Implement bos #26453: [EDF] (2021) SMESH: uniform refinement

This commit is contained in:
jfa 2021-12-01 19:12:39 +03:00
parent 5254ada6ef
commit b33bc07ec2
28 changed files with 17431 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ SET(SalomeIDLSMESH_IDLSOURCES

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@ -35,6 +35,11 @@
#include "SMESH_Hypothesis.idl"
#include "SMESH_smIdType.idl"
interface HOMARD_Gen;
module SMESH
typedef sequence<SALOMEDS::SObject> sobject_list;
@ -581,6 +586,7 @@ module SMESH
in double theTolerance );
MG_ADAPT_OBJECT Adaptation(in string adaptType);
MG_ADAPT CreateAdaptationHypothesis();

idl/SMESH_Homard.idl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
// Copyright (C) 2011-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
#include "SALOME_Component.idl"
#include "SALOME_Exception.idl"
#include "SALOMEDS.idl"
typedef sequence<double> double_array;
typedef sequence<double> extrema;
typedef sequence<string> ListGroupType;
typedef sequence<string> ListBoundaryGroupType;
typedef sequence<string> listeIterFilles;
typedef sequence<string> listeFieldInterpsIter;
typedef sequence<string> listeFieldInterpTSRsIter;
typedef sequence<string> listeFieldInterpsHypo;
typedef sequence<string> listeIters;
typedef sequence<string> listeComposantsHypo;
typedef sequence<long> listeTypes;
typedef sequence<string> listeHypotheses;
typedef sequence<string> listeIterations;
typedef sequence<string> listeCases;
typedef sequence<string> listeBoundarys;
struct InfosHypo
string FieldName;
long UsCmpI;
long UsField;
long TypeThR;
double ThreshR;
long TypeThC;
double ThreshC;
interface HOMARD_Boundary : Engines::EngineComponent
// Generalites
void SetName(in string Name) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long Delete() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetDumpPython() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Caracteristiques
void SetType (in long Type) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetType() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetDataFile(in string DataFile) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetDataFile() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetMeshName(in string MeshName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetMeshName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetCylinder (in double Xcentre, in double Ycentre, in double Zcentre,
in double Xaxe, in double Yaxe, in double Zaxe, in double rayon)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetSphere (in double Xcentre, in double Ycentre, in double Zcentre, in double rayon)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetConeR (in double Xcentre1, in double Ycentre1, in double Zcentre1, in double Rayon1,
in double Xcentre2, in double Ycentre2, in double Zcentre2, in double Rayon2)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetConeA(in double Xaxe,in double Yaxe,in double Zaxe,in double Angle,
in double Xcentre,in double Ycentre,in double ZCentre)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetTorus (in double Xcentre, in double Ycentre, in double Zcentre,
in double Xaxe, in double Yaxe, in double Zaxe,
in double rayonRev, in double rayonPri)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
SMESHHOMARD::double_array GetCoords() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetLimit (in double Xincr, in double Yincr, in double Zincr)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
SMESHHOMARD::double_array GetLimit() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void AddGroup(in string LeGroupe) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetGroups(in ListGroupType ListGroup) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
ListGroupType GetGroups() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Liens avec les autres iterations
void SetCaseCreation(in string NomCas) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetCaseCreation() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
interface HOMARD_Iteration : Engines::EngineComponent
// Generalites
void SetName(in string Name) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long Delete(in long Option,
in boolean doRemoveWorkingFiles) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetDumpPython() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Caracteristiques
void SetDirNameLoc(in string NomDir) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetDirNameLoc() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetDirName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetNumber(in long NumIter) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetNumber() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetState(in long State) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetState() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetMeshName(in string NomMesh) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetMeshName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetMeshFile(in string MeshFile) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetMeshFile() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetFieldFile(in string FieldFile) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetFieldFile() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Instants pour le champ de pilotage
void SetTimeStep(in long TimeStep) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetTimeStepRank(in long TimeStep, in long Rank)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetTimeStepRankLast() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetTimeStep() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetRank() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Instants pour un champ a interpoler
void SetFieldInterpTimeStep(in string FieldInterp, in long TimeStep)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetFieldInterpTimeStepRank(in string FieldInterp, in long TimeStep, in long Rank)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
listeFieldInterpTSRsIter GetFieldInterpsTimeStepRank() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetFieldInterp(in string FieldInterp) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
listeFieldInterpsIter GetFieldInterps() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SupprFieldInterps() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Fichier des messages
void SetLogFile(in string LogFile) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetLogFile() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long Compute(in long etatMenage, in long Option) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void MeshInfo(in long Qual, in long Diam, in long Conn, in long Tail, in long Inte)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void MeshInfoOption(in long Qual, in long Diam, in long Conn, in long Tail, in long Inte, in long Option)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetFileInfo(in string FileInfo) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetFileInfo() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Liens avec les autres iterations
HOMARD_Iteration NextIteration(in string NomIter) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void LinkNextIteration(in string NomIter) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void UnLinkNextIteration(in string NomIter) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
listeIterFilles GetIterations() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetIterParentName(in string NomIterParent) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetIterParentName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
HOMARD_Iteration GetIterParent() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Liens avec les autres structures
void SetCaseName(in string NomCas) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetCaseName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void AssociateHypo(in string NomHypo) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetHypoName(in string NomHypo) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetHypoName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Divers
void SetInfoCompute(in long MessInfo) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetInfoCompute() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
interface HOMARD_Cas : Engines::EngineComponent
// Generalites
void SetName(in string Name) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long Delete(in long Option) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetDumpPython() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Caracteristiques
void SetDirName(in string NomDir) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetDirName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetState() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetNumberofIter() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetConfType(in long ConfType) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetConfType() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetExtType(in long ExtType) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetExtType() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetBoundingBox(in extrema LesExtremes) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
extrema GetBoundingBox() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void AddGroup(in string Group) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetGroups(in ListGroupType ListGroup) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
ListGroupType GetGroups() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void AddBoundary(in string BoundaryName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void AddBoundaryGroup(in string BoundaryName, in string Group)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
ListBoundaryGroupType GetBoundaryGroup() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SupprBoundaryGroup() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetPyram(in long Pyram) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetPyram() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void MeshInfo(in long Qual, in long Diam, in long Conn, in long Tail, in long Inte)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Liens avec les autres structures
string GetIter0Name () raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
HOMARD_Iteration GetIter0 () raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
HOMARD_Iteration NextIteration(in string IterName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
HOMARD_Iteration LastIteration() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void AddIteration (in string IterName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
interface HOMARD_Hypothesis : Engines::EngineComponent
// Generalites
void SetName(in string Name) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long Delete() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetDumpPython() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Caracteristiques
void SetUnifRefinUnRef(in long RaffDera) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
listeTypes GetAdapRefinUnRef() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetAdapType() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetRefinType() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetUnRefType() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetField(in string FieldName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetFieldName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetUseField(in long UsField) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
InfosHypo GetField() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetUseComp(in long UsCmpI) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void AddComp(in string NomComp) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SupprComp(in string NomComp) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SupprComps() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
listeComposantsHypo GetComps() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetRefinThr(in long TypeThR, in double ThreshR) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetRefinThrType() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetUnRefThr(in long TypeThC, in double ThreshC) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetUnRefThrType() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetNivMax(in long NivMax) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetNivMax() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetDiamMin(in double DiamMin) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
double GetDiamMin() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetAdapInit(in long AdapInit) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetAdapInit() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetExtraOutput(in long ExtraOutput) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetExtraOutput() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void AddGroup(in string LeGroupe) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SupprGroup(in string LeGroupe) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SupprGroups() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetGroups(in ListGroupType ListGroup) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
ListGroupType GetGroups() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SetTypeFieldInterp(in long TypeFieldInterp) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetTypeFieldInterp() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void AddFieldInterp(in string FieldInterp) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void AddFieldInterpType(in string FieldInterp, in long TypeInterp)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SupprFieldInterp(in string FieldInterp) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void SupprFieldInterps() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
listeFieldInterpsHypo GetFieldInterps() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Liens avec les autres structures
void SetCaseCreation(in string NomCas) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetCaseCreation() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void LinkIteration(in string NomIteration) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void UnLinkIteration(in string NomIteration) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
listeIters GetIterations() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
interface HOMARD_Gen : SALOME::GenericObj
// Creation
HOMARD_Boundary CreateBoundaryCAO (in string BoundaryName, in string FileName)
HOMARD_Boundary CreateBoundaryDi (in string BoundaryName, in string MeshName, in string FileName)
HOMARD_Boundary CreateBoundaryCylinder (in string BoundaryName,
in double Xcentre, in double Ycentre, in double Zcentre,
in double Xaxis, in double Yaxis, in double Zaxis,
in double Radius)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
HOMARD_Boundary CreateBoundarySphere (in string BoundaryName,
in double Xcentre, in double Ycentre, in double Zcentre,
in double Radius)
HOMARD_Boundary CreateBoundaryConeR (in string BoundaryName,
in double Xcentre1, in double Ycentre1, in double Zcentre1, in double Radius1,
in double Xcentre2, in double Ycentre2, in double Zcentre2, in double Radius2)
HOMARD_Boundary CreateBoundaryConeA (in string BoundaryName,
in double Xaxis, in double Yaxis, in double Zaxis, in double Angle,
in double Xcentre, in double Ycentre, in double Zcentre)
HOMARD_Boundary CreateBoundaryTorus (in string BoundaryName,
in double Xcentre, in double Ycentre, in double Zcentre,
in double Xaxis, in double Yaxis, in double Zaxis,
in double RadiusRev, in double RadiusPri)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
HOMARD_Cas CreateCase(in string CaseName, in string MeshName, in string FileName )
HOMARD_Hypothesis CreateHypothesis(in string HypoName )
// A.2. Les informations
HOMARD_Boundary GetBoundary(in string BoundaryName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
HOMARD_Cas GetCase(in string CaseName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
HOMARD_Hypothesis GetHypothesis(in string HypoName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
HOMARD_Iteration GetIteration(in string IterName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
listeBoundarys GetAllBoundarysName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
listeCases GetAllCasesName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
listeHypotheses GetAllHypothesesName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
listeIterations GetAllIterationsName() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void MeshInfo(in string CaseName, in string MeshName, in string FileName, in string DirName, in long Qual, in long Diam, in long Conn, in long Tail, in long Inte )
HOMARD_Iteration LastIteration(in string CaseName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// A.4. Les caracteristiques generales
void SetLanguageShort (in string LanguageShort) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetLanguageShort () raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// B. Les methodes qui suivent n'apparaissent pas dans le composant HOMARD dans YACS
// L'utilisateur ne devrait pas les connaitre (ni s'en servir, a fortiori)
HOMARD_Iteration CreateIteration(in string IterName, in string PreviousIterName )
void InvalideBoundary (in string BoundaryName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void InvalideHypo (in string HypoName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void InvalideIter (in string IterName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void InvalideIterOption (in string IterName, in long Option,
in boolean doRemoveWorkingFiles) raises(SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long DeleteBoundary (in string BoundaryName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long DeleteCase(in string CaseName, in long Option) raises(SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long DeleteHypo(in string HypoName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long DeleteIteration(in string IterName, in long Option,
in boolean doRemoveWorkingFiles) raises(SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long DeleteIterationOption(in string IterName,
in long Option1, in long Option2,
in boolean doRemoveWorkingFiles) raises(SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void AssociateIterHypo(in string IterName, in string HypoName)
long Compute (in string IterName, in long CleanOption, in long modeHOMARD,
in long Option1, in long Option2)
string CreateDirNameIter(in string NomDir, in long option )
string VerifieDir (in string NomDir) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void PublishResultInSmesh(in string FileName, in long Option)
void PublishMeshIterInSmesh (in string IterName) raises(SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Les preferences
void SetPublisMesh (in long PublisMeshIN, in long PublisMeshOUT)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetPublisMeshIN () raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
long GetPublisMeshOUT () raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
}; // module SMESHHOMARD

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@

resources/adapt_homard.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 274 B

