0021308: EDF 1923 SMESH: Remove hard-coded dependency of the external mesh plugins from the SMESH module

* Improve documentation for meshing plug-ins (in particular, dynamically added methods)
This commit is contained in:
vsr 2012-08-21 13:15:16 +00:00
parent 68d4198983
commit 9423cdc0ef
6 changed files with 423 additions and 166 deletions

View File

@ -26,25 +26,26 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am
EXTRA_DIST += images input static/footer.html static/doxygen.css
dist_salomescript_DATA = collect_mesh_methods.py
guidocdir = $(docdir)/gui/SMESH
guidoc_DATA = images/head.png
usr_docs: doxyfile_py doxyfile
echo "===========================================" ; \
echo "Replacing smeshDC by smesh" ; \
echo "===========================================" ; \
awk '/^class Mesh:/ { mesh_found=1 } // { if (mesh_found) {print $$0; next} } /^ +(def|#)/ { match( $$0, /^ +/); print substr( $$0, 1+RLENGTH ); next } /^class smeshDC/ { next } //' \
$(top_srcdir)/src/SMESH_SWIG/smeshDC.py > ./smesh.py ; \
echo "===========================================" ; \
echo "Generating Python interface documentation"; \
echo "===========================================" ; \
$(DOXYGEN) doxyfile_py ; \
echo "===========================================" ; \
echo "Generating GUI documentation" ; \
echo "===========================================" ; \
$(DOXYGEN) doxyfile ; \
rm -f ./smesh.py
# to have smesh.py in the documentation instead of smeshDC.py
# we create dummy smesh.py from the smeshDC.py
smesh.py: ../../../../src/SMESH_SWIG/smeshDC.py
@awk '/^class Mesh:/ { mesh_found=1 } // { if (mesh_found) {print $$0; next} } /^ +(def|#)/ { match( $$0, /^ +/); print substr( $$0, 1+RLENGTH ); next } /^class smeshDC/ { next } //' \
$< > $@
tmp/smesh.py: $(top_srcdir)/src/SMESH_SWIG/StdMeshersDC.py $(srcdir)/collect_mesh_methods.py
@$(MKDIR_P) tmp && PYTHONPATH=$(DOC_PYTHONPATH):${PYTHONPATH} SMESH_MeshersList=$(DOC_SMESH_MeshersList) $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/collect_mesh_methods.py -o $@ StdMeshers
usr_docs: doxyfile_py doxyfile smesh.py tmp/smesh.py
@$(DOXYGEN) doxyfile_py ; \
$(DOXYGEN) doxyfile
docs: usr_docs

