mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 14:17:55 +05:00
0021308: Remove hard-coded dependency of the external mesh plugins from the SMESH module
+class _pyHypothesisReader: public Standard_Transient
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
@ -51,9 +52,6 @@
* Everything here is for internal usage by SMESH_2smeshpy::ConvertScript()
* declared in SMESH_PythonDump.hxx
* See comments to _pyHypothesis class to know how to assure convertion of a new
* type of hypothesis
// ===========================================================================================
@ -72,18 +70,21 @@ class _pyMesh;
class _pySubMesh;
class _pyHypothesis;
class _pyAlgorithm;
class _pyHypothesisReader;
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyCommand ,Standard_Transient);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyObject ,Standard_Transient);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyMesh ,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pySubMesh ,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyGroup ,_pySubMesh);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyMeshEditor,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyHypothesis,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyAlgorithm ,_pyHypothesis);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyCommand ,Standard_Transient);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyObject ,Standard_Transient);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyHypothesisReader,Standard_Transient);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyMesh ,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pySubMesh ,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyGroup ,_pySubMesh);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyMeshEditor ,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyHypothesis ,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyAlgorithm ,_pyHypothesis);
typedef TCollection_AsciiString _pyID;
typedef TCollection_AsciiString _AString;
// ===========================================================
@ -95,24 +96,23 @@ typedef TCollection_AsciiString _pyID;
class _pyCommand: public Standard_Transient
int myOrderNb; //!< position within the script
TCollection_AsciiString myString; //!< command text
TCollection_AsciiString myRes, myObj, myMeth; //!< found parts of command
_AString myString; //!< command text
_AString myRes, myObj, myMeth; //!< found parts of command
TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString myArgs; //!< found arguments
TColStd_SequenceOfInteger myBegPos; //!< where myRes, myObj, ... begin
std::list< Handle(_pyCommand) > myDependentCmds; //!< commands that sould follow me in the script
int GetBegPos( int thePartIndex );
int GetBegPos( int thePartIndex );
void SetBegPos( int thePartIndex, int thePosition );
void SetPart( int thePartIndex, const TCollection_AsciiString& theNewPart,
TCollection_AsciiString& theOldPart);
void SetPart( int thePartIndex, const _AString& theNewPart, _AString& theOldPart);
void FindAllArgs() { GetArg(1); }
_pyCommand() {};
_pyCommand( const TCollection_AsciiString& theString, int theNb )
_pyCommand( const _AString& theString, int theNb=-1 )
: myString( theString ), myOrderNb( theNb ) {};
TCollection_AsciiString & GetString() { return myString; }
_AString & GetString() { return myString; }
int GetOrderNb() const { return myOrderNb; }
void SetOrderNb( int theNb ) { myOrderNb = theNb; }
typedef void* TAddr;
@ -120,32 +120,30 @@ public:
int Length() { return myString.Length(); }
void Clear() { myString.Clear(); myBegPos.Clear(); myArgs.Clear(); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return myString.IsEmpty(); }
TCollection_AsciiString GetIndentation();
const TCollection_AsciiString & GetResultValue();
_AString GetIndentation();
const _AString & GetResultValue();
const int GetNbResultValues();
const TCollection_AsciiString & GetResultValue(int res);
const TCollection_AsciiString & GetObject();
const TCollection_AsciiString & GetMethod();
const TCollection_AsciiString & GetArg( int index );
const _AString & GetResultValue(int res);
const _AString & GetObject();
const _AString & GetMethod();
const _AString & GetArg( int index );
int GetNbArgs() { FindAllArgs(); return myArgs.Length(); }
bool MethodStartsFrom(const TCollection_AsciiString& beg)
bool MethodStartsFrom(const _AString& beg)
{ GetMethod(); return ( myMeth.Location( beg, 1, myMeth.Length() ) == 1 ); }
//Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfAsciiString) GetArgs();
void SetResultValue( const TCollection_AsciiString& theResult )
void SetResultValue( const _AString& theResult )
{ GetResultValue(); SetPart( RESULT_IND, theResult, myRes ); }
void SetObject(const TCollection_AsciiString& theObject)
void SetObject(const _AString& theObject)
{ GetObject(); SetPart( OBJECT_IND, theObject, myObj ); }
void SetMethod(const TCollection_AsciiString& theMethod)
void SetMethod(const _AString& theMethod)
{ GetMethod(); SetPart( METHOD_IND, theMethod, myMeth ); }
void SetArg( int index, const TCollection_AsciiString& theArg);
