mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 01:07:56 +05:00
0021711: [CEA 579] Simplify Properties dialog accordingly to dimension of mesh
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ salomeinclude_HEADERS = \
SMESHGUI_RemoveElementsDlg.h \
SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.h \
SMESHGUI_Measurements.h \
SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg.h \
SMESHGUI_Preferences_ScalarBarDlg.h \
SMESHGUI_AddMeshElementDlg.h \
SMESHGUI_XmlHandler.h \
@ -97,6 +96,7 @@ salomeinclude_HEADERS = \
SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg.h \
SMESHGUI_PreviewDlg.h \
SMESHGUI_ReorientFacesDlg.h \
SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg.h \
# Libraries targets
@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ dist_libSMESH_la_SOURCES = \
SMESHGUI_RemoveElementsDlg.cxx \
SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.cxx \
SMESHGUI_Measurements.cxx \
SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg.cxx \
SMESHGUI_Preferences_ScalarBarDlg.cxx \
SMESHGUI_AddMeshElementDlg.cxx \
SMESHGUI_XmlHandler.cxx \
@ -173,7 +172,8 @@ dist_libSMESH_la_SOURCES = \
SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg.cxx \
SMESHGUI_FileValidator.cxx \
SMESHGUI_PreviewDlg.cxx \
SMESHGUI_ReorientFacesDlg.cxx \
SMESHGUI_moc.cxx \
@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ MOC_FILES = \
SMESHGUI_RemoveElementsDlg_moc.cxx \
SMESHGUI_MeshInfo_moc.cxx \
SMESHGUI_Measurements_moc.cxx \
SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg_moc.cxx \
SMESHGUI_Preferences_ScalarBarDlg_moc.cxx \
SMESHGUI_AddMeshElementDlg_moc.cxx \
SMESHGUI_FilterDlg_moc.cxx \
@ -233,7 +232,8 @@ MOC_FILES = \
SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg_moc.cxx \
SMESHGUI_MeshOrderOp_moc.cxx \
SMESHGUI_PreviewDlg_moc.cxx \
SMESHGUI_ReorientFacesDlg_moc.cxx \
nodist_libSMESH_la_SOURCES= \
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
#include "SMESHGUI_MeshPatternDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_NodesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Preferences_ScalarBarDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_RemoveElementsDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_RemoveNodesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_RenumberingDlg.h"
@ -939,6 +939,8 @@
SALOMEDS::Color aColor = aGroupObject->GetColor();
_PTR(SObject) aGroupSObject = SMESH::FindSObject(aGroupObject);
if (aGroupSObject) {
QColor c;
int delta;
if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(aGroupSObject->GetID().c_str())) {
switch ( aGroupObject->GetType ()) {
@ -949,9 +951,11 @@
anActor->Set0DColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B ); break;
anActor->SetBallColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B ); break;
SMESH::GetColor("SMESH", "volume_color", c, delta, "255,0,170|-100");
anActor->SetVolumeColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B, delta ); break;
QColor c;
int delta;
SMESH::GetColor("SMESH", "fill_color", c, delta, "0,170,255|-100");
anActor->SetSufaceColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B, delta );
@ -1202,250 +1206,224 @@
(new SMESHGUI_TransparencyDlg( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI() ))->show();
case 1132:{
QColor c, e, b, n, c0D, cBall, o, outl, selection, preselection;
int delta;
int size0D = 0, ballSize = 0;
int Edgewidth = 0;
vtkFloatingPointType Shrink = 0.0;
vtkFloatingPointType faces_orientation_scale = 0.0;
bool faces_orientation_3dvectors = false;
VTK::MarkerType aMarkerTypeCurrent = VTK::MT_NONE;
VTK::MarkerScale aMarkerScaleCurrent = VTK::MS_NONE;
int aMarkerTextureCurrent = 0;
case 1132: {
vtkFloatingPointType color[3];
QColor faceColor, edgeColor, nodeColor, elem0dColor, ballColor;
QColor orientationColor, outlineColor, volumeColor;
int deltaF = 0, deltaV = 0;
int elem0dSize = 1;
int ballSize = 1;
int edgeWidth = 1;
int outlineWidth = 1;
vtkFloatingPointType shrinkCoef = 0.0;
vtkFloatingPointType orientationScale = 0.0;
bool orientation3d = false;
VTK::MarkerType markerType = VTK::MT_NONE;
VTK::MarkerScale markerScale = VTK::MS_NONE;
int markerId = 0;
bool hasNodes = false;
int presentEntities = 0;
bool firstTime = true;
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for( ; It.More(); It.Next()){
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(IObject->getEntry())){
vtkFloatingPointType color[3];
anActor->GetSufaceColor(color[0], color[1], color[2],delta);
int c0 = int (color[0] * 255);
int c1 = int (color[1] * 255);
int c2 = int (color[2] * 255);
c.setRgb(c0, c1, c2);
if ( !IObject->hasEntry() ) continue;
SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( IObject->getEntry() );
if ( !anActor || !anActor->GetObject() ) continue;
vtkFloatingPointType edgecolor[3];
anActor->GetEdgeColor(edgecolor[0], edgecolor[1], edgecolor[2]);
c0 = int (edgecolor[0] * 255);
c1 = int (edgecolor[1] * 255);
c2 = int (edgecolor[2] * 255);
e.setRgb(c0, c1, c2);
if ( firstTime ) {
// nodes: color, marker
anActor->GetNodeColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
nodeColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
markerType = anActor->GetMarkerType();
markerScale = anActor->GetMarkerScale();
markerId = anActor->GetMarkerTexture();
// edges: color, width
anActor->GetEdgeColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
edgeColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
edgeWidth = qMax( (int)anActor->GetLineWidth(), 1 ); // minimum allowed width is 1
// faces: front color, back color (delta)
anActor->GetSufaceColor( color[0], color[1], color[2], deltaF );
faceColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
// faces: front color, back color (delta)
anActor->GetVolumeColor( color[0], color[1], color[2], deltaV );
volumeColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
// 0d elements: color, size
anActor->Get0DColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
elem0dColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
elem0dSize = qMax( (int)anActor->Get0DSize(), 1 ); // minimum allowed size is 1
// balls: color, size
anActor->GetBallColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
ballColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
ballSize = qMax( (int)anActor->GetBallSize(), 1 ); // minimum allowed size is 1
// outlines: color
anActor->GetOutlineColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
outlineColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
outlineWidth = qMax( (int)anActor->GetOutlineWidth(), 1 ); // minimum allowed width is 1
// orientation vectors: color, scale, 3d flag
anActor->GetFacesOrientationColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
orientationColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
orientationScale = anActor->GetFacesOrientationScale();
orientation3d = anActor->GetFacesOrientation3DVectors();
// shrink factor
shrinkCoef = anActor->GetShrinkFactor();
vtkFloatingPointType nodecolor[3];
anActor->GetNodeColor(nodecolor[0], nodecolor[1], nodecolor[2]);
c0 = int (nodecolor[0] * 255);
c1 = int (nodecolor[1] * 255);
c2 = int (nodecolor[2] * 255);
n.setRgb(c0, c1, c2);
firstTime = false; // we only take properties from first object (for performance reasons)
vtkFloatingPointType color0D[3];
anActor->Get0DColor(color0D[0], color0D[1], color0D[2]);
c0 = int (color0D[0] * 255);
c1 = int (color0D[1] * 255);
c2 = int (color0D[2] * 255);
c0D.setRgb(c0, c1, c2);
if ( !hasNodes )
hasNodes = anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Node );
if ( !(presentEntities & SMESH_Actor::eEdges) && anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Edge ) )
presentEntities = presentEntities | SMESH_Actor::eEdges;
if ( !(presentEntities & SMESH_Actor::eFaces) && anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Face ) )
presentEntities = presentEntities | SMESH_Actor::eFaces;
if ( !(presentEntities & SMESH_Actor::eVolumes) && anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Volume ) )
presentEntities = presentEntities | SMESH_Actor::eVolumes;
if ( !(presentEntities & SMESH_Actor::e0DElements) && anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_0DElement ) )
presentEntities = presentEntities | SMESH_Actor::e0DElements;
if ( !(presentEntities & SMESH_Actor::eBallElem) && anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Ball ) )
presentEntities = presentEntities | SMESH_Actor::eBallElem;
// as we know that all types of elements are present, we can exit the loop
if ( presentEntities == SMESH_Actor::eAllEntity )
vtkFloatingPointType ballcolor[3];
anActor->GetBallColor(ballcolor[0], ballcolor[1], ballcolor[2]);
c0 = int (ballcolor[0] * 255);
c1 = int (ballcolor[1] * 255);
c2 = int (ballcolor[2] * 255);
cBall.setRgb(c0, c1, c2);
vtkFloatingPointType outlineColor[3];
anActor->GetOutlineColor(outlineColor[0], outlineColor[1], outlineColor[2]);
c0 = int (outlineColor[0] * 255);
c1 = int (outlineColor[1] * 255);
c2 = int (outlineColor[2] * 255);
outl.setRgb(c0, c1, c2);
vtkFloatingPointType hColor[3];
anActor->GetHighlightColor(hColor[0], hColor[1], hColor[2]);
c0 = int (hColor[0] * 255);
c1 = int (hColor[1] * 255);
c2 = int (hColor[2] * 255);
selection.setRgb(c0, c1, c2);
vtkFloatingPointType phColor[3];
anActor->GetPreHighlightColor(phColor[0], phColor[1], phColor[2]);
c0 = int (phColor[0] * 255);
c1 = int (phColor[1] * 255);
c2 = int (phColor[2] * 255);
preselection.setRgb(c0, c1, c2);
size0D = (int)anActor->Get0DSize();
if(size0D == 0)
size0D = 1;
ballSize = (int)anActor->GetBallSize();
if(ballSize == 0)
ballSize = 1;
Edgewidth = (int)anActor->GetLineWidth();
if(Edgewidth == 0)
Edgewidth = 1;
Shrink = anActor->GetShrinkFactor();
vtkFloatingPointType faces_orientation_color[3];
c0 = int (faces_orientation_color[0] * 255);
c1 = int (faces_orientation_color[1] * 255);
c2 = int (faces_orientation_color[2] * 255);
o.setRgb(c0, c1, c2);
faces_orientation_scale = anActor->GetFacesOrientationScale();
faces_orientation_3dvectors = anActor->GetFacesOrientation3DVectors();
aMarkerTypeCurrent = anActor->GetMarkerType();
aMarkerScaleCurrent = anActor->GetMarkerScale();
aMarkerTextureCurrent = anActor->GetMarkerTexture();
// even if there are multiple objects in the selection,
// we need only the first one to get values for the dialog
SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg *aDlg =
new SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI() );
aDlg->SetBooleanValue(1, faces_orientation_3dvectors);
aDlg->SetColor(1, c);
aDlg->SetColor(2, e);
aDlg->SetColor(3, n);
aDlg->SetColor(4, outl);
aDlg->SetColor(5, c0D);
aDlg->SetColor(6, cBall);
aDlg->SetColor(7, o);
aDlg->SetColor(8, selection);
aDlg->SetColor(9, preselection);
aDlg->SetDoubleValue(1, faces_orientation_scale);
aDlg->SetIntValue(1, Edgewidth);
aDlg->SetIntValue(2, int(Shrink*100.));
aDlg->SetIntValue(3, size0D);
aDlg->SetIntValue(4, ballSize);
aDlg->setCustomMarkerMap( theMarkerMap[ aStudy->StudyId() ] );
if( aMarkerTypeCurrent != VTK::MT_USER )
aDlg->setStandardMarker( aMarkerTypeCurrent, aMarkerScaleCurrent );
SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg dlg( theMarkerMap[ aStudy->StudyId() ], SMESHGUI::desktop() );
// nodes: color, marker
dlg.setNodeColor( nodeColor );
if( markerType != VTK::MT_USER )
dlg.setNodeMarker( markerType, markerScale );
aDlg->setCustomMarker( aMarkerTextureCurrent );
dlg.setNodeCustomMarker( markerId );
// edges: color, line width
dlg.setEdgeColor( edgeColor );
dlg.setEdgeWidth( edgeWidth );
// faces: front color, back color
dlg.setFaceColor( faceColor, deltaF );
// volumes: normal color, reversed color
dlg.setVolumeColor( volumeColor, deltaV );
// outlines: color, line width
dlg.setOutlineColor( outlineColor );
dlg.setOutlineWidth( outlineWidth );
// 0d elements: color, size
dlg.setElem0dColor( elem0dColor );
dlg.setElem0dSize( elem0dSize );
// balls: color, size
dlg.setBallColor( ballColor );
dlg.setBallSize( ballSize );
// orientation: color, scale, 3d flag
dlg.setOrientationColor( orientationColor );
dlg.setOrientationSize( int( orientationScale * 100. ) );
dlg.setOrientation3d( orientation3d );
// shrink: scale factor
dlg.setShrinkCoef( int( shrinkCoef * 100. ) );
// hide unused controls
dlg.showControls( presentEntities, hasNodes );
if ( dlg.exec() ) {
nodeColor = dlg.nodeColor();
markerType = dlg.nodeMarkerType();
markerScale = dlg.nodeMarkerScale();
markerId = dlg.nodeMarkerId();
edgeColor = dlg.edgeColor();
edgeWidth = dlg.edgeWidth();
faceColor = dlg.faceColor();
deltaF = dlg.faceColorDelta();
volumeColor = dlg.volumeColor();
deltaV = dlg.volumeColorDelta();
outlineColor = dlg.outlineColor();
outlineWidth = dlg.outlineWidth();
elem0dColor = dlg.elem0dColor();
elem0dSize = dlg.elem0dSize();
ballColor = dlg.ballColor();
ballSize = dlg.ballSize();
orientationColor = dlg.orientationColor();
orientationScale = dlg.orientationSize() / 100.;
orientation3d = dlg.orientation3d();
shrinkCoef = dlg.shrinkCoef() / 100.;
QColor color = aDlg->GetColor(1);
QColor edgecolor = aDlg->GetColor(2);
QColor nodecolor = aDlg->GetColor(3);
QColor outlinecolor = aDlg->GetColor(4);
QColor color0D = aDlg->GetColor(5);
QColor ballcolor = aDlg->GetColor(6);
QColor faces_orientation_color = aDlg->GetColor(7);
QColor selectioncolor = aDlg->GetColor(8);
QColor preSelectioncolor = aDlg->GetColor(9);
int delta = aDlg->GetDeltaBrightness();
/* Point marker */
theMarkerMap[ aStudy->StudyId() ] = aDlg->getCustomMarkerMap();
// store point markers map that might be changed by the user
theMarkerMap[ aStudy->StudyId() ] = dlg.customMarkers();
// set properties from dialog box to the presentations
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for( ; It.More(); It.Next()){
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(IObject->getEntry())){
/* actor color and backface color */
anActor->SetSufaceColor(vtkFloatingPointType (color.red()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (color.green()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (color.blue()) / 255.,
/* edge color */
anActor->SetEdgeColor(vtkFloatingPointType (edgecolor.red()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (edgecolor.green()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (edgecolor.blue()) / 255.);
/* edge outline */
anActor->SetOutlineColor(vtkFloatingPointType (outlinecolor.red()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (outlinecolor.green()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (outlinecolor.blue()) / 255.);
if ( !IObject->hasEntry() ) continue;
SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( IObject->getEntry() );
if ( !anActor ) continue;
// nodes: color, marker
anActor->SetNodeColor( nodeColor.redF(), nodeColor.greenF(), nodeColor.blueF() );
if ( markerType != VTK::MT_USER ) {
anActor->SetMarkerStd( markerType, markerScale );
else {
const VTK::MarkerMap& markerMap = theMarkerMap[ aStudy->StudyId() ];
VTK::MarkerMap::const_iterator iter = markerMap.find( markerId );
if ( iter != markerMap.end() )
anActor->SetMarkerTexture( markerId, iter->second.second );
// volumes: normal color, reversed color (delta)
anActor->SetVolumeColor( volumeColor.redF(), volumeColor.greenF(), volumeColor.blueF(), deltaV );
// faces: front color, back color (delta)
anActor->SetSufaceColor( faceColor.redF(), faceColor.greenF(), faceColor.blueF(), deltaF );
// edges: color, width
anActor->SetEdgeColor( edgeColor.redF(), edgeColor.greenF(), edgeColor.blueF() );
anActor->SetLineWidth( edgeWidth );
// outlines: color
anActor->SetOutlineColor( outlineColor.redF(), outlineColor.greenF(), outlineColor.blueF() );
anActor->SetOutlineWidth( outlineWidth );
// 0D elements: color, size
anActor->Set0DColor( elem0dColor.redF(), elem0dColor.greenF(), elem0dColor.blueF() );
anActor->Set0DSize( elem0dSize );
// balls: color, size
anActor->SetBallColor( ballColor.redF(), ballColor.greenF(), ballColor.blueF() );
anActor->SetBallSize( ballSize );
// orientation: color, scale, 3d flag
anActor->SetFacesOrientationColor( orientationColor.redF(), orientationColor.greenF(), orientationColor.blueF() );
anActor->SetFacesOrientationScale( orientationScale );
anActor->SetFacesOrientation3DVectors( orientation3d );
// shrink factor
anActor->SetShrinkFactor( shrinkCoef );
/* selection */
anActor->SetHighlightColor(vtkFloatingPointType (selectioncolor.red()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (selectioncolor.green()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (selectioncolor.blue()) / 255.);
/* pre-selection */
anActor->SetPreHighlightColor(vtkFloatingPointType (preSelectioncolor.red()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (preSelectioncolor.green()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (preSelectioncolor.blue()) / 255.);
/* Shrink factor and size edges */
anActor->SetShrinkFactor(aDlg->GetIntValue(2) / 100.);
/* Nodes color and size */
anActor->SetNodeColor(vtkFloatingPointType (nodecolor.red()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (nodecolor.green()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (nodecolor.blue()) / 255.);
/* 0D elements */
anActor->Set0DColor(vtkFloatingPointType (color0D.red()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (color0D.green()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (color0D.blue()) / 255.);
/* Ball elements */
anActor->SetBallColor(vtkFloatingPointType (ballcolor.red()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (ballcolor.green()) / 255.,
vtkFloatingPointType (ballcolor.blue()) / 255.);
/* Faces orientation */
vtkFloatingPointType c[3] = {vtkFloatingPointType(faces_orientation_color.redF()),
VTK::MarkerType aMarkerTypeNew = aDlg->getMarkerType();
VTK::MarkerScale aMarkerScaleNew = aDlg->getStandardMarkerScale();
int aMarkerTextureNew = aDlg->getCustomMarkerID();
if( aMarkerTypeNew != VTK::MT_USER )
anActor->SetMarkerStd( aMarkerTypeNew, aMarkerScaleNew );
else {
const VTK::MarkerMap& aMarkerMap = theMarkerMap[ aStudy->StudyId() ];
VTK::MarkerMap::const_iterator anIter = aMarkerMap.find( aMarkerTextureNew );
if( anIter != aMarkerMap.end() )
anActor->SetMarkerTexture( aMarkerTextureNew, anIter->second.second );
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroupObject = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase>(IObject);
if( !aGroupObject->_is_nil() )
SMESH::ElementType anElementType = aGroupObject->GetType();
QColor aColor;
switch( anElementType )
case SMESH::NODE: aColor = nodecolor; break;
case SMESH::EDGE: aColor = edgecolor; break;
default: aColor = color; break;
SALOMEDS::Color aGroupColor;
aGroupColor.R = (float)aColor.red() / 255.0;
aGroupColor.G = (float)aColor.green() / 255.0;
aGroupColor.B = (float)aColor.blue() / 255.0;
aGroupObject->SetColor( aGroupColor );
delete aDlg;
// for groups, set also proper color
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroupObject = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase>(IObject);
if ( !aGroupObject->_is_nil() ) {
SMESH::ElementType anElementType = aGroupObject->GetType();
QColor aColor;
switch( anElementType ) {
aColor = nodeColor; break;
aColor = edgeColor; break;
aColor = faceColor; break;
aColor = volumeColor; break;
aColor = elem0dColor; break;
aColor = ballColor; break;
default: break;
if ( aColor.isValid() ) {
SALOMEDS::Color aGroupColor;
aGroupColor.R = aColor.redF();
aGroupColor.G = aColor.greenF();
aGroupColor.B = aColor.blueF();
aGroupObject->SetColor( aGroupColor );
} // if ( !aGroupObject->_is_nil() )
} // for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() )
} // if ( dlg.exec() )
} // case 1132:
} // switch(theCommandID)
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for( ; It.More(); It.Next()){
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
@ -4813,15 +4791,17 @@ void SMESHGUI::createPreferences()
setPreferenceProperty( markerScale, "indexes", aMarkerScaleIndicesList );
int elemGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_ELEMENTS" ), meshTab );
setPreferenceProperty( elemGroup, "columns", 2 );
//setPreferenceProperty( elemGroup, "columns", 2 );
int ColorId = addPreference( tr( "PREF_FILL" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::BiColor, "SMESH", "fill_color" );
int ColorId = addPreference( tr( "PREF_FILL" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::BiColor, "SMESH", "fill_color" );
setPreferenceProperty( ColorId, "text", tr("PREF_BACKFACE") );
ColorId = addPreference( tr( "PREF_VOLUME" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::BiColor, "SMESH", "volume_color" );
setPreferenceProperty( ColorId, "text", tr("PREF_REVERSEDVOLUME") );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_COLOR_0D" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "elem0d_color" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_BALL_COLOR" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "ball_elem_color" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_OUTLINE" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "outline_color" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_WIREFRAME" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "wireframe_color" );
setPreferenceProperty( ColorId, "text", tr("PREF_BACKFACE") );
int grpGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_GROUPS" ), meshTab );
setPreferenceProperty( grpGroup, "columns", 2 );
@ -4835,6 +4815,8 @@ void SMESHGUI::createPreferences()
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "ball_elem_size");
int elemW = addPreference(tr("PREF_WIDTH"), elemGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "element_width");
int outW = addPreference(tr("PREF_OUTLINE_WIDTH"), elemGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "outline_width");
int shrink = addPreference(tr("PREF_SHRINK_COEFF"), elemGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "shrink_coeff");
@ -4847,6 +4829,9 @@ void SMESHGUI::createPreferences()
setPreferenceProperty( elemW, "min", 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( elemW, "max", 5 );
setPreferenceProperty( outW, "min", 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( outW, "max", 5 );
setPreferenceProperty( shrink, "min", 0 );
setPreferenceProperty( shrink, "max", 100 );
@ -5222,9 +5207,9 @@ SALOMEDS::Color SMESHGUI::getUniqueColor( const QList<SALOMEDS::Color>& theReser
aColor.setHsv( aHue, 255, 255 );
SALOMEDS::Color aSColor;
aSColor.R = (double)aColor.red() / 255.0;
aSColor.G = (double)aColor.green() / 255.0;
aSColor.B = (double)aColor.blue() / 255.0;
aSColor.R = aColor.redF();
aSColor.G = aColor.greenF();
aSColor.B = aColor.blueF();
return aSColor;
@ -1126,17 +1126,21 @@ bool SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onApply()
if ( aMeshGroupSO )
if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(aMeshGroupSO->GetID().c_str())) {
QColor c;
int delta;
switch ( myTypeId ) {
case grpNodeSelection: anActor->SetNodeColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B ); break;
case grpBallSelection: anActor->SetBallColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B ); break;
case grpEdgeSelection: anActor->SetEdgeColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B ); break;
case grpFaceSelection:
case grpVolumeSelection:
SMESH::GetColor("SMESH", "volume_color", c , delta, "255,0,170|-100");
anActor->SetVolumeColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B, delta ); break;
case grpFaceSelection:
QColor c;
int delta;
SMESH::GetColor("SMESH", "fill_color", c , delta, "0,170,255|-100");
anActor->SetSufaceColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B, delta ); break;
@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2007-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// SMESH SMESHGUI : GUI for SMESH component
// File : SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg.cxx
// Author : Nicolas REJNERI, Open CASCADE S.A.S.
// SMESH includes
#include "SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_SpinBox.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h"
// SALOME GUI includes
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <QtxColorButton.h>
#include <VTKViewer_MarkerWidget.h>
#include <LightApp_Application.h>
#include <SalomeApp_IntSpinBox.h>
// Qt includes
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#define SPACING 6
#define MARGIN 11
// function : SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg()
// purpose : Constructs a SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg which is a child
// of 'parent', with the name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'
// The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you
// set'modal' to true to construct a modal dialog.
SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg( SMESHGUI* theModule )
: QDialog( SMESH::GetDesktop( theModule ) ),
mySMESHGUI( theModule )
setModal( true );
setWindowTitle( tr( "DIALOG_TITLE" ) );
setSizeGripEnabled( true );
// -------------------------------
QVBoxLayout* topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
topLayout->setSpacing( SPACING );
topLayout->setMargin( MARGIN );
// -------------------------------
QGroupBox* ButtonGroup1 = new QGroupBox( tr( "GRP_ELEMENTS" ), this );
QGridLayout* ButtonGroup1Layout = new QGridLayout( ButtonGroup1 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->setSpacing( SPACING );
ButtonGroup1Layout->setMargin( MARGIN );
QLabel* TextLabel_Fill = new QLabel( tr( "SURFACE_COLOR_LBL" ), ButtonGroup1 );
toolSurfColor = new QtxBiColorTool(ButtonGroup1);
toolSurfColor->setText( tr( "BACKSURFACE_COLOR_LBL" ));
QLabel* TextLabel_Outline = new QLabel( tr( "OUTLINE_COLOR_LBL" ), ButtonGroup1 );
btnOutlineColor = new QtxColorButton( ButtonGroup1 );
QLabel* TextLabel_Wireframe = new QLabel( tr( "WIREFRAME_COLOR_LBL" ), ButtonGroup1 );
btnWireframeColor = new QtxColorButton( ButtonGroup1 );
QLabel* TextLabel_0DElements_Color = new QLabel( tr( "0D_ELEMENTS_COLOR_LBL" ), ButtonGroup1 );
btn0DElementsColor = new QtxColorButton( ButtonGroup1 );
QLabel* TextLabel_0DElements_Size = new QLabel( tr( "0D_ELEMENTS_SIZE_LBL" ), ButtonGroup1 );
SpinBox_0DElements_Size = new SalomeApp_IntSpinBox( ButtonGroup1 );
SpinBox_0DElements_Size->setAcceptNames( false ); // No Notebook variables allowed
SpinBox_0DElements_Size->setRange( 1, 10 );
SpinBox_0DElements_Size->setSingleStep( 1 );
SpinBox_0DElements_Size->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
SpinBox_0DElements_Size->setButtonSymbols( QSpinBox::PlusMinus );
QLabel* TextLabel_BallElem_Color = new QLabel( tr( "BALL_ELEMENTS_COLOR_LBL" ), ButtonGroup1 );
btnBallElemColor = new QtxColorButton( ButtonGroup1 );
QLabel* TextLabel_BallElem_Size = new QLabel( tr( "BALL_ELEMENTS_SIZE_LBL" ), ButtonGroup1 );
SpinBox_BallElem_Size = new SalomeApp_IntSpinBox( ButtonGroup1 );
SpinBox_BallElem_Size->setAcceptNames( false ); // No Notebook variables allowed
SpinBox_BallElem_Size->setRange( 1, 10 );
SpinBox_BallElem_Size->setSingleStep( 1 );
SpinBox_BallElem_Size->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
SpinBox_BallElem_Size->setButtonSymbols( QSpinBox::PlusMinus );
QLabel* TextLabel_Width = new QLabel( tr( "LINE_WIDTH_LBL" ), ButtonGroup1 );
SpinBox_Width = new SalomeApp_IntSpinBox( ButtonGroup1 );
SpinBox_Width->setAcceptNames( false ); // No Notebook variables allowed
SpinBox_Width->setRange( 1, 5 );
SpinBox_Width->setSingleStep( 1 );
SpinBox_Width->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
SpinBox_Width->setButtonSymbols( QSpinBox::PlusMinus );
QLabel* TextLabel_ShrinkCoeff = new QLabel( tr( "SHRINK_COEF_LBL" ), ButtonGroup1 );
SpinBox_Shrink = new SalomeApp_IntSpinBox( ButtonGroup1 );
SpinBox_Shrink->setAcceptNames( false ); // No Notebook variables allowed
SpinBox_Shrink->setRange( 20, 100 );
SpinBox_Shrink->setSingleStep( 1 );
SpinBox_Shrink->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
SpinBox_Shrink->setButtonSymbols( QSpinBox::PlusMinus );
int row = 0;
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_Fill, row, 0 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( toolSurfColor, row++, 1, 1, 3 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_Outline, row, 0 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( btnOutlineColor, row, 1 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_Wireframe, row, 2 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( btnWireframeColor, row++, 3 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_0DElements_Color, row, 0 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( btn0DElementsColor, row, 1 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_0DElements_Size, row, 2 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( SpinBox_0DElements_Size, row++, 3 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_BallElem_Color, row, 0 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( btnBallElemColor, row, 1 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_BallElem_Size, row, 2 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( SpinBox_BallElem_Size, row++, 3 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_Width, row, 0 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( SpinBox_Width, row, 1 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_ShrinkCoeff, row, 2 );
ButtonGroup1Layout->addWidget( SpinBox_Shrink, row, 3 );
// -------------------------------
QGroupBox* ButtonGroup2 = new QGroupBox( tr( "GRP_NODES" ), this );
QGridLayout* ButtonGroup2Layout = new QGridLayout( ButtonGroup2 );
ButtonGroup2Layout->setSpacing( SPACING );
ButtonGroup2Layout->setMargin( MARGIN );
QLabel* TextLabel_Nodes_Color = new QLabel( tr( "NODES_COLOR_LBL" ), ButtonGroup2 );
btnNodeColor = new QtxColorButton( ButtonGroup2 );
QGroupBox* MarkerGroup = new QGroupBox( tr( "NODES_MARKER_LBL" ), ButtonGroup2 );
QVBoxLayout* MarkerGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout( MarkerGroup );
MarkerGroupLayout->setSpacing( 0 );
MarkerGroupLayout->setMargin( 0 );
MarkerWidget = new VTKViewer_MarkerWidget( MarkerGroup );
MarkerGroupLayout->addWidget( MarkerWidget );
row = 0;
ButtonGroup2Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_Nodes_Color, row, 0 );
ButtonGroup2Layout->addWidget( btnNodeColor, row++, 1 );
ButtonGroup2Layout->addWidget( MarkerGroup, row++, 0, 1, 3 );
ButtonGroup2Layout->setColumnStretch( row, 1 );
// -------------------------------
QGroupBox* ButtonGroup3 = new QGroupBox( tr( "GRP_ORIENTATION" ), this );
QGridLayout* ButtonGroup3Layout = new QGridLayout( ButtonGroup3 );
ButtonGroup3Layout->setSpacing( SPACING );
ButtonGroup3Layout->setMargin( MARGIN );
QLabel* TextLabel_Orientation_Color = new QLabel( tr( "ORIENTATION_COLOR_LBL" ), ButtonGroup3 );
btnOrientationColor = new QtxColorButton( ButtonGroup3 );
QLabel* TextLabel_Orientation_Scale = new QLabel( tr( "ORIENTATION_SCALE_LBL" ), ButtonGroup3 );
SpinBox_Orientation_Scale = new SMESHGUI_SpinBox( ButtonGroup3 );
SpinBox_Orientation_Scale->setAcceptNames( false ); // No Notebook variables allowed
SpinBox_Orientation_Scale->RangeStepAndValidator( .05, .5, .05, "parametric_precision" );
SpinBox_Orientation_Scale->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
SpinBox_Orientation_Scale->setButtonSymbols( QSpinBox::PlusMinus );
CheckBox_Orientation_3DVectors = new QCheckBox( tr( "3D_VECTORS_LBL" ), ButtonGroup3 );
row = 0;
ButtonGroup3Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_Orientation_Color, row, 0 );
ButtonGroup3Layout->addWidget( btnOrientationColor, row, 1 );
ButtonGroup3Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_Orientation_Scale, row, 2 );
ButtonGroup3Layout->addWidget( SpinBox_Orientation_Scale, row++, 3 );
ButtonGroup3Layout->addWidget( CheckBox_Orientation_3DVectors, row, 0, 1, 4 );
// -------------------------------
QGroupBox* ButtonGroup4 = new QGroupBox( tr( "GRP_SELECTION" ), this );
QGridLayout* ButtonGroup4Layout = new QGridLayout( ButtonGroup4 );
ButtonGroup3Layout->setSpacing( SPACING );
ButtonGroup3Layout->setMargin( MARGIN );
QLabel* TextLabel_Selection_Color = new QLabel( tr( "SELECTION_COLOR_LBL" ), ButtonGroup4 );
btnSelectionColor = new QtxColorButton( ButtonGroup4 );
QLabel* TextLabel_Preselection_Color = new QLabel( tr( "PRESELECTION_COLOR_LBL" ), ButtonGroup4 );
btnPreselectionColor = new QtxColorButton( ButtonGroup4 );
row = 0;
ButtonGroup4Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_Selection_Color, row, 0 );
ButtonGroup4Layout->addWidget( btnSelectionColor, row, 1 );
ButtonGroup4Layout->addWidget( TextLabel_Preselection_Color, row, 2 );
ButtonGroup4Layout->addWidget( btnPreselectionColor, row, 3 );
// -------------------------------
QGroupBox* GroupButtons = new QGroupBox( this );
QHBoxLayout* GroupButtonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout( GroupButtons );
GroupButtonsLayout->setSpacing( SPACING );
GroupButtonsLayout->setMargin( MARGIN );
QPushButton* buttonOk = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_OK" ), GroupButtons );
buttonOk->setAutoDefault( true );
buttonOk->setDefault( true );
QPushButton* buttonCancel = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_CANCEL" ), GroupButtons );
buttonCancel->setAutoDefault( true );
QPushButton* buttonHelp = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_HELP" ), GroupButtons );
buttonHelp->setAutoDefault( true );
GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonOk );
GroupButtonsLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonCancel );
GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonHelp );
// -------------------------------
topLayout->addWidget( ButtonGroup1 );
topLayout->addWidget( ButtonGroup2 );
topLayout->addWidget( ButtonGroup3 );
// rnv: Selection and preselection colors are defined only in the Preferences
// topLayout->addWidget( ButtonGroup4 );
topLayout->addWidget( GroupButtons );
// -------------------------------
mySMESHGUI->SetActiveDialogBox( this );
myHelpFileName = "colors_size_page.html";
/* signals and slots connections */
connect( buttonOk, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnOk() ) );
connect( buttonCancel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnCancel() ) );
connect( buttonHelp, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnHelp() ) );
connect( mySMESHGUI, SIGNAL ( SignalDeactivateActiveDialog() ),
this, SLOT( DeactivateActiveDialog() ) );
/* to close dialog if study change */
connect( mySMESHGUI, SIGNAL ( SignalCloseAllDialogs() ),
this, SLOT( ClickOnCancel() ) );
// function : ~SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg()
// purpose : Destructor
// function : ClickOnOk()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::ClickOnOk()
// function : ClickOnCancel()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::ClickOnCancel()
// function : ClickOnHelp()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::ClickOnHelp()
LightApp_Application* app = (LightApp_Application*)(SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication());
if (app)
app->onHelpContextModule(mySMESHGUI ? app->moduleName(mySMESHGUI->moduleName()) : QString(""), myHelpFileName);
else {
QString platform;
#ifdef WIN32
platform = "winapplication";
platform = "application";
SUIT_MessageBox::warning(this, tr("WRN_WARNING"),
// function : DeactivateActiveDialog()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::DeactivateActiveDialog()
// function : closeEvent()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* )
ClickOnCancel(); /* same than click on cancel button */
// function : ActivateThisDialog()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::ActivateThisDialog()
/* Emit a signal to deactivate any active dialog */
// function : SetColor()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::SetColor( int type, const QColor& color )
switch ( type ) {
case 1 : toolSurfColor->setMainColor( color ); break; // fill
case 2 : btnWireframeColor->setColor( color ); break; // wireframe
case 3 : btnNodeColor->setColor( color ); break; // node
case 4 : btnOutlineColor->setColor( color ); break; // outline
case 5 : btn0DElementsColor->setColor( color ); break; // 0d elements
case 6 : btnBallElemColor->setColor( color ); break; // ball elements
case 7 : btnOrientationColor->setColor( color ); break; // orientation of faces
case 8 : btnSelectionColor->setColor( color ); break; // selection color
case 9 : btnPreselectionColor->setColor( color ); break; // pre-selection color
default: break;
// function : GetColor()
// purpose :
QColor SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::GetColor( int type )
QColor color;
switch ( type ) {
case 1 : color = toolSurfColor->mainColor(); break; // fill
case 2 : color = btnWireframeColor->color(); break; // outline
case 3 : color = btnNodeColor->color(); break; // node
case 4 : color = btnOutlineColor->color(); break; // node
case 5 : color = btn0DElementsColor->color(); break; // 0d elements
case 6 : color = btnBallElemColor->color(); break; // 0d elements
case 7 : color = btnOrientationColor->color(); break; // orientation of faces
case 8 : color = btnSelectionColor->color(); break; // selection color
case 9 : color = btnPreselectionColor->color(); break; // pre-selection color
default: break;
return color;
// function : SetIntValue()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::SetIntValue( int type, int value )
switch ( type ) {
case 1 : SpinBox_Width->setValue( value ); break; // width
case 2 : SpinBox_Shrink->setValue( value ); break; // shrink coeff
case 3 : SpinBox_0DElements_Size->setValue( value ); break; // 0d elements
case 4 : SpinBox_BallElem_Size->setValue( value ); break; // 0d elements
default: break;
// function : GetIntValue()
// purpose :
int SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::GetIntValue( int type )
int res = 0;
switch ( type ) {
case 1 : res = SpinBox_Width->value(); break; // width
case 2 : res = SpinBox_Shrink->value(); break; // shrink coeff
case 3 : res = SpinBox_0DElements_Size->value(); break; // 0d elements
case 4 : res = SpinBox_BallElem_Size->value(); break; // 0d elements
default: break;
return res;
// function : SetDoubleValue()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::SetDoubleValue( int type, double value )
switch ( type ) {
case 1 : SpinBox_Orientation_Scale->setValue( value ); break; // orientation scale
default: break;
// function : GetDoubleValue()
// purpose :
double SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::GetDoubleValue( int type )
double res = 0;
switch ( type ) {
case 1 : res = SpinBox_Orientation_Scale->value(); break; // orientation scale
default: break;
return res;
// function : SetBooleanValue()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::SetBooleanValue( int type, bool value )
switch ( type ) {
case 1 : CheckBox_Orientation_3DVectors->setChecked( value ); break; // 3D vectors
default: break;
// function : GetBooleanValue()
// purpose :
bool SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::GetBooleanValue( int type )
bool res = false;
switch ( type ) {
case 1 : res = CheckBox_Orientation_3DVectors->isChecked(); break; // 3D vectors
default: break;
return res;
// function : setCustomMarkerMap()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::setCustomMarkerMap( VTK::MarkerMap theMarkerMap )
MarkerWidget->setCustomMarkerMap( theMarkerMap );
// function : getCustomMarkerMap()
// purpose :
VTK::MarkerMap SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::getCustomMarkerMap()
return MarkerWidget->getCustomMarkerMap();
// function : setStandardMarker()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::setStandardMarker( VTK::MarkerType theMarkerType,
VTK::MarkerScale theMarkerScale )
MarkerWidget->setStandardMarker( theMarkerType, theMarkerScale );
// function : setCustomMarker()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::setCustomMarker( int theId )
MarkerWidget->setCustomMarker( theId );
// function : getMarkerType()
// purpose :
VTK::MarkerType SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::getMarkerType() const
return MarkerWidget->getMarkerType();
// function : getStandardMarkerScale()
// purpose :
VTK::MarkerScale SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::getStandardMarkerScale() const
return MarkerWidget->getStandardMarkerScale();
// function : getCustomMarkerID()
// purpose :
int SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::getCustomMarkerID() const
return MarkerWidget->getCustomMarkerID();
// function : SetDeltaBrightness(int)
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::SetDeltaBrightness(int delta)
// function : GetDeltaBrightness()
// purpose :
int SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::GetDeltaBrightness()
return toolSurfColor->delta();
// function : keyPressEvent()
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* e )
QDialog::keyPressEvent( e );
if ( e->isAccepted() )
if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_F1 ) {
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2007-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// SMESH SMESHGUI : GUI for SMESH component
// File : SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg.h
// Author : Nicolas REJNERI, Open CASCADE S.A.S.
// SMESH includes
#include "SMESH_SMESHGUI.hxx"
// SALOME GUI includes
#include <VTKViewer_MarkerDef.h>
#include <QtxBiColorTool.h>
// Qt includes
#include <QDialog>
class QCheckBox;
class SMESHGUI_SpinBox;
class SalomeApp_IntSpinBox;
class QtxColorButton;
class VTKViewer_MarkerWidget;
class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg : public QDialog
SMESHGUI_Preferences_ColorDlg( SMESHGUI* );
void SetColor( int, const QColor& );
QColor GetColor( int );
void SetIntValue( int, int );
int GetIntValue( int );
void SetDoubleValue( int, double );
double GetDoubleValue( int );
void SetBooleanValue( int, bool );
bool GetBooleanValue( int );
void setCustomMarkerMap( VTK::MarkerMap );
VTK::MarkerMap getCustomMarkerMap();
void SetDeltaBrightness(int);
int GetDeltaBrightness();
void setStandardMarker( VTK::MarkerType, VTK::MarkerScale );
void setCustomMarker( int );
VTK::MarkerType getMarkerType() const;
VTK::MarkerScale getStandardMarkerScale() const;
int getCustomMarkerID() const;
void closeEvent( QCloseEvent* );
void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* );
private slots:
void ClickOnOk();
void ClickOnCancel();
void ClickOnHelp();
void DeactivateActiveDialog();
void ActivateThisDialog();
QtxBiColorTool* toolSurfColor;
QtxColorButton* btnWireframeColor;
QtxColorButton* btnOutlineColor;
QtxColorButton* btn0DElementsColor;
QtxColorButton* btnBallElemColor;
SalomeApp_IntSpinBox* SpinBox_0DElements_Size;
SalomeApp_IntSpinBox* SpinBox_BallElem_Size;
SalomeApp_IntSpinBox* SpinBox_Width;
SalomeApp_IntSpinBox* SpinBox_Shrink;
QtxColorButton* btnNodeColor;
VTKViewer_MarkerWidget* MarkerWidget;
QtxColorButton* btnOrientationColor;
SMESHGUI_SpinBox* SpinBox_Orientation_Scale;
QCheckBox* CheckBox_Orientation_3DVectors;
QtxColorButton* btnPreselectionColor;
QtxColorButton* btnSelectionColor;
QString myHelpFileName;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
// Copyright (C) 2007-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg.cxx
// Author : Vadim SANDLER, Open CASCADE S.A.S. (vadim.sandler@opencascade.com)
#include "SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg.h"
#include "SMESH_Actor.h"
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QtxBiColorTool.h>
#include <QtxColorButton.h>
#include <QtxIntSpinBox.h>
#include <VTKViewer_MarkerWidget.h>
const int MARGIN = 9;
const int SPACING = 6;
\class SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg
\brief Dialog box to set-up mesh presentation properties: colors,
sizes of elements, width of lines etc
\brief Constructor
\param customMarkers custom node markers
\param parent parent widget
SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg( const VTK::MarkerMap& customMarkers, QWidget* parent )
: SMESHGUI_Dialog( parent, true, true, Standard )
// set title
setWindowTitle( tr( "TITLE" ) );
// create widgets
QHBoxLayout* hl;
int widthLab1 = 0, widthLab2 = 0;
// -- node controls
myNodeGrp = new QGroupBox( tr( "NODES" ), mainFrame() );
QLabel* nodeColorLab = new QLabel( tr( "COLOR" ), myNodeGrp );
myNodeColor = new QtxColorButton( myNodeGrp );
myNodeMarker = new VTKViewer_MarkerWidget( myNodeGrp );
hl = new QHBoxLayout( myNodeGrp );
hl->setMargin( MARGIN );
hl->setSpacing( SPACING );
hl->addWidget( nodeColorLab );
hl->addWidget( myNodeColor );
hl->addWidget( myNodeMarker );
widthLab1 = qMax( widthLab1, nodeColorLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
widthLab2 = qMax( widthLab2, myNodeMarker->typeLabel()->minimumSizeHint().width() );
// -- edge controls
myEdgeGrp = new QGroupBox( tr( "EDGES" ), mainFrame() );
QLabel* edgeColorLab = new QLabel( tr( "COLOR" ), myEdgeGrp );
myEdgeColor = new QtxColorButton( myEdgeGrp );
QLabel* edgeWidthLab = new QLabel( tr( "WIDTH" ), myEdgeGrp );
myEdgeWidth = new QtxIntSpinBox( myEdgeGrp );
hl = new QHBoxLayout( myEdgeGrp );
hl->setMargin( MARGIN );
hl->setSpacing( SPACING );
hl->addWidget( edgeColorLab );
hl->addWidget( myEdgeColor );
hl->addWidget( edgeWidthLab );
hl->addWidget( myEdgeWidth );
widthLab1 = qMax( widthLab1, edgeColorLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
widthLab2 = qMax( widthLab2, edgeWidthLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
// -- face controls
myFaceGrp = new QGroupBox( tr( "FACES" ), mainFrame() );
QLabel* faceColorLab = new QLabel( tr( "FACE_FRONT" ), myFaceGrp );
myFaceColor = new QtxBiColorTool( myFaceGrp );
myFaceColor->label()->setText( tr( "FACE_BACK" ) );
hl = new QHBoxLayout( myFaceGrp );
hl->setMargin( MARGIN );
hl->setSpacing( SPACING );
hl->addWidget( faceColorLab );
hl->addWidget( myFaceColor );
widthLab1 = qMax( widthLab1, faceColorLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
widthLab2 = qMax( widthLab2, myFaceColor->label()->minimumSizeHint().width() );
// -- volumes
myVolumeGrp = new QGroupBox( tr( "VOLUMES" ), mainFrame() );
QLabel* volumeColorLab = new QLabel( tr( "VOLUME_NORMAL" ), myVolumeGrp );
myVolumeColor = new QtxBiColorTool( myVolumeGrp );
myVolumeColor->label()->setText( tr( "VOLUME_REVERSED" ) );
hl = new QHBoxLayout( myVolumeGrp );
hl->setMargin( MARGIN );
hl->setSpacing( SPACING );
hl->addWidget( volumeColorLab );
hl->addWidget( myVolumeColor );
widthLab1 = qMax( widthLab1, volumeColorLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
widthLab2 = qMax( widthLab2, myVolumeColor->label()->minimumSizeHint().width() );
// -- outline controls
myOutlineGrp = new QGroupBox( tr( "OUTLINES" ), mainFrame() );
QLabel* outlineColorLab = new QLabel( tr( "COLOR" ), myOutlineGrp );
myOutlineColor = new QtxColorButton( myOutlineGrp );
QLabel* outlineWidthLab = new QLabel( tr( "WIDTH" ), myOutlineGrp );
myOutlineWidth = new QtxIntSpinBox( myOutlineGrp );
hl = new QHBoxLayout( myOutlineGrp );
hl->setMargin( MARGIN );
hl->setSpacing( SPACING );
hl->addWidget( outlineColorLab );
hl->addWidget( myOutlineColor );
hl->addWidget( outlineWidthLab );
hl->addWidget( myOutlineWidth );
widthLab1 = qMax( widthLab1, outlineColorLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
widthLab2 = qMax( widthLab2, outlineWidthLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
// -- 0d element controls
myElem0dGrp = new QGroupBox( tr( "0D_ELEMENTS" ), mainFrame() );
QLabel* elem0dColorLab = new QLabel( tr( "COLOR" ), myElem0dGrp );
myElem0dColor = new QtxColorButton( myElem0dGrp );
QLabel* elem0dSizeLab = new QLabel( tr( "SIZE" ), myElem0dGrp );
myElem0dSize = new QtxIntSpinBox( myElem0dGrp );
hl = new QHBoxLayout( myElem0dGrp );
hl->setMargin( MARGIN );
hl->setSpacing( SPACING );
hl->addWidget( elem0dColorLab );
hl->addWidget( myElem0dColor );
hl->addWidget( elem0dSizeLab );
hl->addWidget( myElem0dSize );
widthLab1 = qMax( widthLab1, elem0dColorLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
widthLab2 = qMax( widthLab2, elem0dSizeLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
// -- ball controls
myBallGrp = new QGroupBox( tr( "BALLS" ), mainFrame() );
QLabel* ballColorLab = new QLabel( tr( "COLOR" ), myBallGrp );
myBallColor = new QtxColorButton( myBallGrp );
QLabel* ballSizeLab = new QLabel( tr( "SIZE" ), myBallGrp );
myBallSize = new QtxIntSpinBox( myBallGrp );
hl = new QHBoxLayout( myBallGrp );
hl->setMargin( MARGIN );
hl->setSpacing( SPACING );
hl->addWidget( ballColorLab );
hl->addWidget( myBallColor );
hl->addWidget( ballSizeLab );
hl->addWidget( myBallSize );
widthLab1 = qMax( widthLab1, ballColorLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
widthLab2 = qMax( widthLab2, ballSizeLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
// -- orientation vector controls
myOrientationGrp = new QGroupBox( tr( "ORIENTATIONS" ), mainFrame() );
QLabel* orientationColorLab = new QLabel( tr( "COLOR" ), myOrientationGrp );
myOrientationColor = new QtxColorButton( myOrientationGrp );
QLabel* orientationScaleLab = new QLabel( tr( "ORIENTATION_SCALE" ), myOrientationGrp );
myOrientationSize = new QtxIntSpinBox( myOrientationGrp );
myOrientationSize->setSuffix( "% ");
myOrientation3d = new QCheckBox( tr("ORIENTATION_3D"), myOrientationGrp );
hl = new QHBoxLayout( myOrientationGrp );
hl->setMargin( MARGIN );
hl->setSpacing( SPACING );
hl->addWidget( orientationColorLab );
hl->addWidget( myOrientationColor );
hl->addWidget( orientationScaleLab );
hl->addWidget( myOrientationSize );
hl->addWidget( myOrientation3d );
widthLab1 = qMax( widthLab1, orientationColorLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
widthLab2 = qMax( widthLab2, orientationScaleLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
// -- other controls
myExtraGrp = new QFrame( mainFrame() );
QLabel* shrinkSizeLab = new QLabel( tr( "SHRINK" ), myExtraGrp );
myShrinkSize = new QtxIntSpinBox( myExtraGrp );
myShrinkSize->setSuffix( "% ");
hl = new QHBoxLayout( myExtraGrp );
hl->setMargin( MARGIN );
hl->setSpacing( SPACING );
hl->addWidget( shrinkSizeLab );
hl->addWidget( myShrinkSize );
widthLab1 = qMax( widthLab1, shrinkSizeLab->minimumSizeHint().width() );
// layout widgets
QVBoxLayout* vl = new QVBoxLayout( mainFrame() );
vl->setMargin( 0 );
vl->setSpacing( SPACING );
vl->addWidget( myNodeGrp );
vl->addWidget( myEdgeGrp );
vl->addWidget( myFaceGrp );
vl->addWidget( myVolumeGrp );
vl->addWidget( myOutlineGrp );
vl->addWidget( myElem0dGrp );
vl->addWidget( myBallGrp );
vl->addWidget( myOrientationGrp );
vl->addWidget( myExtraGrp );
nodeColorLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab1 );
edgeColorLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab1 );
faceColorLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab1 );
volumeColorLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab1 );
outlineColorLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab1 );
elem0dColorLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab1 );
ballColorLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab1 );
orientationColorLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab1 );
shrinkSizeLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab1 );
myNodeMarker->typeLabel()->setMinimumWidth( widthLab2 );
edgeWidthLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab2 );
myFaceColor->label()->setMinimumWidth( widthLab2 );
myVolumeColor->label()->setMinimumWidth( widthLab2 );
outlineWidthLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab2 );
elem0dSizeLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab2 );
ballSizeLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab2 );
orientationScaleLab->setMinimumWidth( widthLab2 );
myEdgeWidth->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
myOutlineWidth->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
myElem0dSize->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
myBallSize->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
myOrientationSize->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
myShrinkSize->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
// initialize widgets
myNodeMarker->setCustomMarkers( customMarkers );
myElem0dSize->setRange( 1, 10 );
myBallSize->setRange( 1, 10 );
myEdgeWidth->setRange( 1, 5 );
myOutlineWidth->setRange( 1, 5 );
myShrinkSize->setRange( 20, 100 );
myOrientationSize->setRange( 5, 100 );
button( OK )->setText( tr( "SMESH_BUT_OK" ) );
\brief Destructor: clean-up resources if necessary
\brief Set nodes color
\param color nodes color
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setNodeColor( const QColor& color )
myNodeColor->setColor( color );
\brief Get nodes color
\return current nodes color
QColor SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::nodeColor() const
return myNodeColor->color();
\brief Set standard nodes marker
\param type standard nodes marker type
\param scale standard nodes marker scale
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setNodeMarker( VTK::MarkerType type, VTK::MarkerScale scale )
myNodeMarker->setMarker( type, scale );
\brief Set custom nodes marker
\param id custom nodes marker id
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setNodeCustomMarker( int id )
myNodeMarker->setCustomMarker( id );
\brief Get nodes marker type.
For custom marker, VTK::MT_USER is returned and markerId() function
then returns its identifier.
\return currently selected nodes marker type
VTK::MarkerType SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::nodeMarkerType() const
return myNodeMarker->markerType();
\brief Get nodes marker scale.
For custom marker return value is undefined.
\return currently selected nodes marker scale
VTK::MarkerScale SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::nodeMarkerScale() const
return myNodeMarker->markerScale();
\brief Get custom nodes marker.
For standard markers return value is VTK::MT_NONE.
\return custom nodes marker id
int SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::nodeMarkerId() const
return myNodeMarker->markerId();
\brief Set edges (wireframe) color
\param color edges color
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setEdgeColor( const QColor& color )
myEdgeColor->setColor( color );
\brief Get edges (wireframe) color
\return current edges color
QColor SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::edgeColor() const
return myEdgeColor->color();
\brief Set edges width
\param width edges width
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setEdgeWidth( int width )
myEdgeWidth->setValue( width );
\brief Get edges width
\return current edges width
int SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::edgeWidth() const
return myEdgeWidth->value();
\brief Set faces colors
\param color front faces color
\param delta back faces coloring delta
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setFaceColor( const QColor& color, int delta )
myFaceColor->setMainColor( color );
myFaceColor->setDelta( delta );
\brief Get front faces color
\return current front faces color
QColor SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::faceColor() const
return myFaceColor->mainColor();
\brief Get back faces coloring delta
\return current back faces coloring delta
int SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::faceColorDelta() const
return myFaceColor->delta();
\brief Set volumes colors
\param color normal volumes color
\param delta reversed volumes coloring delta
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setVolumeColor( const QColor& color, int delta )
myVolumeColor->setMainColor( color );
myVolumeColor->setDelta( delta );
\brief Get normal volumes color
\return current normal volumes color
QColor SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::volumeColor() const
return myVolumeColor->mainColor();
\brief Get reversed volumes coloring delta
\return current reversed volumes coloring delta
int SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::volumeColorDelta() const
return myVolumeColor->delta();
\brief Set outlines color
\param color outlines color
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setOutlineColor( const QColor& color )
myOutlineColor->setColor( color );
\brief Get outlines color
\return current outlines color
QColor SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::outlineColor() const
return myOutlineColor->color();
\brief Set outlines width
\param width outlines width
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setOutlineWidth( int width )
myOutlineWidth->setValue( width );
\brief Get outlines width
\return current outlines width
int SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::outlineWidth() const
return myOutlineWidth->value();
\brief Set 0D elements color
\param color 0D elements color
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setElem0dColor( const QColor& color )
myElem0dColor->setColor( color );
\brief Get 0D elements color
\return current 0D elements color
QColor SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::elem0dColor() const
return myElem0dColor->color();
\brief Set 0D elements size
\param size 0D elements size
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setElem0dSize( int size )
myElem0dSize->setValue( size );
\brief Get 0D elements size
\return current 0D elements size
int SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::elem0dSize() const
return myElem0dSize->value();
\brief Set discrete elements (balls) color
\param color discrete elements (balls) color
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setBallColor( const QColor& color )
myBallColor->setColor( color );
\brief Get discrete elements (balls) color
\return current discrete elements (balls) color
QColor SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::ballColor() const
return myBallColor->color();
\brief Set discrete elements (balls) size
\param size discrete elements (balls) size
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setBallSize( int size )
myBallSize->setValue( size );
\brief Get discrete elements (balls) size
\return current discrete elements (balls) size
int SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::ballSize() const
return myBallSize->value();
\brief Set orientation vectors color
\param color orientation vectors color
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setOrientationColor( const QColor& color )
myOrientationColor->setColor( color );
\brief Get orientation vectors color
\return current orientation vectors color
QColor SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::orientationColor() const
return myOrientationColor->color();
\brief Set orientation vectors scale (percent)
\param scale orientation vectors scale
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setOrientationSize( int scale )
myOrientationSize->setValue( scale );
\brief Get orientation vectors scale (percent)
\return current orientation vectors scale
int SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::orientationSize() const
return myOrientationSize->value();
\brief Set orientation vectors 3d flag
\param on orientation vectors 3d flag value
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setOrientation3d( bool on )
myOrientation3d->setChecked( on );
\brief Get orientation vectors 3d flag
\return orientation vectors 3d flag value
bool SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::orientation3d() const
return myOrientation3d->isChecked();
\brief Set shrink coefficient (percent)
\param coef shrink coefficient
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::setShrinkCoef( int coef )
myShrinkSize->setValue( coef );
\brief Get shrink coefficient (percent)
\return current shrink coefficient
int SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::shrinkCoef() const
return myShrinkSize->value();
\brief Get custom markers
\return custom markers map
VTK::MarkerMap SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::customMarkers() const
return myNodeMarker->customMarkers();
\brief Show / hide controls for specified entity type
\param elements mesh element types (an or-ed combination of flags)
\param nodes mesh nodes presence flag
void SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg::showControls( int elements, bool nodes )
// node controls are supposed to be shown if at least any element type is present
// or if there are only nodes
myNodeGrp->setVisible( nodes || elements & SMESH_Actor::eAllEntity );
// edge controls are shown only if there are edges
