, const smIdType Iid1)
if ( edge.isConnectedTo( Iid0, Iid1 ) )
for( const auto & faceInfo : face2faceConnection )
if ( faceInfo.second > 1 /*The connection with each face should be with a single edge.*/)
std::get<2>( faceToConnection[faceId] ) = false;
if ( numOfFacesWithProblem == 2 /* treat cases where even number of doubled faces*/)
// std::cout << "CheckPolyhedronValidity2. Identified coplanar faces with even number " << numOfFacesWithProblem << " \n";
// Fill tmpQuantities and tmpNodes
for( auto faceInfo : faceToConnection )
// std::cout << "Face Id and flag " << faceInfo.first << ", " << std::get<2>(faceInfo.second) << "\n";
if ( std::get<2>(faceInfo.second) /*The connection with each face should be with a single edge.*/)
splitQuantities.push_back( connectivity[faceInfo.first] );
volDef->forEachNodeIdInQuantity( faceInfo.first, [&] (const SMDS_MeshNode* node)
splitNodes.push_back( node );
markFail2 = true;
return 1;
* \brief Check that all faces in polyhedron are connected so a unique volume is defined.
* We test that it is possible to go from any node to all nodes in the polyhedron.
* The set of nodes that can be visit within then defines a unique element.
* In case more than one polyhedron is detected. The function return the set of quantities and nodes defining separates elements.
* Reference to issue #bos[38521][EDF] Generate polyhedron with separate volume.
* Reference to issue bos[#38521][EDF] Generate polyhedron with separate volume.
* \param volDef, the volume as define by the compute method
* \param splitQuantities, result vector with the stack of quantities (number of nodes) defining a separate polyhedron in a disjoint polyhedron
* \param splitNodes, result vector with the stack of mesh nodes defining a separate polyhedron in a disjoint polyhedron as described by splitQuantities vector.
int Hexahedron::checkPolyhedronValidity( _volumeDef* volDef, std::vector<std::vector<int>>& splitQuantities,
std::vector<std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>>& splitNodes )
std::vector<std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>>& splitNodes, bool & markFail2 )
int mySet = 1;
std::map<int,int> numberOfSets; // define set id with the number of faces associated!
if ( !volDef->_quantities.empty() )
auto connectivity = volDef->quantity();
bool callFromLightPoly = (dynamic_cast<_lightVolDef*>(volDef) != nullptr);
if ( callFromLightPoly )
auto connectivity = volDef->_quantities;
int accum = 0;
std::vector<bool> allFaces( connectivity.size(), false );
std::set<int> elementSet;
allFaces[ 0 ] = true; // the first node below to the first face
size_t connectedFaces = 1;
// Start filling the set with the nodes of the first face
splitQuantities.push_back( { connectivity[ 0 ] } );
splitNodes.push_back( { volDef->_nodes[ 0 ].Node() } );
elementSet.insert( volDef->_nodes[ 0 ].Node()->GetID() );
for (int n = 1; n < connectivity[ 0 ]; n++)
std::cout << "Calling from _lightVolDef\n";
std::cout << "Connectivity size: " << connectivity.size() << "\n";
int accum = 0;
std::vector<bool> allFaces( connectivity.size(), false );
std::set<smIdType> elementSet;
allFaces[ 0 ] = true; // the first node below to the first face
size_t connectedFaces = 1;
// Start filling the set with the nodes of the first face
splitQuantities.push_back( { connectivity[ 0 ] } );
volDef->forEachNodeIdInQuantity( 0, [&] (const SMDS_MeshNode* node)
elementSet.insert( node->GetID() );
if ( !splitNodes.empty() )
splitNodes.back().push_back( node );
splitNodes.push_back( { node } );
numberOfSets.insert( std::pair<int,int>(mySet,1) );
while ( connectedFaces != allFaces.size() )
for (size_t faceId = 1; faceId < connectivity.size(); faceId++) /*Iterate in all faces of the polyhedron!*/
elementSet.insert( volDef->_nodes[ n ].Node()->GetID() );
splitNodes.back().push_back( volDef->_nodes[ n ].Node() );
if ( !allFaces[ faceId ] /*if the face was not yet visited!*/)
int faceCounter = 0;
volDef->forEachNodeIdInQuantity( faceId, [&] (const SMDS_MeshNode* node)
if ( elementSet.count( node->GetID() ) != 0 )
if ( faceCounter >= 2 ) // found coincidences edges (>=2!)
volDef->forEachNodeIdInQuantity( faceId, [&] (const SMDS_MeshNode* node)
splitNodes.back().push_back( node );
elementSet.insert( node->GetID() );
allFaces[ faceId ] = true;
splitQuantities.back().push_back( connectivity[ faceId ] );
numberOfSets[ mySet ]++;
faceId = 0; // to restart searching!
if ( connectedFaces != allFaces.size() /*It means that there are disjoint polys because all faces are not connected yet!*/)
// empty the set, and fill it with nodes of a unvisited face to restart the process of checking connectivity!
