mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:51:33 +05:00
SIMAN removal
This commit is contained in:
@ -113,7 +113,6 @@
#include <OpUtil.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_Tool.hxx>
#include <SALOME_Container_i.hxx>
#include <SALOME_DataContainer_i.hxx>
#include <SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA.hxx>
#include <SALOME_NamingService.hxx>
#include <Utils_CorbaException.hxx>
@ -301,9 +300,6 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::SMESH_Gen_i( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
myIsHistoricalPythonDump = true;
myToForgetMeshDataOnHypModif = false;
myImportedStudyChanged = true;
myImportedStudyId = 0;
// set it in standalone mode only
//OSD::SetSignal( true );
@ -938,7 +934,7 @@ void SMESH_Gen_i::SetOption(const char* name, const char* value)
if ( name && value && strlen( value ) > 0 )
string msgToGUI;
string msgToGUI;
if ( strcmp(name, "historical_python_dump") == 0 )
myIsHistoricalPythonDump = ( value[0] == '1' || toupper(value[0]) == 'T' ); // 1 || true
@ -3688,7 +3684,7 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
myWriter.AddGroup( aGeomGrp );
else if ( SMESH_GroupOnFilter_i* aFilterGrp_i =
else if ( SMESH_GroupOnFilter_i* aFilterGrp_i =
dynamic_cast<SMESH_GroupOnFilter_i*>( myGroupImpl ))
std::string str = aFilterGrp_i->FilterToString();
@ -4835,7 +4831,7 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
if ( !useCaseBuilder->IsUseCaseNode( theComponent ) ) {
useCaseBuilder->Append( theComponent ); // component object is added as the top level item
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it = study->NewChildIterator( theComponent );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it = study->NewChildIterator( theComponent );
for (it->InitEx(true); it->More(); it->Next()) {
useCaseBuilder->AppendTo( it->Value()->GetFather(), it->Value() );
@ -4990,8 +4986,6 @@ int SMESH_Gen_i::RegisterObject(CORBA::Object_ptr theObject)
StudyContext* myStudyContext = GetCurrentStudyContext();
if ( myStudyContext && !CORBA::is_nil( theObject )) {
if (GetCurrentStudyID() == myImportedStudyId)
myImportedStudyChanged = true;
CORBA::String_var iorString = GetORB()->object_to_string( theObject );
return myStudyContext->addObject( string( iorString.in() ) );
@ -5052,7 +5046,7 @@ char* SMESH_Gen_i::getVersion()
// function : Move()
// purpose : Moves objects to the specified position.
// purpose : Moves objects to the specified position.
// Is used in the drag-n-drop functionality.
void SMESH_Gen_i::Move( const SMESH::sobject_list& what,
@ -5067,7 +5061,7 @@ void SMESH_Gen_i::Move( const SMESH::sobject_list& what,
SALOMEDS::SComponent_var father = where->GetFatherComponent();
std::string dataType = father->ComponentDataType();
if ( dataType != "SMESH" ) return; // not a SMESH component
SALOMEDS::SObject_var objAfter;
if ( row >= 0 && useCaseBuilder->HasChildren( where ) ) {
// insert at given row -> find insertion position
@ -5078,7 +5072,7 @@ void SMESH_Gen_i::Move( const SMESH::sobject_list& what,
objAfter = useCaseIt->Value();
for ( int i = 0; i < what.length(); i++ ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var sobj = what[i];
if ( CORBA::is_nil( sobj ) ) continue; // skip bad object
@ -5135,11 +5129,11 @@ CORBA::Boolean SMESH_Gen_i::IsApplicable ( const char* theAlgoType,
// purpose : Collect indices of elements, which are located inside the sphere
SMESH::long_array* SMESH_Gen_i::GetInsideSphere( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX,
CORBA::Double theY,
CORBA::Double theZ,
CORBA::Double theR) {
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX,
CORBA::Double theY,
CORBA::Double theZ,
CORBA::Double theR) {
SMESH::long_array_var aResult = new SMESH::long_array();
return aResult._retn();
@ -5160,13 +5154,13 @@ SMESH::long_array* SMESH_Gen_i::GetInsideSphere( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshP
SMESH::long_array* SMESH_Gen_i::GetInsideBox( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX1,
