mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 11:37:55 +05:00
0020680: EDF 1252 SMESH: Bad cell created by Radial prism in center of torus
1) Try to build nodes using transformation before using block approach 2) workaround for wrong surface.Value(u,v) for UV near boundary of BSline surface
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,14 +37,18 @@
#include "utilities.h"
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <Bnd_B3d.hxx>
#include <Geom2dAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
#include <Geom2d_Line.hxx>
#include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_SequenceOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_SequenceOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <gp_Ax2.hxx>
#include <gp_Ax3.hxx>
using namespace std;
@ -151,6 +155,64 @@ namespace {
params.push_back( parLast ); // 1.
* \brief Return coordinate system for z-th layer of nodes
gp_Ax2 getLayerCoordSys(const int z,
const vector< const TNodeColumn* >& columns,
int& xColumn)
// gravity center of a layer
gp_XYZ O(0,0,0);
int vertexCol = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < columns.size(); ++i )
O += gpXYZ( (*columns[ i ])[ z ]);
if ( vertexCol < 0 &&
columns[ i ]->front()->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_VERTEX )
vertexCol = i;
O /= columns.size();
// Z axis
gp_Vec Z(0,0,0);
int iPrev = columns.size()-1;
for ( int i = 0; i < columns.size(); ++i )
gp_Vec v1( O, gpXYZ( (*columns[ iPrev ])[ z ]));
gp_Vec v2( O, gpXYZ( (*columns[ i ] )[ z ]));
Z += v1 ^ v2;
iPrev = i;
if ( vertexCol >= 0 )
O = gpXYZ( (*columns[ vertexCol ])[ z ]);
if ( xColumn < 0 || xColumn >= columns.size() )
// select a column for X dir
double maxDist = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < columns.size(); ++i )
double dist = ( O - gpXYZ((*columns[ i ])[ z ])).SquareModulus();
if ( dist > maxDist )
xColumn = i;
maxDist = dist;
// X axis
gp_Vec X( O, gpXYZ( (*columns[ xColumn ])[ z ]));
return gp_Ax2( O, Z, X);
@ -263,69 +325,109 @@ bool StdMeshers_Prism_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& theSh
// Create nodes inside the block
// loop on nodes inside the bottom face
TNode2ColumnMap::iterator bot_column = myBotToColumnMap.begin();
for ( ; bot_column != myBotToColumnMap.end(); ++bot_column )
// try to use transformation (issue 0020680)
vector<gp_Trsf> trsf;
if ( myBlock.GetLayersTransformation(trsf))
const TNode& tBotNode = bot_column->first; // bottom TNode
if ( tBotNode.GetPositionType() != SMDS_TOP_FACE )
continue; // node is not inside face
// column nodes; middle part of the column are zero pointers
TNodeColumn& column = bot_column->second;
// bottom node parameters and coords
myShapeXYZ[ ID_BOT_FACE ] = tBotNode.GetCoords();
gp_XYZ botParams = tBotNode.GetParams();
// compute top node parameters
myShapeXYZ[ ID_TOP_FACE ] = gpXYZ( column.back() );
gp_XYZ topParams = botParams;
topParams.SetZ( 1 );
if ( column.size() > 2 ) {
gp_Pnt topCoords = myShapeXYZ[ ID_TOP_FACE ];
if ( !myBlock.ComputeParameters( topCoords, topParams, ID_TOP_FACE, topParams ))
return error(TCom("Can't compute normalized parameters ")
<< "for node " << column.back()->GetID()
<< " on the face #"<< column.back()->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() );
// vertical loop
TNodeColumn::iterator columnNodes = column.begin();
for ( int z = 0; columnNodes != column.end(); ++columnNodes, ++z)
// loop on nodes inside the bottom face
TNode2ColumnMap::iterator bot_column = myBotToColumnMap.begin();
for ( ; bot_column != myBotToColumnMap.end(); ++bot_column )
const SMDS_MeshNode* & node = *columnNodes;
