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synced 2025-03-07 05:15:37 +05:00
0022106: EDF 2464 SMESH : Split quadrangles in 4 triangles
Fix position of a central node of a distorted bi-quadratic triangle + * \brief Return UV for the central node of a biquadratic triangle + */ + static gp_XY GetCenterUV(const gp_XY& uv1, + const gp_XY& uv2, + const gp_XY& uv3, + const gp_XY& uv12, + const gp_XY& uv23, + const gp_XY& uv31, + bool * isBadTria=0);
This commit is contained in:
@ -809,6 +809,34 @@ gp_XY SMESH_MesherHelper::GetMiddleUV(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& surface,
return applyIn2D( surf, p1, p2, & AverageUV );
//function : GetCenterUV
//purpose : Return UV for the central node of a biquadratic triangle
gp_XY SMESH_MesherHelper::GetCenterUV(const gp_XY& uv1,
const gp_XY& uv2,
const gp_XY& uv3,
const gp_XY& uv12,
const gp_XY& uv23,
const gp_XY& uv31,
bool * isBadTria/*=0*/)
bool badTria;
gp_XY uvAvg = ( uv12 + uv23 + uv31 ) / 3.;
if (( badTria = (( uvAvg - uv1 ) * ( uvAvg - uv23 ) > 0 )))
uvAvg = ( uv1 + uv23 ) / 2.;
else if (( badTria = (( uvAvg - uv2 ) * ( uvAvg - uv31 ) > 0 )))
uvAvg = ( uv2 + uv31 ) / 2.;
else if (( badTria = (( uvAvg - uv3 ) * ( uvAvg - uv12 ) > 0 )))
uvAvg = ( uv3 + uv12 ) / 2.;
if ( isBadTria )
*isBadTria = badTria;
return uvAvg;
//function : GetNodeU
//purpose : Return node U on edge
@ -1048,7 +1076,7 @@ SMESH_MesherHelper::GetMediumPos(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
//purpose : Return existing or create a new central node for a quardilateral
// quadratic face given its 8 nodes.
//@param : force3d - true means node creation in between the given nodes,
// else node position is found on a geometrical face if any.
// else node position is found on a geometrical face if any.
const SMDS_MeshNode* SMESH_MesherHelper::GetCentralNode(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
@ -1193,7 +1221,7 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMESH_MesherHelper::GetCentralNode(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
//purpose : Return existing or create a new central node for a
// quadratic triangle given its 6 nodes.
//@param : force3d - true means node creation in between the given nodes,
// else node position is found on a geometrical face if any.
// else node position is found on a geometrical face if any.
const SMDS_MeshNode* SMESH_MesherHelper::GetCentralNode(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
@ -1278,21 +1306,30 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMESH_MesherHelper::GetCentralNode(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
TopoDS_Face F;
gp_XY uvAvg;
bool badTria=false;
if ( shapeType == TopAbs_FACE )
F = TopoDS::Face( meshDS->IndexToShape( faceID ));
bool check;
gp_XY uv1 = GetNodeUV( F, n1, n23, &check );
gp_XY uv2 = GetNodeUV( F, n2, n31, &check );
gp_XY uv3 = GetNodeUV( F, n3, n12, &check );
gp_XY uv12 = GetNodeUV( F, n12, n3, &check );
gp_XY uv23 = GetNodeUV( F, n23, n1, &check );
gp_XY uv31 = GetNodeUV( F, n31, n2, &check );
uvAvg = GetCenterUV( uv1,uv2,uv3, uv12,uv23,uv31, &badTria );
if ( badTria )
force3d = false;
// Create a node
// Create a central node
gp_XY uvAvg;
gp_Pnt P;
if ( !F.IsNull() && !force3d )
uvAvg = ( GetNodeUV(F,n12,n3) +
GetNodeUV(F,n23,n1) +
GetNodeUV(F,n31,n2) ) / 3.;
TopLoc_Location loc;
TopLoc_Location loc;
Handle( Geom_Surface ) S = BRep_Tool::Surface( F, loc );
P = S->Value( uvAvg.X(), uvAvg.Y() ).Transformed( loc );
centralNode = meshDS->AddNode( P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z() );