CORBA::Double theY1,
CORBA::Double theZ1,
CORBA::Double theX2,
CORBA::Double theY2,
CORBA::Double theZ2) {
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX1,
CORBA::Double theY1,
CORBA::Double theZ1,
CORBA::Double theX2,
CORBA::Double theY2,
CORBA::Double theZ2) {
SMESH::long_array_var aResult = new SMESH::long_array();
if( meshPart->_is_nil() )
return aResult._retn();
@ -5185,15 +5179,15 @@ SMESH::long_array* SMESH_Gen_i::GetInsideBox( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart
SMESH::long_array* SMESH_Gen_i::GetInsideCylinder( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX,
CORBA::Double theY,
CORBA::Double theZ,
CORBA::Double theDX,
CORBA::Double theDY,
CORBA::Double theDZ,
CORBA::Double theH,
CORBA::Double theR ){
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX,
CORBA::Double theY,
CORBA::Double theZ,
CORBA::Double theDX,
CORBA::Double theDY,
CORBA::Double theDZ,
CORBA::Double theH,
CORBA::Double theR ){
SMESH::long_array_var aResult = new SMESH::long_array();
if( meshPart->_is_nil() )
return aResult._retn();
@ -5216,9 +5210,9 @@ SMESH::long_array* SMESH_Gen_i::GetInsideCylinder( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr mes
SMESH::long_array* SMESH_Gen_i::GetInside( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theGeom,
CORBA::Double theTolerance ) {
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theGeom,
CORBA::Double theTolerance ) {
SMESH::long_array_var aResult = new SMESH::long_array();
if( meshPart->_is_nil() || theGeom->_is_nil() )
return aResult._retn();
@ -5239,23 +5233,23 @@ SMESH::long_array* SMESH_Gen_i::GetInside( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
std::vector<long> SMESH_Gen_i::_GetInside( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
double* theTolerance) {
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
double* theTolerance) {
std::vector<long> res;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = meshPart->GetMesh();
if ( mesh->_is_nil() )
if ( mesh->_is_nil() )
return res;
SMESH_Mesh_i* anImpl = dynamic_cast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( GetServant( mesh ).in() );
if ( !anImpl )
if ( !anImpl )
return res;
const SMDS_Mesh* meshDS = anImpl->GetImpl().GetMeshDS();
if ( !meshDS )
if ( !meshDS )
return res;
SMDSAbs_ElementType aType = SMDSAbs_ElementType(theElemType);
@ -5265,17 +5259,17 @@ std::vector<long> SMESH_Gen_i::_GetInside( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
anElementsOnShape->SetShape( aShape, aType );
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var msource = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow(meshPart);
if ( !msource->_is_nil() ) { // Mesh case
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = meshDS->elementsIterator( aType );
if ( elemIt ) {
while ( elemIt->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = elemIt->next();
long anId = anElem->GetID();
if ( anElementsOnShape->IsSatisfy( anId ) )
res.push_back( anId );
const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = elemIt->next();
long anId = anElem->GetID();
if ( anElementsOnShape->IsSatisfy( anId ) )
res.push_back( anId );
@ -5284,21 +5278,21 @@ std::vector<long> SMESH_Gen_i::_GetInside( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
if(theElemType == SMESH::NODE) {
SMESH::long_array_var nodes = gsource->GetNodeIDs();
for ( int i = 0; i < nodes->length(); ++i ) {
if ( const SMDS_MeshNode* node = meshDS->FindNode( nodes[i] ) ) {
long anId = node->GetID();
if ( anElementsOnShape->IsSatisfy( anId ) )
res.push_back( anId );
if ( const SMDS_MeshNode* node = meshDS->FindNode( nodes[i] ) ) {
long anId = node->GetID();
if ( anElementsOnShape->IsSatisfy( anId ) )
res.push_back( anId );
} else if (gsource->GetType() == theElemType || theElemType == SMESH::ALL ) {
SMESH::long_array_var elems = gsource->GetListOfID();
for ( int i = 0; i < elems->length(); ++i ) {
if ( const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = meshDS->FindElement( elems[i] ) ) {
long anId = elem->GetID();