if ( node ) continue; // skip bottom or top node
const TNode& tBotNode = bot_column->first; // bottom TNode
if ( tBotNode.GetPositionType() != SMDS_TOP_FACE )
continue; // node is not inside face
// params of a node to create
double rz = (double) z / (double) ( column.size() - 1 );
gp_XYZ params = botParams * ( 1 - rz ) + topParams * rz;
// column nodes; middle part of the column are zero pointers
TNodeColumn& column = bot_column->second;
TNodeColumn::iterator columnNodes = column.begin();
for ( int z = 0; columnNodes != column.end(); ++columnNodes, ++z)
const SMDS_MeshNode* & node = *columnNodes;
if ( node ) continue; // skip bottom or top node
// set coords on all faces and nodes
const int nbSideFaces = 4;
int sideFaceIDs[nbSideFaces] = { SMESH_Block::ID_Fx0z,
SMESH_Block::ID_F1yz };
for ( int iF = 0; iF < nbSideFaces; ++iF )
if ( !setFaceAndEdgesXYZ( sideFaceIDs[ iF ], params, z ))
return false;
gp_XYZ coords = tBotNode.GetCoords();
trsf[z-1].Transforms( coords );
node = meshDS->AddNode( coords.X(), coords.Y(), coords.Z() );
meshDS->SetNodeInVolume( node, volumeID );
} // loop on bottom nodes
else // use block approach
// loop on nodes inside the bottom face
TNode prevBNode;
TNode2ColumnMap::iterator bot_column = myBotToColumnMap.begin();
for ( ; bot_column != myBotToColumnMap.end(); ++bot_column )
const TNode& tBotNode = bot_column->first; // bottom TNode
if ( tBotNode.GetPositionType() != SMDS_TOP_FACE )
continue; // node is not inside face
// compute coords for a new node
gp_XYZ coords;
if ( !SMESH_Block::ShellPoint( params, myShapeXYZ, coords ))
return error("Can't compute coordinates by normalized parameters");
// column nodes; middle part of the column are zero pointers
TNodeColumn& column = bot_column->second;
SHOWYXZ("TOPFacePoint ",myShapeXYZ[ ID_TOP_FACE]);
SHOWYXZ("BOT Node "<< tBotNode.myNode->GetID(),gpXYZ(tBotNode.myNode));
SHOWYXZ("ShellPoint ",coords);
// compute bottom node parameters
gp_XYZ paramHint(-1,-1,-1);
if ( prevBNode.IsNeighbor( tBotNode ))
paramHint = prevBNode.GetParams();
if ( !myBlock.ComputeParameters( tBotNode.GetCoords(), tBotNode.ChangeParams(),
ID_BOT_FACE, paramHint ))
return error(TCom("Can't compute normalized parameters for node ")
<< tBotNode.myNode->GetID() << " on the face #"
<< myBlock.SubMesh( ID_BOT_FACE )->GetId() );
prevBNode = tBotNode;
// create a node
node = meshDS->AddNode( coords.X(), coords.Y(), coords.Z() );
meshDS->SetNodeInVolume( node, volumeID );
} // loop on bottom nodes
myShapeXYZ[ ID_BOT_FACE ] = tBotNode.GetCoords();
gp_XYZ botParams = tBotNode.GetParams();
// compute top node parameters
myShapeXYZ[ ID_TOP_FACE ] = gpXYZ( column.back() );
gp_XYZ topParams = botParams;
topParams.SetZ( 1 );
if ( column.size() > 2 ) {
gp_Pnt topCoords = myShapeXYZ[ ID_TOP_FACE ];
if ( !myBlock.ComputeParameters( topCoords, topParams, ID_TOP_FACE, topParams ))
return error(TCom("Can't compute normalized parameters ")
<< "for node " << column.back()->GetID()
<< " on the face #"<< column.back()->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() );
// vertical loop
TNodeColumn::iterator columnNodes = column.begin();
for ( int z = 0; columnNodes != column.end(); ++columnNodes, ++z)
const SMDS_MeshNode* & node = *columnNodes;
if ( node ) continue; // skip bottom or top node
// params of a node to create
double rz = (double) z / (double) ( column.size() - 1 );
gp_XYZ params = botParams * ( 1 - rz ) + topParams * rz;
// set coords on all faces and nodes
const int nbSideFaces = 4;
int sideFaceIDs[nbSideFaces] = { SMESH_Block::ID_Fx0z,
SMESH_Block::ID_F1yz };
for ( int iF = 0; iF < nbSideFaces; ++iF )
