mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 19:03:06 +05:00
Fixed filtering in create mesh dialog box
This commit is contained in:
@ -859,6 +859,60 @@ static bool isCompatible(const HypothesisData* theAlgoData,
return ( SMESH::IsAvailableHypothesis( theAlgoData, theHypData->TypeName, isOptional ));
* \brief check compatibility of the geometry
* \param theAlgoData - to select hypos able to be used by this algo
* \param theCurrentGeomToSelect - the current name of the selected geometry
* \param theGeomVar - currently selected geometry
* \retval bool - check result
bool SMESHGUI_MeshOp::isCompatibleToGeometry(HypothesisData* theAlgoData,
QString theCurrentGeomToSelect,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var theGeomVar)
if ( theGeomVar->_is_nil() )
return true;
bool isApplicable = false;
if ( theCurrentGeomToSelect == myLastGeomToSelect && !theCurrentGeomToSelect.isEmpty() ) {
THypLabelIsAppMap::const_iterator iter = myHypMapIsApplicable.find( theAlgoData->Label );
if ( iter != myHypMapIsApplicable.end() && iter.key() == theAlgoData->Label ) {
isApplicable = iter.value();
return isApplicable;
bool toCheckIsApplicableToAll = !myIsMesh;
if ( toCheckIsApplicableToAll )
toCheckIsApplicableToAll = ( theGeomVar->GetType() == GEOM_GROUP );
isApplicable = SMESH::IsApplicable( theAlgoData->TypeName, theGeomVar, toCheckIsApplicableToAll );
myHypMapIsApplicable.insert( theAlgoData->Label, isApplicable );
return isApplicable;
* \brief check compatibility of the mesh type
* \param theAlgoData - to select hypos able to be used by this algo
* \param theMeshType - type of mesh for filtering algorithms
* \retval bool - check result
bool SMESHGUI_MeshOp::isCompatibleToMeshType(HypothesisData* theAlgoData,
QString theMeshType)
bool isAvailableAlgo = ( theAlgoData->OutputTypes.count() == 0 );
QStringList::const_iterator inElemType = theAlgoData->OutputTypes.begin();
for ( ; inElemType != theAlgoData->OutputTypes.end(); inElemType++ ) {
if ( *inElemType == theMeshType ) {
isAvailableAlgo = true;
return isAvailableAlgo;
* \brief Gets available hypotheses or algorithms
@ -866,7 +920,9 @@ static bool isCompatible(const HypothesisData* theAlgoData,
* \param theHypType - specifies whether algorims or hypotheses or additional ones
* are retrieved (possible values are in HypType enumeration)
* \param theHyps - Output list of hypotheses' names
* \param theAlgoData - to select hypos able to be used by this algo (optional)
* \param thePrevAlgoData - to select hypos able to be used by previously algo (optional)
* \param theNextAlgoData - to select hypos able to be used by next algo (optional)
* \param theMeshType - type of mesh for filtering algorithms (optional)
* Gets available hypotheses or algorithm in accordance with input parameters
@ -875,7 +931,9 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::availableHyps( const int theDim,
const int theHypType,
QStringList& theHyps,
THypDataList& theDataList,
HypothesisData* theAlgoData ) const
HypothesisData* thePrevAlgoData,
HypothesisData* theNextAlgoData,
const QString& theMeshType)
@ -884,14 +942,35 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::availableHyps( const int theDim,