@ -1308,9 +1345,6 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMESH_MesherHelper::GetCentralNode(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
if ( !F.IsNull() ) // force3d
uvAvg = ( GetNodeUV(F,n12,n3) +
GetNodeUV(F,n23,n1) +
GetNodeUV(F,n31,n2) ) / 3.;
meshDS->SetNodeOnFace( centralNode, faceID, uvAvg.X(), uvAvg.Y() );
else if ( solidID > 0 )
@ -3095,7 +3129,7 @@ namespace { // Structures used by FixQuadraticElements()
chLink->SetFace( this );
MSGBEG( *this );
// propagate from quadrangle to neighbour faces
// propagate from a quadrangle to neighbour faces
if ( link->MediumPos() >= pos ) {
int nbLinkFaces = link->_faces.size();
if ( nbLinkFaces == 4 || (/*nbLinkFaces < 4 && */link->OnBoundary())) {
@ -3527,7 +3561,7 @@ namespace { // Structures used by FixQuadraticElements()
if ( pInterLink == interLinks.end() ) continue; // not internal link
interLink->Move( bndLink->_nodeMove );
// treated internal links become new boundary ones
interLinks. erase( pInterLink );
interLinks.erase( pInterLink );
newBndLinks->insert( interLink );
@ -3847,7 +3881,7 @@ namespace { // Structures used by FixQuadraticElements()
const SMDS_MeshElement* f = faceIt->next();
if ( !faceSM->Contains( f ) ||
f->NbNodes() != 6 || // check quadratic triangles only
f->NbNodes() < 6 || // check quadratic triangles only
!checkedFaces.insert( f ).second )
@ -4440,6 +4474,9 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& compError,
gp_XY newUV = applyIn2D( s, oldUV, gp_XY( move.X(),move.Y()), gp_XY_Added);
gp_Pnt newPnt = s->Value( newUV.X(), newUV.Y());
move = gp_Vec( XYZ((*link1)->_mediumNode), newPnt.Transformed(loc) );
if ( SMDS_FacePosition* nPos =
dynamic_cast< SMDS_FacePosition* >((*link1)->_mediumNode->GetPosition()))
nPos->SetParameters( newUV.X(), newUV.Y() );
#ifdef _DEBUG_
if ( (XYZ((*link1)->node1()) - XYZ((*link1)->node2())).SquareModulus() <
@ -4535,23 +4572,23 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& compError,
// treat bi-quad triangles
const SMDS_MeshNode* nodes[3]; // medium nodes
gp_XY uv[ 3 ]; // UV of medium nodes
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodes;
gp_XY uv[ 6 ];
TIDSortedElemSet::iterator triIt = biQuadTris.begin();
for ( ; triIt != biQuadTris.end(); ++triIt )
const SMDS_MeshElement* tria = *triIt;
// nodes
for ( int i = 3; i < 6; ++i )
nodes[ i-3 ] = tria->GetNode( i );
const TopoDS_Shape& S = GetMeshDS()->IndexToShape( tria->getshapeId() );
if ( S.IsNull() || S.ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE ) continue;
const TopoDS_Face& F = TopoDS::Face( S );
Handle( Geom_Surface ) surf = BRep_Tool::Surface( F, loc );
const double tol = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( F );
// nodes
nodes.assign( tria->begin_nodes(), tria->end_nodes() );
// UV
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
uv[ i ] = GetNodeUV( F, nodes[i], nodes[(i+1)%3], &checkUV );
// as this method is used after mesh generation, UV of nodes is not
@ -4560,7 +4597,7 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& compError,
CheckNodeUV( F, nodes[i], uv[ i ], 2*tol, /*force=*/true );
// move the central node
gp_XY uvCent = ( uv[0] + uv[1] + uv[2] ) / 3.;
gp_XY uvCent = GetCenterUV( uv[0], uv[1], uv[2], uv[3], uv[4], uv[5] );
gp_Pnt p = surf->Value( uvCent.X(), uvCent.Y() ).Transformed( loc );
GetMeshDS()->MoveNode( tria->GetNode(6), p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z() );
@ -4628,62 +4665,5 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& compError,
nCenterCoords.X(), nCenterCoords.Y(), nCenterCoords.Z());
// Issue 0020982
// Move the apex of pyramid together with the most curved link.