if ( !setFaceAndEdgesXYZ( sideFaceIDs[ iF ], params, z ))
return false;
// compute coords for a new node
gp_XYZ coords;
if ( !SMESH_Block::ShellPoint( params, myShapeXYZ, coords ))
return error("Can't compute coordinates by normalized parameters");
SHOWYXZ("TOPFacePoint ",myShapeXYZ[ ID_TOP_FACE]);
SHOWYXZ("BOT Node "<< tBotNode.myNode->GetID(),gpXYZ(tBotNode.myNode));
SHOWYXZ("ShellPoint ",coords);
// create a node
node = meshDS->AddNode( coords.X(), coords.Y(), coords.Z() );
meshDS->SetNodeInVolume( node, volumeID );
} // loop on bottom nodes
// Create volumes
@ -349,7 +451,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Prism_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& theSh
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = face->GetNode( i );
if ( n->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_FACE ) {
bot_column = myBotToColumnMap.find( n );
TNode2ColumnMap::iterator bot_column = myBotToColumnMap.find( n );
if ( bot_column == myBotToColumnMap.end() )
return error(TCom("No nodes found above node ") << n->GetID() );
columns[ i ] = & bot_column->second;
@ -652,7 +754,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Prism_3D::assocOrProjBottom2Top()
// Fill myBotToColumnMap
int zSize = myBlock.VerticalSize();
TNode prevTNode;
//TNode prevTNode;
TNodeNodeMap::iterator bN_tN = n2nMap.begin();
for ( ; bN_tN != n2nMap.end(); ++bN_tN )
@ -662,16 +764,16 @@ bool StdMeshers_Prism_3D::assocOrProjBottom2Top()
continue; // wall columns are contained in myBlock
// compute bottom node params
TNode bN( botNode );
if ( zSize > 2 ) {
gp_XYZ paramHint(-1,-1,-1);
if ( prevTNode.IsNeighbor( bN ))
paramHint = prevTNode.GetParams();
if ( !myBlock.ComputeParameters( bN.GetCoords(), bN.ChangeParams(),
ID_BOT_FACE, paramHint ))
return error(TCom("Can't compute normalized parameters for node ")
<< botNode->GetID() << " on the face #"<< botSM->GetId() );
prevTNode = bN;
// if ( zSize > 2 ) {
// gp_XYZ paramHint(-1,-1,-1);
// if ( prevTNode.IsNeighbor( bN ))
// paramHint = prevTNode.GetParams();
// if ( !myBlock.ComputeParameters( bN.GetCoords(), bN.ChangeParams(),
// ID_BOT_FACE, paramHint ))
// return error(TCom("Can't compute normalized parameters for node ")
// << botNode->GetID() << " on the face #"<< botSM->GetId() );
// prevTNode = bN;
// }
// create node column
TNode2ColumnMap::iterator bN_col =
myBotToColumnMap.insert( make_pair ( bN, TNodeColumn() )).first;
@ -813,10 +915,10 @@ bool StdMeshers_Prism_3D::setFaceAndEdgesXYZ( const int faceID, const gp_XYZ& pa
SMESH_Block::GetFaceEdgesIDs( faceID, edgeVec );
myBlock.EdgePoint( edgeVec[ BASE ], params, myShapeXYZ[ edgeVec[ BASE ]]);
myBlock.EdgePoint( edgeVec[ TOP ], params, myShapeXYZ[ edgeVec[ TOP ]]);
myBlock.EdgePoint( edgeVec[ TOP ], params, myShapeXYZ[ edgeVec[ TOP ]]);
SHOWYXZ("\nparams ", params);
SHOWYXZ("TOP is "<<edgeVec[ TOP], myShapeXYZ[ edgeVec[ TOP]]);
SHOWYXZ("TOP is " <<edgeVec[ TOP ], myShapeXYZ[ edgeVec[ TOP]]);
SHOWYXZ("BASE is "<<edgeVec[ BASE], myShapeXYZ[ edgeVec[ BASE]]);
if ( faceID == SMESH_Block::ID_Fx0z || faceID == SMESH_Block::ID_Fx1z )
@ -1353,6 +1455,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::Init(SMESH_MesherHelper* helper,
//sideFace->dumpNodes( 4 ); // debug
// horizontal faces geometry
@ -1432,6 +1535,87 @@ const TNodeColumn* StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::GetNodeColumn(const SMDS_MeshNode* n
return 0;
//function : GetLayersTransformation
//purpose : Return transformations to get coordinates of nodes of each layer
// by nodes of the bottom. Layer is a set of nodes at a certain step
// from bottom to top.