accum = connectivity[ 0 ];
for (size_t faceId = 1; faceId < connectivity.size(); faceId++)
if ( !allFaces[ faceId ] )
splitQuantities.push_back( { connectivity[ faceId ] } );
splitNodes.push_back( { volDef->meshNode(accum) } );
elementSet.insert( volDef->meshNode(accum)->GetID() );
for (int n = 1; n < connectivity[ faceId ]; n++)
elementSet.insert( volDef->meshNode(accum + n)->GetID() );
splitNodes.back().push_back( volDef->meshNode(accum + n) );
allFaces[ faceId ] = true;
break; /*stop searching from free faces*/
accum += connectivity[ faceId ];
numberOfSets.insert( std::pair<int,int>(mySet,1) );
// if ( callFromLightPoly )
// {
// std::cout << "Number of sets " << numberOfSets.size() << "\n";
// }
if ( numberOfSets.size() > 1 )
bool allMoreThan2Faces = true;
for( auto k : numberOfSets )
if ( k.second <= 2 /*valid polyhedron should have more than 2 faces! otherwise return the original poly for backward compatibility*/)
allMoreThan2Faces &= false;
numberOfSets.insert( std::pair<int,int>(mySet,1) );
while ( connectedFaces != allFaces.size() )
for (size_t innerId = 1; innerId < connectivity.size(); innerId++)
if ( innerId == 1 )
accum = connectivity[ 0 ];
if ( !allFaces[ innerId ] )
int faceCounter = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < connectivity[ innerId ]; n++)
int nodeId = volDef->_nodes[ accum + n ].Node()->GetID();
if ( elementSet.count( nodeId ) != 0 )
if ( faceCounter >= 2 ) // found coincidences nodes
for (int n = 0; n < connectivity[ innerId ]; n++)
int nodeId = volDef->_nodes[ accum + n ].Node()->GetID();
// insert new nodes so other faces can be identified as belowing to the element
splitNodes.back().push_back( volDef->_nodes[ accum + n ].Node() );
elementSet.insert( nodeId );
allFaces[ innerId ] = true;
splitQuantities.back().push_back( connectivity[ innerId ] );
numberOfSets[ mySet ]++;
innerId = 0; // to restart searching!
accum += connectivity[ innerId ];
if ( connectedFaces != allFaces.size() )
// empty the set, and fill it with nodes of a unvisited face!
accum = connectivity[ 0 ];
for (size_t faceId = 1; faceId < connectivity.size(); faceId++)
if ( !allFaces[ faceId ] )
splitNodes.push_back( { volDef->_nodes[ accum ].Node() } );
elementSet.insert( volDef->_nodes[ accum ].Node()->GetID() );
for (int n = 1; n < connectivity[ faceId ]; n++)
elementSet.insert( volDef->_nodes[ accum + n ].Node()->GetID() );
splitNodes.back().push_back( volDef->_nodes[ accum + n ].Node() );
splitQuantities.push_back( { connectivity[ faceId ] } );
allFaces[ faceId ] = true;
accum += connectivity[ faceId ];
numberOfSets.insert( std::pair<int,int>(mySet,1) );
if ( allMoreThan2Faces )
// The separate objects are suspect to be closed
return numberOfSets.size();
if ( numberOfSets.size() > 1 )
bool allMoreThan2Faces = true;
for( auto k : numberOfSets )
if ( k.second <= 2 )
allMoreThan2Faces &= false;
if ( allMoreThan2Faces )
// The separate objects are suspect to be closed
return numberOfSets.size();
// Have to index the last face nodes to the final set
// contrary case return as it were a valid polyhedron for backward compatibility
return 1;
// Have to index the last face nodes to the final set
// contrary case return as it were a valid polyhedron for backward compatibility
return 1;
/*Do a different check. This time to identify two possibities:
1) polys of disjoint bodies with common edge
2) polys of disjoint bodies with common isolated face (see bos #42217)
int numSets = numberOfSets.size();
if ( numSets == 1 )
std::vector<int> tmpQuantities;
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> tmpNodes;
numSets = checkPolyhedronValidity2( volDef, tmpQuantities, tmpNodes, markFail2 );
if ( markFail2 && !tmpQuantities.empty() && !callFromLightPoly )
// int sum=0;
int sum = std::accumulate(tmpQuantities.begin(), tmpQuantities.end(), 0);
std::cout << "Number of polys faces and nodes composing it: " << tmpQuantities.size() << ", " << sum << ", " << tmpNodes.size() << "\n";
auto lightVol = std::unique_ptr<_lightVolDef>( new _lightVolDef(tmpQuantities, tmpNodes) );
bool fail3 = false;
// return checkPolyhedronValidity( lightVol.get(), splitQuantities, splitNodes, fail3 );
// If this validation fail then create a volDef with split quantities and nodes of the poly w/o the
// overlapped faces so the polys are split by checkPolyhedronValidity routine!
return numberOfSets.size();
@ -5288,7 +5635,7 @@ namespace
const SMDS_MeshElement* Hexahedron::addPolyhedronToMesh( _volumeDef* volDef, SMESH_MesherHelper& helper, const std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodes,
const std::vector<int>& quantities )
const SMDS_MeshElement* v = helper.AddPolyhedralVolume( nodes, quantities );
const SMDS_MeshElement* v = helper.AddPolyhedralVolume( nodes, quantities );
volDef->_size = SMDS_VolumeTool( v ).GetSize();
if ( volDef->_size < 0 ) // invalid polyhedron
Reference in New Issue
Block a user