022491: EDF 2249 SMESH: Integration of a small python library for quadrangle meshing

Initial version
This commit is contained in:
eap 2014-03-13 17:03:29 +04:00
parent 460317455e
commit 8fff0ccade
16 changed files with 2638 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# Copyright (C) 2007-2014 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE(Doc/index.html.in index.html)
SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE(Example/PressureValve.py.in PressureValve.py)
# --- scripts ---
# scripts / static
# --- rules ---
SET(testname MacMesh_Example_PressureValve)
NAME ${testname}
COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -B ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/salome/examples/testme.py ${sample_SCRIPT})

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>MacMesh for Salome</title>
<h1>The multi-purpose Salome plug-in for regular 2D meshing </h1>
<li>Consider reading <a href="MacMesh.v.10avr.pdf">
User manual </a> to learn how to use the plug-in</li>
<li>Type <em><font color="brown">import PressureValve</font></em> in the Python console of
Salome to run a sample script</li>
<li> <a href="../../../../../../@SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPT_PYTHON@/PressureValve.py">
Download the sample script</a></li>
<li>Python files of the plugin are located in <br><font color="brown">
${SMESH_ROOT_DIR}/@MACMESH_INSTALL_PY@ </font> directory</li>
<img src="snap.jpg" width="100%">

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 436 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# Header for salome initialization ###############################
import sys, salome, geompy, smesh, SMESH, math, os
sys.path.append( os.path.join( os.getenv('SMESH_ROOT_DIR'), '@MACMESH_INSTALL_PY@'))
from MacObject import *
from SharpAngle import *
from CentralUnrefine import *
from PublishGroups import *
from CompositeBox import *
from CompositeBoxF import *
import Config, GenFunctions
Config.theStudy = salome.myStudy;
# Mesh name ######################################################
Config.StudyName = "SRV_X."
# Definition of geometrical parameters ###########################
X = 1.0 # Valve initial opening
Config.StudyName += str(X)+"mm"
R = 7.5 # Upstream pipe radius
T = 5.0 # Upstream pipe thickness
H = 20.0 # Upstream pipe height
J = 6.0 # Jet distance
E = 60.0 # Exit extent
# Definition of meshing parameters ###############################
d = 0.1 # Meshing element size at the inner corner
Nl = 1 # Number of levels in the local refinement
Bloc = []
# Object No. 1 #
Bloc.append( SharpAngleOut(0.,0.,X,1.5*X,X,d,'NE',Nl,
groups=['PH','PV_IN','VH',None,None,None]) )
# Object No. 2 #
Bloc.append( CompositeBox(X/2.+0.5*(R-X/2.),0.5*(X+X/2.)-X/2.,R-X/2.,X+X/2.,
groups=[None,'VH',None,'AXIS'] ) )
# Object No. 3 #
Bloc.append( CompositeBoxF((0.,-X/2.),(R,-X/2.),(R,-H),(0.,-H),
groups=['IN',None,'PV_IN','AXIS'] ) )
# Object No. 4 #
Bloc.append( SharpAngleOut(-T,0.,X,X,X,d,'NW',Nl,
groups=['PH','PV_OUT',None,None,None,None]) )
# Object No. 5 #
Bloc.append( SharpAngleOut(-T,X,X,X,X,d,'SW',Nl,
groups=['VH','VV',None,None,None,None]) )
if X < T :
gap = T-X
Bloc.append( MacObject('CompBoxF',[(-X/2.-gap/2.,X/2.),(gap,X)],
['auto'],groups=['PH','VH',None,None] ) )
# Object No. 6 #
Bloc.append( MacObject('CompBoxF',[(-T-X/2.-(J-X/2.)/2.,X/2.),(J-X/2.,2.*X)],
['auto'],groups=[None,None,None,None] ) )
# Object No. 7 #
Bloc.append( CentralUnrefine(-T-J,X/2.,2.*E-J,E,'EW',
# Object No. 8 #
Bloc.append( CompositeBox(-T-J/2.,-X/2.-0.5*((E-X)/2.-X/2.),J,(E-X)/2.-X/2.,
groups=['OUT_H_LO',None,None,'PV_OUT'] ) )
# Object No. 9 #
Bloc.append( CompositeBox(-T-J/2.,X+X/2.+0.5*((E-X)/2.-X/2.),J,(E-X)/2.-X/2.,
groups=[None,'OUT_H_HI',None,'VV'] ) )
SRVMesh = PublishGroups()
RealLocalMeshing = Bloc[0][0].GeoPar[1][0]/Bloc[0][0].DirectionalMeshParams[0]
ExtrusionAngle = 2. * math.asin(RealLocalMeshing/(2*R))*180./math.pi
print "\nThe mesh will be revolved with an angle of :",ExtrusionAngle
RevolveMesh(SRVMesh, Center=[R+0.01,0,0], Direction=[0,1,0], AngleDeg=ExtrusionAngle, Scale=0.001)

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
def Message (code) :
import sys
MessageString = { 1 : lambda x: "Successfully created \n",
2 : lambda x: "Fatal: Incorrect input \n",
3 : lambda x: "Fatal: Overlapping objects detected \n",
4 : lambda x: "Fatal: Incompatible object type with neighbouring objects" }[code](str(code))
print MessageString
#if code > 1 : sys.exit()
return 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
# This object allows unrefining from a central point (actually, a line) to the exterior
# X0 and Y0 are the center points of the origin point and not those of the center of the generated block
import sys, salome, geompy, smesh, SMESH, math, commands
CWD = commands.getoutput('pwd')
from MacObject import *
import Config, GenFunctions
def CentralUnrefine (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , Orientation, **args ) :
DirPar = {'SN' : lambda : ['NW', 'NE', 'EW', 'NW', 'SN', 'SN', 'NE', 'WE'],
'NS' : lambda : ['SE', 'SW', 'WE', 'SE', 'NS', 'NS', 'SW', 'EW'],
'EW' : lambda : ['NW', 'SW', 'SN', 'NW', 'EW', 'EW', 'SW', 'NS'],
'WE' : lambda : ['SE', 'NE', 'NS', 'SE', 'WE', 'WE', 'NE', 'SN'], }[Orientation]()
CoefVer = {'SN' : lambda : 1.,
'NS' : lambda : -1.,
'EW' : lambda : 0.,
'WE' : lambda : 0., }[Orientation]()
CoefHor = {'SN' : lambda : 0.,
'NS' : lambda : 0.,
'EW' : lambda : -1.,
'WE' : lambda : 1., }[Orientation]()
ToLook1 = {'SN' : lambda : 2,
'NS' : lambda : 3,
'EW' : lambda : 1,
'WE' : lambda : 0, }[Orientation]()
ToLook2 = {'SN' : lambda : 0,
'NS' : lambda : 0,
'EW' : lambda : 2,
'WE' : lambda : 2, }[Orientation]()
ToLook3 = {'SN' : lambda : [0,1,2,3],
'NS' : lambda : [1,0,3,2],
'EW' : lambda : [3,2,1,0],
'WE' : lambda : [2,3,0,1], }[Orientation]()
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
ExistingSegments = Config.ListObj[-1].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook1]
ObjIDs = Config.Connections[-1][ToLook1]
ExtensionSegments = math.ceil(ExistingSegments/12.)*12.
Dmin = 1.E50
Dmax = -1.E50
for ObjID in ObjIDs :
Boundaries = Config.ListObj[ObjID].Boundaries()
if Boundaries[ToLook2] < Dmin : Dmin = Boundaries[ToLook2]
if Boundaries[ToLook2+1] > Dmax : Dmax = Boundaries[ToLook2+1]
dx = 0
if ExtensionSegments > ExistingSegments :
dn = (ExtensionSegments-ExistingSegments)/2.
dx = dn*(Dmax-Dmin)/ExistingSegments
BoxSide = (Dmax-Dmin+2*dx)/2.
Obj = []
NLevOpt = 0
for NLevels in range (1,100) :
DX1 = abs(CoefVer)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels+1)+abs(CoefHor)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels)
DY1 = abs(CoefHor)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels+1)+abs(CoefVer)*BoxSide*2.**(NLevels)
if DX1 > DX or DY1 > DY :
NLevOpt = NLevels-1
DXinner = DX1/2.
DYinner = DY1/2.
dummyArray = [DXinner,DYinner,DYinner,DXinner]
D1inner = dummyArray[ToLook2] # = DXinner for SN and NS orientations
D2inner = dummyArray[ToLook2+1] # = DYinner for SN and NS orientations
dummyArray = [DX,DY,DY,DX]
D1 = dummyArray[ToLook2] # = DX for SN and NS orientations
D2 = dummyArray[ToLook2+1] # = DY for SN and NS orientations
if D1inner < D1 :
GN0a = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[1])
GN0b = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[2])
GN01 = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[1])
GN02 = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[2])
if D2inner < D2 :
GN10 = [None,None,None,None]
GN11 = [None,None,None,None]
GN20 = [None,None,None,None]
else :
GN10 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
GN11 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
GN20 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
else :
GN0a = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[1])
GN0b = GroupArray(ToLook3[0],GroupNames[2])
GN01 = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[1],GroupNames[4]])
GN02 = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[5]])
if D2inner < D2 :
GN10 = GroupArray(ToLook3[2],GroupNames[4])
GN11 = GroupArray(ToLook3[3],GroupNames[5])
GN20 = [None,None,None,None]
else :
GN10 = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
GN11 = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[5]])
GN20 = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])
for N in range (1,NLevOpt+1):
D = BoxSide*(2.**n)
if N < NLevOpt :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*1/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*1/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[2]], groups=GN0a))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[3]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[4]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*1/2+CoefVer*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[5]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[6]]))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[7]], groups=GN0b))
else :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*1/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*1/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[2]], groups=GN01))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[3]], groups=GN10))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2-CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2-CoefHor*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[4]], groups=GN20))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*1/2+CoefVer*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[5]], groups=GN20))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) , Y0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*3/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[6]], groups=GN11))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42' ,[(X0+D*(CoefVer*3/2+CoefHor*1/2) , Y0+D*(CoefHor*3/2+CoefVer*1/2) ) , (D,D)],['auto',DirPar[7]], groups=GN02))
if CoefVer and DX>DXinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*DYinner/2),((DX-DXinner)/2,DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[1],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*DYinner/2),((DX-DXinner)/2,DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[5]])))
if DY>DYinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*(DY+DYinner)/2.),((DX-DXinner)/2,DY-DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefVer*0.25*(DX+DXinner),Y0+CoefVer*(DY+DYinner)/2.),((DX-DXinner)/2,DY-DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[5]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+CoefVer*(DY+DYinner)/2.),(DXinner,DY-DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])))
elif CoefHor and DY>DYinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*DXinner/2,Y0-CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[1],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*DXinner/2,Y0+CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[0],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[5]])))
if DX>DXinner :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX+DXinner)/2.,Y0-CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DX-DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX+DXinner)/2.,Y0+CoefHor*0.25*(DY+DYinner)),(DX-DXinner,(DY-DYinner)/2)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray([ToLook3[1],ToLook3[3]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[5]])))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX+DXinner)/2.,Y0),(DX-DXinner,DYinner)],['auto'], groups = GroupArray(ToLook3[1],GroupNames[3])))
return Obj
def RemoveLastObj() :
Config.ListObj = Config.ListObj[:-1]
Config.Connections = Config.Connections[:-1]
def GroupArray(indices, GroupNames) :
if type(indices) is int :
indices = [indices]
GroupNames = [GroupNames]
Output = [None,None,None,None]
for i, ind in enumerate(indices) :
Output[ind] = GroupNames[i]
return Output

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
import sys, salome, geompy, smesh, SMESH, math, copy, commands
CWD = commands.getoutput('pwd')
from MacObject import *
import Config, GenFunctions
def CompositeBox (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , **args ) :
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
# Create a full Box just to inherit, globally, the mesh parameters of bounding objects
# Save the existing number of segments on each direction
ExistingSegments = Config.ListObj[-1].DirectionalMeshParams
# Sort the connection list for the full Box
ObjIDLists = SortObjLists(Config.Connections[-1],X0 , Y0 , DX , DY )
print "ObjIDLists: ", ObjIDLists
RealSegments = []
Direction = []
flag = 0
if not(args.__contains__('recursive')) : Config.Count = 0
print "Config.Count : ", Config.Count
Config.Criterion = GetCriterion(ObjIDLists)
for index, ObjList in enumerate(ObjIDLists) :
if not (ObjList[0] == -1 or Config.Count >= Config.Criterion):
if len(ObjList)>1 : flag = 1
else : flag = 0
for ObjID in ObjList:
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][index]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][index]
CommonSide = FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])
ToLook2 = [1,0,3,2][index]
if flag and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
if index < 2 :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - (Y0-DY/2.))<1e-7 : SouthGR = GroupNames[0]
else : SouthGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - (Y0+DY/2.))<1e-7 : NorthGR = GroupNames[1]
else : NorthGR = None
CompositeBox (X0, CommonSide[0]+IntLen(CommonSide)/2., DX,IntLen(CommonSide), recursive=1, groups = [SouthGR,NorthGR]+GroupNames[2:4])
else :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - (X0-DX/2.))<1e-7 : EastGR = GroupNames[2]
else : EastGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - (X0+DX/2.))<1e-7 : WestGR = GroupNames[3]
else : WestGR = None
CompositeBox (CommonSide[0]+IntLen(CommonSide)/2., Y0, IntLen(CommonSide),DY, recursive=1, groups = GroupNames[0:2]+[EastGR,WestGR])
if Config.Count >= Config.Criterion :
if flag == 0 and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
#print "Dir : ", Direction
#print "RealSegments : ", RealSegments
#Xind = Direction.index(0)
#Yind = Direction.index(1)
#MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] ,[(RealSegments[Xind],RealSegments[Yind])], groups = GroupNames)
MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] ,['auto'], groups = GroupNames)
Config.Count += 1
def FindCommonSide (Int1, Int2) :
if abs(min(Int1[1],Int2[1])-max(Int1[0],Int2[0])) < 1e-5: return [0,0]
else : return [max(Int1[0],Int2[0]), min(Int1[1],Int2[1])]
def IntLen (Interval) :
return abs(Interval[1]-Interval[0])
def RemoveLastObj() :
Config.ListObj = Config.ListObj[:-1]
Config.Connections = Config.Connections[:-1]
def GetCriterion (ObjListIDs):
return max(Config.Criterion, max(len(ObjListIDs[0]),len(ObjListIDs[1]))*max(len(ObjListIDs[2]),len(ObjListIDs[3])))
def SortObjLists (List,X0,Y0,DX,DY) :
This function sorts the list of neighbouring objects on each side, according to their intersection
with the object being created. From South to North and from East to West
Output = List
# First find the directions where no neighbour exists
# Important : Here we assume that exactly two directions have no neighbours !!!
# Should we change this to allow a more general case ????
dummy = IndexMultiOcc(List,(-1,))
# dummy[0] is either 0, meaning there is no neighbour on X- (West)
# or 1, meaning there is no neighbour on X+ (East)
# Similarly dummy[1] can be either 2 or 3 (South and North respectively)
# In order to get back to the formalism of groups (SNWE)
# => we do the following to define Sense of no neighbours and then the Direction list
# is calculated as to include uniquely the directions where we DO have neighbours
if len(dummy) == 1 :
# This adds a second direction where neighbours are not regarded, it is either 0 or 2
print("Careful, you have neighbours on 3 or more sides of the box, we will not check if on two parallel sides the boxes are compatible !!!")
