mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 17:03:07 +05:00
#19887 [CEA] Body fitting missing some faces and generates not-wanted splitted elements
Remove excess nodes
This commit is contained in:
@ -446,12 +446,14 @@ namespace
struct CellsAroundLink
int _iDir;
int _dInd[4][3];
size_t _nbCells[3];
int _i,_j,_k;
Grid* _grid;
CellsAroundLink( Grid* grid, int iDir ):
_iDir( iDir ),
_dInd{ {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0} },
_nbCells{ grid->_coords[0].size() - 1,
grid->_coords[1].size() - 1,
@ -470,7 +472,7 @@ namespace
_j = j - _dInd[iL][1];
_k = k - _dInd[iL][2];
bool GetCell( int iL, int& i, int& j, int& k, int& cellIndex )
bool GetCell( int iL, int& i, int& j, int& k, int& cellIndex, int& linkIndex )
i = _i + _dInd[iL][0];
j = _j + _dInd[iL][1];
@ -480,6 +482,7 @@ namespace
k < 0 || k >= (int)_nbCells[2] )
return false;
cellIndex = _grid->CellIndex( i,j,k );
linkIndex = iL + _iDir * 4;
return true;
@ -811,6 +814,7 @@ namespace
const E_IntersectPoint* EdgeIntPnt() const
{ return static_cast< const E_IntersectPoint* >( _intPoint ); }
_ptr Ptr() const { return Node() ? (_ptr) Node() : (_ptr) EdgeIntPnt(); }
bool operator==(const _nodeDef& other ) const { return Ptr() == other.Ptr(); }
vector< _nodeDef > _nodes;
@ -828,6 +832,10 @@ namespace
{ _nodes.swap( other._nodes ); _quantities.swap( other._quantities ); other._volume = 0;
_names.swap( other._names ); }
size_t size() const { return 1 + ( _next ? _next->size() : 0 ); }
_volumeDef* at(int index)
{ return index == 0 ? this : ( _next ? _next->at(index-1) : _next ); }
void Set( _Node** nodes, int nb )
{ _nodes.assign( nodes, nodes + nb ); }
@ -836,6 +844,8 @@ namespace
bool IsEmpty() const { return (( _nodes.empty() ) &&
( !_next || _next->IsEmpty() )); }
bool IsPolyhedron() const { return ( !_quantities.empty() ||
( _next && !_next->_quantities.empty() )); }
struct _linkDef: public std::pair<_ptr,_ptr> // to join polygons in removeExcessSideDivision()
@ -933,6 +943,7 @@ namespace
void getVolumes( vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > & volumes );
void getBoundaryElems( vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > & boundaryVolumes );
void removeExcessSideDivision(const vector< Hexahedron* >& allHexa);
void removeExcessNodes(vector< Hexahedron* >& allHexa);
TGeomID getAnyFace() const;
void cutByExtendedInternal( std::vector< Hexahedron* >& hexes,
const TColStd_MapOfInteger& intEdgeIDs );
@ -3273,7 +3284,7 @@ namespace
int nbIntHex = 0;
// set intersection nodes from GridLine's to links of allHexa
int i,j,k, cellIndex;
int i,j,k, cellIndex, iLink;
for ( int iDir = 0; iDir < 3; ++iDir )
// loop on GridLine's parallel to iDir
@ -3290,7 +3301,7 @@ namespace
fourCells.Init( lineInd.I(), lineInd.J(), lineInd.K() );
for ( int iL = 0; iL < 4; ++iL ) // loop on 4 cells sharing a link
if ( !fourCells.GetCell( iL, i,j,k, cellIndex ))
if ( !fourCells.GetCell( iL, i,j,k, cellIndex, iLink ))
Hexahedron *& hex = allHexa[ cellIndex ];
