diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_group.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_group.png
index c9ac74a06..7dfcdf074 100644
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_group.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_group.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_mesh.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_mesh.png
index 42d88c638..75215b304 100644
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_mesh.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_mesh.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_submesh.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_submesh.png
index f41ba2904..44b1ddad0 100644
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_submesh.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/addinfo_submesh.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/advanced_mesh_infos.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/advanced_mesh_infos.png
index 3471144a1..c3585eaaf 100755
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/advanced_mesh_infos.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/advanced_mesh_infos.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/ctrlinfo.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/ctrlinfo.png
index 4026d05e5..9cdad0ac8 100644
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/ctrlinfo.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/ctrlinfo.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/eleminfo1.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/eleminfo1.png
index 3e1888ff2..74c76db63 100755
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/eleminfo1.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/eleminfo1.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/eleminfo2.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/eleminfo2.png
index ea73500bd..b7a785bc9 100755
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/eleminfo2.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/eleminfo2.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/mesh_infos.doc b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/mesh_infos.doc
index 5be0d58c6..d446d2e9d 100644
--- a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/mesh_infos.doc
+++ b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/mesh_infos.doc
@@ -145,10 +145,13 @@ sub-mesh or mesh group:
\image html ctrlinfo.png
"Quality Info" page
-\note For the perfomance reason, the Aspect Ratio histogram for the big meshes is
-computed only by demand. For this, the user should press the "Compute"
-button (see picture). Also, histogram is automatically computed if the size of the
-elements does not exceed the "Automatic controls compute limit" set
+\note User can set "Double nodes tolerance" in the dialog for local change
+ or via the "Quality controls" in Mesh preferences.
+\note For the perfomance reason, all quality control values for the big meshes are
+computed only by demand. For this, the user should press the "compute"
+button (see picture). Also, values are automatically computed if the number of the
+nodes / elements does not exceed the "Automatic controls compute limit" set
via the "Mesh information" preferences (zero value means no limit).
The button \b "Dump" allows printing the information displayed in the
diff --git a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI.cxx b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI.cxx
index c8e15859d..03c2c9abd 100644
@@ -4220,6 +4220,7 @@ void SMESHGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( 214, View, mesh_part ); // UPDATE
createPopupItem( 900, View, mesh_part ); // ADV_INFO
+ createPopupItem( 6032,View, mesh_part ); // CTRL_INFO
createPopupItem( 904, View, mesh ); // FIND_ELEM
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
@@ -4843,6 +4844,7 @@ void SMESHGUI::createPreferences()
setPreferenceProperty( nodesLim, "step", 10000 );
setPreferenceProperty( nodesLim, "special", tr( "PREF_UPDATE_LIMIT_NOLIMIT" ) );
int ctrlLim = addPreference( tr( "PREF_CTRL_LIMIT" ), infoGroup, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "info_controls_limit" );
+ setPreferenceProperty( ctrlLim, "special", tr( "PREF_UPDATE_LIMIT_NOLIMIT" ) );
setPreferenceProperty( ctrlLim, "min", 0 );
setPreferenceProperty( ctrlLim, "max", 10000000 );
setPreferenceProperty( ctrlLim, "step", 1000 );
diff --git a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.cxx b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.cxx
index 574fd58a9..57a34f96c 100644
--- a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.cxx
+++ b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.cxx
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "SMESHGUI_IdValidator.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_VTKUtils.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_SpinBox.h"
#include "SMDSAbs_ElementType.hxx"