if len(dummy) == 2 or len(dummy) == 1 :
# Sense contains : Vertical then Horizontal
Sense = [dummy[1]%2,dummy[0]]
DirList = [[1,0][dummy[0]],[3,2][dummy[1]%2]]
for index,Direction in enumerate(DirList) :
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense[index]] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense[index]])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
elif len(dummy) == 3 :
# We find the direction where we do have neighbours and then we sort the object list along it
Sense = dummy[0]%2
Direction = [ i not in dummy for i in range(4) ].index(True)
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
else :
print ("Error : the composite box being created has no neighbours, how on earth do you want us to inherit its mesh parameters!!!")
return Output
def IndexMultiOcc (Array,Element) :
This functions returns the occurrences indices of Element in Array.
As opposed to Array.index(Element) method, this allows determining
multiple entries rather than just the first one!
Output = []
try : Array.index(Element)
except ValueError : print "No more occurrences"
else : Output.append(Array.index(Element))
if not(Output == []) and len(Array) > 1 :
for index, ArrElem in enumerate(Array[Output[0]+1:]) :
if ArrElem == Element : Output.append(index+Output[0]+1)
return Output
def SortList (ValList, CritList):
Output = []
SortedCritList = copy.copy(CritList)
for i in range(0,len(ValList)):
index = CritList.index(SortedCritList[i])
return Output

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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
import sys, salome, geompy, smesh, SMESH, math, copy, commands
CWD = commands.getoutput('pwd')
from MacObject import *
import Config, GenFunctions
def CompositeBoxF (Pt1 , Pt2 , Pt3 , Pt4 , **args ) :
[Pt1 , Pt2 , Pt3 , Pt4] = GenFunctions.SortPoints([Pt1 , Pt2 , Pt3 , Pt4])
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
# Create a full NonOrtho box just to inherit, globally, the mesh parameters of bounding objects
dummy = MacObject('NonOrtho',[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4],['auto'],publish=0)
# Save the existing number of segments on each direction
ExistingSeg0 = Config.ListObj[-1].DirectionalMeshParams
Convention = [2,3,0,1]
ExistingSegments = [ExistingSeg0[Convention[i]] for i in range(4)]
# Save Boundary lengths on each direction
BoundaryLengths = [IntLen(dummy.DirBoundaries(i)) for i in range(4) ]
# Calculate global mesh element size on each direction
GlobalDelta = [1.*BoundaryLengths[i]/ExistingSegments[i] for i in range(4) ]
print "GlobalDelta :",GlobalDelta
# Sort the connection list for the full Box
[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] = dummy.GeoPar
ObjIDLists = SortObjLists(Config.Connections[-1],X0 , Y0 , DX , DY )
[Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax] = dummy.Boundaries() # Used for groups determination
RealSegments = []
Direction = []
flag = 0
if not(args.__contains__('recursive')) :
Config.Count = 0
Config.Criterion = GetCriterion(ObjIDLists)
for index, ObjList in enumerate(ObjIDLists) :
if not (ObjList[0] == -1 or Config.Count >= Config.Criterion):
if not(args.__contains__('recursive')) :
Config.DirIndex = index
if index > 1 : Config.RefPts = [Pt2, Pt3]
elif index == 0 : Config.RefPts = [Pt1, Pt2]
else : Config.RefPts = [Pt4, Pt3]
if len(ObjList)>1 : flag = 1
else : flag = 0
for ObjID in ObjList:
ToLook0 = [2,3,0,1][index]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][index]
CommonSide = FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),dummy.DirBoundaries(ToLook0))
ToLook2 = [1,0,3,2][index]
RealSegments = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]*IntLen(CommonSide)/IntLen(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1))
LocalDelta = 1.*IntLen(CommonSide)/RealSegments
print "Direction:", ["West","East","South","North"][ToLook2]
print "IntLen(CommonSide):",IntLen(CommonSide)
print "RealSegments:",RealSegments
print "LocalDelta:",LocalDelta
if flag and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
if index ==0 :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - Ymin)<1e-7 : SouthGR = GroupNames[0]
else : SouthGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - Ymax)<1e-7 : NorthGR = GroupNames[1]
else : NorthGR = None
NDelta = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]* (LocalDelta-GlobalDelta[Convention[index]])
[Pt1,Pt2] = Config.RefPts
Coef = [1.,-1.][index]
Vref1 = [Coef*(Pt2[0]-Pt1[0]),Coef*(Pt2[1]-Pt1[1])]
Vref2 = NormalizeVector([Pt2[0]-Pt3[0],Pt2[1]-Pt3[1]])
Ptref = Config.ListObj[ObjID].PtCoor[[2,3][index]]
NewPt = ExtrapPoint (Ptref,Vref1,Vref2,NDelta)
CompositeBoxF (Pt1, Pt2, NewPt, Ptref, recursive=1, groups = [SouthGR,NorthGR]+GroupNames[2:4])
elif index == 1:
if abs(CommonSide[0] - Ymin)<1e-7 : SouthGR = GroupNames[0]
else : SouthGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - Ymax)<1e-7 : NorthGR = GroupNames[1]
else : NorthGR = None
NDelta = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]* (LocalDelta-GlobalDelta[Convention[index]])
[Pt4,Pt3] = Config.RefPts
Coef = 1.
Vref1 = [Coef*(Pt4[0]-Pt3[0]),Coef*(Pt4[1]-Pt3[1])]
Vref2 = NormalizeVector([Pt1[0]-Pt4[0],Pt1[1]-Pt4[1]])
Ptref = Config.ListObj[ObjID].PtCoor[0]
NewPt = ExtrapPoint (Ptref,Vref1,Vref2,NDelta)
CompositeBoxF (NewPt, Ptref, Pt3, Pt4, recursive=1, groups = [SouthGR,NorthGR]+GroupNames[2:4])
else :
if abs(CommonSide[0] - Xmin)<1e-7 : WestGR = GroupNames[2]
else : WestGR = None
if abs(CommonSide[1] - Xmax)<1e-7 : EastGR = GroupNames[3]
else : EastGR = None
NDelta = Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]* (LocalDelta-GlobalDelta[Convention[index]])
[Pt2,Pt3] = Config.RefPts
Coef = [1.,-1.][index-2]
Vref1 = [Coef*(Pt3[0]-Pt2[0]),Coef*(Pt3[1]-Pt2[1])]
Vref2 = NormalizeVector([Pt3[0]-Pt4[0],Pt3[1]-Pt4[1]])
Ptref = Config.ListObj[ObjID].PtCoor[[3,0][index-2]]
NewPt = ExtrapPoint (Ptref,Vref1,Vref2,NDelta)
CompositeBoxF (Ptref, Pt2, Pt3, NewPt, recursive=1, groups = GroupNames[0:2] + [WestGR,EastGR])
if Config.Count >= Config.Criterion :
if flag == 0 and Config.Count < Config.Criterion:
print "Creating NonOrtho object with the points:", Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4
MacObject('NonOrtho',[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4] ,['auto'], groups = GroupNames)
Config.Count += 1
if Config.DirIndex > 1 : Config.RefPts = [Pt1, Pt4]
elif Config.DirIndex==0 : Config.RefPts = [Pt4, Pt3]
else : Config.RefPts = [Pt1, Pt2]
def FindCommonSide (Int1, Int2) :
if max(Int1[0],Int2[0])<min(Int1[1],Int2[1]): return [max(Int1[0],Int2[0]), min(Int1[1],Int2[1])]
else :
print "Can not find interval intersection, returning [0,0]..."
return [0,0]
def IntLen (Interval) :
return float(abs(Interval[1]-Interval[0]))
def RemoveLastObj() :
Config.ListObj = Config.ListObj[:-1]
Config.Connections = Config.Connections[:-1]
def NormalizeVector(V):
Magnitude = math.sqrt(GenFunctions.DotProd(V,V))
return [ V[i]/Magnitude for i in range(len(V))]
def GetCriterion (ObjListIDs):
return max(Config.Criterion, max(len(ObjListIDs[0]),len(ObjListIDs[1]))*max(len(ObjListIDs[2]),len(ObjListIDs[3])))
def SortObjLists (List,X0,Y0,DX,DY) :
This function sorts the list of neighbouring objects on each side, according to their intersection
with the object being created. From South to North and from East to West
Output = List
# First find the directions where no neighbour exists
# Important : Here we assume that exactly two directions have no neighbours !!!
# Should we change this to allow a more general case ????
dummy = IndexMultiOcc(List,(-1,))
# dummy[0] is either 0, meaning there is no neighbour on X- (West)
# or 1, meaning there is no neighbour on X+ (East)
# Similarly dummy[1] can be either 2 or 3 (South and North respectively)
# In order to get back to the formalism of groups (SNWE)
# => we do the following to define Sense of no neighbours and then the Direction list
# is calculated as to include uniquely the directions where we DO have neighbours
if len(dummy) == 1 :
# This adds a second direction where neighbours are not regarded, it is either 0 or 2
print("Careful, you have neighbours on 3 or more sides of the box, we will not check if on two parallel sides the boxes are compatible !!!")
if len(dummy) == 2 or len(dummy) == 1 :
# Sense contains : Vertical then Horizontal
Sense = [dummy[1]%2,dummy[0]]
DirList = [[1,0][dummy[0]],[3,2][dummy[1]%2]]
for index,Direction in enumerate(DirList) :
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense[index]] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense[index]])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
elif len(dummy) == 3 :
# We find the direction where we do have neighbours and then we sort the object list along it
Sense = dummy[0]%2
Direction = [ i not in dummy for i in range(4) ].index(True)
ObjList = List[Direction]
RankMin = []
ToLook0 = [2,2,0,0][Direction]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][Direction]
for index1,ObjID in enumerate(ObjList) :
RankMin.append([-1.,1.][Sense] * FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),[X0-DX/2.,X0+DX/2.,Y0-DY/2.,Y0+DY/2.][ToLook0:ToLook0+2])[Sense])
Output[Direction] = SortList(ObjList,RankMin)
else :
print ("Error : the composite box being created has no neighbours, how on earth do you want us to inherit its mesh parameters!!!")
return Output
def IndexMultiOcc (Array,Element) :
This functions returns the occurrences indices of Element in Array.
As opposed to Array.index(Element) method, this allows determining
multiple entries rather than just the first one!
Output = []
try : Array.index(Element)
except ValueError : print "No more occurrences"
else : Output.append(Array.index(Element))
if not(Output == []) and len(Array) > 1 :
for index, ArrElem in enumerate(Array[Output[0]+1:]) :
if ArrElem == Element : Output.append(index+Output[0]+1)
return Output
def SortList (ValList, CritList):
Output = []
SortedCritList = copy.copy(CritList)
for i in range(0,len(ValList)):
index = CritList.index(SortedCritList[i])
return Output
def ExtrapPoint (Ptref,Vref1,Vref2,Delta):
This function allows determining the absolute coordinates of an extrapolation point
as shown in the following :
ExtrapPoint x---Vref2->--------o
/ delta_glob |Vref1
/ |
Ptref x---------------------+
delta_loc * Nseg
Delta = (delta_loc - delta_glob) * Nseg
X = Ptref[0] + Vref1[0] + Delta*Vref2[0]
Y = Ptref[1] + Vref1[1] + Delta*Vref2[1]
return (X,Y,)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
dz = 1
debug = 1
try : ListObj
except NameError : ListObj = []
try: Connections
except NameError: Connections = []
try : publish
except NameError : publish = 1
try : Groups
except NameError : Groups = []
try : StudyName
except NameError : StudyName = "Compound"
try : Criterion
except NameError : Criterion = 1
try : Count
except NameError : Count = 0
try : RefPts
except NameError : RefPts = []
try : DirIndex
except NameError : DirIndex = 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
# This module allows cutting and grouping geometries by defining plane sections, with level of cutting as well as customizable Prefixes.
import geompy, math
def Go(GeoObj, CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, Publish):
This function cuts any geometry (with infinite trim !) into several subgeometries that are cleanly saved inside the navigation tree. (Check GoTrim for the same functionality with custom trim size)
- GeoObj is the geometrical object to be cut and grouped
- CutPlnLst is a list of plane definitions. Each plane is a 6-tuple (contains 6 values). The first three represent the coordinates of the origin point and the second three represent the coordinates of the normal vector to the plane
Example 1: [(0,0,0,1,0,0)]: cut along a plane passing through the origin and normal to the x-axis
Example 2: [(0,0,0,1,0,0),(50,0,0,0,1,0)]: in addition to the first plane cut, cut through a plane passing by (50,0,0) and normal to the y axis.
