mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 14:17:55 +05:00
0020832: EDF 1359 SMESH : Automatic meshing of boundary layers
work after StdMeshers_ViscousLayers
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,14 +44,13 @@
using namespace std;
enum EQuadNature { NOT_QUAD, QUAD, DEGEN_QUAD };
// std-like iterator used to get coordinates of nodes of mesh element
typedef SMDS_StdIterator< SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ, SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr > TXyzIterator;
* \brief Return true if two nodes of triangles are equal
@ -64,80 +63,6 @@ namespace
( F1->GetNode(1)==F2->GetNode(2) && F1->GetNode(2)==F2->GetNode(1) ) ||
( F1->GetNode(1)==F2->GetNode(1) && F1->GetNode(2)==F2->GetNode(2) );
* \brief Merge the two pyramids (i.e. fuse their apex) and others already merged with them
void MergePyramids( const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI,
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ,
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS,
TRemTrias& tempTrias,
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> & nodesToMove)
const SMDS_MeshNode* Nrem = PrmJ->GetNode(4); // node to remove
int nbJ = Nrem->NbInverseElements( SMDSAbs_Volume );
SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ Pj( Nrem );
// an apex node to make common to all merged pyramids
if (PrmI->GetVtkType() != VTK_PYRAMID) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("not a pyramid"));
SMDS_MeshNode* CommonNode = const_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*>(PrmI->GetNode(4));
if ( CommonNode == Nrem ) return; // already merged
int nbI = CommonNode->NbInverseElements( SMDSAbs_Volume );
SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ Pi( CommonNode );
gp_XYZ Pnew = ( nbI*Pi + nbJ*Pj ) / (nbI+nbJ);
CommonNode->setXYZ( Pnew.X(), Pnew.Y(), Pnew.Z() );
nodesToMove.insert( CommonNode );
nodesToMove.erase ( Nrem );
// find and remove coincided faces of merged pyramids
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr triItI = CommonNode->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face);
while ( triItI->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* FI = triItI->next();
const SMDS_MeshElement* FJEqual = 0;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr triItJ = Nrem->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face);
while ( !FJEqual && triItJ->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* FJ = triItJ->next();
if ( EqualTriangles( FJ, FI ))
FJEqual = FJ;
if ( FJEqual )
//meshDS->RemoveFreeElement(FI, 0, false);
//meshDS->RemoveFreeElement(FJEqual, 0, false);
tempTrias[FI] = false;
tempTrias[FJEqual] = false;
// set the common apex node to pyramids and triangles merged with J
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itJ = Nrem->GetInverseElementIterator();
while ( itJ->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = itJ->next();
if ( elem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Volume ) // pyramid
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodes( elem->begin_nodes(), elem->end_nodes() );
nodes[4] = CommonNode;
meshDS->ChangeElementNodes( elem, &nodes[0], nodes.size());
else if ( tempTrias.count(elem) ) // tmp triangles
((SMDS_VtkFace*) elem )->ChangeApex( CommonNode );
ASSERT( Nrem->NbInverseElements() == 0 );
meshDS->RemoveFreeNode( Nrem,
meshDS->MeshElements( Nrem->getshapeId()),
* \brief Return true if two adjacent pyramids are too close one to another
@ -149,8 +74,6 @@ namespace
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ,
const bool hasShape)
if (PrmI->GetVtkType() != VTK_PYRAMID) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("not a pyramid"));
if (PrmJ->GetVtkType() != VTK_PYRAMID) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("not a pyramid"));
const SMDS_MeshNode* nApexI = PrmI->GetNode(4);
const SMDS_MeshNode* nApexJ = PrmJ->GetNode(4);
if ( nApexI == nApexJ ||
@ -246,45 +169,109 @@ namespace
return tooClose;
* \brief Merges adjacent pyramids