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# File: collect_mesh_methods.py
# Author: Vadim SANDLER, Open CASCADE S.A.S (vadim.sandler@opencascade.com)
# Extraction of the meshing algorithm classes
# dynamically added by the plug-in to the Mesh
# class.
# This script is intended for internal usage - only
# for generatation of the extra developer documentation for
# the meshing plug-in(s).
# Usage:
# collect_mesh_methods.py <plugin_name>
# where
# <plugin_name> is a name of the plug-in module
# Notes:
# - the script is supposed to be run in correct environment
# i.e. PYTHONPATH, SMESH_MeshersList and other important
# variables are set properly; otherwise the script will fail.
import sys
def main(plugin, dummymeshhelp = True, output_file = "smesh.py"):
plugin_module = plugin + "DC"
mod = __import__(plugin_module)
methods = {}
for attr in dir( mod ):
if attr.startswith( '_' ): continue
algo = getattr( mod, attr )
if type( algo ).__name__ == 'classobj' and hasattr( algo, "meshMethod" ):
method = getattr( algo, "meshMethod" )
if method not in methods: methods[ method ] = []
methods[ method ].append( algo )
if methods:
output = []
if dummymeshhelp:
# Add dummy Mesh help
# This is supposed to be done when generating documentation for meshing plug-ins
output.append( "## This class allows defining and managing a mesh." )
output.append( "#" )
output.append( "# @note The documentation below does not provide complete description of class @b %Mesh" )
output.append( "# from @b %smesh.py package. This documentation provides only information about" )
output.append( "# the methods dynamically added to the %Mesh class by the " + plugin + " plugin" )
output.append( "# For more details on the %Mesh class, please refer to the SALOME %Mesh module" )
output.append( "# documentation." )
# Extend documentation for Mesh class with information about dynamically added methods.
# This is supposed to be done only when building documentation for SMESH module
output.append( "## This class allows defining and managing a mesh." )
output.append( "#" )
output.append( "# @note Some methods are dynamically added to the @b %Mesh class in runtime by meshing " )
output.append( "# plug-in modules. If you fail to find help on some methods in the documentation of SMESH module, " )
output.append( "# try to look into the documentation for the meshing plug-ins." )
output.append( "class Mesh:" )
for method in methods:
docHelper = ""
for algo in methods[ method ]:
if hasattr( algo, "docHelper" ): docHelper = getattr( algo, "docHelper" )
if docHelper: break
if not docHelper: docHelper = "Creates new algorithm."
output.append( " ## %s." % docHelper )
output.append( " # This method is dynamically added to %Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s). " )
output.append( " #" )
output.append( " # If the optional @a geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh)." )
output.append( " # Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on @a geom_shape subshape." )
output.append( " # @param algo_type type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below)" )
output.append( " # @param geom_shape if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object)" )
output.append( " # @return An instance of Mesh_Algorithm sub-class according to the specified @a algo_type:" )
output.append( " # %s" % ", ".join( [ "%s.%s" % ( plugin_module, algo.__name__ ) for algo in methods[ method ] ] ) )
output.append( " def %s(algo_type, geom_shape=0):" % method )
output.append( " pass" )
f = open(output_file, "w")
for line in output: f.write( line + "\n" )
except Exception, e:
print e
if __name__ == "__main__":
import optparse
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] plugin")
h = "Output file (smesh.py by default)"
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output",
action="store", default=None, metavar="file",