#include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMDS_BallElement.hxx"
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@
@@ -2999,9 +3001,9 @@ SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( QWidget* parent )
setFrameStyle( StyledPanel | Sunken );
- QGridLayout* l = new QGridLayout( this );
- l->setMargin( MARGIN );
- l->setSpacing( SPACING );
+ myMainLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
+ myMainLayout->setMargin( MARGIN );
+ myMainLayout->setSpacing( SPACING );
// name
QLabel* aNameLab = new QLabel( tr( "NAME_LAB" ), this );
@@ -3009,6 +3011,9 @@ SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( QWidget* parent )
aName->setMinimumWidth( 150 );
myWidgets << aName;
+ SUIT_ResourceMgr* aResMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
+ QIcon aComputeIcon( aResMgr->loadPixmap( "SMESH", tr( "ICON_COMPUTE" ) ) );
// nodes info
QLabel* aNodesLab = new QLabel( tr( "NODES_INFO" ), this );
QLabel* aNodesFreeLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_FREE_NODES" ), this );
@@ -3017,6 +3022,11 @@ SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( QWidget* parent )
QLabel* aNodesDoubleLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_NODES" ), this );
QLabel* aNodesDouble = createField();
myWidgets << aNodesDouble;
+ QLabel* aToleranceLab = new QLabel( tr( "DOUBLE_NODES_TOLERANCE" ), this );
+ myToleranceWidget = new SMESHGUI_SpinBox( this );
+ myToleranceWidget->RangeStepAndValidator(0.0000000001, 1000000.0, 0.0000001, "length_precision" );
+ myToleranceWidget->setAcceptNames( false );
+ myToleranceWidget->SetValue( SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->doubleValue( "SMESH", "equal_nodes_tolerance", 1e-7 ) );
// edges info
QLabel* anEdgesLab = new QLabel( tr( "EDGES_INFO" ), this );
@@ -3046,17 +3056,52 @@ SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( QWidget* parent )
QLabel* anAspectRatio3DLab = new QLabel( tr( "ASPECT_RATIO_3D_HISTOGRAM" ), this );
myPlot3D = createPlot( this );
- myComputeFaceBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "BUT_COMPUTE" ), this );
- myComputeFaceBtn->setAutoDefault( true );
- myComputeFaceBtn->setFixedWidth( 80 );
- myComputeFaceBtn->setVisible( false );
- myComputeVolumeBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "BUT_COMPUTE" ), this );
- myComputeVolumeBtn->setAutoDefault( true );
- myComputeVolumeBtn->setFixedWidth( 80 );
- myComputeVolumeBtn->setVisible( false );
+ QToolButton* aFreeNodesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
+ aFreeNodesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon);
+ myButtons << aFreeNodesBtn; //0
- connect( myComputeFaceBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeFaceInfo() ) );
- connect( myComputeVolumeBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeVolumeInfo() ) );
+ QToolButton* aDoubleNodesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
+ aDoubleNodesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon);
+ myButtons << aDoubleNodesBtn; //1
+ QToolButton* aDoubleEdgesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
+ aDoubleEdgesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon);
+ myButtons << aDoubleEdgesBtn; //2
+ QToolButton* aDoubleFacesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
+ aDoubleFacesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon);
+ myButtons << aDoubleFacesBtn; //3
+ QToolButton* aOverContFacesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
+ aOverContFacesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon);
+ myButtons << aOverContFacesBtn; //4
+ QToolButton* aComputeFaceBtn = new QToolButton( this );
+ aComputeFaceBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon);
+ myButtons << aComputeFaceBtn; //5
+ QToolButton* aDoubleVolumesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
+ aDoubleVolumesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon);
+ myButtons << aDoubleVolumesBtn; //6
+ QToolButton* aOverContVolumesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
+ aOverContVolumesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon);
+ myButtons << aOverContVolumesBtn; //7
+ QToolButton* aComputeVolumeBtn = new QToolButton( this );
+ aComputeVolumeBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon);
+ myButtons << aComputeVolumeBtn; //8
+ connect( aComputeFaceBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeFaceInfo() ) );
+ connect( aComputeVolumeBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeVolumeInfo() ) );
+ connect( aFreeNodesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeFreeNodesInfo() ) );
+ connect( aDoubleNodesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleNodesInfo() ) );
+ connect( aDoubleEdgesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleEdgesInfo() ) );
+ connect( aDoubleFacesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleFacesInfo() ) );
+ connect( aOverContFacesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeOverConstrainedFacesInfo() ) );
+ connect( aDoubleVolumesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleVolumesInfo() ) );
+ connect( aOverContVolumesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeOverConstrainedVolumesInfo() ) );
+ connect( myToleranceWidget, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT( setTolerance( double )));
setFontAttributes( aNameLab );
setFontAttributes( aNodesLab );
@@ -3064,37 +3109,47 @@ SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( QWidget* parent )
setFontAttributes( aFacesLab );
setFontAttributes( aVolumesLab );
- l->addWidget( aNameLab, 0, 0 );
- l->addWidget( aName, 0, 1 );
- l->addWidget( aNodesLab, 1, 0, 1, 2 );
- l->addWidget( aNodesFreeLab, 2, 0 );
- l->addWidget( aNodesFree, 2, 1 );
- l->addWidget( aNodesDoubleLab, 3, 0 );
- l->addWidget( aNodesDouble, 3, 1 );
- l->addWidget( anEdgesLab, 4, 0, 1, 2 );
- l->addWidget( anEdgesDoubleLab, 5, 0 );
- l->addWidget( anEdgesDouble, 5, 1 );
- l->addWidget( aFacesLab, 6, 0, 1, 2 );
- l->addWidget( aFacesDoubleLab, 7, 0 );
- l->addWidget( aFacesDouble, 7, 1 );
- l->addWidget( aFacesOverLab, 8, 0 );
- l->addWidget( aFacesOver, 8, 1 );
- l->addWidget( anAspectRatioLab, 9, 0 );
- l->addWidget( myComputeFaceBtn, 9, 1 );
- l->addWidget( myPlot, 10, 0, 1, 2 );
- l->addWidget( aVolumesLab, 11, 0, 1, 2 );
- l->addWidget( aVolumesDoubleLab, 12, 0 );
- l->addWidget( aVolumesDouble, 12, 1 );
- l->addWidget( aVolumesOverLab, 13, 0 );
- l->addWidget( aVolumesOver, 13, 1 );
- l->addWidget( anAspectRatio3DLab, 14, 0 );
- l->addWidget( myComputeVolumeBtn, 14, 1 );
- l->addWidget( myPlot3D, 15, 0, 1, 2 );
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aNameLab, 0, 0 ); //0
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aName, 0, 1, 1, 2 ); //1
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aNodesLab, 1, 0, 1, 3 ); //2
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aNodesFreeLab, 2, 0 ); //3
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aNodesFree, 2, 1 ); //4
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aFreeNodesBtn, 2, 2 ); //5
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aNodesDoubleLab, 3, 0 ); //6
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aNodesDouble, 3, 1 ); //7
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aDoubleNodesBtn, 3, 2 ); //8
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aToleranceLab, 4, 0 ); //9
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( myToleranceWidget, 4, 1 ); //10
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( anEdgesLab, 5, 0, 1, 3 ); //11
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( anEdgesDoubleLab, 6, 0 ); //12
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( anEdgesDouble, 6, 1 ); //13
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aDoubleEdgesBtn, 6, 2 ); //14
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aFacesLab, 7, 0, 1, 3 ); //15
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aFacesDoubleLab, 8, 0 ); //16
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aFacesDouble, 8, 1 ); //17
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aDoubleFacesBtn, 8, 2 ); //18
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aFacesOverLab, 9, 0 ); //19
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aFacesOver, 9, 1 ); //20
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aOverContFacesBtn, 9, 2 ); //21
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( anAspectRatioLab, 10, 0 ); //22
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aComputeFaceBtn, 10, 2 ); //23
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( myPlot, 11, 0, 1, 3 );//24
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aVolumesLab, 12, 0, 1, 3 );//25
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aVolumesDoubleLab, 13, 0 ); //26
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aVolumesDouble, 13, 1 ); //27
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aDoubleVolumesBtn, 13, 2 ); //28
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aVolumesOverLab, 14, 0 ); //28
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aVolumesOver, 14, 1 ); //30
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aOverContVolumesBtn,14, 2 ); //31
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( anAspectRatio3DLab, 15, 0 ); //32
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( aComputeVolumeBtn, 15, 2 ); //33
+ myMainLayout->addWidget( myPlot3D, 16, 0, 1, 3 );//34
- l->setColumnStretch( 0, 0 );
- l->setColumnStretch( 1, 5 );
- l->setRowStretch ( 10, 5 );
- l->setRowStretch ( 15, 5 );
+ myMainLayout->setColumnStretch( 0, 0 );
+ myMainLayout->setColumnStretch( 1, 5 );
+ myMainLayout->setRowStretch ( 11, 5 );
+ myMainLayout->setRowStretch ( 16, 5 );
+ myMainLayout->setRowStretch ( 17, 1 );
@@ -3103,8 +3158,7 @@ SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( QWidget* parent )
\brief Destructor
\brief Change widget font attributes (bold, ...).
