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synced 2025-03-07 04:25:37 +05:00
52453: Impossible to get viscous layers on a given shape
Fix for the downloaded SampleCase2-Tet-netgen-mephisto.hdf: prevent failure on a 2D mesh including degenerated faces built near degenerated EDGEs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -594,6 +594,7 @@ bool SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( const TopoDS_Edge & E )
* \param V - the vertex
* \param meshDS - mesh
* \retval const SMDS_MeshNode* - found node or NULL
* \sa SMESH_MesherHelper::GetSubShapeByNode( const SMDS_MeshNode*, SMESHDS_Mesh* )
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ class SMESH_EXPORT SMESH_MesherHelper
* \param node - the node
* \param meshDS - mesh DS
* \retval TopoDS_Shape - found support shape
* \sa SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( const TopoDS_Vertex&, SMESHDS_Mesh* )
static TopoDS_Shape GetSubShapeByNode(const SMDS_MeshNode* node,
const SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS);
@ -849,6 +849,7 @@ namespace
gp_Vec dir;
double f,l; gp_Pnt p;
Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve( E, f, l );
if ( c.IsNull() ) return gp_XYZ( 1e100, 1e100, 1e100 );
double u = helper.GetNodeU( E, atNode );
c->D1( u, p, dir );
return dir.XYZ();
@ -1652,22 +1653,43 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder::makeLayer(_SolidData& data)
while ( eIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* face = eIt->next();
double faceMaxCosin = -1;
_LayerEdge* maxCosinEdge = 0;
int nbDegenNodes = 0;
newNodes.resize( face->NbCornerNodes() );
double faceMaxCosin = -1;
_LayerEdge* maxCosinEdge = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < face->NbCornerNodes(); ++i )
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < newNodes.size(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = face->GetNode(i);
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = face->GetNode( i );
const int shapeID = n->getshapeId();
const bool onDegenShap = helper.IsDegenShape( shapeID );
const bool onDegenEdge = ( onDegenShap && n->GetPosition()->GetDim() == 1 );
if ( onDegenShap )
if ( onDegenEdge )
// substitute n on a degenerated EDGE with a node on a corresponding VERTEX
const TopoDS_Shape& E = getMeshDS()->IndexToShape( shapeID );
TopoDS_Vertex V = helper.IthVertex( 0, TopoDS::Edge( E ));
if ( const SMDS_MeshNode* vN = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( V, getMeshDS() )) {
n = vN;
TNode2Edge::iterator n2e = data._n2eMap.insert( make_pair( n, (_LayerEdge*)0 )).first;
if ( !(*n2e).second )
// add a _LayerEdge
_LayerEdge* edge = new _LayerEdge();
n2e->second = edge;
edge->_nodes.push_back( n );
const int shapeID = n->getshapeId();
const bool noShrink = data._noShrinkShapes.count( shapeID );
n2e->second = edge;
edgesByGeom[ shapeID ].push_back( edge );
const bool noShrink = data._noShrinkShapes.count( shapeID );
SMESH_TNodeXYZ xyz( n );
@ -1702,7 +1724,13 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder::makeLayer(_SolidData& data)
newNodes[ i ] = n2e->second->_nodes.back();
if ( onDegenEdge )
data._n2eMap.insert( make_pair( face->GetNode( i ), n2e->second ));
if ( newNodes.size() - nbDegenNodes < 2 )
// create a temporary face
const SMDS_MeshElement* newFace =
new _TmpMeshFace( newNodes, --_tmpFaceID, face->getshapeId() );
@ -1711,6 +1739,7 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder::makeLayer(_SolidData& data)
// compute inflation step size by min size of element on a convex surface
if ( faceMaxCosin > theMinSmoothCosin )
limitStepSize( data, face, maxCosinEdge );
} // loop on 2D elements on a FACE
} // loop on FACEs of a SOLID
@ -1730,16 +1759,17 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder::makeLayer(_SolidData& data)
const SMDS_MeshNode* nn[2];
for ( size_t i = 0; i < data._edges.size(); ++i )
if ( data._edges[i]->IsOnEdge() )
_LayerEdge* edge = data._edges[i];
if ( edge->IsOnEdge() )
// get neighbor nodes
bool hasData = ( data._edges[i]->_2neibors->_edges[0] );
bool hasData = ( edge->_2neibors->_edges[0] );
if ( hasData ) // _LayerEdge is a copy of another one
nn[0] = data._edges[i]->_2neibors->srcNode(0);
nn[1] = data._edges[i]->_2neibors->srcNode(1);
nn[0] = edge->_2neibors->srcNode(0);
nn[1] = edge->_2neibors->srcNode(1);
else if ( !findNeiborsOnEdge( data._edges[i], nn[0],nn[1], data ))
else if ( !findNeiborsOnEdge( edge, nn[0],nn[1], data ))
return false;