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@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ SET(SMESHimpl_HEADERS
# --- sources ---
@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ SET(SMESHimpl_SOURCES
# --- rules ---

src/SMESH/SMESH_Homard.cxx Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

src/SMESH/SMESH_Homard.hxx Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
// HOMARD HOMARD : implementation of HOMARD idl descriptions
// Copyright (C) 2011-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
// File : HOMARD.hxx
// Author : Gerald NICOLAS, EDF
// Module : HOMARD
// C'est le ASSERT de SALOMELocalTrace/utilities.h dans KERNEL
#define VERIFICATION(condition) \
if (!(condition)){INTERRUPTION("CONDITION "<<#condition<<" NOT VERIFIED")}
#endif /* VERIFICATION */
#ifdef WIN32
#define HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
#define HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT __declspec( dllimport )
// La gestion des repertoires
#ifndef CHDIR
#ifdef WIN32
#define CHDIR _chdir
#define CHDIR chdir
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#if defined WIN32
#pragma warning ( disable: 4251 )
namespace SMESHHOMARDImpl
// Generalites
void SetName( const char* Name );
std::string GetName() const;
std::string GetDumpPython() const;
// Caracteristiques
void SetType( int Type );
int GetType() const;
void SetMeshName( const char* MeshName );
std::string GetMeshName() const;
void SetDataFile( const char* DataFile );
std::string GetDataFile() const;
void SetCylinder( double X0, double X1, double X2, double X3,
double X4, double X5, double X6 );
void SetSphere( double X0, double X1, double X2, double X3 );
void SetConeR( double Xcentre1, double Ycentre1, double Zcentre1, double Rayon1,
double Xcentre2, double Ycentre2, double Zcentre2, double Rayon2);
void SetConeA( double Xaxe, double Yaxe, double Zaxe, double Angle,
double Xcentre, double Ycentre, double ZCentre);
void SetTorus( double X0, double X1, double X2, double X3,
double X4, double X5, double X6, double X7 );
std::vector<double> GetCoords() const;
void SetLimit( double X0, double X1, double X2 );
std::vector<double> GetLimit() const;
void AddGroup( const char* LeGroupe);
void SetGroups(const std::list<std::string>& ListGroup );
const std::list<std::string>& GetGroups() const;
// Liens avec les autres structures
std::string GetCaseCreation() const;
void SetCaseCreation( const char* NomCasCreation );
std::string _Name;
std::string _NomCasCreation;
std::string _DataFile;
std::string _MeshName;
int _Type;
double _Xmin, _Xmax, _Ymin, _Ymax, _Zmin, _Zmax;
double _Xaxe, _Yaxe, _Zaxe;
double _Xcentre, _Ycentre, _Zcentre, _rayon;
double _Xincr, _Yincr, _Zincr;
double _Xcentre1, _Ycentre1, _Zcentre1, _Rayon1;
double _Xcentre2, _Ycentre2, _Zcentre2, _Rayon2;
double _Angle;
std::list<std::string> _ListGroupSelected;
// Generalites
void SetName( const char* Name );
std::string GetName() const;
std::string GetDumpPython() const;
// Caracteristiques
int SetDirName( const char* NomDir );
std::string GetDirName() const;
int GetNumberofIter();
void SetConfType( int ConfType );
const int GetConfType() const;
void SetExtType( int ExtType );
const int GetExtType() const;
void SetBoundingBox( const std::vector<double>& extremas );
const std::vector<double>& GetBoundingBox() const;
void AddGroup( const char* Group);
void SetGroups( const std::list<std::string>& ListGroup );
const std::list<std::string>& GetGroups() const;
void SupprGroups();
void AddBoundary( const char* Boundary );
void AddBoundaryGroup( const char* Boundary, const char* Group );
const std::list<std::string>& GetBoundaryGroup() const;
void SupprBoundaryGroup();
void SetPyram( int Pyram );
const int GetPyram() const;
// Liens avec les autres structures
std::string GetIter0Name() const;
void AddIteration( const char* NomIteration );
const std::list<std::string>& GetIterations() const;
void SupprIterations();
std::string _Name;
std::string _NomDir;
int _ConfType;
int _ExtType;
int _Etat;
std::vector<double> _Boite; // cf HomardQTCommun pour structure du vecteur
std::list<std::string> _ListGroup;
std::list<std::string> _ListBoundaryGroup;
int _Pyram;
typedef std::string IterName;
typedef std::list<IterName> IterNames;
IterNames _ListIter;
class HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT HomardDriver
HomardDriver(const std::string siter, const std::string siterp1);
void TexteInit( const std::string DirCompute, const std::string LogFile, const std::string Langue );
void TexteInfo( int TypeBila, int NumeIter );
void TexteMajCoords( int NumeIter );
void CreeFichierDonn();
void TexteAdap( int ExtType );
void CreeFichier();
void TexteMaillage( const std::string NomMesh, const std::string MeshFile, int apres );
void TexteMaillageHOMARD( const std::string Dir, const std::string liter, int apres );
void TexteConfRaffDera( int ConfType, int TypeAdap, int TypeRaff, int TypeDera );
void TexteZone( int NumeZone, int ZoneType, int TypeUse, double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4, double x5, double x6, double x7, double x8 );
void TexteGroup( const std::string GroupName );
void TexteField( const std::string FieldName, const std::string FieldFile,
int TimeStep, int Rank,
int TypeThR, double ThreshR, int TypeThC, double ThreshC,
int UsField, int UsCmpI );
void TexteCompo( int NumeComp, const std::string NomCompo);
void TexteBoundaryOption( int BoundaryOption );
void TexteBoundaryCAOGr( const std::string GroupName );
void TexteBoundaryDi( const std::string MeshName, const std::string MeshFile );
void TexteBoundaryDiGr( const std::string GroupName );
void TexteBoundaryAn( const std::string NameBoundary, int NumeBoundary, int BoundaryType, double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4, double x5, double x6, double x7 );
void TexteBoundaryAnGr( const std::string NameBoundary, int NumeBoundary, const std::string GroupName );
void TexteFieldInterp( const std::string FieldFile, const std::string MeshFile );
void TexteFieldInterpAll();
void TexteFieldInterpNameType( int NumeChamp, const std::string FieldName, const std::string TypeInterp, int TimeStep, int Rank );
void TexteAdvanced( int Pyram, int NivMax, double DiamMin, int AdapInit, int LevelOutput );
void TexteInfoCompute( int MessInfo );
int ExecuteHomard(int option);
int _modeHOMARD;
std::string _HOMARD_Exec;
std::string _NomDir;
std::string _NomFichierConfBase;
std::string _NomFichierConf;
std::string _NomFichierDonn;
std::string _siter;
std::string _siterp1;
std::string _Texte;
int _TimeStep;
int _Rank;
bool _bLu;
class HOMARD_Iteration;
class HOMARD_Hypothesis;
//! persistence entity type
typedef enum { Case, Zone, Hypothesis, Iteration, Boundary } SignatureType;
//! get persistence signature
HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT std::string GetSignature( SignatureType type );
//! get data separator
HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT std::string separator();
//! dump boundary to the string
HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT std::string Dump( const SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Boundary& boundary );
//! dump case to the string
HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT std::string Dump( const SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Cas& cas );
//! dump iteration to the string
HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT std::string Dump( const SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Iteration& iteration );
//! dump hypothesis to the string
HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT std::string Dump( const SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Hypothesis& hypothesis );
//! restore boundary from the string
HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT bool Restore( SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Boundary& boundary, const std::string& stream );
//! restore case from the string
HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT bool Restore( SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Cas& cas, const std::string& stream );
//! restore hypothesis from the string
HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT bool Restore( SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Hypothesis& hypothesis, const std::string& stream );
//! restore iteration from the string
HOMARDIMPL_EXPORT bool Restore( SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Iteration& iteration, const std::string& stream );
public :
// Generalites
void SetName( const char* Name );
std::string GetName() const;
std::string GetDumpPython() const;
// Caracteristiques
void SetAdapType( int TypeAdap );
int GetAdapType() const;
void SetRefinTypeDera( int TypeRaff, int TypeDera );
int GetRefinType() const;
int GetUnRefType() const;
void SetField( const char* FieldName );
std::string GetFieldName() const;
void SetUseField( int UsField );
int GetUseField() const;
void SetUseComp( int UsCmpI );
int GetUseComp() const;
void AddComp( const char* NomComp );
void SupprComp( const char* NomComp );
void SupprComps();
const std::list<std::string>& GetComps() const;
void SetRefinThr( int TypeThR, double ThreshR );
int GetRefinThrType() const;
double GetThreshR() const;
void SetUnRefThr( int TypeThC, double ThreshC );
int GetUnRefThrType() const;
double GetThreshC() const;
void SetNivMax( int NivMax );
const int GetNivMax() const;
void SetDiamMin( double DiamMin );
const double GetDiamMin() const;
void SetAdapInit( int AdapInit );
const int GetAdapInit() const;
void SetExtraOutput( int ExtraOutput );
const int GetExtraOutput() const;
void AddGroup( const char* Group);
void SupprGroup( const char* Group );
void SupprGroups();
void SetGroups(const std::list<std::string>& ListGroup );
const std::list<std::string>& GetGroups() const;
void SetTypeFieldInterp( int TypeFieldInterp );
int GetTypeFieldInterp() const;
void AddFieldInterpType( const char* FieldInterp, int TypeInterp );
void SupprFieldInterp( const char* FieldInterp );
void SupprFieldInterps();
const std::list<std::string>& GetFieldInterps() const;
// Liens avec les autres structures
void SetCaseCreation( const char* NomCasCreation );
std::string GetCaseCreation() const;
void LinkIteration( const char* NomIter );
void UnLinkIteration( const char* NomIter );
void UnLinkIterations();
const std::list<std::string>& GetIterations() const;
void AddZone( const char* NomZone, int TypeUse );
void SupprZone( const char* NomZone );
void SupprZones();
const std::list<std::string>& GetZones() const;
std::string _Name;
std::string _NomCasCreation;
int _TypeAdap; // -1 pour une adapation Uniforme,
// 0 si l adaptation depend des zones,
// 1 pour des champs
int _TypeRaff;
int _TypeDera;
std::string _Field;
int _TypeThR;
int _TypeThC;
double _ThreshR;
double _ThreshC;
int _UsField;
int _UsCmpI;
int _TypeFieldInterp; // 0 pour aucune interpolation,
// 1 pour interpolation de tous les champs,
// 2 pour une liste
int _NivMax;
double _DiamMin;
int _AdapInit;
int _ExtraOutput;
std::list<std::string> _ListIter;
std::list<std::string> _ListZone;
std::list<std::string> _ListComp;
std::list<std::string> _ListGroupSelected;
std::list<std::string> _ListFieldInterp;
// Generalites
void SetName( const char* Name );
std::string GetName() const;
std::string GetDumpPython() const;
// Caracteristiques
void SetDirNameLoc( const char* NomDir );
std::string GetDirNameLoc() const;
void SetNumber( int NumIter );
int GetNumber() const;
void SetState( int etat );
int GetState() const;
void SetMeshName( const char* NomMesh );
std::string GetMeshName() const;
void SetMeshFile( const char* MeshFile );
std::string GetMeshFile() const;
void SetFieldFile( const char* FieldFile );
std::string GetFieldFile() const;
// Instants pour le champ de pilotage
void SetTimeStep( int TimeStep );
void SetTimeStepRank( int TimeStep, int Rank );
void SetTimeStepRankLast();
int GetTimeStep() const;
int GetRank() const;
// Instants pour un champ a interpoler
void SetFieldInterpTimeStep( const char* FieldInterp, int TimeStep );
void SetFieldInterpTimeStepRank( const char* FieldInterp, int TimeStep, int Rank );
const std::list<std::string>& GetFieldInterpsTimeStepRank() const;
void SetFieldInterp( const char* FieldInterp );
const std::list<std::string>& GetFieldInterps() const;
void SupprFieldInterps();
void SetLogFile( const char* LogFile );
std::string GetLogFile() const;
void SetFileInfo( const char* FileInfo );
std::string GetFileInfo() const;
// Liens avec les autres iterations
void LinkNextIteration( const char* NomIteration );
void UnLinkNextIteration( const char* NomIteration );
void UnLinkNextIterations();
const std::list<std::string>& GetIterations() const;
void SetIterParentName( const char* iterParent );
std::string GetIterParentName() const;
// Liens avec les autres structures
void SetCaseName( const char* NomCas );
std::string GetCaseName() const;
void SetHypoName( const char* NomHypo );
std::string GetHypoName() const;
// Divers
void SetInfoCompute( int MessInfo );
int GetInfoCompute() const;
std::string _Name;
int _Etat;
int _NumIter;
std::string _NomMesh;
std::string _MeshFile;
std::string _FieldFile;
int _TimeStep;
int _Rank;
std::string _LogFile;
std::string _IterParent;
std::string _NomHypo;
std::string _NomCas;
std::string _NomDir;
std::list<std::string> _mesIterFilles;
std::string _FileInfo;
int _MessInfo;
// La liste des champs retenus par l'hypothese
std::list<std::string> _ListFieldInterp;
// La liste des triplets (champs, pas de temps, numero d'ordre) retenus par l'iteration
std::list<std::string> _ListFieldInterpTSR;
}; // namespace SMESHHOMARDImpl

View File

@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ SET(_moc_HEADERS
# header files / no moc processing
@ -172,6 +175,7 @@ SET(_other_HEADERS
# header files / to install
@ -267,6 +271,10 @@ SET(_other_SOURCES
# sources / to compile
@ -280,6 +288,9 @@ SET(_ts_RESOURCES
# --- rules ---