QStringList aHypTypeNameList = SMESH::GetAvailableHypotheses( isAlgo, theDim, isAux, myIsOnGeometry, !myIsMesh );
QStringList::const_iterator anIter;
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomVar;
QString aCurrentGeomToSelect;
if ( !theMeshType.isEmpty() ) {
aCurrentGeomToSelect = myDlg->selectedObject( myToCreate ? SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::Geom : SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::Obj );
if ( _PTR(SObject) so = studyDS()->FindObjectID( aCurrentGeomToSelect.toLatin1().data() )) {
aGeomVar = SMESH::GetGeom( so );
if ( aCurrentGeomToSelect != myLastGeomToSelect )
for ( anIter = aHypTypeNameList.begin(); anIter != aHypTypeNameList.end(); ++anIter )
HypothesisData* aData = SMESH::GetHypothesisData( *anIter );
if ( isCompatible ( theAlgoData, aData, theHypType )) {
if ( ( isCompatible ( thePrevAlgoData, aData, theHypType ) &&
isCompatible ( theNextAlgoData, aData, theHypType ) ) ||
( theMeshType == "ANY" && aData->InputTypes.isEmpty())) {
if ( !theMeshType.isEmpty() && theDim >= SMESH::DIM_2D &&
( ( theMeshType != "ANY" && !isCompatibleToMeshType( aData, theMeshType )) ||
!isCompatibleToGeometry( aData, aCurrentGeomToSelect, aGeomVar )))
theDataList.append( aData );
theHyps.append( aData->Label );
if ( !theMeshType.isEmpty() && !aCurrentGeomToSelect.isEmpty() &&
myLastGeomToSelect != aCurrentGeomToSelect )
myLastGeomToSelect = aCurrentGeomToSelect;
@ -1421,47 +1500,49 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::onAlgoSelected( const int theIndex,
// check that tab enabled of one less dimension
if ( aDim > SMESH::DIM_0D )
if ( isAccessibleDim( aDim - 1 ) )
if (( myDlg->currentMeshType() != MT_ANY ) &&
( !algoData || ( myIsOnGeometry && algoData->InputTypes.isEmpty() )))
for (int i = aDim - 1; i >= SMESH::DIM_0D; i--)
if ( isAccessibleDim( aDim - 1 ) ) {
if ( algoData && myIsOnGeometry ) {
for (int i = aDim - 1; i >= SMESH::DIM_0D; i--) {
if ( isAccessibleDim( i ) ) {
myDlg->disableTab( i );
setCurrentHyp(i, Algo, -1);
else if ( algoData && myIsOnGeometry && !algoData->InputTypes.isEmpty() )
if ( algoData && myIsOnGeometry && !algoData->InputTypes.isEmpty() ) {
myDlg->enableTab( aDim - 1 );
if ( !algoData ) {
if ( aDim != SMESH::DIM_2D || ( aDim == SMESH::DIM_2D &&
currentHyp( SMESH::DIM_2D, Algo ) < 0) ) {
for (int i = aDim - 1; i >= SMESH::DIM_0D; i--)
myDlg->enableTab( i );
else {
for (int i = aDim - 1; i >= SMESH::DIM_0D; i--)
myDlg->disableTab( i );
// check that algorithms of other dimentions are compatible with
// the selected one
if ( !algoData ) { // all algos becomes available
if (myDlg->currentMeshType() == MT_ANY || aDim == SMESH::DIM_1D || aDim == SMESH::DIM_0D)
availableHyps( aDim, Algo, anAvailable, myAvailableHypData[ aDim ][ Algo ]);
for (int i = 0; i < myFilteredAlgoData[aDim].count(); ++i) {
HypothesisData* aCurAlgo = myFilteredAlgoData[aDim][ i ];
anAvailable.append( aCurAlgo->Label );
myDlg->tab( aDim )->setAvailableHyps( Algo, anAvailable );
int algoDim = aDim;
HypothesisData* a3DAlgo = 0;
// 2 loops: backward and forward from algo dimension
for ( int forward = false; forward <= true; ++forward )
for ( int forward = 0; forward <= 1; ++forward )
int dim = aDim + 1, lastDim = SMESH::DIM_3D, dir = 1;
