NPAL14803 Colors in MED Save&Reload presistance

This commit is contained in:
dmv 2008-03-11 10:14:24 +00:00
parent c1995ef892
commit af9ba5c340
3 changed files with 50 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -382,7 +382,17 @@ void DriverMED_Family::Init (SMESHDS_GroupBase* theGroup)
Quantity_Color aColor = theGroup->GetColor();
myGroupAttributVal = aColor.Hue();
double aRed = aColor.Red();
double aGreen = aColor.Green();
double aBlue = aColor.Blue();
int aR = aRed*255;
int aG = aGreen*255;
int aB = aBlue*255;
cout << "aRed = " << aR << endl;
cout << "aGreen = " << aG << endl;
cout << "aBlue = " << aB << endl;
myGroupAttributVal = (int)(aR*1000000 + aG*1000 + aB);
cout << "myGroupAttributVal = " << myGroupAttributVal << endl;

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@ -113,10 +113,19 @@ DriverMED_R_SMESHDS_Mesh
TInt aNbGrp = aFamilyInfo->GetNbGroup();
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("belong to " << aNbGrp << " groups");
bool isAttrOk = false;
if(aFamilyInfo->GetNbAttr() == aNbGrp)
isAttrOk = true;
for (TInt iGr = 0; iGr < aNbGrp; iGr++) {
string aGroupName = aFamilyInfo->GetGroupName(iGr);
TInt anAttrVal = aFamilyInfo->GetAttrVal(iGr);
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE(aGroupName);
aFamily->SetId( aFamId );
myFamilies[aFamId] = aFamily;
@ -793,6 +802,9 @@ void DriverMED_R_SMESHDS_Mesh::GetGroup(SMESHDS_Group* theGroup)
element = *anElemsIter;
int aGroupAttrVal = aFamily->GetGroupAttributVal();
if( aGroupAttrVal != 0)
if ( element )
theGroup->SetType( theGroup->SMDSGroup().GetType() );

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@ -169,13 +169,22 @@ void SMESHDS_GroupBase::SetType(SMDSAbs_ElementType theType)
void SMESHDS_GroupBase::SetColorGroup(int theColorGroup)
if( theColorGroup < 0 || theColorGroup > 360 )
MESSAGE("SMESHDS_GroupBase::SetColorGroup : Value must be in range [0,360]");
cout << "theColorGroup = " << theColorGroup << endl;
Quantity_Color aColor( (double)theColorGroup, 1.0, 1.0, Quantity_TOC_HLS );
int aRed = ( theColorGroup/1000000 );
int aGreen = ( theColorGroup -aRed*1000000)/1000;
int aBlue = ( theColorGroup - aRed*1000000 - aGreen*1000 );
cout << "aRed = " << aRed << endl;
cout << "aGreen = " << aGreen << endl;
cout << "aBlue = " << aBlue << endl;
double aR = aRed/255.0;
double aG = aGreen/255.0;
double aB = aBlue/255.0;
cout << "aR = " << aR << endl;
cout << "aG = " << aG << endl;
cout << "aB = " << aB << endl;
Quantity_Color aColor( aR, aG, aB, Quantity_TOC_RGB );
SetColor( aColor );
@ -187,9 +196,17 @@ void SMESHDS_GroupBase::SetColorGroup(int theColorGroup)
int SMESHDS_GroupBase::GetColorGroup() const
Quantity_Color aColor = GetColor();
double aHue = aColor.Hue();
if( aHue < 0 )
return 0;
return (int)( aHue );
double aRed = aColor.Red();
double aGreen = aColor.Green();
double aBlue = aColor.Blue();
int aR = aRed*255;
int aG = aGreen*255;
int aB = aBlue*255;
cout << "aRed = " << aR << endl;
cout << "aGreen = " << aG << endl;
cout << "aBlue = " << aB << endl;
int aRet = (int)(aR*1000000 + aG*1000 + aB);
return aRet;