Note that the plane size us determined automatically from the size of the geometry in question (using a very big trim size = 100 x length of geometry!)
- OutLvlLst is a list containing integers that represent the inner sectioning level with respect to the original geometry type
A value of 1 means that the section will provide elements of one level lower than the original type. For exemple a solid sectioned at level 1 will produce faces. A Face sectioned at level 1 will produce edges.
A value of 2 means that a deeper sectioning will be applied. A solid sectioned with level 2 will give faces and edges. A face will give edges and vertices. An edge will give only vertices
The number of elements in this list should be (this is verified in the code) equal to the number of elements in the plane cut list. This is logical.
Example 1: [1]
Example 2: [1, 2], This means that the cut over the second plane will produce two types of elements unlike the first cut which will only output the first level objects.
- PrefixLst is a list of strings that contains the naming Prefixes that are used by the script to generate the subshape names. This is very useful for relating the results to the sectioning requested.
Example 1: ['Entry']
Example 2: ['Entry','Exit'] The resulting groups from the sectioning with plane no.1 will then be saved as "Entry_FACE" and/or "Entry_EDGE" according to the original geometry object type and the cutting level
Imagine that we have a solid called ExampleSolid, an example command will be:
CutnGroup.Go(ExampleSolid,[(0,0,0,1,0,0),(50,0,0,0,1,0)],[1, 2],['Entry','Exit'])
NumCuts = CheckInput(CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, 1)
OrigType = FindStandType(GeoObj,0)
InvDictionary = dict((v,k) for k, v in geompy.ShapeType.iteritems()) # Give geometry type name as a function of standard type numbering, ex: 4=FACE, 6=EDGE, 7=VERTEX
TrimSize = geompy.BasicProperties(GeoObj)[0]*100
CutPlane = [] ; Sections = [] ; Parts = []
if NumCuts:
for i in range(0, NumCuts): # Loop over the cutting planes to create them one by one
OutFather = geompy.MakePartition([GeoObj],CutPlane, [], [],FindStandType(GeoObj,1), 0, [], 0) #Creating the partition object
if Publish: geompy.addToStudy(OutFather,'SectionedObject')
for i in range(0, NumCuts):
for j in range(OrigType+1+2, OrigType+1+2*(OutLvlLst[i]+1),2):
if j == 8 : j = 7; # Exception for the vertex case (=7)
PossSubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,j) # List of subshape IDs than correspond to the required cutting level (section type : face/wire/vertex)
PossSubShapes = geompy.ExtractShapes(OutFather,j) # and the corresponding objects
Accepted = []
for k in range(0,len(PossSubShapesID)): # Loop over all the subshapes checking if they belong to the cutting plane! if yes add them to current list
if IsOnPlane(PossSubShapes[k], CutPlnLst[i], 1e-7):
if Accepted : # If some element is found, save it as a group with the prescribed Prefix
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, j)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, Accepted)
if Publish:geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, PrefixLst[i]+"_"+InvDictionary[j][0:2])
else :
print "Warning: For the section no.", i, ", No intersection of type " + InvDictionary[j] + " was found. Hence, no corresponding groups were created"
SubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,OrigType+1) # Saving also the groups corresponding to the sectioned item of the same type: ex. A solid into n sub-solids due to the sections
for i in range(0,len(SubShapesID)):
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, OrigType+1)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, [SubShapesID[i]])
if Publish: geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, "SB"+"_"+InvDictionary[OrigType+1][0:3]+"_"+str(i+1))
return OutFather, Sections, Parts
print("Fatal error, the routine cannot continue any further, check your input variables")
return -1
def GoTrim(GeoObj, CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, Publish):
This function cuts any geometry into several subgeometries that are cleanly saved inside the navigation tree with a fully customizable trim size.
- GeoObj is the geometrical object to be cut and grouped
- CutPlnLst is a list of plane definitions. Each plane is a 7-tuple (contains 7 values). The first three represent the coordinates of the origin point and the second three represent the coordinates of the normal vector to the plane, the last value corresponds to the trim size of the planes
Example 1: [(0,0,0,1,0,0,5)]: cut along a plane passing through the origin and normal to the x-axis with a trim size of 5
Example 2: [(0,0,0,1,0,0,5),(50,0,0,0,1,0,10)]: in addition to the first plane cut, cut through a plane passing by (50,0,0) and normal to the y axis with a trim size of 10
- OutLvlLst is a list containing integers that represent the inner sectioning level with respect to the original geometry type
A value of 1 means that the section will provide elements of one level lower than the original type. For exemple a solid sectioned at level 1 will produce faces. A Face sectioned at level 1 will produce edges.
A value of 2 means that a deeper sectioning will be applied. A solid sectioned with level 2 will give faces and edges. A face will give edges and vertices. An edge will give only vertices
The number of elements in this list should be (this is verified in the code) equal to the number of elements in the plane cut list. This is logical.
Example 1: [1]
Example 2: [1, 2], This means that the cut over the second plane will produce two types of elements unlike the first cut which will only output the first level objects.
- PrefixLst is a list of strings that contains the naming Prefixes that are used by the script to generate the subshape names. This is very useful for relating the results to the sectioning requested.
Example 1: ['Entry']
Example 2: ['Entry','Exit'] The resulting groups from the sectioning with plane no.1 will then be saved as "Entry_FACE" and/or "Entry_EDGE" according to the original geometry object type and the cutting level
Imagine that we have a solid called ExampleSolid, an example command will be:
CutnGroup.Go(ExampleSolid,[(0,0,0,1,0,0,5),(50,0,0,0,1,0,10)],[1, 2],['Entry','Exit'])
NumCuts = CheckInput(CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, 0)
OrigType = FindStandType(GeoObj,0)
InvDictionary = dict((v,k) for k, v in geompy.ShapeType.iteritems()) # Give geometry type name as a function of standard type numbering, ex: 4=FACE, 6=EDGE, 7=VERTEX
CutPlane = [] ; Sections = [] ; Parts = []
if NumCuts:
for i in range(0, NumCuts): # Loop over the cutting planes to create them one by one
OutFather = geompy.MakePartition([GeoObj],CutPlane, [], [],FindStandType(GeoObj,1), 0, [], 0) #Creating the partition object
if Publish: geompy.addToStudy(OutFather,'SectionedObject')
for i in range(0, NumCuts):
for j in range(OrigType+1+2, OrigType+1+2*(OutLvlLst[i]+1),2):
if j == 8 : j = 7; # Exception for the vertex case (=7)
PossSubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,j) # List of subshape IDs than correspond to the required cutting level (section type : face/wire/vertex)
PossSubShapes = geompy.ExtractShapes(OutFather,j) # and the corresponding objects
Accepted = []
for k in range(0,len(PossSubShapesID)): # Loop over all the subshapes checking if they belong to the cutting plane WITH THE TRIM SIZE CONDITION! if yes add them to current list
if IsOnPlane(PossSubShapes[k], CutPlnLst[i], 1e-7) and Distance2Pt(geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.MakeCDG(PossSubShapes[k])),CutPlnLst[i][0:3])<=CutPlnLst[i][-1]:
if Accepted : # If some element is found, save it as a group with the prescribed Prefix
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, j)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, Accepted)
if Publish: geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, PrefixLst[i]+"_"+InvDictionary[j][0:2])
else :
print "Warning: For the section no.", i, ", No intersection of type " + InvDictionary[j] + " was found. Hence, no corresponding groups were created"
SubShapesID = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(OutFather,OrigType+1) # Saving also the groups corresponding to the sectioned item of the same type: ex. A solid into n sub-solids due to the sections
for i in range(0,len(SubShapesID)):
dummyObj = geompy.CreateGroup(OutFather, OrigType+1)
geompy.UnionIDs(dummyObj, [SubShapesID[i]])
if Publish: geompy.addToStudyInFather(OutFather, dummyObj, "SB"+"_"+InvDictionary[OrigType+1][0:3]+"_"+str(i+1))
return OutFather, Sections, Parts
print("Fatal error, the routine cannot continue any further, check your input variables")
return -1
def FindStandType(GeoObj, method):
Find the standard index for the Geometrical object/compound type input, see dictionary in geompy.ShapeType
TopType = GeoObj.GetMaxShapeType().__str__()
UnModType = geompy.ShapeType[TopType]
if method == 0 :
StandType = UnModType-int(not(UnModType%2)) # So that wires and edges and considered the same, faces and shells, and so on
else :
StandType = UnModType
def CreatePlane(CutPlnVar,Trim):
Creates a temporary point and vector in salome in order to build the sectioning planes needed
Temp_Vtx = geompy.MakeVertex(CutPlnVar[0], CutPlnVar[1], CutPlnVar[2])
Temp_Vec = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(CutPlnVar[3], CutPlnVar[4], CutPlnVar[5])
CutPlane = geompy.MakePlane(Temp_Vtx, Temp_Vec, Trim)
def CheckInput(CutPlnLst, OutLvlLst, PrefixLst, AutoTrim):
Checks the user input specifically if all needed parameters are provided
if not ((len(CutPlnLst) == len(OutLvlLst)) and (len(CutPlnLst) == len(PrefixLst))):
print("Missing information about one or more of the cut planes")
return 0
elif not ((len(CutPlnLst[0]) == 6+int(not AutoTrim))):
print("For each cutting plane you need to specify 6 parameters = 2 x 3 coordinates")
return 0
return len(CutPlnLst)
def IsOnPlane(GeoSubObj, CutPlnVar, tolerance):
Checks whether a geometry (vertex, segment, or face) belongs *completely* to the plane defined as a point and a normal vector
# lambda function that represents the plane equation, function = 0 <=> Pt defined with Coor belongs to plane
PlaneEq = lambda Coor: CutPlnVar[3]*(Coor[0]-CutPlnVar[0])+CutPlnVar[4]*(Coor[1]-CutPlnVar[1])+CutPlnVar[5]*(Coor[2]-CutPlnVar[2])
OrigType = FindStandType(GeoSubObj,0)
if (OrigType >= 7): # Vertex
NonTrimDecision = abs(PlaneEq(geompy.PointCoordinates(GeoSubObj))) < tolerance
if len(CutPlnVar) == 6 : return NonTrimDecision # No trim condition used
else : return (NonTrimDecision and Distance2Pt(CutPlnVar[0:3],geompy.PointCoordinates(GeoSubObj))<=CutPlnVar[6]/2)
elif (OrigType >= 5): # Line, decompose into two points then call recursively IsOnPlane function!
Verdict = True
for i in range(0,2):
Verdict = Verdict and IsOnPlane(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(GeoSubObj,i), CutPlnVar, tolerance)
return Verdict
elif (OrigType >= 3): # Face, decompose into three points then call recursively IsOnPlane function!
if IsOnPlane(geompy.MakeCDG(GeoSubObj),CutPlnVar, tolerance) : # Center of gravity belongs to plane, check if normal is parallel to plane
NormalP1Coor = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(geompy.GetNormal(GeoSubObj),0))
NormalP2Coor = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(geompy.GetNormal(GeoSubObj),1))
Normal = [NormalP1Coor[0]-NormalP2Coor[0], NormalP1Coor[1]-NormalP2Coor[1], NormalP1Coor[2]-NormalP2Coor[2]]
CrossP = CrossProd(CutPlnVar[3:6],Normal) # Checks whether normals (of section plane and of face) are parallel or not
if (abs(CrossP[0])<tolerance and abs(CrossP[1])<tolerance and abs(CrossP[2])<tolerance): # meaning zero cross product => parallel
return True
else :
return False
else :
return False
def CrossProd(V1,V2):
Determines the cross product of two 3D vectors
return ([V1[1]*V2[2]-V1[2]*V2[1], V1[2]*V2[0]-V1[0]*V2[2], V1[0]*V2[1]-V1[1]*V2[0]])
def Distance2Pt(P1,P2):
Returns the distance between two points
return (math.sqrt((P1[0]-P2[0])**2+(P1[1]-P2[1])**2+(P1[2]-P2[2])**2))

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# This is an automation of the cylinder-box object, defined with the coordinates of its center, its radius, and the box's
# boundary size.
# The pitch ratio is calculated automatically from the minimum of the box dimensions on x and y.
# This functions can take a groups input containing the group names of 4 sides in addition to the internal circular boundary
# in the following order : [South,North,West,East,Internal].
import sys, salome, geompy, smesh, SMESH, math, commands
CWD = commands.getoutput('pwd')
from MacObject import *
import Config, GenFunctions
def Cylinder (X0 , Y0 , D , DX , DY , LocalMeshing , **args) :
if args.__contains__('DLocal') : DLocal = float(args['DLocal'])
else : DLocal = float(min(DX,DY))
# K is the pitch ratio
K = float(D)/(DLocal-D)
print "A local pitch ratio of K =", K ," will be used. "
NumCuts = 2*GenFunctions.QuarCylParam(K)
InternalMeshing = int(math.ceil(math.pi*D/(4*NumCuts*LocalMeshing)))
if InternalMeshing == 0 : InternalMeshing = 1 # This sets a minimum meshing condition in order to avoid an error. The user is notified of the value considered for the local meshing
print "Possible Local meshing is :", math.pi*D/(4*NumCuts*InternalMeshing), "\nThis value is returned by this function for your convenience.\n"
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None, None]
if DY == DLocal :
if DX == DLocal:
GN1 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [GroupNames[0],None,GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
else :
GN1 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN5 = [GroupNames[0],GroupNames[1],None,GroupNames[3]]
GN6 = [GroupNames[0],GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],None]
else :
if DX == DLocal:
GN1 = [None,None,None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,None,GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [None,None,GroupNames[2],None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [None,None,None,GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]]
GN7 = [GroupNames[0],None,GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]]
GN8 = [None,GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]]
else :
GN1 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN2 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN3 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN4 = [None,None,None,None,GroupNames[4]]
GN5 = [None,None,None,GroupNames[3]]
GN6 = [None,None,GroupNames[2],None]
GN9 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,GroupNames[3]]
GN10 = [GroupNames[0],None,None,None]
GN11 = [GroupNames[0],None,GroupNames[2],None]
GN12 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,GroupNames[3]]
GN13 = [None,GroupNames[1],None,None]
GN14 = [None,GroupNames[1],GroupNames[2],None]
Obj = []
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0+DLocal/4.,Y0+DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],[InternalMeshing,'NE',K], groups = GN1))
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0-DLocal/4.,Y0+DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],['auto','NW',K], groups = GN2))
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0-DLocal/4.,Y0-DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],['auto','SW',K], groups = GN3))
Obj.append(MacObject('QuartCyl',[(X0+DLocal/4.,Y0-DLocal/4.),(DLocal/2.,DLocal/2.)],['auto','SE',K], groups = GN4))
if DX > DLocal :
dX = (DX - DLocal)/2.
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+DLocal/2.+dX/2.,Y0),(dX,DLocal)],['auto'], groups = GN5))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-DLocal/2.-dX/2.,Y0),(dX,DLocal)],['auto'], groups = GN6))
if DY > DLocal :
dY = (DY - DLocal)/2.
if DX > DLocal :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+DLocal/2.+dX/2.,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN9))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN10))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-DLocal/2.-dX/2.,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN11))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+DLocal/2.+dX/2.,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN12))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN13))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0-DLocal/2.-dX/2.,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(dX,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN14))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0-DLocal/2.-dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN7))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+DLocal/2.+dY/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN8))
return Obj

View File

@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
# In this file are all the generation functions for manipulating the different created macro-objects
import geompy, smesh
import math, copy
import Config
import CutnGroup
import CompositeBox
def Box11 (MacObject):
if Config.debug : print "Generating regular box"
dummy1 = geompy.MakeScaleAlongAxes( ElemBox11 (), None , MacObject.GeoPar[1][0], MacObject.GeoPar[1][1], 1)
RectFace = geompy.MakeTranslation(dummy1, MacObject.GeoPar[0][0], MacObject.GeoPar[0][1], 0)
MacObject.GeoChildrenNames.append("Box_"+ str(len(Config.ListObj)+1))
if Config.debug : Publish (MacObject.GeoChildren,MacObject.GeoChildrenNames)
if Config.publish :
MacObject.Mesh.append(smesh.Mesh(RectFace)) # Creation of a new mesh
Quad2D = MacObject.Mesh[0].Quadrangle() # Applying a quadrangle hypothesis
EdgeIDs = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(RectFace,6) # List of Edge IDs belonging to RectFace, 6 = Edge in salome dictionary
Reg1D = MacObject.Mesh[0].Segment()
MacObject.Mesh[0].Compute() # Generates the mesh
MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams = [MacObject.MeshPar[0],MacObject.MeshPar[0],MacObject.MeshPar[0],MacObject.MeshPar[0]]
MacObject.status = 1
return MacObject
def Box42 (MacObject):
if Config.debug : print "Generating box 4-2 reducer"
Z_Axis = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0., 0., 1.)
RotAngle = {'SN' : lambda : 0,
'NS' : lambda : math.pi,
'EW' : lambda : math.pi/2,
'WE' : lambda : -math.pi/2, }[MacObject.MeshPar[1]]()
dummy0 = geompy.MakeRotation( ElemBox42 () , Z_Axis, RotAngle )
dummy1 = geompy.MakeScaleAlongAxes( dummy0, None , MacObject.GeoPar[1][0], MacObject.GeoPar[1][1], 1)
RectFace = geompy.MakeTranslation(dummy1, MacObject.GeoPar[0][0], MacObject.GeoPar[0][1], 0)
MacObject.GeoChildrenNames.append("Box_"+ str(len(Config.ListObj)+1))
if Config.debug : Publish (MacObject.GeoChildren,MacObject.GeoChildrenNames)
if Config.publish :
MacObject.Mesh.append(smesh.Mesh(RectFace)) # Creation of a new mesh
Quad2D = MacObject.Mesh[0].Quadrangle() # Applying a quadrangle hypothesis
EdgeIDs = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(RectFace,6) # List of Edge IDs belonging to RectFace, 6 = Edge in salome dictionary
Reg1D = MacObject.Mesh[0].Segment()
MacObject.Mesh[0].Compute() # Generates the mesh
MacObject.status = 1
x = MacObject.MeshPar[0]
MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams = {'SN' : lambda : [3*x, 3*x, 4*x, 2*x],
'NS' : lambda : [3*x, 3*x, 2*x, 4*x],
'EW' : lambda : [2*x, 4*x, 3*x, 3*x],
'WE' : lambda : [4*x, 2*x, 3*x, 3*x], }[MacObject.MeshPar[1]]()
return MacObject
def BoxAng32 (MacObject):
if Config.debug : print "Generating sharp angle"
Z_Axis = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0., 0., 1.)
RotAngle = {'NE' : lambda : 0,
'NW' : lambda : math.pi/2,
'SW' : lambda : math.pi,
'SE' : lambda : -math.pi/2, }[MacObject.MeshPar[1]]()
dummy0 = geompy.MakeRotation( ElemEdge32 () , Z_Axis, RotAngle )
dummy1 = geompy.MakeScaleAlongAxes( dummy0, None , MacObject.GeoPar[1][0], MacObject.GeoPar[1][1], 1)
RectFace = geompy.MakeTranslation(dummy1, MacObject.GeoPar[0][0], MacObject.GeoPar[0][1], 0)
MacObject.GeoChildrenNames.append("Box_"+ str(len(Config.ListObj)+1))
if Config.debug : Publish (MacObject.GeoChildren,MacObject.GeoChildrenNames)
if Config.publish :
MacObject.Mesh.append(smesh.Mesh(RectFace)) # Creation of a new mesh
Quad2D = MacObject.Mesh[0].Quadrangle() # Applying a quadrangle hypothesis
EdgeIDs = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(RectFace,6) # List of Edge IDs belonging to RectFace, 6 = Edge in salome dictionary
Reg1D = MacObject.Mesh[0].Segment()
MacObject.Mesh[0].Compute() # Generates the mesh
MacObject.status = 1
x = MacObject.MeshPar[0]
MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams = {'NE' : lambda : [3*x, 2*x, 3*x, 2*x],
'NW' : lambda : [2*x, 3*x, 3*x, 2*x],
'SW' : lambda : [2*x, 3*x, 2*x, 3*x],
'SE' : lambda : [3*x, 2*x, 2*x, 3*x], }[MacObject.MeshPar[1]]()
return MacObject
def CompBox (MacObject):
if Config.debug : print "Generating composite box"
dummy1 = geompy.MakeScaleAlongAxes( ElemBox11 (), None , MacObject.GeoPar[1][0], MacObject.GeoPar[1][1], 1)
RectFace = geompy.MakeTranslation(dummy1, MacObject.GeoPar[0][0], MacObject.GeoPar[0][1], 0)
MacObject.GeoChildrenNames.append("Box_"+ str(len(Config.ListObj)+1))
if Config.debug : Publish (MacObject.GeoChildren,MacObject.GeoChildrenNames)
if Config.publish :
MacObject.Mesh.append(smesh.Mesh(RectFace)) # Creation of a new mesh
Quad2D = MacObject.Mesh[0].Quadrangle() # Applying a quadrangle hypothesis
EdgeIDs = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(RectFace,6) # List of Edge IDs belonging to RectFace, 6 = Edge in salome dictionary
ReducedRatio = ReduceRatio(MacObject.GeoPar[1][0],MacObject.GeoPar[1][1])
Reference = [0,0,0]
Vec = [(1,0,0),(0,1,0)]
for Edge in EdgeIDs:
for i in range(0,2):
if IsParallel(Edge,Vec[i]):
if not Reference[i]: # If this is the first found edge to be parallel to this direction, apply user preferences for meshing
Reference[i] = Edge
else: # If there already exists an edge parallel to this direction, then use a 1D projection
MacObject.Mesh[0].Compute() # Generates the mesh
MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams = [MacObject.MeshPar[0]*ReducedRatio[1],MacObject.MeshPar[0]*ReducedRatio[1],MacObject.MeshPar[0]*ReducedRatio[0],MacObject.MeshPar[0]*ReducedRatio[0]]
MacObject.status = 1
return MacObject
def CompBoxF (MacObject):
if Config.debug : print "Generating composite box"
dummy1 = geompy.MakeScaleAlongAxes( ElemBox11 (), None , MacObject.GeoPar[1][0], MacObject.GeoPar[1][1], 1)
RectFace = geompy.MakeTranslation(dummy1, MacObject.GeoPar[0][0], MacObject.GeoPar[0][1], 0)
MacObject.GeoChildrenNames.append("Box_"+ str(len(Config.ListObj)+1))
if Config.debug : Publish (MacObject.GeoChildren,MacObject.GeoChildrenNames)
if Config.publish :
MacObject.Mesh.append(smesh.Mesh(RectFace)) # Creation of a new mesh
Quad2D = MacObject.Mesh[0].Quadrangle() # Applying a quadrangle hypothesis
EdgeIDs = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(RectFace,6) # List of Edge IDs belonging to RectFace, 6 = Edge in salome dictionary
#ReducedRatio = ReduceRatio(MacObject.GeoPar[1][0],MacObject.GeoPar[1][1])
Reference = [0,0,0]
Vec = [(1,0,0),(0,1,0)]
for Edge in EdgeIDs:
for i in range(0,2):
if IsParallel(Edge,Vec[i]):
if not Reference[i]: # If this is the first found edge to be parallel to this direction, apply user preferences for meshing
Reference[i] = Edge
else: # If there already exists an edge parallel to this direction, then use a 1D projection
MacObject.Mesh[0].Compute() # Generates the mesh
MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams = [MacObject.MeshPar[0][1],MacObject.MeshPar[0][1],MacObject.MeshPar[0][0],MacObject.MeshPar[0][0]]
MacObject.status = 1
return MacObject
def NonOrtho (MacObject):
if Config.debug : print "Generating Non-orthogonal quadrangle"
RectFace = Quadrangler (MacObject.PtCoor)
MacObject.GeoChildrenNames.append("Quad_"+ str(len(Config.ListObj)+1))
if Config.debug : Publish (MacObject.GeoChildren,MacObject.GeoChildrenNames)
if Config.publish :
MacObject.Mesh.append(smesh.Mesh(RectFace)) # Creation of a new mesh
Quad2D = MacObject.Mesh[0].Quadrangle() # Applying a quadrangle hypothesis
EdgeIDs = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(RectFace,6) # List of Edge IDs belonging to RectFace, 6 = Edge in salome dictionary
#ReducedRatio = ReduceRatio(MacObject.GeoPar[1][0],MacObject.GeoPar[1][1])
Vec = [MacObject.DirVectors(i) for i in range(4)]
for Edge in EdgeIDs:
Dir = [IsParallel(Edge,Vec[j]) for j in range(4)].index(True)
DirConv = [0,0,1,1][Dir]
MacObject.Mesh[0].Compute() # Generates the mesh
MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams = [MacObject.MeshPar[0][1],MacObject.MeshPar[0][1],MacObject.MeshPar[0][0],MacObject.MeshPar[0][0]]
MacObject.status = 1
return MacObject
def QuartCyl (MacObject):
if Config.debug : print "Generating quarter cylinder"
Z_Axis = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0., 0., 1.)
RotAngle = {'NE' : lambda : 0,
'NW' : lambda : math.pi/2,
'SW' : lambda : math.pi,
'SE' : lambda : -math.pi/2, }[MacObject.MeshPar[1]]()
dummy0 = geompy.MakeRotation( ElemQuartCyl(MacObject.MeshPar[2]) , Z_Axis, RotAngle )
dummy1 = geompy.MakeScaleAlongAxes( dummy0, None , MacObject.GeoPar[1][0]/10., MacObject.GeoPar[1][1]/10., 1)
RectFace = geompy.MakeTranslation(dummy1, MacObject.GeoPar[0][0], MacObject.GeoPar[0][1], 0)
MacObject.GeoChildrenNames.append("Box_"+ str(len(Config.ListObj)+1))
if Config.debug : Publish (MacObject.GeoChildren,MacObject.GeoChildrenNames)
if Config.publish :
MacObject.Mesh.append(smesh.Mesh(RectFace)) # Creation of a new mesh
Quad2D = MacObject.Mesh[0].Quadrangle() # Applying a quadrangle hypothesis
EdgeIDs = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(RectFace,6) # List of Edge IDs belonging to RectFace, 6 = Edge in salome dictionary
Reg1D = MacObject.Mesh[0].Segment()
#if MacObject.MeshPar[0] == 2 and MacObject.MeshPar[2] <= 2.:
# print("Due to a bug in Salome 6.3, we are forced to either increase or decrease the local refinement by 50%, we choose in this case to increase the model's refinement.")
# MacObject.MeshPar[0] = 3
MacObject.Mesh[0].Compute() # Generates the mesh
MacObject.status = 1
x = MacObject.MeshPar[0]
N = QuarCylParam(MacObject.MeshPar[2])+1
MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams = {'NE' : lambda : [2*x, N*x, 2*x, N*x],
'NW' : lambda : [N*x, 2*x, 2*x, N*x],
'SW' : lambda : [N*x, 2*x, N*x, 2*x],
'SE' : lambda : [2*x, N*x, N*x, 2*x], }[MacObject.MeshPar[1]]()
return MacObject
# Below this are the elementary calculation/visualization functions
def Publish (ObjToPublish,NamesToPublish):
i = 0
for GeoObj in ObjToPublish :
i = i+1
def IsParallel (Edge, Vector):
Function checks whether a given edge object is parallel to a reference vector.
Output can be 0 (not parallel) or 1 (parallel and same sense) or 2 (parallel and opposite sense).
If the reference vector is null, the function returns 0
if Vector == (0,0,0) : return 0
else :
P1 = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,0))
P2 = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,1))
V0 = [ P1[0] - P2[0], P1[1] - P2[1], P1[2] - P2[2] ]
if Distance2Pt((0,0,0),CrossProd(V0,Vector))<1e-7 and DotProd(V0,Vector) > 0 : return 1
elif Distance2Pt((0,0,0),CrossProd(V0,Vector))<1e-7 and DotProd(V0,Vector) < 0 : return 2
else : return 0
def IsOnCircle (Edge, Center, Radius):
Function checks whether a given edge object belong to the periphery of a circle defined by its
center and radius.
Output can be 0 (does not belong) or 1 (belongs).
If the reference Radius is null, the function returns 0
Note that this function is basic in the sense that it only checks if the two border points of a
given edge belong to the arc of reference.
if Radius == 0 : return 0
else :
P1 = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,0))
P2 = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,1))
if abs(Distance2Pt(Center,P1)-Radius) < 1e-6 and abs(Distance2Pt(Center,P2)-Radius) < 1e-6:
return 1
else :
return 0
def CrossProd(V1,V2):
Determines the cross product of two 3D vectors
return ([V1[1]*V2[2]-V1[2]*V2[1], V1[2]*V2[0]-V1[0]*V2[2], V1[0]*V2[1]-V1[1]*V2[0]])
def QuarCylParam(PitchRatio):
R = float(PitchRatio)/(PitchRatio+1)
Eps = 1. - R
X = (R+Eps/2.)*math.sin(math.pi/4)+Eps/2.
N = int(math.floor((math.pi*R/4.)/(Eps/2.)))
return N
def DotProd(V1,V2):
Determines the dot product of two 3D vectors
if len(V1)==2 : V1.append(0)
if len(V2)==2 : V2.append(0)
return (V1[0]*V2[0]+V1[1]*V2[1]+V1[2]*V2[2])
def Distance2Pt(P1,P2):
Returns the distance between two points
return (math.sqrt((P1[0]-P2[0])**2+(P1[1]-P2[1])**2+(P1[2]-P2[2])**2))
def ApplyConstant1DMesh (ParentMsh, Edge, Nseg):
Reg1D = ParentMsh.Segment(geom=Edge)
Len = Reg1D.NumberOfSegments(Nseg)
def Apply1DProjMesh (ParentMsh, Edge, Ref):
Proj1D = ParentMsh.Projection1D(geom=Edge)
SrcEdge = Proj1D.SourceEdge(Ref,None,None,None)
def EdgeLength (Edge):
This function returns the edge object length.
P1 = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,0))
P2 = geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,1))
return Distance2Pt(P1,P2)
def D2R (Angle):
return Angle*math.pi/180
def R2D (Angle):
return Angle*180/math.pi
def F2D (FloatNumber):
return round(FloatNumber*100.)/100.
def BezierGen (PointA, PointB, AngleA, AngleB):
if AngleA == 0 and AngleB == 0 : return (geompy.MakeEdge(PointA, PointB))
else :
A = geompy.PointCoordinates(PointA)
B = geompy.PointCoordinates(PointB)
dAB = Distance2Pt(A,B)
dAC = dAB * (math.tan(AngleA)*math.tan(AngleB)) / (math.sin(AngleA) * ( math.tan(AngleA)+math.tan(AngleB) ) )
AngleOX_AB = math.acos((B[0]-A[0])/dAB)
PointC = geompy.MakeVertex(A[0]+math.cos(AngleA+AngleOX_AB)*dAC,A[1]+math.sin(AngleA+AngleOX_AB)*dAC,0)
CurveACB = geompy.MakeBezier([PointA,PointC,PointB])
return CurveACB
def GetSideAngleForBezier (PointA , PointB):
This function takes for input two points A and B where the bezier line is needed. It calculates the incident
angle needed at point A so that the final curve is either at 0 or 90 degrees from the x'Ox axis
A = geompy.PointCoordinates(PointA)
B = geompy.PointCoordinates(PointB)
ABx = B[0]-A[0]
dAB = Distance2Pt(A,B)
Alpha = math.acos(ABx/dAB)
#print "New angle request"
#print ABx, dAB, R2D(Alpha)
if Alpha < math.pi/4 :
#print "returning", R2D(-Alpha)
return -Alpha
elif Alpha < 3*math.pi/4 :
#print "returning", R2D(-(Alpha-math.pi/2))
return -(Alpha-math.pi/2)
else :
#print "returning", R2D(-(Alpha-math.pi))
return -(Alpha-math.pi)
def VecDivRatio (Vec1, Vec2):
This function tries to find the ratio of Vec1 on Vec2 while neglecting any zero term in Vec1. This is used afterwards
for determining the global mesh parameter from automatically detected directional mesh params. If no compatibility is
possible, the function returns -1
Vec3 = []
for i in range(len(Vec1)) :
for i in Vec3 :
if not (abs(i)<1e-7) : Ratio.append(i)
if Ratio :
if min(Ratio) == max(Ratio) and min(Ratio)==int(min(Ratio)) : return(min(Ratio))
else : return -1
else :
return -2
def ReduceRatio (dx, dy):
This function transforms a decimal ratio into a scale between two integers, for example : [0.2,0.05] --> [4,1] ;
Output = [0,0]
ratio = float(dy)/dx
if isinteger(ratio) : return [1,ratio]
elif dx == 1 : # when this function is called recursively!
for i in range(1,20) : # searches over 20 decimals
if isinteger(ratio * (10**i) ) :
Output = GetScale((10**i),int(round(ratio * (10**i) ) ) )
else :
for n in range(0,i) :
if isinteger(ratio * ( 10**(i)-10**(n) )) :
Output = GetScale( 10**(i)-10**(n) , int(round(ratio * ( 10**(i)-10**(n) ) ) ) )
if not (Output==[0,0]) : break
return Output
else :
for i in range(1,10) : # searches over 10 decimals
if isinteger(ratio * (10**i) ) :
Output = GetScale((10**i),int(round(ratio * (10**i) ) ) )
else :
for n in range(0,i) :
if isinteger(ratio * ( 10**(i)-10**(n) )) :
Output = GetScale( 10**(i)-10**(n) , int(round(ratio * ( 10**(i)-10**(n) ) ) ) )
if not (Output==[0,0]) : break
if Output == [0,0] :
print "We are having some trouble while interpreting the following ratio: ",ratio, "\nWe will try a recursive method which may in some cases take some time..."
if dy > dx :
A = ReduceRatio (dx, dy-dx)
return ([A[0],A[1]+A[0]])
else :
A = ReduceRatio (dy, dx-dy)
return ([A[1]+A[0],A[0]])
else : return Output
def GetScale (X,Y):
This function is called within ReduceRatio and aims to reduce down two integers X and Y by dividing them with their common divisors;
Example: 25 and 5 ---> 5 and 1 / 63 and 12 ---> 21 and 4
MaxDiv = max(X,Y)
Divisor = 2 # Initializing the divisor
while MaxDiv >= Divisor :
X0 = 0
Y0 = 0
if not(X%Divisor) :
X0 = X/Divisor
MaxDiv = max(MaxDiv,X0)
if not(Y%Divisor) :
Y0 = Y/Divisor
MaxDiv = max(MaxDiv,Y0)
if (X0*Y0) :
X = X0
Y = Y0
else :
Divisor = Divisor + 1
return [X,Y]
def isinteger (x) :
This functions applies a simple check if the entered value is an integer
x = float('%.5f' % (x)) #Truncate x to 5 digits after the decimal point
if math.ceil(x) == math.floor(x) : return True
else : return False
# Below this are the functions that create the elementary forms for the macro objects
def ElemBox11 ():
This function returns a simple square face of 1 side length
RectFace = geompy.MakeFaceHW(1, 1, 1)
return RectFace
def ElemBox42 ():
This function returns a square face of 1 side length, partitioned
according to the elementary 4 to 2 reductor method
OrigRectFace = geompy.MakeFaceHW(1, 1, 1)
SouthPt1 = geompy.MakeVertex (-.25, -.5, 0)
SouthPt2 = geompy.MakeVertex (0, -.5, 0)
SouthPt3 = geompy.MakeVertex (.25, -.5, 0)
WestPt1 = geompy.MakeVertex (-.5, -.5+1./3, 0)
WestPt2 = geompy.MakeVertex (-.5, -.5+2./3, 0)
EastPt1 = geompy.MakeVertex (.5, -.5+1./3, 0)
EastPt2 = geompy.MakeVertex (.5, -.5+2./3, 0)
NorthPt = geompy.MakeVertex (0, .5, 0)
MidPt1 = geompy.MakeVertex (0, .05, 0)
MidPt2 = geompy.MakeVertex (.2, -.18, 0)
MidPt3 = geompy.MakeVertex (0, -.28, 0)
MidPt4 = geompy.MakeVertex (-.2, -.18, 0)
Cutter = []
Cutter.append(geompy.MakeEdge(SouthPt2, MidPt3))
Cutter.append(geompy.MakeEdge(MidPt1, NorthPt))
Cutter.append(BezierGen(SouthPt1, MidPt4, GetSideAngleForBezier(SouthPt1,MidPt4), D2R(15)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen(SouthPt3, MidPt2, GetSideAngleForBezier(SouthPt3,MidPt2), D2R(-15)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen(WestPt1, MidPt4, GetSideAngleForBezier(WestPt1,MidPt4), D2R(-10)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen(EastPt1, MidPt2, GetSideAngleForBezier(EastPt1,MidPt2), D2R(10)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen(WestPt2, MidPt1, GetSideAngleForBezier(WestPt2,MidPt1), D2R(-10)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen(EastPt2, MidPt1, GetSideAngleForBezier(EastPt2,MidPt1), D2R(10)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen(MidPt2, MidPt1, D2R(-15), D2R(-15)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen(MidPt3, MidPt2, D2R(10), D2R(15)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen(MidPt3, MidPt4, D2R(-10), D2R(-15)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen(MidPt4, MidPt1, D2R(15), D2R(15)))
RectFace = geompy.MakePartition([OrigRectFace],Cutter, [], [],4, 0, [], 0) #Creating the partition object
#for SingleCut in Cutter :
# geompy.addToStudy(SingleCut,'Cutter'+str(i))
# i = i+1
return RectFace
def ElemEdge32 ():
This function returns a square face of 1 side length, partitioned
according to the elementary edge with 3 to 2 reductor
OrigRectFace = geompy.MakeFaceHW(1., 1., 1)
SouthPt1 = geompy.MakeVertex (-1./6, -0.5, 0.)
SouthPt2 = geompy.MakeVertex ( 1./6, -0.5, 0.)
WestPt1 = geompy.MakeVertex (-0.5, -1./6, 0.)
WestPt2 = geompy.MakeVertex (-0.5, 1./6, 0.)
EastPt = geompy.MakeVertex ( 0.5, 0., 0.)
NorthPt = geompy.MakeVertex (0., 0.5, 0.)
MidPt1 = geompy.MakeVertex (-0.2, -0.2, 0.)
MidPt2 = geompy.MakeVertex ( -0.02, -0.02, 0.)
Cutter = []
Cutter.append(BezierGen(SouthPt1, MidPt1, GetSideAngleForBezier(SouthPt1,MidPt1) , D2R(-5)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen( WestPt1, MidPt1, GetSideAngleForBezier(WestPt1 ,MidPt1) , D2R(-5)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen(SouthPt2, MidPt2, GetSideAngleForBezier(SouthPt2,MidPt2) , D2R(-10)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen( EastPt, MidPt2, GetSideAngleForBezier(EastPt ,MidPt2) , D2R(5)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen( WestPt2, MidPt2, GetSideAngleForBezier(WestPt2 ,MidPt2) , D2R(-10)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen( MidPt2, NorthPt, GetSideAngleForBezier(NorthPt ,MidPt2) , D2R(-5)))
Cutter.append(geompy.MakeEdge(MidPt1, MidPt2))
RectFace = geompy.MakePartition([OrigRectFace],Cutter, [], [],4, 0, [], 0) #Creating the partition object
#for SingleCut in Cutter :
# geompy.addToStudy(SingleCut,'Cutter'+str(i))
# i = i+1
return RectFace
def Quadrangler (Points):
This function returns a quadranglar face based on four points, non of which 3 are non-colinear.