* \brief Merge the two pyramids (i.e. fuse their apex) and others already merged with them
void MergeAdjacent(const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI,
SMESH_Mesh& mesh,
TRemTrias & tempTrias,
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodesToMove)
void StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::MergePiramids( const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI,
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ,
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> & nodesToMove)
const SMDS_MeshNode* Nrem = PrmJ->GetNode(4); // node to remove
int nbJ = Nrem->NbInverseElements( SMDSAbs_Volume );
SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ Pj( Nrem );
// an apex node to make common to all merged pyramids
SMDS_MeshNode* CommonNode = const_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*>(PrmI->GetNode(4));
if ( CommonNode == Nrem ) return; // already merged
int nbI = CommonNode->NbInverseElements( SMDSAbs_Volume );
SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ Pi( CommonNode );
gp_XYZ Pnew = ( nbI*Pi + nbJ*Pj ) / (nbI+nbJ);
CommonNode->setXYZ( Pnew.X(), Pnew.Y(), Pnew.Z() );
nodesToMove.insert( CommonNode );
nodesToMove.erase ( Nrem );
typedef SMDS_StdIterator< const SMDS_MeshElement*, SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr > TStdElemIterator;
TStdElemIterator itEnd;
// find and remove coincided faces of merged pyramids
vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > inverseElems
// copy inverse elements to avoid iteration on changing conainer
( TStdElemIterator( CommonNode->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face)), itEnd);
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < inverseElems.size(); ++i )
if (PrmI->GetVtkType() != VTK_PYRAMID) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("not a pyramid"));
TIDSortedElemSet adjacentPyrams, mergedPyrams;
for(int k=0; k<4; k++) // loop on 4 base nodes of PrmI
const SMDS_MeshElement* FI = inverseElems[i];
const SMDS_MeshElement* FJEqual = 0;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr triItJ = Nrem->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face);
while ( !FJEqual && triItJ->more() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = PrmI->GetNode(k);
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr vIt = n->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Volume );
while ( vIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* FJ = triItJ->next();
if ( EqualTriangles( FJ, FI ))
FJEqual = FJ;
if ( FJEqual )
removeTmpElement( FI );
removeTmpElement( FJEqual );
myRemovedTrias.insert( FI );
myRemovedTrias.insert( FJEqual );
// set the common apex node to pyramids and triangles merged with J
inverseElems.assign( TStdElemIterator( Nrem->GetInverseElementIterator()), itEnd );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < inverseElems.size(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = inverseElems[i];
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodes( elem->begin_nodes(), elem->end_nodes() );
nodes[ elem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Volume ? PYRAM_APEX : TRIA_APEX ] = CommonNode;
GetMeshDS()->ChangeElementNodes( elem, &nodes[0], nodes.size());
ASSERT( Nrem->NbInverseElements() == 0 );
GetMeshDS()->RemoveFreeNode( Nrem,
GetMeshDS()->MeshElements( Nrem->getshapeId()),
* \brief Merges adjacent pyramids
void StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::MergeAdjacent(const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI,
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodesToMove)
TIDSortedElemSet adjacentPyrams;
bool mergedPyrams = false;
for(int k=0; k<4; k++) // loop on 4 base nodes of PrmI
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = PrmI->GetNode(k);
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr vIt = n->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Volume );
while ( vIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ = vIt->next();