View File

@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.0" language="en_GB">
<translation>Adaptation with HOMARD</translation>
<translation>Inactive button</translation>
<translation>Select an object.</translation>
<translation>Select only one object.</translation>
<translation>Select an object with type %1.</translation>
<translation>The name of the object is already selected. Modify it or cancel.</translation>
<translation>File selection</translation>
<translation>Select a file.</translation>
<translation>Select only one file.</translation>
<translation>This file cannot be opened.</translation>
<translation>A script file must be given.</translation>
<translation>This MED file cannot be read.</translation>
<translation>No mesh in this MED file.</translation>
<translation>More than one mesh in this MED file.</translation>
<translation>The mesh in this MED file cannot be read.</translation>
<translation>No field in this MED file.</translation>
<translation>The field(s) in this MED file cannot be read.</translation>
<translation>Select a study object with associated MED file \n or select a MED file.</translation>
<translation>The case must be named.</translation>
<translation>A directory for the case must be selected.</translation>
<translation>This directory is already used by the case </translation>
<translation>A valid directory for the case must be selected.</translation>
<translation>A directory for the computation must be selected.</translation>
<translation>A starting directory for the pursuit must be selected.</translation>
<translation>A valid directory for the pursuit must be selected.</translation>
<translation>The file of the initial mesh must be selected.</translation>
<translation>The group &quot;%1&quot; cannot be given for more than 1 boundary.</translation>
<translation>Edition of a case</translation>
<translation>Initial mesh.</translation>
<translation>Pursuit of an iteration.</translation>
<translation>Case: pursuit of a stored iteration</translation>
<translation>The iteration must be named.</translation>
<translation>The previous iteration must be given.</translation>
<translation>Give a name for the final mesh.</translation>
<translation>A hypothesis must be selected.</translation>
<translation>With this hypothesis, a file for the field must be given.</translation>
<translation>First iteration of the case.</translation>
<translation>First iteration of the case for the pursuit.</translation>
<translation>Edition of an iteration</translation>
<translation>The hypothesis must be named.</translation>
<translation>A file for the field must be given.</translation>
<translation>L2 norm</translation>
<translation>Infinite norm</translation>
<translation>At least, one component must be selected.</translation>
<translation>Edition of a hypothesis</translation>
<translation>The boundary must be named.</translation>
<translation>The file for the mesh of the boundary must be selected.</translation>
<translation>The file for the CAO must be selected.</translation>
<translation>The meshfile of the case is unknown.</translation>
<translation>The axis must be a non 0 vector.</translation>
<translation>Edition of a CAO based boundary</translation>
<translation>Edition of an analytical boundary</translation>
<translation>Edition of a discrete boundary</translation>
<translation>Selected groups</translation>
<translation>Mesh analysis</translation>
<translation>Select at least one option.</translation>
<translation>Analysis in the object browser, file </translation>
<translation>IN meshes</translation>
<translation>OUT meshes</translation>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,947 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.0" language="fr_FR">
<translation>Bouton inactif</translation>
<translation>Appliquer et fermer</translation>
<translation>Sélectionner un objet.</translation>
<translation>Sélectionner un seul objet.</translation>
<translation>Sélectionner un objet de type %1.</translation>
<translation>Le nom est déjà choisi. Modifiez le ou annulez la saisie.</translation>
<translation>Choix de fichier</translation>
<translation>Sélectionner un fichier.</translation>
<translation>Sélectionner un seul fichier.</translation>
<translation>Impossible d'ouvrir ce fichier.</translation>
<translation>Il faut donner un fichier pour le script python.</translation>
<translation>Ce fichier MED est illisible.</translation>
<translation>Ce fichier MED ne contient aucun maillage.</translation>
<translation>Ce fichier MED contient plus d'un maillage.</translation>
<translation>Impossible de lire le maillage de ce fichier MED.</translation>
<translation>Ce fichier MED ne contient aucun champ.</translation>
<translation>Impossible de lire le(s) champ(s) de ce fichier MED.</translation>
<translation>Sélectionner une étude avec un fichier MED associé\n ou sélectionner un fichier MED.</translation>
<source>Create a case</source>
<translation>Création d'un cas</translation>
<translation>Il faut donner un nom au cas.</translation>
<translation>Il faut choisir un répertoire de travail pour le cas.</translation>
<translation>Ce répertoire est déjà utilisé par le cas </translation>
<translation>Un répertoire valide doit être choisi.</translation>
<translation>Il faut choisir un répertoire de travail pour le calcul.</translation>
<translation>Il faut choisir un répertoire contenant l'itération à poursuivre.</translation>
<translation>Un répertoire valide contenant l'itération à poursuivre doit être choisi.</translation>
<translation>Il faut choisir le maillage initial.</translation>
<translation>Le groupe &quot;%1&quot; ne peut pas être attribué à plus d'une frontière.</translation>
<translation>Edition d'un cas</translation>
<translation>Maillage initial.</translation>
<translation>Poursuite d'une itération.</translation>
<translation>Cas de poursuite d'une itération</translation>
<source>The configuration file cannot be found.</source>
<translation>Le fichier de configuration de HOMARD est introuvable.</translation>
<source>The configuration file cannot be read.</source>
<translation>Le fichier de configuration de HOMARD est illisible.</translation>
<source>The HOMARD mesh file cannot be found.</source>
<translation>Le fichier de maillage de HOMARD est introuvable.</translation>
<translation>Il faut donner un nom à l'itération.</translation>
<translation>Il faut désigner l'itération précédente.</translation>
<translation>Donner le nom du maillage final.</translation>
<translation>Choisir une hypothèse.</translation>
<translation>Avec cette hypothèse, il faut fournir le fichier du champ.</translation>
<translation>Itération initiale du cas.</translation>
<translation>Itération initiale du cas pour la poursuite.</translation>
<translation>Edition d'une itération</translation>
<source>Boundary type</source>
<translation>Type de frontière</translation>
<source>No boundary</source>
<translation>Pas de frontière</translation>
<source>Non CAO</source>
<translation>Autre que CAO</translation>
<source>Discrete boundary</source>
<translation>Frontière discrète</translation>
<source>Analytical boundary</source>
<translation>Frontière analytique</translation>
<source>Conformity type</source>
<translation>Type de conformité</translation>
<source>Non conformal</source>
<translation>Non conforme</translation>
<source>Non conformal option</source>
<translation>Option de non conformité</translation>
<source>Conformity +</source>
<translation>Conformité +</translation>
<source>1 hanging node per mesh</source>
<translation>1 noeud pendant par maille</translation>
<source>1 node per edge</source>
<translation>1 noeud pendant par arête</translation>
<source>Advanced options</source>
<translation>Options avancées</translation>
<source>Authorized pyramids</source>
<translation>Pyramides autorisées</translation>
<source>Minimal diameter</source>
<translation>Diamètre minimal</translation>
<source>Initialization of adaptation</source>
<translation>Initialisation de l'adaptation</translation>
<source>Maximal level</source>
<translation>Niveau maximal</translation>
<source>Output of the level of refinement</source>
<translation>Sortie du niveau de raffinement</translation>
<source>Output of the qualities</source>
<translation>Sortie des qualités</translation>
<source>Output of the diameters</source>
<translation>Sortie des diamètres</translation>
<source>Output of the parents</source>
<translation>Sortie des parents</translation>
<source>Output of the neighbours</source>
<translation>Sortie des voisins</translation>
<source>Create an iteration</source>
<translation>Création d'une itération</translation>
<source>Iteration Name</source>
<translation>Nom de l'itération</translation>
<source>Previous iteration</source>
<translation>Itération précédente</translation>
<source>Invalid boundary</source>
<translation>Frontière non valable</translation>
<source>Invalid case</source>
<translation>Cas non valable</translation>
<source>Invalid case context</source>
<translation>Cas contextuel non valable</translation>
<source>Invalid hypothesis</source>
<translation>Hypothèse non valable</translation>
<source>Invalid iteration</source>
<translation>Itération non valable</translation>
<source>This boundary has already been defined.</source>
<translation>Cette frontière est déjà définie.</translation>
<source>This case has already been defined.</source>
<translation>Ce cas est déjà défini.</translation>
<source>This hypothesis has already been defined.</source>
<translation>Cette hypothèse est déjà définie.</translation>
<source>This iteration has already been defined.</source>
<translation>Cette itération est déjà définie.</translation>
<source>The parent iteration is not defined.</source>
<translation>L'itération parent n'est pas définie.</translation>
<source>Unable to create the iteration.</source>
<translation>Impossible de créer l'itération.</translation>
<source>The directory for the computation cannot be created.</source>
<translation>Impossible de créer le répertoire pour le calcul de l'itération.</translation>
<source>This iteration is the first of the case and cannot be computed.</source>
<translation>Cette itération définit le point de départ du cas. Elle ne peut pas être calculée.</translation>
<source>This iteration does not have any associated hypothesis.</source>
<translation>Cette itération n'est associée à aucune hypothèse.</translation>
<source>The mesh file does not exist.</source>
<translation>Le fichier du maillage n'existe pas.</translation>
<source>The mesh file cannot be deleted.</source>
<translation>Impossible de supprimer le fichier du maillage.</translation>
<source>Mesh n</source>
<translation>Maillage n</translation>
<source>Mesh n+1</source>
<translation>Maillage n+1</translation>
<source>Field information</source>
<translation>Information sur les champs</translation>
<source>Field file</source>
<translation>Fichier des champs</translation>
<source>No time step</source>
<translation>Sans pas de temps</translation>
<source>Last time step</source>
<translation>Dernier pas de temps</translation>
<source>Chosen time step</source>
<translation>Pas de temps choisi</translation>
<source>Time step</source>
<translation>Pas de temps</translation>
<translation>Numéro d'ordre</translation>
<source>Create a hypothesis</source>
<translation>Création d'une hypothèse</translation>
<translation>Il faut donner un nom à l'hypothèse.</translation>
<translation>Il faut fournir le fichier du champ.</translation>
<translation>Norme L2</translation>
<translation>Norme infinie</translation>
<translation>Il faut choisir au moins une composante.</translation>
<translation>Edition d'une hypothèse</translation>
<source>Type of adaptation</source>
<translation>Type d'adaptation</translation>
<source>Driven by a field</source>
<translation>Pilotage par un champ</translation>
<source>Uniform adaptation</source>
<translation>Adaptation uniforme</translation>
<source>File of the fields</source>
<translation>Fichier des champs</translation>
<source>Governing field for the adaptation</source>
<translation>Champ pilotant l'adaptation</translation>
<source>Field name</source>
<translation>Nom du champ</translation>
<source>Jump between elements</source>
<translation>Saut entre éléments</translation>
<source>Refinement threshold</source>
<translation>Seuil de raffinement</translation>
<source>Coarsening threshold</source>
<translation>Seuil de déraffinement</translation>
<source>Percentage of meshes</source>
<translation>Pourcentage de mailles</translation>
<source>Mean + n*(std deviation)</source>
<translation>Moyenne + n*(ecart-type)</translation>
<source>No refinement</source>
<translation>Sans raffinement</translation>
<source>Mean - n*(std deviation)</source>
<translation>Moyenne - n*(ecart-type)</translation>
<source>No coarsening</source>
<translation>Sans déraffinement</translation>
<source>Field Interpolation</source>
<translation>Interpolation des champs</translation>
<source>Disk with hole</source>
<translation>Disque avec trou</translation>
<source>Get CAO</source>
<translation>Acquisition de la CAO</translation>
<source>Create an analytical boundary</source>
<translation>Création d'une frontière analytique</translation>
<source>Create a discrete boundary</source>
<translation>Création d'une frontière discrète</translation>
<source>Type of boundary</source>
<translation>Type de la frontière</translation>
<source>Radius 1</source>
<translation>Rayon 1</translation>
<source>Radius 2</source>
<translation>Rayon 2</translation>
<source>External radius</source>
<translation>Rayon externe</translation>
<source>Internal radius</source>
<translation>Rayon interne</translation>
<source>X axis</source>
<translation>X axe</translation>
<source>Y axis</source>
<translation>Y axe</translation>
<source>Z axis</source>
<translation>Z axe</translation>
<source>R revolution</source>
<translation>R révolution</translation>
<source>Primary R</source>
<translation>R primaire</translation>
<translation>Il faut donner un nom à la frontière.</translation>
<translation>Il faut choisir le fichier qui contient le maillage de la frontière discrète.</translation>
<translation>Il faut choisir le fichier qui contient la CAO.</translation>
<translation>Le fichier du maillage du cas est inconnu.</translation>
<translation>L'axe doit être un vecteur non nul.</translation>
<translation>Edition d'une frontière basée sur une CAO</translation>
<translation>Edition d'une frontière analytique</translation>
<translation>Edition d'une frontière discrète</translation>
<translation>Groupes choisis</translation>
<source>The height must be positive.</source>
<translation>La hauteur doit être positive.</translation>
<source>The radius must be positive.</source>
<translation>Un rayon doit être positif.</translation>
<source>The axis must be a non 0 vector.</source>
<translation>L'axe doit être un vecteur non nul.</translation>
<source>The angle must be included higher than 0 degree and lower than 90 degrees.</source>
<translation>L'angle doit être compris entre 0 et 90 degrés.</translation>
<source>The radius must be different.</source>
<translation>Les rayons doivent être différents.</translation>
<source>The centers must be different.</source>
<translation>Les centres doivent être différents.</translation>
<source>The external radius must be higher than the internal radius.</source>
<translation>Le rayon externe doit être supérieur au rayon interne.</translation>
<source>The X coordinates are not coherent.</source>
<translation>Les coordonnées en X ne sont pas cohérentes.</translation>
<source>The Y coordinates are not coherent.</source>
<translation>Les coordonnées en Y ne sont pas cohérentes.</translation>
<source>The Z coordinates are not coherent.</source>
<translation>Les coordonnées en Z ne sont pas cohérentes.</translation>
<source>The first coordinates are not coherent.</source>
<translation>Les premières coordonnées ne sont pas cohérentes.</translation>
<source>The second coordinates are not coherent.</source>
<translation>Les secondes coordonnées ne sont pas cohérentes.</translation>
<source>The orientation must be 1, 2 or 3.</source>
<translation>L'orientation vaut 1, 2 ou 3.</translation>
<translation>Analyse de maillage</translation>
<translation>Choisir au moins une option.</translation>
<translation>Bilan de l'analyse dans l'arbre d'études, fichier </translation>
<source>Filtering with groups</source>
<translation>Filtrage par les groupes</translation>
<source>Selection of groups</source>
<translation>Choix des groupes</translation>
<source>Selected groups</source>
<translation>Groupes choisis</translation>
<source>Information on a mesh</source>
<translation>Analyse d'un maillage</translation>
<source>Group size</source>
<translation>Taille des domaines</translation>
<source>No change is allowed in a boundary. Ask for evolution.</source>
<translation>Impossible de changer une donnée dans une frontière. Demander une évolution.</translation>
<source>This boundary is used in a case and cannot be deleted.</source>
<translation>Cette frontière est utilisée dans un cas ; elle ne peut pas être détruite.</translation>
<source>This hypothesis is used and cannot be deleted.</source>
<translation>Cette hypothèse est utilisée dans une itération ; elle ne peut pas être détruite.</translation>
<source>This iteration cannot be deleted.</source>
<translation>Cette itération ne peut pas être détruite.</translation>
<source>The directory for the calculation cannot be cleared.</source>
<translation>Menage du repertoire de calcul impossible</translation>
<source>Starting point</source>
<translation>Point de départ</translation>
<source>From an iteration</source>
<translation>A partir d'une itération</translation>
<source>From a case</source>
<translation>A partir d'un cas</translation>
<source>Iteration into the case</source>
<translation>Choix d'une itération dans le cas</translation>
<source>Last iteration</source>
<translation>A partir de la dernière itération</translation>
<source>Iteration number</source>
<translation>A partir d'une itération numérotée</translation>
<source>The directory of the case does not exist.</source>
<translation>Le répertoire du cas n'existe pas.</translation>
<source>The directory for the case cannot be modified because some iterations are already defined.</source>
<translation>Impossible de changer le répertoire du cas car des itérations ont déjà é définies.</translation>
<source>The directory for the case cannot be reached.</source>
<translation>Impossible d'atteindre ce répertoire pour le cas.</translation>
<source>The starting point for the case cannot be copied into the working directory.</source>
<translation>Impossible de copier le point de départ du cas dans le répertoire de travail.</translation>
<source>The starting point for the case cannot be moved into the new directory.</source>
<translation>Impossible de déplacer le point de départ du cas dans le nouveau répertoire.</translation>
<source>The directory of the case for the pursuit does not exist.</source>
<translation>Le répertoire du cas de reprise n'existe pas.</translation>
<source>The directory of the iteration does not exist.</source>
<translation>Le répertoire de l'itération de reprise n'existe pas.</translation>
<source>The number of iteration must be positive.</source>
<translation>Le numéro de l'itération doit etre positif.</translation>
<source>Number of iteration</source>
<translation>Numéro de l'itération</translation>
<source>Mesh file</source>
<translation>Maillage initial</translation>
<source>Type of schema</source>
<translation>Type de schema</translation>
<source>Maximum of ...</source>
<translation>Maximum de ...</translation>
<source>Test of convergence</source>
<translation>Test de convergence</translation>
<source>Edit a file</source>
<translation>Affichage d'un fichier</translation>
<source>Invalid study context</source>
<translation>Etude contextuelle non valable</translation>
<translation>Les maillages d'entrée</translation>
<translation>Les maillages de sortie</translation>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.0" language="ja" sourcelanguage="en">
<translation>1 </translation>
<translation> %1 </translation>
<translation>The name of the object is already selected. Modify it or cancel.</translation>
<translation>1 </translation>
<translation> python </translation>
<translation> 1 </translation>
<translation> </translation>
<translation> </translation>
<translation> associe
<source>Create a case</source>
<translation>1 </translation>
<translation>1 </translation>
<source>The configuration file cannot be found.</source>
<source>The configuration file cannot be read.</source>
<source>The HOMARD mesh file cannot be found.</source>
<source>Discrete boundary</source>
<source>Analytical boundary</source>
<source>Conformity type</source>
<source>Non conformal</source>
<source>Non conformal option</source>
<source>Conformity +</source>
<translation> +</translation>
<source>1 hanging node per mesh</source>
<source>1 node per edge</source>
<source>Advanced options</source>
<source>Authorized pyramids</source>
<source>Minimal diameter</source>
<source>Initialization of adaptation</source>
<source>Maximal level</source>
<source>Output of the level of refinement</source>
<source>Output of the qualities</source>
<source>Output of the diameters</source>
<source>Output of the parents</source>
<source>Output of the neighbours</source>
<source>Create an iteration</source>
<source>Iteration Name</source>
<source>Previous iteration</source>
<source>Invalid boundary</source>
<source>Invalid case</source>
<source>Invalid case context</source>
<source>Invalid hypothesis</source>
<source>Invalid iteration</source>
<source>This boundary has already been defined.</source>
<source>This case has already been defined.</source>
<source>This hypothesis has already been defined.</source>
<source>This iteration has already been defined.</source>
<source>The parent iteration is not defined.</source>
<source>Unable to create the iteration.</source>
<source>The directory for the computation cannot be created.</source>
<source>This iteration is the first of the case and cannot be computed.</source>
<source>This iteration does not have any associated hypothesis.</source>
<translation> hypothesis </translation>
<source>The mesh file does not exist.</source>
<translation> </translation>
<source>The mesh file cannot be deleted.</source>
<translation> </translation>
<source>Mesh n</source>
<translation> n</translation>
<source>Mesh n+1</source>
<translation> n + 1</translation>
<source>Field information</source>
<source>Field file</source>
<translation> </translation>
<source>No time step</source>
<source>Last time step</source>
<source>Chosen time step</source>
<source>Time step</source>
<source>Create a hypothesis</source>
<translation>hypothesis </translation>
<translation> L2</translation>
<translation>1 </translation>
<source>Type of adaptation</source>
<source>Driven by a field</source>
<source>Uniform adaptation</source>
<source>File of the fields</source>
<source>Governing field for the adaptation</source>
<source>Field name</source>
<source>Jump between elements</source>
<source>Refinement threshold</source>
<source>Coarsening threshold</source>
<source>Percentage of meshes</source>
<source>Mean + n*(std deviation)</source>
<translation> + n * ()</translation>
<source>No refinement</source>
<source>Mean - n*(std deviation)</source>
<translation> - n * ()</translation>
<source>No coarsening</source>
<source>Field Interpolation</source>
<source>Disk with hole</source>
<source>Create an analytical boundary</source>
<source>Create a discrete boundary</source>
<source>Type of boundary</source>
<source>Radius 1</source>
<source>Radius 2</source>
<source>External radius</source>
<source>Internal radius</source>
<source>X axis</source>
<translation>X </translation>
<source>Y axis</source>
<translation>Y </translation>
<source>Z axis</source>
<translation>Z </translation>
<source>R revolution</source>
<translation>R </translation>
<source>Primary R</source>
<translation> R</translation>
<translation>1 </translation>
<source>The height must be positive.</source>
<source>The radius must be positive.</source>
<source>The axis must be a non 0 vector.</source>
<translation> 0 </translation>
<source>The angle must be included higher than 0 degree and lower than 90 degrees.</source>
<translation>0 ° 90 °</translation>
<source>The radius must be different.</source>
<source>The centers must be different.</source>
<source>The external radius must be higher than the internal radius.</source>
<source>The X coordinates are not coherent.</source>
<source>The Y coordinates are not coherent.</source>
<source>The Z coordinates are not coherent.</source>
<source>The first coordinates are not coherent.</source>
<source>The second coordinates are not coherent.</source>
<source>The orientation must be 1, 2 or 3.</source>
<translation> 1 </translation>
<translation> </translation>
<source>Filtering with groups</source>
<source>Selection of groups</source>
<source>Selected groups</source>
<translation> :</translation>
<source>Information on a mesh</source>
<source>Group size</source>
<source>No change is allowed in a boundary. Ask for evolution.</source>
<source>This boundary is used in a case and cannot be deleted.</source>
<source>This hypothesis is used and cannot be deleted.</source>
<source>This iteration cannot be deleted.</source>
<source>The directory for the calculation cannot be cleared.</source>
<source>Starting point</source>
<source>From an iteration</source>
<source>From a case</source>
<source>Iteration into the case</source>
<source>Last iteration</source>
<source>Iteration number</source>
<source>The directory of the case does not exist.</source>
<source>The directory for the case cannot be modified because some iterations are already defined.</source>
<source>The directory for the case cannot be reached.</source>
<source>The starting point for the case cannot be copied into the working directory.</source>
<source>The starting point for the case cannot be moved into the new directory.</source>
<source>The directory of the case for the pursuit does not exist.</source>
<source>The directory of the iteration does not exist.</source>
<source>The number of iteration must be positive.</source>
<source>Number of iteration</source>
<source>Mesh file</source>
<source>Type of schema</source>
<source>Maximum of ...</source>
<source>Test of convergence</source>
<source>Edit a file</source>
<source>Invalid study context</source>