The points are defined by their 2D [(x1,y1),(x2,y2)..] coordinates.
Note that the list of points is already arranged upon the creation in MacObject
Pt = []
for Point in Points: Pt.append(geompy.MakeVertex(Point[0], Point[1], 0))
# The first point is added at the end of the list in order to facilitate the line creation
#Draw the lines in order to form the 4 side polygon
for i in range(4) : Ln.append(geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(Pt[i],Pt[i+1]))
RectFace = geompy.MakeQuad (Ln[0],Ln[1],Ln[2],Ln[3])
return RectFace
def ElemQuartCyl(K):
This function returns a quarter cylinder to box relay of 1 side length, partitioned
with a pitch ratio of K, In other words the side of the box is R*(1+(1/K))
R = 10.*float(K)/(K+1)
Eps = 10.- R
Config.theStudy.SetReal("R" , R)
Config.theStudy.SetReal("minusR" , -R)
Config.theStudy.SetReal("Eps", Eps)
CylWire = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F 'R' 0:R 0:L 'Eps':TT 10. 10.0:R 90:L 10.0:R 90:L 'Eps':R 90:C 'minusR' 90.0:WW", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, -0])
CylFace = geompy.MakeFace(CylWire, 1)
SouthPt = geompy.MakeVertex (R+Eps/2., 0., 0)
SouthWestPt = geompy.MakeVertex ( 0.,0., 0) #The origin can be used for practical partionning objectifs
WestPt = geompy.MakeVertex (0., R+Eps/2., 0)
N = int(math.floor((math.pi*R/4.)/(Eps/2.)))
X = 10.*(1.-1./(N+1))
EastPt = geompy.MakeVertex (10.0, X, 0.)
NorthPt = geompy.MakeVertex ( X, 10.0, 0.)
DivFactor = 8./(F2D(math.log(K))-0.223)
#MidPt = geompy.MakeVertex ((R+Eps)*math.cos(math.pi/4), (R+Eps)*math.sin(math.pi/4), 0.)
MidPt = geompy.MakeVertex (X-Eps/DivFactor, X-Eps/DivFactor, 0.)
Cutter = []
Cutter.append(BezierGen(SouthWestPt, MidPt, GetSideAngleForBezier(SouthWestPt,MidPt) , D2R(-5)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen( EastPt, MidPt, GetSideAngleForBezier(EastPt,MidPt) , D2R(5)))
Cutter.append(BezierGen( MidPt, NorthPt, (-1)**((K<1.25)*1)*D2R(-5), GetSideAngleForBezier(NorthPt,MidPt)))
SMBezier = BezierGen( SouthPt, MidPt, GetSideAngleForBezier(SouthPt ,MidPt) , D2R((K<1.25)*180-5))
WMBezier = BezierGen( WestPt, MidPt, GetSideAngleForBezier(WestPt, MidPt) , D2R(-5))
for i in range(1,N) :
# Determining intermediate points on the bezier lines and then performing additional cuts
TempAnglePlus = (math.pi/4)*(1+float(i)/N)
SectionResult = CutnGroup.Go(WMBezier, [(0,0,0,math.sin(TempAnglePlus),-math.cos(TempAnglePlus),0)], [1], ['Dummy'], 0)
TempPt1 = SectionResult[1][0]
TempPt11 = geompy.MakeVertex ((N-i)*X/N, 10., 0)
TempAngleMinus = (math.pi/4)*(1-float(i)/N)
SectionResult = CutnGroup.Go(SMBezier, [(0,0,0,math.sin(TempAngleMinus),-math.cos(TempAngleMinus),0)], [1], ['Dummy'], 0)
TempPt2 = SectionResult[1][0]
TempPt21 = geompy.MakeVertex (10., (N-i)*X/N, 0)
Cutter.append(geompy.MakeEdge(SouthWestPt, TempPt1))
Cutter.append(geompy.MakeEdge(SouthWestPt, TempPt2))
Cutter.append(geompy.MakeEdge(TempPt1, TempPt11))
Cutter.append(geompy.MakeEdge(TempPt2, TempPt21))
CylFace = geompy.MakePartition([CylFace],Cutter, [], [],4, 0, [], 0) #Creating the partition object
CylFace = geompy.MakeTranslation(CylFace, -5., -5., 0.0)
return CylFace
def CompatibilityTest(MacObject):
Type = MacObject.Type
if Type == 'Box11' :
BaseDirPar = [1,1,1,1]
return int(VecDivRatio(MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams, BaseDirPar))
elif Type == 'Box42' :
BaseDirPar = {'SN' : lambda : [3, 3, 4, 2],
'NS' : lambda : [3, 3, 2, 4],
'EW' : lambda : [2, 4, 3, 3],
'WE' : lambda : [4, 2, 3, 3], }[MacObject.MeshPar[1]]()
return int(VecDivRatio(MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams, BaseDirPar))
elif Type == 'BoxAng32' :
BaseDirPar = {'NE' : lambda : [3, 2, 3, 2],
'NW' : lambda : [2, 3, 3, 2],
'SW' : lambda : [2, 3, 2, 3],
'SE' : lambda : [3, 2, 2, 3], }[MacObject.MeshPar[1]]()
return int(VecDivRatio(MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams, BaseDirPar))
elif Type == 'CompBox' :
#print "dx is: ", MacObject.GeoPar[1][1], ". dy is: ",MacObject.GeoPar[1][0]
ReducedRatio = ReduceRatio(MacObject.GeoPar[1][0], MacObject.GeoPar[1][1])
#print ReducedRatio
BaseDirPar = [ReducedRatio[1], ReducedRatio[1], ReducedRatio[0], ReducedRatio[0]]
return int(VecDivRatio(MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams, BaseDirPar))
elif Type == 'QuartCyl' :
N = QuarCylParam(MacObject.MeshPar[2])+1
BaseDirPar = {'NE' : lambda : [2, N, 2, N],
'NW' : lambda : [N, 2, 2, N],
'SW' : lambda : [N, 2, N, 2],
'SE' : lambda : [2, N, N, 2], }[MacObject.MeshPar[1]]()
return int(VecDivRatio(MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams, BaseDirPar))
elif Type == 'CompBoxF' :
RealRatio = MacObject.GeoPar[1][1]/MacObject.GeoPar[1][0]
Xd = 0
Yd = 0
if MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[2]+MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[3] :
A = int(max(MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[2:4]))
Xd = int(VecDivRatio([A,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1]))
if MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[0]+MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[1] :
A = int(max(MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[0:2]))
Yd = int(VecDivRatio([0,0,A,0], [1,1,1,1]))
if Xd == 0 and Yd : Xd = int(round(Yd/RealRatio))
elif Yd == 0 : Yd = int(round(RealRatio*Xd))
return [Xd,Yd]
elif Type == 'NonOrtho' :
MeanDX = 0.5*(IntLen(MacObject.DirBoundaries(0))+IntLen(MacObject.DirBoundaries(1)))
MeanDY = 0.5*(IntLen(MacObject.DirBoundaries(2))+IntLen(MacObject.DirBoundaries(3)))
RealRatio = MeanDY/MeanDX
Xd = 0
Yd = 0
if MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[2]+MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[3] :
A = int(max(MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[2:4]))
Xd = int(VecDivRatio([A,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1]))
if MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[0]+MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[1] :
A = int(max(MacObject.DirectionalMeshParams[0:2]))
Yd = int(VecDivRatio([0,0,A,0], [1,1,1,1]))
if Xd == 0 and Yd : Xd = int(round(Yd/RealRatio))
elif Yd == 0 : Yd = int(round(RealRatio*Xd))
return [Xd,Yd]
def IntLen (Interval) :
This function returns the length of a given interval even if the latter is not sorted correctly.
return abs(Interval[1]-Interval[0])
def NextTo (RefBox, Direction, Extension):
This functions returns geometrical parameters for easy positioning of neighbouring objects.
The input (RefBox) and output are in the form : [(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)]
X0_0 = RefBox[0][0]
Y0_0 = RefBox[0][1]
DX_0 = RefBox[1][0]
DY_0 = RefBox[1][1]
DirectionalCoef = {'Above' : lambda : [ 0, 1],
'Below' : lambda : [ 0,-1],
'Right' : lambda : [ 1, 0],
'Left ' : lambda : [-1, 0], }[Direction]()
X0_1 = X0_0+ DirectionalCoef[0] * (DX_0/2.+Extension/2.)
DX_1 = abs(DirectionalCoef[0]) * (Extension) + abs(DirectionalCoef[1])*DX_0
Y0_1 = Y0_0+ DirectionalCoef[1] * (DY_0/2.+Extension/2.)
DY_1 = abs(DirectionalCoef[1]) * (Extension) + abs(DirectionalCoef[0])*DY_0
return [(X0_1,Y0_1),(DX_1,DY_1)]
def GeomMinMax (PtA, PtB):
This function returns geometrical parameters in the format [(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)]. The input being
the coordinates of two points (Xa,Ya), (Xb,Yb).
# First test that the vector relying the two points is oblique
AB = [PtB[0]- PtA[0],PtB[1]- PtA[1]]
if 0 in AB :
print ("Error: the two points are not correctly defined. In the orthonormal system XOY, it is impossible to define a rectangle with these two points")
return -1
X0 = 0.5*(PtA[0]+PtB[0])
Y0 = 0.5*(PtA[1]+PtB[1])
DX = abs(AB[0])
DY = abs(AB[1])
return [(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)]
def AddIfDifferent (List, Element):
if not(Element in List):
List = List+(Element,)
return List
def IndexMultiOcc (Array,Element) :
This functions returns the occurrences indices of Element in Array.
As opposed to Array.index(Element) method, this allows determining
multiple entries rather than just the first one!
Output = []
try : Array.index(Element)
except ValueError : print "No more occurrences"
else : Output.append(Array.index(Element))
if not(Output == []) and len(Array) > 1 :
for index, ArrElem in enumerate(Array[Output[0]+1:]) :
if ArrElem == Element : Output.append(index+Output[0]+1)
return Output
def SortList (ValList, CritList):
Output = []
SortedCritList = copy.copy(CritList)
for i in range(0,len(ValList)):
if i > 0 :
if not(SortedCritList[i]==SortedCritList[i-1]):
index = IndexMultiOcc(CritList,SortedCritList[i])
Output= Output + [ValList[j] for j in index]
else :
index = IndexMultiOcc(CritList,SortedCritList[i])
Output= Output + [ValList[j] for j in index]
return Output
def SortPoints(Points):
This function sorts a list of the coordinates of N points as to start at
an origin that represents Xmin and Xmax and then proceed in a counter
clock-wise sense
NbPts = len(Points)
Xmin = min([Points[i][0] for i in range(NbPts)])
Ymin = min([Points[i][1] for i in range(NbPts)])
Xmax = max([Points[i][0] for i in range(NbPts)])
Ymax = max([Points[i][1] for i in range(NbPts)])
Crit = [(abs(Point[0]-Xmin)+0.1*(Xmax-Xmin))*(abs(Point[1]-Ymin)+0.1*(Ymax-Ymin)) for Point in Points]
#print "Input Points : ", Points
#print "Sorting Criterion : ", Crit
Order = SortList (range(NbPts), Crit)
#print "Sorted Results : ", Order
Output = []
Point0 = Points[Order[0]]
#print "Reference point :", Point0
V = [[Point1[0]-Point0[0],Point1[1]-Point0[1]] for Point1 in Points]
Cosines = [-(vec[0]-1E-10)/(math.sqrt(DotProd(vec,vec)+1e-25)) for vec in V]
#print "Cosines criterion :", Cosines
Order = SortList(range(NbPts),Cosines)
#print "Ordered points:", Order
for PtIndex in Order[:-1]: Output.append(Points[PtIndex])
return Output

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@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
class MacObject:
This represents a python class definition which contains
all necessary information about the macro object being created
in Salome
def __init__( self, ObjectType, GeoParameters, MeshParameters, **args ):
Initializes the macro object to be created, saves parameters inside of it, checks for neighboring objects,
determines meshing parameters if necessary and finally launches the generation process.
import Config,GenFunctions
if Config.debug : print "Initializing object No. " + str(len(Config.ListObj)+1)
if 'publish' in args :
if args['publish']==0 : Config.publish = 0
else : Config.publish = 1
else : Config.publish = 1
if 'groups' in args :
self.GroupNames = args['groups']
for group in args['groups'] :
if not(group in Config.Groups) and group : Config.Groups.append(group)
else : self.GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
if ObjectType == 'NonOrtho':
if not(len(GeoParameters)==4): print "Error: trying to construct a non-ortho object but the 4 constitutive vertices are not given!"
else :
Xmin = min([GeoParameters[i][0] for i in range(4)])
Xmax = max([GeoParameters[i][0] for i in range(4)])
Ymin = min([GeoParameters[i][1] for i in range(4)])
Ymax = max([GeoParameters[i][1] for i in range(4)])
self.GeoPar = [(0.5*(Xmin+Xmax),0.5*(Ymin+Ymax)),(Xmax-Xmin,Ymax-Ymin)]
self.PtCoor = GenFunctions.SortPoints(GeoParameters)
self.GeoPar = GeoParameters
[Xmin,Ymin,Xmax,Ymax] = [ self.GeoPar[0][0]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ] + [ self.GeoPar[0][0]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ]
self.PtCoor = [(Xmin,Ymin),(Xmax,Ymin),(Xmax,Ymax),(Xmin,Ymax)]
self.Type = ObjectType
self.LowBound = [ self.GeoPar[0][0]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]-0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ]
self.UpperBound = [ self.GeoPar[0][0]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][0], self.GeoPar[0][1]+0.5*self.GeoPar[1][1] ]
self.MeshPar = MeshParameters
self.GeoChildren = []
self.GeoChildrenNames = []
self.Mesh = []
self.MeshGroups = []
if 'auto' in MeshParameters : self.AutoParam()
if not(self.MeshPar[0]<0): self.Generate()
else :
print("Aborting object creation\n ")
def Generate(self) :
This method generates the geometrical object with the corresponding mesh once all verifications (CheckInterfaces and AutoParam)
have been accomplished
import GenFunctions, Alarms, Config
self = {'Box11' : lambda : GenFunctions.Box11(self),
'Box42' : lambda : GenFunctions.Box42(self),
'BoxAng32' : lambda : GenFunctions.BoxAng32(self),
'CompBox' : lambda : GenFunctions.CompBox(self),
'CompBoxF' : lambda : GenFunctions.CompBoxF(self),
'NonOrtho' : lambda : GenFunctions.NonOrtho(self),
'QuartCyl' : lambda : GenFunctions.QuartCyl(self) }[self.Type]()
if Config.debug : Alarms.Message(self.status) # notification on the result of the generation algorithm
def CheckInterfaces(self):
This method searches for neighbours for the object being created and saves them inside the Config.Connections
array. This array contains 4 entries per object corresponding to West, East, South, and North neighbours.