if ( anElementsOnShape->IsSatisfy( anId ) )
res.push_back( anId );
if ( const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = meshDS->FindElement( elems[i] ) ) {
long anId = elem->GetID();
if ( anElementsOnShape->IsSatisfy( anId ) )
res.push_back( anId );
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var smsource = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow(meshPart);
@ -5307,151 +5301,16 @@ std::vector<long> SMESH_Gen_i::_GetInside( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
for ( int i = 0; i < elems->length(); ++i ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = ( theElemType == SMESH::NODE ) ? meshDS->FindNode( elems[i] ) : meshDS->FindElement( elems[i] );
if (elem) {
long anId = elem->GetID();
if ( anElementsOnShape->IsSatisfy( anId ) )
res.push_back( anId );
long anId = elem->GetID();
if ( anElementsOnShape->IsSatisfy( anId ) )
res.push_back( anId );
return res;
// function : importData
// purpose : imports mesh data file (the med one) into the SMESH internal data structure
Engines::ListOfIdentifiers* SMESH_Gen_i::importData(CORBA::Long studyId,
Engines::DataContainer_ptr data,
const Engines::ListOfOptions& options)
Engines::ListOfIdentifiers_var aResultIds = new Engines::ListOfIdentifiers;
list<string> aResultList;
CORBA::Object_var aSMObject = myNS->Resolve( "/myStudyManager" );
SALOMEDS::StudyManager_var aStudyManager = SALOMEDS::StudyManager::_narrow( aSMObject );
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = aStudyManager->GetStudyByID( studyId );
// load and store temporary imported file
string aFileName = Kernel_Utils::GetTmpFileName();
aFileName += string(".") + data->extension();
Engines::TMPFile* aFileStream = data->get();
const char *aBuffer = (const char*)aFileStream->NP_data();
#ifdef WIN32
std::ofstream aFile(aFileName.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream aFile(aFileName.c_str());
aFile.write(aBuffer, aFileStream->length());
// Retrieve mesh names from the file
DriverMED_R_SMESHDS_Mesh aReader;
aReader.SetFile( aFileName );
Driver_Mesh::Status aStatus;
list<string> aNames = aReader.GetMeshNames(aStatus);
SMESH::mesh_array_var aResult = new SMESH::mesh_array();
SMESH::DriverMED_ReadStatus aStatus2 = (SMESH::DriverMED_ReadStatus)aStatus;
if (aStatus2 == SMESH::DRS_OK) {
// Iterate through all meshes and create mesh objects
for ( list<string>::iterator it = aNames.begin(); it != aNames.end(); it++ ) {
// create mesh
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = createMesh();
// publish mesh in the study
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO;
if (CanPublishInStudy(mesh)) {
aSO = PublishMesh(aStudy, mesh.in(), (*it).c_str());
// Read mesh data (groups are published automatically by ImportMEDFile())
SMESH_Mesh_i* meshServant = dynamic_cast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( GetServant( mesh ).in() );
ASSERT( meshServant );
meshServant->ImportMEDFile( aFileName.c_str(), (*it).c_str() );
} else {
MESSAGE("Opening MED file problems "<<aFileName.c_str())
return aResultIds._retn();
// remove temporary file
#ifdef WIN32
if (!aResultList.empty()) {
list<string>::iterator aListIter = aResultList.begin();
for(int a = 0; aListIter != aResultList.end(); aListIter++, a++)
aResultIds[a] = aListIter->c_str();
myImportedStudyId = studyId;
myImportedStudyChanged = false;
return aResultIds._retn();
// function : getModifiedData
// purpose : exports all geometry of this GEOM module into one BRep file
Engines::ListOfData* SMESH_Gen_i::getModifiedData(CORBA::Long studyId)
Engines::ListOfData_var aResult = new Engines::ListOfData;
if (!myImportedStudyChanged) {
INFOS("SMESH module data was not changed")
return aResult._retn();
CORBA::Object_var aSMObject = myNS->Resolve("/myStudyManager");
SALOMEDS::StudyManager_var aStudyManager = SALOMEDS::StudyManager::_narrow(aSMObject);
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = aStudyManager->GetStudyByID(studyId);
SALOMEDS::SComponent_var aComponent = aStudy->FindComponent("SMESH");
