mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 21:57:56 +05:00
[PY3] Removing TAB issues
Via this command : find . -name "*.py" | xargs grep -Prl "\t" | xargs python /local00/home/J42254/Projets/SALOME/Installations/prerequisites/src/Python-352-tcl8513-tk8513/Tools/scripts/reindent.py
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ def set_env(args):
if plugin in plugin_list: continue
# add paths of plugin
if not os.environ.has_key("SALOME_"+plugin+"Resources"):
resource_path = os.path.join(plugin_root,"share",salome_subdir,"resources",plugin.lower())
os.environ["SALOME_"+plugin+"Resources"] = resource_path
resource_path_list.append( resource_path )
add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,get_lib_dir(),python_version, "site-packages",salome_subdir), "PYTHONPATH")
add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,get_lib_dir(),salome_subdir), "PYTHONPATH")
if sys.platform == "win32":
add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,get_lib_dir(),salome_subdir), "PATH")
add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"bin",salome_subdir), "PYTHONPATH")
@ -80,4 +80,3 @@ def set_env(args):
os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"] = ":".join(plugin_list)
os.environ["SalomeAppConfig"] = os.environ["SalomeAppConfig"] + psep + psep.join(resource_path_list)
@ -132,17 +132,17 @@ for a in log:
elif comType == 2:
for i in range(a.number):
ind = a.indexes[ii]
print ind
print ind
ii = ii+1
print ii
print ii
i1 = a.indexes[ii]
ii = ii+1
i2 = a.indexes[ii]
print i2
print i2
ii = ii+1
print "ii", ii
print "ii", ii
i3 = a.indexes[ii]
print i3
print i3
#ii = ii+1
ii = ii+1
print "AddTriangle %i - %i %i %i" % (ind, i1, i2, i3)
@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ smesh.SetCurrentStudy(myStudy)
myStudyBuilder = myStudy.NewBuilder()
if myStudyBuilder is None:
raise RuntimeError, " Null myStudyBuilder"
raise RuntimeError, " Null myStudyBuilder"
father = myStudy.FindComponent("SMESH")
if father is None:
father = myStudyBuilder.NewComponent("SMESH")
FName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(father, "AttributeName")
Comp = modulecatalog.GetComponent("SMESH")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(father, "AttributePixMap")
father = myStudyBuilder.NewComponent("SMESH")
FName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(father, "AttributeName")
Comp = modulecatalog.GetComponent("SMESH")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(father, "AttributePixMap")
@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ mySComponentMesh = father._narrow(SALOMEDS.SComponent)
Tag_HypothesisRoot = 1
Tag_AlgorithmsRoot = 2
Tag_RefOnShape = 1
Tag_RefOnAppliedHypothesis = 2
Tag_RefOnAppliedAlgorithms = 3
Tag_SubMeshOnVertex = 4
Tag_SubMeshOnEdge = 5
Tag_SubMeshOnFace = 6
@ -70,255 +70,255 @@ Tag = {"HypothesisRoot":1,"AlgorithmsRoot":2,"RefOnShape":1,"RefOnAppliedHypothe
def Init():
def AddNewMesh(IOR):
# VSR: added temporarily - objects are published automatically by the engine
aSO = myStudy.FindObjectIOR( IOR )
if aSO is not None:
return aSO.GetID()
# VSR ######################################################################
res,HypothesisRoot = mySComponentMesh.FindSubObject ( Tag_HypothesisRoot )
if HypothesisRoot is None or res == 0:
HypothesisRoot = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag(mySComponentMesh, Tag_HypothesisRoot)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributeName")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_hypo.png" )
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributeSelectable")
# VSR: added temporarily - objects are published automatically by the engine
aSO = myStudy.FindObjectIOR( IOR )
if aSO is not None:
return aSO.GetID()
# VSR ######################################################################
res, AlgorithmsRoot = mySComponentMesh.FindSubObject (Tag_AlgorithmsRoot)
if AlgorithmsRoot is None or res == 0:
AlgorithmsRoot = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (mySComponentMesh, Tag_AlgorithmsRoot)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributeName")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_algo.png" )
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributeSelectable")
res,HypothesisRoot = mySComponentMesh.FindSubObject ( Tag_HypothesisRoot )
if HypothesisRoot is None or res == 0:
HypothesisRoot = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag(mySComponentMesh, Tag_HypothesisRoot)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributeName")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_hypo.png" )
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributeSelectable")
HypothesisRoot = HypothesisRoot._narrow(SALOMEDS.SObject)
newMesh = myStudyBuilder.NewObject(mySComponentMesh)
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newMesh, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_mesh.png" )
anIOR = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newMesh, "AttributeIOR")
return newMesh.GetID()
res, AlgorithmsRoot = mySComponentMesh.FindSubObject (Tag_AlgorithmsRoot)
if AlgorithmsRoot is None or res == 0:
AlgorithmsRoot = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (mySComponentMesh, Tag_AlgorithmsRoot)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributeName")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_algo.png" )
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributeSelectable")
HypothesisRoot = HypothesisRoot._narrow(SALOMEDS.SObject)
newMesh = myStudyBuilder.NewObject(mySComponentMesh)
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newMesh, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_mesh.png" )
anIOR = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newMesh, "AttributeIOR")
return newMesh.GetID()
def AddNewHypothesis(IOR):
# VSR: added temporarily - objects are published automatically by the engine
aSO = myStudy.FindObjectIOR( IOR )
if aSO is not None:
return aSO.GetID()
# VSR ######################################################################
# VSR: added temporarily - objects are published automatically by the engine
aSO = myStudy.FindObjectIOR( IOR )
if aSO is not None:
return aSO.GetID()
# VSR ######################################################################
res, HypothesisRoot = mySComponentMesh.FindSubObject (Tag_HypothesisRoot)
if HypothesisRoot is None or res == 0:
HypothesisRoot = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (mySComponentMesh, Tag_HypothesisRoot)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributeName")
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributeSelectable")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_hypo.png" )
# Add New Hypothesis
newHypo = myStudyBuilder.NewObject(HypothesisRoot)
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newHypo, "AttributePixMap")
H = orb.string_to_object(IOR)
aType = H.GetName()
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_hypo.png_" + aType )
anIOR = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newHypo, "AttributeIOR")
return newHypo.GetID()
res, HypothesisRoot = mySComponentMesh.FindSubObject (Tag_HypothesisRoot)
if HypothesisRoot is None or res == 0:
HypothesisRoot = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (mySComponentMesh, Tag_HypothesisRoot)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributeName")
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributeSelectable")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(HypothesisRoot, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_hypo.png" )
# Add New Hypothesis
newHypo = myStudyBuilder.NewObject(HypothesisRoot)
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newHypo, "AttributePixMap")
H = orb.string_to_object(IOR)
aType = H.GetName()
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_hypo.png_" + aType )
anIOR = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newHypo, "AttributeIOR")
return newHypo.GetID()
def AddNewAlgorithms(IOR):
# VSR: added temporarily - objects are published automatically by the engine
aSO = myStudy.FindObjectIOR( IOR )
if aSO is not None:
return aSO.GetID()
# VSR ######################################################################
# VSR: added temporarily - objects are published automatically by the engine
aSO = myStudy.FindObjectIOR( IOR )
if aSO is not None:
return aSO.GetID()
# VSR ######################################################################
res, AlgorithmsRoot = mySComponentMesh.FindSubObject (Tag_AlgorithmsRoot)
if AlgorithmsRoot is None or res == 0:
AlgorithmsRoot = myStudyBuilde.NewObjectToTag (mySComponentMesh, Tag_AlgorithmsRoot)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributeName")
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributeSelectable")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_algo.png" )
res, AlgorithmsRoot = mySComponentMesh.FindSubObject (Tag_AlgorithmsRoot)
if AlgorithmsRoot is None or res == 0:
AlgorithmsRoot = myStudyBuilde.NewObjectToTag (mySComponentMesh, Tag_AlgorithmsRoot)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributeName")
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributeSelectable")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AlgorithmsRoot, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_algo.png" )
# Add New Algorithms
newHypo = myStudyBuilder.NewObject(AlgorithmsRoot)
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newHypo, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap = anAttr._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributePixMap)
H = orb.string_to_object(IOR)
aType = H.GetName(); #QString in fact
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_algo.png_" + aType )
anIOR = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newHypo, "AttributeIOR")
return newHypo.GetID()
newHypo = myStudyBuilder.NewObject(AlgorithmsRoot)
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newHypo, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap = anAttr._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributePixMap)
H = orb.string_to_object(IOR)
aType = H.GetName(); #QString in fact
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_algo.png_" + aType )
anIOR = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(newHypo, "AttributeIOR")
return newHypo.GetID()
def SetShape(ShapeEntry, MeshEntry):
SO_MorSM = myStudy.FindObjectID( MeshEntry )
SO_GeomShape = myStudy.FindObjectID( ShapeEntry )
SO_MorSM = myStudy.FindObjectID( MeshEntry )
SO_GeomShape = myStudy.FindObjectID( ShapeEntry )
if SO_MorSM is not None and SO_GeomShape is not None :
# VSR: added temporarily - shape reference is published automatically by the engine
res, Ref = SO_MorSM.FindSubObject( Tag_RefOnShape )
if res == 1 :
# VSR ######################################################################
SO = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (SO_MorSM, Tag_RefOnShape)
myStudyBuilder.Addreference (SO,SO_GeomShape)
if SO_MorSM is not None and SO_GeomShape is not None :
# VSR: added temporarily - shape reference is published automatically by the engine
res, Ref = SO_MorSM.FindSubObject( Tag_RefOnShape )
if res == 1 :
# VSR ######################################################################
SO = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (SO_MorSM, Tag_RefOnShape)
myStudyBuilder.Addreference (SO,SO_GeomShape)
def SetHypothesis(Mesh_Or_SubMesh_Entry, Hypothesis_Entry):
SO_MorSM = myStudy.FindObjectID( Mesh_Or_SubMesh_Entry )
SO_Hypothesis = myStudy.FindObjectID( Hypothesis_Entry )
SO_MorSM = myStudy.FindObjectID( Mesh_Or_SubMesh_Entry )
SO_Hypothesis = myStudy.FindObjectID( Hypothesis_Entry )
if SO_MorSM is not None and SO_Hypothesis is not None :
#Find or Create Applied Hypothesis root
res, AHR = SO_MorSM.FindSubObject (Tag_RefOnAppliedHypothesis)
if AHR is None or res == 0:
AHR = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (SO_MorSM, Tag_RefOnAppliedHypothesis)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributeName")
# The same name as in SMESH_Mesh_i::AddHypothesis() ##################
aName.SetValue("Applied hypotheses")
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributeSelectable")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_hypo.png" )
# VSR: added temporarily - reference to applied hypothesis is published automatically by the engine
else :
it = myStudy.NewChildIterator(AHR)
while it.More() :
res, Ref = it.Value().ReferencedObject()
if res and Ref is not None and Ref.GetID() == Hypothesis_Entry :
# VSR ######################################################################
SO = myStudyBuilder.NewObject(AHR)
myStudyBuilder.Addreference (SO,SO_Hypothesis)
if SO_MorSM is not None and SO_Hypothesis is not None :
#Find or Create Applied Hypothesis root
res, AHR = SO_MorSM.FindSubObject (Tag_RefOnAppliedHypothesis)
if AHR is None or res == 0:
AHR = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (SO_MorSM, Tag_RefOnAppliedHypothesis)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributeName")
# The same name as in SMESH_Mesh_i::AddHypothesis() ##################
aName.SetValue("Applied hypotheses")
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributeSelectable")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_hypo.png" )
# VSR: added temporarily - reference to applied hypothesis is published automatically by the engine
else :
it = myStudy.NewChildIterator(AHR)
while it.More() :
res, Ref = it.Value().ReferencedObject()
if res and Ref is not None and Ref.GetID() == Hypothesis_Entry :
# VSR ######################################################################
SO = myStudyBuilder.NewObject(AHR)
myStudyBuilder.Addreference (SO,SO_Hypothesis)
def SetAlgorithms(Mesh_Or_SubMesh_Entry, Algorithms_Entry):
SO_MorSM = myStudy.FindObjectID( Mesh_Or_SubMesh_Entry )
SO_Algorithms = myStudy.FindObjectID( Algorithms_Entry )
if SO_MorSM != None and SO_Algorithms != None :
#Find or Create Applied Algorithms root
res, AHR = SO_MorSM.FindSubObject (Tag_RefOnAppliedAlgorithms)
if AHR is None or res == 0:
AHR = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (SO_MorSM, Tag_RefOnAppliedAlgorithms)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributeName")
if SO_MorSM != None and SO_Algorithms != None :
#Find or Create Applied Algorithms root
res, AHR = SO_MorSM.FindSubObject (Tag_RefOnAppliedAlgorithms)
if AHR is None or res == 0:
AHR = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (SO_MorSM, Tag_RefOnAppliedAlgorithms)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributeName")
# The same name as in SMESH_Mesh_i::AddHypothesis() ##################
aName.SetValue("Applied algorithms")
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributeSelectable")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_algo.png" )
# VSR: added temporarily - reference to applied hypothesis is published automatically by the engine
else :
it = myStudy.NewChildIterator(AHR)
while it.More() :
res, Ref = it.Value().ReferencedObject()
if res and Ref is not None and Ref.GetID() == Algorithms_Entry :
# VSR ######################################################################
SO = myStudyBuilder.NewObject(AHR)
myStudyBuilder.Addreference (SO,SO_Algorithms)
# The same name as in SMESH_Mesh_i::AddHypothesis() ##################
aName.SetValue("Applied algorithms")
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributeSelectable")
aPixmap = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(AHR, "AttributePixMap")
aPixmap.SetPixMap( "mesh_tree_algo.png" )
# VSR: added temporarily - reference to applied hypothesis is published automatically by the engine
else :
it = myStudy.NewChildIterator(AHR)
while it.More() :
res, Ref = it.Value().ReferencedObject()
if res and Ref is not None and Ref.GetID() == Algorithms_Entry :
# VSR ######################################################################
SO = myStudyBuilder.NewObject(AHR)
myStudyBuilder.Addreference (SO,SO_Algorithms)
def UnSetHypothesis( Applied_Hypothesis_Entry ):
SO_Applied_Hypothesis = myStudy.FindObjectID( Applied_Hypothesis_Entry )
if SO_Applied_Hypothesis :
SO_Applied_Hypothesis = myStudy.FindObjectID( Applied_Hypothesis_Entry )
if SO_Applied_Hypothesis :
def AddSubMesh ( SO_Mesh_Entry, SM_IOR, ST):
# VSR: added temporarily - objects are published automatically by the engine
aSO = myStudy.FindObjectIOR( SM_IOR )
if aSO is not None:
return aSO.GetID()
# VSR ######################################################################
SO_Mesh = myStudy.FindObjectID( SO_Mesh_Entry )
if ( SO_Mesh ) :
if ST == ShapeType["COMPSOLID"] :
Tag_Shape = Tag_SubMeshOnSolid
Name = "SubMeshes on Solid"
elif ST == ShapeType["FACE"] :
Tag_Shape = Tag_SubMeshOnFace
Name = "SubMeshes on Face"
elif ST == ShapeType["EDGE"] :
Tag_Shape = Tag_SubMeshOnEdge
Name = "SubMeshes on Edge"
elif ST == ShapeType["VERTEX"] :
Tag_Shape = Tag_SubMeshOnVertex
Name = "SubMeshes on Vertex"
else :
Tag_Shape = Tag_SubMeshOnCompound
Name = "SubMeshes on Compound"
res, SubmeshesRoot = SO_Mesh.FindSubObject (Tag_Shape)
if SubmeshesRoot is None or res == 0:
SubmeshesRoot = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (SO_Mesh, Tag_Shape)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(SubmeshesRoot, "AttributeName")
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(SubmeshesRoot, "AttributeSelectable")
SO = myStudyBuilder.NewObject (SubmeshesRoot)
anIOR = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(SO, "AttributeIOR")
return SO.GetID()
# VSR: added temporarily - objects are published automatically by the engine
aSO = myStudy.FindObjectIOR( SM_IOR )
if aSO is not None:
return aSO.GetID()
# VSR ######################################################################
return None
SO_Mesh = myStudy.FindObjectID( SO_Mesh_Entry )
if ( SO_Mesh ) :
if ST == ShapeType["COMPSOLID"] :
Tag_Shape = Tag_SubMeshOnSolid
Name = "SubMeshes on Solid"
elif ST == ShapeType["FACE"] :
Tag_Shape = Tag_SubMeshOnFace
Name = "SubMeshes on Face"
elif ST == ShapeType["EDGE"] :
Tag_Shape = Tag_SubMeshOnEdge
Name = "SubMeshes on Edge"
elif ST == ShapeType["VERTEX"] :
Tag_Shape = Tag_SubMeshOnVertex
Name = "SubMeshes on Vertex"
else :
Tag_Shape = Tag_SubMeshOnCompound
Name = "SubMeshes on Compound"
res, SubmeshesRoot = SO_Mesh.FindSubObject (Tag_Shape)
if SubmeshesRoot is None or res == 0:
SubmeshesRoot = myStudyBuilder.NewObjectToTag (SO_Mesh, Tag_Shape)
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(SubmeshesRoot, "AttributeName")
aSelAttr = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(SubmeshesRoot, "AttributeSelectable")
SO = myStudyBuilder.NewObject (SubmeshesRoot)
anIOR = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(SO, "AttributeIOR")
return SO.GetID()
return None
def AddSubMeshOnShape (Mesh_Entry, GeomShape_Entry, SM_IOR, ST) :
# VSR: added temporarily - objects are published automatically by the engine
aSO = myStudy.FindObjectIOR( SM_IOR )
if aSO is not None:
return aSO.GetID()
# VSR ######################################################################
SO_GeomShape = myStudy.FindObjectID( GeomShape_Entry )
if SO_GeomShape != None :
SM_Entry = AddSubMesh (Mesh_Entry,SM_IOR,ST)
SO_SM = myStudy.FindObjectID( SM_Entry )
# VSR: added temporarily - objects are published automatically by the engine
aSO = myStudy.FindObjectIOR( SM_IOR )
if aSO is not None:
return aSO.GetID()
# VSR ######################################################################
SO_GeomShape = myStudy.FindObjectID( GeomShape_Entry )
if SO_GeomShape != None :
SM_Entry = AddSubMesh (Mesh_Entry,SM_IOR,ST)
SO_SM = myStudy.FindObjectID( SM_Entry )
if SO_SM != None :
SetShape (GeomShape_Entry, SM_Entry)
return SM_Entry
if SO_SM != None :
SetShape (GeomShape_Entry, SM_Entry)
return SM_Entry
return None
return None
def SetName(Entry, Name):
SO = myStudy.FindObjectID( Entry )
if SO != None :
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(SO, "AttributeName")
SO = myStudy.FindObjectID( Entry )
if SO != None :
aName = myStudyBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(SO, "AttributeName")
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ del pluginName
# export the methods of smeshBuilder
if smesh:
for k in dir( smesh ):
if k[0] == '_': continue
globals()[k] = getattr( smesh, k )
if k[0] == '_': continue
globals()[k] = getattr( smesh, k )
del k
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ smesh.py will be removed in a future version!
