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synced 2025-03-14 04:41:33 +05:00
introduction of MED write/append with a lower major version of MED file format (hdf5 >= 1.10.2 needed)
This commit is contained in:
@ -622,10 +622,13 @@ module SMESH
* the groups Group_On_All_Nodes, Group_On_All_Faces, ... ;
* the typical use is auto_groups=false.
* - overwrite : boolean parameter for overwriting/not overwriting the file, if it exists
* - minor : define the minor version of MED file format.
* - version : define the version of MED file format, coded with major and minor digits (release digit not used)
* for instance med 3.2.1 is coded 3*10+2 = 32, med 4.0.0 is coded 4*10+0 = 40.
* The rules of compatibility to write a mesh in an older version than the current version
* depend on the current version. For instance, with med 4.0 it is possible to write/append
* med files in 4.0.0 (default format) or 3.2.1 or 3.3.1 formats.
* The minor must be between 0 and the current minor version of MED file library.
* If minor is equal to -1, the minor version is not changed (default).
* The major version cannot be changed.
* If version is equal to -1, the version is not changed (default).
* - autoDimension : if @c true, a space dimension of a MED mesh can be either
* - 1D if all mesh nodes lie on OX coordinate axis, or
* - 2D if all mesh nodes lie on XOY coordinate plane, or
@ -634,7 +637,7 @@ module SMESH
void ExportMED( in string fileName,
in boolean auto_groups,
in long minor,
in long version,
in boolean overwrite,
in boolean autoDimension) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
@ -644,10 +647,13 @@ module SMESH
* - meshPart : a part of mesh to store
* - fileName : name of the MED file
* - overwrite : boolean parameter for overwriting/not overwriting the file, if it exists
* - minor : define the minor version (y, where version is x.y.z) of MED file format.
* - version : define the version of MED file format, coded with major and minor digits (release digit not used)
* for instance med 3.2.1 is coded 3*10+2 = 32, med 4.0.0 is coded 4*10+0 = 40.
* The rules of compatibility to write a mesh in an older version than the current version
* depend on the current version. For instance, with med 4.0 it is possible to write/append
* med files in 4.0.0 (default format) or 3.2.1 or 3.3.1 formats.
* The minor must be between 0 and the current minor version of MED file library.
* If minor is equal to -1, the minor version is not changed (default).
* The major version (x, where version is x.y.z) cannot be changed.
* If version is equal to -1, the version is not changed (default).
* - autoDimension : if @c True, a space dimension for export is defined by mesh
* configuration; for example a planar mesh lying on XOY plane
* will be exported as a mesh in 2D space.
@ -663,7 +669,7 @@ module SMESH
void ExportPartToMED( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
in string fileName,
in boolean auto_groups,
in long minor,
in long version,
in boolean overwrite,
in boolean autoDimension,
in GEOM::ListOfFields fields,
@ -680,7 +686,13 @@ module SMESH
* Return string representation of a MED file version comprising nbDigits
string GetVersionString(in long minor, in short nbDigits);
* Return the list of med versions compatibles for write/append,
* encoded in 10*major+minor (for instance, code for med 3.2.1 is 32)
long_array GetMEDVersionsCompatibleForAppend();
* Export Mesh to different Formats
* (UNV supported version is I-DEAS 10)
@ -41,6 +41,17 @@ extern "C"
#include <windows.h>
#error "MED major version does not correspond to the expected version, fix the minor and major compatibility values in CheckCompatibility method (MED_VERSIONS_APPEND_COMPATIBLE) and set the correct expected version"
#error "MED minor version does not correspond to the expected version, fix the minor and major compatibility values in CheckCompatibility method (MED_VERSIONS_APPEND_COMPATIBLE) and set the correct expected version"
#define MED_VERSIONS_APPEND_COMPATIBLE {40, 32, 33} // --- 10*major + minor (the 3rd digit, release, is not used here,
// med uses always the latest available)
// --- The first in the list should be the default: current version
namespace MED
@ -61,25 +72,51 @@ namespace MED
* Return the list of med versions compatibles for write/append,
* encoded in 10*major+minor (for instance, code for med 3.2.1 is 32)
std::vector<int> GetMEDVersionsAppendCompatible()
std::vector<int> MEDVersionsOK(mvok, mvok + sizeof(mvok)/sizeof(int));
return MEDVersionsOK;
* \brief: Check read or write(append) Compatibility of a med file
* \param [in] : fileName - the file to read or to append to
* \param [in] : isforAppend - when true, check if the med file version is OK to append a mesh,
* when false, check if the med file is readable.
