mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 21:51:17 +05:00
Bug PAL8581. Implement smoothing using UV params of nodes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx"
#include "SMDS_EdgePosition.hxx"
#include "SMDS_PolyhedralVolumeOfNodes.hxx"
#include "SMDS_FacePosition.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_Group.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx"
@ -54,6 +55,12 @@
#include <gp_Pln.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
#include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
#include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
#include <Extrema_GenExtPS.hxx>
#include <Extrema_POnSurf.hxx>
#include <GeomAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
#include <ElCLib.hxx>
#include <map>
@ -1287,54 +1294,70 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::SortHexaNodes (const SMDS_Mesh * theMesh,
// connected to that node along an element edge
void laplacianSmooth(SMESHDS_Mesh * theMesh,
const SMDS_MeshNode* theNode,
const set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> & theElems,
const set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> & theFixedNodes)
void laplacianSmooth(const SMDS_MeshNode* theNode,
const Handle(Geom_Surface)& theSurface,
map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, gp_XY* >& theUVMap)
// find surrounding nodes
set< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeSet;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = theNode->GetInverseElementIterator();
while ( elemIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = elemIt->next();
if ( theElems.find( elem ) == theElems.end() )
if (elem->IsPoly())
int i = 0, iNode = 0;
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNodes [4];
// put all nodes in array
int nbNodes = 0, iNode = 0;
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode*> aNodes( elem->NbNodes() );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itN = elem->nodesIterator();
while ( itN->more() )
aNodes[ i ] = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( itN->next() );
if ( aNodes[ i ] == theNode )
iNode = i;
nodeSet.insert( aNodes[ i ] );
if ( elem->NbNodes() == 4 ) { // remove an opposite node
iNode += ( iNode < 2 ) ? 2 : -2;
nodeSet.erase( aNodes[ iNode ]);
aNodes[ nbNodes ] = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( itN->next() );
if ( aNodes[ nbNodes ] == theNode )
iNode = nbNodes; // index of theNode within aNodes
// add linked nodes
int iAfter = ( iNode + 1 == nbNodes ) ? 0 : iNode + 1;
nodeSet.insert( aNodes[ iAfter ]);
int iBefore = ( iNode == 0 ) ? nbNodes - 1 : iNode - 1;
nodeSet.insert( aNodes[ iBefore ]);
// compute new coodrs
double coord[] = { 0., 0., 0. };
set< const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator nodeSetIt = nodeSet.begin();
for ( ; nodeSetIt != nodeSet.end(); nodeSetIt++ ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = (*nodeSetIt);
coord[0] += node->X();
coord[1] += node->Y();
coord[2] += node->Z();
if ( theSurface.IsNull() ) { // smooth in 3D
coord[0] += node->X();
coord[1] += node->Y();
coord[2] += node->Z();
else { // smooth in 2D
gp_XY* uv = theUVMap[ node ];
coord[0] += uv->X();
coord[1] += uv->Y();
double nbNodes = nodeSet.size();
theMesh->MoveNode (theNode,
int nbNodes = nodeSet.size();
coord[0] /= nbNodes;
coord[1] /= nbNodes;
if ( !theSurface.IsNull() ) {
theUVMap[ theNode ]->SetCoord( coord[0], coord[1] );
gp_Pnt p3d = theSurface->Value( coord[0], coord[1] );