The following changes in your scripts are required to avoid this message:
import smesh, SMESH
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ smesh = smeshBuilder.New(salome.myStudy)
you also need to modify some lines where smeshBuilder is used instead of smesh
algo=smesh.xxxx ==> algo=smeshBuilder.xxxx
algo=smesh.xxxx ==> algo=smeshBuilder.xxxx
See also SMESH User's Guide for more details
@ -374,8 +374,8 @@ class smeshBuilder(object, SMESH._objref_SMESH_Gen):
global created
#print "--------------- smeshbuilder __init__ ---", created
if not created:
created = True
created = True
## Dump component to the Python script
# This method overrides IDL function to allow default values for the parameters.
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ class smeshBuilder(object, SMESH._objref_SMESH_Gen):
def GetSubShapesId( self, theMainObject, theListOfSubObjects ):
return SMESH._objref_SMESH_Gen.GetSubShapesId(self,theMainObject, theListOfSubObjects)
## Create a pattern mapper.
## Create a pattern mapper.
# @return an instance of SMESH_Pattern
# <a href="../tui_modifying_meshes_page.html#tui_pattern_mapping">Example of Patterns usage</a>
@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ class smeshBuilder(object, SMESH._objref_SMESH_Gen):
raise TypeError, "The Threshold should be an integer or SMESH.EntityType."
elif CritType == FT_GroupColor:
# Check the Threshold
@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ def New( study, instance=None):
global doLcc
engine = instance
if engine is None:
doLcc = True
doLcc = True
smeshInst = smeshBuilder()
assert isinstance(smeshInst,smeshBuilder), "Smesh engine class is %s but should be smeshBuilder.smeshBuilder. Import salome.smesh.smeshBuilder before creating the instance."%smeshInst.__class__
@ -1280,7 +1280,7 @@ class Mesh:
## Initialize the Mesh object from an instance of SMESH_Mesh interface
# @param theMesh a SMESH_Mesh object
# @ingroup l2_construct
@ -1641,7 +1641,7 @@ class Mesh:
# @ingroup l2_construct
def Clear(self, refresh=False):
if ( salome.sg.hasDesktop() and
if ( salome.sg.hasDesktop() and
salome.myStudyManager.GetStudyByID( self.mesh.GetStudyId() ) ):
smeshgui = salome.ImportComponentGUI("SMESH")
@ -1804,7 +1804,7 @@ class Mesh:
# - 3D in the rest cases.<br>
# If @a autoDimension is @c False, the space dimension is always 3.
# @param fields list of GEOM fields defined on the shape to mesh.
# @param geomAssocFields each character of this string means a need to export a
# @param geomAssocFields each character of this string means a need to export a
# corresponding field; correspondence between fields and characters is following:
# - 'v' stands for "_vertices _" field;
# - 'e' stands for "_edges _" field;
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@ class Mesh:
# ----------------------
## Create an empty mesh group
# @param elementType the type of elements in the group; either of
# @param elementType the type of elements in the group; either of
# @param name the name of the mesh group
# @return SMESH_Group
@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@ class Mesh:
# the name is the same as the geometrical group name
# @param grp a geometrical group, a vertex, an edge, a face or a solid
# @param name the name of the mesh group
# @param typ the type of elements in the group; either of
# @param typ the type of elements in the group; either of
# automatically detected by the type of the geometry
# @return SMESH_GroupOnGeom
@ -1992,7 +1992,7 @@ class Mesh:
## Create a mesh group with given \a name based on the \a filter which
## is a special type of group dynamically updating it's contents during
## mesh modification
# @param typ the type of elements in the group; either of
# @param typ the type of elements in the group; either of
# @param name the name of the mesh group
# @param filter the filter defining group contents
@ -2003,7 +2003,7 @@ class Mesh:
## Create a mesh group by the given ids of elements
# @param groupName the name of the mesh group
# @param elementType the type of elements in the group; either of
# @param elementType the type of elements in the group; either of
# @param elemIDs either the list of ids, group, sub-mesh, or filter
# @return SMESH_Group
@ -2086,7 +2086,7 @@ class Mesh:
## Get the list of groups existing in the mesh in the order
# of creation (starting from the oldest one)
# @param elemType type of elements the groups contain; either of
# @param elemType type of elements the groups contain; either of
# by default groups of elements of all types are returned
# @return a sequence of SMESH_GroupBase
@ -2121,7 +2121,7 @@ class Mesh:
## Find groups by name and type
# @param name name of the group of interest
# @param elemType type of elements the groups contain; either of
# @param elemType type of elements the groups contain; either of
# by default one group of any type of elements is returned
# if elemType == SMESH.ALL then all groups of any type are returned
@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ class Mesh:
if group.GetName() == name:
if elemType is None:
return [group]
if ( elemType == SMESH.ALL or
if ( elemType == SMESH.ALL or
group.GetType() == elemType ):
groups.append( group )
return groups
@ -2152,7 +2152,7 @@ class Mesh:
# @return an instance of SMESH_Group
# @ingroup l2_grps_operon
def UnionListOfGroups(self, groups, name):
return self.mesh.UnionListOfGroups(groups, name)
return self.mesh.UnionListOfGroups(groups, name)
## Prodice an intersection of two groups.
# A new group is created. All mesh elements that are common
@ -2168,7 +2168,7 @@ class Mesh:
# @return an instance of SMESH_Group
# @ingroup l2_grps_operon
def IntersectListOfGroups(self, groups, name):
return self.mesh.IntersectListOfGroups(groups, name)
return self.mesh.IntersectListOfGroups(groups, name)
## Produce a cut of two groups.
# A new group is created. All mesh elements that are present in
@ -2189,7 +2189,7 @@ class Mesh:
# Create a standalone group of entities basing on nodes of other groups.
# \param groups - list of reference groups, sub-meshes or filters, of any type.
# \param elemType - a type of elements to include to the new group; either of
# \param elemType - a type of elements to include to the new group; either of
# \param name - a name of the new group.
# \param nbCommonNodes - a criterion of inclusion of an element to the new group
@ -2866,7 +2866,7 @@ class Mesh:
def Add0DElement( self, IDOfNode, DuplicateElements=True ):
return self.editor.Add0DElement( IDOfNode, DuplicateElements )
## Create 0D elements on all nodes of the given elements except those
## Create 0D elements on all nodes of the given elements except those
# nodes on which a 0D element already exists.
# @param theObject an object on whose nodes 0D elements will be created.
# It can be mesh, sub-mesh, group, list of element IDs or a holder
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ class Mesh:
# and/or found on nodes of \a theObject.
# @param DuplicateElements to add one more 0D element to a node or not
# @return an object (a new group or a temporary SMESH_IDSource) holding
# IDs of new and/or found 0D elements. IDs of 0D elements
# IDs of new and/or found 0D elements. IDs of 0D elements
# can be retrieved from the returned object by calling GetIDs()
# @ingroup l2_modif_add
def Add0DElementsToAllNodes(self, theObject, theGroupName="", DuplicateElements=False):
@ -3088,7 +3088,7 @@ class Mesh:
# @param x the X coordinate of a point
# @param y the Y coordinate of a point
# @param z the Z coordinate of a point
# @param elementType type of elements to find; either of
# @param elementType type of elements to find; either of
# means elements of any type excluding nodes, discrete and 0D elements.
# @param meshPart a part of mesh (group, sub-mesh) to search within
@ -3657,7 +3657,7 @@ class Mesh:
if error and error.comment:
print error.comment
return error
## Convert the mesh from quadratic to ordinary,
# deletes old quadratic elements, \n replacing
# them with ordinary mesh elements with the same id.
@ -3708,13 +3708,13 @@ class Mesh:
return mesh, group
# @brief Create missing boundary elements around either the whole mesh or
# @brief Create missing boundary elements around either the whole mesh or
# groups of elements
# @param dimension - defines type of boundary elements to create, either of
# @param groupName - a name of group to store all boundary elements in,
# "" means not to create the group
# @param meshName - a name of a new mesh, which is a copy of the initial
# @param meshName - a name of a new mesh, which is a copy of the initial
# mesh + created boundary elements; "" means not to create the new mesh
# @param toCopyAll - if true, the whole initial mesh will be copied into
# the new mesh else only boundary elements will be copied into the new mesh
@ -4406,9 +4406,9 @@ class Mesh:
if ( isinstance( thePoint, list )):
thePoint = PointStruct( thePoint[0], thePoint[1], thePoint[2] )
if ( isinstance( theScaleFact, float )):
theScaleFact = [theScaleFact]
theScaleFact = [theScaleFact]
if ( isinstance( theScaleFact, int )):
theScaleFact = [ float(theScaleFact)]
theScaleFact = [ float(theScaleFact)]
@ -4434,9 +4434,9 @@ class Mesh:
if ( isinstance( thePoint, list )):
thePoint = PointStruct( thePoint[0], thePoint[1], thePoint[2] )
if ( isinstance( theScaleFact, float )):
theScaleFact = [theScaleFact]
theScaleFact = [theScaleFact]
if ( isinstance( theScaleFact, int )):
theScaleFact = [ float(theScaleFact)]
theScaleFact = [ float(theScaleFact)]
mesh = self.editor.ScaleMakeMesh(theObject, thePoint, theScaleFact,
@ -4602,7 +4602,7 @@ class Mesh:
# @ingroup l2_modif_trsf
def FindCoincidentFreeBorders (self, tolerance=0.):
return self.editor.FindCoincidentFreeBorders( tolerance )
## Sew FreeBorder's of each group
# @param freeBorders either a SMESH.CoincidentFreeBorders structure or a list of lists
# where each enclosed list contains node IDs of a group of coincident free
@ -4711,7 +4711,7 @@ class Mesh:
def ClearLastCreated(self):
## Create duplicates of given elements, i.e. create new elements based on the
## Create duplicates of given elements, i.e. create new elements based on the
# same nodes as the given ones.
# @param theElements - container of elements to duplicate. It can be a Mesh,
# sub-mesh, group, filter or a list of element IDs. If \a theElements is
@ -4719,7 +4719,7 @@ class Mesh:
# @param theGroupName - a name of group to contain the generated elements.
# If a group with such a name already exists, the new elements
# are added to the existng group, else a new group is created.
# If \a theGroupName is empty, new elements are not added
# If \a theGroupName is empty, new elements are not added
# in any group.
# @return a group where the new elements are added. None if theGroupName == "".
# @ingroup l2_modif_duplicat
@ -4892,11 +4892,11 @@ class Mesh:
# @return TRUE if operation has been completed successfully, FALSE otherwise
# @ingroup l2_modif_duplicat
def DoubleNodesOnGroupBoundaries(self, theDomains, createJointElems, onAllBoundaries=False ):
return self.editor.DoubleNodesOnGroupBoundaries( theDomains, createJointElems, onAllBoundaries )
return self.editor.DoubleNodesOnGroupBoundaries( theDomains, createJointElems, onAllBoundaries )
## Double nodes on some external faces and create flat elements.
# Flat elements are mainly used by some types of mechanic calculations.
# Each group of the list must be constituted of faces.
# Triangles are transformed in prisms, and quadrangles in hexahedrons.
# @param theGroupsOfFaces - list of groups of faces
@ -4904,7 +4904,7 @@ class Mesh:
# @ingroup l2_modif_duplicat
def CreateFlatElementsOnFacesGroups(self, theGroupsOfFaces ):
return self.editor.CreateFlatElementsOnFacesGroups( theGroupsOfFaces )
## identify all the elements around a geom shape, get the faces delimiting the hole
def CreateHoleSkin(self, radius, theShape, groupName, theNodesCoords):
@ -5276,8 +5276,8 @@ for pluginName in os.environ[ "SMESH_MeshersList" ].split( ":" ):
exec( "from salome.%s.%s import *" % (pluginName, pluginBuilderName))
except Exception, e:
from salome_utils import verbose
if verbose(): print "Exception while loading %s: %s" % ( pluginBuilderName, e )
from salome_utils import verbose
if verbose(): print "Exception while loading %s: %s" % ( pluginBuilderName, e )
exec( "from salome.%s import %s" % (pluginName, pluginBuilderName))
plugin = eval( pluginBuilderName )
@ -18,12 +18,11 @@
def Message (code) :
import sys
MessageString = { 1 : lambda x: "Successfully created \n",
2 : lambda x: "Fatal: Incorrect input \n",
3 : lambda x: "Fatal: Overlapping objects detected \n",
4 : lambda x: "Fatal: Incompatible object type with neighbouring objects" }[code](str(code))
print MessageString
#if code > 1 : sys.exit()
return 1
import sys
MessageString = { 1 : lambda x: "Successfully created \n",
2 : lambda x: "Fatal: Incorrect input \n",
3 : lambda x: "Fatal: Overlapping objects detected \n",
4 : lambda x: "Fatal: Incompatible object type with neighbouring objects" }[code](str(code))
print MessageString
#if code > 1 : sys.exit()
return 1
@ -31,157 +31,157 @@ sys.path.append(CWD)
from MacObject import *
import Config, GenFunctions
def CentralUnrefine (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , Orientation, **args ) :
def CentralUnrefine (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , Orientation, **args ) :
DirPar = {'SN' : lambda : ['NW', 'NE', 'EW', 'NW', 'SN', 'SN', 'NE', 'WE'],
'NS' : lambda : ['SE', 'SW', 'WE', 'SE', 'NS', 'NS', 'SW', 'EW'],
'EW' : lambda : ['NW', 'SW', 'SN', 'NW', 'EW', 'EW', 'SW', 'NS'],
'WE' : lambda : ['SE', 'NE', 'NS', 'SE', 'WE', 'WE', 'NE', 'SN'], }[Orientation]()
DirPar = {'SN' : lambda : ['NW', 'NE', 'EW', 'NW', 'SN', 'SN', 'NE', 'WE'],
'NS' : lambda : ['SE', 'SW', 'WE', 'SE', 'NS', 'NS', 'SW', 'EW'],
'EW' : lambda : ['NW', 'SW', 'SN', 'NW', 'EW', 'EW', 'SW', 'NS'],
'WE' : lambda : ['SE', 'NE', 'NS', 'SE', 'WE', 'WE', 'NE', 'SN'], }[Orientation]()
CoefVer = {'SN' : lambda : 1.,
'NS' : lambda : -1.,
'EW' : lambda : 0.,
'WE' : lambda : 0., }[Orientation]()
CoefVer = {'SN' : lambda : 1.,
'NS' : lambda : -1.,
'EW' : lambda : 0.,
'WE' : lambda : 0., }[Orientation]()
CoefHor = {'SN' : lambda : 0.,
'NS' : lambda : 0.,
'EW' : lambda : -1.,
'WE' : lambda : 1., }[Orientation]()
CoefHor = {'SN' : lambda : 0.,
'NS' : lambda : 0.,
'EW' : lambda : -1.,
'WE' : lambda : 1., }[Orientation]()
ToLook1 = {'SN' : lambda : 2,
'NS' : lambda : 3,
'EW' : lambda : 1,
'WE' : lambda : 0, }[Orientation]()
ToLook1 = {'SN' : lambda : 2,
'NS' : lambda : 3,
'EW' : lambda : 1,
'WE' : lambda : 0, }[Orientation]()
ToLook2 = {'SN' : lambda : 0,
'NS' : lambda : 0,
'EW' : lambda : 2,
'WE' : lambda : 2, }[Orientation]()
ToLook3 = {'SN' : lambda : [0,1,2,3],
'NS' : lambda : [1,0,3,2],
'EW' : lambda : [3,2,1,0],
'WE' : lambda : [2,3,0,1], }[Orientation]()
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
ExistingSegments = Config.ListObj[-1].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook1]
ObjIDs = Config.Connections[-1][ToLook1]
ExtensionSegments = math.ceil(ExistingSegments/12.)*12.
Dmin = 1.E50
Dmax = -1.E50
for ObjID in ObjIDs :
Boundaries = Config.ListObj[ObjID].Boundaries()
if Boundaries[ToLook2] < Dmin : Dmin = Boundaries[ToLook2]
if Boundaries[ToLook2+1] > Dmax : Dmax = Boundaries[ToLook2+1]
dx = 0
if ExtensionSegments > ExistingSegments :
dn = (ExtensionSegments-ExistingSegments)/2.
dx = dn*(Dmax-Dmin)/ExistingSegments
BoxSide = (Dmax-Dmin+2*dx)/2.
Obj = []
ToLook2 = {'SN' : lambda : 0,
'NS' : lambda : 0,
'EW' : lambda : 2,
'WE' : lambda : 2, }[Orientation]()
NLevOpt = 0
for NLevels in range (1,100) :
DX1 = abs(CoefVer)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels+1)+abs(CoefHor)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels)
DY1 = abs(CoefHor)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels+1)+abs(CoefVer)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels)
if DX1 > DX or DY1 > DY :
NLevOpt = NLevels-1
DXinner = DX1/2.
DYinner = DY1/2.
dummyArray = [DXinner,DYinner,DYinner,DXinner]
D1inner = dummyArray[ToLook2] # = DXinner for SN and NS orientations
D2inner = dummyArray[ToLook2+1] # = DYinner for SN and NS orientations
dummyArray = [DX,DY,DY,DX]
D1 = dummyArray[ToLook2] # = DX for SN and NS orientations
D2 = dummyArray[ToLook2+1] # = DY for SN and NS orientations
if D1inner < D1 :
GN0a = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[1])
GN0b = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[2])
GN01 = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[1])
GN02 = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[2])
if D2inner < D2 :
GN10 = [None,None,None,None]
GN11 = [None,None,None,None]
GN20 = [None,None,None,None]
else :
GN10 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
GN11 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
GN20 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
else :
GN0a = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[1])
GN0b = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[2])
GN01 = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[1],GroupNames[4]])
GN02 = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[5]])
if D2inner < D2 :
GN10 = GroupArray(ToLook3[2],GroupNames[4])
GN11 = GroupArray(ToLook3[3],GroupNames[5])
GN20 = [None,None,None,None]
else :
GN10 = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
GN11 = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[5]])
GN20 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
for N in range (1,NLevOpt+1):
D = BoxSide*(2.**n)
if N < NLevOpt :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*1/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*1/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[2]], groups=GN0a))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[3]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[4]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*1/2+CoefVer*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[5]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[6]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[7]], groups=GN0b))
else :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*1/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*1/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[2]], groups=GN01))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[3]], groups=GN10))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[4]], groups=GN20))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*1/2+CoefVer*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[5]], groups=GN20))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[6]], groups=GN11))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[7]], groups=GN02))
ToLook3 = {'SN' : lambda : [0,1,2,3],
'NS' : lambda : [1,0,3,2],
'EW' : lambda : [3,2,1,0],
'WE' : lambda : [2,3,0,1], }[Orientation]()
if CoefVer and DX>DXinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*DYinner/2),((DX-DXinner)/2,DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[1],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*DYinner/2),((DX-DXinner)/2,DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[5]])))
if DY>DYinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*(DY+DYinner)/2.),((DX-DXinner)/2,DY-DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*(DY+DYinner)/2.),((DX-DXinner)/2,DY-DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[5]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+CoefVer*(DY+DYinner)/2.),(DXinner,DY-DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])))
elif CoefHor and DY>DYinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*DXinner/2,Y0-CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[1],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*DXinner/2,Y0+CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[5]])))
if DX>DXinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX+DXinner)/2.,Y0-CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DX-DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX+DXinner)/2.,Y0+CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DX-DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[5]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX+DXinner)/2.,Y0),(DX-DXinner,DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])))
return Obj
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
ExistingSegments = Config.ListObj[-1].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook1]
ObjIDs = Config.Connections[-1][ToLook1]
ExtensionSegments = math.ceil(ExistingSegments/12.)*12.
Dmin = 1.E50
Dmax = -1.E50
for ObjID in ObjIDs :
Boundaries = Config.ListObj[ObjID].Boundaries()
if Boundaries[ToLook2] < Dmin : Dmin = Boundaries[ToLook2]
if Boundaries[ToLook2+1] > Dmax : Dmax = Boundaries[ToLook2+1]
dx = 0
if ExtensionSegments > ExistingSegments :
dn = (ExtensionSegments-ExistingSegments)/2.
dx = dn*(Dmax-Dmin)/ExistingSegments
BoxSide = (Dmax-Dmin+2*dx)/2.
Obj = []
NLevOpt = 0
for NLevels in range (1,100) :
DX1 = abs(CoefVer)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels+1)+abs(CoefHor)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels)
DY1 = abs(CoefHor)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels+1)+abs(CoefVer)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels)
if DX1 > DX or DY1 > DY :
NLevOpt = NLevels-1
DXinner = DX1/2.
DYinner = DY1/2.
dummyArray = [DXinner,DYinner,DYinner,DXinner]
D1inner = dummyArray[ToLook2] # = DXinner for SN and NS orientations
D2inner = dummyArray[ToLook2+1] # = DYinner for SN and NS orientations
dummyArray = [DX,DY,DY,DX]
D1 = dummyArray[ToLook2] # = DX for SN and NS orientations
D2 = dummyArray[ToLook2+1] # = DY for SN and NS orientations
if D1inner < D1 :
GN0a = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[1])
GN0b = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[2])
GN01 = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[1])
GN02 = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[2])
if D2inner < D2 :
GN10 = [None,None,None,None]
GN11 = [None,None,None,None]
GN20 = [None,None,None,None]
else :
GN10 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
GN11 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
GN20 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
else :
GN0a = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[1])
GN0b = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[2])
GN01 = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[1],GroupNames[4]])
GN02 = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[5]])
if D2inner < D2 :
GN10 = GroupArray(ToLook3[2],GroupNames[4])
GN11 = GroupArray(ToLook3[3],GroupNames[5])
GN20 = [None,None,None,None]
else :
GN10 = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
GN11 = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[5]])
GN20 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
for N in range (1,NLevOpt+1):
D = BoxSide*(2.**n)
if N < NLevOpt :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*1/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*1/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[2]], groups=GN0a))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[3]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[4]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*1/2+CoefVer*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[5]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[6]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[7]], groups=GN0b))
else :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*1/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*1/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[2]], groups=GN01))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[3]], groups=GN10))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[4]], groups=GN20))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*1/2+CoefVer*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[5]], groups=GN20))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[6]], groups=GN11))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[7]], groups=GN02))
if CoefVer and DX>DXinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*DYinner/2),((DX-DXinner)/2,DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[1],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*DYinner/2),((DX-DXinner)/2,DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[5]])))
if DY>DYinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*(DY+DYinner)/2.),((DX-DXinner)/2,DY-DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*(DY+DYinner)/2.),((DX-DXinner)/2,DY-DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[5]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+CoefVer*(DY+DYinner)/2.),(DXinner,DY-DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])))
elif CoefHor and DY>DYinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*DXinner/2,Y0-CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[1],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*DXinner/2,Y0+CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[5]])))
if DX>DXinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX+DXinner)/2.,Y0-CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DX-DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX+DXinner)/2.,Y0+CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DX-DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[5]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX+DXinner)/2.,Y0),(DX-DXinner,DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])))
return Obj
def RemoveLastObj() :
Config.ListObj = Config.ListObj[:-1]
Config.Connections = Config.Connections[:-1]
def RemoveLastObj() :
Config.ListObj = Config.ListObj[:-1]
Config.Connections = Config.Connections[:-1]
def GroupArray(indices, GroupNames) :
if type(indices) is int :
indices = [indices]
GroupNames = [GroupNames]
Output = [None,None,None,None]
for i, ind in enumerate(indices) :
Output[ind] = GroupNames[i]
return Output
if type(indices) is int :
indices = [indices]
GroupNames = [GroupNames]
Output = [None,None,None,None]
for i, ind in enumerate(indices) :
Output[ind] = GroupNames[i]
return Output
@ -27,159 +27,156 @@ sys.path.append(CWD)
from MacObject import *
import Config, GenFunctions
def CompositeBox (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , **args ) :
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
# Create a full Box just to inherit, globally, the mesh parameters of bounding objects
# Save the existing number of segments on each direction
ExistingSegments = Config.ListObj[-1].DirectionalMeshParams
# Sort the connection list for the full Box
ObjIDLists = SortObjLists(Config.Connections[-1],X0 , Y0 , DX , DY )
print "ObjIDLists: ", ObjIDLists
RealSegments = []
Direction = []
flag = 0
if not(args.__contains__('recursive')) : Config.Count = 0
print "Config.Count : ", Config.Count
Config.Criterion = GetCriterion(ObjIDLists)
for index, ObjList in enumerate(ObjIDLists) :
if not (ObjList[0] == -1 or Config.Count >= Config.Criterion):
if len(ObjList)>1 : flag = 1
else : flag = 0
for ObjID in ObjList:
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][index]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][index]
CommonSide = FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])
ToLook2 = [1,0,3,2][index]
if flag and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
if index < 2 :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - (Y0-DY/2.))<1e-7 : SouthGR = GroupNames[0]
else : SouthGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - (Y0+DY/2.))<1e-7 : NorthGR = GroupNames[1]
else : NorthGR = None
CompositeBox (X0, CommonSide[0]+IntLen(CommonSide)/2., DX,IntLen(CommonSide), recursive=1, groups = [SouthGR,NorthGR]+GroupNames[2:4])
else :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - (X0-DX/2.))<1e-7 : EastGR = GroupNames[2]
else : EastGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - (X0+DX/2.))<1e-7 : WestGR = GroupNames[3]
else : WestGR = None
CompositeBox (CommonSide[0]+IntLen(CommonSide)/2., Y0, IntLen(CommonSide),DY, recursive=1, groups = GroupNames[0:2]+[EastGR,WestGR])
def CompositeBox (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , **args ) :
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
# Create a full Box just to inherit, globally, the mesh parameters of bounding objects
# Save the existing number of segments on each direction
ExistingSegments = Config.ListObj[-1].DirectionalMeshParams
# Sort the connection list for the full Box
ObjIDLists = SortObjLists(Config.Connections[-1],X0 , Y0 , DX , DY )
print "ObjIDLists: ", ObjIDLists
RealSegments = []
Direction = []
flag = 0
if not(args.__contains__('recursive')) : Config.Count = 0
print "Config.Count : ", Config.Count
Config.Criterion = GetCriterion(ObjIDLists)
for index, ObjList in enumerate(ObjIDLists) :
if not (ObjList[0] == -1 or Config.Count >= Config.Criterion):
if len(ObjList)>1 : flag = 1
else : flag = 0
for ObjID in ObjList:
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][index]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][index]
CommonSide = FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])
ToLook2 = [1,0,3,2][index]
if flag and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
if index < 2 :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - (Y0-DY/2.))<1e-7 : SouthGR = GroupNames[0]
else : SouthGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - (Y0+DY/2.))<1e-7 : NorthGR = GroupNames[1]
else : NorthGR = None
CompositeBox (X0, CommonSide[0]+IntLen(CommonSide)/2., DX,IntLen(CommonSide), recursive=1, groups = [SouthGR,NorthGR]+GroupNames[2:4])
else :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - (X0-DX/2.))<1e-7 : EastGR = GroupNames[2]
else : EastGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - (X0+DX/2.))<1e-7 : WestGR = GroupNames[3]
else : WestGR = None
CompositeBox (CommonSide[0]+IntLen(CommonSide)/2., Y0, IntLen(CommonSide),DY, recursive=1, groups = GroupNames[0:2]+[EastGR,WestGR])
if Config.Count >= Config.Criterion :
if flag == 0 and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
#print "Dir : ", Direction
#print "RealSegments : ", RealSegments
#Xind = Direction.index(0)
#Yind = Direction.index(1)
#MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] ,[(RealSegments[Xind],RealSegments[Yind])], groups = GroupNames)
MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] ,['auto'], groups = GroupNames)
Config.Count += 1
if Config.Count >= Config.Criterion :
if flag == 0 and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
#print "Dir : ", Direction
#print "RealSegments : ", RealSegments
#Xind = Direction.index(0)
#Yind = Direction.index(1)
#MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] ,[(RealSegments[Xind],RealSegments[Yind])], groups = GroupNames)
MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] ,['auto'], groups = GroupNames)
Config.Count += 1
def FindCommonSide (Int1, Int2) :
if abs(min(Int1[1],Int2[1])-max(Int1[0],Int2[0])) < 1e-5: return [0,0]
else : return [max(Int1[0],Int2[0]), min(Int1[1],Int2[1])]
if abs(min(Int1[1],Int2[1])-max(Int1[0],Int2[0])) < 1e-5: return [0,0]
else : return [max(Int1[0],Int2[0]), min(Int1[1],Int2[1])]
def IntLen (Interval) :
return abs(Interval[1]-Interval[0])
def RemoveLastObj() :
Config.ListObj = Config.ListObj[:-1]
Config.Connections = Config.Connections[:-1]
return abs(Interval[1]-Interval[0])
def RemoveLastObj() :
Config.ListObj = Config.ListObj[:-1]
Config.Connections = Config.Connections[:-1]
def GetCriterion (ObjListIDs):
return max(Config.Criterion, max(len(ObjListIDs[0]),len(ObjListIDs[1]))*max(len(ObjListIDs[2]),len(ObjListIDs[3])))
return max(Config.Criterion, max(len(ObjListIDs[0]),len(ObjListIDs[1]))*max(len(ObjListIDs[2]),len(ObjListIDs[3])))
def SortObjLists (List,X0,Y0,DX,DY) :
This function sorts the list of neighbouring objects on each side, according to their intersection