@@ -3155,7 +3209,6 @@ QwtPlot* SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::createPlot( QWidget* parent )
return aPlot;
\brief Show controls information on the selected object
@@ -3177,76 +3230,204 @@ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::showInfo( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr obj )
SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( IO->getEntry() );
if ( !anActor ) anActor = SMESH::CreateActor( aSO->GetStudy(), aSO->GetID().c_str(), true );
if ( !anActor ) return;
+ myActor = anActor;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( obj );
- if ( aMesh->_is_nil() ) return;
- SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr aFunctor;
+ SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow( obj );
+ SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( obj );
+ if ( !aMesh->_is_nil() )
+ myObjectType = Mesh;
+ else if( !aSubMesh->_is_nil() )
+ myObjectType = SubMesh;
+ else if( !aGroup->_is_nil() )
+ myObjectType = Group;
+ else
+ return;
// nodes info
- if ( aMesh->NbNodes() ) {
- // free nodes
- aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::FreeNodes() );
- aFunctor->SetMesh( anActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
- anElems = aMesh->GetElementsByType( SMESH::NODE );
- myWidgets[1]->setText( QString::number( nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor ) ) );
- // double nodes
- SMESH::Controls::CoincidentNodes* aNodes = new SMESH::Controls::CoincidentNodes();
- double tol = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->doubleValue( "SMESH", "equal_nodes_tolerance", 1e-7 );
- aNodes->SetTolerance( tol );
- aFunctor.reset( aNodes );
- aFunctor->SetMesh( anActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
- myWidgets[2]->setText( QString::number( nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor ) ) );
+ anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::NODE );
+ if( myObjectType == Group ){
+ anElems = aGroup->GetNodeIDs();
+ }
+ if ( anElems->length() ) {
+ if( anElems->length() <= ctrlLimit ) {
+ // free nodes
+ computeFreeNodesInfo();
+ // double nodes
+ computeDoubleNodesInfo();
+ }
+ else {
+ myButtons[0]->setEnabled( true );
+ myButtons[1]->setEnabled( true );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for( int i=2; i<=10; i++)
+ myMainLayout->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false );
// edges info
- if ( aMesh->NbEdges() ) {
+ anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::EDGE );
+ if ( anElems->length() ) {
// double edges
- aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::CoincidentElements1D() );
- aFunctor->SetMesh( anActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
- anElems = aMesh->GetElementsByType( SMESH::EDGE );
- myWidgets[3]->setText( QString::number( nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor ) ) );
+ if( anElems->length() <= ctrlLimit )
+ computeDoubleEdgesInfo();
+ else
+ myButtons[2]->setEnabled( true );
+ }
+ else {
+ for( int i=11; i<=14; i++)
+ myMainLayout->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false );
// faces info
- if ( aMesh->NbFaces() ) {
- // double faces
- aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::CoincidentElements2D() );
- aFunctor->SetMesh( anActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
- anElems = aMesh->GetElementsByType( SMESH::FACE );
- myWidgets[4]->setText( QString::number( nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor ) ) );
- // over constrained faces
- aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::OverConstrainedFace() );
- aFunctor->SetMesh( anActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
- myWidgets[5]->setText( QString::number( nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor ) ) );
- // aspect Ratio histogram
- if ( aMesh->NbFaces() <= ctrlLimit )
+ anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::FACE );
+ if ( anElems->length() ) {
+ if ( anElems->length() <= ctrlLimit ) {
+ // double faces
+ computeDoubleFacesInfo();
+ // over constrained faces
+ computeOverConstrainedFacesInfo();
+ // aspect Ratio histogram
- else
- myComputeFaceBtn->setVisible( true );
+ }
+ else {
+ myButtons[3]->setEnabled( true );
+ myButtons[4]->setEnabled( true );
+ myButtons[5]->setEnabled( true );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ myMainLayout->setRowStretch(11,0);
+ for( int i=15; i<=24; i++)
+ myMainLayout->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false );
// volumes info
- if ( aMesh->NbVolumes() ) {
- // double volumes
- aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::CoincidentElements3D() );