h = "If this option is True, dummy help for Mesh class is added. "
h += "This option should be False (default) when building documentation for SMESH module "
h += "and True when building documentation for meshing plug-ins."
parser.add_option("-d", "--dummy-mesh-help", dest="dummymeshhelp",
action="store_true", default=False,
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len( args ) < 1: sys.exit("Plugin name is not specified")
main( args[0], options.dummymeshhelp, options.output )

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE = NO
#Input related options
INPUT = smesh.py @top_srcdir@/src/SMESH_SWIG/StdMeshersDC.py
INPUT = smesh.py @top_srcdir@/src/SMESH_SWIG/StdMeshersDC.py tmp/smesh.py
IMAGE_PATH = @srcdir@/images

View File

@ -2,44 +2,37 @@
\page smeshpy_interface_page Python interface
Python package smesh defines several classes, destined for easy and
clear mesh creation and edition.
Python API for SALOME %Mesh module defines several classes that can
be used for easy mesh creation and edition.
Documentation for smesh package is available in two forms:
The <a href="smeshpy_doc/modules.html"> structured
documentation for smesh package</a>, where all methods and
Documentation for SALOME %Mesh module Python API is available in two forms:
- <a href="smeshpy_doc/modules.html">Structured documentation</a>, where all methods and
classes are grouped by their functionality, like it is done in the GUI documentation
and the \ref smeshDC "linear documentation for smesh package"
grouped only by classes, declared in the smesh.py file.
- <a href="smeshpy_doc/namespaces.html">Linear documentation</a> grouped only by classes, declared
in the \ref smesh and StdMeshersDC Python packages.
The main page of the \ref smeshDC "linear documentation for smesh package"
contains a list of data structures and a list of
functions, provided by the package smesh.py. The first item in
the list of data structures (\ref smeshDC::smeshDC "class smesh")
also represents documentation for the methods of the package smesh.py itself.
Python package \ref smesh provides an interface to create and handle
meshes. It can be used to create an empty mesh or to import mesh from the data file.
The package smesh.py provides an interface to create and handle
meshes. Use it to create an empty mesh or to import it from the data file.
As soon as mesh is created, it is possible to manage it via its own
methods, described in \ref smesh.Mesh "class Mesh" documentation.
Once a mesh has been created, it is possible to manage it via its own
methods, described at \ref smeshDC::Mesh "class Mesh" documentation
(it is also accessible by the second item "class Mesh" in the list of data structures).
Class \b Mesh allows assigning algorithms to a mesh.
Please note, that some algorithms, included in the standard SALOME
distribution are always available:
Class \ref smesh.Mesh "Mesh" allows assigning algorithms to a mesh.
Please note that some algorithms, included in the standard SALOME
distribution are always available. Python package \ref StdMeshersDC
provides an interface for standard meshing algorithms included into
the SALOME %Mesh module distribution, like:
- Quadrangle (2D)
- Hexa(3D)
- etc...
- etc ...
To add hypotheses, use the interfaces, provided by the assigned
To add meshing hypotheses, it is possible to use the functions provided by the
algorithms interfaces.
Below you can see an example of usage of the package smesh for 3d mesh generation.
An example below demonstrates usage of the Python API for 3d mesh generation.
\anchor example_3d_mesh
<h2>Example of 3d mesh generation:</h2>
@ -118,7 +111,7 @@ tetra.Group(group)
Examples of Python scripts for all Mesh operations are available by
Examples of Python scripts for Mesh operations are available by
the following links:
- \subpage tui_creating_meshes_page