coord[0] = p3d.X();
coord[1] = p3d.Y();
coord[2] = p3d.Z();
coord[2] /= nbNodes;
// move node
const_cast< SMDS_MeshNode* >( theNode )->setXYZ(coord[0],coord[1],coord[2]);
@ -1343,23 +1366,21 @@ void laplacianSmooth(SMESHDS_Mesh * theMesh,
// surrounding elements
void centroidalSmooth(SMESHDS_Mesh * theMesh,
const SMDS_MeshNode* theNode,
const set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> & theElems,
const set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> & theFixedNodes)
void centroidalSmooth(const SMDS_MeshNode* theNode,
const Handle(Geom_Surface)& theSurface,
map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, gp_XY* >& theUVMap)
gp_XYZ aNewXYZ(0.,0.,0.);
SMESH::Controls::Area anAreaFunc;
double totalArea = 0.;
int nbElems = 0;
// compute new XYZ
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = theNode->GetInverseElementIterator();
while ( elemIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = elemIt->next();
if ( theElems.find( elem ) == theElems.end() )
gp_XYZ elemCenter(0.,0.,0.);
@ -1370,6 +1391,10 @@ void centroidalSmooth(SMESHDS_Mesh * theMesh,
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( itN->next() );
gp_XYZ aP( aNode->X(), aNode->Y(), aNode->Z() );
aNodePoints.push_back( aP );
if ( !theSurface.IsNull() ) { // smooth in 2D
gp_XY* uv = theUVMap[ aNode ];
aP.SetCoord( uv->X(), uv->Y(), 0. );
elemCenter += aP;
double elemArea = anAreaFunc.GetValue( aNodePoints );
@ -1378,12 +1403,38 @@ void centroidalSmooth(SMESHDS_Mesh * theMesh,
aNewXYZ += elemCenter * elemArea;
aNewXYZ /= totalArea;
theMesh->MoveNode (theNode,
if ( !theSurface.IsNull() ) {
theUVMap[ theNode ]->SetCoord( aNewXYZ.X(), aNewXYZ.Y() );
aNewXYZ = theSurface->Value( aNewXYZ.X(), aNewXYZ.Y() ).XYZ();
// move node
const_cast< SMDS_MeshNode* >( theNode )->setXYZ(aNewXYZ.X(),aNewXYZ.Y(),aNewXYZ.Z());
//function : getClosestUV
//purpose : return UV of closest projection
static bool getClosestUV (Extrema_GenExtPS& projector,
const gp_Pnt& point,
gp_XY & result)
projector.Perform( point );
if ( projector.IsDone() ) {
double u, v, minVal = DBL_MAX;
for ( int i = projector.NbExt(); i > 0; i-- )
if ( projector.Value( i ) < minVal ) {
minVal = projector.Value( i );
projector.Point( i ).Parameter( u, v );
result.SetCoord( u, v );
return true;
return false;
//function : Smooth
//purpose : Smooth theElements during theNbIterations or until a worst
@ -1402,120 +1453,392 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::Smooth (set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> & theElems,
MESSAGE((theSmoothMethod==LAPLACIAN ? "LAPLACIAN" : "CENTROIDAL") << "--::Smooth()");
SMESHDS_Mesh* aMesh = GetMeshDS();
if ( theElems.empty() ) {
// add all faces
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr fIt = aMesh->facesIterator();
while ( fIt->more() )
theElems.insert( fIt->next() );
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> setMovableNodes;
// Fill setMovableNodes
map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, int > mapNodeNbFaces;
set< const SMDS_MeshElement* >::iterator itElem;
for ( itElem = theElems.begin(); itElem != theElems.end(); itElem++ )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = (*itElem);
if ( !elem || elem->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face )
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itN = elem->nodesIterator();
while ( itN->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* node =