Note that an object may have more than one neighbour for a given direction.
import Alarms, Config
from GenFunctions import AddIfDifferent
from CompositeBox import FindCommonSide
itemID = len(Config.ListObj)
# In all cases except non ortho, PrincipleBoxes is unitary and contains the box in question
# In the non-ortho case it contains all possible combinations of boxes with 3 vertices
PrincipleBoxes = self.PrincipleBoxes()
for i, TestObj in enumerate(Config.ListObj):
SecondaryBoxes = TestObj.PrincipleBoxes()
ConnX = 0
ConnY = 0
for Box0 in PrincipleBoxes:
for Box1 in SecondaryBoxes:
# Along X
CenterDis = abs(Box1[0][0]-Box0[0][0])
Extension = 0.5*(Box1[1][0]+Box0[1][0])
if CenterDis - Extension < -1e-7 :
ConnX = -1
elif CenterDis - Extension < 1e-7 :
if not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(2),TestObj.DirBoundaries(3))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][0] < Box0[0][0] : ConnX = 1
elif not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(3),TestObj.DirBoundaries(2))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][0] >= Box0[0][0]: ConnX = 2
else : ConnX = 0
# Along Y
CenterDis = abs(Box1[0][1]-Box0[0][1])
Extension = 0.5*(Box1[1][1]+Box0[1][1])
if CenterDis - Extension < -1e-7 :
ConnY = -1
elif CenterDis - Extension < 1e-7 :
if not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(0),TestObj.DirBoundaries(1))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][1] < Box0[0][1] : ConnY = 1
elif not(FindCommonSide(self.DirBoundaries(1),TestObj.DirBoundaries(0))==[0,0]) and Box1[0][1] >= Box0[0][1]: ConnY = 2
else : ConnY = 0
if not (ConnX*ConnY == 0) :
if max(ConnX,ConnY) == -1 and not('NonOrtho' in [self.Type,TestObj.Type]) : Alarms.Message(3)
if ConnX == 1 and ConnY == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][1] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][1] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][1] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][1],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][0] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][0] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][0] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][0],i)
elif ConnX == 2 and ConnY == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][0] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][0] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][0] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][0],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][1] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][1] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][1] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][1],i)
elif ConnY == 1 and ConnX == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][3] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][3] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][3] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][3],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][2] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][2] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][2] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][2],i)
elif ConnY ==2 and ConnX == -1:
if Config.Connections[i][2] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[i][2] = (itemID,)
else : Config.Connections[i][2] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[i][2],itemID)
if Config.Connections[itemID][3] == (-1,) : Config.Connections[itemID][3] = (i,)
else : Config.Connections[itemID][3] = AddIfDifferent(Config.Connections[itemID][3],i)
def AutoParam (self):
This method is called only if the 'auto' keyword is used inside the meshing algorithm. It is based on the
connection results per object and tries to find the correct parameters for obtaining a final compatible mesh
between the objects already present and the one being created. If this is not possible, the method gives an error
import Alarms, Config, GenFunctions, CompositeBox
MeshPar = [0,0,0,0] # initialize the mesh parameter value to be used to -1
[(X0,Y0),(DX,DY)] = self.GeoPar
ObjectsInvolved = []
for i, Conn in enumerate(Config.Connections[-1]):
if not ( Conn == (-1,) ): # Meaning that there is one or more neighbors on this direction
for ObjID in Conn :
ToLook0 = [2,3,0,1][i]
ToLook1 = [3,2,1,0][i]
CommonSide = CompositeBox.FindCommonSide(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1),self.DirBoundaries(ToLook0))
#print "Common Side is:", CommonSide
ToLook2 = [1,0,3,2][i]
#print "Full Side is:", CompositeBox.IntLen(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1))
#print "Full Segments on this direction are:", Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]
RealSegments = round(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirectionalMeshParams[ToLook2]*CompositeBox.IntLen(CommonSide)/CompositeBox.IntLen(Config.ListObj[ObjID].DirBoundaries(ToLook1)))
#print "RealSegments :", RealSegments
MeshPar[i] = MeshPar[i] + RealSegments
self.DirectionalMeshParams = MeshPar
self.MeshPar[0] = GenFunctions.CompatibilityTest(self)
if self.MeshPar[0] < 0 :
if self.MeshPar[0] == -1 : print ("Problem encountered with object(s) no. "+str(ObjectsInvolved))
elif self.MeshPar[0] == -2 : print ("This object has no neighbours !!!")
def Boundaries (self):
This method returns the global boundaries of the MacObject. [Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]
Xmin = min([self.DirBoundaries(i)[0] for i in [0,1]])
Xmax = max([self.DirBoundaries(i)[1] for i in [0,1]])
Ymin = min([self.DirBoundaries(i)[0] for i in [2,3]])
Ymax = max([self.DirBoundaries(i)[1] for i in [2,3]])
return [Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]
def DirBoundaries (self, Direction):
This method returns a single interval giving [Xmin,Xmax] or [Ymin,Ymax] according to the required direction.
This works particularly well for nonorthogonal objects.
Direction : [0,1,2,3] <=> [South, North, West, East]
PtCoor = self.PtCoor
if type(Direction) is str :
Dir = { 'South' : lambda : 0,
'North' : lambda : 1,
'West' : lambda : 2,
'East' : lambda : 3,}[Direction]()
else : Dir = int(Direction)
PtIndex = [0,2,3,1][Dir]
DirIndex = [0,0,1,1][Dir]
return sorted([PtCoor[PtIndex][DirIndex],PtCoor[PtIndex+1][DirIndex]])
def DirVectors (self, Direction):
This method returns for a given object, the real vectors which define a given direction
The interest in using this method is for non-orthogonal objects where the sides can be
deviated from the orthogonal basis vectors
if type(Direction) is str :
Dir = { 'South' : lambda : 0,
'North' : lambda : 1,
'West' : lambda : 2,
'East' : lambda : 3,}[Direction]()
else : Dir = int(Direction)
PtCoor = self.PtCoor
PtIndex = [0,2,3,1][Dir]
return [PtCoor[PtIndex+1][0]-PtCoor[PtIndex][0],PtCoor[PtIndex+1][1]-PtCoor[PtIndex][1],0.]
def GetBorder (self, Criterion):
import geompy, GenFunctions
if type(Criterion) is str :
Crit = {'South' : lambda : 0,
'North' : lambda : 1,
'West' : lambda : 2,
'East' : lambda : 3,}[Criterion]()
else : Crit = int(Criterion)
AcceptedObj = []
if Crit < 4 :
Boundaries = self.Boundaries()
Research = {0 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(0),1,Boundaries[2]],
1 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(1),1,Boundaries[3]],
2 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(2),0,Boundaries[0]],
3 : lambda : [self.DirVectors(3),0,Boundaries[1]], }[Crit]()
for i,ElemObj in enumerate(self.GeoChildren):
EdgeIDs = geompy.ExtractShapes(ElemObj,6)# List of Edge IDs belonging to ElemObj
for Edge in EdgeIDs:
if GenFunctions.IsParallel(Edge,Research[0]):
if abs( geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,0))[Research[1]] - Research[2] )< 1e-6 or abs( geompy.PointCoordinates(geompy.GetVertexByIndex(Edge,1))[Research[1]] - Research[2] )< 1e-6 :
else :
CenterSrchPar = {'NE' : lambda : [-1., -1.],
'NW' : lambda : [ 1., -1.],
'SW' : lambda : [ 1., 1.],
'SE' : lambda : [-1., 1.], }[self.MeshPar[1]]()
Radius = self.GeoPar[1][1]*float(self.MeshPar[2])/(self.MeshPar[2]+1)
Center = (self.GeoPar[0][0]+CenterSrchPar[0]*self.GeoPar[1][0]/2.,self.GeoPar[0][1]+CenterSrchPar[1]*self.GeoPar[1][1]/2.,0.)
for i,ElemObj in enumerate(self.GeoChildren):
EdgeIDs = geompy.ExtractShapes(ElemObj,6)# List of Edge IDs belonging to ElemObj
for Edge in EdgeIDs:
if GenFunctions.IsOnCircle(Edge,Center,Radius):
return AcceptedObj
def PrincipleBoxes (self):
This function returns all possible combination rectangular shape objects that can contain at least 3 of the principle vertices
constituting the MacObject. This is indispensible for the Non-ortho types and shall return a number of 24 possible combinations
from itertools import combinations
Boxes = []
if self.Type == 'NonOrtho':
for combi in combinations(range(4),3):
Xmin = min([self.PtCoor[i][0] for i in combi])
Xmax = max([self.PtCoor[i][0] for i in combi])
Ymin = min([self.PtCoor[i][1] for i in combi])
Ymax = max([self.PtCoor[i][1] for i in combi])
else :
Boxes = [self.GeoPar]
return Boxes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
import geompy, smesh, SMESH
import math
import Config
def PublishGroups ():
aFilterManager = smesh.CreateFilterManager()
# Building geometric and mesh compounds and groups ##############################################
if Config.debug : print "Searching for geometric groups and publishing final compound"
TempGEOList = []
TempMESHList = []
for MacroObj in Config.ListObj :
TempGEOList += MacroObj.GeoChildren
TempMESHList += MacroObj.Mesh
FinalCompound = geompy.MakeCompound(TempGEOList)
geompy.addToStudy (FinalCompound,Config.StudyName)
MeshCompound = smesh.Concatenate(TempMESHList, 1, 1, 1e-5)
GroupGEO = []
for group in Config.Groups :
# Geometric groups definition
TempGEOList = []
TempNames = []
for MacroObj in Config.ListObj :
if group in MacroObj.GroupNames :
Occurences = IndexMultiOcc(MacroObj.GroupNames, group)
for Occ in Occurences :
TempGEOList += MacroObj.GetBorder(Occ)
# Mesh groups definition
Criterion = smesh.Filter.Criterion(18,39,0,'GR_'+group,'GR_'+group,39,39,1e-06,smesh.EDGE,7)
StudyBuilder = Config.theStudy.NewBuilder()
for MeshObj in TempMESHList:
SO = Config.theStudy.FindObjectIOR(Config.theStudy.ConvertObjectToIOR(MeshObj))
if SO is not None: StudyBuilder.RemoveObjectWithChildren(SO)
return MeshCompound
def IndexMultiOcc (Array,Element) :
This function returns the occurrences indices of Element in Array.
As opposed to Array.index(Element) method, this allows determining
multiple entries rather than just the first one!
Output = []
try : Array.index(Element)
except ValueError : print "No more occurrences"
else : Output.append(Array.index(Element))
if not(Output == [-1]) and len(Array) > 1 :
for index, ArrElem in enumerate(Array[Output[0]+1:]) :
if ArrElem is Element : Output.append(index+Output[0]+1)
return Output
def Publish (ObjToPublish):
for i,GeoObj in enumerate(ObjToPublish) : geompy.addToStudy(GeoObj,"Sub_"+str(i))
def RevolveMesh(MainMesh,**args):
This function premits to revolute and scale a 2D mesh while transforming the edge
groups into face groups. Moreover, the function automatically creates the face groups
corresponding to the symmetry lower and upper faces
Facultatif arguments are :
- Center [X,Y,Z], origin being the default
- Direction [VX,VY,VZ], x-axis being the default
- AngleDeg or AngleRad : ALPHA, 10 degrees being the default
- Scale : BETA, no scaling being default
# Reading input arguments and proceeding to defaults if necessary
if 'Center' in args : CenterCoor = [float(Coor) for Coor in args['Center']]
else :
print "\nThe coordinates of the center of revolution were not given\nThe origin is used by default."
CenterCoor = [0.,0.,0.]
if 'Direction' in args : Direction = [float(Dir) for Dir in args['Direction']]
else :
print "\nThe axis vector of revolution was not given\nThe x-axis is used by default."
Direction = [1.,0.,0.]
if 'AngleDeg' in args : Angle = float(args['AngleDeg'])*math.pi/180.
elif 'AngleRad' in args : Angle = float(args['AngleRad'])
else :
print "\nThe revolution angle was not given\nAn angle of 10 degrees is used by default."
Angle = 10.*math.pi/180.
if 'Scale' in args : Scale = float(args['Scale'])
else : Scale = 1.