if ( PrmJ->NbCornerNodes() != 5 || !adjacentPyrams.insert( PrmJ ).second )
if ( PrmI != PrmJ && TooCloseAdjacent( PrmI, PrmJ, GetMesh()->HasShapeToMesh() ))
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ = vIt->next();
if ( PrmJ->NbCornerNodes() != 5 || !adjacentPyrams.insert( PrmJ ).second )
if ( PrmI != PrmJ && TooCloseAdjacent( PrmI, PrmJ, mesh.HasShapeToMesh() ))
MergePyramids( PrmI, PrmJ, mesh.GetMeshDS(), tempTrias, nodesToMove );
mergedPyrams.insert( PrmJ );
MergePiramids( PrmI, PrmJ, nodesToMove );
mergedPyrams = true;
// container of inverse elements can change
vIt = n->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Volume );
if ( !mergedPyrams.empty() )
TIDSortedElemSet::iterator prm;
// for (prm = mergedPyrams.begin(); prm != mergedPyrams.end(); ++prm)
// MergeAdjacent( *prm, mesh, tempTrias, nodesToMove );
for (prm = adjacentPyrams.begin(); prm != adjacentPyrams.end(); ++prm)
MergeAdjacent( *prm, mesh, tempTrias, nodesToMove );
if ( mergedPyrams )
TIDSortedElemSet::iterator prm;
for (prm = adjacentPyrams.begin(); prm != adjacentPyrams.end(); ++prm)
MergeAdjacent( *prm, nodesToMove );
@ -295,10 +282,8 @@ namespace
myElemSearcher(0), myNbTriangles(0)
@ -309,20 +294,7 @@ StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor():
// delete temporary faces
TQuad2Trias::iterator f_f = myResMap.begin(), ffEnd = myResMap.end();
for ( ; f_f != ffEnd; ++f_f )
TTriaList& fList = f_f->second;
TTriaList::iterator f = fList.begin(), fEnd = fList.end();
for ( ; f != fEnd; ++f )
const SMDS_MeshElement *elem = *f;
// temporary faces are deleted by ~SMESH_ProxyMesh()
if ( myElemSearcher ) delete myElemSearcher;
@ -549,7 +521,7 @@ int StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Preparation(const SMDS_MeshElement* face
if( face->NbCornerNodes() != 4 )
myNbTriangles += int( face->NbCornerNodes() == 3 );
//myNbTriangles += int( face->NbCornerNodes() == 3 );
return NOT_QUAD;
@ -661,124 +633,181 @@ int StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Preparation(const SMDS_MeshElement* face
//purpose :
bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape)
bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
SMESH_ProxyMesh* aProxyMesh)
myNbTriangles = 0;
myShape = aShape;
SMESH_ProxyMesh::setMesh( aMesh );
if ( aShape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_SOLID &&
aShape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_SHELL )
return false;
vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> myPyramids;
SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS();
SMESH_MesherHelper helper(aMesh);
helper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
if ( myElemSearcher ) delete myElemSearcher;
if ( aProxyMesh )
myElemSearcher = SMESH_MeshEditor(&aMesh).GetElementSearcher( aProxyMesh->GetFaces(aShape));
myElemSearcher = SMESH_MeshEditor(&aMesh).GetElementSearcher();
const SMESHDS_SubMesh * aSubMeshDSFace;
Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) PN = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,5);
Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfVec) VN = new TColgp_HArray1OfVec(1,4);
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> FNodes(5);
gp_Pnt PC;
gp_Vec VNorm;
for (TopExp_Explorer exp(aShape,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next())
const TopoDS_Shape& aShapeFace = exp.Current();
const SMESHDS_SubMesh * aSubMeshDSFace = meshDS->MeshElements( aShapeFace );
if ( aProxyMesh )
aSubMeshDSFace = aProxyMesh->GetSubMesh( aShapeFace );
aSubMeshDSFace = meshDS->MeshElements( aShapeFace );
vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> trias, quads;
bool hasNewTrias = false;
if ( aSubMeshDSFace )
bool isRev = SMESH_Algo::IsReversedSubMesh( TopoDS::Face(aShapeFace), meshDS );
bool isRev = false;
if ( helper.NbAncestors( aShapeFace, aMesh, aShape.ShapeType() ) > 1 )
isRev = SMESH_Algo::IsReversedSubMesh( TopoDS::Face(aShapeFace), meshDS );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr iteratorElem = aSubMeshDSFace->GetElements();
while ( iteratorElem->more() ) // loop on elements on a geometrical face
const SMDS_MeshElement* face = iteratorElem->next();
//cout<<endl<<"================= face->GetID() = "<<face->GetID()<<endl;
// preparation step using face info
Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) PN = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,5);
Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfVec) VN = new TColgp_HArray1OfVec(1,4);
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> FNodes(5);
gp_Pnt PC;
gp_Vec VNorm;
int stat = Preparation(face, PN, VN, FNodes, PC, VNorm);
// preparation step to get face info
int stat = Preparation(face, PN, VN, FNodes, PC, VNorm);
switch ( stat )
// degenerate face
// add triangles to result map
SMDS_MeshFace* NewFace;
NewFace = meshDS->AddFace( FNodes[0], FNodes[1], FNodes[2] );
NewFace = meshDS->AddFace( FNodes[0], FNodes[2], FNodes[1] );
myTempTriangles[NewFace] =true;
TTriaList aList( 1, NewFace );
case NOT_QUAD:
if(!isRev) VNorm.Reverse();
double xc = 0., yc = 0., zc = 0.;
int i = 1;
for(; i<=4; i++) {
gp_Pnt Pbest;
Pbest = FindBestPoint(PN->Value(i), PN->Value(i+1), PC, VN->Value(i).Reversed());
Pbest = FindBestPoint(PN->Value(i), PN->Value(i+1), PC, VN->Value(i));
xc += Pbest.X();
yc += Pbest.Y();
zc += Pbest.Z();
gp_Pnt PCbest(xc/4., yc/4., zc/4.);
trias.push_back( face );
// check PCbest
double height = PCbest.Distance(PC);
if(height<1.e-6) {
// create new PCbest using a bit shift along VNorm
PCbest = PC.XYZ() + VNorm.XYZ() * 0.001;
else {
// check possible intersection with other faces
gp_Pnt Pint;
bool check = CheckIntersection(PCbest, PC, Pint, aMesh, aShape, face);
if(check) {
//cout<<" PCbest("<<PCbest.X()<<","<<PCbest.Y()<<","<<PCbest.Z()<<")"<<endl;
double dist = PC.Distance(Pint)/3.;
gp_Dir aDir(gp_Vec(PC,PCbest));
PCbest = PC.XYZ() + aDir.XYZ() * dist;
// degenerate face
// add triangles to result map
SMDS_MeshFace* NewFace;
NewFace = meshDS->AddFace( FNodes[0], FNodes[1], FNodes[2] );
NewFace = meshDS->AddFace( FNodes[0], FNodes[2], FNodes[1] );
storeTmpElement( NewFace );
trias.push_back ( NewFace );
quads.push_back( face );
hasNewTrias = true;
else {
gp_Vec VB(PC,PCbest);
gp_Pnt PCbestTmp = PC.XYZ() + VB.XYZ() * 3.0;
check = CheckIntersection(PCbestTmp, PC, Pint, aMesh, aShape, face);
if(check) {
double dist = PC.Distance(Pint)/3.;
if(dist<height) {
case QUAD:
if(!isRev) VNorm.Reverse();
double xc = 0., yc = 0., zc = 0.;
int i = 1;
for(; i<=4; i++) {
gp_Pnt Pbest;
Pbest = FindBestPoint(PN->Value(i), PN->Value(i+1), PC, VN->Value(i).Reversed());
Pbest = FindBestPoint(PN->Value(i), PN->Value(i+1), PC, VN->Value(i));
xc += Pbest.X();
yc += Pbest.Y();
zc += Pbest.Z();
gp_Pnt PCbest(xc/4., yc/4., zc/4.);
// check PCbest
double height = PCbest.Distance(PC);
if(height<1.e-6) {
// create new PCbest using a bit shift along VNorm
PCbest = PC.XYZ() + VNorm.XYZ() * 0.001;
else {
// check possible intersection with other faces
gp_Pnt Pint;
bool check = CheckIntersection(PCbest, PC, Pint, aMesh, aShape, face);
if(check) {
//cout<<" PCbest("<<PCbest.X()<<","<<PCbest.Y()<<","<<PCbest.Z()<<")"<<endl;
double dist = PC.Distance(Pint)/3.;
gp_Dir aDir(gp_Vec(PC,PCbest));
PCbest = PC.XYZ() + aDir.XYZ() * dist;
else {
gp_Vec VB(PC,PCbest);
gp_Pnt PCbestTmp = PC.XYZ() + VB.XYZ() * 3.0;
check = CheckIntersection(PCbestTmp, PC, Pint, aMesh, aShape, face);
if(check) {
double dist = PC.Distance(Pint)/3.;
if(dist<height) {
gp_Dir aDir(gp_Vec(PC,PCbest));
PCbest = PC.XYZ() + aDir.XYZ() * dist;
// create node for PCbest
SMDS_MeshNode* NewNode = helper.AddNode( PCbest.X(), PCbest.Y(), PCbest.Z() );
// create node for PCbest
SMDS_MeshNode* NewNode = helper.AddNode( PCbest.X(), PCbest.Y(), PCbest.Z() );
// add triangles to result map
TTriaList& triaList = myResMap.insert( make_pair( face, TTriaList() ))->second;
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
SMDS_MeshFace* newFace =meshDS->AddFace( NewNode, FNodes[i], FNodes[i+1] );
triaList.push_back( newFace );
myTempTriangles[newFace] = true;
// add triangles to result map
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