static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( itN->next() );
if ( theFixedNodes.find( node ) != theFixedNodes.end() )
// if node is on edge => it is fixed
SMDS_PositionPtr aPositionPtr = node->GetPosition();
if ( aPositionPtr.get() &&
(aPositionPtr->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_EDGE ||
aPositionPtr->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_VERTEX)) {
theFixedNodes.insert( node );
// fill mapNodeNbFaces in order to detect fixed boundary nodes
map<const SMDS_MeshNode*,int>::iterator nodeNbFacesIt =
mapNodeNbFaces.find ( node );
if ( nodeNbFacesIt == mapNodeNbFaces.end() )
mapNodeNbFaces.insert( map<const SMDS_MeshNode*,int>::value_type( node, 1 ));
// put not fixed nodes in setMovableNodes
map<const SMDS_MeshNode*,int>::iterator nodeNbFacesIt =
for ( ; nodeNbFacesIt != mapNodeNbFaces.end(); nodeNbFacesIt++ ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = (*nodeNbFacesIt).first;
// a node is on free boundary if it is shared by 1-2 faces
if ( (*nodeNbFacesIt).second > 2 )
setMovableNodes.insert( node );
theFixedNodes.insert( node );
if ( theTgtAspectRatio < 1.0 )
theTgtAspectRatio = 1.0;
SMESH::Controls::AspectRatio aQualityFunc;
for ( int it = 0; it < theNbIterations; it++ )
Standard_Real maxDisplacement = 0.;
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator movableNodesIt
= setMovableNodes.begin();
for ( ; movableNodesIt != setMovableNodes.end(); movableNodesIt++ )
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = (*movableNodesIt);
gp_XYZ aPrevPos ( node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z() );
// smooth
if ( theSmoothMethod == LAPLACIAN )
laplacianSmooth( aMesh, node, theElems, theFixedNodes );
centroidalSmooth( aMesh, node, theElems, theFixedNodes );
// displacement
gp_XYZ aNewPos ( node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z() );
Standard_Real aDispl = (aPrevPos - aNewPos).SquareModulus();
if ( aDispl > maxDisplacement )
maxDisplacement = aDispl;
// no node movement => exit
if ( maxDisplacement < 1.e-16 ) {
MESSAGE("-- no node movement -- maxDisplacement: " << maxDisplacement << " it "<< it);
// check elements quality
double maxRatio = 0;
for ( itElem = theElems.begin(); itElem != theElems.end(); itElem++ )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = (*itElem);
if ( !elem || elem->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face )
SMESH::Controls::TSequenceOfXYZ aPoints;
if ( aQualityFunc.GetPoints( elem, aPoints )) {
double aValue = aQualityFunc.GetValue( aPoints );
if ( aValue > maxRatio )
maxRatio = aValue;
if ( maxRatio <= theTgtAspectRatio ) {
MESSAGE("-- quality achived -- maxRatio " << maxRatio << " it "<< it);
if (it+1 == theNbIterations) {
MESSAGE("-- Iteration limit exceeded --");
SMESHDS_Mesh* aMesh = GetMeshDS();
if ( theElems.empty() ) {
// add all faces to theElems
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr fIt = aMesh->facesIterator();
while ( fIt->more() )
theElems.insert( fIt->next() );
// get all face ids theElems are on
set< int > faceIdSet;
set< const SMDS_MeshElement* >::iterator itElem;
for ( itElem = theElems.begin(); itElem != theElems.end(); itElem++ ) {
int fId = FindShape( *itElem );
// check that corresponding submesh exists and a shape is face
if (fId &&
faceIdSet.find( fId ) == faceIdSet.end() &&
aMesh->MeshElements( fId )) {
TopoDS_Shape F = aMesh->IndexToShape( fId );
if ( !F.IsNull() && F.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE )
faceIdSet.insert( fId );
faceIdSet.insert( 0 ); // to smooth elements that are not on any TopoDS_Face
// ===============================================
// smooth elements on each TopoDS_Face separately
// ===============================================
set< int >::reverse_iterator fId = faceIdSet.rbegin(); // treate 0 fId at the end
for ( ; fId != faceIdSet.rend(); ++fId )
// get face surface and submesh
Handle(Geom_Surface) surface;
SMESHDS_SubMesh* faceSubMesh = 0;
TopoDS_Face face;
double fToler2 = 0, vPeriod = 0., uPeriod = 0.;
double u1 = 0, u2 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
bool isUPeriodic = false, isVPeriodic = false;
if ( *fId ) {
face = TopoDS::Face( aMesh->IndexToShape( *fId ));
surface = BRep_Tool::Surface( face );
faceSubMesh = aMesh->MeshElements( *fId );
fToler2 = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( face );
fToler2 *= fToler2;
isUPeriodic = surface->IsUPeriodic();
if ( isUPeriodic )
vPeriod = surface->UPeriod();
isVPeriodic = surface->IsVPeriodic();
if ( isVPeriodic )
uPeriod = surface->VPeriod();
surface->Bounds( u1, u2, v1, v2 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// for elements on a face, find movable and fixed nodes and
// compute UV for them
// ---------------------------------------------------------
bool checkBoundaryNodes = false;
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> setMovableNodes, checkedNodes;
map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, gp_XY* > uvMap, uvMap2;
list< gp_XY > listUV; // uvs the 2 maps refer to
list< const SMDS_MeshElement* > elemsOnFace;
Extrema_GenExtPS projector;
GeomAdaptor_Surface surfAdaptor;
if ( !surface.IsNull() ) {
surfAdaptor.Load( surface );
projector.Initialize( surfAdaptor, 20,20, 1e-5,1e-5 );
int nbElemOnFace = 0;
itElem = theElems.begin();
while ( itElem != theElems.end() ) // loop on not yet smoothed elements
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = (*itElem);
if ( !elem || elem->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face || elem->NbNodes() < 3 ||
( faceSubMesh && !faceSubMesh->Contains( elem ))) {
elemsOnFace.push_back( elem );
theElems.erase( itElem++ );
// loop on elem nodes
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itN = elem->nodesIterator();
while ( itN->more() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* node =
static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( itN->next() );
if ( !checkedNodes.insert( node ).second )
// get UV on face
gp_XY uv( 0, 0 );
bool project = !surface.IsNull();
gp_Pnt pNode ( node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z() );
const SMDS_PositionPtr& pos = node->GetPosition();
SMDS_TypeOfPosition posType = SMDS_TOP_3DSPACE;
if ( faceSubMesh && pos.get() ) {
posType = pos->GetTypeOfPosition();
if ( posType == SMDS_TOP_FACE ) {
SMDS_FacePosition* fPos = ( SMDS_FacePosition* ) pos.get();
uv.SetCoord( fPos->GetUParameter(), fPos->GetVParameter() );
gp_Pnt pSurf = surface->Value( uv.X(), uv.Y() );
project = pSurf.SquareDistance( pNode ) > fToler2;
if ( project ) {
if ( !getClosestUV( projector, pNode, uv ))
MESSAGE("Node Projection Failed " << node);
if ( isUPeriodic )
uv.SetX( ElCLib::InPeriod( uv.X(), u1, u2 ));
if ( isVPeriodic )
uv.SetY( ElCLib::InPeriod( uv.Y(), v1, v2 ));
if ( !surface.IsNull() ) {
listUV.push_back( uv );
uvMap.insert( make_pair( node, &listUV.back() ));
if ( posType == SMDS_TOP_3DSPACE )
checkBoundaryNodes = true;
// movable or not?
if (posType != SMDS_TOP_EDGE &&
posType != SMDS_TOP_VERTEX &&
theFixedNodes.find( node ) == theFixedNodes.end())
// check if all faces around the node are on faceSubMesh
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = node->GetInverseElementIterator();
bool all = true;
while ( eIt->more() && all ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* e = eIt->next();
if ( e->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face )
all = faceSubMesh->Contains( e );
if ( all )
setMovableNodes.insert( node );
checkBoundaryNodes = true;
} // loop on elem nodes
if ( nbElemOnFace == faceSubMesh->NbElements() )
break; // all elements found
} // loop on not yet smoothed elements
if ( !faceSubMesh || elemsOnFace.size() != nbElemOnFace )
checkBoundaryNodes = true;
// fix nodes on boundary of elemsOnFace
if ( checkBoundaryNodes )
typedef pair<const SMDS_MeshNode*, const SMDS_MeshNode*> TLink;
map< TLink, int > linkNbMap; // how many times a link encounters in elemsOnFace
map< TLink, int >::iterator link_nb;
// put all elements links to linkNbMap
list< const SMDS_MeshElement* >::iterator elemIt = elemsOnFace.begin();
for ( ; elemIt != elemsOnFace.end(); ++elemIt )
// put elem nodes in array
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodes;
nodes.reserve( (*elemIt)->NbNodes() + 1 );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itN = (*elemIt)->nodesIterator();
while ( itN->more() )
nodes.push_back( static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( itN->next() ));
nodes.push_back( nodes.front() );
// loop on elem links: insert them in linkNbMap
for ( int iN = 1; iN < nodes.size(); ++iN ) {
TLink link;
if ( nodes[ iN-1 ]->GetID() < nodes[ iN ]->GetID() )
link = make_pair( nodes[ iN-1 ], nodes[ iN ] );
link = make_pair( nodes[ iN ], nodes[ iN-1 ] );
link_nb = linkNbMap.find( link );
if ( link_nb == linkNbMap.end() )
linkNbMap.insert( make_pair ( link, 1 ));
// remove nodes that are in links encountered only once from setMovableNodes
for ( link_nb = linkNbMap.begin(); link_nb != linkNbMap.end(); ++link_nb ) {
if ( link_nb->second == 1 ) {
setMovableNodes.erase( link_nb->first.first );
setMovableNodes.erase( link_nb->first.second );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// for nodes on seam edge, compute one more UV ( uvMap2 );
// find movable nodes linked to nodes on seam and which
// are to be smoothed using the second UV ( uvMap2 )
// -----------------------------------------------------
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodesNearSeam; // to smooth using uvMap2
if ( !surface.IsNull() )
TopExp_Explorer eExp( face, TopAbs_EDGE );
for ( ; eExp.More(); eExp.Next() )
TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge( eExp.Current() );
if ( !BRep_Tool::IsClosed( edge, face ))
SMESHDS_SubMesh* sm = aMesh->MeshElements( edge );
if ( !sm ) continue;
// find out which parameter varies for a node on seam
double f,l;
gp_Pnt2d uv1, uv2;
Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcurve = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( edge, face, f, l );
if ( pcurve.IsNull() ) continue;
uv1 = pcurve->Value( f );
pcurve = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( edge, face, f, l );
if ( pcurve.IsNull() ) continue;
uv2 = pcurve->Value( f );
int iPar = Abs( uv1.X() - uv2.X() ) > Abs( uv1.Y() - uv2.Y() ) ? 1 : 2;
// assure uv1 < uv2
if ( uv1.Coord( iPar ) > uv2.Coord( iPar )) {
gp_Pnt2d tmp = uv1; uv1 = uv2; uv2 = tmp;
// get nodes on seam and its vertices
list< const SMDS_MeshNode* > seamNodes;
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nSeamIt = sm->GetNodes();
while ( nSeamIt->more() )
seamNodes.push_back( nSeamIt->next() );
TopExp_Explorer vExp( edge, TopAbs_VERTEX );
for ( ; vExp.More(); vExp.Next() ) {
sm = aMesh->MeshElements( vExp.Current() );
if ( sm ) {
nSeamIt = sm->GetNodes();
while ( nSeamIt->more() )
seamNodes.push_back( nSeamIt->next() );
// loop on nodes on seam
list< const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator noSeIt = seamNodes.begin();
for ( ; noSeIt != seamNodes.end(); ++noSeIt )
const SMDS_MeshNode* nSeam = *noSeIt;
map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, gp_XY* >::iterator n_uv = uvMap.find( nSeam );