View File

@ -17,45 +17,71 @@
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
# @package StdMeshersDC
# Python API for the standard meshing plug-in module.
from smesh import Mesh_Algorithm, AssureGeomPublished, IsEqual, ParseParameters
from smesh import GetName, TreatHypoStatus
from smeshDC import Mesh
import StdMeshers
# Types of algorithms
REGULAR = "Regular_1D"
PYTHON = "Python_1D"
COMPOSITE = "CompositeSegment_1D"
Hexa = "Hexa_3D"
QUADRANGLE = "Quadrangle_2D"
RADIAL_QUAD = "RadialQuadrangle_1D2D"
# Mesh algo type identifiers
## Algorithm type: Regular 1D algorithm, see StdMeshersDC_Segment
REGULAR = "Regular_1D"
## Algorithm type: Python 1D algorithm, see StdMeshersDC_Segment_Python
PYTHON = "Python_1D"
## Algorithm type: Composite segment 1D algorithm, see StdMeshersDC_CompositeSegment
COMPOSITE = "CompositeSegment_1D"
## Algorithm type: Triangle MEFISTO 2D algorithm, see StdMeshersDC_Triangle_MEFISTO
## Algorithm type: Hexahedron 3D (i-j-k) algorithm, see StdMeshersDC_Hexahedron
Hexa = "Hexa_3D"
## Algorithm type: Quadrangle 2D algorithm, see StdMeshersDC_Quadrangle
QUADRANGLE = "Quadrangle_2D"
## Algorithm type: Radial Quadrangle 1D-2D algorithm, see StdMeshersDC_RadialQuadrangle1D2D
RADIAL_QUAD = "RadialQuadrangle_1D2D"
# import items of enum QuadType
for e in StdMeshers.QuadType._items: exec('%s = StdMeshers.%s'%(e,e))
# Algorithms
# Public class: Mesh_Segment
# --------------------------
## Class to define a REGULAR 1D algorithm for discretization. It is created by
# calling Mesh.Segment(geom=0)
## Defines segment 1D algorithm for edges discretization.
# It can be created by calling smesh.Mesh.Segment(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
class StdMeshersDC_Segment(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Segment"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = REGULAR
## flag pointing either this algorithm should be used by default in dynamic method
# of smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
isDefault = True
## doc string of the method
# @internal
docHelper = "Creates segment 1D algorithm for edges"
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
## Defines "LocalLength" hypothesis to cut an edge in several segments with the same length
# @param l for the length of segments that cut an edge
@ -135,7 +161,8 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Segment(Mesh_Algorithm):
return hyp
## Private method
## Checks if the given "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis has the same parameters as the given arguments
# Checks if the given "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis has the same parameters as the given arguments
def _compareNumberOfSegments(self, hyp, args):
if hyp.GetNumberOfSegments() == args[0]:
if len(args) == 3:
@ -282,7 +309,7 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Segment(Mesh_Algorithm):
self.geom = vertex
### 0D algorithm
# 0D algorithm
if self.geom is None:
raise RuntimeError, "Attemp to create SegmentAroundVertex_0D algoritm on None shape"
AssureGeomPublished( self.mesh, self.geom )
@ -294,7 +321,7 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Segment(Mesh_Algorithm):
status = self.mesh.mesh.AddHypothesis(self.geom, algo)
TreatHypoStatus(status, "SegmentAroundVertex_0D", name, True)
comFun = lambda hyp, args: IsEqual(hyp.GetLength(), args[0])
hyp = self.Hypothesis("SegmentLengthAroundVertex", [length], UseExisting=UseExisting,
@ -314,44 +341,61 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Segment(Mesh_Algorithm):
hyp = self.Hypothesis("QuadraticMesh", UseExisting=1, CompareMethod=self.CompareEqualHyp)
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_CompositeSegment
# --------------------------
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_Segment class
## A regular 1D algorithm for discretization of a set of adjacent edges as one.
# It is created by calling Mesh.Segment(COMPOSITE,geom=0)
## Segment 1D algorithm for discretization of a set of adjacent edges as one edge.
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Segment(COMPOSITE,geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
class StdMeshersDC_CompositeSegment(StdMeshersDC_Segment):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Segment"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = COMPOSITE
## flag pointing either this algorithm should be used by default in dynamic method
# of smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
isDefault = False
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_CompositeSegment class
# Public class: Mesh_Segment_Python
# ---------------------------------
## Defines a segment 1D algorithm for discretization with python function
# It is created by calling Mesh.Segment(PYTHON,geom=0)
## Defines a segment 1D algorithm for discretization of edges with Python function
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Segment(PYTHON,geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
class StdMeshersDC_Segment_Python(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Segment"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = PYTHON
## doc string of the method
# @internal
docHelper = "Creates tetrahedron 3D algorithm for solids"
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
import Python1dPlugin
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType, "libPython1dEngine.so")
## Defines "PythonSplit1D" hypothesis
# @param n for the number of segments that cut an edge
@ -367,25 +411,34 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Segment_Python(Mesh_Algorithm):
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_Triangle_MEFISTO
# -----------------------------------
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_Segment_Python class
## Triangle MEFISTO 2D algorithm
# It is created by calling Mesh.Triangle(MEFISTO,geom=0)
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Triangle(MEFISTO,geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
class StdMeshersDC_Triangle_MEFISTO(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Triangle"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = MEFISTO
## flag pointing either this algorithm should be used by default in dynamic method
# of smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
isDefault = True
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
## Defines "MaxElementArea" hypothesis basing on the definition of the maximum area of each triangle
# @param area for the maximum area of each triangle
@ -408,28 +461,37 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Triangle_MEFISTO(Mesh_Algorithm):