with the object being created. From South to North and from East to West
Output = List
# First find the directions where no neighbour exists
# Important : Here we assume that exactly two directions have no neighbours !!!
# Should we change this to allow a more general case ????
dummy = IndexMultiOcc(List,(-1,))
# dummy[0] is either 0, meaning there is no neighbour on X- (West)
# or 1, meaning there is no neighbour on X+ (East)
# Similarly dummy[1] can be either 2 or 3 (South and North respectively)
# In order to get back to the formalism of groups (SNWE)
# => we do the following to define Sense of no neighbours and then the Direction list
# is calculated as to include uniquely the directions where we DO have neighbours
if len(dummy) == 1 :
# This adds a second direction where neighbours are not regarded, it is either 0 or 2
print("Careful, you have neighbours on 3 or more sides of the box, we will not check if on two parallel sides the boxes are compatible !!!")
if len(dummy) == 2 or len(dummy) == 1 :
# Sense contains : Vertical then Horizontal
Sense = [dummy[1]%2,dummy[0]]
DirList = [[1,0][dummy[0]],[3,2][dummy[1]%2]]
for index,Direction in enumerate(DirList) :
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense[index]] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense[index]])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
elif len(dummy) == 3 :
# We find the direction where we do have neighbours and then we sort the object list along it
Sense = dummy[0]%2
Direction = [ i not in dummy for i in range(4) ].index(True)
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
else :
print ("Error : the composite box being created has no neighbours, how on earth do you want us to inherit its mesh parameters!!!")
return Output
This function sorts the list of neighbouring objects on each side, according to their intersection
with the object being created. From South to North and from East to West
Output = List
# First find the directions where no neighbour exists
# Important : Here we assume that exactly two directions have no neighbours !!!
# Should we change this to allow a more general case ????
dummy = IndexMultiOcc(List,(-1,))
# dummy[0] is either 0, meaning there is no neighbour on X- (West)
# or 1, meaning there is no neighbour on X+ (East)
# Similarly dummy[1] can be either 2 or 3 (South and North respectively)
# In order to get back to the formalism of groups (SNWE)
# => we do the following to define Sense of no neighbours and then the Direction list
# is calculated as to include uniquely the directions where we DO have neighbours
if len(dummy) == 1 :
# This adds a second direction where neighbours are not regarded, it is either 0 or 2
print("Careful, you have neighbours on 3 or more sides of the box, we will not check if on two parallel sides the boxes are compatible !!!")
if len(dummy) == 2 or len(dummy) == 1 :
# Sense contains : Vertical then Horizontal
Sense = [dummy[1]%2,dummy[0]]
DirList = [[1,0][dummy[0]],[3,2][dummy[1]%2]]
for index,Direction in enumerate(DirList) :
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense[index]] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense[index]])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
elif len(dummy) == 3 :
# We find the direction where we do have neighbours and then we sort the object list along it
Sense = dummy[0]%2
Direction = [ i not in dummy for i in range(4) ].index(True)
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
else :
print ("Error : the composite box being created has no neighbours, how on earth do you want us to inherit its mesh parameters!!!")
return Output
def IndexMultiOcc (Array,Element) :
This functions returns the occurrences indices of Element in Array.
As opposed to Array.index(Element) method, this allows determining
multiple entries rather than just the first one!
Output = []
try : Array.index(Element)
except ValueError : print "No more occurrences"
else : Output.append(Array.index(Element))
if not(Output == []) and len(Array) > 1 :
for index, ArrElem in enumerate(Array[Output[0]+1:]) :
if ArrElem == Element : Output.append(index+Output[0]+1)
return Output
This functions returns the occurrences indices of Element in Array.
As opposed to Array.index(Element) method, this allows determining
multiple entries rather than just the first one!
Output = []
try : Array.index(Element)
except ValueError : print "No more occurrences"
else : Output.append(Array.index(Element))
if not(Output == []) and len(Array) > 1 :
for index, ArrElem in enumerate(Array[Output[0]+1:]) :
if ArrElem == Element : Output.append(index+Output[0]+1)
return Output
def SortList (ValList, CritList):
Output = []
SortedCritList = copy.copy(CritList)
for i in range(0,len(ValList)):
index = CritList.index(SortedCritList[i])
return Output
Output = []
SortedCritList = copy.copy(CritList)
for i in range(0,len(ValList)):
index = CritList.index(SortedCritList[i])
return Output
@ -27,224 +27,223 @@ sys.path.append(CWD)
from MacObject import *
import Config, GenFunctions
def CompositeBoxF (Pt1 , Pt2 , Pt3 , Pt4 , **args ) :
[Pt1 , Pt2 , Pt3 , Pt4] = GenFunctions.SortPoints([Pt1 , Pt2 , Pt3 , Pt4])
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
# Create a full NonOrtho box just to inherit, globally, the mesh parameters of bounding objects
dummy = MacObject('NonOrtho',[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4],['auto'],publish=0)
# Save the existing number of segments on each direction
ExistingSeg0 = Config.ListObj[-1].DirectionalMeshParams
Convention = [2,3,0,1]
ExistingSegments = [ExistingSeg0[Convention[i]] for i in range(4)]
# Save Boundary lengths on each direction
BoundaryLengths = [IntLen(dummy.DirBoundaries(i)) for i in range(4) ]
# Calculate global mesh element size on each direction
GlobalDelta = [1.*BoundaryLengths[i]/ExistingSegments[i] for i in range(4) ]
print "GlobalDelta :",GlobalDelta
# Sort the connection list for the full Box
[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] = dummy.GeoPar
ObjIDLists = SortObjLists(Config.Connections[-1],X0 , Y0 , DX , DY )
[Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax] = dummy.Boundaries() # Used for groups determination
RealSegments = []
Direction = []
flag = 0
if not(args.__contains__('recursive')) :
Config.Count = 0
def CompositeBoxF (Pt1 , Pt2 , Pt3 , Pt4 , **args ) :
[Pt1 , Pt2 , Pt3 , Pt4] = GenFunctions.SortPoints([Pt1 , Pt2 , Pt3 , Pt4])
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
# Create a full NonOrtho box just to inherit, globally, the mesh parameters of bounding objects
dummy = MacObject('NonOrtho',[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4],['auto'],publish=0)
# Save the existing number of segments on each direction
ExistingSeg0 = Config.ListObj[-1].DirectionalMeshParams
Convention = [2,3,0,1]
ExistingSegments = [ExistingSeg0[Convention[i]] for i in range(4)]
# Save Boundary lengths on each direction
BoundaryLengths = [IntLen(dummy.DirBoundaries(i)) for i in range(4) ]
# Calculate global mesh element size on each direction
GlobalDelta = [1.*BoundaryLengths[i]/ExistingSegments[i] for i in range(4) ]
print "GlobalDelta :",GlobalDelta
# Sort the connection list for the full Box
[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] = dummy.GeoPar
ObjIDLists = SortObjLists(Config.Connections[-1],X0 , Y0 , DX , DY )
[Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax] = dummy.Boundaries() # Used for groups determination
Config.Criterion = GetCriterion(ObjIDLists)
for index, ObjList in enumerate(ObjIDLists) :
if not (ObjList[0] == -1 or Config.Count >= Config.Criterion):
if not(args.__contains__('recursive')) :
Config.DirIndex = index
if index > 1 : Config.RefPts = [Pt2, Pt3]
elif index == 0 : Config.RefPts = [Pt1, Pt2]
else : Config.RefPts = [Pt4, Pt3]
if len(ObjList)>1 : flag = 1
else : flag = 0
for ObjID in ObjList:
ToLook0 = [2,3,0,1][index]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][index]
CommonSide = FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),dummy.DirBoundaries(ToLook0))
ToLook2 = [1,0,3,2][index]
RealSegments = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]*IntLen(CommonSide)/IntLen(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1))
LocalDelta = 1.*IntLen(CommonSide)/RealSegments
print "Direction:", ["West","East","South","North"][ToLook2]
print "IntLen(CommonSide):",IntLen(CommonSide)
print "RealSegments:",RealSegments
print "LocalDelta:",LocalDelta
if flag and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
if index ==0 :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - Ymin)<1e-7 : SouthGR = GroupNames[0]
else : SouthGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - Ymax)<1e-7 : NorthGR = GroupNames[1]
else : NorthGR = None
NDelta = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]* (LocalDelta-GlobalDelta[Convention[index]])
[Pt1,Pt2] = Config.RefPts
Coef = [1.,-1.][index]
Vref1 = [Coef*(Pt2[0]-Pt1[0]),Coef*(Pt2[1]-Pt1[1])]
Vref2 = NormalizeVector([Pt2[0]-Pt3[0],Pt2[1]-Pt3[1]])
Ptref = Config.ListObj[ObjID].PtCoor[[2,3][index]]
NewPt = ExtrapPoint (Ptref,Vref1,Vref2,NDelta)
CompositeBoxF (Pt1, Pt2, NewPt, Ptref, recursive=1, groups = [SouthGR,NorthGR]+GroupNames[2:4])
elif index == 1:
if abs(CommonSide[0] - Ymin)<1e-7 : SouthGR = GroupNames[0]
else : SouthGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - Ymax)<1e-7 : NorthGR = GroupNames[1]
else : NorthGR = None
NDelta = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]* (LocalDelta-GlobalDelta[Convention[index]])
[Pt4,Pt3] = Config.RefPts
Coef = 1.
Vref1 = [Coef*(Pt4[0]-Pt3[0]),Coef*(Pt4[1]-Pt3[1])]
Vref2 = NormalizeVector([Pt1[0]-Pt4[0],Pt1[1]-Pt4[1]])
Ptref = Config.ListObj[ObjID].PtCoor[0]
NewPt = ExtrapPoint (Ptref,Vref1,Vref2,NDelta)
CompositeBoxF (NewPt, Ptref, Pt3, Pt4, recursive=1, groups = [SouthGR,NorthGR]+GroupNames[2:4])
else :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - Xmin)<1e-7 : WestGR = GroupNames[2]
else : WestGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - Xmax)<1e-7 : EastGR = GroupNames[3]
else : EastGR = None
NDelta = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]* (LocalDelta-GlobalDelta[Convention[index]])
[Pt2,Pt3] = Config.RefPts
Coef = [1.,-1.][index-2]
Vref1 = [Coef*(Pt3[0]-Pt2[0]),Coef*(Pt3[1]-Pt2[1])]
Vref2 = NormalizeVector([Pt3[0]-Pt4[0],Pt3[1]-Pt4[1]])
Ptref = Config.ListObj[ObjID].PtCoor[[3,0][index-2]]
NewPt = ExtrapPoint (Ptref,Vref1,Vref2,NDelta)
CompositeBoxF (Ptref, Pt2, Pt3, NewPt, recursive=1, groups = GroupNames[0:2] + [WestGR,EastGR])
RealSegments = []
Direction = []
flag = 0
if not(args.__contains__('recursive')) :
Config.Count = 0
Config.Criterion = GetCriterion(ObjIDLists)
for index, ObjList in enumerate(ObjIDLists) :
if not (ObjList[0] == -1 or Config.Count >= Config.Criterion):
if not(args.__contains__('recursive')) :
Config.DirIndex = index
if index > 1 : Config.RefPts = [Pt2, Pt3]
elif index == 0 : Config.RefPts = [Pt1, Pt2]
else : Config.RefPts = [Pt4, Pt3]
if len(ObjList)>1 : flag = 1
else : flag = 0
for ObjID in ObjList:
ToLook0 = [2,3,0,1][index]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][index]
CommonSide = FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),dummy.DirBoundaries(ToLook0))
ToLook2 = [1,0,3,2][index]
RealSegments = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]*IntLen(CommonSide)/IntLen(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1))
LocalDelta = 1.*IntLen(CommonSide)/RealSegments
print "Direction:", ["West","East","South","North"][ToLook2]
print "IntLen(CommonSide):",IntLen(CommonSide)
print "RealSegments:",RealSegments
print "LocalDelta:",LocalDelta
if flag and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
if index ==0 :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - Ymin)<1e-7 : SouthGR = GroupNames[0]
else : SouthGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - Ymax)<1e-7 : NorthGR = GroupNames[1]
else : NorthGR = None
NDelta = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]* (LocalDelta-GlobalDelta[Convention[index]])
[Pt1,Pt2] = Config.RefPts
Coef = [1.,-1.][index]
Vref1 = [Coef*(Pt2[0]-Pt1[0]),Coef*(Pt2[1]-Pt1[1])]
Vref2 = NormalizeVector([Pt2[0]-Pt3[0],Pt2[1]-Pt3[1]])
Ptref = Config.ListObj[ObjID].PtCoor[[2,3][index]]
NewPt = ExtrapPoint (Ptref,Vref1,Vref2,NDelta)
CompositeBoxF (Pt1, Pt2, NewPt, Ptref, recursive=1, groups = [SouthGR,NorthGR]+GroupNames[2:4])
elif index == 1:
if abs(CommonSide[0] - Ymin)<1e-7 : SouthGR = GroupNames[0]
else : SouthGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - Ymax)<1e-7 : NorthGR = GroupNames[1]
else : NorthGR = None
NDelta = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]* (LocalDelta-GlobalDelta[Convention[index]])
[Pt4,Pt3] = Config.RefPts
Coef = 1.
Vref1 = [Coef*(Pt4[0]-Pt3[0]),Coef*(Pt4[1]-Pt3[1])]
Vref2 = NormalizeVector([Pt1[0]-Pt4[0],Pt1[1]-Pt4[1]])
Ptref = Config.ListObj[ObjID].PtCoor[0]
NewPt = ExtrapPoint (Ptref,Vref1,Vref2,NDelta)
CompositeBoxF (NewPt, Ptref, Pt3, Pt4, recursive=1, groups = [SouthGR,NorthGR]+GroupNames[2:4])
else :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - Xmin)<1e-7 : WestGR = GroupNames[2]
else : WestGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - Xmax)<1e-7 : EastGR = GroupNames[3]
else : EastGR = None
NDelta = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]* (LocalDelta-GlobalDelta[Convention[index]])
[Pt2,Pt3] = Config.RefPts
Coef = [1.,-1.][index-2]
Vref1 = [Coef*(Pt3[0]-Pt2[0]),Coef*(Pt3[1]-Pt2[1])]
Vref2 = NormalizeVector([Pt3[0]-Pt4[0],Pt3[1]-Pt4[1]])
Ptref = Config.ListObj[ObjID].PtCoor[[3,0][index-2]]
NewPt = ExtrapPoint (Ptref,Vref1,Vref2,NDelta)
CompositeBoxF (Ptref, Pt2, Pt3, NewPt, recursive=1, groups = GroupNames[0:2] + [WestGR,EastGR])
if Config.Count >= Config.Criterion :
if flag == 0 and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
print "Creating NonOrtho object with the points:", Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4
MacObject('NonOrtho',[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4] ,['auto'], groups = GroupNames)
Config.Count += 1
if Config.DirIndex > 1 : Config.RefPts = [Pt1, Pt4]
elif Config.DirIndex==0 : Config.RefPts = [Pt4, Pt3]
else : Config.RefPts = [Pt1, Pt2]
if Config.Count >= Config.Criterion :
if flag == 0 and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
print "Creating NonOrtho object with the points:", Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4
MacObject('NonOrtho',[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4] ,['auto'], groups = GroupNames)
Config.Count += 1
if Config.DirIndex > 1 : Config.RefPts = [Pt1, Pt4]
elif Config.DirIndex==0 : Config.RefPts = [Pt4, Pt3]
else : Config.RefPts = [Pt1, Pt2]
def FindCommonSide (Int1, Int2) :
if max(Int1[0],Int2[0])<min(Int1[1],Int2[1]): return [max(Int1[0],Int2[0]), min(Int1[1],Int2[1])]
else :
print "Can not find interval intersection, returning [0,0]..."
return [0,0]
if max(Int1[0],Int2[0])<min(Int1[1],Int2[1]): return [max(Int1[0],Int2[0]), min(Int1[1],Int2[1])]
else :
print "Can not find interval intersection, returning [0,0]..."
return [0,0]
def IntLen (Interval) :
return float(abs(Interval[1]-Interval[0]))
def RemoveLastObj() :
Config.ListObj = Config.ListObj[:-1]
Config.Connections = Config.Connections[:-1]
return float(abs(Interval[1]-Interval[0]))
def RemoveLastObj() :
Config.ListObj = Config.ListObj[:-1]
Config.Connections = Config.Connections[:-1]
def NormalizeVector(V):
Magnitude = math.sqrt(GenFunctions.DotProd(V,V))
return [ V[i]/Magnitude for i in range(len(V))]
Magnitude = math.sqrt(GenFunctions.DotProd(V,V))
return [ V[i]/Magnitude for i in range(len(V))]
def GetCriterion (ObjListIDs):
return max(Config.Criterion, max(len(ObjListIDs[0]),len(ObjListIDs[1]))*max(len(ObjListIDs[2]),len(ObjListIDs[3])))
return max(Config.Criterion, max(len(ObjListIDs[0]),len(ObjListIDs[1]))*max(len(ObjListIDs[2]),len(ObjListIDs[3])))
def SortObjLists (List,X0,Y0,DX,DY) :
This function sorts the list of neighbouring objects on each side, according to their intersection
with the object being created. From South to North and from East to West
Output = List
# First find the directions where no neighbour exists
# Important : Here we assume that exactly two directions have no neighbours !!!
# Should we change this to allow a more general case ????
dummy = IndexMultiOcc(List,(-1,))
# dummy[0] is either 0, meaning there is no neighbour on X- (West)
# or 1, meaning there is no neighbour on X+ (East)
# Similarly dummy[1] can be either 2 or 3 (South and North respectively)
# In order to get back to the formalism of groups (SNWE)
# => we do the following to define Sense of no neighbours and then the Direction list
# is calculated as to include uniquely the directions where we DO have neighbours
if len(dummy) == 1 :
# This adds a second direction where neighbours are not regarded, it is either 0 or 2
print("Careful, you have neighbours on 3 or more sides of the box, we will not check if on two parallel sides the boxes are compatible !!!")
if len(dummy) == 2 or len(dummy) == 1 :
# Sense contains : Vertical then Horizontal
Sense = [dummy[1]%2,dummy[0]]
DirList = [[1,0][dummy[0]],[3,2][dummy[1]%2]]
for index,Direction in enumerate(DirList) :
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense[index]] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense[index]])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
elif len(dummy) == 3 :
# We find the direction where we do have neighbours and then we sort the object list along it
Sense = dummy[0]%2
Direction = [ i not in dummy for i in range(4) ].index(True)
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
else :
print ("Error : the composite box being created has no neighbours, how on earth do you want us to inherit its mesh parameters!!!")
return Output
This function sorts the list of neighbouring objects on each side, according to their intersection
with the object being created. From South to North and from East to West
Output = List
# First find the directions where no neighbour exists
# Important : Here we assume that exactly two directions have no neighbours !!!
# Should we change this to allow a more general case ????
dummy = IndexMultiOcc(List,(-1,))
# dummy[0] is either 0, meaning there is no neighbour on X- (West)
# or 1, meaning there is no neighbour on X+ (East)
# Similarly dummy[1] can be either 2 or 3 (South and North respectively)
# In order to get back to the formalism of groups (SNWE)
# => we do the following to define Sense of no neighbours and then the Direction list
# is calculated as to include uniquely the directions where we DO have neighbours
if len(dummy) == 1 :
# This adds a second direction where neighbours are not regarded, it is either 0 or 2
print("Careful, you have neighbours on 3 or more sides of the box, we will not check if on two parallel sides the boxes are compatible !!!")
if len(dummy) == 2 or len(dummy) == 1 :
# Sense contains : Vertical then Horizontal
Sense = [dummy[1]%2,dummy[0]]
DirList = [[1,0][dummy[0]],[3,2][dummy[1]%2]]
for index,Direction in enumerate(DirList) :
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense[index]] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense[index]])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
elif len(dummy) == 3 :
# We find the direction where we do have neighbours and then we sort the object list along it
Sense = dummy[0]%2
Direction = [ i not in dummy for i in range(4) ].index(True)
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
else :
print ("Error : the composite box being created has no neighbours, how on earth do you want us to inherit its mesh parameters!!!")
return Output
def IndexMultiOcc (Array,Element) :
This functions returns the occurrences indices of Element in Array.