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
#include "SMESHGUI_Hypotheses.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_HypothesesUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MakeNodeAtPointDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Measurements.h"
@ -145,6 +146,7 @@
#include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SMESH_Measurements)
// Qt includes
// #define INCLUDE_MENUITEM_DEF // VSR commented ????????
@ -3015,6 +3017,18 @@ bool SMESHGUI::OnGUIEvent( int theCommandID )
case SMESHOp::OpHomardAdapt:
if ( isStudyLocked() )
SALOME::GenericObj_wrap< SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen > homardGen =
SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptDlg *aDlg = new SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptDlg(homardGen);
// Adaptation - end
case SMESHOp::OpSplitBiQuadratic:
case SMESHOp::OpConvertMeshToQuadratic:
@ -4253,6 +4267,7 @@ void SMESHGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpMGAdapt, "MG_ADAPT", "ICON_MG_ADAPT" );
// Adaptation - end
@ -4473,6 +4488,7 @@ void SMESHGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMGAdapt, adaptId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpHomardAdapt, adaptId, -1 );
// Adaptation - end
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMinimumDistance, measureId, -1 );
@ -4623,6 +4639,7 @@ void SMESHGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
int adaptTb = createTool( tr( "TB_ADAPTATION" ), QString( "SMESHAdaptationToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMGAdapt, adaptTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpHomardAdapt, adaptTb );
// Adaptation - end
int measuremTb = createTool( tr( "TB_MEASUREM" ), QString( "SMESHMeasurementsToolbar" ) ) ;
@ -4706,11 +4723,12 @@ void SMESHGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpCreateBoundaryElements, OB, mesh_group, "&& selcount=1 && dim>=2");
// Adaptation - begin
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpMGAdapt, OB, mesh );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpHomardAdapt, OB, mesh );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
// Adaptation - end
QString only_one_non_empty = QString( " && %1=1 && numberOfNodes>0" ).arg( dc );