void SetArg( int index, const _AString& theArg);
void RemoveArgs();
void Comment();
static bool SkipSpaces( const TCollection_AsciiString & theSring, int & thePos );
static TCollection_AsciiString GetWord( const TCollection_AsciiString & theSring,
int & theStartPos, const bool theForward,
const bool dotIsWord = false);
static bool IsStudyEntry( const TCollection_AsciiString& str );
static std::list< _pyID > GetStudyEntries( const TCollection_AsciiString& str );
static bool SkipSpaces( const _AString & theSring, int & thePos );
static _AString GetWord( const _AString & theSring, int & theStartPos,
const bool theForward, const bool dotIsWord = false);
static bool IsStudyEntry( const _AString& str );
static std::list< _pyID > GetStudyEntries( const _AString& str );
void AddDependantCmd( Handle(_pyCommand) cmd, bool prepend = false)
{ if (prepend) myDependentCmds.push_front( cmd ); else myDependentCmds.push_back( cmd ); }
bool SetDependentCmdsAfter() const;
@ -201,9 +199,9 @@ public:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExportedMeshData
Handle(_pyMesh) myMesh;
Handle(_pyCommand) myLastComputeCmd;
TCollection_AsciiString myLastComputeCmdString;
Handle(_pyMesh) myMesh;
Handle(_pyCommand) myLastComputeCmd;
_AString myLastComputeCmdString;
ExportedMeshData() {}
ExportedMeshData( const Handle(_pyMesh)& mesh, Handle(_pyCommand) computeCmd):
myMesh( mesh ), myLastComputeCmd( computeCmd )
@ -226,7 +224,7 @@ public:
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theObjectNames,
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr& theStudy,
const bool theToKeepAllCommands);
Handle(_pyCommand) AddCommand( const TCollection_AsciiString& theCommand );
Handle(_pyCommand) AddCommand( const _AString& theCommand );
void ExchangeCommands( Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd1, Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd2 );
void SetCommandAfter( Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd, Handle(_pyCommand) theAfterCmd );
void SetCommandBefore( Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd, Handle(_pyCommand) theBeforeCmd );
@ -249,9 +247,9 @@ public:
bool IsGeomObject(const _pyID& theObjID) const;
bool IsNotPublished(const _pyID& theObjID) const;
bool IsToKeepAllCommands() const { return myToKeepAllCommands; }
void AddExportedMesh(const TCollection_AsciiString& file, const ExportedMeshData& mesh )
void AddExportedMesh(const _AString& file, const ExportedMeshData& mesh )
{ myFile2ExportedMesh[ file ] = mesh; }
ExportedMeshData& FindExportedMesh( const TCollection_AsciiString& file )
ExportedMeshData& FindExportedMesh( const _AString& file )
{ return myFile2ExportedMesh[ file ]; }
virtual void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand );
@ -259,6 +257,8 @@ public:
virtual void ClearCommands();
virtual void Free();
Handle( _pyHypothesisReader ) GetHypothesisReader() const;
void setNeighbourCommand( Handle(_pyCommand)& theCmd,
Handle(_pyCommand)& theOtherCmd,
@ -278,7 +278,8 @@ private:
bool myToKeepAllCommands;
SALOMEDS::Study_var myStudy;
int myGeomIDNb, myGeomIDIndex;
std::map< TCollection_AsciiString, ExportedMeshData > myFile2ExportedMesh;
std::map< _AString, ExportedMeshData > myFile2ExportedMesh;
Handle( _pyHypothesisReader ) myHypReader;
@ -332,8 +333,8 @@ private:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class _pyMeshEditor: public _pyObject
_pyID myMesh;
TCollection_AsciiString myCreationCmdStr;
_pyID myMesh;
_AString myCreationCmdStr;
_pyMeshEditor(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd);
_pyID GetMesh() const { return myMesh; }
@ -347,64 +348,62 @@ public:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* \brief Root class for hypothesis
* HOWTO assure convertion of a new type of hypothesis
* In _pyHypothesis::NewHypothesis():
* 1. add a case for the name of the new hypothesis
* 2. use SetConvMethodAndType() to set
* . for algo: algorithm name and method of Mesh creating the algo
* . for hypo: name of the algorithm and method creating the hypothesis
* 3. append to myArgMethods interface methods setting param values in the
* order they are used when creation method is called. If arguments of
* the creation method can't be easily got from calls of hypothesis methods, you are
* to derive a specific class from _pyHypothesis that would redefine Process(),
* see _pyComplexParamHypo for example
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class _pyHypothesis: public _pyObject
friend class _pyHypothesisReader;
bool myIsAlgo, myIsWrapped;
_pyID myGeom, myMesh;
// a hypothesis can be used and created by different algos by different methods
std::map<TCollection_AsciiString, TCollection_AsciiString > myType2CreationMethod;
TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString myArgs; // creation arguments
TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString myArgMethods; // hypo methods setting myArgs
TColStd_SequenceOfInteger myNbArgsByMethod; // nb args set by each method
struct CreationMethod {
_AString myMethod; // method of algo or mesh creating a hyp
// myArgNb(i)-th arg of myArgMethods(i) of hyp becomes an i-th arg of myAlgoMethod