int dim = algoDim + 1, lastDim = SMESH::DIM_3D, dir = 1;
if ( !forward ) {
dim = aDim - 1; lastDim = SMESH::DIM_0D; dir = -1;
dim = algoDim - 1; lastDim = SMESH::DIM_0D; dir = -1;
HypothesisData* prevAlgo = algoData;
bool noCompatible = false;
for ( ; dim * dir <= lastDim * dir; dim += dir)
HypothesisData* nextAlgo = 0;
if ( myMaxShapeDim == SMESH::DIM_3D && a3DAlgo && dim == SMESH::DIM_2D ) {
nextAlgo = a3DAlgo;
if ( !isAccessibleDim( dim ))
if ( noCompatible ) { // the selected algo has no compatible ones
@ -1479,57 +1560,37 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::onAlgoSelected( const int theIndex,
curAlgo = 0;
// set new available algoritms
if (myDlg->currentMeshType() == MT_ANY || dim == SMESH::DIM_1D || dim == SMESH::DIM_0D)
availableHyps( dim, Algo, anAvailable, myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo], prevAlgo );
for (int i = 0; i < myFilteredAlgoData[dim].count(); ++i) {
HypothesisData* aCurAlgo = myFilteredAlgoData[dim][ i ];
if ( isCompatible ( prevAlgo, aCurAlgo, Algo )) {
anAvailable.append( aCurAlgo->Label );
myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].append( aCurAlgo );
QString anCompareType = currentMeshTypeName(myDlg->currentMeshType());
QString anCurrentCompareType = "";
if ( dim == SMESH::DIM_3D || anCompareType == "ANY" )
anCurrentCompareType = anCompareType;
else if ( dim == SMESH::DIM_2D ) {
anCurrentCompareType = (anCompareType == "HEXA" || anCompareType == "QUAD") ? "QUAD" : "TRIA";
nextAlgo = 0;
availableHyps( dim, Algo, anAvailable, myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo], prevAlgo, nextAlgo, anCurrentCompareType);
HypothesisData* soleCompatible = 0;
if ( anAvailable.count() == 1 )
soleCompatible = myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo][0];
if ( dim == aTopDim && prevAlgo ) {// all available algoritms should be selectable any way
if (aTopDim == SMESH::DIM_2D && myFilteredAlgoData[dim].count() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < myFilteredAlgoData[dim].count(); ++i) {
HypothesisData* aCurAlgo = myFilteredAlgoData[dim][ i ];
anAvailable.append( aCurAlgo->Label );
if (aTopDim == SMESH::DIM_3D && myDlg->currentMeshType() == MT_ANY)
availableHyps( dim, Algo, anAvailable, myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo], 0 );
myDlg->tab( dim )->setAvailableHyps( Algo, anAvailable );
noCompatible = anAvailable.isEmpty();
// restore previously selected algo
if (dim == aTopDim && prevAlgo && aTopDim == SMESH::DIM_2D && myFilteredAlgoData[dim].count() > 0) {
algoIndex = myFilteredAlgoData[dim].indexOf( curAlgo );
setCurrentHyp( dim, Algo, algoIndex);
if (algoIndex >= 0)
prevAlgo = algoByDim[ dim ] = myFilteredAlgoData[dim][algoIndex];
prevAlgo = algoByDim[ dim ] = 0;
else {
algoIndex = myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].indexOf( curAlgo );
if ( !isSubmesh && algoIndex < 0 && soleCompatible && !forward && dim != SMESH::DIM_0D)
if ( !isSubmesh && algoIndex < 0 && soleCompatible && !forward && dim != SMESH::DIM_0D) {
// select the sole compatible algo
algoIndex = myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].indexOf( soleCompatible );
setCurrentHyp( dim, Algo, algoIndex);