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
// Copyright (C) 2011-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
#include "SMESH_SMESHGUI.hxx"
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
#include <SALOME_GenericObj_wrap.hxx>
#include <SalomeApp_Module.h>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
#include <QtWidgets/QCheckBox>
#include <QtWidgets/QComboBox>
#include <QtWidgets/QDialog>
#include <QtWidgets/QFormLayout>
#include <QtWidgets/QGridLayout>
#include <QtWidgets/QGroupBox>
#include <QtWidgets/QHBoxLayout>
#include <QtWidgets/QHeaderView>
#include <QtWidgets/QLabel>
#include <QtWidgets/QLineEdit>
#include <QtWidgets/QPushButton>
#include <QtWidgets/QRadioButton>
#include <QtWidgets/QSpacerItem>
#include <QtWidgets/QTableWidget>
#include <QtWidgets/QWidget>
#include <QtWidgets/QTabWidget>
#include <QtWidgets/QSpinBox>
class SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptArguments;
class SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptAdvanced;
// class : SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptDlg
// purpose :
class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptDlg : public QDialog
SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptDlg(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_ptr theHomardGen);
void setMyMesh(SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var);
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var getMyMesh();
void AddBoundaryCAO(QString newBoundary);
void AddBoundaryAn(QString newBoundary);
void AddBoundaryDi(QString newBoundary);
QString myWorkingDir;
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Hypothesis_var myHypothesis;
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_var myIteration;
SALOME::GenericObj_wrap< SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen > myHomardGen;
virtual void InitConnect();
virtual void InitBoundarys();
public slots:
virtual void SetFileName();
virtual void SetBoundaryNo();
virtual void SetBoundaryCAO();
virtual void SetBoundaryNonCAO();
virtual void PushBoundaryCAONew();
virtual void PushBoundaryCAOEdit();
virtual void PushBoundaryCAOHelp();
virtual void SetBoundaryD();
virtual void PushBoundaryDiNew();
virtual void PushBoundaryDiEdit();
virtual void PushBoundaryDiHelp();
virtual void SetBoundaryA();
virtual void PushBoundaryAnNew();
virtual void PushBoundaryAnEdit();
virtual void PushBoundaryAnHelp();
bool CheckCase();
virtual void PushOnOK();
virtual bool PushOnApply();
virtual void PushOnHelp();
void selectionChanged();
void updateSelection();
SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptArguments* myArgs;
SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptAdvanced* myAdvOpt;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myMesh;
QPushButton *buttonHelp;
QPushButton *buttonApply;
QPushButton *buttonOk;
QPushButton *buttonCancel;
// class : SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptArguments
// purpose :
class SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptArguments : public QWidget
enum ModeIn { MedFile, Browser };
SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptArguments (QWidget* parent);
void setupUi(QWidget *CreateCase);
// Mesh In
QButtonGroup* myInMeshGroup;
QRadioButton* myInMedFileRadio;
QRadioButton* myInBrowserRadio;
QPushButton* mySelectInMedFileButton;
QLineEdit* mySelectInMedFileLineEdit; // LEFileName
QLineEdit* myInBrowserObject;
// Mesh Out
QLineEdit* myOutMeshNameLineEdit;
QCheckBox* myOutMedFileChk;
QPushButton* mySelectOutMedFileButton;
QLineEdit* mySelectOutMedFileLineEdit;
QCheckBox* myOutPublishChk;
// Conformity type
QRadioButton *RBConforme;
QRadioButton *RBNonConforme;
// Boundary type
QGroupBox *GBTypeBoun;
QRadioButton *RBBoundaryNo;
QRadioButton *RBBoundaryCAO;
QRadioButton *RBBoundaryNonCAO;
QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout3;
QCheckBox *CBBoundaryD;
QCheckBox *CBBoundaryA;
QGroupBox *GBBoundaryC; // CAO boundary
QGridLayout *_2;
QPushButton *PBBoundaryCAOEdit;
QPushButton *PBBoundaryCAOHelp;
QComboBox *CBBoundaryCAO;
QPushButton *PBBoundaryCAONew;
QGroupBox *GBBoundaryN; // Non CAO boundary
QGroupBox *GBBoundaryD;
QGridLayout *gridLayout;
QComboBox *CBBoundaryDi;
QPushButton *PBBoundaryDiEdit;
QPushButton *PBBoundaryDiHelp;
QPushButton *PBBoundaryDiNew;
QGroupBox *GBBoundaryA;
QFormLayout *formLayout;
QTableWidget *TWBoundary;
QGridLayout *gridLayout1;
QPushButton *PBBoundaryAnEdit;
QPushButton *PBBoundaryAnNew;
QPushButton *PBBoundaryAnHelp;
void updateSelection();
private slots:
void modeInChanged(int);
void clear();
void onOutMedFileChk(int);
void onOutPublishChk(int);
void onSelectOutMedFileButton();
// class : SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptAdvanced
// purpose :
class SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptAdvanced : public QWidget
SMESHGUI_HomardAdaptAdvanced(QWidget* = 0, Qt::WindowFlags = 0);
void setupWidget();
QGroupBox *logGroupBox;
QLabel *workingDirectoryLabel;
QLineEdit *workingDirectoryLineEdit;
QPushButton *workingDirectoryPushButton;
QLabel *verboseLevelLabel;
QSpinBox *verboseLevelSpin;
QCheckBox *logInFileCheck;
QCheckBox *removeLogOnSuccessCheck;
QCheckBox *keepWorkingFilesCheck;
private slots:
void onWorkingDirectoryPushButton();