std::vector<_AString> myArgMethods;
std::vector<int> myArgNb; // arg nb countered from 1
std::vector<_AString> myArgs; // creation arguments
void setCreationArg( const int argNb, const _AString& arg );
// a hypothesis can be created by different algos by different methods
typedef std::map<_AString, CreationMethod > TType2CrMethod;
TType2CrMethod myAlgoType2CreationMethod;
CreationMethod* myCurCrMethod; // used for adding to myAlgoType2CreationMethod
std::list<Handle(_pyCommand)> myArgCommands;
std::list<Handle(_pyCommand)> myUnknownCommands;
std::list<Handle(_pyCommand)> myUnusedCommands;
std::list<Handle(_pyObject) > myReferredObjs;
// maps used to clear commands setting parameters if result of setting is not
// used (no mesh.Compute()) or discared (e.g. by mesh.Clear())
std::map<TCollection_AsciiString, std::list<Handle(_pyCommand)> > myMeth2Commands;
std::map< _pyCommand::TAddr, std::list<Handle(_pyCommand) > > myComputeAddr2Cmds;
std::list<Handle(_pyCommand) > myComputeCmds;
// maps used to clear commands setting parameters if result of setting is
// discared (e.g. by mesh.Clear())
std::map<_AString, std::list<Handle(_pyCommand)> > myMeth2Commands;
std::map< _pyCommand::TAddr, std::list<Handle(_pyCommand) > > myComputeAddr2Cmds;
std::list<Handle(_pyCommand) > myComputeCmds;
void rememberCmdOfParameter( const Handle(_pyCommand) & cmd );
bool isCmdUsedForCompute( const Handle(_pyCommand) & cmd,
_pyCommand::TAddr avoidComputeAddr=NULL ) const;
_pyHypothesis(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd);
void SetConvMethodAndType(const char* creationMethod, const char* type)
{ myType2CreationMethod[ (char*)type ] = (char*)creationMethod; }
void AddArgMethod(const char* method, const int nbArgs = 1)
{ myArgMethods.Append( (char*)method ); myNbArgsByMethod.Append( nbArgs ); }
const TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString& GetArgs() const { return myArgs; }
void SetConvMethodAndType(const _AString& creationMethod, const _AString& type)
{ myCurCrMethod = &myAlgoType2CreationMethod[ type ];
myCurCrMethod->myMethod = creationMethod; }
void AddArgMethod(const _AString& method, const int argNb = 1)
{ myCurCrMethod->myArgMethods.push_back( method );
myCurCrMethod->myArgNb.push_back( argNb ); }
//const TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString& GetArgs() const { return myArgs; }
const std::list<Handle(_pyCommand)>& GetArgCommands() const { return myArgCommands; }
void ClearAllCommands();
virtual bool IsAlgo() const { return myIsAlgo; }
bool IsValid() const { return !myType2CreationMethod.empty(); }
bool IsValid() const { return !myAlgoType2CreationMethod.empty(); }
bool IsWrapped() const { return myIsWrapped; }
const _pyID & GetGeom() const { return myGeom; }
void SetMesh( const _pyID& theMeshId) { if ( myMesh.IsEmpty() ) myMesh = theMeshId; }
const _pyID & GetMesh() const { return myMesh; }
const TCollection_AsciiString& GetAlgoType() const
{ return myType2CreationMethod.begin()->first; }
const TCollection_AsciiString& GetAlgoCreationMethod() const
{ return myType2CreationMethod.begin()->second; }
bool CanBeCreatedBy(const TCollection_AsciiString& algoType ) const
{ return myType2CreationMethod.find( algoType ) != myType2CreationMethod.end(); }
const TCollection_AsciiString& GetCreationMethod(const TCollection_AsciiString& algoType) const
{ return myType2CreationMethod.find( algoType )->second; }
const _AString& GetAlgoType() const
{ return myAlgoType2CreationMethod.begin()->first; }
const _AString& GetAlgoCreationMethod() const
{ return myAlgoType2CreationMethod.begin()->second.myMethod; }
bool CanBeCreatedBy(const _AString& algoType ) const
{ return myAlgoType2CreationMethod.find( algoType ) != myAlgoType2CreationMethod.end(); }
const _AString& GetCreationMethod(const _AString& algoType)
{ return ( myCurCrMethod = & myAlgoType2CreationMethod[ algoType ])->myMethod; }
static Handle(_pyHypothesis) NewHypothesis( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd);
virtual bool IsWrappable(const _pyID& theMesh) const;
@ -468,7 +467,7 @@ DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyComplexParamHypo, _pyHypothesis);
class _pyLayerDistributionHypo: public _pyHypothesis
Handle(_pyHypothesis) my1dHyp;
TCollection_AsciiString myAlgoMethod;
_AString myAlgoMethod;
_pyLayerDistributionHypo(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd, const char* algoMethod):
_pyHypothesis(theCreationCmd), myAlgoMethod((char*)algoMethod) {}
@ -586,4 +585,19 @@ public:
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyFilter, _pyObject);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* \brief Class reading _pyHypothesis'es from resource files of mesher Plugins
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class _pyHypothesisReader: public Standard_Transient
std::map<_AString, Handle(_pyHypothesis)> myType2Hyp;
Handle(_pyHypothesis) GetHypothesis(const _AString& hypType,
const Handle(_pyCommand)& creationCmd) const;
DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI (_pyHypothesisReader)
Reference in New Issue
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