if (CORBA::is_nil(aComponent))
return aResult._retn();
std::string aFullPath(Kernel_Utils::GetTmpFileName());
aFullPath += ".med";
StudyContext* myStudyContext = GetCurrentStudyContext();
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var anIter = aStudy->NewChildIterator(aComponent); // check only published meshes
int aNumMeshes = 0; // number of meshes in result
for(; anIter->More(); anIter->Next()) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = anIter->Value();
CORBA::Object_var anObj = aSO->GetObject();
if (!CORBA::is_nil(anObj)) {
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aCORBAMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow(anObj);
if(!aCORBAMesh->_is_nil()) {
SMESH_Mesh_i* myImpl = dynamic_cast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>(GetServant(aCORBAMesh).in());
if (myImpl) {
SMESH_Mesh& aMesh = myImpl->GetImpl();
CORBA::String_var objName = aSO->GetName();
aMesh.ExportMED(aFullPath.c_str(), objName.in(), false, MED::eV2_2, 0);
if (aNumMeshes > 0) { // prepare a container to store files
INFOS("Write "<<aNumMeshes<<" meshes to "<<aFullPath.c_str());
Engines::DataContainer_var aData = (new Engines_DataContainer_i(
aFullPath.c_str(), "", "", true))->_this();
aResult[0] = aData;
return aResult._retn();
* SMESHEngine_factory
@ -491,13 +491,6 @@ public:
void CleanPythonTrace (int theStudyID);
// SIMAN-related functions (check out/check in) : import data to study
virtual Engines::ListOfIdentifiers* importData(CORBA::Long studyId,
Engines::DataContainer_ptr data,
const Engines::ListOfOptions& options);
// SIMAN-related functions (check out/check in) : get modified data
virtual Engines::ListOfData* getModifiedData(CORBA::Long studyId);
// *****************************************
// Internal methods
// *****************************************
@ -609,36 +602,36 @@ public:
CORBA::Boolean toCheckAll);
SMESH::long_array* GetInsideSphere( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX,
CORBA::Double theY,
CORBA::Double theZ,
CORBA::Double theR);
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX,
CORBA::Double theY,
CORBA::Double theZ,
CORBA::Double theR);
SMESH::long_array* GetInsideBox( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX1,
CORBA::Double theY1,
CORBA::Double theZ1,
CORBA::Double theX2,
CORBA::Double theY2,
CORBA::Double theZ2);
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX1,
CORBA::Double theY1,
CORBA::Double theZ1,
CORBA::Double theX2,
CORBA::Double theY2,
CORBA::Double theZ2);
SMESH::long_array* GetInsideCylinder( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX,
CORBA::Double theY,
CORBA::Double theZ,
CORBA::Double theDX,
CORBA::Double theDY,
CORBA::Double theDZ,
CORBA::Double theH,
CORBA::Double theR );
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
CORBA::Double theX,
CORBA::Double theY,
CORBA::Double theZ,
CORBA::Double theDX,
CORBA::Double theDY,
CORBA::Double theDZ,
CORBA::Double theH,
CORBA::Double theR );
SMESH::long_array* GetInside( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theGeom,
CORBA::Double theTolerance );
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theGeom,
CORBA::Double theTolerance );
// Get hypothesis creator
@ -664,9 +657,9 @@ private:
bool theStudyIsBeingClosed=false);
std::vector<long> _GetInside(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
double* theTolerance = NULL);
SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
double* theTolerance = NULL);
static GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var myGeomGen;
@ -695,8 +688,6 @@ private:
std::vector< int > myLastParamIndex;
std::vector< std::string > myLastParameters;
std::string myLastObj;
int myImportedStudyId; // SIMAN: identifier of the imported in importData study to keep no-modifiection flag for getModifiedData method
int myImportedStudyChanged; // SIMAN: flag that indicates that the imported study has been changed (by creation of the additional mesh)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user