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
// Copyright (C) 2011-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
#include "SMESHGUI_HomardListGroup.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_HomardBoundaryDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_HomardUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h"
#include "SalomeApp_Tools.h"
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewManager.h>
#include <utilities.h>
#include <QFileDialog>
using namespace std;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO::SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO(SMESH_CreateBoundaryCAO* parentBound, bool modal,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen0,
QString aCaseName,
QStringList listeGroupesHypo)
: QDialog(0), SMESH_Ui_CreateListGroup(),
_aCaseName (aCaseName),
_listeGroupesHypo (listeGroupesHypo),
MESSAGE("Debut de SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO");
myHomardGen = SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen::_duplicate(myHomardGen0);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO::SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO(SMESH_CreateBoundaryCAO* parentBound,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen,
QString aCaseName,
QStringList listeGroupesHypo)
: QDialog(0), SMESH_Ui_CreateListGroup(),
_aCaseName (aCaseName),
_listeGroupesHypo (listeGroupesHypo),
myHomardGen = SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen::_duplicate(myHomardGen);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO::InitConnect()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
connect( buttonOk, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( PushOnOK() ) );
connect( buttonApply, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( PushOnApply() ) );
connect( buttonCancel, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
connect( buttonHelp, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( PushOnHelp() ) );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO::PushOnApply()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Appele lorsque l'un des boutons Ok ou Apply est presse
QStringList ListeGroup ;
for ( int row=0; row< TWGroupe->rowCount(); row++)
if ( TWGroupe->item( row, 0 )->checkState() == Qt::Checked )
ListeGroup.insert(0, QString(TWGroupe->item(row, 1)->text()) );
if ( _parentBound ) { _parentBound->setGroups(ListeGroup);};
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO::PushOnOK()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (PushOnApply()) this->close();
if ( _parentBound ) { _parentBound->raise(); _parentBound->activateWindow(); };
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO::PushOnHelp()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO::InitGroupes()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
MESSAGE("Debut de SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO::InitGroupes ");
for ( int row=0; row< TWGroupe->rowCount(); row++)
if (_aCaseName == QString("")) { return; };
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_var monCas= myHomardGen->GetCase(_aCaseName.toStdString().c_str());
SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType_var _listeGroupesCas = monCas->GetGroups();
for ( int i = 0; i < _listeGroupesCas->length(); i++ ) {
TWGroupe->setItem( i, 0, new QTableWidgetItem( QString ("") ) );
TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setFlags( 0 );
TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable|Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
if (_listeGroupesHypo.contains (QString((_listeGroupesCas)[i])))
{TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );}
{TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );}
TWGroupe->setItem( i, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(QString((_listeGroupesCas)[i]).trimmed()));
TWGroupe->item( i, 1 )->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled |Qt::ItemIsSelectable );
// MESSAGE("Fin de SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO::InitGroupes ");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMESH_CreateListGroup::SMESH_CreateListGroup(SMESH_CreateBoundaryDi* parentBound, bool modal,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen0,
QString aCaseName, QStringList listeGroupesHypo)
: QDialog(0), SMESH_Ui_CreateListGroup(),
_aCaseName (aCaseName),
_listeGroupesHypo (listeGroupesHypo),
MESSAGE("Debut de SMESH_CreateListGroup");
myHomardGen = SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen::_duplicate(myHomardGen0);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMESH_CreateListGroup::SMESH_CreateListGroup(SMESH_CreateBoundaryDi* parentBound,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen,
QString aCaseName, QStringList listeGroupesHypo)
: QDialog(0), SMESH_Ui_CreateListGroup(),
_aCaseName (aCaseName),
_listeGroupesHypo (listeGroupesHypo),
myHomardGen = SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen::_duplicate(myHomardGen);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SMESH_CreateListGroup::InitConnect()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
connect( buttonOk, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( PushOnOK() ) );
connect( buttonApply, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( PushOnApply() ) );
connect( buttonCancel, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
connect( buttonHelp, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( PushOnHelp() ) );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool SMESH_CreateListGroup::PushOnApply()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Appele lorsque l'un des boutons Ok ou Apply est presse
QStringList ListeGroup ;
for ( int row=0; row< TWGroupe->rowCount(); row++)
if ( TWGroupe->item( row, 0 )->checkState() == Qt::Checked )
ListeGroup.insert(0, QString(TWGroupe->item(row, 1)->text()) );
if ( _parentBound ) { _parentBound->setGroups(ListeGroup);};
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SMESH_CreateListGroup::PushOnOK()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (PushOnApply())
if ( _parentBound ) { _parentBound->raise(); _parentBound->activateWindow(); };
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SMESH_CreateListGroup::PushOnHelp()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SMESH_CreateListGroup::InitGroupes()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
MESSAGE("Debut de SMESH_CreateListGroup::InitGroupes ");
for ( int row=0; row< TWGroupe->rowCount(); row++)
if (_aCaseName == QString("")) { return; };
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_var monCas= myHomardGen->GetCase(_aCaseName.toStdString().c_str());
SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType_var _listeGroupesCas = monCas->GetGroups();
for ( int i = 0; i < _listeGroupesCas->length(); i++ )
TWGroupe->setItem( i, 0, new QTableWidgetItem( QString ("") ) );
TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setFlags( 0 );
TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable|Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
if (_listeGroupesHypo.contains (QString((_listeGroupesCas)[i])))
{TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );}
{TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );}
TWGroupe->setItem( i, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(QString((_listeGroupesCas)[i]).trimmed()));
TWGroupe->item( i, 1 )->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled |Qt::ItemIsSelectable );
// MESSAGE("Fin de SMESH_CreateListGroup::InitGroupes ");
SMESH_EditListGroupCAO::SMESH_EditListGroupCAO( SMESH_CreateBoundaryCAO* parentBound,
bool modal,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen,
QString aCaseName,
QStringList listeGroupesHypo):
MESSAGE("Debut de SMESH_EditListGroupCAO");
SMESH_EditListGroupCAO:: ~SMESH_EditListGroupCAO()
// -------------------------------------
void SMESH_EditListGroupCAO:: InitGroupes()
// -------------------------------------
for (int i = 0; i < _listeGroupesHypo.size(); i++ )
std::cerr << _listeGroupesHypo[i].toStdString().c_str() << std::endl;
TWGroupe->setItem( i, 0, new QTableWidgetItem( QString ("") ) );
TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setFlags( 0 );
TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );
TWGroupe->setItem( i, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(_listeGroupesHypo[i]));
SMESH_EditListGroup::SMESH_EditListGroup( SMESH_CreateBoundaryDi* parentBound,
bool modal,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen,
QString aCaseName,
QStringList listeGroupesHypo):
MESSAGE("Debut de SMESH_EditListGroup");
// -------------------------------------
void SMESH_EditListGroup::InitGroupes()
// -------------------------------------
for (int i = 0; i < _listeGroupesHypo.size(); i++ )
std::cerr << _listeGroupesHypo[i].toStdString().c_str() << std::endl;
TWGroupe->setItem( i, 0, new QTableWidgetItem( QString ("") ) );
TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setFlags( 0 );
TWGroupe->item( i, 0 )->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );
TWGroupe->setItem( i, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(_listeGroupesHypo[i]));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
// Copyright (C) 2011-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
#include "SMESH_SMESHGUI.hxx"
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Module.h>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
#include <QtWidgets/QDialog>
#include <QtWidgets/QGridLayout>
#include <QtWidgets/QGroupBox>
#include <QtWidgets/QHeaderView>
#include <QtWidgets/QPushButton>
#include <QtWidgets/QTableWidget>
class SMESH_CreateBoundaryCAO;
class SMESH_CreateBoundaryDi;
class SMESH_Ui_CreateListGroup
QGridLayout *gridLayout;
QGroupBox *GBButtons;
QGridLayout *gridLayout1;
QPushButton *buttonHelp;
QPushButton *buttonCancel;
QPushButton *buttonApply;
QPushButton *buttonOk;
QGroupBox *GBOptions;
QGridLayout *gridLayout2;
QTableWidget *TWGroupe;
void setupUi(QDialog *CreateListGroup)
if (CreateListGroup->objectName().isEmpty())
CreateListGroup->resize(717, 600);
QSizePolicy sizePolicy(static_cast<QSizePolicy::Policy>(0), static_cast<QSizePolicy::Policy>(0));
gridLayout = new QGridLayout(CreateListGroup);
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
gridLayout->setContentsMargins(9, 9, 9, 9);
GBButtons = new QGroupBox(CreateListGroup);
gridLayout1 = new QGridLayout(GBButtons);
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
gridLayout1->setContentsMargins(9, 9, 9, 9);
buttonHelp = new QPushButton(GBButtons);
gridLayout1->addWidget(buttonHelp, 0, 3, 1, 1);
buttonCancel = new QPushButton(GBButtons);
gridLayout1->addWidget(buttonCancel, 0, 2, 1, 1);
buttonApply = new QPushButton(GBButtons);
gridLayout1->addWidget(buttonApply, 0, 1, 1, 1);
buttonOk = new QPushButton(GBButtons);
gridLayout1->addWidget(buttonOk, 0, 0, 1, 1);
gridLayout->addWidget(GBButtons, 1, 0, 1, 1);
GBOptions = new QGroupBox(CreateListGroup);
gridLayout2 = new QGridLayout(GBOptions);
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
gridLayout2->setContentsMargins(9, 9, 9, 9);
TWGroupe = new QTableWidget(GBOptions);
if (TWGroupe->columnCount() < 2)
QTableWidgetItem *__qtablewidgetitem = new QTableWidgetItem();
TWGroupe->setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, __qtablewidgetitem);
QTableWidgetItem *__qtablewidgetitem1 = new QTableWidgetItem();
TWGroupe->setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, __qtablewidgetitem1);
gridLayout2->addWidget(TWGroupe, 0, 0, 1, 1);
gridLayout->addWidget(GBOptions, 0, 0, 1, 1);
} // setupUi
void retranslateUi(QDialog *CreateListGroup)
CreateListGroup->setWindowTitle(QApplication::translate("CreateListGroup", "Selection of groups", nullptr));
buttonHelp->setText(QApplication::translate("CreateListGroup", "Help", nullptr));
buttonCancel->setText(QApplication::translate("CreateListGroup", "Cancel", nullptr));
buttonApply->setText(QApplication::translate("CreateListGroup", "Apply", nullptr));
buttonOk->setText(QApplication::translate("CreateListGroup", "OK", nullptr));
GBOptions->setTitle(QApplication::translate("CreateListGroup", "Selected groups", nullptr));
QTableWidgetItem *___qtablewidgetitem = TWGroupe->horizontalHeaderItem(0);
___qtablewidgetitem->setText(QApplication::translate("CreateListGroup", "Selection", nullptr));
QTableWidgetItem *___qtablewidgetitem1 = TWGroupe->horizontalHeaderItem(1);
___qtablewidgetitem1->setText(QApplication::translate("CreateListGroup", "Group", nullptr));
} // retranslateUi
namespace Ui {
class CreateListGroup: public SMESH_Ui_CreateListGroup {};
} // namespace Ui
class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO : public QDialog, public SMESH_Ui_CreateListGroup
SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO( SMESH_CreateBoundaryCAO* parentBound, bool modal, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen, QString aCaseName, QStringList listeGroupesHypo);
SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO( SMESH_CreateBoundaryCAO* parentBound, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen, QString aCaseName, QStringList listeGroupesHypo);
virtual ~SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO();
protected :
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen;
SMESH_CreateBoundaryCAO * _parentBound;
QString _aCaseName;
QStringList _listeGroupesHypo;
virtual void InitConnect();
virtual void InitGroupes();
public slots:
virtual void PushOnOK();
virtual bool PushOnApply();
virtual void PushOnHelp();
class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESH_CreateListGroup : public QDialog, public SMESH_Ui_CreateListGroup
SMESH_CreateListGroup( SMESH_CreateBoundaryDi* parentBound, bool modal, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen, QString aCaseName, QStringList listeGroupesHypo);
SMESH_CreateListGroup( SMESH_CreateBoundaryDi* parentBound, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen, QString aCaseName, QStringList listeGroupesHypo);
virtual ~SMESH_CreateListGroup();
protected :
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen;
SMESH_CreateBoundaryDi * _parentBound;
QString _aCaseName;
QStringList _listeGroupesHypo;
virtual void InitConnect();
virtual void InitGroupes();
public slots:
virtual void PushOnOK();
virtual bool PushOnApply();
virtual void PushOnHelp();
class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESH_EditListGroupCAO : public SMESH_CreateListGroupCAO
SMESH_EditListGroupCAO( SMESH_CreateBoundaryCAO* parentBound, bool modal, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen, QString aCaseName, QStringList listeGroupesHypo);
virtual ~SMESH_EditListGroupCAO();
protected :
virtual void InitGroupes();
class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESH_EditListGroup : public SMESH_CreateListGroup
SMESH_EditListGroup( SMESH_CreateBoundaryDi* parentBound, bool modal,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var myHomardGen,
QString aCaseName, QStringList listeGroupesHypo);
virtual ~SMESH_EditListGroup();
protected :
virtual void InitGroupes();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
// Copyright (C) 2011-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
#include "SMESHGUI_HomardUtils.h"
#include <utilities.h>
#include "OB_Browser.h"
#include "SUIT_Desktop.h"
#include "SUIT_Application.h"
#include "SUIT_Session.h"
#include "LightApp_SelectionMgr.h"
#include "SalomeApp_Application.h"
#include "SalomeApp_Module.h"
#include "SalomeApp_Study.h"
#include "SALOME_ListIO.hxx"
#include "SALOMEconfig.h"
#include <string>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qfiledialog.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "SalomeApp_Tools.h"
#include <med.h>
// Function : GetActiveStudy
// Returne un pointeur sur l'etude active
SUIT_Study* SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::GetActiveStudy()
SUIT_Application* app = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication();
if (app)
return app->activeStudy();
return NULL;
// Function : getStudy
// Returne un pointeur sur l'etude active
_PTR(Study) SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::getStudy()
static _PTR(Study) _study;
_study = SalomeApp_Application::getStudy();
return _study;
// Function : updateObjBrowser
// Purpose : met a jour l arbre d 'etude pour Homard
void SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::updateObjBrowser()
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>(SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication());
if (app) {
// Le nom identifiant doit etre la valeur du parametre
// name de la section HOMARD du fichier SalomeApp.xml
CAM_Module* module = app->module("Homard" );
SalomeApp_Module* appMod = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Module*>( module );
if ( appMod ) {
appMod->updateObjBrowser( true );
MESSAGE( "--- SMESHHOMARD::updateObjBrowser: appMod = NULL");
// Function : selectedIO
// Return the list of selected SALOME_InteractiveObject's
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* > ( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelectionMgr = app->selectionMgr();
if( aSelectionMgr )
aSelectionMgr->selectedObjects( mySelected );
for (SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO it (mySelected); it.More(); it.Next())
return mySelected;
// Function : IObjectCount
// Return the number of selected objects
int SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::IObjectCount()
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* >( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelectionMgr = app->selectionMgr();
if( aSelectionMgr )
aSelectionMgr->selectedObjects( mySelected );
return mySelected.Extent();
return 0;
// Function : firstIObject
// Purpose : Return the first selected object in the selected object list
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::firstIObject()
const SALOME_ListIO& aList = selectedIO();
return aList.Extent() > 0 ? aList.First() : Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)();
// Function : lastIObject
// Return the last selected object in the selected object list
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::lastIObject()