// TIDSortedNodeSet::iterator apexIt = apexOfPyramid.begin();
// for ( ; apexIt != apexOfPyramid.end(); ++apexIt )
// {
// SMESH_TNodeXYZ apex = *apexIt;
// gp_Vec maxMove( 0,0,0 );
// double maxMoveSize2 = 0;
// // shift of node index to get medium nodes between the base nodes
// const int base2MediumShift = 5;
// // find maximal movement of medium node
// SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr volIt = apex._node->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Volume );
// vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > pyramids;
// while ( volIt->more() )
// {
// const SMDS_MeshElement* pyram = volIt->next();
// if ( pyram->GetEntityType() != SMDSEntity_Quad_Pyramid ) continue;
// pyramids.push_back( pyram );
// for ( int iBase = 0; iBase < apexIndex; ++iBase )
// {
// SMESH_TNodeXYZ medium = pyram->GetNode( iBase + base2MediumShift );
// if ( medium._node->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() != SMDS_TOP_3DSPACE )
// {
// SMESH_TNodeXYZ n1 = pyram->GetNode( iBase );
// SMESH_TNodeXYZ n2 = pyram->GetNode( ( iBase+1 ) % 4 );
// gp_Pnt middle = 0.5 * ( n1 + n2 );
// gp_Vec move( middle, medium );
// double moveSize2 = move.SquareMagnitude();
// if ( moveSize2 > maxMoveSize2 )
// maxMove = move, maxMoveSize2 = moveSize2;
// }
// }
// }
// // move the apex
// if ( maxMoveSize2 > 1e-20 )
// {
// apex += maxMove.XYZ();
// GetMeshDS()->MoveNode( apex._node, apex.X(), apex.Y(), apex.Z());
// // move medium nodes neighboring the apex to the middle
// const int base2MediumShift_2 = 9;
// for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pyramids.size(); ++i )
// for ( int iBase = 0; iBase < apexIndex; ++iBase )
// {
// SMESH_TNodeXYZ base = pyramids[i]->GetNode( iBase );
// const SMDS_MeshNode* medium = pyramids[i]->GetNode( iBase + base2MediumShift_2 );
// gp_XYZ middle = 0.5 * ( apex + base );
// GetMeshDS()->MoveNode( medium, middle.X(), middle.Y(), middle.Z());
// }
// }
// }
@ -156,15 +156,16 @@ class SMESH_EXPORT SMESH_MesherHelper
* \param p0,p1,p2,p3 - UV of the point projections on EDGEs of the FACE
* \return gp_XY - UV of the point on the FACE
* Order of those UV in the FACE is as follows.
* a4 p3 a3
* Y ^ Order of those UV in the FACE is as follows.
* |
* a3 p2 a2
* o---x-----o
* | : |
* | :UV |
* p4 x...O.....x p2
* p3 x...O.....x p1
* | : |
* o---x-----o
* a1 p1 a2
* o---x-----o ----> X
* a0 p0 a1
inline static gp_XY calcTFI(double x, double y,
const gp_XY a0,const gp_XY a1,const gp_XY a2,const gp_XY a3,
@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ public:
const TopoDS_Shape& GetSubShape() const { return myShape; }
* Creates a node
* Creates a node (!Note ID before u=0.,v0.)
SMDS_MeshNode* AddNode(double x, double y, double z, int ID = 0, double u=0., double v=0.);
@ -459,6 +460,16 @@ public:
static gp_XY GetMiddleUV(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& surface,
const gp_XY& uv1,
const gp_XY& uv2);
* \brief Return UV for the central node of a biquadratic triangle
static gp_XY GetCenterUV(const gp_XY& uv1,
const gp_XY& uv2,
const gp_XY& uv3,
const gp_XY& uv12,
const gp_XY& uv23,
const gp_XY& uv31,
bool * isBadTria=0);
* \brief Define a pointer to wrapper over a function of gp_XY class,
* suitable to pass as xyFunPtr to applyIn2D().
Reference in New Issue
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