myEdgeGrp->setVisible( elements & SMESH_Actor::eEdges );
// face controls are shown only if there are faces
myFaceGrp->setVisible( elements & SMESH_Actor::eFaces );
// volume controls are shown only if there are volumes
myVolumeGrp->setVisible( elements & SMESH_Actor::eVolumes );
// 0d elements controls are shown only if there are 0d elements
myElem0dGrp->setVisible( elements & SMESH_Actor::e0DElements );
// ball controls are shown only if there are balls
myBallGrp->setVisible( elements & SMESH_Actor::eBallElem );
// outline controls are needed for faces and volumes
myOutlineGrp->setVisible( elements & ( SMESH_Actor::eFaces | SMESH_Actor::eVolumes ) );
// orientation controls are needed for faces and volumes
myOrientationGrp->setVisible( elements & ( SMESH_Actor::eFaces | SMESH_Actor::eVolumes ) );
// shrink factor is shown if there are edges and/or faces and/or volumes
myExtraGrp->setVisible( elements & ( SMESH_Actor::eEdges | SMESH_Actor::eFaces | SMESH_Actor::eVolumes ) );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
// Copyright (C) 2007-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg.h
// Author : Vadim SANDLER, Open CASCADE S.A.S. (vadim.sandler@opencascade.com)
#include "SMESH_SMESHGUI.hxx"
#include "SMESHGUI_Dialog.h"
#include <VTKViewer_MarkerDef.h>
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
class QCheckBox;
class QFrame;
class QGroupBox;
class QtxColorButton;
class QtxBiColorTool;
class QtxIntSpinBox;
class VTKViewer_MarkerWidget;
class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg : public SMESHGUI_Dialog
SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg( const VTK::MarkerMap&, QWidget* parent );
void setNodeColor( const QColor& );
QColor nodeColor() const;
void setNodeMarker( VTK::MarkerType, VTK::MarkerScale );
void setNodeCustomMarker( int );
VTK::MarkerType nodeMarkerType() const;
VTK::MarkerScale nodeMarkerScale() const;
int nodeMarkerId() const;
void setEdgeColor( const QColor& );
QColor edgeColor() const;
void setEdgeWidth( int );
int edgeWidth() const;
void setFaceColor( const QColor&, int );
QColor faceColor() const;
int faceColorDelta() const;
void setVolumeColor( const QColor&, int );
QColor volumeColor() const;
int volumeColorDelta() const;
void setOutlineColor( const QColor& );
QColor outlineColor() const;
void setOutlineWidth( int );
int outlineWidth() const;
void setElem0dColor( const QColor& );
QColor elem0dColor() const;
void setElem0dSize( int );
int elem0dSize() const;
void setBallColor( const QColor& );
QColor ballColor() const;
void setBallSize( int );
int ballSize() const;
void setOrientationColor( const QColor& );
QColor orientationColor() const;
void setOrientationSize( int );
int orientationSize() const;
void setOrientation3d( bool );
bool orientation3d() const;
void setShrinkCoef( int );
int shrinkCoef() const;
VTK::MarkerMap customMarkers() const;
void showControls( int, bool );
// group boxes
QGroupBox* myNodeGrp;
QGroupBox* myEdgeGrp;
QGroupBox* myFaceGrp;
QGroupBox* myVolumeGrp;
QGroupBox* myOutlineGrp;
QGroupBox* myElem0dGrp;
QGroupBox* myBallGrp;
QGroupBox* myOrientationGrp;
QFrame* myExtraGrp;
// widgets
// - nodes
QtxColorButton* myNodeColor;
VTKViewer_MarkerWidget* myNodeMarker;
// - edges
QtxColorButton* myEdgeColor;
QtxIntSpinBox* myEdgeWidth;
// - faces
QtxBiColorTool* myFaceColor;
// - volumes
QtxBiColorTool* myVolumeColor;
// - outlines
QtxColorButton* myOutlineColor;
QtxIntSpinBox* myOutlineWidth;
// - 0d elements
QtxColorButton* myElem0dColor;
QtxIntSpinBox* myElem0dSize;
// - balls
QtxColorButton* myBallColor;
QtxIntSpinBox* myBallSize;
// - orientation vectors
QtxColorButton* myOrientationColor;
QtxIntSpinBox* myOrientationSize;
QCheckBox* myOrientation3d;
// - shrink coefficient
QtxIntSpinBox* myShrinkSize;
@ -610,14 +610,17 @@ namespace SMESH
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( SMESH::SObjectToObject( aSObj ));
if(!CORBA::is_nil(aGroup) && anActor)
QColor c;int delta;
SMESH::GetColor( "SMESH", "fill_color", c, delta, "0,170,255|-100" );
QColor c;
int deltaF, deltaV;
SMESH::GetColor( "SMESH", "fill_color", c, deltaF, "0,170,255|-100" );
SMESH::GetColor( "SMESH", "volume_color", c, deltaV, "255,0,170|-100" );
SMESH::GetColor( "SMESH", "default_grp_color", c );
SALOMEDS::Color aColor = aGroup->GetColor();
if( !( aColor.R > 0 || aColor.G > 0 || aColor.B > 0 ))
aColor.R = (float)c.red() / 255.0;
aColor.G = (float)c.green() / 255.0;
aColor.B = (float)c.blue() / 255.0;
aColor.R = c.redF();
aColor.G = c.greenF();
aColor.B = c.blueF();
aGroup->SetColor( aColor );
if( aGroup->GetType() == SMESH::NODE )
@ -628,8 +631,10 @@ namespace SMESH
anActor->Set0DColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B );
else if( aGroup->GetType() == SMESH::BALL )
anActor->SetBallColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B );
else if( aGroup->GetType() == SMESH::VOLUME )
anActor->SetVolumeColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B, deltaV );
anActor->SetSufaceColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B, delta );
anActor->SetSufaceColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B, deltaF );
@ -1337,7 +1342,7 @@ namespace SMESH
if( !anIsOk )
return false;
DistanceToPosition( theBounds, theNormal, theDist, theOrigin );
return true;
@ -4063,6 +4063,14 @@ Please, create VTK viewer and try again</translation>
<translation>Back surface color</translation>
<translation>Volume color</translation>
<translation>Reversed volume color</translation>
<translation>Wireframe color</translation>
@ -4305,7 +4313,11 @@ Please, create VTK viewer and try again</translation>
<translation>Line width</translation>
<translation>Outline width</translation>
@ -6859,97 +6871,6 @@ as they are of improper type:
<translation>%1-%2 from %3 items shown</translation>
<translation>Properties (color, line width, shrink size, ...)</translation>
<translation>Surface color</translation>
<translation>Back surface color</translation>
<translation>Outline color</translation>
<translation>Wireframe color</translation>
<translation>0D elements</translation>
<translation>Size of 0D elements</translation>
<translation>Ball elements</translation>
<translation>Size of balls</translation>
<translation>Line width</translation>
<translation>Shrink coef.</translation>
<translation>Orientation of faces</translation>
<translation>3D vectors</translation>
<translation>Selection color</translation>
<translation>Pre-selection color</translation>
@ -7008,4 +6929,83 @@ as they are of improper type:
<translation>%1 faces reversed</translation>
<translation>Edges / wireframe</translation>
<translation>0D elements</translation>
<translation>Orientation vectors</translation>
<translation>3D vectors</translation>
<translation>Shrink coef:</translation>
@ -4031,6 +4031,14 @@ Ouvrez une fenêtre VTK et essayez de nouveau</translation>
<translation>Face arrière</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Volume color</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Reversed volume color</translation>
<translation>Couleur de contour</translation>
@ -4273,7 +4281,11 @@ Ouvrez une fenêtre VTK et essayez de nouveau</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Line width</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Outline width</translation>
@ -6820,97 +6832,6 @@ en raison de leurs types incompatibles:
<translation>%1-%2 sur %3 éléments affichés</translation>
<translation>Propriétés (couleur, épaisseur des traits, taille des éléments réduits, ...)</translation>
<translation>Couleur de surface</translation>
<translation>Couleur arrière</translation>
<translation>Couleur de contour</translation>
<translation>Couleur en mode fil de fer</translation>
<translation>Eléments 0D</translation>
<translation>Taille des éléments 0D</translation>
<translation>Eléments particulaires</translation>
<translation>Taille des éléments particulaires</translation>
<translation>Epaisseur des traits</translation>
<translation>Coef. de contraction</translation>
<translation>Orientation des faces</translation>
<translation>Facteur d'échelle</translation>
<translation>Vecteurs 3D</translation>
<translation>Couleur de sélection</translation>
<translation>Couleur de pré-sélection</translation>
@ -6969,4 +6890,83 @@ en raison de leurs types incompatibles:
<translation>%1 face(s) inversée(s)</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Properties</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Nodes</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Edges / wireframe</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Faces</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Volumes</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Outlines</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">0D elements</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Balls</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Orientation vectors</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Color:</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Width:</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Front:</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Back:</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Normal:</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Reversed:</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Size:</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Scale:</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">3D vectors</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Shrink coef:</translation>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user