if ( !hex)
@ -3298,7 +3309,6 @@ namespace
hex = new Hexahedron( *this, i, j, k, cellIndex );
const int iLink = iL + iDir * 4;
hex->_hexLinks[iLink]._fIntPoints.push_back( &(*ip) );
hex->_nbFaceIntNodes += bool( ip->_node );
@ -3379,13 +3389,22 @@ namespace
// simplify polyhedrons
if ( _grid->IsToRemoveExcessEntities() )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < intHexa.size(); ++i )
if ( Hexahedron * hex = intHexa[ i ] )
hex->removeExcessSideDivision( allHexa );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < intHexa.size(); ++i )
if ( Hexahedron * hex = intHexa[ i ] )
hex->removeExcessNodes( allHexa );
// add volumes
for ( size_t i = 0; i < intHexa.size(); ++i )
if ( Hexahedron * hex = intHexa[ i ] )
hex->removeExcessSideDivision( allHexa );
nbAdded += hex->addVolumes( helper );
// fill boundaryVolumes with volumes neighboring too small skipped volumes
if ( _grid->_toCreateFaces )
@ -3709,13 +3728,12 @@ namespace
int i,j,k, cellIndex;
for ( int iC = 0; iC < 4; ++iC ) // loop on 4 cells sharing the link
if ( !fourCells.GetCell( iC, i,j,k, cellIndex ))
if ( !fourCells.GetCell( iC, i,j,k, cellIndex, iLink ))
Hexahedron * h = hexes[ cellIndex ];
if ( !h )
h = hexes[ cellIndex ] = new Hexahedron( *this, i, j, k, cellIndex );
const int iL = iC + iDir * 4;
h->_hexLinks[iL]._fIntPoints.push_back( ip );
h->_hexLinks[iLink]._fIntPoints.push_back( ip );
//isCut = true;
@ -5123,10 +5141,7 @@ namespace
void Hexahedron::removeExcessSideDivision(const vector< Hexahedron* >& allHexa)
if ( !_grid->IsToRemoveExcessEntities() || _volumeDefs.IsEmpty() )
if (( _volumeDefs._quantities.empty() ) &&
( !_volumeDefs._next || _volumeDefs._next->_quantities.empty() ))
if ( ! _volumeDefs.IsPolyhedron() )
return; // not a polyhedron
// look for a divided side adjacent to a small hexahedron
@ -5186,7 +5201,6 @@ namespace
std::set< TLinkDef > linkSet;
for ( size_t iLoop = 0; iLoop < loops.size(); ++iLoop )
bool joined = false;
TLinkDef* beg = 0;
for ( TLinkDef* l = loops[ iLoop ]; l != beg; l = l->_next ) // walk around the iLoop
@ -5197,13 +5211,18 @@ namespace
if ( equal->_loopIndex == l->_loopIndex )
continue; // error?
loopsJoined = true;
for ( size_t i = iLoop - 1; i < loops.size(); --i )
if ( loops[ i ] && loops[ i ]->_loopIndex == equal->_loopIndex )
loops[ i ] = 0;
// exclude l and equal and join two loops
if ( l->_prev != equal )
l->_prev->setNext( equal->_next );
if ( equal->_prev != l )
equal->_prev->setNext( l->_next );
joined = true;
if ( volDef->_quantities[ l->_loopIndex ] > 0 )
volDef->_quantities[ l->_loopIndex ] *= -1;
if ( volDef->_quantities[ equal->_loopIndex ] > 0 )
@ -5214,19 +5233,17 @@ namespace
beg = loops[ iLoop ];
if ( joined )
loops[ iLoop ] = 0;
loopsJoined = true;
// update volDef
if ( loopsJoined )
// set unchanged polygons
std::vector< int > newQuantities; newQuantities.reserve( volDef->_quantities.size() );
std::vector< _volumeDef::_nodeDef > newNodes; newNodes.reserve( volDef->_nodes.size() );
vector< SMESH_Block::TShapeID > newNames; newNames.reserve( volDef->_names.size() );
std::vector< int > newQuantities;
std::vector< _volumeDef::_nodeDef > newNodes;
vector< SMESH_Block::TShapeID > newNames;
newQuantities.reserve( volDef->_quantities.size() );
newNodes.reserve ( volDef->_nodes.size() );
newNames.reserve ( volDef->_names.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0, iLoop = 0; iLoop < volDef->_quantities.size(); ++iLoop )
if ( volDef->_quantities[ iLoop ] < 0 )
@ -5238,7 +5255,7 @@ namespace
newNodes.insert( newNodes.end(),
volDef->_nodes.begin() + i,
volDef->_nodes.begin() + i + newQuantities.back() );
newNames.push_back( volDef->_names[ iLoop ]);
newNames.push_back( volDef->_names[ iLoop ]);
i += volDef->_quantities[ iLoop ];
@ -5254,7 +5271,7 @@ namespace
newNodes.push_back( l->_node1 );
beg = loops[ iLoop ];
newNames.push_back( _hexQuads[ iF ]._name );
newNames.push_back( _hexQuads[ iF ]._name );
volDef->_quantities.swap( newQuantities );
volDef->_nodes.swap( newNodes );
@ -5266,6 +5283,185 @@ namespace
} // removeExcessSideDivision()
* \brief Remove nodes splitting Cartesian cell edges in the case if a node
* is used in every cells only by two polygons sharing the edge
* Issue #19887.
void Hexahedron::removeExcessNodes(vector< Hexahedron* >& allHexa)
if ( ! _volumeDefs.IsPolyhedron() )
return; // not a polyhedron
typedef vector< _volumeDef::_nodeDef >::iterator TNodeIt;
vector< int > nodesInPoly[ 4 ]; // node index in _volumeDefs._nodes
vector< int > volDefInd [ 4 ]; // index of a _volumeDefs
Hexahedron* hexa [ 4 ];
int i,j,k, cellIndex, iLink = 0, iCellLink;
for ( int iDir = 0; iDir < 3; ++iDir )
CellsAroundLink fourCells( _grid, iDir );
for ( int iL = 0; iL < 4; ++iL, ++iLink ) // 4 links in a direction
_Link& link = _hexLinks[ iLink ];
fourCells.Init( _i, _j, _k, iLink );
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < link._fIntPoints.size(); ++iP ) // loop on nodes on the link
bool nodeRemoved = true;
_volumeDef::_nodeDef node; node._intPoint = link._fIntPoints[iP];
for ( size_t i = 0, nb = _volumeDefs.size(); i < nb && nodeRemoved; ++i )
if ( _volumeDef* vol = _volumeDefs.at( i ))
nodeRemoved =
( std::find( vol->_nodes.begin(), vol->_nodes.end(), node ) == vol->_nodes.end() );
if ( nodeRemoved )
continue; // node already removed
// check if a node encounters zero or two times in 4 cells sharing iLink
// if so, the node can be removed from the cells
bool nodeIsOnEdge = true;
int nbPolyhedraWithNode = 0;
for ( int iC = 0; iC < 4; ++iC ) // loop on 4 cells sharing a link
nodesInPoly[ iC ].clear();
volDefInd [ iC ].clear();
hexa [ iC ] = 0;
if ( !fourCells.GetCell( iC, i,j,k, cellIndex, iCellLink ))
hexa[ iC ] = allHexa[ cellIndex ];
if ( !hexa[ iC ])
for ( size_t i = 0, nb = hexa[ iC ]->_volumeDefs.size(); i < nb; ++i )
if ( _volumeDef* vol = hexa[ iC ]->_volumeDefs.at( i ))
for ( TNodeIt nIt = vol->_nodes.begin(); nIt != vol->_nodes.end(); ++nIt )
nIt = std::find( nIt, vol->_nodes.end(), node );
if ( nIt != vol->_nodes.end() )
nodesInPoly[ iC ].push_back( std::distance( vol->_nodes.begin(), nIt ));
volDefInd [ iC ].push_back( i );
nbPolyhedraWithNode += ( !nodesInPoly[ iC ].empty() );
if ( nodesInPoly[ iC ].size() != 0 &&
nodesInPoly[ iC ].size() != 2 )
nodeIsOnEdge = false;
} // loop on 4 cells
// remove nodes from polyhedra
if ( nbPolyhedraWithNode > 0 && nodeIsOnEdge )
for ( int iC = 0; iC < 4; ++iC ) // loop on 4 cells sharing the link
if ( nodesInPoly[ iC ].empty() )
for ( int i = volDefInd[ iC ].size() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
_volumeDef* vol = hexa[ iC ]->_volumeDefs.at( volDefInd[ iC ][ i ]);
int nIndex = nodesInPoly[ iC ][ i ];
// decrement _quantities
for ( size_t iQ = 0; iQ < vol->_quantities.size(); ++iQ )
if ( nIndex < vol->_quantities[ iQ ])
vol->_quantities[ iQ ]--;
nIndex -= vol->_quantities[ iQ ];
vol->_nodes.erase( vol->_nodes.begin() + nodesInPoly[ iC ][ i ]);
if ( i == 0 &&
vol->_nodes.size() == 6 * 4 &&
vol->_quantities.size() == 6 ) // polyhedron becomes hexahedron?
bool allQuads = true;
for ( size_t iQ = 0; iQ < vol->_quantities.size() && allQuads; ++iQ )
allQuads = ( vol->_quantities[ iQ ] == 4 );
if ( allQuads )
// set side nodes as this: bottom, top, top, ...
int iTop, iBot; // side indices
for ( int iS = 0; iS < 6; ++iS )
if ( vol->_names[ iS ] == SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy0 )
iBot = iS;
if ( vol->_names[ iS ] == SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy1 )
iTop = iS;
if ( iBot != 0 )
if ( iTop == 0 )
std::copy( vol->_nodes.begin(),
vol->_nodes.begin() + 4,
vol->_nodes.begin() + 4 );
iTop = 1;
std::copy( vol->_nodes.begin() + 4 * iBot,
vol->_nodes.begin() + 4 * ( iBot + 1),
vol->_nodes.begin() );
if ( iTop != 1 )
std::copy( vol->_nodes.begin() + 4 * iTop,
vol->_nodes.begin() + 4 * ( iTop + 1),
vol->_nodes.begin() + 4 );
std::copy( vol->_nodes.begin() + 4,
vol->_nodes.begin() + 8,
vol->_nodes.begin() + 8 );
// set up top facet nodes by comparing their uvw with bottom nodes
E_IntersectPoint ip[8];
for ( int iN = 0; iN < 8; ++iN )
SMESH_NodeXYZ p = vol->_nodes[ iN ].Node();
_grid->ComputeUVW( p, ip[ iN ]._uvw );
const double tol2 = _grid->_tol * _grid->_tol;
for ( int iN = 0; iN < 4; ++iN )
gp_Pnt2d pBot( ip[ iN ]._uvw[0], ip[ iN ]._uvw[1] );
for ( int iT = 4; iT < 8; ++iT )
gp_Pnt2d pTop( ip[ iT ]._uvw[0], ip[ iT ]._uvw[1] );
if ( pBot.SquareDistance( pTop ) < tol2 )
// vol->_nodes[ iN + 4 ]._node = ip[ iT ]._node;
// vol->_nodes[ iN + 4 ]._intPoint = 0;
vol->_nodes[ iN + 4 ] = vol->_nodes[ iT + 4 ];
vol->_nodes.resize( 8 );
} // loop on _volumeDefs
} // loop on 4 cell abound a link
} // if ( nodeIsOnEdge )
} // loop on intersection points of a link
} // loop on 4 links of a direction
} // loop on 3 directions
} // removeExcessNodes()
* \brief Set to _hexLinks a next portion of splits located on one side of INTERNAL FACEs
Reference in New Issue
Block a user