if ( n_uv == uvMap.end() )
// set the first UV
n_uv->second->SetCoord( iPar, uv1.Coord( iPar ));
// set the second UV
listUV.push_back( *n_uv->second );
listUV.back().SetCoord( iPar, uv2.Coord( iPar ));
if ( uvMap2.empty() )
uvMap2 = uvMap; // copy the uvMap contents
uvMap2[ nSeam ] = &listUV.back();
// collect movable nodes linked to ones on seam in nodesNearSeam
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = nSeam->GetInverseElementIterator();
while ( eIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* e = eIt->next();
if ( e->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face )
int nbUseMap1 = 0, nbUseMap2 = 0;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = e->nodesIterator();
while ( nIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n =
static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( nIt->next() );
if (n == nSeam ||
setMovableNodes.find( n ) == setMovableNodes.end() )
// add only nodes being closer to uv2 than to uv1
gp_Pnt pMid (0.5 * ( n->X() + nSeam->X() ),
0.5 * ( n->Y() + nSeam->Y() ),
0.5 * ( n->Z() + nSeam->Z() ));
gp_XY uv;
getClosestUV( projector, pMid, uv );
if ( uv.Coord( iPar ) > uvMap[ n ]->Coord( iPar ) ) {
nodesNearSeam.insert( n );
// for centroidalSmooth all element nodes must
// be on one side of a seam
if ( theSmoothMethod == CENTROIDAL && nbUseMap1 && nbUseMap2 )
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = e->nodesIterator();
while ( nIt->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* n =
static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( nIt->next() );
setMovableNodes.erase( n );
} // loop on nodes on seam
} // loop on edge of a face
} // if ( !face.IsNull() )
// -------------
// -------------
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator nodeToMove;
int it = -1;
double maxRatio = -1., maxDisplacement = -1.;
for ( it = 0; it < theNbIterations; it++ )
maxDisplacement = 0.;
nodeToMove = setMovableNodes.begin();
for ( ; nodeToMove != setMovableNodes.end(); nodeToMove++ )
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = (*nodeToMove);
gp_XYZ aPrevPos ( node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z() );
// smooth
bool map2 = ( nodesNearSeam.find( node ) != nodesNearSeam.end() );
if ( theSmoothMethod == LAPLACIAN )
laplacianSmooth( node, surface, map2 ? uvMap2 : uvMap );
centroidalSmooth( node, surface, map2 ? uvMap2 : uvMap );
// node displacement
gp_XYZ aNewPos ( node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z() );
Standard_Real aDispl = (aPrevPos - aNewPos).SquareModulus();
if ( aDispl > maxDisplacement )
maxDisplacement = aDispl;
// no node movement => exit
if ( maxDisplacement < 1.e-16 ) {
MESSAGE("-- no node movement --");
// check elements quality
maxRatio = 0;
for ( itElem = theElems.begin(); itElem != theElems.end(); itElem++ )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = (*itElem);
if ( !elem || elem->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face )
SMESH::Controls::TSequenceOfXYZ aPoints;
if ( aQualityFunc.GetPoints( elem, aPoints )) {
double aValue = aQualityFunc.GetValue( aPoints );
if ( aValue > maxRatio )
maxRatio = aValue;
if ( maxRatio <= theTgtAspectRatio ) {
MESSAGE("-- quality achived --");
if (it+1 == theNbIterations) {
MESSAGE("-- Iteration limit exceeded --");
} // smoothing iterations
MESSAGE(" Face id: " << *fId <<
" Nb iterstions: " << it <<
" Displacement: " << maxDisplacement <<
" Aspect Ratio " << maxRatio);
// ---------------------------------------
// new nodes positions are computed,
// record movement in DS and set new UV
// ---------------------------------------
nodeToMove = setMovableNodes.begin();
for ( ; nodeToMove != setMovableNodes.end(); nodeToMove++ )
SMDS_MeshNode* node = const_cast< SMDS_MeshNode* > (*nodeToMove);
aMesh->MoveNode( node, node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z() );
map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, gp_XY* >::iterator node_uv = uvMap.find( node );
if ( node_uv != uvMap.end() ) {
gp_XY* uv = node_uv->second;
( SMDS_PositionPtr( new SMDS_FacePosition( *fId, uv->X(), uv->Y() )));
} // loop on face ids
Reference in New Issue
Block a user