// remember current algo
prevAlgo = algoByDim[ dim ] = hypData( dim, Algo, algoIndex );
if ( myMaxShapeDim == SMESH::DIM_3D && forward && algoDim == SMESH::DIM_1D ) {
algoDim = SMESH::DIM_3D;
forward = -1;
a3DAlgo = prevAlgo;
// set hypotheses corresponding to the found algoritms
@ -2608,98 +2669,46 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::onAlgoSetByMeshType( const int theTabIndex, const int theI
void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::setFilteredAlgoData( const int theTabIndex, const int theIndex)
int aDim;
THypDataList anAvailableAlgsData;
QStringList anAvailableAlgs;
QString anCompareType = "";
bool isAvailableChoiceAlgo = false;
int anCurrentAvailableAlgo = 0;
QString anCompareType = currentMeshTypeName( theIndex );
int anCurrentAvailableAlgo = -1;
bool isNone = true;
switch ( theIndex ) {
case MT_ANY:
anCompareType = "ANY";
aDim = SMESH::DIM_3D;
int aDim = SMESH::DIM_3D;
if ( theIndex == MT_TRIANGULAR || theIndex == MT_QUADRILATERAL)
aDim = SMESH::DIM_2D;
anCompareType = "TRIA";
aDim = SMESH::DIM_2D;
anCompareType = "QUAD";
aDim = SMESH::DIM_3D;
anCompareType = "TETRA";
aDim = SMESH::DIM_3D;
anCompareType = "HEXA";
bool toCheckIsApplicableToAll = !myIsMesh;
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomVar;
QString anEntry =
myDlg->selectedObject( myToCreate ? SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::Geom : SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::Obj );
if ( _PTR(SObject) so = studyDS()->FindObjectID( anEntry.toLatin1().data() ))
aGeomVar = SMESH::GetGeom( so );
if ( !aGeomVar->_is_nil() && toCheckIsApplicableToAll )
toCheckIsApplicableToAll = ( aGeomVar->GetType() == GEOM_GROUP );
if ( anCompareType == "ANY" )
bool isReqDisBound = false;
int aReqDim = SMESH::DIM_3D;
for ( int dim = SMESH::DIM_3D; dim >= SMESH::DIM_2D; dim-- )
anCurrentAvailableAlgo = -1;
isNone = currentHyp( dim, Algo ) < 0;
isAvailableChoiceAlgo = false;
// retrieves a list of available algorithms from resources
availableHyps( dim, Algo, anAvailableAlgs, anAvailableAlgsData );
//return current algo in current tab and set new algorithm list
HypothesisData* algoCur;
if ( !isNone && !myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].empty() ) {
algoCur = myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].at( currentHyp( dim, Algo ) );
if ( dim != SMESH::DIM_2D || currentHyp( SMESH::DIM_3D, Algo ) < 0 ||
myAvailableHypData[SMESH::DIM_3D][Algo].empty() ||
!myAvailableHypData[SMESH::DIM_3D][Algo].at( currentHyp( SMESH::DIM_3D, Algo ) )->InputTypes.isEmpty() )
for (int i = 0 ; i < anAvailableAlgsData.count(); i++)
HypothesisData* curAlgo = anAvailableAlgsData.at(i);
if ( aGeomVar->_is_nil() ||
SMESH::IsApplicable( curAlgo->TypeName, aGeomVar, toCheckIsApplicableToAll ))
anAvailableAlgs.append( curAlgo->Label );
myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].append( curAlgo );
myFilteredAlgoData[dim].append( curAlgo );
if ( !isNone && algoCur ) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].count(); i++)
HypothesisData* algoAny = myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].at(i);
if ( algoAny->Label == algoCur->Label ){
isAvailableChoiceAlgo = true;
anCurrentAvailableAlgo = i;
else if ( !isNone ) {
isAvailableChoiceAlgo = true;
anCurrentAvailableAlgo = currentHyp( dim, Algo );
HypothesisData* prevAlgo = 0;
HypothesisData* nextAlgo = 0;
if ( dim == SMESH::DIM_2D ) {
prevAlgo = hypData( SMESH::DIM_1D, Algo, currentHyp( SMESH::DIM_1D, Algo ) );
if ( aDim == SMESH::DIM_3D )
nextAlgo = hypData( SMESH::DIM_3D, Algo, currentHyp( SMESH::DIM_3D, Algo ) );
// retrieves a list of available algorithms from resources
availableHyps( dim, Algo, anAvailableAlgs, myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo], prevAlgo, nextAlgo, anCompareType);
anCurrentAvailableAlgo = myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].indexOf( algoCur );
myDlg->tab( dim )->setAvailableHyps( Algo, anAvailableAlgs );
if ( isAvailableChoiceAlgo )
setCurrentHyp( dim, Algo, anCurrentAvailableAlgo );
setCurrentHyp( dim, Algo, anCurrentAvailableAlgo );
if ( anCurrentAvailableAlgo > -1 )
isReqDisBound = algoCur->InputTypes.isEmpty();
else if ( dim != SMESH::DIM_3D && currentHyp( SMESH::DIM_3D, Algo ) >= 0 )
isReqDisBound = true;
if ( isReqDisBound ) {
aReqDim = dim;
if ( !myIsOnGeometry )
for ( int i = SMESH::DIM_0D; i <= SMESH::DIM_3D; i++ ) {
@ -2708,142 +2717,100 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::setFilteredAlgoData( const int theTabIndex, const int theI
for ( int i = SMESH::DIM_0D; i <= SMESH::DIM_3D; i++ ) {
if ( i > myMaxShapeDim ) myDlg->disableTab( i );
else myDlg->enableTab( i );
if ( i > myMaxShapeDim || ( isReqDisBound && i < aReqDim ) ) myDlg->disableTab( i );
else myDlg->enableTab( i );
myDlg->setCurrentTab( theTabIndex );
QString anCurrentAlgo;
HypothesisData* anCurrentAlgo;
bool isReqDisBound = true;
QString anCurrentCompareType = anCompareType;
isNone = currentHyp( aDim, Algo ) < 0;
if ( !isNone && !myAvailableHypData[aDim][Algo].empty() &&
myAvailableHypData[aDim][Algo].count() != anAvailableAlgsData.count() )
if ( !isNone && !myAvailableHypData[aDim][Algo].empty() )
isReqDisBound = myAvailableHypData[aDim][Algo].at( currentHyp( aDim, Algo ) )->InputTypes.isEmpty();
else if ( !isNone )
isReqDisBound = anAvailableAlgsData.at( currentHyp( aDim, Algo ) )->InputTypes.isEmpty();
for ( int dim = aDim; dim >= SMESH::DIM_2D; dim-- )
bool isNoneAlg = currentHyp( dim, Algo ) < 0;
isAvailableChoiceAlgo = false;
// retrieves a list of available algorithms from resources
availableHyps( dim, Algo, anAvailableAlgs, anAvailableAlgsData );
// finding algorithm which is selected
if ( !isNoneAlg && !myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].empty() &&
myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].count() != anAvailableAlgsData.count() )
anCurrentAlgo = myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].at( currentHyp( dim, Algo ) )->Label;
else if ( !isNoneAlg )
anCurrentAlgo = anAvailableAlgsData.at( currentHyp( dim, Algo ) )->Label;
// finding and adding algorithm depending on the type mesh
for ( int i = 0 ; i < anAvailableAlgsData.count(); i++ )
HypothesisData* algoIn = anAvailableAlgsData.at( i );
bool isAvailableAlgo = ( algoIn->OutputTypes.count() == 0 );
QStringList::const_iterator inElemType = algoIn->OutputTypes.begin();
for ( ; inElemType != algoIn->OutputTypes.end(); inElemType++ )