const SALOME_ListIO& aList = selectedIO();
return aList.Extent() > 0 ? aList.Last() : Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)();
// Retourne vrai si l'objet est du type voulu
// . Dans le cas d'un cas, d'une hypothese, d'une zone, on se contente
// d'une comparaison simple entre le type stocke et TypeObject.
// . Pour l'iteration, le type stocke en attribut est sous la forme
// "IterationHomard" + le nom de l'iteration precedente.
// Il faut donc regarder si la chaine commence par TypeObject.
// . Idem pour le fichier de messages : "Mess " + numero d'iteration
// On filtre ce genre de situation avec option :
// -1 : comparaison totale
// 0 : comparaison sur le debut de la chaine
bool SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::isObject(_PTR(SObject) MonObj, QString TypeObject, int option)
// MESSAGE("isObject, TypeObject = "<<TypeObject.toStdString().c_str()<<", option = "<<option);
// Existence d'un attribut ?
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
if ( !MonObj->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeComment") ) return false;
// Quel type ?
_PTR(AttributeComment) aComment (anAttr);
QString Type = QString(aComment->Value().c_str());
// MESSAGE("Type = "<<Type.toStdString().c_str());
// Est-ce le bon ?
bool bOK = false ;
if ( option == 0 )
int position = Type.lastIndexOf(TypeObject);
// MESSAGE("position = "<<position);
if ( position == 0 ) { bOK = true ; }
if ( Type == TypeObject ) { bOK = true ; }
return bOK ;
// Retourne vrai si l'objet est une frontiere CAO
bool SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::isBoundaryCAO(_PTR(SObject) MonObj)
return isObject( MonObj, QString("BoundaryCAOHomard"), -1 ) ;
// Retourne vrai si l'objet est une frontiere analytique
bool SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::isBoundaryAn(_PTR(SObject) MonObj)
return isObject( MonObj, QString("BoundaryAnHomard"), -1 ) ;
// Retourne vrai si l'objet est une frontiere discrete
bool SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::isBoundaryDi(_PTR(SObject) MonObj)
return isObject( MonObj, QString("BoundaryDiHomard"), -1 ) ;
// Retourne vrai si l'objet est un cas
bool SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::isCase(_PTR(SObject) MonObj)
return isObject( MonObj, QString("CasHomard"), -1 ) ;
// Retourne vrai si l'objet est une Hypothese
bool SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::isHypo(_PTR(SObject) MonObj)
return isObject( MonObj, QString("HypoHomard"), -1 ) ;
// Retourne vrai si l'objet est une iteration
bool SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::isIter(_PTR(SObject) MonObj)
return isObject( MonObj, QString("IterationHomard"), 0 ) ;
// Retourne vrai si l'objet est un fichier de type TypeFile
bool SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::isFileType(_PTR(SObject) MonObj, QString TypeFile)
return isObject( MonObj, TypeFile, 0 ) ;
// ============================================================================
QString SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::SelectionArbreEtude(QString commentaire, int option )
// ============================================================================
// Retourne l'objet selectionne dans l'arbre d'etudes
// commentaire :
// . si le commentaire est une chaine vide, on ne tient pas compte du type de l'objet
// et on retourne le nom de cet objet
// . sinon :
// . si l'objet est du type defini par commentaire, retourne le nom de cet objet
// . sinon on retourne une QString("")
// option :
// . Si option = 0, ce n'est pas grave de ne rien trouver ; aucun message n'est emis
// . Si option = 1, ce n'est pas grave de ne rien trouver mais on emet un message
// MESSAGE("SelectionArbreEtude : commentaire = " << commentaire.toStdString().c_str() << " et option = " << option);
int nbSel = SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::IObjectCount() ;
if ( nbSel == 0 )
if ( option == 1 )
QMessageBox::warning( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_WARNING"),
QObject::tr("HOM_SELECT_OBJECT_1") );
return QString("");
if ( nbSel > 1 )
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_SELECT_OBJECT_2") );
return QString("");
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) aIO = SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::firstIObject();
if ( aIO->hasEntry() )
// MESSAGE("aIO->getEntry() = " << aIO->getEntry());
_PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::getStudy();
_PTR(SObject) aSO ( aStudy->FindObjectID( aIO->getEntry() ) );
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
if (aSO->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeComment") )
if ( commentaire != "" )
_PTR(AttributeComment) attributComment = anAttr;
QString aComment= QString(attributComment->Value().data());
// MESSAGE("... aComment = " << aComment.toStdString().c_str());
int iaux = aComment.lastIndexOf(commentaire);
// MESSAGE("... iaux = " << iaux);
if ( iaux !=0 )
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_SELECT_OBJECT_3").arg(commentaire) );
return QString("");
if (aSO->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeName") )
_PTR(AttributeName) attributName = anAttr;
QString aName= QString(attributName->Value().data());
return aName;
return QString("");
// =======================================================================
QString SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::SelectionCasEtude()
// =======================================================================
QString aName = QString("");
int nbSel = SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::IObjectCount() ;
if ( nbSel == 0 )
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_SELECT_OBJECT_1") );
return QString("");
if ( nbSel > 1 )
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_SELECT_OBJECT_2") );
return QString("");
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) aIO = SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::firstIObject();
if ( aIO->hasEntry() )
_PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::getStudy();
_PTR(SObject) aSO ( aStudy->FindObjectID( aIO->getEntry() ) );
_PTR(SObject) aSObjCas = aSO->GetFather();
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
if (aSObjCas->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeName") )
_PTR(AttributeName) attributName = anAttr;
aName= QString(attributName->Value().data());
return aName;
return QString("");
// =======================================================================
QString SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::PushNomFichier(bool avertir, QString TypeFichier)
// =======================================================================
// Gestion les boutons qui permettent de
// 1) retourne le nom d'un fichier par une fenetre de dialogue si aucun
// objet est selectionne dans l arbre d etude
// 2) retourne le nom du fichier asocie a l objet
// selectionne dans l arbre d etude
// MESSAGE("PushNomFichier avec avertir "<<avertir<<" et TypeFichier = "<<TypeFichier.toStdString().c_str());
QString aFile = QString::null;
// A. Filtre
QString filtre ;
if ( TypeFichier == "med" ) { filtre = QString("Med") ; }
else if ( TypeFichier == "py" ) { filtre = QString("Python") ; }
else { filtre = TypeFichier ; }
if ( TypeFichier != "" ) { filtre += QString(" files (*.") + TypeFichier + QString(");;") ; }
filtre += QString("all (*) ") ;
// B. Selection
int nbSel = SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::IObjectCount() ;
// MESSAGE("nbSel ="<<nbSel);
// B.1. Rien n'est selectionne
if ( nbSel == 0 )
// aFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, QObject::tr("HOM_SELECT_FILE_0"), QString(""), QString("Med files (*.med);;all (*) ") );
aFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, QObject::tr("HOM_SELECT_FILE_0"), QString(""), filtre );
// B.2. Un objet est selectionne
else if (nbSel == 1)
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) aIO = SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::firstIObject();
if ( aIO->hasEntry() )
_PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH_HOMARD_UTILS::getStudy();
_PTR(SObject) aSO ( aStudy->FindObjectID( aIO->getEntry() ) );
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
_PTR(AttributeFileType) aFileType;
_PTR(AttributeExternalFileDef) aFileName;
if (aSO) {
if (aSO->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeFileType") ) {
QString fileType=QString(aFileType->Value().data());
if ( fileType==QString("FICHIERMED")) {
if (aSO->FindAttribute(anAttr,"AttributeExternalFileDef")) {
aFile= QString(aFileName->Value().data()); }
if ( aFile==QString::null )
if ( avertir ) {
QMessageBox::warning( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_WARNING"),
QObject::tr("HOM_SELECT_STUDY") );
aFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, QObject::tr("HOM_SELECT_FILE_0"), QString(""), filtre );
// B.3. Bizarre
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_SELECT_FILE_2") );
return aFile;
// =======================================================================
med_idt SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::OuvrirFichier(QString aFile)
// =======================================================================
// renvoie le medId associe au fichier Med apres ouverture
med_idt medIdt = MEDfileOpen(aFile.toStdString().c_str(),MED_ACC_RDONLY);
if (medIdt <0)
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_MED_FILE_1") );
return medIdt;
// ======================================================
QString SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::LireNomMaillage(QString aFile)
// ========================================================
QString nomMaillage = "" ;
int erreur = 0 ;
med_idt medIdt ;
while ( erreur == 0 )
// Ouverture du fichier
medIdt = SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::OuvrirFichier(aFile);
if ( medIdt < 0 )
erreur = 1 ;
break ;
med_int numberOfMeshes = MEDnMesh(medIdt) ;
if (numberOfMeshes == 0 )
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_MED_FILE_2") );
erreur = 2 ;
break ;
if (numberOfMeshes > 1 )
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_MED_FILE_3") );
erreur = 3 ;
break ;
nomMaillage = SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::LireNomMaillage2(medIdt,1);
break ;
// Fermeture du fichier
if ( medIdt > 0 ) MEDfileClose(medIdt);
return nomMaillage;
// =======================================================================
QString SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::LireNomMaillage2(med_idt medIdt ,int meshId)
// =======================================================================
QString NomMaillage=QString::null;
char meshname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
med_int spacedim,meshdim;
med_mesh_type meshtype;
char descriptionription[MED_COMMENT_SIZE+1];
char dtunit[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
med_sorting_type sortingtype;
med_int nstep;
med_axis_type axistype;
int naxis = MEDmeshnAxis(medIdt,1);
char *axisname=new char[naxis*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
char *axisunit=new char[naxis*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
med_err aRet = MEDmeshInfo(medIdt,
if ( aRet < 0 ) { QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"), \
QObject::tr("HOM_MED_FILE_4") ); }
else { NomMaillage=QString(meshname); }
delete[] axisname ;
delete[] axisunit ;
return NomMaillage;
// =======================================================================
std::list<QString> SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::GetListeChamps(QString aFile)
// =======================================================================
// Il faut voir si plusieurs maillages
std::list<QString> ListeChamp ;
med_err erreur = 0 ;
med_idt medIdt ;
while ( erreur == 0 )
// Ouverture du fichier
medIdt = SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::OuvrirFichier(aFile);
if ( medIdt < 0 )
erreur = 1 ;
break ;
// Lecture du nombre de champs
med_int ncha = MEDnField(medIdt) ;
if (ncha < 1 )
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_MED_FILE_5") );
erreur = 2 ;
break ;
// Lecture des caracteristiques des champs
for (int i=0; i< ncha; i++)
// Lecture du nombre de composantes
med_int ncomp = MEDfieldnComponent(medIdt,i+1);
// Lecture du type du champ, des noms des composantes et du nom de l'unite
char nomcha [MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
char meshname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
char * comp = (char*) malloc(ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1);
char * unit = (char*) malloc(ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1);
char dtunit[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
med_bool local;
med_field_type typcha;
med_int nbofcstp;
erreur = MEDfieldInfo(medIdt,i+1,nomcha,meshname,&local,&typcha,comp,unit,dtunit,&nbofcstp) ;
if ( erreur < 0 )
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_MED_FILE_6") );
break ;
break ;
// Fermeture du fichier
if ( medIdt > 0 ) MEDfileClose(medIdt);
return ListeChamp;
// ======================================================================================
std::list<QString> SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::GetListeComposants(QString aFile, QString aChamp)
// ======================================================================================
MESSAGE ( "GetListeComposants pour le fichier " << aFile.toStdString().c_str());
MESSAGE ( "GetListeComposants pour le champ " << aChamp.toStdString().c_str());
std::list<QString> ListeComposants;
med_err erreur = 0 ;
med_idt medIdt ;
while ( erreur == 0 )
// Ouverture du fichier
medIdt = SMESH_HOMARD_QT_COMMUN::OuvrirFichier(aFile);
if ( medIdt < 0 )
erreur = 1 ;
break ;
// Lecture du nombre de champs
med_int ncha = MEDnField(medIdt) ;
if (ncha < 1 )
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_MED_FILE_5") );
erreur = 2 ;
break ;
// Lecture des caracteristiques des champs
for (int i=0; i< ncha; i++)
// Lecture du nombre de composantes
med_int ncomp = MEDfieldnComponent(medIdt,i+1);
// Lecture du type du champ, des noms des composantes et du nom de l'unite
char nomcha [MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
char meshname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
char * comp = (char*) malloc(ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1);
char * unit = (char*) malloc(ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1);
char dtunit[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
med_bool local;
med_field_type typcha;
med_int nbofcstp;
erreur = MEDfieldInfo(medIdt,i+1,nomcha,meshname,&local,&typcha,comp,unit,dtunit,&nbofcstp) ;
if ( erreur < 0 )
QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("HOM_ERROR"),
QObject::tr("HOM_MED_FILE_6") );
break ;
// Lecture des composantes si c'est le bon champ
if ( QString(nomcha) == aChamp )
for (int j = 0; j <ncomp; j++)
char cible[MED_SNAME_SIZE +1];
strncpy(cible,comp+j*MED_SNAME_SIZE,MED_SNAME_SIZE );
cible[MED_SNAME_SIZE ]='\0';
// Menage
// Sortie si c'est bon
if ( QString(nomcha) == aChamp ) { break ; }
break ;
// Fermeture du fichier
if ( medIdt > 0 ) MEDfileClose(medIdt);
return ListeComposants;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
// Copyright (C) 2011-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
#include "SMESH_SMESHGUI.hxx"
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
#include <omniORB4/CORBA.h>
#include <SALOMEDSClient_definitions.hxx>
#include <SALOME_InteractiveObject.hxx>
#include <LightApp_DataOwner.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>
//#include <SALOME_Selection.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Module.h>
#include <med.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
class QString;
class QStringList;
class QComboBox;
class SUIT_ViewWindow;
class SUIT_Desktop;
class SUIT_Study;
class SUIT_ResourceMgr;
class CAM_Module;
class SALOMEDSClient_Study;
class SALOMEDSClient_SObject;
class SalomeApp_Study;
class SalomeApp_Module;
class LightApp_SelectionMgr;
SMESHGUI_EXPORT SUIT_Study* GetActiveStudy();
SMESHGUI_EXPORT _PTR(Study) getStudy();
SMESHGUI_EXPORT void updateObjBrowser();
// Function returns a list of SALOME_InteractiveObject's from
// selection manager in GUI
SMESHGUI_EXPORT const SALOME_ListIO& selectedIO();
// Function returns the number of selected objects
SMESHGUI_EXPORT int IObjectCount();
// Function returns the first selected object in the list
// of selected objects
SMESHGUI_EXPORT Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) firstIObject() ;
// Function returns the last selected object in the list
// of selected objects
SMESHGUI_EXPORT Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) lastIObject() ;
SMESHGUI_EXPORT bool isBoundaryCAO(_PTR(SObject) MonObj);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT bool isBoundaryAn(_PTR(SObject) MonObj);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT bool isBoundaryDi(_PTR(SObject) MonObj);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT bool isCase(_PTR(SObject) MonObj);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT bool isHypo(_PTR(SObject) MonObj);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT bool isIter(_PTR(SObject) MonObj);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT bool isFileType(_PTR(SObject) MonObj, QString TypeFile);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT bool isObject(_PTR(SObject) MonObj, QString TypeObject, int option );
extern SALOME_ListIO mySelected;
SMESHGUI_EXPORT QString PushNomFichier(bool avertir, QString TypeFichier="");
SMESHGUI_EXPORT QString LireNomMaillage(QString aFile);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT QString LireNomMaillage2(med_idt Medidt,int MeshId);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT med_idt OuvrirFichier(QString aFile);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT std::list<QString> GetListeChamps(QString aFile);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT std::list<QString> GetListeComposants(QString aFile, QString aChamp);
SMESHGUI_EXPORT QString SelectionArbreEtude(QString commentaire, int grave );
SMESHGUI_EXPORT QString SelectionCasEtude();
#endif // ifndef SMESH_HOMARD_H_UTILS