bool StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::GetLayersTransformation(vector<gp_Trsf> & trsf) const
const int zSize = VerticalSize();
if ( zSize < 3 ) return true;
trsf.resize( zSize - 2 );
// Select some node columns by which we will define coordinate system of layers
vector< const TNodeColumn* > columns;
const TopoDS_Shape& baseFace = Shape(ID_BOT_FACE);
list< TopoDS_Edge > orderedEdges;
list< int > nbEdgesInWires;
GetOrderedEdges( TopoDS::Face( baseFace ), TopoDS_Vertex(), orderedEdges, nbEdgesInWires );
bool isReverse;
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator edgeIt = orderedEdges.begin();
for ( int iE = 0; iE < nbEdgesInWires.front(); ++iE, ++edgeIt )
const TParam2ColumnMap& u2colMap =
GetParam2ColumnMap( myHelper->GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( *edgeIt ), isReverse );
isReverse = ( edgeIt->Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED );
double f = u2colMap.begin()->first, l = u2colMap.rbegin()->first;
if ( isReverse ) swap ( f, l );
const int nbCol = 5;
for ( int i = 0; i < nbCol; ++i )
double u = f + i/double(nbCol) * ( l - f );
const TNodeColumn* col = & getColumn( & u2colMap, u )->second;
if ( columns.empty() || col != columns.back() )
columns.push_back( col );
// Find tolerance to check transformations
double tol2;
Bnd_B3d bndBox;
for ( int i = 0; i < columns.size(); ++i )
bndBox.Add( gpXYZ( columns[i]->front() ));
tol2 = bndBox.SquareExtent() * 4 * 1e-4;
// Compute transformations
int xCol = -1;
gp_Trsf fromCsZ, toCs0;
gp_Ax3 cs0 = getLayerCoordSys(0, columns, xCol );
//double dist0 = cs0.Location().Distance( gpXYZ( (*columns[0])[0]));
toCs0.SetTransformation( cs0 );
for ( int z = 1; z < zSize-1; ++z )
gp_Ax3 csZ = getLayerCoordSys(z, columns, xCol );
//double distZ = csZ.Location().Distance( gpXYZ( (*columns[0])[z]));
fromCsZ.SetTransformation( csZ );
gp_Trsf& t = trsf[ z-1 ];
t = fromCsZ * toCs0;
//t.SetScaleFactor( distZ/dist0 ); - it does not work properly, wrong base point
// check a transformation
for ( int i = 0; i < columns.size(); ++i )
gp_Pnt p0 = gpXYZ( (*columns[i])[0] );
gp_Pnt pz = gpXYZ( (*columns[i])[z] );
t.Transforms( p0.ChangeCoord() );
if ( p0.SquareDistance( pz ) > tol2 )
return false;
return true;
* \brief Check curve orientation of a bootom edge
@ -1467,14 +1651,14 @@ bool StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::IsForwardEdge(SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS,
* \brief Find wall faces by bottom edges
* \param mesh - the mesh
* \param mainShape - the prism
* \param bottomFace - the bottom face
* \param bottomEdges - edges bounding the bottom face
* \param wallFaces - faces list to fill in
* \brief Find wall faces by bottom edges
* \param mesh - the mesh
* \param mainShape - the prism
* \param bottomFace - the bottom face
* \param bottomEdges - edges bounding the bottom face
* \param wallFaces - faces list to fill in
bool StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::GetWallFaces( SMESH_Mesh* mesh,
@ -1727,8 +1911,6 @@ double StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TSideFace::GetColumns(const double U,
r = 0.5;
else {
// if ( !myIsForward )
// std::swap( col1, col2 );
double uf = col1->first;
double ul = col2->first;
r = ( u - uf ) / ( ul - uf );
@ -1748,8 +1930,8 @@ double StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TSideFace::GetColumns(const double U,
gp_Pnt StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TSideFace::Value(const Standard_Real U,
const Standard_Real V) const
double u;
if ( !myComponents.empty() ) {
double u;
TSideFace * comp = GetComponent(U,u);
return comp->Value( u, V );
@ -1761,7 +1943,41 @@ gp_Pnt StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TSideFace::Value(const Standard_Real U,
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = 0;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n3 = 0;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n4 = 0;
gp_XYZ pnt;
// BEGIN issue 0020680: EDF 1252 SMESH: Bad cell created by Radial prism in center of torus
// Workaround for a wrongly located point returned by mySurface.Value() for
// UV located near boundary of BSpline surface.
// To bypass the problem, we take point from 3D curve of edge.