@ -1748,18 +1778,37 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder::makeLayer(_SolidData& data)
if (( n2e = data._n2eMap.find( nn[j] )) == data._n2eMap.end() )
return error("_LayerEdge not found by src node", data._index);
data._edges[i]->_2neibors->_edges[j] = n2e->second;
edge->_2neibors->_edges[j] = n2e->second;
if ( !hasData )
data._edges[i]->SetDataByNeighbors( nn[0], nn[1], helper);
edge->SetDataByNeighbors( nn[0], nn[1], helper);
for ( size_t j = 0; j < data._edges[i]->_simplices.size(); ++j )
for ( size_t j = 0; j < edge->_simplices.size(); ++j )
_Simplex& s = data._edges[i]->_simplices[j];
_Simplex& s = edge->_simplices[j];
s._nNext = data._n2eMap[ s._nNext ]->_nodes.back();
s._nPrev = data._n2eMap[ s._nPrev ]->_nodes.back();
// For an _LayerEdge on a degenerated EDGE, copy some data from
// a corresponding _LayerEdge on a VERTEX
// (issue 52453, pb on a downloaded SampleCase2-Tet-netgen-mephisto.hdf)
if ( helper.IsDegenShape( edge->_nodes[0]->getshapeId() ))
// Generally we should not get here
const TopoDS_Shape& E = getMeshDS()->IndexToShape( edge->_nodes[0]->getshapeId() );
if ( E.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE )
TopoDS_Vertex V = helper.IthVertex( 0, TopoDS::Edge( E ));
const SMDS_MeshNode* vN = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( V, getMeshDS() );
if (( n2e = data._n2eMap.find( vN )) == data._n2eMap.end() )
const _LayerEdge* vEdge = n2e->second;
edge->_normal = vEdge->_normal;
edge->_lenFactor = vEdge->_lenFactor;
edge->_cosin = vEdge->_cosin;
@ -1975,7 +2024,9 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder::sortEdges( _SolidData& data,
case TopAbs_EDGE: {
bool isShrinkEdge = !eS[0]->_sWOL.IsNull();
if ( SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( TopoDS::Edge( S )))
//bool isShrinkEdge = !eS[0]->_sWOL.IsNull();
for ( TopoDS_Iterator vIt( S ); vIt.More() && !needSmooth; vIt.Next() )
TGeomID iV = getMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( vIt.Value() );
@ -2551,11 +2602,11 @@ void _LayerEdge::SetDataByNeighbors( const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
// Set _curvature
double sumLen = vec1.Modulus() + vec2.Modulus();
double sumLen = vec1.Modulus() + vec2.Modulus();
_2neibors->_wgt[0] = 1 - vec1.Modulus() / sumLen;
_2neibors->_wgt[1] = 1 - vec2.Modulus() / sumLen;
double avgNormProj = 0.5 * ( _normal * vec1 + _normal * vec2 );
double avgLen = 0.5 * ( vec1.Modulus() + vec2.Modulus() );
double avgLen = 0.5 * ( vec1.Modulus() + vec2.Modulus() );
if ( _curvature ) delete _curvature;
_curvature = _Curvature::New( avgNormProj, avgLen );
// if ( _curvature )
@ -2569,10 +2620,13 @@ void _LayerEdge::SetDataByNeighbors( const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
if ( _sWOL.IsNull() )
TopoDS_Shape S = helper.GetSubShapeByNode( _nodes[0], helper.GetMeshDS() );
gp_XYZ dirE = getEdgeDir( TopoDS::Edge( S ), _nodes[0], helper );
TopoDS_Edge E = TopoDS::Edge( S );
// if ( SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( E ))
// return;
gp_XYZ dirE = getEdgeDir( E, _nodes[0], helper );
gp_XYZ plnNorm = dirE ^ _normal;
double proj0 = plnNorm * vec1;
double proj1 = plnNorm * vec2;
double proj0 = plnNorm * vec1;
double proj1 = plnNorm * vec2;
if ( fabs( proj0 ) > 1e-10 || fabs( proj1 ) > 1e-10 )
if ( _2neibors->_plnNorm ) delete _2neibors->_plnNorm;
@ -4841,6 +4895,7 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder::refine(_SolidData& data)
vector< vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* > nnVec;
set< vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>* > nnSet;
set< int > degenEdgeInd;
vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> degenVols;
@ -4856,20 +4911,26 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder::refine(_SolidData& data)
const SMDS_MeshElement* face = fIt->next();
const int nbNodes = face->NbCornerNodes();
nnVec.resize( nbNodes );
int nbZ = 0;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = face->nodesIterator();
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = face->nodeIterator();
for ( int iN = 0; iN < nbNodes; ++iN )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( nIt->next() );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = nIt->next();
nnVec[ iN ] = & data._n2eMap[ n ]->_nodes;
if ( nnVec[ iN ]->size() < 2 )
degenEdgeInd.insert( iN );
nbZ = nnVec[ iN ]->size();
if ( helper.HasDegeneratedEdges() )
nnSet.insert( nnVec[ iN ]);
if ( nbZ == 0 )
if ( 0 < nnSet.size() && nnSet.size() < 3 )
switch ( nbNodes )
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