View File

@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ namespace SMESHOp {
// Adaptation ---------------------//--------------------------------
// Measurements -------------------//--------------------------------

View File

@ -87,6 +87,10 @@

View File

@ -340,6 +340,10 @@
<translation>Remesh with MG_Adapt</translation>
<translation>Remesh with HOMARD</translation>
@ -3312,6 +3316,10 @@ Use Display Entity menu command to show them.
<translation>Remesh with MG_Adapt</translation>
<translation>Remesh with HOMARD</translation>
<translation>Convert to/from quadratic</translation>
@ -4008,6 +4016,10 @@ Use Display Entity menu command to show them.
<translation>Remesh with MG_Adapt</translation>
<translation>Remesh with HOMARD</translation>
<translation>Convert to/from quadratic</translation>

View File

@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ SET(SMESHEngine_HEADERS
# --- sources ---
@ -144,6 +145,7 @@ SET(SMESHEngine_SOURCES
# --- rules ---

View File

@ -477,6 +477,7 @@ public:
int CountInPyDump(const TCollection_AsciiString& text);
SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr CreateAdaptationHypothesis();
SMESH::MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_ptr Adaptation( const char* adaptationType);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
// Copyright (C) 2011-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
// Remarques :
// L'ordre de description des fonctions est le meme dans tous les fichiers
// HOMARD_aaaa.idl, HOMARD_aaaa.hxx, HOMARD_aaaa.cxx, HOMARD_aaaa_i.hxx, HOMARD_aaaa_i.cxx :
// 1. Les generalites : Name, Delete, DumpPython, Dump, Restore
// 2. Les caracteristiques
// 3. Le lien avec les autres structures
// Quand les 2 fonctions Setxxx et Getxxx sont presentes, Setxxx est decrit en premier
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
#include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SALOME_ModuleCatalog)
#include "SMESH.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Homard.hxx"
//#include "FrontTrack.hxx"
#include "SALOME_Component_i.hxx"
#include "SALOME_NamingService.hxx"
#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
//namespace SMESHHOMARDImpl
// class HOMARD_Boundary;
// class HOMARD_Cas;
// class HOMARD_Hypothesis;
// class HOMARD_Iteration;
class SMESH_I_EXPORT HOMARD_Boundary_i:
public virtual Engines_Component_i,
public virtual POA_SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary,
public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
HOMARD_Boundary_i( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var gen_i );
virtual ~HOMARD_Boundary_i();
// Generalites
void SetName( const char* Name );
char* GetName();
CORBA::Long Delete();
char* GetDumpPython();
std::string Dump() const;
bool Restore( const std::string& stream );
// Caracteristiques
void SetType( CORBA::Long Type );
CORBA::Long GetType();
void SetMeshName( const char* MeshName );
char* GetMeshName();
void SetDataFile( const char* DataFile );
char* GetDataFile();
void SetCylinder( double Xcentre, double Ycentre, double ZCentre,
double Xaxe, double Yaxe, double Zaxe,
double rayon );
void SetSphere( double Xcentre, double Ycentre, double ZCentre,
double rayon );
void SetConeR( double Xcentre1, double Ycentre1, double Zcentre1, double Rayon1,
double Xcentre2, double Ycentre2, double Zcentre2, double Rayon2);
void SetConeA( double Xaxe, double Yaxe, double Zaxe, double Angle,
double Xcentre, double Ycentre, double ZCentre);
void SetTorus( double Xcentre, double Ycentre, double ZCentre,
double Xaxe, double Yaxe, double Zaxe,
double rayonRev, double rayonPri );
SMESHHOMARD::double_array* GetCoords();
void SetLimit( double Xincr, double Yincr, double Zincr);
SMESHHOMARD::double_array* GetLimit();
void AddGroup( const char* Group);
void SetGroups(const SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType& ListGroup);
SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType* GetGroups();
// Liens avec les autres structures
void SetCaseCreation( const char* NomCaseCreation );
char* GetCaseCreation();
SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Boundary* myHomardBoundary;
CORBA::ORB_ptr _orb;
public virtual Engines_Component_i,
public virtual POA_SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas,
public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
HOMARD_Cas_i( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var gen_i );
virtual ~HOMARD_Cas_i();
// Generalites
void SetName( const char* Name );
char* GetName();
CORBA::Long Delete( CORBA::Long Option );
char* GetDumpPython();
std::string Dump() const;
bool Restore( const std::string& stream );
// Caracteristiques
void SetDirName( const char* NomDir );
char* GetDirName();
CORBA::Long GetState();
CORBA::Long GetNumberofIter();
void SetConfType( CORBA::Long ConfType );
CORBA::Long GetConfType();
void SetExtType( CORBA::Long ExtType );
CORBA::Long GetExtType();
void SetBoundingBox( const SMESHHOMARD::extrema& LesExtremes );
SMESHHOMARD::extrema* GetBoundingBox();
void AddGroup( const char* Group);
void SetGroups(const SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType& ListGroup);
SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType* GetGroups();
void AddBoundary(const char* Boundary);
void AddBoundaryGroup(const char* Boundary, const char* Group);
SMESHHOMARD::ListBoundaryGroupType* GetBoundaryGroup();
void SupprBoundaryGroup( );
void SetPyram( CORBA::Long Pyram );
CORBA::Long GetPyram();
void MeshInfo(CORBA::Long Qual, CORBA::Long Diam, CORBA::Long Conn, CORBA::Long Tail, CORBA::Long Inte);
// Liens avec les autres structures
char* GetIter0Name();
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_ptr GetIter0();
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_ptr NextIteration( const char* Name );
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_ptr LastIteration();
void AddIteration( const char* NomIteration );
CORBA::ORB_ptr _orb;
class SMESH_I_EXPORT HOMARD_Hypothesis_i:
public virtual Engines_Component_i,
public virtual POA_SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Hypothesis,
public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
HOMARD_Hypothesis_i( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var gen_i );
virtual ~HOMARD_Hypothesis_i();
// Generalites
void SetName( const char* Name );
char* GetName();
CORBA::Long Delete();
char* GetDumpPython();
std::string Dump() const;
bool Restore( const std::string& stream );
// Caracteristiques
void SetUnifRefinUnRef( CORBA::Long TypeRaffDera );
SMESHHOMARD::listeTypes* GetAdapRefinUnRef();
CORBA::Long GetAdapType();
CORBA::Long GetRefinType();
CORBA::Long GetUnRefType();
void SetField( const char* FieldName );
char* GetFieldName();
void SetUseField(CORBA::Long UsField);
SMESHHOMARD::InfosHypo* GetField();
void SetUseComp(CORBA::Long UsCmpI);
void AddComp( const char* NomComp );
void SupprComp( const char* NomComp );
void SupprComps();
SMESHHOMARD::listeComposantsHypo* GetComps();
void SetRefinThr(CORBA::Long TypeThR, CORBA::Double ThreshR);
CORBA::Long GetRefinThrType();
void SetUnRefThr(CORBA::Long TypeThC, CORBA::Double ThreshC);
CORBA::Long GetUnRefThrType();
void SetNivMax( CORBA::Long NivMax );
CORBA::Long GetNivMax();
void SetDiamMin( CORBA::Double DiamMin );
CORBA::Double GetDiamMin();
void SetAdapInit( CORBA::Long AdapInit );
CORBA::Long GetAdapInit();
void SetExtraOutput( CORBA::Long ExtraOutput );
CORBA::Long GetExtraOutput();
void AddGroup( const char* Group);
void SupprGroup( const char* Group );
void SupprGroups();
void SetGroups(const SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType& ListGroup);
SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType* GetGroups();
void SetTypeFieldInterp( CORBA::Long TypeFieldInterp );
CORBA::Long GetTypeFieldInterp();
void AddFieldInterp( const char* FieldInterp );
void AddFieldInterpType( const char* FieldInterp, CORBA::Long TypeInterp );
void SupprFieldInterp( const char* FieldInterp );
void SupprFieldInterps();
SMESHHOMARD::listeFieldInterpsHypo* GetFieldInterps();
// Liens avec les autres structures
void SetCaseCreation( const char* NomCaseCreation );
char* GetCaseCreation();
void LinkIteration( const char* NomIteration );
void UnLinkIteration( const char* NomIteration );
SMESHHOMARD::listeIters* GetIterations();
SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Hypothesis* myHomardHypothesis;
CORBA::ORB_ptr _orb;
class SMESH_I_EXPORT HOMARD_Iteration_i:
public virtual Engines_Component_i,
public virtual POA_SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration,
public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
HOMARD_Iteration_i( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var gen_i );
virtual ~HOMARD_Iteration_i();
// Generalites
void SetName( const char* Name );
char* GetName();
CORBA::Long Delete( CORBA::Long Option, bool doRemoveWorkingFiles );
char* GetDumpPython();
std::string Dump() const;
bool Restore( const std::string& stream );
// Caracteristiques
void SetDirNameLoc( const char* NomDir );
char* GetDirNameLoc();
char* GetDirName();
void SetNumber( CORBA::Long NumIter );
CORBA::Long GetNumber();
void SetState( CORBA::Long etat );
CORBA::Long GetState();
void SetMeshName( const char* NomMesh );
char* GetMeshName();
void SetMeshFile( const char* MeshFile );
char* GetMeshFile();
void SetFieldFile( const char* FieldFile );
char* GetFieldFile();
// Instants pour le champ de pilotage
void SetTimeStep( CORBA::Long TimeStep );
void SetTimeStepRank( CORBA::Long TimeStep, CORBA::Long Rank );
void SetTimeStepRankLast();
CORBA::Long GetTimeStep();
CORBA::Long GetRank();
// Instants pour un champ a interpoler
void SetFieldInterpTimeStep( const char* FieldInterp, CORBA::Long TimeStep );
void SetFieldInterpTimeStepRank( const char* FieldInterp, CORBA::Long TimeStep, CORBA::Long Rank );
SMESHHOMARD::listeFieldInterpTSRsIter* GetFieldInterpsTimeStepRank();
void SetFieldInterp( const char* FieldInterp );
SMESHHOMARD::listeFieldInterpsIter* GetFieldInterps();
void SupprFieldInterps();
void SetLogFile( const char* LogFile );
char* GetLogFile();
CORBA::Long Compute(CORBA::Long etatMenage, CORBA::Long Option);
void MeshInfo(CORBA::Long Qual, CORBA::Long Diam, CORBA::Long Conn, CORBA::Long Tail, CORBA::Long Inte);
void MeshInfoOption(CORBA::Long Qual, CORBA::Long Diam, CORBA::Long Conn, CORBA::Long Tail, CORBA::Long Inte, CORBA::Long Option);
void SetFileInfo( const char* FileInfo );
char* GetFileInfo();
// Liens avec les autres iterations
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_ptr NextIteration( const char* Name);
void LinkNextIteration( const char* NomIteration );
void UnLinkNextIteration( const char* NomIteration );
SMESHHOMARD::listeIterFilles* GetIterations();
void SetIterParentName( const char* NomIterParent );
char* GetIterParentName();
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_ptr GetIterParent();
// Liens avec les autres structures
void SetCaseName( const char* NomCas );
char* GetCaseName();
void AssociateHypo( const char* NomHypo);
void SetHypoName( const char* NomHypo );
char* GetHypoName();
// Divers
void SetInfoCompute( CORBA::Long MessInfo );
CORBA::Long GetInfoCompute();
SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Iteration* myHomardIteration;
CORBA::ORB_ptr _orb;
class SMESH_I_EXPORT HOMARD_Gen_i : public virtual SALOME::GenericObj_i,
public virtual POA_SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen
virtual ~HOMARD_Gen_i();
// Generalites
// Les creations
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundary (const char* nomBoundary, CORBA::Long typeBoundary);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryCAO(const char* nomBoundary,
const char* DataFile);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryDi (const char* nomBoundary,
const char* MeshName, const char* DataFile);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryCylinder (const char* nomBoundary,
CORBA::Double Xcentre, CORBA::Double Ycentre, CORBA::Double Zcentre,
CORBA::Double Xaxis, CORBA::Double Yaxis, CORBA::Double Zaxis,
CORBA::Double Rayon);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundarySphere (const char* nomBoundary,
CORBA::Double Xcentre, CORBA::Double Ycentre, CORBA::Double Zcentre,
CORBA::Double Rayon);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryConeR (const char* nomBoundary,
CORBA::Double Xcentre1, CORBA::Double Ycentre1, CORBA::Double Zcentre1, CORBA::Double Rayon1,
CORBA::Double Xcentre2, CORBA::Double Ycentre2, CORBA::Double Zcentre2, CORBA::Double Rayon2);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryConeA (const char* nomBoundary,
CORBA::Double Xaxis, CORBA::Double Yaxis, CORBA::Double Zaxis, CORBA::Double Angle,
CORBA::Double Xcentre, CORBA::Double Ycentre, CORBA::Double Zcentre);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryTorus (const char* nomBoundary,
CORBA::Double Xcentre, CORBA::Double Ycentre, CORBA::Double Zcentre,
CORBA::Double Xaxis, CORBA::Double Yaxis, CORBA::Double Zaxis,
CORBA::Double RayonRev, CORBA::Double RayonPri);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_ptr CreateCase (const char* nomCas, const char* MeshName,
const char* FileName);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_ptr CreateCase0 (const char* nomCas, const char* MeshName,
const char* FileName, CORBA::Long MeshOption,
CORBA::Long NumeIter, CORBA::Long Option);
std::string CreateCase1 (const char* DirNameStart, CORBA::Long Number);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Hypothesis_ptr CreateHypothesis(const char* nomHypothesis);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_ptr CreateIteration (const char* nomIter, const char* nomIterParent);
// Les informations
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr GetBoundary (const char* nomBoundary);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_ptr GetCase (const char* nomCas);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Hypothesis_ptr GetHypothesis (const char* nomHypothesis);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_ptr GetIteration (const char* nomIteration);
SMESHHOMARD::listeBoundarys* GetAllBoundarysName();
SMESHHOMARD::listeCases* GetAllCasesName();
SMESHHOMARD::listeHypotheses* GetAllHypothesesName();
SMESHHOMARD::listeIterations* GetAllIterationsName();
void MeshInfo (const char* nomCas,
const char* MeshName, const char* FileName, const char* DirName,
CORBA::Long Qual, CORBA::Long Diam, CORBA::Long Conn, CORBA::Long Tail, CORBA::Long Inte);
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_ptr LastIteration (const char* nomCas);
// Liens entre structures
void InvalideBoundary(const char* nomBoundary);
void InvalideHypo(const char* nomHypo);
void InvalideIter(const char* nomIter);
void InvalideIterOption(const char* nomIter, CORBA::Long Option,
bool doRemoveWorkingFiles);
void InvalideIterInfo(const char* nomIter);
CORBA::Long DeleteBoundary(const char* nomBoundary);
CORBA::Long DeleteCase(const char* nomCas, CORBA::Long Option);
CORBA::Long DeleteHypo(const char* nomHypothesis);
CORBA::Long DeleteIteration(const char* nomIter,
CORBA::Long Option,
bool doRemoveWorkingFiles);
CORBA::Long DeleteIterationOption(const char* nomIter,
CORBA::Long Option1,
CORBA::Long Option2,
bool doRemoveWorkingFiles);
void AssociateIterHypo(const char* nomIter, const char* nomHypothesis);
void AssociateCaseIter(const char* nomCas, const char* nomIter,
const char* labelIter);
// Actions
void SetEtatIter(const char* nomIter,const CORBA::Long Etat);
char* CreateDirNameIter(const char* nomrep, CORBA::Long num );
CORBA::Long Compute(const char* nomIteration, CORBA::Long etatMenage,
CORBA::Long Option1, CORBA::Long Option2);
CORBA::Long ComputeAdap(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_var myCase,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_var myIteration,
CORBA::Long etatMenage, SMESHHOMARDImpl::HomardDriver* myDriver,
CORBA::Long Option1, CORBA::Long Option2);
CORBA::Long ComputeCAO(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_var myCase,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_var myIteration,
CORBA::Long Option1, CORBA::Long Option2);
CORBA::Long ComputeCAObis(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_var myIteration,
CORBA::Long Option1, CORBA::Long Option2);
char* ComputeDirManagement(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_var myCase,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_var myIteration,
CORBA::Long etatMenage);
char* ComputeDirPaManagement(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_var myCase,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_var myIteration);
void DriverTexteField(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_var myIteration,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Hypothesis_var myHypo,
SMESHHOMARDImpl::HomardDriver* myDriver);
int DriverTexteBoundary(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_var myCase,
SMESHHOMARDImpl::HomardDriver* myDriver);
void DriverTexteFieldInterp(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_var myIteration,
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Hypothesis_var myHypo,
SMESHHOMARDImpl::HomardDriver* myDriver);
char* VerifieDir(const char* nomDir);
void PublishResultInSmesh(const char* NomFich, CORBA::Long Option);
void DeleteResultInSmesh(std::string NomFich, std::string MeshName);
void PublishMeshIterInSmesh(const char* NomIter);
// Preferences
void SetPreferences();
void SetLanguageShort(const char* LanguageShort);
char* GetLanguageShort();
void SetPublisMesh(CORBA::Long PublisMeshIN, CORBA::Long PublisMeshOUT);
CORBA::Long GetPublisMeshIN();
CORBA::Long GetPublisMeshOUT();
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr newBoundary();
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_ptr newCase();
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Hypothesis_ptr newHypothesis();
SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_ptr newIteration();
std::string GetStringInTexte( const std::string Texte, const std::string String, int option );
struct StudyContext
std::map<std::string, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_var> _mesBoundarys;
std::map<std::string, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_var> _mesCas;
std::map<std::string, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Hypothesis_var> _mesHypotheses;
std::map<std::string, SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Iteration_var> _mesIterations;
StudyContext myStudyContext;
// Preferences
std::string _Langue;
std::string _LangueShort;
int _PublisMeshIN;
int _PublisMeshOUT;
SMESH_I_EXPORT int MEDFileExist( const char * aFile );
SMESH_I_EXPORT std::vector<double> GetBoundingBoxInMedFile( const char * aFile);
SMESH_I_EXPORT std::set<std::string> GetListeGroupesInMedFile(const char * aFile);
}; // namespace SMESHHOMARD_I