hyp = self.Hypothesis("LengthFromEdges", UseExisting=1, CompareMethod=self.CompareEqualHyp)
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_Quadrangle
# -----------------------------
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_Triangle_MEFISTO class
## Defines a quadrangle 2D algorithm
# It is created by calling Mesh.Quadrangle(geom=0)
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Quadrangle(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
class StdMeshersDC_Quadrangle(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Quadrangle"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
## flag pointing either this algorithm should be used by default in dynamic method
# of smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
isDefault = True
## hypothesis associated with algorithm
# @internal
params = 0
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
## Defines "QuadrangleParameters" hypothesis
# @param quadType defines the algorithm of transition between differently descretized
@ -515,47 +577,63 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Quadrangle(Mesh_Algorithm):
def TriangleVertex(self, vertex, UseExisting=0):
return self.QuadrangleParameters(QUAD_STANDARD,vertex,UseExisting)
# Public class: Mesh_Hexahedron
# ------------------------------
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_Quadrangle class
## Defines a hexahedron 3D algorithm
# It is created by calling Mesh.Hexahedron(geom=0)
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Hexahedron(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
class StdMeshersDC_Hexahedron(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Hexahedron"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = Hexa
## flag pointing either this algorithm should be used by default in dynamic method
# of smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
isDefault = True
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, Hexa)
# Public class: Mesh_Projection1D
# -------------------------------
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_Hexahedron class
## Defines a projection 1D algorithm
# It is created by calling Mesh.Projection1D(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_proj
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Projection1D(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_proj
class StdMeshersDC_Projection1D(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Projection1D"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = "Projection_1D"
## flag pointing either this algorithm should be used by default in dynamic method
# of smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
isDefault = True
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
## Defines "Source Edge" hypothesis, specifying a meshed edge, from where
# a mesh pattern is taken, and, optionally, the association of vertices
@ -582,26 +660,34 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Projection1D(Mesh_Algorithm):
hyp.SetVertexAssociation( srcV, tgtV )
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_Projection2D
# ------------------------------
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_Projection1D class
## Defines a projection 2D algorithm
# It is created by calling Mesh.Projection2D(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_proj
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Projection2D(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_proj
class StdMeshersDC_Projection2D(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Projection2D"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = "Projection_2D"
## flag pointing either this algorithm should be used by default in dynamic method
# of smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
isDefault = True
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
## Defines "Source Face" hypothesis, specifying a meshed face, from where
# a mesh pattern is taken, and, optionally, the association of vertices
@ -634,44 +720,54 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Projection2D(Mesh_Algorithm):
hyp.SetVertexAssociation( srcV1, srcV2, tgtV1, tgtV2 )
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_Projection1D2D
# ---------------------------------
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_Projection2D class
## Defines a projection 1D-2D algorithm
# It is created by calling Mesh.Projection1D2D(geom=0)
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Projection1D2D(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_proj
class StdMeshersDC_Projection1D2D(StdMeshersDC_Projection2D):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Projection1D2D"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = "Projection_1D2D"
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
StdMeshersDC_Projection2D.__init__(self, mesh, geom)
# Public class: Mesh_Projection3D
# ------------------------------
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_Projection1D2D class
## Defines a projection 3D algorithm
# It is created by calling Mesh.Projection3D(COMPOSITE)
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Projection3D(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_proj
class StdMeshersDC_Projection3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Projection3D"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = "Projection_3D"
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
## Defines the "Source Shape 3D" hypothesis, specifying a meshed solid, from where
# the mesh pattern is taken, and, optionally, the association of vertices
@ -707,23 +803,27 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Projection3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
#elif srcV1 or srcV2 or tgtV1 or tgtV2:
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_Prism
# ------------------------
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_Projection3D class
## Defines a Prism 3D algorithm, which is either "Extrusion 3D" or "Radial Prism"
# depending on geometry
# It is created by calling Mesh.Prism(geom=0)
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Prism(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_3dextr
class StdMeshersDC_Prism3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Prism"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = "Prism_3D"
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
@ -735,11 +835,14 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Prism3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
nbShells = len( SubShapeAll( shape, ShapeType["SHELL"] ))