trias.push_back ( meshDS->AddFace( NewNode, FNodes[i], FNodes[i+1] ));
storeTmpElement( trias.back() );
// create a pyramid
if ( isRev ) swap( FNodes[1], FNodes[3]);
SMDS_MeshVolume* aPyram =
helper.AddVolume( FNodes[0], FNodes[1], FNodes[2], FNodes[3], NewNode );
// create a pyramid
if ( isRev ) swap( FNodes[1], FNodes[3]);
SMDS_MeshVolume* aPyram =
helper.AddVolume( FNodes[0], FNodes[1], FNodes[2], FNodes[3], NewNode );
quads.push_back( face );
hasNewTrias = true;
} // case QUAD:
} // switch ( stat )
} // end loop on elements on a face submesh
bool sourceSubMeshIsProxy = false;
if ( aProxyMesh )
// move proxy sub-mesh from other proxy mesh to this
sourceSubMeshIsProxy = takeProxySubMesh( aShapeFace, aProxyMesh );
// move also tmp elements added in mesh
takeTmpElemsInMesh( aProxyMesh );
if ( hasNewTrias )
SMESH_ProxyMesh::SubMesh* prxSubMesh = getProxySubMesh( aShapeFace );
prxSubMesh->ChangeElements( trias.begin(), trias.end() );
// delete tmp quadrangles removed from aProxyMesh
if ( sourceSubMeshIsProxy )
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < quads.size(); ++i )
removeTmpElement( quads[i] );
delete myElemSearcher;
myElemSearcher =
SMESH_MeshEditor(&aMesh).GetElementSearcher( aProxyMesh->GetFaces(aShape));
} // end for(TopExp_Explorer exp(aShape,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next()) {
return Compute2ndPart(aMesh);
return Compute2ndPart(aMesh, myPyramids);
@ -789,8 +818,13 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape
bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
SMESH_ProxyMesh::setMesh( aMesh );
SMESH_ProxyMesh::_allowedTypes.push_back( SMDSEntity_Triangle );
SMESH_ProxyMesh::_allowedTypes.push_back( SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle );
if ( aMesh.NbQuadrangles() < 1 )
return false;
vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> myPyramids;
SMESH_MesherHelper helper(aMesh);
helper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
@ -800,13 +834,13 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
SMESH_ElementSearcher* searcher = const_cast<SMESH_ElementSearcher*>(myElemSearcher);
SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS();
SMESH_ProxyMesh::SubMesh* prxSubMesh = getProxySubMesh();
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr fIt = meshDS->facesIterator(/*idInceasingOrder=*/true);
while( fIt->more())
const SMDS_MeshElement* face = fIt->next();
if ( !face ) continue;
//cout<<endl<<"================= face->GetID() = "<<face->GetID()<<endl;
// retrieve needed information about a face
Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) PN = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,5);
Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfVec) VN = new TColgp_HArray1OfVec(1,4);
@ -823,11 +857,10 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
if ( what == DEGEN_QUAD )
// degenerate face
// add triangles to result map
TTriaList aList;
// add a triangle to the proxy mesh
SMDS_MeshFace* NewFace;
// check orientation
// check orientation
double tmp = PN->Value(1).Distance(PN->Value(2)) + PN->Value(2).Distance(PN->Value(3));
// far points in VNorm direction
gp_Pnt Ptmp1 = PC.XYZ() + VNorm.XYZ() * tmp * 1.e6;
@ -891,12 +924,13 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
NewFace = meshDS->AddFace( FNodes[0], FNodes[1], FNodes[2] );
NewFace = meshDS->AddFace( FNodes[0], FNodes[2], FNodes[1] );
myTempTriangles[NewFace] = true;
storeTmpElement( NewFace );
prxSubMesh->AddElement( NewFace );
// Case of non-degenerated quadrangle
// Find pyramid peak
gp_XYZ PCbest(0., 0., 0.); // pyramid peak
@ -913,7 +947,6 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
PCbest = PC.XYZ() + VNorm.XYZ() * 0.001;
height = PC.Distance(PCbest);
//cout<<" PCbest("<<PCbest.X()<<","<<PCbest.Y()<<","<<PCbest.Z()<<")"<<endl;
// Restrict pyramid height by intersection with other faces
gp_Vec tmpDir(PC,PCbest); tmpDir.Normalize();
@ -965,15 +998,14 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