if ( *inElemType == anCurrentCompareType ) {
isAvailableAlgo = true;
if ( isAvailableAlgo || algoIn->OutputTypes.count()==0 ) {
if ( aGeomVar->_is_nil() || myMaxShapeDim != dim ||
SMESH::IsApplicable( algoIn->TypeName, aGeomVar, toCheckIsApplicableToAll ))
anAvailableAlgs.append( algoIn->Label );
myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].append( algoIn );
myFilteredAlgoData[dim].append( algoIn );
//algorithm will be active, if the chosen algorithm available in the current mesh type
if ( !isNoneAlg && isAvailableAlgo && algoIn->Label == anCurrentAlgo ) {
isAvailableChoiceAlgo = true;
anCurrentAvailableAlgo = anAvailableAlgs.count() - 1 ;
anCurrentAvailableAlgo = -1;
HypothesisData* prevAlgo = 0;
HypothesisData* nextAlgo = 0;
if ( dim == SMESH::DIM_2D ) {
prevAlgo = hypData( SMESH::DIM_1D, Algo, currentHyp( SMESH::DIM_1D, Algo ) );
if ( aDim == SMESH::DIM_3D )
nextAlgo = hypData( SMESH::DIM_3D, Algo, currentHyp( SMESH::DIM_3D, Algo ) );
// finding algorithm which is selected
if ( !isNoneAlg ) {
anCurrentAlgo = myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].at( currentHyp( dim, Algo ) );
// retrieves a list of available algorithms from resources
availableHyps( dim, Algo, anAvailableAlgs, myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo], prevAlgo, nextAlgo, anCurrentCompareType );
// finding and adding algorithm depending on the type mesh
anCurrentAvailableAlgo = myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].indexOf( anCurrentAlgo );
//set new algorithm list and select the current algorithm
myDlg->tab( dim )->setAvailableHyps( Algo, anAvailableAlgs );
anCurrentCompareType = ( anCompareType == "HEXA" ) ? "QUAD" : "TRIA";
if ( isAvailableChoiceAlgo )
setCurrentHyp( dim, Algo, anCurrentAvailableAlgo );
setCurrentHyp( dim, Algo, -1 );
anCurrentCompareType = ( anCompareType == "HEXA" || anCompareType == "QUAD" ) ? "QUAD" : "TRIA";
setCurrentHyp( dim, Algo, anCurrentAvailableAlgo );
if ( isNone || isReqDisBound ) {
for ( int i = SMESH::DIM_0D; i <= myMaxShapeDim; i++ ) {
if ( aDim != i ) {
myDlg->disableTab( i );
setCurrentHyp(i, Algo, -1);
else if ( !isNone ) {
if ( aDim == SMESH::DIM_2D){
if ( aDim == SMESH::DIM_2D) {
myDlg->disableTab( SMESH::DIM_3D );
setCurrentHyp( SMESH::DIM_3D, Algo, -1);
for ( int i = myMaxShapeDim; i > SMESH::DIM_0D; i-- )
isReqDisBound = ( currentHyp( i, Algo ) < 0 ) ? true :
myAvailableHypData[i][Algo].at( currentHyp( i, Algo ) )->InputTypes.isEmpty();
if ( isReqDisBound ) {
for (int j = i - 1; j >= SMESH::DIM_0D; j--){
myDlg->disableTab( j );
setCurrentHyp( j , Algo, -1 );
for ( int i = myMaxShapeDim; i > SMESH::DIM_0D; i-- ) {
bool isNoneAlg = currentHyp( i, Algo ) < 0;
if ( !isNoneAlg )
isReqDisBound = myAvailableHypData[i][Algo].at( currentHyp( i, Algo ) )->InputTypes.isEmpty();
isReqDisBound = true;
if ( isReqDisBound && isNoneAlg ) {
for (int j = i - 1; j >= SMESH::DIM_0D; j--) {
if ( j < aDim && currentHyp( j+1, Algo ) < 0 ) {
myDlg->disableTab( j );
setCurrentHyp( j , Algo, -1 );
else if ( isNoneAlg ) {
myDlg->disableTab( i );
myDlg->enableTab( aDim );
myDlg->setCurrentTab( aDim );
THypDataList anAvailableAlgsData;
QStringList aHypothesesSetsList = SMESH::GetHypothesesSets( aDim );