# Creating the lower face group LOFAC
LOFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'LOFAC' )
GR_Names = MainMesh.GetGroupNames()
GRs = MainMesh.GetGroups()
Rev3DMeshGroups = MainMesh.RotationSweepObject2D( MainMesh, SMESH.AxisStruct( CenterCoor[0], CenterCoor[1], CenterCoor[2], Direction[0], Direction[1], Direction[2] ), Angle, 1, 1e-05 ,True)
# Adding an EDGE suffix to the edge groups (to be deleted eventually by the user...)
for GR in GRs:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName in GR_Names and not(CurrentName=='LOFAC'): # Meaning that this is an old edge group
# Removing the _rotated prefix from the rotated FACE groups
for GR in Rev3DMeshGroups:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName=='LOFAC_rotated' :
else :
#Index = [ GR_Names[i] in CurrentName for i in range(0,len(GR_Names)) ].index(True)
# Creating the upper face group HIFAC
ALLFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'ALLFAC' )
HIFAC = MainMesh.GetMesh().CutListOfGroups( [ ALLFAC ], [LOFAC] + [ MeshGroup for MeshGroup in Rev3DMeshGroups if not(MeshGroup.GetName()=='VOL') ], 'HIFAC' )
# Scaling down the mesh to meter units
if not(Scale==1.):
MeshEditor = MainMesh.GetMeshEditor()
MeshEditor.Scale( MainMesh.GetMesh(), SMESH.PointStruct( 0, 0, 0 ) ,[ Scale, Scale, Scale ], 0 )
def ExtrudeMesh(MainMesh,**args):
This function premits to extrude and scale a 2D mesh while transforming the edge
groups into face groups. Moreover, the function automatically creates the face groups
corresponding to the symmetry lower and upper faces
Facultatif arguments are :
- Direction [VX,VY,VZ], z-axis being default
- Distance : D, default is 1
- NSteps : the object will be extruded by NSteps*Distance, default is Nsteps = 1
- Scale : BETA, no scaling being default
# Reading input arguments and proceeding to defaults if necessary
if 'Distance' in args : Distance = float(args['Distance'])
else :
print "\nThe extrusion distance was not given\nA default value of 1 is used."
Distance = 1.
if 'Direction' in args : Direction = NormalizeVector([float(Dir) for Dir in args['Direction']],Distance)
else :
print "\nThe extrusion vector of revolution was not given\nThe z-axis is used by default."
Direction = NormalizeVector([0.,0.,1.],Distance)
if 'Scale' in args : Scale = float(args['Scale'])
else : Scale = 1.
if 'NSteps' in args : NSteps = int(args['NSteps'])
else : NSteps = 1
# Creating the lower face group LOFAC
LOFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'LOFAC' )
GR_Names = MainMesh.GetGroupNames()
GRs = MainMesh.GetGroups()
Ext3DMeshGroups = MainMesh.ExtrusionSweepObject2D(MainMesh,SMESH.DirStruct(SMESH.PointStruct(Direction[0],Direction[1],Direction[2])), NSteps, True)
# Adding an EDGE suffix to the edge groups (to be deleted eventually by the user...)
for GR in GRs:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName in GR_Names and not(CurrentName=='LOFAC'): # Meaning that this is an old edge group
# Removing the _rotated prefix from the rotated FACE groups
for GR in Ext3DMeshGroups:
CurrentName = GR.GetName()
if CurrentName=='LOFAC_extruded' :
else :
#Index = [ GR_Names[i] in CurrentName for i in range(0,len(GR_Names)) ].index(True)
# Creating the upper face group HIFAC
ALLFAC = MainMesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'ALLFAC' )
HIFAC = MainMesh.GetMesh().CutListOfGroups( [ ALLFAC ], [LOFAC] + [ MeshGroup for MeshGroup in Ext3DMeshGroups if not(MeshGroup.GetName()=='VOL') ], 'HIFAC' )
# Scaling down the mesh to meter units
if not(Scale==1.):
MeshEditor = MainMesh.GetMeshEditor()
MeshEditor.Scale( MainMesh.GetMesh(), SMESH.PointStruct( 0, 0, 0 ) ,[ Scale, Scale, Scale ], 0 )
def NormalizeVector (V,Norm):
This function returns a normalized vector (magnitude = Norm), parallel to the entered one
V = [float(Coor) for Coor in V]
Norm = float(Norm)
MagV = math.sqrt(V[0]*V[0]+V[1]*V[1]+V[2]*V[2])
return [Coor*Norm/MagV for Coor in V]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
# This is an automation of the sharp angle object, with a corner at (X0,Y0), side length : Extension and a fine local meshing : LocalMeshing
# The corner orientation is defined as NE (North-East) , NW (North-West), SE, or SW. The object's "arm" is 8/14 of Extension
# | | 8 6
# ------- ---------
# ----> | | <----
# | NW NE | oo
# _____| |_____
import sys, salome, geompy, smesh, SMESH, math, commands
CWD = commands.getoutput('pwd')
from MacObject import *
from CompositeBox import *
import Config, GenFunctions
def SharpAngleOut (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , DLocal, LocalMeshing , CornerOrientation , NLevels, **args) :
if DLocal == 'auto' : DLocal = float(min(DX,DY))
BoxSide = DLocal/(2.**(NLevels+1))
InternalMeshing = int(math.ceil(BoxSide/(3*LocalMeshing)))
InternalMeshing = InternalMeshing+InternalMeshing%2 # An even number is needed, otherwise the objects would not be compatible once created
if InternalMeshing == 0 : InternalMeshing = 2 # This sets a minimum meshing condition in order to avoid an error. The user is notified of the value considered for the local meshing
print "Possible Local meshing is :", BoxSide/(3*InternalMeshing), "\nThis value is returned by this function for your convenience"
DirPar = {'NE' : lambda : ['NE', 'NW', 'SE', 'EW', 'NW', 'SN', 'SN', 'NE', 'WE', 'WE', 'SE', 'NS'],
'NW' : lambda : ['NW', 'NE', 'SW', 'WE', 'NE', 'SN', 'SN', 'NW', 'EW', 'EW', 'SW', 'NS'],
'SE' : lambda : ['SE', 'SW', 'NE', 'EW', 'SW', 'NS', 'NS', 'SE', 'WE', 'WE', 'NE', 'SN'],
'SW' : lambda : ['SW', 'SE', 'NW', 'WE', 'SE', 'NS', 'NS', 'SW', 'EW', 'EW', 'NW', 'SN'], }[CornerOrientation]()
CoefVer = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : 1,
'SE' : lambda : -1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
CoefHor = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : -1,
'SE' : lambda : 1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
ToLook = {'NE' : lambda : [0,2,1,3],
'NW' : lambda : [0,3,1,2],
'SE' : lambda : [1,2,0,3],
'SW' : lambda : [1,3,0,2], }[CornerOrientation]()
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
GN00 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[0])
GN01 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[1])
GN1 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[1]],[GroupNames[0],GroupNames[5]])
GN7 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[1]],[GroupNames[4],GroupNames[1]])
if DY == DLocal :
GN2 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[5],GroupNames[2]])
GN3 = GroupArray(ToLook[2],GroupNames[2])
if DX == DLocal:
GN4 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]])
GN5 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[3])
GN6 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
else :
GN4 = GroupArray(ToLook[2],GroupNames[2])
GN5 = [None,None,None,None]
GN6 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[4])
GN21 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4],GroupNames[2]])
else :
GN2 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[5])
GN3 = [None,None,None,None]
if DX == DLocal:
GN4 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[3])
GN5 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[3])
GN6 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
GN22 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[5],GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]])
else :
GN4 = [None,None,None,None]
GN5 = [None,None,None,None]
GN6 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[4])
GN21 = GroupArray([ToLook[3],ToLook[0]],[GroupNames[3],GroupNames[4]])
GN22 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[5],GroupNames[2]])
GN23 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[2],GroupNames[3]])
Obj = []
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0-CoefHor*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*BoxSide/2),(BoxSide,BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[1]], groups = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[0])))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*BoxSide/2,Y0-CoefVer*BoxSide/2),(BoxSide,BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[2]], groups = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[1])))
for N in range (1,NLevels+1):
n = N-1
if N < NLevels :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*BoxSide*(2**n)*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]] , groups = GN00))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[4]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[5]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[6]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[7]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[8]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[9]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[10]] ))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[11]] , groups = GN01))
else :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*BoxSide*(2**n)*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]] , groups = GN1))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[4]] , groups = GN2))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0-CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[5]] , groups = GN3))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[6]] , groups = GN3))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[7]] , groups = GN4))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[8]] , groups = GN5))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[9]] , groups = GN5))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[10]], groups = GN6))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0-CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[11]] , groups = GN7))
OuterMeshing = (3/2)*InternalMeshing*2**(NLevels-1)
OuterSegLength = (DLocal/OuterMeshing)
if DX > DLocal :
dX = DX - DLocal
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*(DX)/2.,Y0),(dX,DLocal)],['auto'], groups = GN21))
if DY > DLocal :
dY = DY - DLocal
if DX > DLocal :
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0+CoefHor*DX/2.,Y0+CoefVer*(DY)/2.),(DX-DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN23))
Obj.append(MacObject('CompBoxF',[(X0,Y0+CoefVer*(DY)/2.),(DLocal,dY)],['auto'], groups = GN22))
return Obj
def SharpAngleIn (X0 , Y0 , DX , DY , DLocal, LocalMeshing , CornerOrientation , NLevels, **args) :
if DLocal == 'auto' : DLocal = float(min(DX,DY))
BoxSide = DLocal/(2.**(NLevels))
InternalMeshing = int(math.ceil(BoxSide/(3*LocalMeshing)))
InternalMeshing = InternalMeshing+InternalMeshing%2 # An even number is needed, otherwise the objects would not be compatible once created
if InternalMeshing == 0 : InternalMeshing = 2 # This sets a minimum meshing condition in order to avoid an error. The user is notified of the value considered for the local meshing
print "Possible Local meshing is :", BoxSide/(3*InternalMeshing), "\nThis value is returned by this function for your convenience..."
DirPar = {'NE' : lambda : ['NE', 'SN', 'NE', 'WE'],
'NW' : lambda : ['NW', 'SN', 'NW', 'EW'],
'SE' : lambda : ['SE', 'NS', 'SE', 'WE'],
'SW' : lambda : ['SW', 'NS', 'SW', 'EW'], }[CornerOrientation]()
CoefVer = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : 1,
'SE' : lambda : -1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
CoefHor = {'NE' : lambda : 1,
'NW' : lambda : -1,
'SE' : lambda : 1,
'SW' : lambda : -1, }[CornerOrientation]()
ToLook = {'NE' : lambda : [0,2,1,3],
'NW' : lambda : [0,3,1,2],
'SE' : lambda : [1,2,0,3],
'SW' : lambda : [1,3,0,2], }[CornerOrientation]()
if args.__contains__('groups') :
GroupNames = args['groups']
else : GroupNames = [None, None, None, None]
GN01 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[1]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[1]]])
GN02 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[ToLook[1]])
GN03 = [None, None, None, None]
GN04 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[ToLook[0]])
if DY == DLocal :
GN05 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[ToLook[1]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]]])
GN08 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
if DX == DLocal:
GN06 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN07 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
else :
GN06 = GroupArray(ToLook[2],GroupNames[ToLook[2]])
GN07 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[ToLook[0]])
else :
GN05 = GroupArray(ToLook[1],GroupNames[ToLook[1]])
if DX == DLocal :
GN06 = GroupArray(ToLook[3],GroupNames[ToLook[3]])
GN07 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN10 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[1]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
else :
GN06 = [None, None, None, None]
GN07 = GroupArray(ToLook[0],GroupNames[ToLook[0]])
GN08 = GroupArray([ToLook[0],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[0]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN09 = GroupArray([ToLook[2],ToLook[3]],[GroupNames[ToLook[2]],GroupNames[ToLook[3]]])
GN10 = GroupArray([ToLook[1],ToLook[2]],[GroupNames[ToLook[1]],GroupNames[ToLook[2]]])
Obj = []
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*BoxSide/2),(BoxSide,BoxSide)],[InternalMeshing,DirPar[0]],groups = GN01))
for N in range (1,NLevels+1):
n = N-1
if N < NLevels :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[1]],groups = GN02))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[2]],groups = GN03))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]],groups = GN04))
else :
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[1]],groups = GN05))
Obj.append(MacObject('BoxAng32',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[2]],groups = GN06))
Obj.append(MacObject('Box42',[(X0+CoefHor*(2**n)*BoxSide*3/2,Y0+CoefVer*(2**n)*BoxSide/2),((2**n)*BoxSide,(2**n)*BoxSide)],['auto',DirPar[3]],groups = GN07))
OuterMeshing = (3/2)*InternalMeshing*2**(NLevels-1)
OuterSegLength = (DLocal/OuterMeshing)
if DX > DLocal :
dX = DX - DLocal
Obj = Obj + CompositeBox(X0+CoefHor*(DLocal+dX/2.),Y0+CoefVer*(DLocal)/2.,dX,DLocal, groups = GN08)
if DY > DLocal :
dY = DY - DLocal
if DX > DLocal :
Obj = Obj + CompositeBox(X0+CoefHor*(DLocal+(DX-DLocal)/2.),Y0+CoefVer*(DLocal+dY/2.),DX-DLocal,dY, groups = GN09)
Obj = Obj + CompositeBox(X0+CoefHor*DLocal/2,Y0+CoefVer*(DLocal+dY/2.),DLocal,dY,groups = GN10)
return Obj
def GroupArray(indices, GroupNames) :
if type(indices) is int :
indices = [indices]
GroupNames = [GroupNames]
Output = [None,None,None,None]
for i, ind in enumerate(indices) :
Output[ind] = GroupNames[i]
return Output