SMDS_MeshNode* NewNode = helper.AddNode( PCbest.X(), PCbest.Y(), PCbest.Z() );
// add triangles to result map
TTriaList& aList = myResMap.insert( make_pair( face, TTriaList()))->second;
for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
SMDS_MeshFace* NewFace;
NewFace = meshDS->AddFace( NewNode, FNodes[i], FNodes[i+1] );
NewFace = meshDS->AddFace( NewNode, FNodes[i+1], FNodes[i] );
myTempTriangles[NewFace] = true;
storeTmpElement( NewFace );
prxSubMesh->AddElement( NewFace );
// create a pyramid
SMDS_MeshVolume* aPyram;
@ -985,7 +1017,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
} // end loop on all faces
return Compute2ndPart(aMesh);
return Compute2ndPart(aMesh, myPyramids);
@ -994,13 +1026,13 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*>& myPyramids)
return true;
SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS();
if (myPyramids[0]->GetVtkType() != VTK_PYRAMID) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("not a pyramid"));
int i, j, k, myShapeID = myPyramids[0]->GetNode(4)->getshapeId();
if ( !myElemSearcher )
@ -1014,15 +1046,13 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
for ( i = 0; i < myPyramids.size(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI = myPyramids[i];
if (PrmI->GetVtkType() != VTK_PYRAMID) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("not a pyramid"));
MergeAdjacent( PrmI, aMesh, myTempTriangles, nodesToMove );
MergeAdjacent( PrmI, nodesToMove );
// iterate on all pyramids
for ( i = 0; i < myPyramids.size(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI = myPyramids[i];
if (PrmI->GetVtkType() != VTK_PYRAMID) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("not a pyramid"));
// compare PrmI with all the rest pyramids
@ -1051,7 +1081,6 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
for ( j = 0; j < suspectPyrams.size(); ++j )
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ = suspectPyrams[j];
//if (PrmJ->GetVtkType() != VTK_PYRAMID) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("not a pyramid"));
if ( PrmJ == PrmI || PrmJ->NbCornerNodes() != 5 )
if ( myShapeID != PrmJ->GetNode(4)->getshapeId())
@ -1094,7 +1123,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
// Merge the two pyramids and others already merged with them
MergePyramids( PrmI, PrmJ, meshDS, myTempTriangles, nodesToMove );
MergePiramids( PrmI, PrmJ, nodesToMove );
else { // nbc==0
@ -1127,8 +1156,8 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
nodesToMove.insert( aNode2 );
// fix intersections that could appear after apex movement
MergeAdjacent( PrmI, aMesh, myTempTriangles, nodesToMove );
MergeAdjacent( PrmJ, aMesh, myTempTriangles, nodesToMove );
MergeAdjacent( PrmI, nodesToMove );
MergeAdjacent( PrmJ, nodesToMove );
} // end if(hasInt)
} // loop on suspectPyrams
@ -1136,48 +1165,35 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
} // loop on all pyramids
// if( !nodesToMove.empty() && !meshDS->IsEmbeddedMode() )
// {
// set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator n = nodesToMove.begin();
// for ( ; n != nodesToMove.end(); ++n )
// meshDS->MoveNode( *n, (*n)->X(), (*n)->Y(), (*n)->Z() );
// }
// rebind triangles of pyramids sharing the same base quadrangle to the first
// entrance of the base quadrangle
TQuad2Trias::iterator q2t = myResMap.begin(), q2tPrev = q2t;
for ( ++q2t; q2t != myResMap.end(); ++q2t, ++q2tPrev )
if( !nodesToMove.empty() && !meshDS->IsEmbeddedMode() )
if ( q2t->first == q2tPrev->first )
q2tPrev->second.splice( q2tPrev->second.end(), q2t->second );
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator n = nodesToMove.begin();
for ( ; n != nodesToMove.end(); ++n )
meshDS->MoveNode( *n, (*n)->X(), (*n)->Y(), (*n)->Z() );
// erase removed triangles from the proxy mesh
if ( !myRemovedTrias.empty() )
for ( int i = 0; i <= meshDS->MaxShapeIndex(); ++i )
if ( SMESH_ProxyMesh::SubMesh* sm = findProxySubMesh(i))
vector<const SMDS_MeshElement *> faces;
faces.reserve( sm->NbElements() );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr fIt = sm->GetElements();
while ( fIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* tria = fIt->next();
set<const SMDS_MeshElement*>::iterator rmTria = myRemovedTrias.find( tria );
if ( rmTria != myRemovedTrias.end() )
myRemovedTrias.erase( rmTria );
faces.push_back( tria );
sm->ChangeElements( faces.begin(), faces.end() );
// delete removed triangles and count resulting nb of triangles
for (q2t = myResMap.begin(); q2t != myResMap.end(); ++q2t)
TTriaList & trias = q2t->second;
set<const SMDS_MeshFace*> faceToErase;
for (TTriaList::iterator tri = trias.begin(); tri != trias.end(); ++tri)
const SMDS_MeshFace* face = *tri;
if (myTempTriangles.count(face) && (myTempTriangles[face] == false))
for (set<const SMDS_MeshFace*>::iterator it = faceToErase.begin(); it != faceToErase.end(); ++it)
const SMDS_MeshFace *face = dynamic_cast<const SMDS_MeshFace*>(*it);
if (face)
meshDS->RemoveFreeElement(face, 0, false);
myPyramids.clear(); // no more needed
delete myElemSearcher;
@ -1192,8 +1208,8 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
const list<const SMDS_MeshFace* >* StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::GetTriangles (const SMDS_MeshElement* aQuad)
TQuad2Trias::iterator it = myResMap.find(aQuad);
return ( it != myResMap.end() ? & it->second : 0 );
// const list<const SMDS_MeshFace* >* StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::GetTriangles (const SMDS_MeshElement* aQuad)
// {
// TQuad2Trias::iterator it = myResMap.find(aQuad);
// return ( it != myResMap.end() ? & it->second : 0 );
// }
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
#include "SMESH_StdMeshers.hxx"
#include "SMESH_ProxyMesh.hxx"
class SMESH_Mesh;
class SMESH_ElementSearcher;
class SMDS_MeshElement;
@ -37,37 +39,28 @@ class gp_Pnt;
class gp_Vec;
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
typedef std::map<const SMDS_MeshElement*, bool> TRemTrias;
* \brief "Transforms" quadrilateral faces into triangular ones by creation of pyramids
class STDMESHERS_EXPORT StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor
class STDMESHERS_EXPORT StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor : public SMESH_ProxyMesh
bool Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape);
bool Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
SMESH_ProxyMesh* aProxyMesh=0);
bool Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh);
const std::list<const SMDS_MeshFace*>* GetTriangles(const SMDS_MeshElement* aFace);
* \brief Return sum of generated and already present triangles
int TotalNbOfTriangles() const { return myNbTriangles; }
TopoDS_Shape GetShape() const { return myShape; }
//bool CheckDegenerate(const SMDS_MeshElement* aFace);
@ -84,23 +77,27 @@ protected:
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
const SMDS_MeshElement* NotCheckedFace);
bool Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh);
bool Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*>& pyramids);
typedef std::list<const SMDS_MeshFace* > TTriaList;
typedef std::multimap<const SMDS_MeshElement*, TTriaList > TQuad2Trias;
TQuad2Trias myResMap;
TRemTrias myTempTriangles;
void MergePiramids( const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI,
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ,
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> & nodesToMove);
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> myPyramids;
void MergeAdjacent(const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI,
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodesToMove);
//typedef std::list<const SMDS_MeshFace* > TTriaList;
//typedef std::multimap<const SMDS_MeshElement*, TTriaList > TQuad2Trias;
//TQuad2Trias myResMap;
//std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> myPyramids;
std::set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> myRemovedTrias;
std::list< const SMDS_MeshNode* > myDegNodes;
const SMESH_ElementSearcher* myElemSearcher;
int myNbTriangles;
TopoDS_Shape myShape;
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