QStringList aFilteredHypothesesSetsList;
QStringList::const_iterator inHypoSetName = aHypothesesSetsList.begin();
for ( ; inHypoSetName != aHypothesesSetsList.end(); ++inHypoSetName )
for ( ; inHypoSetName != aHypothesesSetsList.end(); ++inHypoSetName ) {
HypothesesSet* currentHypoSet = SMESH::GetHypothesesSet( *inHypoSetName );
bool isAvailable = false;
currentHypoSet->init( true );
while ( currentHypoSet->next(), currentHypoSet->more() )
while ( currentHypoSet->next(), currentHypoSet->more() ) {
isAvailable = false;
if ( HypothesisData* algoDataIn = SMESH::GetHypothesisData( currentHypoSet->current() ))
for (int i = SMESH::DIM_0D; i <= myMaxShapeDim; i++)
if ( myAvailableHypData[i][Algo].count() == 0 ) {
availableHyps( i, Algo, anAvailableAlgs, anAvailableAlgsData );
for ( int j = 0 ; j < anAvailableAlgsData.count(); j++ )
HypothesisData* aCurAlgo = anAvailableAlgsData.at( j );
if ( aCurAlgo->Label == algoDataIn->Label ){
isAvailable = true;
if ( HypothesisData* algoDataIn = SMESH::GetHypothesisData( currentHypoSet->current() )) {
for (int i = SMESH::DIM_0D; i <= myMaxShapeDim; i++) {
int anCurrentAvailableAlgo = myAvailableHypData[i][Algo].indexOf( algoDataIn );
if ( anCurrentAvailableAlgo > -1 ) {
isAvailable = true;
else {
for (int j = 0; j < myAvailableHypData[i][Algo].count(); ++j) {
HypothesisData* aCurAlgo = hypData( i, Algo, j );
if ( aCurAlgo->Label == algoDataIn->Label ){
isAvailable = true;
if ( isAvailable ) break;
if ( !isAvailable ) break;
if ( !isAvailable )
if ( isAvailable )
@ -2851,3 +2818,35 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::setFilteredAlgoData( const int theTabIndex, const int theI
myDlg->setHypoSets( aFilteredHypothesesSetsList );
* \brief Get current name types of mesh
* \param theIndex - current index types of mesh
* \retval QString - result
QString SMESHGUI_MeshOp::currentMeshTypeName( const int theIndex ) const
QString aMeshType = "";
switch ( theIndex ) {
case MT_ANY:
aMeshType = "ANY";
aMeshType = "TRIA";
aMeshType = "QUAD";
aMeshType = "TETRA";
aMeshType = "HEXA";
return aMeshType;
@ -89,13 +89,21 @@ protected slots:
typedef QList<HypothesisData*> THypDataList; // typedef: list of hypothesis data
typedef QMap<QString, bool> THypLabelIsAppMap; // typedef: map of hypothesis is applicable
bool isValid( QString& ) const;
bool isCompatibleToGeometry( HypothesisData* ,
bool isCompatibleToMeshType( HypothesisData* ,
void availableHyps( const int,
const int,
HypothesisData* = 0 ) const;
HypothesisData* = 0,
HypothesisData* = 0,
const QString& = "");
void existingHyps( const int,
const int,
@ -137,6 +145,7 @@ private:
void createMeshTypeList( QStringList& );
void setAvailableMeshType( const QStringList& );
void setFilteredAlgoData( const int, const int );
QString currentMeshTypeName( const int ) const;
@ -152,7 +161,8 @@ private:
// edited mesh/sub-mesh
// hypdata corresponding to hypotheses present in myDlg
THypDataList myAvailableHypData[4][NbHypTypes];
THypDataList myFilteredAlgoData[4];
QString myLastGeomToSelect;
THypLabelIsAppMap myHypMapIsApplicable;
bool myIgnoreAlgoSelection;
HypothesesSet* myHypoSet;
int myDim, myType, myMaxShapeDim;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user