// It solves pb of the bloc_fiss_new.py
const double tol = 1e-3;
if ( V < tol || V+tol >= 1. )
n1 = V < tol ? u_col1->second.front() : u_col1->second.back();
n3 = V < tol ? u_col2->second.front() : u_col2->second.back();
TopoDS_Edge edge;
if ( V < tol )
edge = myBaseEdge;
TopoDS_Shape s = myHelper->GetSubShapeByNode( n1, myHelper->GetMeshDS() );
if ( s.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE )
s = myHelper->GetSubShapeByNode( n3, myHelper->GetMeshDS() );
if ( s.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE )
edge = TopoDS::Edge( s );
if ( !edge.IsNull() )
double u1 = myHelper->GetNodeU( edge, n1 );
double u3 = myHelper->GetNodeU( edge, n3 );
double u = u1 * ( 1 - hR ) + u3 * hR;
TopLoc_Location loc; double f,l;
Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve( edge,loc,f,l );
return curve->Value( u ).Transformed( loc );
// END issue 0020680: EDF 1252 SMESH: Bad cell created by Radial prism in center of torus
vR = getRAndNodes( & u_col1->second, V, n1, n2 );
vR = getRAndNodes( & u_col2->second, V, n3, n4 );
@ -1775,8 +1991,9 @@ gp_Pnt StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TSideFace::Value(const Standard_Real U,
gp_XY uv34 = uv3 * ( 1 - vR ) + uv4 * vR;
gp_XY uv = uv12 * ( 1 - hR ) + uv34 * hR;
return mySurface.Value( uv.X(), uv.Y() );
gp_Pnt p = mySurface.Value( uv.X(), uv.Y() );
return p;
@ -1954,6 +2171,28 @@ int StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TSideFace::InsertSubShapes(TBlockShapes& shapeMap)
return nbInserted;
* \brief Dump ids of nodes of sides
void StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TSideFace::dumpNodes(int nbNodes) const
#ifdef _DEBUG_
cout << endl << "NODES OF FACE "; SMESH_Block::DumpShapeID( myID, cout ) << endl;
THorizontalEdgeAdaptor* hSize0 = (THorizontalEdgeAdaptor*) HorizCurve(0);
cout << "Horiz side 0: "; hSize0->dumpNodes(nbNodes); cout << endl;
THorizontalEdgeAdaptor* hSize1 = (THorizontalEdgeAdaptor*) HorizCurve(1);
cout << "Horiz side 1: "; hSize1->dumpNodes(nbNodes); cout << endl;
TVerticalEdgeAdaptor* vSide0 = (TVerticalEdgeAdaptor*) VertiCurve(0);
cout << "Verti side 0: "; vSide0->dumpNodes(nbNodes); cout << endl;
TVerticalEdgeAdaptor* vSide1 = (TVerticalEdgeAdaptor*) VertiCurve(1);
cout << "Verti side 1: "; vSide1->dumpNodes(nbNodes); cout << endl;
delete hSize0; delete hSize1; delete vSide0; delete vSide1;
* \brief Creates TVerticalEdgeAdaptor
@ -1984,6 +2223,22 @@ gp_Pnt StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TVerticalEdgeAdaptor::Value(const Standard_Real
return gpXYZ(n1) * ( 1 - r ) + gpXYZ(n2) * r;
* \brief Dump ids of nodes
void StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TVerticalEdgeAdaptor::dumpNodes(int nbNodes) const
#ifdef _DEBUG_
for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes && i < myNodeColumn->size(); ++i )
cout << (*myNodeColumn)[i]->GetID() << " ";
if ( nbNodes < myNodeColumn->size() )
cout << myNodeColumn->back()->GetID();
* \brief Return coordinates for the given normalized parameter
@ -1997,6 +2252,50 @@ gp_Pnt StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::THorizontalEdgeAdaptor::Value(const Standard_Rea
return mySide->TSideFace::Value( U, myV );
* \brief Dump ids of <nbNodes> first nodes and the last one
void StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::THorizontalEdgeAdaptor::dumpNodes(int nbNodes) const
#ifdef _DEBUG_
// Not bedugged code. Last node is sometimes incorrect
const TSideFace* side = mySide;
double u = 0;
if ( mySide->IsComplex() )
side = mySide->GetComponent(0,u);
TParam2ColumnIt col, col2;
TParam2ColumnMap* u2cols = side->GetColumns();
side->GetColumns( u , col, col2 );
int j, i = myV ? mySide->ColumnHeight()-1 : 0;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = 0;
const SMDS_MeshNode* lastN
= side->IsForward() ? u2cols->rbegin()->second[ i ] : u2cols->begin()->second[ i ];
for ( j = 0; j < nbNodes && n != lastN; ++j )
n = col->second[ i ];
cout << n->GetID() << " ";
if ( side->IsForward() )
// last node
u = 1;
if ( mySide->IsComplex() )
side = mySide->GetComponent(1,u);
side->GetColumns( u , col, col2 );
if ( n != col->second[ i ] )
cout << col->second[ i ]->GetID();
* \brief Return UV on pcurve for the given normalized parameter
Reference in New Issue
Block a user