As opposed to Array.index(Element) method, this allows determining
multiple entries rather than just the first one!
Output = []
try : Array.index(Element)
except ValueError : print "No more occurrences"
else : Output.append(Array.index(Element))
if not(Output == []) and len(Array) > 1 :
for index, ArrElem in enumerate(Array[Output[0]+1:]) :
if ArrElem == Element : Output.append(index+Output[0]+1)
return Output
This functions returns the occurrences indices of Element in Array.
As opposed to Array.index(Element) method, this allows determining
multiple entries rather than just the first one!
Output = []
try : Array.index(Element)
except ValueError : print "No more occurrences"
else : Output.append(Array.index(Element))
if not(Output == []) and len(Array) > 1 :
for index, ArrElem in enumerate(Array[Output[0]+1:]) :
if ArrElem == Element : Output.append(index+Output[0]+1)
return Output
def SortList (ValList, CritList):
Output = []
SortedCritList = copy.copy(CritList)
for i in range(0,len(ValList)):
index = CritList.index(SortedCritList[i])
return Output
Output = []
SortedCritList = copy.copy(CritList)
for i in range(0,len(ValList)):
index = CritList.index(SortedCritList[i])
return Output
def ExtrapPoint (Ptref,Vref1,Vref2,Delta):
This function allows determining the absolute coordinates of an extrapolation point
as shown in the following :
ExtrapPoint x---Vref2->--------o
/ delta_glob |Vref1
/ |
Ptref x---------------------+
delta_loc * Nseg
Delta = (delta_loc - delta_glob) * Nseg
X = Ptref[0] + Vref1[0] + Delta*Vref2[0]
Y = Ptref[1] + Vref1[1] + Delta*Vref2[1]
return (X,Y,)
This function allows determining the absolute coordinates of an extrapolation point
as shown in the following :
ExtrapPoint x---Vref2->--------o
/ delta_glob |Vref1
/ |
Ptref x---------------------+
delta_loc * Nseg
Delta = (delta_loc - delta_glob) * Nseg
X = Ptref[0] + Vref1[0] + Delta*Vref2[0]
Y = Ptref[1] + Vref1[1] + Delta*Vref2[1]
return (X,Y,)
@ -28,199 +28,199 @@ geompy = geomBuilder.New( Config.theStudy )
def Go(GeoObj, CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, Publish):
This function cuts any geometry (with infinite trim !) into several subgeometries that are cleanly saved inside the navigation tree. (Check GoTrim for the same functionality with custom trim size)
- GeoObj is the geometrical object to be cut and grouped
- CutPlnLst is a list of plane definitions. Each plane is a 6-tuple (contains 6 values). The first three represent the coordinates of the origin point and the second three represent the coordinates of the normal vector to the plane
Example 1: [(0,0,0,1,0,0)]: cut along a plane passing through the origin and normal to the x-axis
Example 2: [(0,0,0,1,0,0),(50,0,0,0,1,0)]: in addition to the first plane cut, cut through a plane passing by (50,0,0) and normal to the y axis.
Note that the plane size us determined automatically from the size of the geometry in question (using a very big trim size = 100 x length of geometry!)
- OutLvlLst is a list containing integers that represent the inner sectioning level with respect to the original geometry type
A value of 1 means that the section will provide elements of one level lower than the original type. For example a solid sectioned at level 1 will produce faces. A Face sectioned at level 1 will produce edges.
A value of 2 means that a deeper sectioning will be applied. A solid sectioned with level 2 will give faces and edges. A face will give edges and vertices. An edge will give only vertices
The number of elements in this list should be (this is verified in the code) equal to the number of elements in the plane cut list. This is logical.
Example 1: [1]
Example 2: [1, 2], This means that the cut over the second plane will produce two types of elements unlike the first cut which will only output the first level objects.
- PrefixLst is a list of strings that contains the naming Prefixes that are used by the script to generate the subshape names. This is very useful for relating the results to the sectioning requested.
Example 1: ['Entry']
Example 2: ['Entry','Exit'] The resulting groups from the sectioning with plane no.1 will then be saved as "Entry_FACE" and/or "Entry_EDGE" according to the original geometry object type and the cutting level
Imagine that we have a solid called ExampleSolid, an example command will be:
CutnGroup.Go(ExampleSolid,[(0,0,0,1,0,0),(50,0,0,0,1,0)],[1, 2],['Entry','Exit'])
This function cuts any geometry (with infinite trim !) into several subgeometries that are cleanly saved inside the navigation tree. (Check GoTrim for the same functionality with custom trim size)
- GeoObj is the geometrical object to be cut and grouped
- CutPlnLst is a list of plane definitions. Each plane is a 6-tuple (contains 6 values). The first three represent the coordinates of the origin point and the second three represent the coordinates of the normal vector to the plane
Example 1: [(0,0,0,1,0,0)]: cut along a plane passing through the origin and normal to the x-axis
Example 2: [(0,0,0,1,0,0),(50,0,0,0,1,0)]: in addition to the first plane cut, cut through a plane passing by (50,0,0) and normal to the y axis.
Note that the plane size us determined automatically from the size of the geometry in question (using a very big trim size = 100 x length of geometry!)
- OutLvlLst is a list containing integers that represent the inner sectioning level with respect to the original geometry type
A value of 1 means that the section will provide elements of one level lower than the original type. For example a solid sectioned at level 1 will produce faces. A Face sectioned at level 1 will produce edges.
A value of 2 means that a deeper sectioning will be applied. A solid sectioned with level 2 will give faces and edges. A face will give edges and vertices. An edge will give only vertices
The number of elements in this list should be (this is verified in the code) equal to the number of elements in the plane cut list. This is logical.
Example 1: [1]
Example 2: [1, 2], This means that the cut over the second plane will produce two types of elements unlike the first cut which will only output the first level objects.
- PrefixLst is a list of strings that contains the naming Prefixes that are used by the script to generate the subshape names. This is very useful for relating the results to the sectioning requested.
Example 1: ['Entry']
Example 2: ['Entry','Exit'] The resulting groups from the sectioning with plane no.1 will then be saved as "Entry_FACE" and/or "Entry_EDGE" according to the original geometry object type and the cutting level
NumCuts = CheckInput(CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, 1)
OrigType = FindStandType(GeoObj,0)
InvDictionary = dict((v,k) for k, v in geompy.ShapeType.iteritems()) # Give geometry type name as a function of standard type numbering, ex: 4=FACE, 6=EDGE, 7=VERTEX
TrimSize = geompy.BasicProperties(GeoObj)[0]*100
CutPlane = [] ; Sections = [] ; Parts = []
if NumCuts:
for i in range(0, NumCuts): # Loop over the cutting planes to create them one by one
OutFather = geompy.MakePartition([GeoObj],CutPlane, [], [],FindStandType(GeoObj,1), 0, [], 0) #Creating the partition object
if Publish: geompy.addToStudy(OutFather,'SectionedObject')
for i in range(0, NumCuts):
for j in range(OrigType+1+2, OrigType+1+2*(OutLvlLst[i]+1),2):
if j == 8 : j = 7; # Exception for the vertex case (=7)
PossSubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,j) # List of subshape IDs than correspond to the required cutting level (section type : face/wire/vertex)
PossSubShapes = geompy.ExtractShapes(OutFather,j) # and the corresponding objects
Accepted = []
for k in range(0,len(PossSubShapesID)): # Loop over all the subshapes checking if they belong to the cutting plane! if yes add them to current list
if IsOnPlane(PossSubShapes[k], CutPlnLst[i], 1e-7):
if Accepted : # If some element is found, save it as a group with the prescribed Prefix
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, j)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, Accepted)
if Publish:geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, PrefixLst[i]+"_"+InvDictionary[j][0:2])
else :
print "Warning: For the section no.", i, ", No intersection of type " + InvDictionary[j] + " was found. Hence, no corresponding groups were created"
SubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,OrigType+1) # Saving also the groups corresponding to the sectioned item of the same type: ex. A solid into n sub-solids due to the sections
for i in range(0,len(SubShapesID)):
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, OrigType+1)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, [SubShapesID[i]])
if Publish: geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, "SB"+"_"+InvDictionary[OrigType+1][0:3]+"_"+str(i+1))
Imagine that we have a solid called ExampleSolid, an example command will be:
CutnGroup.Go(ExampleSolid,[(0,0,0,1,0,0),(50,0,0,0,1,0)],[1, 2],['Entry','Exit'])
return OutFather, Sections, Parts
print("Fatal error, the routine cannot continue any further, check your input variables")
return -1
NumCuts = CheckInput(CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, 1)
OrigType = FindStandType(GeoObj,0)
InvDictionary = dict((v,k) for k, v in geompy.ShapeType.iteritems()) # Give geometry type name as a function of standard type numbering, ex: 4=FACE, 6=EDGE, 7=VERTEX
TrimSize = geompy.BasicProperties(GeoObj)[0]*100
CutPlane = [] ; Sections = [] ; Parts = []
if NumCuts:
for i in range(0, NumCuts): # Loop over the cutting planes to create them one by one
OutFather = geompy.MakePartition([GeoObj],CutPlane, [], [],FindStandType(GeoObj,1), 0, [], 0) #Creating the partition object
if Publish: geompy.addToStudy(OutFather,'SectionedObject')
for i in range(0, NumCuts):
for j in range(OrigType+1+2, OrigType+1+2*(OutLvlLst[i]+1),2):
if j == 8 : j = 7; # Exception for the vertex case (=7)
PossSubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,j) # List of subshape IDs than correspond to the required cutting level (section type : face/wire/vertex)
PossSubShapes = geompy.ExtractShapes(OutFather,j) # and the corresponding objects
Accepted = []
for k in range(0,len(PossSubShapesID)): # Loop over all the subshapes checking if they belong to the cutting plane! if yes add them to current list
if IsOnPlane(PossSubShapes[k], CutPlnLst[i], 1e-7):
if Accepted : # If some element is found, save it as a group with the prescribed Prefix
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, j)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, Accepted)
if Publish:geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, PrefixLst[i]+"_"+InvDictionary[j][0:2])
else :
print "Warning: For the section no.", i, ", No intersection of type " + InvDictionary[j] + " was found. Hence, no corresponding groups were created"
SubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,OrigType+1) # Saving also the groups corresponding to the sectioned item of the same type: ex. A solid into n sub-solids due to the sections
for i in range(0,len(SubShapesID)):
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, OrigType+1)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, [SubShapesID[i]])
if Publish: geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, "SB"+"_"+InvDictionary[OrigType+1][0:3]+"_"+str(i+1))
return OutFather, Sections, Parts
print("Fatal error, the routine cannot continue any further, check your input variables")
return -1
def GoTrim(GeoObj, CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, Publish):
This function cuts any geometry into several subgeometries that are cleanly saved inside the navigation tree with a fully customizable trim size.
- GeoObj is the geometrical object to be cut and grouped
- CutPlnLst is a list of plane definitions. Each plane is a 7-tuple (contains 7 values). The first three represent the coordinates of the origin point and the second three represent the coordinates of the normal vector to the plane, the last value corresponds to the trim size of the planes
Example 1: [(0,0,0,1,0,0,5)]: cut along a plane passing through the origin and normal to the x-axis with a trim size of 5
Example 2: [(0,0,0,1,0,0,5),(50,0,0,0,1,0,10)]: in addition to the first plane cut, cut through a plane passing by (50,0,0) and normal to the y axis with a trim size of 10
- OutLvlLst is a list containing integers that represent the inner sectioning level with respect to the original geometry type
A value of 1 means that the section will provide elements of one level lower than the original type. For example a solid sectioned at level 1 will produce faces. A Face sectioned at level 1 will produce edges.
A value of 2 means that a deeper sectioning will be applied. A solid sectioned with level 2 will give faces and edges. A face will give edges and vertices. An edge will give only vertices
The number of elements in this list should be (this is verified in the code) equal to the number of elements in the plane cut list. This is logical.
Example 1: [1]
Example 2: [1, 2], This means that the cut over the second plane will produce two types of elements unlike the first cut which will only output the first level objects.
- PrefixLst is a list of strings that contains the naming Prefixes that are used by the script to generate the subshape names. This is very useful for relating the results to the sectioning requested.
Example 1: ['Entry']
Example 2: ['Entry','Exit'] The resulting groups from the sectioning with plane no.1 will then be saved as "Entry_FACE" and/or "Entry_EDGE" according to the original geometry object type and the cutting level
Imagine that we have a solid called ExampleSolid, an example command will be:
CutnGroup.Go(ExampleSolid,[(0,0,0,1,0,0,5),(50,0,0,0,1,0,10)],[1, 2],['Entry','Exit'])
This function cuts any geometry into several subgeometries that are cleanly saved inside the navigation tree with a fully customizable trim size.
- GeoObj is the geometrical object to be cut and grouped
- CutPlnLst is a list of plane definitions. Each plane is a 7-tuple (contains 7 values). The first three represent the coordinates of the origin point and the second three represent the coordinates of the normal vector to the plane, the last value corresponds to the trim size of the planes
Example 1: [(0,0,0,1,0,0,5)]: cut along a plane passing through the origin and normal to the x-axis with a trim size of 5
Example 2: [(0,0,0,1,0,0,5),(50,0,0,0,1,0,10)]: in addition to the first plane cut, cut through a plane passing by (50,0,0) and normal to the y axis with a trim size of 10
- OutLvlLst is a list containing integers that represent the inner sectioning level with respect to the original geometry type
A value of 1 means that the section will provide elements of one level lower than the original type. For example a solid sectioned at level 1 will produce faces. A Face sectioned at level 1 will produce edges.
A value of 2 means that a deeper sectioning will be applied. A solid sectioned with level 2 will give faces and edges. A face will give edges and vertices. An edge will give only vertices
The number of elements in this list should be (this is verified in the code) equal to the number of elements in the plane cut list. This is logical.
Example 1: [1]
Example 2: [1, 2], This means that the cut over the second plane will produce two types of elements unlike the first cut which will only output the first level objects.
- PrefixLst is a list of strings that contains the naming Prefixes that are used by the script to generate the subshape names. This is very useful for relating the results to the sectioning requested.
Example 1: ['Entry']
Example 2: ['Entry','Exit'] The resulting groups from the sectioning with plane no.1 will then be saved as "Entry_FACE" and/or "Entry_EDGE" according to the original geometry object type and the cutting level
NumCuts = CheckInput(CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, 0)
OrigType = FindStandType(GeoObj,0)
InvDictionary = dict((v,k) for k, v in geompy.ShapeType.iteritems()) # Give geometry type name as a function of standard type numbering, ex: 4=FACE, 6=EDGE, 7=VERTEX
CutPlane = [] ; Sections = [] ; Parts = []
if NumCuts:
for i in range(0, NumCuts): # Loop over the cutting planes to create them one by one
OutFather = geompy.MakePartition([GeoObj],CutPlane, [], [],FindStandType(GeoObj,1), 0, [], 0) #Creating the partition object
if Publish: geompy.addToStudy(OutFather,'SectionedObject')
for i in range(0, NumCuts):
for j in range(OrigType+1+2, OrigType+1+2*(OutLvlLst[i]+1),2):
if j == 8 : j = 7; # Exception for the vertex case (=7)
PossSubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,j) # List of subshape IDs than correspond to the required cutting level (section type : face/wire/vertex)
PossSubShapes = geompy.ExtractShapes(OutFather,j) # and the corresponding objects
Accepted = []
for k in range(0,len(PossSubShapesID)): # Loop over all the subshapes checking if they belong to the cutting plane WITH THE TRIM SIZE CONDITION! if yes add them to current list
if IsOnPlane(PossSubShapes[k], CutPlnLst[i], 1e-7) and Distance2Pt(geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.MakeCDG(PossSubShapes[k])),CutPlnLst[i][0:3])<=CutPlnLst[i][-1]:
if Accepted : # If some element is found, save it as a group with the prescribed Prefix
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, j)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, Accepted)
if Publish: geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, PrefixLst[i]+"_"+InvDictionary[j][0:2])
else :
print "Warning: For the section no.", i, ", No intersection of type " + InvDictionary[j] + " was found. Hence, no corresponding groups were created"
SubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,OrigType+1) # Saving also the groups corresponding to the sectioned item of the same type: ex. A solid into n sub-solids due to the sections
for i in range(0,len(SubShapesID)):
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, OrigType+1)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, [SubShapesID[i]])
if Publish: geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, "SB"+"_"+InvDictionary[OrigType+1][0:3]+"_"+str(i+1))
Imagine that we have a solid called ExampleSolid, an example command will be:
CutnGroup.Go(ExampleSolid,[(0,0,0,1,0,0,5),(50,0,0,0,1,0,10)],[1, 2],['Entry','Exit'])
return OutFather, Sections, Parts
print("Fatal error, the routine cannot continue any further, check your input variables")
return -1
NumCuts = CheckInput(CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, 0)
OrigType = FindStandType(GeoObj,0)
InvDictionary = dict((v,k) for k, v in geompy.ShapeType.iteritems()) # Give geometry type name as a function of standard type numbering, ex: 4=FACE, 6=EDGE, 7=VERTEX
CutPlane = [] ; Sections = [] ; Parts = []
if NumCuts:
for i in range(0, NumCuts): # Loop over the cutting planes to create them one by one
OutFather = geompy.MakePartition([GeoObj],CutPlane, [], [],FindStandType(GeoObj,1), 0, [], 0) #Creating the partition object
if Publish: geompy.addToStudy(OutFather,'SectionedObject')
for i in range(0, NumCuts):
for j in range(OrigType+1+2, OrigType+1+2*(OutLvlLst[i]+1),2):
if j == 8 : j = 7; # Exception for the vertex case (=7)
PossSubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,j) # List of subshape IDs than correspond to the required cutting level (section type : face/wire/vertex)
PossSubShapes = geompy.ExtractShapes(OutFather,j) # and the corresponding objects
Accepted = []
for k in range(0,len(PossSubShapesID)): # Loop over all the subshapes checking if they belong to the cutting plane WITH THE TRIM SIZE CONDITION! if yes add them to current list
if IsOnPlane(PossSubShapes[k], CutPlnLst[i], 1e-7) and Distance2Pt(geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.MakeCDG(PossSubShapes[k])),CutPlnLst[i][0:3])<=CutPlnLst[i][-1]:
if Accepted : # If some element is found, save it as a group with the prescribed Prefix
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, j)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, Accepted)
if Publish: geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, PrefixLst[i]+"_"+InvDictionary[j][0:2])
else :
print "Warning: For the section no.", i, ", No intersection of type " + InvDictionary[j] + " was found. Hence, no corresponding groups were created"
SubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,OrigType+1) # Saving also the groups corresponding to the sectioned item of the same type: ex. A solid into n sub-solids due to the sections
for i in range(0,len(SubShapesID)):
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, OrigType+1)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, [SubShapesID[i]])
if Publish: geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, "SB"+"_"+InvDictionary[OrigType+1][0:3]+"_"+str(i+1))
return OutFather, Sections, Parts
print("Fatal error, the routine cannot continue any further, check your input variables")
return -1
def FindStandType(GeoObj, method):
Find the standard index for the Geometrical object/compound type input, see dictionary in geompy.ShapeType
TopType = GeoObj.GetMaxShapeType().__str__()
UnModType = geompy.ShapeType[TopType]
if method == 0 :
StandType = UnModType-int(not(UnModType%2)) # So that wires and edges and considered the same, faces and shells, and so on
else :
StandType = UnModType
Find the standard index for the Geometrical object/compound type input, see dictionary in geompy.ShapeType
TopType = GeoObj.GetMaxShapeType().__str__()
UnModType = geompy.ShapeType[TopType]
if method == 0 :
StandType = UnModType-int(not(UnModType%2)) # So that wires and edges and considered the same, faces and shells, and so on
else :
StandType = UnModType
def CreatePlane(CutPlnVar,Trim):
Creates a temporary point and vector in salome in order to build the sectioning planes needed
Temp_Vtx = geompy.MakeVertex(CutPlnVar[0], CutPlnVar[1], CutPlnVar[2])
Temp_Vec = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(CutPlnVar[3], CutPlnVar[4], CutPlnVar[5])
CutPlane = geompy.MakePlane(Temp_Vtx, Temp_Vec, Trim)
Creates a temporary point and vector in salome in order to build the sectioning planes needed
Temp_Vtx = geompy.MakeVertex(CutPlnVar[0], CutPlnVar[1], CutPlnVar[2])
Temp_Vec = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(CutPlnVar[3], CutPlnVar[4], CutPlnVar[5])
CutPlane = geompy.MakePlane(Temp_Vtx, Temp_Vec, Trim)
def CheckInput(CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, AutoTrim):
Checks the user input specifically if all needed parameters are provided
if not ((len(CutPlnLst) == len(OutLvlLst)) and (len(CutPlnLst) == len(PrefixLst))):
print("Missing information about one or more of the cut planes")
return 0
elif not ((len(CutPlnLst[0]) == 6+int(not AutoTrim))):
print("For each cutting plane you need to specify 6 parameters = 2 x 3 coordinates")
return 0
return len(CutPlnLst)
Checks the user input specifically if all needed parameters are provided
if not ((len(CutPlnLst) == len(OutLvlLst)) and (len(CutPlnLst) == len(PrefixLst))):
print("Missing information about one or more of the cut planes")
return 0
elif not ((len(CutPlnLst[0]) == 6+int(not AutoTrim))):
print("For each cutting plane you need to specify 6 parameters = 2 x 3 coordinates")
return 0
return len(CutPlnLst)
def IsOnPlane(GeoSubObj, CutPlnVar, tolerance):
Checks whether a geometry (vertex, segment, or face) belongs *completely* to the plane defined as a point and a normal vector
# lambda function that represents the plane equation, function = 0 <=> Pt defined with Coor belongs to plane
PlaneEq = lambda Coor: CutPlnVar[3]*(Coor[0]-CutPlnVar[0])+CutPlnVar[4]*(Coor[1]-CutPlnVar[1])+CutPlnVar[5]*(Coor[2]-CutPlnVar[2])
OrigType = FindStandType(GeoSubObj,0)
if (OrigType >= 7): # Vertex
NonTrimDecision = abs(PlaneEq(geompy.PointCoordinates(GeoSubObj))) < tolerance
if len(CutPlnVar) == 6 : return NonTrimDecision # No trim condition used
else : return (NonTrimDecision and Distance2Pt(CutPlnVar[0:3],geompy.PointCoordinates(GeoSubObj))<=CutPlnVar[6]/2)
elif (OrigType >= 5): # Line, decompose into two points then call recursively IsOnPlane function!