- aFunctor->SetMesh( anActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
- anElems = aMesh->GetElementsByType( SMESH::VOLUME );
- myWidgets[6]->setText( QString::number( nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor ) ) );
- // over constrained volumes
- aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::OverConstrainedVolume() );
- aFunctor->SetMesh( anActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
- myWidgets[7]->setText( QString::number( nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor ) ) );
- // aspect Ratio 3D histogram
- if ( aMesh->NbVolumes() <= ctrlLimit )
+ anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::VOLUME );
+ if ( anElems->length() ) {
+ if ( anElems->length() <= ctrlLimit ) {
+ // double volumes
+ computeDoubleVolumesInfo();
+ // over constrained volumes
+ computeOverConstrainedVolumesInfo();
+ // aspect Ratio 3D histogram
- else
- myComputeVolumeBtn->setVisible( true );
+ }
+ else {
+ myButtons[6]->setEnabled( true );
+ myButtons[7]->setEnabled( true );
+ myButtons[8]->setEnabled( true );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ myMainLayout->setRowStretch(16,0);
+ for( int i=25; i<=34; i++)
+ myMainLayout->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false );
+void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeFreeNodesInfo()
+ myButtons[0]->setEnabled( false );
+ SALOME_ListIO selected;
+ SMESHGUI::selectionMgr()->selectedObjects( selected );
+ if ( selected.Extent() < 1 ) return;
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = SMESH::IObjectToInterface( selected.First() );
+ if ( CORBA::is_nil( obj ) ) return;
+ SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr aFunctor;
+ aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::FreeNodes() );
+ aFunctor->SetMesh( myActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::NODE );
+ if( myObjectType == Group ){
+ SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( obj );
+ anElems = aGroup->GetNodeIDs();
+ }
+ int aNBFreeNodes = nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor );
+ myWidgets[1]->setText( QString::number( aNBFreeNodes ) );
+void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleNodesInfo()
+ myButtons[1]->setEnabled( false );
+ SALOME_ListIO selected;
+ SMESHGUI::selectionMgr()->selectedObjects( selected );
+ if ( selected.Extent() < 1 ) return;
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = SMESH::IObjectToInterface( selected.First() );
+ if ( CORBA::is_nil( obj ) ) return;
+ SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr aFunctor;
+ SMESH::Controls::CoincidentNodes* aNodes = new SMESH::Controls::CoincidentNodes();
+ aNodes->SetTolerance( myToleranceWidget->value() );
+ aFunctor.reset( aNodes );
+ aFunctor->SetMesh( myActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::NODE );
+ if( myObjectType == Group ){
+ SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( obj );
+ anElems = aGroup->GetNodeIDs();
+ }
+ int aNBDoubleNodes = nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor );
+ myWidgets[2]->setText( QString::number( aNBDoubleNodes ) );
+void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleEdgesInfo()
+ myButtons[2]->setEnabled( false );
+ SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr aFunctor;
+ aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::CoincidentElements1D() );
+ aFunctor->SetMesh( myActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::EDGE );
+ int aNBDoubleEdges = nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor );
+ myWidgets[3]->setText( QString::number( aNBDoubleEdges ) );
+void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleFacesInfo()
+ myButtons[3]->setEnabled( false );
+ SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr aFunctor;
+ aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::CoincidentElements2D() );
+ aFunctor->SetMesh( myActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::FACE );
+ int aNBDoubleFaces = nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor );
+ myWidgets[4]->setText( QString::number( aNBDoubleFaces ) );
+void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeOverConstrainedFacesInfo()
+ myButtons[4]->setEnabled( false );
+ SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr aFunctor;
+ aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::OverConstrainedFace() );
+ aFunctor->SetMesh( myActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::FACE );
+ int aNBOverConstrainedFaces = nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor );
+ myWidgets[5]->setText( QString::number( aNBOverConstrainedFaces ) );