if nbSolids == 0 or nbSolids == nbShells:
self.Create(mesh, geom, "Prism_3D")
self.algoType = "RadialPrism_3D"
self.Create(mesh, geom, "RadialPrism_3D")
self.distribHyp = self.Hypothesis("LayerDistribution", UseExisting=0)
self.nbLayers = None
## Return 3D hypothesis holding the 1D one
def Get3DHypothesis(self):
@ -847,28 +950,33 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Prism3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
hyp.SetFineness( fineness )
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_RadialQuadrangle1D2D
# -------------------------------
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_Prism3D class
## Defines a Radial Quadrangle 1D2D algorithm
# It is created by calling Mesh.Quadrangle(RADIAL_QUAD,geom=0)
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Quadrangle(RADIAL_QUAD,geom=0)
# @ingroup l2_algos_radialq
class StdMeshersDC_RadialQuadrangle1D2D(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "Quadrangle"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = RADIAL_QUAD
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
self.distribHyp = None #self.Hypothesis("LayerDistribution2D", UseExisting=0)
self.nbLayers = None
## Return 2D hypothesis holding the 1D one
def Get2DHypothesis(self):
@ -954,25 +1062,34 @@ class StdMeshersDC_RadialQuadrangle1D2D(Mesh_Algorithm):
hyp.SetFineness( fineness )
return hyp
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_RadialQuadrangle1D2D class
# Public class: Mesh_UseExistingElements
# --------------------------------------
## Defines a Radial Quadrangle 1D2D algorithm
# It is created by calling Mesh.UseExisting1DElements(geom=0)
## Defines a Use Existing Elements 1D algorithm
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.UseExisting1DElements(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
class StdMeshersDC_UseExistingElements_1D(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "UseExisting1DElements"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = "Import_1D"
## flag pointing either this algorithm should be used by default in dynamic method
# of smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
isDefault = True
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
## Defines "Source edges" hypothesis, specifying groups of edges to import
# @param groups list of groups of edges
@ -991,24 +1108,34 @@ class StdMeshersDC_UseExistingElements_1D(Mesh_Algorithm):
hyp.SetCopySourceMesh(toCopyMesh, toCopyGroups)
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_UseExistingElements
# --------------------------------------
## Defines a Radial Quadrangle 1D2D algorithm
# It is created by calling Mesh.UseExisting2DElements(geom=0)
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_UseExistingElements_1D class
## Defines a Use Existing Elements 1D-2D algorithm
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.UseExisting2DElements(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
class StdMeshersDC_UseExistingElements_1D2D(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "UseExisting2DElements"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = "Import_1D2D"
## flag pointing either this algorithm should be used by default in dynamic method
# of smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
isDefault = True
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
## Defines "Source faces" hypothesis, specifying groups of faces to import
# @param groups list of groups of faces
@ -1027,25 +1154,34 @@ class StdMeshersDC_UseExistingElements_1D2D(Mesh_Algorithm):
hyp.SetCopySourceMesh(toCopyMesh, toCopyGroups)
return hyp
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_UseExistingElements_1D2D class
# Public class: Mesh_Cartesian_3D
# --------------------------------------
## Defines a Body Fitting 3D algorithm
# It is created by calling Mesh.BodyFitted(geom=0)
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.BodyFitted(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
class StdMeshersDC_Cartesian_3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "BodyFitted"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = "Cartesian_3D"
## flag pointing either this algorithm should be used by default in dynamic method
# of smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
isDefault = True
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
self.hyp = None
## Defines "Body Fitting parameters" hypothesis
# @param xGridDef is definition of the grid along the X asix.
@ -1088,39 +1224,54 @@ class StdMeshersDC_Cartesian_3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
self.hyp.SetSizeThreshold( sizeThreshold )
return self.hyp
# Public class: Mesh_UseExisting_1D
# ---------------------------------
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_Cartesian_3D class
## Defines a stub 1D algorithm, which enables "manual" creation of nodes and
# segments usable by 2D algoritms
# It is created by calling Mesh.UseExistingSegments(geom=0)
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.UseExistingSegments(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
class StdMeshersDC_UseExisting_1D(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "UseExistingSegments"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = "UseExisting_1D"
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_UseExisting_1D class
# Public class: Mesh_UseExisting
# -------------------------------
## Defines a stub 2D algorithm, which enables "manual" creation of nodes and
# faces usable by 3D algoritms
# It is created by calling Mesh.UseExistingFaces(geom=0)
# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.UseExistingFaces(geom=0)
# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
class StdMeshersDC_UseExisting_2D(Mesh_Algorithm):
## Name of method of class Mesh creating an instance of this class
## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
meshMethod = "UseExistingFaces"
## Name of algorithm type
## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
# @internal
algoType = "UseExisting_2D"
## Private constructor.
# @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
# @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
# if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType)
pass # end of StdMeshersDC_UseExisting_2D class

View File

@ -20,10 +20,8 @@
# Author : Francis KLOSS, OCC
# Module : SMESH
\namespace smesh
\brief Module smesh
## @package smesh
# Python API for SALOME %Mesh module
## @defgroup l1_auxiliary Auxiliary methods and structures
## @defgroup l1_creating Creating meshes