Verdict = True
for i in range(0,2):
Verdict = Verdict and IsOnPlane(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(GeoSubObj,i), CutPlnVar, tolerance)
return Verdict
elif (OrigType >= 3): # Face, decompose into three points then call recursively IsOnPlane function!
if IsOnPlane(geompy.MakeCDG(GeoSubObj),CutPlnVar, tolerance) : # Center of gravity belongs to plane, check if normal is parallel to plane
NormalP1Coor = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(geompy.GetNormal(GeoSubObj),0))
NormalP2Coor = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(geompy.GetNormal(GeoSubObj),1))
Normal = [NormalP1Coor[0]-NormalP2Coor[0], NormalP1Coor[1]-NormalP2Coor[1], NormalP1Coor[2]-NormalP2Coor[2]]
CrossP = CrossProd(CutPlnVar[3:6],Normal) # Checks whether normals (of section plane and of face) are parallel or not
if (abs(CrossP[0])<tolerance and abs(CrossP[1])<tolerance and abs(CrossP[2])<tolerance): # meaning zero cross product => parallel
return True
else :
return False
else :
return False
Checks whether a geometry (vertex, segment, or face) belongs *completely* to the plane defined as a point and a normal vector
# lambda function that represents the plane equation, function = 0 <=> Pt defined with Coor belongs to plane
PlaneEq = lambda Coor: CutPlnVar[3]*(Coor[0]-CutPlnVar[0])+CutPlnVar[4]*(Coor[1]-CutPlnVar[1])+CutPlnVar[5]*(Coor[2]-CutPlnVar[2])
OrigType = FindStandType(GeoSubObj,0)
if (OrigType >= 7): # Vertex
NonTrimDecision = abs(PlaneEq(geompy.PointCoordinates(GeoSubObj))) < tolerance
if len(CutPlnVar) == 6 : return NonTrimDecision # No trim condition used
else : return (NonTrimDecision and Distance2Pt(CutPlnVar[0:3],geompy.PointCoordinates(GeoSubObj))<=CutPlnVar[6]/2)
elif (OrigType >= 5): # Line, decompose into two points then call recursively IsOnPlane function!
Verdict = True
for i in range(0,2):
Verdict = Verdict and IsOnPlane(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(GeoSubObj,i), CutPlnVar, tolerance)
return Verdict
elif (OrigType >= 3): # Face, decompose into three points then call recursively IsOnPlane function!
if IsOnPlane(geompy.MakeCDG(GeoSubObj),CutPlnVar, tolerance) : # Center of gravity belongs to plane, check if normal is parallel to plane
NormalP1Coor = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(geompy.GetNormal(GeoSubObj),0))
NormalP2Coor = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(geompy.GetNormal(GeoSubObj),1))
Normal = [NormalP1Coor[0]-NormalP2Coor[0], NormalP1Coor[1]-NormalP2Coor[1], NormalP1Coor[2]-NormalP2Coor[2]]
CrossP = CrossProd(CutPlnVar[3:6],Normal) # Checks whether normals (of section plane and of face) are parallel or not
if (abs(CrossP[0])<tolerance and abs(CrossP[1])<tolerance and abs(CrossP[2])<tolerance): # meaning zero cross product => parallel
return True
else :
return False
else :
return False
def CrossProd(V1,V2):
Determines the cross product of two 3D vectors
return ([V1[1]*V2[2]-V1[2]*V2[1], V1[2]*V2[0]-V1[0]*V2[2], V1[0]*V2[1]-V1[1]*V2[0]])
Determines the cross product of two 3D vectors
return ([V1[1]*V2[2]-V1[2]*V2[1], V1[2]*V2[0]-V1[0]*V2[2], V1[0]*V2[1]-V1[1]*V2[0]])
def Distance2Pt(P1,P2):
Returns the distance between two points
return (math.sqrt((P1[0]-P2[0])**2+(P1[1]-P2[1])**2+(P1[2]-P2[2])**2))
Returns the distance between two points
return (math.sqrt((P1[0]-P2[0])**2+(P1[1]-P2[1])**2+(P1[2]-P2[2])**2))
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
# This is an automation of the cylinder-box object, defined with the coordinates of its center, its radius, and the box's
# This is an automation of the cylinder-box object, defined with the coordinates of its center, its radius, and the box's
# boundary size.
# The pitch ratio is calculated automatically from the minimum of the box dimensions on x and y.
# This functions can take a groups input containing the group names of 4 sides in addition to the internal circular boundary
@ -33,83 +33,83 @@ sys.path.append(CWD)
from MacObject import *
import Config, GenFunctions
def Cylinder (X0 , Y0 , D , DX , DY , LocalMeshing , **args) :
if args.__contains__('DLocal') : DLocal = float(args['DLocal'])
else : DLocal = float(min(DX,DY))
def Cylinder (X0 , Y0 , D , DX , DY , LocalMeshing , **args) :
if args.__contains__('DLocal') : DLocal = float(args['DLocal'])
else : DLocal = float(min(DX,DY))
# K is the pitch ratio
K = float(D)/(DLocal-D)
print "A local pitch ratio of K =", K ," will be used. "
NumCuts = 2*GenFunctions.QuarCylParam(K)
InternalMeshing = int(math.ceil(math.pi*D/(4*NumCuts*LocalMeshing)))
if InternalMeshing == 0 : InternalMeshing = 1 # This sets a minimum meshing condition in order to avoid an error. The user is notified of the value considered for the local meshing
print "Possible Local meshing is :", math.pi*D/(4*NumCuts*InternalMeshing), "\nThis value is returned by this function for your convenience.\n"
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None, None]
if DY == DLocal :
if DX == DLocal:
GN1 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [GroupNames[0],None,GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
else :
GN1 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN5 = [GroupNames[0],GroupNames[1],None,GroupNames[3]]
GN6 = [GroupNames[0],GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],None]
# K is the pitch ratio
K = float(D)/(DLocal-D)
print "A local pitch ratio of K =", K ," will be used. "
NumCuts = 2*GenFunctions.QuarCylParam(K)
InternalMeshing = int(math.ceil(math.pi*D/(4*NumCuts*LocalMeshing)))
if InternalMeshing == 0 : InternalMeshing = 1 # This sets a minimum meshing condition in order to avoid an error. The user is notified of the value considered for the local meshing
print "Possible Local meshing is :", math.pi*D/(4*NumCuts*InternalMeshing), "\nThis value is returned by this function for your convenience.\n"
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None, None]
if DY == DLocal :
if DX == DLocal:
GN1 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [GroupNames[0],None,GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
else :
if DX == DLocal:
GN1 = [None,None,None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,None,GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [None,None,GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [None,None,None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
GN7 = [GroupNames[0],None,GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]]
GN8 = [None,GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]]
else :
GN1 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN5 = [None,None,None,GroupNames[3]]
GN6 = [None,None,GroupNames[2],None]
GN9 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,GroupNames[3]]
GN10 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,None]
GN11 = [GroupNames[0],None,GroupNames[2],None]
GN12 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,GroupNames[3]]
GN13 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,None]
GN14 = [None,GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],None]
Obj = []
GN1 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0+DLocal/4.,Y0+DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],[InternalMeshing,'NE',K], groups = GN1))
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0-DLocal/4.,Y0+DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],['auto','NW',K], groups = GN2))
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0-DLocal/4.,Y0-DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],['auto','SW',K], groups = GN3))
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0+DLocal/4.,Y0-DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],['auto','SE',K], groups = GN4))
GN5 = [GroupNames[0],GroupNames[1],None,GroupNames[3]]
GN6 = [GroupNames[0],GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],None]
else :
if DX == DLocal:
GN1 = [None,None,None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,None,GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [None,None,GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [None,None,None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
GN7 = [GroupNames[0],None,GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]]
GN8 = [None,GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]]
else :
GN1 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
if DX > DLocal :
dX = (DX - DLocal)/2.
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+DLocal/2.+dX/2.,Y0),(dX,DLocal)],['auto'], groups = GN5))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-DLocal/2.-dX/2.,Y0),(dX,DLocal)],['auto'], groups = GN6))
GN5 = [None,None,None,GroupNames[3]]
GN6 = [None,None,GroupNames[2],None]
if DY > DLocal :
dY = (DY - DLocal)/2.
if DX > DLocal :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+DLocal/2.+dX/2.,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN9))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN10))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-DLocal/2.-dX/2.,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN11))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+DLocal/2.+dX/2.,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN12))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN13))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-DLocal/2.-dX/2.,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN14))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN7))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN8))
return Obj
GN9 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,GroupNames[3]]
GN10 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,None]
GN11 = [GroupNames[0],None,GroupNames[2],None]
GN12 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,GroupNames[3]]
GN13 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,None]
GN14 = [None,GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],None]
Obj = []
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0+DLocal/4.,Y0+DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],[InternalMeshing,'NE',K], groups = GN1))
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0-DLocal/4.,Y0+DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],['auto','NW',K], groups = GN2))
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0-DLocal/4.,Y0-DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],['auto','SW',K], groups = GN3))
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0+DLocal/4.,Y0-DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],['auto','SE',K], groups = GN4))
if DX > DLocal :
dX = (DX - DLocal)/2.
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+DLocal/2.+dX/2.,Y0),(dX,DLocal)],['auto'], groups = GN5))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-DLocal/2.-dX/2.,Y0),(dX,DLocal)],['auto'], groups = GN6))
if DY > DLocal :
dY = (DY - DLocal)/2.
if DX > DLocal :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+DLocal/2.+dX/2.,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN9))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN10))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-DLocal/2.-dX/2.,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN11))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+DLocal/2.+dX/2.,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN12))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN13))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-DLocal/2.-dX/2.,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN14))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN7))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN8))
return Obj
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -20,281 +20,279 @@
class MacObject:
This represents a python class definition which contains
all necessary information about the macro object being created
in Salome
This represents a python class definition which contains
all necessary information about the macro object being created
in Salome
def __init__( self, ObjectType, GeoParameters, MeshParameters, **args ):
Initializes the macro object to be created, saves parameters inside of it, checks for neighboring objects,
determines meshing parameters if necessary and finally launches the generation process.
import Config,GenFunctions
if Config.debug : print "Initializing object No. " + str(len(Config.ListObj)+1)
def __init__( self, ObjectType, GeoParameters, MeshParameters, **args ):
Initializes the macro object to be created, saves parameters inside of it, checks for neighboring objects,
determines meshing parameters if necessary and finally launches the generation process.
import Config,GenFunctions
if Config.debug : print "Initializing object No. " + str(len(Config.ListObj)+1)
if 'publish' in args :
if args['publish']==0 : Config.publish = 0
else : Config.publish = 1
else : Config.publish = 1
if 'groups' in args :
self.GroupNames = args['groups']
for group in args['groups'] :
if not(group in Config.Groups) and group : Config.Groups.append(group)
else : self.GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
if ObjectType == 'NonOrtho':
if not(len(GeoParameters)==4): print "Error: trying to construct a non-ortho object but the 4 constitutive vertices are not given!"
else :
Xmin = min([GeoParameters[i][0] for i in range(4)])
Xmax = max([GeoParameters[i][0] for i in range(4)])
Ymin = min([GeoParameters[i][1] for i in range(4)])
Ymax = max([GeoParameters[i][1] for i in range(4)])
self.GeoPar = [(0.5*(Xmin+Xmax),0.5*(Ymin+Ymax)),(Xmax-Xmin,Ymax-Ymin)]
self.PtCoor = GenFunctions.SortPoints(GeoParameters)
self.GeoPar = GeoParameters
[Xmin,Ymin,Xmax,Ymax] = [ self.GeoPar[0][0]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ] + [ self.GeoPar[0][0]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ]
self.PtCoor = [(Xmin,Ymin),(Xmax,Ymin),(Xmax,Ymax),(Xmin,Ymax)]
self.Type = ObjectType
self.LowBound = [ self.GeoPar[0][0]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ]
self.UpperBound = [ self.GeoPar[0][0]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ]
self.MeshPar = MeshParameters
self.GeoChildren = []
self.GeoChildrenNames = []
self.Mesh = []
self.MeshGroups = []
if 'auto' in MeshParameters : self.AutoParam()
if not(self.MeshPar[0]<0): self.Generate()
else :
print("Aborting object creation\n ")
if 'publish' in args :
if args['publish']==0 : Config.publish = 0
else : Config.publish = 1
else : Config.publish = 1
def Generate(self) :
This method generates the geometrical object with the corresponding mesh once all verifications (CheckInterfaces and AutoParam)
have been accomplished
import GenFunctions, Alarms, Config
self = {'Box11' : lambda : GenFunctions.Box11(self),
'Box42' : lambda : GenFunctions.Box42(self),
'BoxAng32' : lambda : GenFunctions.BoxAng32(self),
'CompBox' : lambda : GenFunctions.CompBox(self),
'CompBoxF' : lambda : GenFunctions.CompBoxF(self),
'NonOrtho' : lambda : GenFunctions.NonOrtho(self),
'QuartCyl' : lambda : GenFunctions.QuartCyl(self) }[self.Type]()
if 'groups' in args :
self.GroupNames = args['groups']
for group in args['groups'] :
if not(group in Config.Groups) and group : Config.Groups.append(group)
else : self.GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
if Config.debug : Alarms.Message(self.status) # notification on the result of the generation algorithm
if ObjectType == 'NonOrtho':
if not(len(GeoParameters)==4): print "Error: trying to construct a non-ortho object but the 4 constitutive vertices are not given!"
else :
Xmin = min([GeoParameters[i][0] for i in range(4)])
Xmax = max([GeoParameters[i][0] for i in range(4)])
Ymin = min([GeoParameters[i][1] for i in range(4)])
Ymax = max([GeoParameters[i][1] for i in range(4)])
self.GeoPar = [(0.5*(Xmin+Xmax),0.5*(Ymin+Ymax)),(Xmax-Xmin,Ymax-Ymin)]
self.PtCoor = GenFunctions.SortPoints(GeoParameters)
self.GeoPar = GeoParameters
[Xmin,Ymin,Xmax,Ymax] = [ self.GeoPar[0][0]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ] + [ self.GeoPar[0][0]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ]
self.PtCoor = [(Xmin,Ymin),(Xmax,Ymin),(Xmax,Ymax),(Xmin,Ymax)]
def CheckInterfaces(self):
This method searches for neighbours for the object being created and saves them inside the Config.Connections
array. This array contains 4 entries per object corresponding to West, East, South, and North neighbours.
Note that an object may have more than one neighbour for a given direction.
import Alarms, Config
from GenFunctions import AddIfDifferent
from CompositeBox import FindCommonSide
itemID = len(Config.ListObj)
# In all cases except non ortho, PrincipleBoxes is unitary and contains the box in question
# In the non-ortho case it contains all possible combinations of boxes with 3 vertices
PrincipleBoxes = self.PrincipleBoxes()
for i, TestObj in enumerate(Config.ListObj):
SecondaryBoxes = TestObj.PrincipleBoxes()
ConnX = 0
ConnY = 0
for Box0 in PrincipleBoxes:
for Box1 in SecondaryBoxes:
# Along X
CenterDis = abs(Box1[0][0]-Box0[0][0])
Extension = 0.5*(Box1[1][0]+Box0[1][0])
if CenterDis - Extension < -1e-7 :
ConnX = -1
elif CenterDis - Extension < 1e-7 :
if not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(2),TestObj.DirBoundaries(3))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][0] < Box0[0][0] : ConnX = 1
elif not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(3),TestObj.DirBoundaries(2))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][0] >= Box0[0][0]: ConnX = 2
else : ConnX = 0
# Along Y
CenterDis = abs(Box1[0][1]-Box0[0][1])
Extension = 0.5*(Box1[1][1]+Box0[1][1])
if CenterDis - Extension < -1e-7 :
ConnY = -1
elif CenterDis - Extension < 1e-7 :
if not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(0),TestObj.DirBoundaries(1))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][1] < Box0[0][1] : ConnY = 1
elif not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(1),TestObj.DirBoundaries(0))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][1] >= Box0[0][1]: ConnY = 2
else : ConnY = 0
self.Type = ObjectType
self.LowBound = [ self.GeoPar[0][0]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ]
self.UpperBound = [ self.GeoPar[0][0]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ]
self.MeshPar = MeshParameters
self.GeoChildren = []
self.GeoChildrenNames = []
self.Mesh = []
self.MeshGroups = []
if 'auto' in MeshParameters : self.AutoParam()
if not(self.MeshPar[0]<0): self.Generate()
else :
print("Aborting object creation\n ")
if not (ConnX*ConnY == 0) :
if max(ConnX,ConnY) == -1 and not('NonOrtho' in [self.Type,TestObj.Type]) : Alarms.Message(3)
if ConnX == 1 and ConnY == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][1] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][1] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][1] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][1],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][0] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][0] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][0] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][0],i)
elif ConnX == 2 and ConnY == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][0] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][0] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][0] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][0],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][1] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][1] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][1] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][1],i)
elif ConnY == 1 and ConnX == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][3] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][3] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][3] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][3],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][2] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][2] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][2] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][2],i)
elif ConnY ==2 and ConnX == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][2] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][2] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][2] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][2],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][3] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][3] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][3] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][3],i)
def Generate(self) :
This method generates the geometrical object with the corresponding mesh once all verifications (CheckInterfaces and AutoParam)
have been accomplished
import GenFunctions, Alarms, Config
self = {'Box11' : lambda : GenFunctions.Box11(self),
'Box42' : lambda : GenFunctions.Box42(self),
'BoxAng32' : lambda : GenFunctions.BoxAng32(self),
'CompBox' : lambda : GenFunctions.CompBox(self),
'CompBoxF' : lambda : GenFunctions.CompBoxF(self),
'NonOrtho' : lambda : GenFunctions.NonOrtho(self),
'QuartCyl' : lambda : GenFunctions.QuartCyl(self) }[self.Type]()
def AutoParam (self):
This method is called only if the 'auto' keyword is used inside the meshing algorithm. It is based on the
connection results per object and tries to find the correct parameters for obtaining a final compatible mesh
between the objects already present and the one being created. If this is not possible, the method gives an error
import Alarms, Config, GenFunctions, CompositeBox
MeshPar = [0,0,0,0] # initialize the mesh parameter value to be used to -1
[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] = self.GeoPar
ObjectsInvolved = []
for i, Conn in enumerate(Config.Connections[-1]):
if not ( Conn == (-1,) ): # Meaning that there is one or more neighbors on this direction
for ObjID in Conn :
ToLook0 = [2,3,0,1][i]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][i]
CommonSide = CompositeBox.FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),self.DirBoundaries(ToLook0))
#print "Common Side is:", CommonSide
ToLook2 = [1,0,3,2][i]
#print "Full Side is:", CompositeBox.IntLen(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1))
#print "Full Segments on this direction are:", Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]
RealSegments = round(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]*CompositeBox.IntLen(CommonSide)/CompositeBox.IntLen(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1)))
#print "RealSegments :", RealSegments
MeshPar[i] = MeshPar[i] + RealSegments
self.DirectionalMeshParams = MeshPar
self.MeshPar[0] = GenFunctions.CompatibilityTest(self)
if Config.debug : Alarms.Message(self.status) # notification on the result of the generation algorithm
if self.MeshPar[0] < 0 :
if self.MeshPar[0] == -1 : print ("Problem encountered with object(s) no. "+str(ObjectsInvolved))
elif self.MeshPar[0] == -2 : print ("This object has no neighbours !!!")
def Boundaries (self):
This method returns the global boundaries of the MacObject. [Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]
Xmin = min([self.DirBoundaries(i)[0] for i in [0,1]])
Xmax = max([self.DirBoundaries(i)[1] for i in [0,1]])
Ymin = min([self.DirBoundaries(i)[0] for i in [2,3]])
Ymax = max([self.DirBoundaries(i)[1] for i in [2,3]])
return [Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]
def DirBoundaries (self, Direction):
This method returns a single interval giving [Xmin,Xmax] or [Ymin,Ymax] according to the required direction.
This works particularly well for nonorthogonal objects.
Direction : [0,1,2,3] <=> [South, North, West, East]
PtCoor = self.PtCoor
if type(Direction) is str :
Dir = { 'South' : lambda : 0,
'North' : lambda : 1,
'West' : lambda : 2,
'East' : lambda : 3,}[Direction]()
else : Dir = int(Direction)
PtIndex = [0,2,3,1][Dir]
DirIndex = [0,0,1,1][Dir]
return sorted([PtCoor[PtIndex][DirIndex],PtCoor[PtIndex+1][DirIndex]])
def DirVectors (self, Direction):
This method returns for a given object, the real vectors which define a given direction
The interest in using this method is for non-orthogonal objects where the sides can be
deviated from the orthogonal basis vectors
if type(Direction) is str :
Dir = { 'South' : lambda : 0,
'North' : lambda : 1,
'West' : lambda : 2,
'East' : lambda : 3,}[Direction]()
else : Dir = int(Direction)
PtCoor = self.PtCoor
PtIndex = [0,2,3,1][Dir]
return [PtCoor[PtIndex+1][0]-PtCoor[PtIndex][0],PtCoor[PtIndex+1][1]-PtCoor[PtIndex][1],0.]
def GetBorder (self, Criterion):
import GenFunctions, Config
def CheckInterfaces(self):
This method searches for neighbours for the object being created and saves them inside the Config.Connections
array. This array contains 4 entries per object corresponding to West, East, South, and North neighbours.