+void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleVolumesInfo()
+ myButtons[6]->setEnabled( false );
+ SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr aFunctor;
+ aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::CoincidentElements3D() );
+ aFunctor->SetMesh( myActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::VOLUME );
+ int aNBDoubleVolumes = nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor );
+ myWidgets[6]->setText( QString::number( aNBDoubleVolumes ) );
+void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeOverConstrainedVolumesInfo()
+ myButtons[7]->setEnabled( false );
+ SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr aFunctor;
+ aFunctor.reset( new SMESH::Controls::OverConstrainedVolume() );
+ aFunctor->SetMesh( myActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::VOLUME );
+ int aNBOverConstrainedVolumes = nbElemsControl( anElems, aFunctor );
+ myWidgets[7]->setText( QString::number( aNBOverConstrainedVolumes ) );
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeFaceInfo() {
- myComputeFaceBtn->setVisible( false );
+ myButtons[5]->setEnabled( false );
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SALOME_ListIO selected;
@@ -3259,17 +3440,14 @@ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeFaceInfo() {
SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( selected.First()->getEntry() );
if ( !anActor ) anActor = SMESH::CreateActor( aSO->GetStudy(), aSO->GetID().c_str(), true );
if ( !anActor ) return;
- SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( obj );
- if ( aMesh->_is_nil() ) return;
- SMESH::long_array_var anElems;
- anElems = aMesh->GetElementsByType( SMESH::FACE );
SMESH::Controls::NumericalFunctorPtr anAspectRatio( new SMESH::Controls::AspectRatio() );
int cprecision = 6;
if ( SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "use_precision", false ) )
cprecision = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "controls_precision", -1 );
anAspectRatio->SetPrecision( cprecision );
anAspectRatio->SetMesh( anActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::FACE );
Plot2d_Histogram* aHistogram = getHistogram( anElems, anAspectRatio );
if ( !aHistogram->isEmpty() ) {
@@ -3280,7 +3458,7 @@ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeFaceInfo() {
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeVolumeInfo() {
- myComputeVolumeBtn->setVisible( false );
+ myButtons[8]->setEnabled( false );
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SALOME_ListIO selected;
@@ -3293,17 +3471,14 @@ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeVolumeInfo() {
SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( selected.First()->getEntry() );
if ( !anActor ) anActor = SMESH::CreateActor( aSO->GetStudy(), aSO->GetID().c_str(), true );
if ( !anActor ) return;
- SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( obj );
- if ( aMesh->_is_nil() ) return;
- SMESH::long_array_var anElems;
- anElems = aMesh->GetElementsByType( SMESH::VOLUME );
SMESH::Controls::NumericalFunctorPtr anAspectRatio3D( new SMESH::Controls::AspectRatio3D() );
int cprecision = 6;
if ( SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "use_precision", false ) )
cprecision = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "controls_precision", -1 );
anAspectRatio3D->SetPrecision( cprecision );
anAspectRatio3D->SetMesh( anActor->GetObject()->GetMesh() );
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::VOLUME );
Plot2d_Histogram* aHistogram = getHistogram( anElems, anAspectRatio3D );
if ( !aHistogram->isEmpty() ) {
@@ -3313,20 +3488,56 @@ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeVolumeInfo() {
+SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::getElementsByType( SMESH::ElementType theElementType )
+ SALOME_ListIO selected;
+ SMESHGUI::selectionMgr()->selectedObjects( selected );
+ if ( selected.Extent() < 1 ) return new SMESH::long_array();;
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = SMESH::IObjectToInterface( selected.First() );
+ if ( CORBA::is_nil( obj ) ) return new SMESH::long_array();;
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElems;
+ if( myObjectType == Mesh ) {
+ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( obj );
+ anElems = aMesh->GetElementsByType( theElementType );
+ }
+ else if( myObjectType == SubMesh ) {
+ SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow( obj );
+ anElems = aSubMesh->GetElementsByType( theElementType );
+ }
+ else if( myObjectType == Group ){
+ SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( obj );