bool CheckCompatibility(const std::string& fileName, bool isForAppend)
bool ok = false;
// check that file is accessible
if ( exists(fileName) ) {
// check HDF5 && MED compatibility
med_bool hdfok, medok;
med_err r0 = MEDfileCompatibility(fileName.c_str(), &hdfok, &medok);
//MESSAGE(r0 << " " << hdfok << " " << medok);
MESSAGE(r0 << " " << hdfok << " " << medok);
if ( r0==0 && hdfok && medok ) {
med_idt aFid = MEDfileOpen(fileName.c_str(), MED_ACC_RDONLY);
if (aFid >= 0) {
med_int major, minor, release;
med_err ret = MEDfileNumVersionRd(aFid, &major, &minor, &release);
//MESSAGE(ret << " " << major << "." << minor << "." << release);
MESSAGE(ret << " " << major << "." << minor << "." << release);
if (ret >= 0) {
bool isReadOnly = !isForAppend;
if ( isReadOnly || ((major == MED_MAJOR_NUM) && (minor == MED_MINOR_NUM)))
if (isReadOnly)
ok = true;
else {
int medVersion = 10*major + minor;
for (int ii=0; ii < sizeof(medVersionsOK)/sizeof(int); ii++)
if (medVersionsOK[ii] == medVersion) {
ok =true;
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "MED_Wrapper.hxx"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace MED
@ -39,6 +40,9 @@ namespace MED
bool CheckCompatibility( const std::string& , bool isForAppend=false);
std::vector<int> GetMEDVersionsAppendCompatible();
PWrapper CrWrapperR( const std::string& );
@ -747,35 +747,33 @@ namespace
QMap<QString, int> aFilterMap;
if ( isMED ) {
//filters << QObject::tr( "MED_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.med)";
QString vmed (aMesh->GetVersionString(-1, 2));
//QString vmed (aMesh->GetVersionString(-1, 2));
//MESSAGE("MED version: " << vmed.toStdString());
int minor = vmed.split(".").last().toInt();
//MESSAGE("MED version minor: "<< minor);
//minor +=3; // TODO remove: test multiple minor
aFilterMap.insert( QObject::tr( "MED_VX_FILES_FILTER" ).arg( vmed ) + " (*.med)", minor );
for (int ii=0; ii<minor; ii++)
SMESH::long_array_var mvok = aMesh->GetMEDVersionsCompatibleForAppend();
for ( int i = 0; i < mvok->length(); ++i )
QString vs = aMesh->GetVersionString(ii, 2);
//std::ostringstream vss; // TODO remove: test multiple minor
//vss << "4."; // TODO remove: test multiple minor
//vss << ii; // TODO remove: test multiple minor
//vs = vss.str().c_str(); // TODO remove: test multiple minor
//MESSAGE("MED version: " << vs.toStdString());
aFilterMap.insert( QObject::tr( "MED_VX_FILES_FILTER" ).arg( vs ) + " (*.med)", ii);
int versionInt = mvok[i];
std::ostringstream vss;
vss << versionInt/10;
vss << ".";
vss << versionInt%10;
QString vs = vss.str().c_str();
MESSAGE("MED version: " << vs.toStdString());
aFilterMap.insert( QObject::tr( "MED_VX_FILES_FILTER" ).arg( vs ) + " (*.med)", i);
else { // isSAUV
aFilterMap.insert("All files (*)", -1 );
aFilterMap.insert("SAUV files (*.sauv)", -1 );
aFilterMap.insert("SAUV files (*.sauv)", 0 );
aFilterMap.insert("SAUV files (*.sauve)", -1 );
QStringList filters;
QString aDefaultFilter;
QMap<QString, int>::const_iterator it = aFilterMap.begin();
QString aDefaultFilter = it.key();
for ( ; it != aFilterMap.end(); ++it ) {
filters.push_back( it.key() );
if (it.key() == 0)
if (it.value() == 0) // explicit default for MED = current MED version
aDefaultFilter = it.key();
QStringList checkBoxes;
@ -790,6 +788,7 @@ namespace
new SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg ( SMESHGUI::desktop(), false, checkBoxes, true, true, wdgList );
fd->setWindowTitle( aTitle );
fd->setNameFilters( filters );
fd->selectNameFilter( aDefaultFilter );
fd->SetChecked( toCreateGroups, 0 );
fd->SetChecked( toFindOutDim, 1 );
if ( !anInitialPath.isEmpty() )
@ -468,6 +468,23 @@ char* SMESH_Mesh_i::GetVersionString(CORBA::Long minor, CORBA::Short nbDigits)
return CORBA::string_dup( ver.c_str() );
* Return the list of med versions compatibles for write/append,
* encoded in 10*major+minor (for instance, code for med 3.2.1 is 32)
SMESH::long_array* SMESH_Mesh_i::GetMEDVersionsCompatibleForAppend()
SMESH::long_array_var aResult = new SMESH::long_array();
std::vector<int> mvok = MED::GetMEDVersionsAppendCompatible();
long nbver = mvok.size();
aResult->length( nbver );
for ( int i = 0; i < nbver; i++ )
aResult[i] = mvok[i];
return aResult._retn();
* ImportUNVFile
@ -225,11 +225,18 @@ public:
* Consider maximum group name length stored in MED file.
CORBA::Boolean HasDuplicatedGroupNamesMED();
* Return string representation of a MED file version comprising nbDigits
char* GetVersionString(CORBA::Long minor, CORBA::Short nbDigits);
* Return the list of med versions compatibles for write/append,
* encoded in 10*major+minor (for instance, code for med 3.2.1 is 32)
SMESH::long_array* GetMEDVersionsCompatibleForAppend();
void ExportMED( const char* file,
CORBA::Boolean auto_groups,
CORBA::Long minor,
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