Note that an object may have more than one neighbour for a given direction.
import Alarms, Config
from GenFunctions import AddIfDifferent
from CompositeBox import FindCommonSide
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
geompy = geomBuilder.New( Config.theStudy )
if type(Criterion) is str :
Crit = {'South' : lambda : 0,
'North' : lambda : 1,
'West' : lambda : 2,
'East' : lambda : 3,}[Criterion]()
else : Crit = int(Criterion)
AcceptedObj = []
if Crit < 4 :
Boundaries = self.Boundaries()
Research = {0 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(0),1,Boundaries[2]],
1 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(1),1,Boundaries[3]],
2 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(2),0,Boundaries[0]],
3 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(3),0,Boundaries[1]], }[Crit]()
for i,ElemObj in enumerate(self.GeoChildren):
EdgeIDs = geompy.ExtractShapes(ElemObj,6)# List of Edge IDs belonging to ElemObj
for Edge in EdgeIDs:
if GenFunctions.IsParallel(Edge,Research[0]):
if abs( geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,0))[Research[1]] - Research[2] )< 1e-6 or abs( geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,1))[Research[1]] - Research[2] )< 1e-6 :
else :
CenterSrchPar = {'NE' : lambda : [-1., -1.],
'NW' : lambda : [ 1., -1.],
'SW' : lambda : [ 1., 1.],
'SE' : lambda : [-1., 1.], }[self.MeshPar[1]]()
Radius = self.GeoPar[1][1]*float(self.MeshPar[2])/(self.MeshPar[2]+1)
Center = (self.GeoPar[0][0]+CenterSrchPar[0]*self.GeoPar[1][0]/2.,self.GeoPar[0][1]+CenterSrchPar[1]*self.GeoPar[1][1]/2.,0.)
for i,ElemObj in enumerate(self.GeoChildren):
EdgeIDs = geompy.ExtractShapes(ElemObj,6)# List of Edge IDs belonging to ElemObj
for Edge in EdgeIDs:
if GenFunctions.IsOnCircle(Edge,Center,Radius):
return AcceptedObj
itemID = len(Config.ListObj)
# In all cases except non ortho, PrincipleBoxes is unitary and contains the box in question
# In the non-ortho case it contains all possible combinations of boxes with 3 vertices
PrincipleBoxes = self.PrincipleBoxes()
for i, TestObj in enumerate(Config.ListObj):
SecondaryBoxes = TestObj.PrincipleBoxes()
ConnX = 0
ConnY = 0
for Box0 in PrincipleBoxes:
for Box1 in SecondaryBoxes:
# Along X
CenterDis = abs(Box1[0][0]-Box0[0][0])
Extension = 0.5*(Box1[1][0]+Box0[1][0])
if CenterDis - Extension < -1e-7 :
ConnX = -1
elif CenterDis - Extension < 1e-7 :
if not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(2),TestObj.DirBoundaries(3))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][0] < Box0[0][0] : ConnX = 1
elif not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(3),TestObj.DirBoundaries(2))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][0] >= Box0[0][0]: ConnX = 2
else : ConnX = 0
def PrincipleBoxes (self):
This function returns all possible combination rectangular shape objects that can contain at least 3 of the principle vertices
constituting the MacObject. This is indispensable for the Non-ortho types and shall return a number of 24 possible combinations
from itertools import combinations
Boxes = []
if self.Type == 'NonOrtho':
for combi in combinations(range(4),3):
Xmin = min([self.PtCoor[i][0] for i in combi])
Xmax = max([self.PtCoor[i][0] for i in combi])
Ymin = min([self.PtCoor[i][1] for i in combi])
Ymax = max([self.PtCoor[i][1] for i in combi])
else :
Boxes = [self.GeoPar]
return Boxes
# Along Y
CenterDis = abs(Box1[0][1]-Box0[0][1])
Extension = 0.5*(Box1[1][1]+Box0[1][1])
if CenterDis - Extension < -1e-7 :
ConnY = -1
elif CenterDis - Extension < 1e-7 :
if not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(0),TestObj.DirBoundaries(1))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][1] < Box0[0][1] : ConnY = 1
elif not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(1),TestObj.DirBoundaries(0))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][1] >= Box0[0][1]: ConnY = 2
else : ConnY = 0
if not (ConnX*ConnY == 0) :
if max(ConnX,ConnY) == -1 and not('NonOrtho' in [self.Type,TestObj.Type]) : Alarms.Message(3)
if ConnX == 1 and ConnY == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][1] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][1] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][1] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][1],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][0] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][0] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][0] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][0],i)
elif ConnX == 2 and ConnY == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][0] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][0] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][0] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][0],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][1] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][1] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][1] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][1],i)
elif ConnY == 1 and ConnX == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][3] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][3] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][3] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][3],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][2] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][2] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][2] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][2],i)
elif ConnY ==2 and ConnX == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][2] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][2] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][2] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][2],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][3] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][3] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][3] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][3],i)
def AutoParam (self):
This method is called only if the 'auto' keyword is used inside the meshing algorithm. It is based on the
connection results per object and tries to find the correct parameters for obtaining a final compatible mesh
between the objects already present and the one being created. If this is not possible, the method gives an error
import Alarms, Config, GenFunctions, CompositeBox
MeshPar = [0,0,0,0] # initialize the mesh parameter value to be used to -1
[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] = self.GeoPar
ObjectsInvolved = []
for i, Conn in enumerate(Config.Connections[-1]):
if not ( Conn == (-1,) ): # Meaning that there is one or more neighbors on this direction
for ObjID in Conn :
ToLook0 = [2,3,0,1][i]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][i]
CommonSide = CompositeBox.FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),self.DirBoundaries(ToLook0))
#print "Common Side is:", CommonSide
ToLook2 = [1,0,3,2][i]
#print "Full Side is:", CompositeBox.IntLen(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1))
#print "Full Segments on this direction are:", Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]
RealSegments = round(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]*CompositeBox.IntLen(CommonSide)/CompositeBox.IntLen(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1)))
#print "RealSegments :", RealSegments
MeshPar[i] = MeshPar[i] + RealSegments
self.DirectionalMeshParams = MeshPar
self.MeshPar[0] = GenFunctions.CompatibilityTest(self)
if self.MeshPar[0] < 0 :
if self.MeshPar[0] == -1 : print ("Problem encountered with object(s) no. "+str(ObjectsInvolved))
elif self.MeshPar[0] == -2 : print ("This object has no neighbours !!!")
def Boundaries (self):
This method returns the global boundaries of the MacObject. [Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]
Xmin = min([self.DirBoundaries(i)[0] for i in [0,1]])
Xmax = max([self.DirBoundaries(i)[1] for i in [0,1]])
Ymin = min([self.DirBoundaries(i)[0] for i in [2,3]])
Ymax = max([self.DirBoundaries(i)[1] for i in [2,3]])
return [Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]
def DirBoundaries (self, Direction):
This method returns a single interval giving [Xmin,Xmax] or [Ymin,Ymax] according to the required direction.
This works particularly well for nonorthogonal objects.
Direction : [0,1,2,3] <=> [South, North, West, East]
PtCoor = self.PtCoor
if type(Direction) is str :
Dir = { 'South' : lambda : 0,
'North' : lambda : 1,
'West' : lambda : 2,
'East' : lambda : 3,}[Direction]()
else : Dir = int(Direction)
PtIndex = [0,2,3,1][Dir]
DirIndex = [0,0,1,1][Dir]
return sorted([PtCoor[PtIndex][DirIndex],PtCoor[PtIndex+1][DirIndex]])
def DirVectors (self, Direction):
This method returns for a given object, the real vectors which define a given direction
The interest in using this method is for non-orthogonal objects where the sides can be
deviated from the orthogonal basis vectors
if type(Direction) is str :
Dir = { 'South' : lambda : 0,
'North' : lambda : 1,
'West' : lambda : 2,
'East' : lambda : 3,}[Direction]()
else : Dir = int(Direction)
PtCoor = self.PtCoor
PtIndex = [0,2,3,1][Dir]
return [PtCoor[PtIndex+1][0]-PtCoor[PtIndex][0],PtCoor[PtIndex+1][1]-PtCoor[PtIndex][1],0.]
def GetBorder (self, Criterion):
import GenFunctions, Config
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
geompy = geomBuilder.New( Config.theStudy )
if type(Criterion) is str :
Crit = {'South' : lambda : 0,
'North' : lambda : 1,
'West' : lambda : 2,
'East' : lambda : 3,}[Criterion]()
else : Crit = int(Criterion)
AcceptedObj = []
if Crit < 4 :
Boundaries = self.Boundaries()
Research = {0 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(0),1,Boundaries[2]],
1 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(1),1,Boundaries[3]],
2 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(2),0,Boundaries[0]],
3 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(3),0,Boundaries[1]], }[Crit]()
for i,ElemObj in enumerate(self.GeoChildren):
EdgeIDs = geompy.ExtractShapes(ElemObj,6)# List of Edge IDs belonging to ElemObj
for Edge in EdgeIDs:
if GenFunctions.IsParallel(Edge,Research[0]):
if abs( geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,0))[Research[1]] - Research[2] )< 1e-6 or abs( geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,1))[Research[1]] - Research[2] )< 1e-6 :
else :
CenterSrchPar = {'NE' : lambda : [-1., -1.],
'NW' : lambda : [ 1., -1.],
'SW' : lambda : [ 1., 1.],
'SE' : lambda : [-1., 1.], }[self.MeshPar[1]]()
Radius = self.GeoPar[1][1]*float(self.MeshPar[2])/(self.MeshPar[2]+1)
Center = (self.GeoPar[0][0]+CenterSrchPar[0]*self.GeoPar[1][0]/2.,self.GeoPar[0][1]+CenterSrchPar[1]*self.GeoPar[1][1]/2.,0.)
for i,ElemObj in enumerate(self.GeoChildren):
EdgeIDs = geompy.ExtractShapes(ElemObj,6)# List of Edge IDs belonging to ElemObj
for Edge in EdgeIDs:
if GenFunctions.IsOnCircle(Edge,Center,Radius):
return AcceptedObj
def PrincipleBoxes (self):
This function returns all possible combination rectangular shape objects that can contain at least 3 of the principle vertices
constituting the MacObject. This is indispensable for the Non-ortho types and shall return a number of 24 possible combinations
from itertools import combinations
Boxes = []
if self.Type == 'NonOrtho':
for combi in combinations(range(4),3):
Xmin = min([self.PtCoor[i][0] for i in combi])
Xmax = max([self.PtCoor[i][0] for i in combi])
Ymin = min([self.PtCoor[i][1] for i in combi])
Ymax = max([self.PtCoor[i][1] for i in combi])
else :
Boxes = [self.GeoPar]
return Boxes
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
import SMESH
import math
import Config
@ -31,217 +31,216 @@ smesh = smeshBuilder.New( Config.theStudy )
def PublishGroups ():
aFilterManager = smesh.CreateFilterManager()
aFilterManager = smesh.CreateFilterManager()
# Building geometric and mesh compounds and groups ##############################################
if Config.debug : print "Searching for geometric groups and publishing final compound"
# Building geometric and mesh compounds and groups ##############################################
if Config.debug : print "Searching for geometric groups and publishing final compound"
TempGEOList = []
TempMESHList = []
for MacroObj in Config.ListObj :
TempGEOList += MacroObj.GeoChildren
TempMESHList += MacroObj.Mesh
FinalCompound = geompy.MakeCompound(TempGEOList)
geompy.addToStudy (FinalCompound,Config.StudyName)
MeshCompound = smesh.Concatenate(TempMESHList, 1, 1, 1e-5)
GroupGEO = []
for group in Config.Groups :
# Geometric groups definition
TempGEOList = []
TempMESHList = []
for MacroObj in Config.ListObj :
TempGEOList += MacroObj.GeoChildren
TempMESHList += MacroObj.Mesh
FinalCompound = geompy.MakeCompound(TempGEOList)
geompy.addToStudy (FinalCompound,Config.StudyName)
MeshCompound = smesh.Concatenate(TempMESHList, 1, 1, 1e-5)
GroupGEO = []
for group in Config.Groups :
# Geometric groups definition
TempGEOList = []
TempNames = []
for MacroObj in Config.ListObj :
if group in MacroObj.GroupNames :
Occurences = IndexMultiOcc(MacroObj.GroupNames, group)
for Occ in Occurences :
TempGEOList += MacroObj.GetBorder(Occ)
# Mesh groups definition
Criterion = smesh.GetCriterion(SMESH.EDGE, SMESH.FT_BelongToGeom,'=',GroupGEO[-1],Tolerance=1e-06)
#Criterion = smesh.Filter.Criterion(18,39,0,'GR_'+group,'GR_'+group,39,39,1e-06,smesh.EDGE,7)
StudyBuilder = Config.theStudy.NewBuilder()
for MeshObj in TempMESHList:
SO = Config.theStudy.FindObjectIOR(Config.theStudy.ConvertObjectToIOR(MeshObj))
if SO is not None: StudyBuilder.RemoveObjectWithChildren(SO)
return MeshCompound
TempNames = []
for MacroObj in Config.ListObj :
if group in MacroObj.GroupNames :
Occurences = IndexMultiOcc(MacroObj.GroupNames, group)
for Occ in Occurences :
TempGEOList += MacroObj.GetBorder(Occ)
# Mesh groups definition
Criterion = smesh.GetCriterion(SMESH.EDGE, SMESH.FT_BelongToGeom,'=',GroupGEO[-1],Tolerance=1e-06)
#Criterion = smesh.Filter.Criterion(18,39,0,'GR_'+group,'GR_'+group,39,39,1e-06,smesh.EDGE,7)
StudyBuilder = Config.theStudy.NewBuilder()
for MeshObj in TempMESHList:
SO = Config.theStudy.FindObjectIOR(Config.theStudy.ConvertObjectToIOR(MeshObj))
if SO is not None: StudyBuilder.RemoveObjectWithChildren(SO)
return MeshCompound
def IndexMultiOcc (Array,Element) :
This function returns the occurrences indices of Element in Array.
As opposed to Array.index(Element) method, this allows determining
multiple entries rather than just the first one!
Output = []
try : Array.index(Element)
except ValueError : print "No more occurrences"
else : Output.append(Array.index(Element))
if not(Output == [-1]) and len(Array) > 1 :
for index, ArrElem in enumerate(Array[Output[0]+1:]) :
if ArrElem is Element : Output.append(index+Output[0]+1)
return Output
This function returns the occurrences indices of Element in Array.
As opposed to Array.index(Element) method, this allows determining
multiple entries rather than just the first one!
Output = []
try : Array.index(Element)
except ValueError : print "No more occurrences"
else : Output.append(Array.index(Element))
if not(Output == [-1]) and len(Array) > 1 :
for index, ArrElem in enumerate(Array[Output[0]+1:]) :
if ArrElem is Element : Output.append(index+Output[0]+1)
return Output
def Publish (ObjToPublish):
for i,GeoObj in enumerate(ObjToPublish) : geompy.addToStudy(GeoObj,"Sub_"+str(i))
for i,GeoObj in enumerate(ObjToPublish) : geompy.addToStudy(GeoObj,"Sub_"+str(i))
def RevolveMesh(MainMesh,**args):
This function premits to revolute and scale a 2D mesh while transforming the edge
groups into face groups. Moreover, the function automatically creates the face groups
corresponding to the symmetry lower and upper faces
Facultatif arguments are :
- Center [X,Y,Z], origin being the default
- Direction [VX,VY,VZ], x-axis being the default
- AngleDeg or AngleRad : ALPHA, 10 degrees being the default
- Scale : BETA, no scaling being default
# Reading input arguments and proceeding to defaults if necessary
if 'Center' in args : CenterCoor = [float(Coor) for Coor in args['Center']]
else :
print "\nThe coordinates of the center of revolution were not given\nThe origin is used by default."
CenterCoor = [0.,0.,0.]
if 'Direction' in args : Direction = [float(Dir) for Dir in args['Direction']]
else :
print "\nThe axis vector of revolution was not given\nThe x-axis is used by default."
Direction = [1.,0.,0.]
if 'AngleDeg' in args : Angle = float(args['AngleDeg'])*math.pi/180.
elif 'AngleRad' in args : Angle = float(args['AngleRad'])
else :
print "\nThe revolution angle was not given\nAn angle of 10 degrees is used by default."
Angle = 10.*math.pi/180.
if 'Scale' in args : Scale = float(args['Scale'])
else : Scale = 1.
This function premits to revolute and scale a 2D mesh while transforming the edge
groups into face groups. Moreover, the function automatically creates the face groups
corresponding to the symmetry lower and upper faces
Facultatif arguments are :
- Center [X,Y,Z], origin being the default
- Direction [VX,VY,VZ], x-axis being the default
- AngleDeg or AngleRad : ALPHA, 10 degrees being the default
- Scale : BETA, no scaling being default
# Reading input arguments and proceeding to defaults if necessary
if 'Center' in args : CenterCoor = [float(Coor) for Coor in args['Center']]
else :
print "\nThe coordinates of the center of revolution were not given\nThe origin is used by default."
CenterCoor = [0.,0.,0.]
# Creating the lower face group LOFAC
LOFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'LOFAC' )
if 'Direction' in args : Direction = [float(Dir) for Dir in args['Direction']]
else :
print "\nThe axis vector of revolution was not given\nThe x-axis is used by default."
Direction = [1.,0.,0.]
GR_Names = MainMesh.GetGroupNames()
GRs = MainMesh.GetGroups()
Rev3DMeshGroups = MainMesh.RotationSweepObject2D( MainMesh, SMESH.AxisStruct( CenterCoor[0], CenterCoor[1], CenterCoor[2], Direction[0], Direction[1], Direction[2] ), Angle, 1, 1e-05 ,True)
if 'AngleDeg' in args : Angle = float(args['AngleDeg'])*math.pi/180.
elif 'AngleRad' in args : Angle = float(args['AngleRad'])
else :
print "\nThe revolution angle was not given\nAn angle of 10 degrees is used by default."
Angle = 10.*math.pi/180.
# Adding an EDGE suffix to the edge groups (to be deleted eventually by the user...)
for GR in GRs:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName in GR_Names and not(CurrentName=='LOFAC'): # Meaning that this is an old edge group
if 'Scale' in args : Scale = float(args['Scale'])
else : Scale = 1.
# Removing the _rotated prefix from the rotated FACE groups
for GR in Rev3DMeshGroups:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName.endswith( "_rotated"):
if CurrentName.startswith( 'LOFAC_' ):
elif CurrentName == 'LOFAC_top':
#Index = [ GR_Names[i] in CurrentName for i in range(0,len(GR_Names)) ].index(True)
# Creating the upper face group HIFAC
ALLFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'ALLFAC' )
# Creating the lower face group LOFAC
LOFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'LOFAC' )
GR_Names = MainMesh.GetGroupNames()
GRs = MainMesh.GetGroups()
Rev3DMeshGroups = MainMesh.RotationSweepObject2D( MainMesh, SMESH.AxisStruct( CenterCoor[0], CenterCoor[1], CenterCoor[2], Direction[0], Direction[1], Direction[2] ), Angle, 1, 1e-05 ,True)
# Adding an EDGE suffix to the edge groups (to be deleted eventually by the user...)
for GR in GRs:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName in GR_Names and not(CurrentName=='LOFAC'): # Meaning that this is an old edge group
# Removing the _rotated prefix from the rotated FACE groups
for GR in Rev3DMeshGroups:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName.endswith( "_rotated"):
if CurrentName.startswith( 'LOFAC_' ):
elif CurrentName == 'LOFAC_top':
#Index = [ GR_Names[i] in CurrentName for i in range(0,len(GR_Names)) ].index(True)
# Creating the upper face group HIFAC
ALLFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'ALLFAC' )
#HIFAC = MainMesh.GetMesh().CutListOfGroups( [ ALLFAC ], [LOFAC] + [ MeshGroup for MeshGroup in Rev3DMeshGroups if not(MeshGroup.GetName()=='VOL') ], 'HIFAC' )
#HIFAC = MainMesh.GetMesh().CutListOfGroups( [ ALLFAC ], [LOFAC] + [ MeshGroup for MeshGroup in Rev3DMeshGroups if ( not(MeshGroup.GetName()=='VOL') and MeshGroup.GetType() == SMESH.FACE )], 'HIFAC' )
# Scaling down the mesh to meter units
if not(Scale==1.):
MeshEditor = MainMesh.GetMeshEditor()
MeshEditor.Scale( MainMesh.GetMesh(), SMESH.PointStruct( 0, 0, 0 ) ,[ Scale, Scale, Scale ], 0 )
#HIFAC = MainMesh.GetMesh().CutListOfGroups( [ ALLFAC ], [LOFAC] + [ MeshGroup for MeshGroup in Rev3DMeshGroups if not(MeshGroup.GetName()=='VOL') ], 'HIFAC' )
#HIFAC = MainMesh.GetMesh().CutListOfGroups( [ ALLFAC ], [LOFAC] + [ MeshGroup for MeshGroup in Rev3DMeshGroups if ( not(MeshGroup.GetName()=='VOL') and MeshGroup.GetType() == SMESH.FACE )], 'HIFAC' )
# Scaling down the mesh to meter units
if not(Scale==1.):
MeshEditor = MainMesh.GetMeshEditor()
MeshEditor.Scale( MainMesh.GetMesh(), SMESH.PointStruct( 0, 0, 0 ) ,[ Scale, Scale, Scale ], 0 )
def ExtrudeMesh(MainMesh,**args):
This function premits to extrude and scale a 2D mesh while transforming the edge
groups into face groups. Moreover, the function automatically creates the face groups
corresponding to the symmetry lower and upper faces
Facultatif arguments are :
- Direction [VX,VY,VZ], z-axis being default
- Distance : D, default is 1
- NSteps : the object will be extruded by NSteps*Distance, default is Nsteps = 1
- Scale : BETA, no scaling being default
# Reading input arguments and proceeding to defaults if necessary
if 'Distance' in args : Distance = float(args['Distance'])
else :
print "\nThe extrusion distance was not given\nA default value of 1 is used."
Distance = 1.
if 'Direction' in args : Direction = NormalizeVector([float(Dir) for Dir in args['Direction']],Distance)
else :
print "\nThe extrusion vector of revolution was not given\nThe z-axis is used by default."
Direction = NormalizeVector([0.,0.,1.],Distance)
if 'Scale' in args : Scale = float(args['Scale'])
else : Scale = 1.
if 'NSteps' in args : NSteps = int(args['NSteps'])
else : NSteps = 1
# Creating the lower face group LOFAC
LOFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'LOFAC' )
This function premits to extrude and scale a 2D mesh while transforming the edge
groups into face groups. Moreover, the function automatically creates the face groups
corresponding to the symmetry lower and upper faces
Facultatif arguments are :
- Direction [VX,VY,VZ], z-axis being default
- Distance : D, default is 1
- NSteps : the object will be extruded by NSteps*Distance, default is Nsteps = 1
- Scale : BETA, no scaling being default
# Reading input arguments and proceeding to defaults if necessary
if 'Distance' in args : Distance = float(args['Distance'])
else :
print "\nThe extrusion distance was not given\nA default value of 1 is used."
Distance = 1.
GR_Names = MainMesh.GetGroupNames()
GRs = MainMesh.GetGroups()
Ext3DMeshGroups = MainMesh.ExtrusionSweepObject2D(MainMesh,SMESH.DirStruct(SMESH.PointStruct(Direction[0],Direction[1],Direction[2])), NSteps, True)
if 'Direction' in args : Direction = NormalizeVector([float(Dir) for Dir in args['Direction']],Distance)
else :
print "\nThe extrusion vector of revolution was not given\nThe z-axis is used by default."
Direction = NormalizeVector([0.,0.,1.],Distance)
# Adding an EDGE suffix to the edge groups (to be deleted eventually by the user...)
for GR in GRs:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName in GR_Names and not(CurrentName=='LOFAC'): # Meaning that this is an old edge group
if 'Scale' in args : Scale = float(args['Scale'])
else : Scale = 1.
# Removing the _extruded suffix from the extruded FACE groups
for GR in Ext3DMeshGroups:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName.endswith( "_extruded"):
if CurrentName.startswith( 'LOFAC_' ):
elif CurrentName == 'LOFAC_top':
if 'NSteps' in args : NSteps = int(args['NSteps'])
else : NSteps = 1
# Creating the upper face group HIFAC
ALLFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'ALLFAC' )
# Creating the lower face group LOFAC
LOFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'LOFAC' )
GR_Names = MainMesh.GetGroupNames()
GRs = MainMesh.GetGroups()
Ext3DMeshGroups = MainMesh.ExtrusionSweepObject2D(MainMesh,SMESH.DirStruct(SMESH.PointStruct(Direction[0],Direction[1],Direction[2])), NSteps, True)
# Adding an EDGE suffix to the edge groups (to be deleted eventually by the user...)
for GR in GRs:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName in GR_Names and not(CurrentName=='LOFAC'): # Meaning that this is an old edge group
# Removing the _extruded suffix from the extruded FACE groups
for GR in Ext3DMeshGroups:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName.endswith( "_extruded"):
if CurrentName.startswith( 'LOFAC_' ):
elif CurrentName == 'LOFAC_top':
# Creating the upper face group HIFAC
ALLFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'ALLFAC' )
#HIFAC = MainMesh.GetMesh().CutListOfGroups( [ ALLFAC ], [LOFAC] + [ MeshGroup for MeshGroup in Ext3DMeshGroups if not(MeshGroup.GetName()=='VOL') ], 'HIFAC' )
# Scaling down the mesh to meter units
if not(Scale==1.):
MeshEditor = MainMesh.GetMeshEditor()
MeshEditor.Scale( MainMesh.GetMesh(), SMESH.PointStruct( 0, 0, 0 ) ,[ Scale, Scale, Scale ], 0 )
#HIFAC = MainMesh.GetMesh().CutListOfGroups( [ ALLFAC ], [LOFAC] + [ MeshGroup for MeshGroup in Ext3DMeshGroups if not(MeshGroup.GetName()=='VOL') ], 'HIFAC' )
# Scaling down the mesh to meter units
if not(Scale==1.):
MeshEditor = MainMesh.GetMeshEditor()
MeshEditor.Scale( MainMesh.GetMesh(), SMESH.PointStruct( 0, 0, 0 ) ,[ Scale, Scale, Scale ], 0 )
def NormalizeVector (V,Norm):
This function returns a normalized vector (magnitude = Norm), parallel to the entered one
V = [float(Coor) for Coor in V]
Norm = float(Norm)
MagV = math.sqrt(V[0]*V[0]+V[1]*V[1]+V[2]*V[2])
return [Coor*Norm/MagV for Coor in V]
This function returns a normalized vector (magnitude = Norm), parallel to the entered one
V = [float(Coor) for Coor in V]
Norm = float(Norm)
MagV = math.sqrt(V[0]*V[0]+V[1]*V[1]+V[2]*V[2])
return [Coor*Norm/MagV for Coor in V]
@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
# This is an automation of the sharp angle object, with a corner at (X0,Y0), side length : Extension and a fine local meshing : LocalMeshing
# The corner orientation is defined as NE (North-East) , NW (North-West), SE, or SW. The object's "arm" is 8/14 of Extension
# | | 8 6
# ------- ---------
# ----> | | <----
# | NW NE | oo
# _____| |_____
# | | 8 6
# ------- ---------
# ----> | | <----
# | NW NE | oo
# _____| |_____
import sys, math, commands
CWD = commands.getoutput('pwd')
@ -35,213 +35,213 @@ from MacObject import *
from CompositeBox import *
import Config, GenFunctions
def SharpAngleOut (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , DLocal, LocalMeshing , CornerOrientation , NLevels, **args) :
if DLocal == 'auto' : DLocal = float(min(DX,DY))
def SharpAngleOut (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , DLocal, LocalMeshing , CornerOrientation , NLevels, **args) :
if DLocal == 'auto' : DLocal = float(min(DX,DY))
BoxSide = DLocal/(2.**(NLevels+1))
InternalMeshing = int(math.ceil(BoxSide/(3*LocalMeshing)))
InternalMeshing = InternalMeshing+InternalMeshing%2 # An even number is needed, otherwise the objects would not be compatible once created
if InternalMeshing == 0 : InternalMeshing = 2 # This sets a minimum meshing condition in order to avoid an error. The user is notified of the value considered for the local meshing
print "Possible Local meshing is :", BoxSide/(3*InternalMeshing), "\nThis value is returned by this function for your convenience"
BoxSide = DLocal/(2.**(NLevels+1))
InternalMeshing = int(math.ceil(BoxSide/(3*LocalMeshing)))
InternalMeshing = InternalMeshing+InternalMeshing%2 # An even number is needed, otherwise the objects would not be compatible once created
if InternalMeshing == 0 : InternalMeshing = 2 # This sets a minimum meshing condition in order to avoid an error. The user is notified of the value considered for the local meshing
print "Possible Local meshing is :", BoxSide/(3*InternalMeshing), "\nThis value is returned by this function for your convenience"
DirPar = {'NE' : lambda : ['NE', 'NW', 'SE', 'EW', 'NW', 'SN', 'SN', 'NE', 'WE', 'WE', 'SE', 'NS'],
'NW' : lambda : ['NW', 'NE', 'SW', 'WE', 'NE', 'SN', 'SN', 'NW', 'EW', 'EW', 'SW', 'NS'],
'SE' : lambda : ['SE', 'SW', 'NE', 'EW', 'SW', 'NS', 'NS', 'SE', 'WE', 'WE', 'NE', 'SN'],
'SW' : lambda : ['SW', 'SE', 'NW', 'WE', 'SE', 'NS', 'NS', 'SW', 'EW', 'EW', 'NW', 'SN'], }[CornerOrientation]()
DirPar = {'NE' : lambda : ['NE', 'NW', 'SE', 'EW', 'NW', 'SN', 'SN', 'NE', 'WE', 'WE', 'SE', 'NS'],
'NW' : lambda : ['NW', 'NE', 'SW', 'WE', 'NE', 'SN', 'SN', 'NW', 'EW', 'EW', 'SW', 'NS'],
'SE' : lambda : ['SE', 'SW', 'NE', 'EW', 'SW', 'NS', 'NS', 'SE', 'WE', 'WE', 'NE', 'SN'],
'SW' : lambda : ['SW', 'SE', 'NW', 'WE', 'SE', 'NS', 'NS', 'SW', 'EW', 'EW', 'NW', 'SN'], }[CornerOrientation]()
CoefVer = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : 1,
'SE' : lambda : -1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
CoefVer = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : 1,
'SE' : lambda : -1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
CoefHor = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : -1,
'SE' : lambda : 1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
ToLook = {'NE' : lambda : [0,2,1,3],
'NW' : lambda : [0,3,1,2],
'SE' : lambda : [1,2,0,3],
'SW' : lambda : [1,3,0,2], }[CornerOrientation]()
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
GN00 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[0])
GN01 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[1])
GN1 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[1]],[GroupNames[0],GroupNames[5]])
GN7 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[1]],[GroupNames[4],GroupNames[1]])
if DY == DLocal :
GN2 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[5],GroupNames[2]])
GN3 = GroupArray(ToLook[2],GroupNames[2])
if DX == DLocal:
GN4 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]])
GN5 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[3])
GN6 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
else :
GN4 = GroupArray(ToLook[2],GroupNames[2])
GN5 = [None,None,None,None]
GN6 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[4])
GN21 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4],GroupNames[2]])
CoefHor = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : -1,
'SE' : lambda : 1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
ToLook = {'NE' : lambda : [0,2,1,3],
'NW' : lambda : [0,3,1,2],
'SE' : lambda : [1,2,0,3],
'SW' : lambda : [1,3,0,2], }[CornerOrientation]()
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
GN00 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[0])
GN01 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[1])
GN1 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[1]],[GroupNames[0],GroupNames[5]])
GN7 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[1]],[GroupNames[4],GroupNames[1]])
if DY == DLocal :
GN2 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[5],GroupNames[2]])
GN3 = GroupArray(ToLook[2],GroupNames[2])
if DX == DLocal:
GN4 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]])
GN5 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[3])
GN6 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
else :
GN2 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[5])
GN3 = [None,None,None,None]
if DX == DLocal:
GN4 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[3])
GN5 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[3])
GN6 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
GN22 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[5],GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]])
else :
GN4 = [None,None,None,None]
GN5 = [None,None,None,None]
GN6 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[4])
GN21 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
GN22 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[5],GroupNames[2]])
GN23 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]])
Obj = []
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0-CoefHor*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*BoxSide/2),(BoxSide,BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[1]], groups = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[0])))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*BoxSide/2,Y0-CoefVer*BoxSide/2),(BoxSide,BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[2]], groups = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[1])))
for N in range (1,NLevels+1):
n = N-1
if N < NLevels :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*BoxSide*(2**n)*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]] , groups = GN00))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[4]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[5]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[6]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[7]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[8]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[9]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[10]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[11]] , groups = GN01))
else :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*BoxSide*(2**n)*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]] , groups = GN1))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[4]] , groups = GN2))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[5]] , groups = GN3))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[6]] , groups = GN3))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[7]] , groups = GN4))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[8]] , groups = GN5))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[9]] , groups = GN5))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[10]], groups = GN6))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[11]] , groups = GN7))
OuterMeshing = (3/2)*InternalMeshing*2**(NLevels-1)
OuterSegLength = (DLocal/OuterMeshing)
if DX > DLocal :
dX = DX - DLocal
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX)/2.,Y0),(dX,DLocal)],['auto'], groups = GN21))
if DY > DLocal :
dY = DY - DLocal
if DX > DLocal :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*DX/2.,Y0+CoefVer*(DY)/2.),(DX-DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN23))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+CoefVer*(DY)/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN22))
return Obj
def SharpAngleIn (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , DLocal, LocalMeshing , CornerOrientation , NLevels, **args) :
if DLocal == 'auto' : DLocal = float(min(DX,DY))
BoxSide = DLocal/(2.**(NLevels))
InternalMeshing = int(math.ceil(BoxSide/(3*LocalMeshing)))
InternalMeshing = InternalMeshing+InternalMeshing%2 # An even number is needed, otherwise the objects would not be compatible once created
if InternalMeshing == 0 : InternalMeshing = 2 # This sets a minimum meshing condition in order to avoid an error. The user is notified of the value considered for the local meshing
print "Possible Local meshing is :", BoxSide/(3*InternalMeshing), "\nThis value is returned by this function for your convenience..."
DirPar = {'NE' : lambda : ['NE', 'SN', 'NE', 'WE'],
'NW' : lambda : ['NW', 'SN', 'NW', 'EW'],
'SE' : lambda : ['SE', 'NS', 'SE', 'WE'],
'SW' : lambda : ['SW', 'NS', 'SW', 'EW'], }[CornerOrientation]()
CoefVer = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : 1,
'SE' : lambda : -1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
CoefHor = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : -1,
'SE' : lambda : 1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
ToLook = {'NE' : lambda : [0,2,1,3],
'NW' : lambda : [0,3,1,2],
'SE' : lambda : [1,2,0,3],
'SW' : lambda : [1,3,0,2], }[CornerOrientation]()
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
GN01 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[1]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[1]]])
GN02 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[ToLook[1]])
GN03 = [None, None, None, None]
GN04 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[ToLook[0]])
if DY == DLocal :
GN05 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[ToLook[1]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]]])
GN08 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
if DX == DLocal:
GN06 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN07 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
else :
GN06 = GroupArray(ToLook[2],GroupNames[ToLook[2]])
GN07 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[ToLook[0]])
GN4 = GroupArray(ToLook[2],GroupNames[2])
GN5 = [None,None,None,None]
GN6 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[4])
GN21 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4],GroupNames[2]])
else :
GN2 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[5])
GN3 = [None,None,None,None]
if DX == DLocal:
GN4 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[3])
GN5 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[3])
GN6 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
GN22 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[5],GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]])
else :
GN05 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[ToLook[1]])
if DX == DLocal :
GN06 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[ToLook[3]])
GN07 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN10 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[1]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
else :
GN06 = [None, None, None, None]
GN07 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[ToLook[0]])
GN08 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN09 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN10 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[ToLook[1]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]]])
Obj = []
GN4 = [None,None,None,None]
GN5 = [None,None,None,None]
GN6 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[4])
GN21 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
GN22 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[5],GroupNames[2]])
GN23 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]])
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*BoxSide/2),(BoxSide,BoxSide)],[InternalMeshing,DirPar[0]],groups = GN01))
for N in range (1,NLevels+1):
n = N-1
if N < NLevels :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[1]],groups = GN02))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[2]],groups = GN03))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]],groups = GN04))
else :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[1]],groups = GN05))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[2]],groups = GN06))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]],groups = GN07))
OuterMeshing = (3/2)*InternalMeshing*2**(NLevels-1)
OuterSegLength = (DLocal/OuterMeshing)
Obj = []
if DX > DLocal :
dX = DX - DLocal
Obj = Obj + CompositeBox(X0+CoefHor*(DLocal+dX/2.),Y0+CoefVer*(DLocal)/2.,dX,DLocal, groups = GN08)
if DY > DLocal :
dY = DY - DLocal
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0-CoefHor*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*BoxSide/2),(BoxSide,BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[1]], groups = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[0])))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*BoxSide/2,Y0-CoefVer*BoxSide/2),(BoxSide,BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[2]], groups = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[1])))
if DX > DLocal :
Obj = Obj + CompositeBox(X0+CoefHor*(DLocal+(DX-DLocal)/2.),Y0+CoefVer*(DLocal+dY/2.),DX-DLocal,dY, groups = GN09)
for N in range (1,NLevels+1):
n = N-1
if N < NLevels :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*BoxSide*(2**n)*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]] , groups = GN00))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[4]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[5]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[6]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[7]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[8]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[9]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[10]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[11]] , groups = GN01))
else :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*BoxSide*(2**n)*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]] , groups = GN1))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[4]] , groups = GN2))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[5]] , groups = GN3))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[6]] , groups = GN3))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[7]] , groups = GN4))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[8]] , groups = GN5))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[9]] , groups = GN5))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[10]], groups = GN6))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[11]] , groups = GN7))
Obj = Obj + CompositeBox(X0+CoefHor*DLocal/2,Y0+CoefVer*(DLocal+dY/2.),DLocal,dY,groups = GN10)
OuterMeshing = (3/2)*InternalMeshing*2**(NLevels-1)
OuterSegLength = (DLocal/OuterMeshing)
return Obj
if DX > DLocal :
dX = DX - DLocal
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX)/2.,Y0),(dX,DLocal)],['auto'], groups = GN21))
if DY > DLocal :
dY = DY - DLocal
if DX > DLocal :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*DX/2.,Y0+CoefVer*(DY)/2.),(DX-DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN23))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+CoefVer*(DY)/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN22))
return Obj
def SharpAngleIn (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , DLocal, LocalMeshing , CornerOrientation , NLevels, **args) :
if DLocal == 'auto' : DLocal = float(min(DX,DY))
BoxSide = DLocal/(2.**(NLevels))
InternalMeshing = int(math.ceil(BoxSide/(3*LocalMeshing)))
InternalMeshing = InternalMeshing+InternalMeshing%2 # An even number is needed, otherwise the objects would not be compatible once created
if InternalMeshing == 0 : InternalMeshing = 2 # This sets a minimum meshing condition in order to avoid an error. The user is notified of the value considered for the local meshing
print "Possible Local meshing is :", BoxSide/(3*InternalMeshing), "\nThis value is returned by this function for your convenience..."
DirPar = {'NE' : lambda : ['NE', 'SN', 'NE', 'WE'],
'NW' : lambda : ['NW', 'SN', 'NW', 'EW'],
'SE' : lambda : ['SE', 'NS', 'SE', 'WE'],
'SW' : lambda : ['SW', 'NS', 'SW', 'EW'], }[CornerOrientation]()
CoefVer = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : 1,
'SE' : lambda : -1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
CoefHor = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : -1,
'SE' : lambda : 1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
ToLook = {'NE' : lambda : [0,2,1,3],
'NW' : lambda : [0,3,1,2],
'SE' : lambda : [1,2,0,3],
'SW' : lambda : [1,3,0,2], }[CornerOrientation]()
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
GN01 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[1]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[1]]])
GN02 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[ToLook[1]])
GN03 = [None, None, None, None]
GN04 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[ToLook[0]])
if DY == DLocal :
GN05 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[ToLook[1]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]]])
GN08 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
if DX == DLocal:
GN06 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN07 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
else :
GN06 = GroupArray(ToLook[2],GroupNames[ToLook[2]])
GN07 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[ToLook[0]])
else :
GN05 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[ToLook[1]])
if DX == DLocal :
GN06 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[ToLook[3]])
GN07 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN10 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[1]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
else :
GN06 = [None, None, None, None]
GN07 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[ToLook[0]])
GN08 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN09 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN10 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[ToLook[1]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]]])
Obj = []
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*BoxSide/2),(BoxSide,BoxSide)],[InternalMeshing,DirPar[0]],groups = GN01))
for N in range (1,NLevels+1):
n = N-1
if N < NLevels :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[1]],groups = GN02))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[2]],groups = GN03))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]],groups = GN04))
else :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[1]],groups = GN05))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[2]],groups = GN06))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]],groups = GN07))
OuterMeshing = (3/2)*InternalMeshing*2**(NLevels-1)
OuterSegLength = (DLocal/OuterMeshing)
if DX > DLocal :
dX = DX - DLocal
Obj = Obj + CompositeBox(X0+CoefHor*(DLocal+dX/2.),Y0+CoefVer*(DLocal)/2.,dX,DLocal, groups = GN08)
if DY > DLocal :
dY = DY - DLocal
if DX > DLocal :
Obj = Obj + CompositeBox(X0+CoefHor*(DLocal+(DX-DLocal)/2.),Y0+CoefVer*(DLocal+dY/2.),DX-DLocal,dY, groups = GN09)
Obj = Obj + CompositeBox(X0+CoefHor*DLocal/2,Y0+CoefVer*(DLocal+dY/2.),DLocal,dY,groups = GN10)
return Obj
def GroupArray(indices, GroupNames) :
if type(indices) is int :
indices = [indices]
GroupNames = [GroupNames]
Output = [None,None,None,None]
for i, ind in enumerate(indices) :
Output[ind] = GroupNames[i]
return Output
if type(indices) is int :
indices = [indices]
GroupNames = [GroupNames]
Output = [None,None,None,None]
for i, ind in enumerate(indices) :
Output[ind] = GroupNames[i]
return Output
@ -8,24 +8,23 @@ from dataBase import Base
if __name__ == "__main__":
from optparse import OptionParser
p.add_option('-p',dest='partiel',action="store_true", default=False,help='import de machine, groupe, ratio Maille et Perf uniquement')
p.add_option('-f',dest='force',action="store_true", default=False,help='ecrasement des valeurs dans la base par les valeurs dans les fichiers en cas de meme clef primaire')
p.add_option('-d',dest='database',default="myMesh.db",help='nom de la database')
options, args = p.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1 :
print "entrer SVP le nom de la directory ou sont rangees les fichiers a charger"
from optparse import OptionParser
p.add_option('-p',dest='partiel',action="store_true", default=False,help='import de machine, groupe, ratio Maille et Perf uniquement')
p.add_option('-f',dest='force',action="store_true", default=False,help='ecrasement des valeurs dans la base par les valeurs dans les fichiers en cas de meme clef primaire')
p.add_option('-d',dest='database',default="myMesh.db",help='nom de la database')
options, args = p.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1 :
print "entrer SVP le nom de la directory ou sont rangees les fichiers a charger"
if not(os.path.isdir(folder)):
print folder , " n existe pas"
if not(os.path.isdir(folder)):
print folder , " n existe pas"
@ -2,114 +2,112 @@ from qtsalome import QSqlQuery
import datetime
class TableDeBase :
def __init__(self,nom):
def __init__(self,nom):
def setField(self,FieldStringList):
def setTypeField(self,FieldTypeListe,clef):
self.FieldTypeListe = FieldTypeListe
def setField(self,FieldStringList):
def getFields(self):
return self.FieldStringList
def insereLigne(self,valeurs,debug=False):
if self.verifieExitenceId(valeurs[0])!=0 :
print "impossible d inserer " , valeurs, "dans ", self.nom
print "l id est deja existant"
return False
texteQuery='insert into ' + self.nom + " values "+ str(valeurs)+ ';'
if debug : print texteQuery, " " , maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
else : maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
def setTypeField(self,FieldTypeListe,clef):
self.FieldTypeListe = FieldTypeListe
def insereLigneAutoId(self,valeurs,debug=False):
texteQuery='insert into ' + self.nom + self.cols+ " values "+ str(valeurs)+ ';'
if debug : print texteQuery, " " , maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
else : maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
def getFields(self):
return self.FieldStringList
def insereOuRemplaceLigne(self,valeurs,debug=False):
texteQuery='insert or replace into ' + self.nom + " values "+ str(valeurs)+ ';'
if debug : print texteQuery, " " , maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
else : maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
def insereLigne(self,valeurs,debug=False):
if self.verifieExitenceId(valeurs[0])!=0 :
print "impossible d inserer " , valeurs, "dans ", self.nom
print "l id est deja existant"
return False
texteQuery='insert into ' + self.nom + " values "+ str(valeurs)+ ';'
if debug : print texteQuery, " " , maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
else : maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
def insereLigneAutoId(self,valeurs,debug=False):
texteQuery='insert into ' + self.nom + self.cols+ " values "+ str(valeurs)+ ';'
if debug : print texteQuery, " " , maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
else : maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
def insereOuRemplaceLigne(self,valeurs,debug=False):
texteQuery='insert or replace into ' + self.nom + " values "+ str(valeurs)+ ';'
if debug : print texteQuery, " " , maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
else : maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
def verifieExitenceId(self,valeur):
def verifieExitenceId(self,valeur):
# ne fonctionne pas correctement, il faudrait se servir de la clef
texteQuery= "select * from " + self.nom + " where "+ self.idName+'='+str(valeur) +';'
while(maQuery.next()): nb=nb+1
return nb
texteQuery= "select * from " + self.nom + " where "+ self.idName+'='+str(valeur) +';'
while(maQuery.next()): nb=nb+1
return nb
def remplit(self):
print "Pas de remplissage sauf si cette methode est surchargee"
def remplit(self):
print "Pas de remplissage sauf si cette methode est surchargee"
def createSqlTable(self):
print "Pas de creation par defaut : cette methode doit etre surchargee"
def createSqlTable(self):
print "Pas de creation par defaut : cette methode doit etre surchargee"
# On ne se sert pas du csv python entre autre parcequ'il ne gere pas les entetes
def exportToCSV(self):
texteQuery= "select * from " + self.nom +';'
for col in self.FieldStringList:
texteSauve=texteSauve[0:-1] # on enleve le dernier ";"
for i in range(len(self.FieldStringList)):
texteSauve=texteSauve[0:-1] # on enleve le dernier ";"
if asauver == 0 :
print "pas de sauvegarde de : " , self.nom , " table vide"
def exportToCSV(self):
texteQuery= "select * from " + self.nom +';'
for col in self.FieldStringList:
texteSauve=texteSauve[0:-1] # on enleve le dernier ";"
from Stats.utiles import writeFile
if Bok :
print "sauvegarde de : " , self.nom , " effectuee "
else :
print "pas de sauvegarde de : " , self.nom , " IOerror"
for i in range(len(self.FieldStringList)):
texteSauve=texteSauve[0:-1] # on enleve le dernier ";"
def importFromCSV(self,folder,force):
try :
print "Pas de chargement de la table ", self.nom
print "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier ", monFichier
return 0
if enTete!=self.FieldStringList:
print "Pas de chargement de la table ", self.nom
print "les entetes ne correspondent pas"
return 0
for StrVal in lignes[1:]:
for i in range(len(listeVal)):
if self.FieldTypeListe[i]=='int' : listeValTypee.append(int(listeVal[i]))
if self.FieldTypeListe[i]=='float': listeValTypee.append(float(listeVal[i]))
if self.FieldTypeListe[i]=='str' : listeValTypee.append(listeVal[i])
if force==1 : self.insereOuRemplaceLigne(tuple(listeValTypee))
if force==0 : self.insereLigne(tuple(listeValTypee))
if asauver == 0 :
print "pas de sauvegarde de : " , self.nom , " table vide"
from Stats.utiles import writeFile
if Bok :
print "sauvegarde de : " , self.nom , " effectuee "
else :
print "pas de sauvegarde de : " , self.nom , " IOerror"
def importFromCSV(self,folder,force):
try :
print "Pas de chargement de la table ", self.nom
print "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier ", monFichier
return 0
if enTete!=self.FieldStringList:
print "Pas de chargement de la table ", self.nom
print "les entetes ne correspondent pas"
return 0
for StrVal in lignes[1:]:
for i in range(len(listeVal)):
if self.FieldTypeListe[i]=='int' : listeValTypee.append(int(listeVal[i]))
if self.FieldTypeListe[i]=='float': listeValTypee.append(float(listeVal[i]))
if self.FieldTypeListe[i]=='str' : listeValTypee.append(listeVal[i])
if force==1 : self.insereOuRemplaceLigne(tuple(listeValTypee))
if force==0 : self.insereLigne(tuple(listeValTypee))
@ -2,30 +2,30 @@ from qtsalome import QSqlQuery
from tableDeBase import TableDeBase
class TableGroupesRef (TableDeBase):
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self):
def createSqlTable(self):
texteQuery ="create table GroupesRef(nomGroupe varchar(40), idMaillage int,"
texteQuery+="foreign key (idMaillage) references Maillages(idMaillage),"
texteQuery+="primary key (nomGroupe,idMaillage));"
print "Creation de TableGroupesRef : " , query.exec_(texteQuery)
def createSqlTable(self):
texteQuery ="create table GroupesRef(nomGroupe varchar(40), idMaillage int,"
texteQuery+="foreign key (idMaillage) references Maillages(idMaillage),"
texteQuery+="primary key (nomGroupe,idMaillage));"
print "Creation de TableGroupesRef : " , query.exec_(texteQuery)
def getVals(self,idMaillage):
texteQuery ='select NomGroupe from GroupesRef where idMaillage='+str(idMaillage) +";"
while (query.next()) :
return listeGroupes
def getVals(self,idMaillage):
texteQuery ='select NomGroupe from GroupesRef where idMaillage='+str(idMaillage) +";"
while (query.next()) :
return listeGroupes
# def remplit(self):
# Groupe pour le script du tunnel (fiche 7566)
# self.insereLigne(('FRONT_07',1))
# self.insereLigne(('FOND_07',1))
@ -3,29 +3,28 @@ from tableDeBase import TableDeBase
import os
class TableMachines (TableDeBase):
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self):
def createSqlTable(self):
print "creation de TableMachine : ", query.exec_("create table Machines( nomMachine varchar(10) primary key, os varchar(10));")
def createSqlTable(self):
print "creation de TableMachine : ", query.exec_("create table Machines( nomMachine varchar(10) primary key, os varchar(10));")
def creeMachine(self):
def chercheMachine(self):
texteQuery ="select nomMachine from Machines where nomMachine ='" + machine +"' ;"
if nb != 1 : return 0, ""
return 1, nom
def creeMachine(self):
def chercheMachine(self):
texteQuery ="select nomMachine from Machines where nomMachine ='" + machine +"' ;"
if nb != 1 : return 0, ""
return 1, nom
@ -2,99 +2,99 @@ from qtsalome import QSqlQuery
from tableDeBase import TableDeBase
class TableMaillages (TableDeBase):
def __init__(self):
self.setField(("id","nomMaillage","Script","fichier","idMailleur","Dimension","Seuil CPU","Seuil Ratio","Seuil Taille","Seuil Nb Maille","Commentaire"))
def __init__(self):
self.setField(("id","nomMaillage","Script","fichier","idMailleur","Dimension","Seuil CPU","Seuil Ratio","Seuil Taille","Seuil Nb Maille","Commentaire"))
def createSqlTable(self):
texteQuery ="create table Maillages(id integer primary key autoincrement, nomMaillage varchar(10), "
texteQuery+="nomScript varchar(40), medResultat varchar(15), idMailleur int, dimension int,"
texteQuery+="seuilCPU int, seuilRatio int, seuilTaille int, seuilNbMaille int, commentaire varchar(60), "
texteQuery+="foreign key (idMailleur) references Mailleur(id));"
print "creation de TableMaillages : " , query.exec_(texteQuery)
def createSqlTable(self):
texteQuery ="create table Maillages(id integer primary key autoincrement, nomMaillage varchar(10), "
texteQuery+="nomScript varchar(40), medResultat varchar(15), idMailleur int, dimension int,"
texteQuery+="seuilCPU int, seuilRatio int, seuilTaille int, seuilNbMaille int, commentaire varchar(60), "
texteQuery+="foreign key (idMailleur) references Mailleur(id));"
print "creation de TableMaillages : " , query.exec_(texteQuery)
def getVal(self,idMaillage, nomChamp):
texteQuery ='select '+ nomChamp + ' from Maillages where id=' + str(idMaillage) + ";"
while (query.next()) :
while (query.next()) :
print "plusieurs enregistrements dans Maillages pour ",str(idMaillage)
return valeur
def getVal(self,idMaillage, nomChamp):
texteQuery ='select '+ nomChamp + ' from Maillages where id=' + str(idMaillage) + ";"
while (query.next()) :
while (query.next()) :
print "plusieurs enregistrements dans Maillages pour ",str(idMaillage)
return valeur
def dejaRemplie(self):
texteQuery="select * from Maillages where medResultat='/tmp/tetra.med';"
while(maQuery.next()): nb=nb+1
return nb
def dejaRemplie(self):
texteQuery="select * from Maillages where medResultat='/tmp/tetra.med';"
while(maQuery.next()): nb=nb+1
return nb
def remplit(self):
if self.dejaRemplie():
print "table Maillage deja initialisee"
def remplit(self):
if self.dejaRemplie():
print "table Maillage deja initialisee"
# self.insereLigneAutoId(('Fiche_7566_TUNNEL', '/home/H77945/CAS_TEST/MAILLEUR/FICHE_7566_TUNNEL/Fiche_7566_TUNNEL.py', '/tmp/Fiche_7566_TUNNEL.med', 3,3,10,10,10,10, 'Maillage d un tunnel'))
# self.insereLigneAutoId(('Fiche_7957_AILETTE', '/home/H77945/CAS_TEST/MAILLEUR/FICHE_7957_AILETTE/Fiche_7957_AILETTE.py', '/tmp/Fiche_7957_AILETTE.med', 1,2,10,10,10,10, 'Maillage d une attache d aillette'))
def construitListeMaillages(self):
texteQuery="select id, nomScript,medResultat from Maillages;"
def construitListeMaillages(self):
texteQuery="select id, nomScript,medResultat from Maillages;"
listeMaillages.append((maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0], maQuery.value(1).toString(), maQuery.value(2).toString()))
return listeMaillages
def verifieListeMaillages(self,listeMaillage):
for idM in listeMaillage:
texteQuery="select id, nomScript,medResultat from Maillages where id = " + str(idM) +';'
listeMaillages.append((maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0], maQuery.value(1).toString(), maQuery.value(2).toString()))
return listeMaillages
def verifieListeMaillages(self,listeMaillage):
for idM in listeMaillage:
texteQuery="select id, nomScript,medResultat from Maillages where id = " + str(idM) +';'
newListeMaillages.append((maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0], maQuery.value(1).toString(), maQuery.value(2).toString()))
if maSize != 1 :
print "impossible de traiter le maillage : ", idM
return newListeMaillages
newListeMaillages.append((maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0], maQuery.value(1).toString(), maQuery.value(2).toString()))
if maSize != 1 :
print "impossible de traiter le maillage : ", idM
return newListeMaillages
def getSeuilsPourMaillage(self,idMaillage):
texteQuery="select id,nomMaillage,seuilCPU,seuilRatio,seuilTaille,seuilNbMaille from Maillages where id = "+ str(idMaillage) +" ;"
l1 = maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0]
l2 = maQuery.value(1).toString()
l3 = maQuery.value(2).toInt()[0]
l4 = maQuery.value(3).toInt()[0]
l5 = maQuery.value(4).toInt()[0]
l6 = maQuery.value(5).toInt()[0]
return l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6
def getSeuilsPourMaillage(self,idMaillage):
texteQuery="select id,nomMaillage,seuilCPU,seuilRatio,seuilTaille,seuilNbMaille from Maillages where id = "+ str(idMaillage) +" ;"
l1 = maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0]
l2 = maQuery.value(1).toString()
l3 = maQuery.value(2).toInt()[0]
l4 = maQuery.value(3).toInt()[0]
l5 = maQuery.value(4).toInt()[0]
l6 = maQuery.value(5).toInt()[0]
return l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6
def getTous(self):
maillagesIdListe=[]; maillagesNomListe=[]
texteQuery="select id,nomMaillage from Maillages order by id;"
maillagesIdListe.append( maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0])
maillagesNomListe.append( maQuery.value(1).toString())
return maillagesIdListe, maillagesNomListe
def getTous(self):
maillagesIdListe=[]; maillagesNomListe=[]
texteQuery="select id,nomMaillage from Maillages order by id;"
maillagesIdListe.append( maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0])
maillagesNomListe.append( maQuery.value(1).toString())
return maillagesIdListe, maillagesNomListe
def getMailleurId(self,idMaillage):
texteQuery="select idMailleur from Maillages where id = "+ str(idMaillage) +" ;"
print texteQuery
print maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
idMailleur = maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0]
return idMailleur
def getMailleurId(self,idMaillage):
texteQuery="select idMailleur from Maillages where id = "+ str(idMaillage) +" ;"
print texteQuery
print maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
idMailleur = maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0]
return idMailleur
@ -2,58 +2,56 @@ from qtsalome import QSqlQuery
from tableDeBase import TableDeBase
class TableMailleurs (TableDeBase):
def __init__(self):
self.cols=" (nomMailleur) "
def __init__(self):
self.cols=" (nomMailleur) "
def createSqlTable(self):
print "Creation de TableMailleurs", query.exec_("create table Mailleurs(id integer primary key autoincrement, nomMailleur varchar(40));")
def createSqlTable(self):
print "Creation de TableMailleurs", query.exec_("create table Mailleurs(id integer primary key autoincrement, nomMailleur varchar(40));")
def dejaRemplie(self):
texteQuery="select * from Mailleurs where nomMailleur='Blsurf+Ghs3D';"
while(maQuery.next()): nb=nb+1
return nb
def dejaRemplie(self):
texteQuery="select * from Mailleurs where nomMailleur='Blsurf+Ghs3D';"
while(maQuery.next()): nb=nb+1
return nb
def remplit(self):
if self.dejaRemplie() :
print "Table Mailleurs deja initialisee"
def remplit(self):
if self.dejaRemplie() :
print "Table Mailleurs deja initialisee"
def insereLigneAutoId(self,valeurs,debug=False):
# difficulte a construire le texte avec une seule valeur
texteQuery='insert into Mailleurs (nomMailleur) values ("'+ str(valeurs[0])+ '");'
if debug : print texteQuery, " " , maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
else : maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
def insereLigneAutoId(self,valeurs,debug=False):
# difficulte a construire le texte avec une seule valeur
texteQuery='insert into Mailleurs (nomMailleur) values ("'+ str(valeurs[0])+ '");'
if debug : print texteQuery, " " , maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
else : maQuery.exec_(texteQuery)
def getTous(self):
texteQuery="select * from Mailleurs;"
l1.append( maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0])
l2.append( maQuery.value(1).toString())
return l1,l2
def getTous(self):
texteQuery="select * from Mailleurs;"
l1.append( maQuery.value(0).toInt()[0])
l2.append( maQuery.value(1).toString())
return l1,l2
def getName(self,mailleurId):
texteQuery="select nomMailleur from Mailleurs where id = " + str(mailleurId) + " ;"
return mailleurName
def getName(self,mailleurId):
texteQuery="select nomMailleur from Mailleurs where id = " + str(mailleurId) + " ;"
return mailleurName
@ -2,43 +2,40 @@ from qtsalome import QSqlQuery
from tableDeBase import TableDeBase
class TableVersions (TableDeBase):
def __init__(self):
self.cols=" (nomVersion, commentaire) "
def __init__(self):
self.cols=" (nomVersion, commentaire) "
def createSqlTable(self):
texteQuery ="create table Versions(id integer primary key autoincrement, nomVersion varchar(10),"
texteQuery+="commentaire varchar(30));"
print "Creation de TableVersions : " , query.exec_(texteQuery)
def createSqlTable(self):
texteQuery ="create table Versions(id integer primary key autoincrement, nomVersion varchar(10),"
texteQuery+="commentaire varchar(30));"
print "Creation de TableVersions : " , query.exec_(texteQuery)
def remplit(self):
def remplit(self):
def creeVersion(self,version,commentaire=""):
def creeVersion(self,version,commentaire=""):
def chercheVersion(self,version):
if bool(version) == True :
texteQuery ="select id, nomVersion from Versions where id = " + str(version) +";"
texteQuery ="select id, nomVersion from Versions where nomVersion ='" + version +"' ;"
if nb != 1 : return 0, 0, ""
return 1, id, nom
def chercheVersion(self,version):
if bool(version) == True :
texteQuery ="select id, nomVersion from Versions where id = " + str(version) +";"
texteQuery ="select id, nomVersion from Versions where nomVersion ='" + version +"' ;"
if nb != 1 : return 0, 0, ""
return 1, id, nom
@ -8,25 +8,24 @@ from Base.versions import Chercheversion
if __name__ == "__main__":
from optparse import OptionParser
p.add_option('-a',dest='all',action="store_true", default=False,help='passe l ensemble des Tests')
p.add_option('-s',dest='salomePath',help='chemin du runAppli',default="Appli")
p.add_option('-v',dest='version',help='id de la version')
p.add_option('-d',dest='database',default="myMesh.db",help='nom de la database')
p.add_option('-f',dest='force',default=True,help='force la passage des jobs meme si l execution a deja eu lieu sur cette machine pour cette version de salome')
options, args = p.parse_args()
if len(args) == 0 and options.all== False:
print "Enter -a ou un numero de job"
print 2
if options.salomePath==None :
print "chemin du runAppli obligatoire"
if options.version==None :
from optparse import OptionParser
p.add_option('-a',dest='all',action="store_true", default=False,help='passe l ensemble des Tests')
p.add_option('-s',dest='salomePath',help='chemin du runAppli',default="Appli")
p.add_option('-v',dest='version',help='id de la version')
p.add_option('-d',dest='database',default="myMesh.db",help='nom de la database')
p.add_option('-f',dest='force',default=True,help='force la passage des jobs meme si l execution a deja eu lieu sur cette machine pour cette version de salome')
options, args = p.parse_args()
if len(args) == 0 and options.all== False:
print "Enter -a ou un numero de job"
print 2
if options.salomePath==None :
print "chemin du runAppli obligatoire"
if options.version==None :
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ verbose = True
force = os.getenv("FORCE_DISTENE_LICENSE_FILE")
if force != None:
os.environ["DISTENE_LICENSE_FILE"] = force
os.environ["DLIM8VAR"] = "NOTHING"
os.environ["DISTENE_LICENSE_FILE"] = force
os.environ["DLIM8VAR"] = "NOTHING"
class MonViewText(Ui_ViewExe, QDialog):
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class MonViewText(Ui_ViewExe, QDialog):
self.monExe.readyReadStandardOutput.connect( self.readFromStdOut )
self.monExe.readyReadStandardError.connect( self.readFromStdErr )
self.monExe.finished.connect( self.finished )
cmds = ''
ext = ''
if sys.platform == "win32":
@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ class MonViewText(Ui_ViewExe, QDialog):
cmds += 'echo %s\n' % txt #to see what is compute command
cmds += txt+'\n'
cmds += 'echo "END_OF_MGSurfOpt"\n'
nomFichier = os.path.splitext(self.parent().fichierOut)[0] + ext
with open(nomFichier, 'w') as f:
if verbose: print("INFO: MGSurfOpt launch script file: %s" % nomFichier)
@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ class MonViewText(Ui_ViewExe, QDialog):
if fn.isNull() : return
ulfile = os.path.abspath(unicode(fn))
f = open(fn, 'wb')
f = open(fn, 'wb')
except IOError, why:
QMessageBox.critical(self, 'Save File',
'The file <b>%1</b> could not be saved.<br>Reason: %2'%(unicode(fn), str(why)))
QMessageBox.critical(self, 'Save File',
'The file <b>%1</b> could not be saved.<br>Reason: %2'%(unicode(fn), str(why)))
def readFromStdErr(self):
@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ class MonViewText(Ui_ViewExe, QDialog):
def readFromStdOut(self) :
def finished(self):
def theClose(self):
if not self.enregistreResultatsDone:
if not self.enregistreResultatsDone:
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class PluginDialog(QDialog):
# Then, we can connect the slot to there associated button event
self.__ui.btnInput.clicked.connect( self.onInput )
self.__ui.btnInput.clicked.connect( self.onInput )
self.__ui.btnCompute.clicked.connect( self.onCompute )
self.__ui.btnRefresh.clicked.connect( self.onRefresh )
self.__ui.btnPublish.clicked.connect( self.onPublish )
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class PluginDialog(QDialog):
def setupJobManager(self):
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ class PluginDialog(QDialog):
the initialize step, by specifing the name of the resource to
be used.
# We first
# We first
configReader = ConfigReader()
config = configReader.getLocalConfig()
configId = config.resname
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ class PluginDialog(QDialog):
self.__inputDialog.windowFlags() | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
# The signal inputValidated emitted from inputDialog is
# connected to the slot function onProcessInput:
self.__inputDialog.inputValidated.connect( self.onProcessInput )
self.__inputDialog.inputValidated.connect( self.onProcessInput )
@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ class PluginDialog(QDialog):
def getInputFrame(self):
return self.__ui.frameInput
def __setGuiState(self,states=["CAN_SELECT"]):
if "CAN_SELECT" in states:
if "CAN_COMPUTE" in states:
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class PluginDialog(QDialog):
def __log(self, message):
This function prints the specified message in the log area
def __exportMesh(self, meshName, meshObject):
@ -256,12 +256,12 @@ class PluginDialog(QDialog):
self.__ui.lblStatusBar.setText("Input data OK")
self.__log("INF: Press \"Compute\" to start the job")
self.__setGuiState(["CAN_SELECT", "CAN_COMPUTE"])
def onCompute(self):
This function is the slot connected to the Compute button. It
initializes a mesh computation job and start it using the
SALOME launcher.
SALOME launcher.
# We first have to create the list of parameters for the
# initialize function. For that, we have to create the files
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ class PluginDialog(QDialog):
self.__log("ERR: %s"%jobManager.getLastErrorMessage())
self.__log("INF: the job has been initialized with jobid = "+str(self.__jobid))
startOk = jobManager.start(self.__jobid)
if not startOk:
self.__log("ERR: the job with jobid = "+str(self.__jobid)+" can't be started")
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ class PluginDialog(QDialog):
This function is the slot connected on the Publish button. It
requests the mesh job manager to download the results data
from the computation resource host and load the med file in
the SALOME study.
the SALOME study.
jobManager = self.__getJobManager()
state = jobManager.getState(self.__jobid)
@ -372,13 +372,13 @@ class PluginDialog(QDialog):
one is running.
def getDialog():
This function returns a singleton instance of the plugin dialog.
This function returns a singleton instance of the plugin dialog.
global __dialog
if __dialog is None:
@ -401,6 +401,3 @@ def TEST_PluginDialog():
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reference in New Issue
Block a user