+ anElems = aGroup->GetType() == theElementType ? obj->GetIDs() : new SMESH::long_array();
+ }
+ return anElems;
\brief Internal clean-up (reset widget)
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::clearInternal()
- myComputeFaceBtn->setVisible( false );
- myComputeVolumeBtn->setVisible( false );
+ for( int i=0; i<=34; i++)
+ myMainLayout->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( true );
+ for( int i=0; i<=8; i++)
+ myButtons[i]->setEnabled( false );
myWidgets[0]->setText( QString() );
for ( int i = 1; i < myWidgets.count(); i++ )
- myWidgets[i]->setText( QString::number( 0 ) );
+ myWidgets[i]->setText( "" );
+ myMainLayout->setRowStretch(11,5);
+ myMainLayout->setRowStretch(16,5);
+void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::setTolerance( double theTolerance )
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElems = getElementsByType( SMESH::NODE );
+ myButtons[1]->setEnabled( true );
+ myWidgets[2]->setText("");
int SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::nbElemsControl( SMESH::long_array_var& elems, SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr theFunctor ) {
diff --git a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.h b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.h
index f66a59000..d84097e1c 100644
--- a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.h
+++ b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.h
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
+class QAbstractButton;
class QButtonGroup;
class QContextMenuEvent;
class QLabel;
@@ -50,9 +51,11 @@ class QLineEdit;
class QPushButton;
class QTabWidget;
class QTextBrowser;
+class QGridLayout;
class SMESH_Actor;
class SMDS_MeshNode;
class SMDS_MeshElement;
+class SMESHGUI_SpinBox;
class ExtraWidget;
@@ -291,27 +294,40 @@ public:
SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( QWidget* = 0 );
- void showInfo( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr );
- void saveInfo( QTextStream &out );
+ void showInfo( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr );
+ void saveInfo( QTextStream &out );
- QLabel* createField();
- QwtPlot* createPlot( QWidget* );
- void setFontAttributes( QWidget* );
- void clearInternal();
- int nbElemsControl( SMESH::long_array_var&, SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr );
- Plot2d_Histogram* getHistogram( SMESH::long_array_var&, SMESH::Controls::NumericalFunctorPtr );
+ enum ObjectType { Mesh, SubMesh, Group };
+ QLabel* createField();
+ QwtPlot* createPlot( QWidget* );
+ void setFontAttributes( QWidget* );
+ void clearInternal();
+ SMESH::long_array_var getElementsByType( SMESH::ElementType theElementType );
+ int nbElemsControl( SMESH::long_array_var&, SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr );
+ Plot2d_Histogram* getHistogram( SMESH::long_array_var&, SMESH::Controls::NumericalFunctorPtr );
private slots:
- void computeFaceInfo();
- void computeVolumeInfo();
+ void computeFaceInfo();
+ void computeVolumeInfo();
+ void computeFreeNodesInfo();
+ void computeDoubleNodesInfo();
+ void computeDoubleEdgesInfo();
+ void computeDoubleFacesInfo();
+ void computeOverConstrainedFacesInfo();
+ void computeDoubleVolumesInfo();
+ void computeOverConstrainedVolumesInfo();
+ void setTolerance( const double theTolerance );
- QList myWidgets;
- QwtPlot* myPlot;
- QwtPlot* myPlot3D;
- QPushButton* myComputeFaceBtn;
- QPushButton* myComputeVolumeBtn;
+ SMESH_Actor* myActor;
+ ObjectType myObjectType;
+ SMESHGUI_SpinBox* myToleranceWidget;
+ QList myWidgets;
+ QGridLayout* myMainLayout;
+ QwtPlot* myPlot;
+ QwtPlot* myPlot3D;
+ QList myButtons;
class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg : public QDialog
diff --git a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESH_msg_en.ts b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESH_msg_en.ts
index 9c3871f3b..e217a0183 100644
--- a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESH_msg_en.ts
+++ b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESH_msg_en.ts
@@ -7173,6 +7173,10 @@ as they are of improper type:
Number of the free nodes
+ Double nodes tolerance
Number of the double nodes
diff --git a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESH_msg_fr.ts b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESH_msg_fr.ts
index 1a40597eb..d7fb4f8fe 100755
--- a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESH_msg_fr.ts
+++ b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESH_msg_fr.ts
@@ -7177,6 +7177,10 @@ en raison de leurs types incompatibles:
Number of the double nodes
+ Tolérance des nœuds doubles
Edges Information: