mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:41:33 +05:00
0022360: EDF SMESH: Body Fitting algorithm: incorporate edges
new version
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,6 +85,8 @@
#include <gp_Sphere.hxx>
#include <gp_Torus.hxx>
#include <limits>
#undef WITH_TBB
#ifdef WITH_TBB
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
@ -444,18 +446,22 @@ namespace
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct _Node //!< node either at a hexahedron corner or at intersection
const SMDS_MeshNode* _node; // mesh node at hexahedron corner
const SMDS_MeshNode* _node; // mesh node at hexahedron corner
const B_IntersectPoint* _intPoint;
bool _isUsedInFace;
const _Face* _usedInFace;
_Node(const SMDS_MeshNode* n=0, const B_IntersectPoint* ip=0)
:_node(n), _intPoint(ip), _isUsedInFace(0) {}
:_node(n), _intPoint(ip), _usedInFace(0) {}
const SMDS_MeshNode* Node() const
{ return ( _intPoint && _intPoint->_node ) ? _intPoint->_node : _node; }
const F_IntersectPoint* FaceIntPnt() const
{ return static_cast< const F_IntersectPoint* >( _intPoint ); }
//const F_IntersectPoint* FaceIntPnt() const
//{ return static_cast< const F_IntersectPoint* >( _intPoint ); }
const E_IntersectPoint* EdgeIntPnt() const
{ return static_cast< const E_IntersectPoint* >( _intPoint ); }
bool IsUsedInFace( const _Face* polygon = 0 )
return polygon ? ( _usedInFace == polygon ) : bool( _usedInFace );
void Add( const E_IntersectPoint* ip )
if ( !_intPoint ) {
@ -492,9 +498,11 @@ namespace
struct _Link // link connecting two _Node's
_Node* _nodes[2];
vector< _Node > _intNodes; // _Node's at GridLine intersections
vector< _Link > _splits;
vector< _Face*> _faces;
_Face* _faces[2]; // polygons sharing a link
vector< const F_IntersectPoint* > _fIntPoints; // GridLine intersections with FACEs
vector< _Node* > _fIntNodes; // _Node's at _fIntPoints
vector< _Link > _splits;
_Link() { _faces[0] = 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct _OrientedLink
@ -530,32 +538,62 @@ namespace
return ( dynamic_cast< const E_IntersectPoint* >( _link->_nodes[0]->_intPoint ) ||
dynamic_cast< const E_IntersectPoint* >( _link->_nodes[1]->_intPoint ));
int NbFaces() const
return !_link->_faces[0] ? 0 : 1 + bool( _link->_faces[1] );
void AddFace( _Face* f )
if ( _link->_faces[0] )
_link->_faces[1] = f;
_link->_faces[0] = f;
_link->_faces[1] = 0;
void RemoveFace( _Face* f )
if ( !_link->_faces[0] ) return;
if ( _link->_faces[1] == f )
_link->_faces[1] = 0;
else if ( _link->_faces[0] == f )
if ( _link->_faces[1] )
_link->_faces[0] = _link->_faces[1];
_link->_faces[1] = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct _Face
vector< _OrientedLink > _links; // links on GridLine's
vector< _Link > _polyLinks; // links added to close a polygonal face
vector< _Node > _edgeNodes; // nodes at intersection with EDGEs
vector< _Node* > _eIntNodes; // nodes at intersection with EDGEs
bool isPolyLink( const _OrientedLink& ol )
return _polyLinks.empty() ? false :
( &_polyLinks[0] <= ol._link && ol._link <= &_polyLinks.back() );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct _volumeDef // holder of nodes of a volume mesh element
//vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > _nodes;
vector< _Node* > _nodes;
vector< int > _quantities;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<_volumeDef> Ptr;
void set( const vector< _Node* >& nodes,
const vector< int >& quant = vector< int >() )
{ _nodes = nodes; _quantities = quant; }
// static Ptr New( const vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& nodes,
// const vector< int > quant = vector< int >() )
// {
// _volumeDef* def = new _volumeDef;
// def->_nodes = nodes;
// def->_quantities = quant;
// return Ptr( def );
// }
// topology of a hexahedron
@ -568,10 +606,13 @@ namespace
vector< _Face > _polygons;
// intresections with EDGEs
vector< const E_IntersectPoint* > _edgeIntPnts;
vector< const E_IntersectPoint* > _eIntPoints;
// additional nodes created at intersection points
vector< _Node > _intNodes;
// nodes inside the hexahedron (at VERTEXes)
vector< _Node > _vertexNodes;
vector< _Node* > _vIntNodes;
// computed volume elements
//vector< _volumeDef::Ptr > _volumeDefs;
@ -579,7 +620,7 @@ namespace
Grid* _grid;
double _sizeThreshold, _sideLength[3];
int _nbCornerNodes, _nbIntNodes, _nbBndNodes;
int _nbCornerNodes, _nbFaceIntNodes, _nbBndNodes;
int _origNodeInd; // index of _hexNodes[0] node within the _grid
size_t _i,_j,_k;
@ -615,13 +656,14 @@ namespace
bool addPenta();
bool addPyra ();
bool debugDumpLink( _Link* link );
_Node* FindEqualNode( vector< _Node >& nodes,
_Node* FindEqualNode( vector< _Node* >& nodes,
const E_IntersectPoint* ip,
const double tol2 )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i )
if ( nodes[i].Point().SquareDistance( ip->_point ) <= tol2 )
return & nodes[i];
if ( nodes[i]->EdgeIntPnt() == ip ||
nodes[i]->Point().SquareDistance( ip->_point ) <= tol2 )
return nodes[i];
return 0;
@ -1469,7 +1511,7 @@ namespace
* \brief Creates topology of the hexahedron
Hexahedron::Hexahedron(const double sizeThreshold, Grid* grid)
: _grid( grid ), _sizeThreshold( sizeThreshold ), _nbIntNodes(0)
: _grid( grid ), _sizeThreshold( sizeThreshold ), _nbFaceIntNodes(0)
_polygons.reserve(100); // to avoid reallocation;
@ -1502,8 +1544,6 @@ namespace
_Link& link = _hexLinks[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( linkID )];
link._nodes[0] = &_hexNodes[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( idVec[0] )];
link._nodes[1] = &_hexNodes[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( idVec[1] )];
link._intNodes.reserve( 10 ); // to avoid reallocation
link._splits.reserve( 10 );
// set links to faces
@ -1534,7 +1574,7 @@ namespace
* \brief Copy constructor
Hexahedron::Hexahedron( const Hexahedron& other )
:_grid( other._grid ), _sizeThreshold( other._sizeThreshold ), _nbIntNodes(0)
:_grid( other._grid ), _sizeThreshold( other._sizeThreshold ), _nbFaceIntNodes(0)
_polygons.reserve(100); // to avoid reallocation;
@ -1547,8 +1587,6 @@ namespace
_Link& tgtLink = this->_hexLinks[ i ];
tgtLink._nodes[0] = _hexNodes + ( srcLink._nodes[0] - other._hexNodes );
tgtLink._nodes[1] = _hexNodes + ( srcLink._nodes[1] - other._hexNodes );
tgtLink._intNodes.reserve( 10 ); // to avoid reallocation
tgtLink._splits.reserve( 10 );
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
@ -1589,28 +1627,40 @@ namespace
_sideLength[1] = _grid->_coords[1][j+1] - _grid->_coords[1][j];
_sideLength[2] = _grid->_coords[2][k+1] - _grid->_coords[2][k];
if ( _nbIntNodes + _edgeIntPnts.size() > 0 &&
_nbIntNodes + _nbCornerNodes + _edgeIntPnts.size() > 3)
if ( _nbFaceIntNodes + _eIntPoints.size() > 0 &&
_nbFaceIntNodes + _nbCornerNodes + _eIntPoints.size() > 3)
_intNodes.reserve( 3 * _nbBndNodes + _nbFaceIntNodes + _eIntPoints.size() );
_Link split;
// create sub-links (_splits) by splitting links with _intNodes
// create sub-links (_splits) by splitting links with _fIntPoints
for ( int iLink = 0; iLink < 12; ++iLink )
_Link& link = _hexLinks[ iLink ];
link._fIntNodes.resize( link._fIntPoints.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < link._fIntPoints.size(); ++i )
_intNodes.push_back( _Node( 0, link._fIntPoints[i] ));
link._fIntNodes[ i ] = & _intNodes.back();
split._nodes[ 0 ] = link._nodes[0];
bool isOut = ( ! link._nodes[0]->Node() ); // is1stNodeOut( iLink );
bool checkTransition;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < link._intNodes.size(); ++i )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < link._fIntNodes.size(); ++i )
if ( link._intNodes[i].Node() ) // intersection non-coinsident with a grid node
if ( link._fIntNodes[i]->Node() ) // intersection non-coinsident with a grid node
if ( split._nodes[ 0 ]->Node() && !isOut )
split._nodes[ 1 ] = &link._intNodes[i];
split._nodes[ 1 ] = link._fIntNodes[i];
link._splits.push_back( split );
split._nodes[ 0 ] = &link._intNodes[i];
split._nodes[ 0 ] = link._fIntNodes[i];
checkTransition = true;
else // FACE intersection coinsident with a grid node
@ -1619,14 +1669,14 @@ namespace
if ( checkTransition )
switch ( link._intNodes[i].FaceIntPnt()->_transition ) {
switch ( link._fIntPoints[i]->_transition ) {
case Trans_OUT: isOut = true; break;
case Trans_IN : isOut = false; break;
if ( !link._intNodes[i].Node() && i == 0 )
if ( !link._fIntNodes[i]->Node() && i == 0 )
isOut = is1stNodeOut( link );
; // isOut remains the same
; // isOut remains the same
@ -1642,21 +1692,21 @@ namespace
const double tol2 = _grid->_tol * _grid->_tol;
int facets[3], nbFacets, subEntity;
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < _edgeIntPnts.size(); ++iP )
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < _eIntPoints.size(); ++iP )
nbFacets = getEntity( _edgeIntPnts[iP], facets, subEntity );
nbFacets = getEntity( _eIntPoints[iP], facets, subEntity );
_Node* equalNode = 0;
switch( nbFacets ) {
case 1: // in a _Face
_Face& quad = _hexQuads[ facets[0] - SMESH_Block::ID_FirstF ];
equalNode = FindEqualNode( quad._edgeNodes, _edgeIntPnts[ iP ], tol2 );
equalNode = FindEqualNode( quad._eIntNodes, _eIntPoints[ iP ], tol2 );
if ( equalNode ) {
equalNode->Add( _edgeIntPnts[ iP ] );
equalNode->Add( _eIntPoints[ iP ] );
else {
quad._edgeNodes.push_back( _Node( 0, _edgeIntPnts[ iP ]));
_intNodes.push_back( _Node( 0, _eIntPoints[ iP ]));
quad._eIntNodes.push_back( & _intNodes.back() );
@ -1665,22 +1715,22 @@ namespace
_Link& link = _hexLinks[ subEntity - SMESH_Block::ID_FirstE ];
if ( link._splits.size() > 0 )
equalNode = FindEqualNode( link._intNodes, _edgeIntPnts[ iP ], tol2 );
equalNode = FindEqualNode( link._fIntNodes, _eIntPoints[ iP ], tol2 );
if ( equalNode )
equalNode->Add( _edgeIntPnts[ iP ] );
equalNode->Add( _eIntPoints[ iP ] );
_intNodes.push_back( _Node( 0, _eIntPoints[ iP ]));
for ( int iF = 0; iF < 2; ++iF )
_Face& quad = _hexQuads[ facets[iF] - SMESH_Block::ID_FirstF ];
equalNode = FindEqualNode( quad._edgeNodes, _edgeIntPnts[ iP ], tol2 );
equalNode = FindEqualNode( quad._eIntNodes, _eIntPoints[ iP ], tol2 );
if ( equalNode ) {
equalNode->Add( _edgeIntPnts[ iP ] );
equalNode->Add( _eIntPoints[ iP ] );
else {
quad._edgeNodes.push_back( _Node( 0, _edgeIntPnts[ iP ]));
quad._eIntNodes.push_back( & _intNodes.back() );
@ -1692,20 +1742,20 @@ namespace
if ( node.Node() > 0 )
if ( node._intPoint )
node._intPoint->Add( _edgeIntPnts[ iP ]->_faceIDs, _edgeIntPnts[ iP ]->_node );
node._intPoint->Add( _eIntPoints[ iP ]->_faceIDs, _eIntPoints[ iP ]->_node );
_intNodes.push_back( _Node( 0, _eIntPoints[ iP ]));
for ( int iF = 0; iF < 3; ++iF )
_Face& quad = _hexQuads[ facets[iF] - SMESH_Block::ID_FirstF ];
equalNode = FindEqualNode( quad._edgeNodes, _edgeIntPnts[ iP ], tol2 );
equalNode = FindEqualNode( quad._eIntNodes, _eIntPoints[ iP ], tol2 );
if ( equalNode ) {
equalNode->Add( _edgeIntPnts[ iP ] );
equalNode->Add( _eIntPoints[ iP ] );
else {
quad._edgeNodes.push_back( _Node( 0, _edgeIntPnts[ iP ]));
quad._eIntNodes.push_back( & _intNodes.back() );
@ -1714,20 +1764,21 @@ namespace
} // switch( nbFacets )
if ( nbFacets == 0 ||
_grid->_shapes( _edgeIntPnts[ iP ]->_shapeID ).ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX )
_grid->_shapes( _eIntPoints[ iP ]->_shapeID ).ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX )
equalNode = FindEqualNode( _vertexNodes, _edgeIntPnts[ iP ], tol2 );
equalNode = FindEqualNode( _vIntNodes, _eIntPoints[ iP ], tol2 );
if ( equalNode ) {
equalNode->Add( _edgeIntPnts[ iP ] );
equalNode->Add( _eIntPoints[ iP ] );
else {
_vertexNodes.push_back( _Node( 0, _edgeIntPnts[iP] ));
if ( _intNodes.empty() || _intNodes.back().EdgeIntPnt() != _eIntPoints[ iP ])
_intNodes.push_back( _Node( 0, _eIntPoints[ iP ]));
_vIntNodes.push_back( & _intNodes.back() );
} // loop on _edgeIntPnts
} // loop on _eIntPoints
else if ( 3 < _nbCornerNodes && _nbCornerNodes < 8 ) // _nbIntNodes == 0
else if ( 3 < _nbCornerNodes && _nbCornerNodes < 8 ) // _nbFaceIntNodes == 0
_Link split;
// create sub-links (_splits) of whole links
@ -1767,10 +1818,11 @@ namespace
if ( _nbCornerNodes + _nbIntNodes < 4 )
int nbIntersections = _nbFaceIntNodes + _eIntPoints.size();
if ( _nbCornerNodes + nbIntersections < 4 )
if ( _nbBndNodes == _nbCornerNodes && _nbIntNodes == 0 && isInHole() )
if ( _nbBndNodes == _nbCornerNodes && nbIntersections == 0 && isInHole() )
@ -1779,11 +1831,12 @@ namespace
// Create polygons from quadrangles
// --------------------------------
_Link polyLink;
_Link polyLink;
vector< _OrientedLink > splits;
vector<_Node*> chainNodes;
vector<_Node*> chainNodes, usedEdgeNodes;
_Face* coplanarPolyg;
bool hasEdgeIntersections = !_edgeIntPnts.empty();
bool hasEdgeIntersections = !_eIntPoints.empty();
for ( int iF = 0; iF < 6; ++iF ) // loop on 6 sides of a hexahedron
@ -1802,26 +1855,13 @@ namespace
// polygon's boundary closed
int nbSplits = splits.size();
if ( nbSplits < 2 && quad._edgeNodes.empty() )
if ( nbSplits < 2 && quad._eIntNodes.empty() )
nbSplits = 0;
if ( nbSplits == 0 && !quad._edgeNodes.empty() )
// make _vertexNodes from _edgeNodes of an empty quad
const double tol2 = _grid->_tol * _grid->_tol;
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < quad._edgeNodes.size(); ++iP )
_Node* equalNode =
FindEqualNode( _vertexNodes, quad._edgeNodes[ iP ].EdgeIntPnt(), tol2 );
if ( equalNode )
equalNode->Add( quad._edgeNodes[ iP ].EdgeIntPnt() );
_vertexNodes.push_back( quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]);
#ifdef _DEBUG_
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < quad._edgeNodes.size(); ++iP )
quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]._isUsedInFace = false;
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < quad._eIntNodes.size(); ++iP )
if ( quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]->IsUsedInFace( polygon ))
quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]->_usedInFace = 0;
int nbUsedEdgeNodes = 0;
@ -1852,7 +1892,7 @@ namespace
if ( n1 != n2 )
// try to connect to intersections with EDGEs
if ( quad._edgeNodes.size() > nbUsedEdgeNodes &&
if ( quad._eIntNodes.size() > nbUsedEdgeNodes &&
findChain( n2, n1, quad, chainNodes ))
for ( size_t i = 1; i < chainNodes.size(); ++i )
@ -1861,7 +1901,7 @@ namespace
polyLink._nodes[1] = chainNodes[i];
polygon->_polyLinks.push_back( polyLink );
polygon->_links.push_back( _OrientedLink( &polygon->_polyLinks.back() ));
nbUsedEdgeNodes += polyLink._nodes[1]->_isUsedInFace;
nbUsedEdgeNodes += ( polyLink._nodes[1]->IsUsedInFace( polygon ));
if ( chainNodes.back() != n1 )
@ -1924,6 +1964,7 @@ namespace
polyLink._nodes[1] = chainNodes[i];
polygon->_polyLinks.push_back( polyLink );
polygon->_links.push_back( _OrientedLink( &polygon->_polyLinks.back() ));
nbUsedEdgeNodes += bool( polyLink._nodes[1]->IsUsedInFace( polygon ));
@ -1934,38 +1975,44 @@ namespace
} // while ( nbSplits > 0 )
if ( quad._edgeNodes.size() > nbUsedEdgeNodes )
// make _vertexNodes from not used _edgeNodes
const double tol = 0.05 * Min( Min( _sideLength[0], _sideLength[1] ), _sideLength[0] );
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < quad._edgeNodes.size(); ++iP )
if ( quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]._isUsedInFace ) continue;
_Node* equalNode =
FindEqualNode( _vertexNodes, quad._edgeNodes[ iP ].EdgeIntPnt(), tol*tol );
if ( equalNode )
equalNode->Add( quad._edgeNodes[ iP ].EdgeIntPnt() );
_vertexNodes.push_back( quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]);
// if ( quad._eIntNodes.size() > nbUsedEdgeNodes )
// {
// // make _vIntNodes from not used _eIntNodes
// const double tol = 0.05 * Min( Min( _sideLength[0], _sideLength[1] ), _sideLength[0] );
// for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < quad._eIntNodes.size(); ++iP )
// {
// if ( quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]->IsUsedInFace() ) continue;
// _Node* equalNode =
// FindEqualNode( _vIntNodes, quad._eIntNodes[ iP ].EdgeIntPnt(), tol*tol );
// if ( equalNode )
// equalNode->Add( quad._eIntNodes[ iP ].EdgeIntPnt() );
// else
// _vIntNodes.push_back( quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]);
// }
// }
if ( polygon->_links.size() < 3 )
} // loop on 6 sides of a hexahedron
//usedEdgeNodes.resize( usedEdgeNodes.size() - nbUsedEdgeNodes );
} // loop on 6 hexahedron sides
// Create polygons closing holes in a polyhedron
// ----------------------------------------------
// add polygons to their links
// clear _usedInFace
for ( size_t iN = 0; iN < _intNodes.size(); ++iN )
_intNodes[ iN ]._usedInFace = 0;
// add polygons to their links and mark used nodes
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < _polygons.size(); ++iP )
_Face& polygon = _polygons[ iP ];
for ( size_t iL = 0; iL < polygon._links.size(); ++iL )
polygon._links[ iL ]._link->_faces.reserve( 2 );
polygon._links[ iL ]._link->_faces.push_back( &polygon );
polygon._links[ iL ].AddFace( &polygon );
polygon._links[ iL ].FirstNode()->_usedInFace = &polygon;
// find free links
@ -1975,26 +2022,54 @@ namespace
_Face& polygon = _polygons[ iP ];
for ( size_t iL = 0; iL < polygon._links.size(); ++iL )
if ( polygon._links[ iL ]._link->_faces.size() < 2 )
if ( polygon._links[ iL ].NbFaces() < 2 )
freeLinks.push_back( & polygon._links[ iL ]);
freeLinks.back()->FirstNode()->IsUsedInFace() == true;
int nbFreeLinks = freeLinks.size();
if ( nbFreeLinks > 0 && nbFreeLinks < 3 ) return;
set<TGeomID> usedFaceIDs;
// put not used intersection nodes to _vIntNodes
int nbVertexNodes = 0; // nb not used vertex nodes
for ( size_t iN = 0; iN < _vIntNodes.size(); ++iN )
nbVertexNodes += ( !_vIntNodes[ iN ]->IsUsedInFace() );
// make closed chains of free links
const double tol = 1e-3 * Min( Min( _sideLength[0], _sideLength[1] ), _sideLength[0] );
for ( size_t iN = _nbFaceIntNodes; iN < _intNodes.size(); ++iN )
if ( _intNodes[ iN ].IsUsedInFace() ) continue;
if ( dynamic_cast< const F_IntersectPoint* >( _intNodes[ iN ]._intPoint )) continue;
_Node* equalNode =
FindEqualNode( _vIntNodes, _intNodes[ iN ].EdgeIntPnt(), tol*tol );
if ( !equalNode /*|| equalNode->IsUsedInFace()*/ )
_vIntNodes.push_back( &_intNodes[ iN ]);
set<TGeomID> usedFaceIDs;
TGeomID curFace = 0;
const size_t nbQuadPolygons = _polygons.size();
// create polygons by making closed chains of free links
size_t iPolygon = _polygons.size();
while ( nbFreeLinks > 0 )
_polygons.resize( _polygons.size() + 1 );
_Face& polygon = _polygons.back();
if ( iPolygon == _polygons.size() )
_polygons.resize( _polygons.size() + 1 );
_Face& polygon = _polygons[ iPolygon ];
polygon._polyLinks.reserve( 20 );
polygon._links.reserve( 20 );
_OrientedLink* curLink = 0;
_Node* curNode;
if (( !hasEdgeIntersections ) ||
( nbFreeLinks < 4 && _vertexNodes.empty() ))
( nbFreeLinks < 4 && nbVertexNodes == 0 ))
// get a remaining link to start from
for ( size_t iL = 0; iL < freeLinks.size() && !curLink; ++iL )
@ -2019,7 +2094,6 @@ namespace
else // there are intersections with EDGEs
TGeomID curFace;
// get a remaining link to start from, one lying on minimal
// nb of FACEs
@ -2052,7 +2126,7 @@ namespace
for ( size_t i = 0; i < facesOfLink[2].size() && faceOfLink.first < 1; ++i )
curLink = freeLinks[ facesOfLink[2][i].second ];
faceOfLink.first = curLink->FirstNode()->IsLinked( curLink->FirstNode()->_intPoint );
faceOfLink.first = curLink->FirstNode()->IsLinked( curLink->LastNode()->_intPoint );
@ -2106,26 +2180,23 @@ namespace
if ( polygon._links[0].LastNode() != curNode )
if ( !_vertexNodes.empty() )
if ( nbVertexNodes > 0 )
// add links with _vertexNodes if not already used
for ( size_t iN = 0; iN < _vertexNodes.size(); ++iN )
if ( _vertexNodes[ iN ].IsOnFace( curFace ))
// add links with _vIntNodes if not already used
for ( size_t iN = 0; iN < _vIntNodes.size(); ++iN )
if ( !_vIntNodes[ iN ]->IsUsedInFace() &&
_vIntNodes[ iN ]->IsOnFace( curFace ))
bool used = ( curNode == &_vertexNodes[ iN ] );
for ( size_t iL = 0; iL < polygon._links.size() && !used; ++iL )
used = ( &_vertexNodes[ iN ] == polygon._links[ iL ].LastNode() );
if ( !used )
polyLink._nodes[0] = &_vertexNodes[ iN ];
polyLink._nodes[1] = curNode;
polygon._polyLinks.push_back( polyLink );
polygon._links.push_back( _OrientedLink( &polygon._polyLinks.back() ));
freeLinks.push_back( &polygon._links.back() );
curNode = &_vertexNodes[ iN ];
// TODO: to reorder _vertexNodes within polygon, if there are several ones
_vIntNodes[ iN ]->_usedInFace = &polygon;
polyLink._nodes[0] = _vIntNodes[ iN ];
polyLink._nodes[1] = curNode;
polygon._polyLinks.push_back( polyLink );
polygon._links.push_back( _OrientedLink( &polygon._polyLinks.back() ));
freeLinks.push_back( &polygon._links.back() );
curNode = _vIntNodes[ iN ];
// TODO: to reorder _vIntNodes within polygon, if there are several ones
// if ( polygon._links.size() > 1 )
@ -2138,7 +2209,6 @@ namespace
} // if there are intersections with EDGEs
if ( polygon._links.size() < 2 ||
@ -2149,27 +2219,103 @@ namespace
if ( freeLinks.back() == &polygon._links.back() )
freeLinks.back() = 0;
vector< _Face*>& polygs1 = polygon._links.front()._link->_faces;
vector< _Face*>& polygs2 = polygon._links.back()._link->_faces;
_Face* polyg1 = ( polygs1.empty() ? 0 : polygs1[0] );
_Face* polyg2 = ( polygs2.empty() ? 0 : polygs2[0] );
if ( polyg1 ) polygs2.push_back( polyg1 );
if ( polyg2 ) polygs1.push_back( polyg2 );
if ( polygon._links.front().NbFaces() > 0 )
polygon._links.back().AddFace( polygon._links.front()._link->_faces[0] );
if ( polygon._links.back().NbFaces() > 0 )
polygon._links.front().AddFace( polygon._links.back()._link->_faces[0] );
else // polygon._links.size() >= 2
// add polygon to its links
for ( size_t iL = 0; iL < polygon._links.size(); ++iL )
polygon._links[ iL ]._link->_faces.reserve( 2 );
polygon._links[ iL ]._link->_faces.push_back( &polygon );
polygon._links[ iL ].AddFace( &polygon );
polygon._links[ iL ].Reverse();
if ( hasEdgeIntersections && iPolygon == _polygons.size() - 1 )
// check that a polygon does not lie in the plane of another polygon
coplanarPolyg = 0;
for ( size_t iL = 0; iL < polygon._links.size() && !coplanarPolyg; ++iL )
if ( polygon._links[ iL ].NbFaces() < 2 )
continue; // it's a just added free link
// look for a polygon made on a hexa side and sharing
// two or more haxa links
size_t iL2;
coplanarPolyg = polygon._links[ iL ]._link->_faces[0];
for ( iL2 = iL + 1; iL2 < polygon._links.size(); ++iL2 )
if ( polygon._links[ iL2 ]._link->_faces[0] == coplanarPolyg &&
!coplanarPolyg->isPolyLink( polygon._links[ iL2 ]) &&
coplanarPolyg < & _polygons[ nbQuadPolygons ])
if ( iL2 == polygon._links.size() )
coplanarPolyg = 0;
if ( 0 /*coplanarPolyg*/ ) // coplanar polygon found
freeLinks.resize( freeLinks.size() - polygon._polyLinks.size() );
nbFreeLinks -= polygon._polyLinks.size();
// fill freeLinks with links not shared by coplanarPolyg and polygon
for ( size_t iL = 0; iL < polygon._links.size(); ++iL )
if ( polygon._links[ iL ]._link->_faces[1] &&
polygon._links[ iL ]._link->_faces[0] != coplanarPolyg )
_Face* p = polygon._links[ iL ]._link->_faces[0];
for ( size_t iL2 = 0; iL2 < p->_links.size(); ++iL2 )
if ( p->_links[ iL2 ]._link == polygon._links[ iL ]._link )
freeLinks.push_back( & p->_links[ iL2 ] );
freeLinks.back()->RemoveFace( &polygon );
for ( size_t iL = 0; iL < coplanarPolyg->_links.size(); ++iL )
if ( coplanarPolyg->_links[ iL ]._link->_faces[1] &&
coplanarPolyg->_links[ iL ]._link->_faces[1] != &polygon )
_Face* p = coplanarPolyg->_links[ iL ]._link->_faces[0];
if ( p == coplanarPolyg )
p = coplanarPolyg->_links[ iL ]._link->_faces[1];
for ( size_t iL2 = 0; iL2 < p->_links.size(); ++iL2 )
if ( p->_links[ iL2 ]._link == coplanarPolyg->_links[ iL ]._link )
freeLinks.push_back( & p->_links[ iL2 ] );
freeLinks.back()->RemoveFace( coplanarPolyg );
// set coplanarPolyg to be re-created next
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < _polygons.size(); ++iP )
if ( coplanarPolyg == & _polygons[ iP ] )
iPolygon = iP;
_polygons[ iPolygon ]._links.clear();
_polygons[ iPolygon ]._polyLinks.clear();
if ( freeLinks.back() == &polygon._links.back() )
usedFaceIDs.erase( curFace );
} // if ( coplanarPolyg )
} // if ( hasEdgeIntersections )
iPolygon = _polygons.size();
} // end of case ( polygon._links.size() > 2 )
} // while ( nbFreeLinks > 0 )
if ( ! checkPolyhedronSize() )
@ -2178,7 +2324,7 @@ namespace
// create a classic cell if possible
const int nbNodes = _nbCornerNodes + _nbIntNodes;
const int nbNodes = _nbCornerNodes + nbIntersections;
bool isClassicElem = false;
if ( nbNodes == 8 && _polygons.size() == 6 ) isClassicElem = addHexa();
else if ( nbNodes == 4 && _polygons.size() == 4 ) isClassicElem = addTetra();
@ -2252,8 +2398,9 @@ namespace
const int iLink = iL + iDir * 4;
hex->_hexLinks[iLink]._intNodes.push_back( _Node( 0, &(*ip) ));
hex->_nbIntNodes += bool( ip->_node );
hex->_hexLinks[iLink]._fIntPoints.push_back( &(*ip) );
//hex->_hexLinks[iLink]._fIntNodes.push_back( _Node( 0, &(*ip) ));
hex->_nbFaceIntNodes += bool( ip->_node );
@ -2272,7 +2419,7 @@ namespace
if ( hex )
intHexInd[ nbIntHex++ ] = i;
if ( hex->_nbIntNodes > 0 || ! hex->_edgeIntPnts.empty())
if ( hex->_nbFaceIntNodes > 0 || hex->_eIntPoints.size() > 0 )
continue; // treat intersected hex later
this->init( hex->_i, hex->_j, hex->_k );
@ -2438,7 +2585,9 @@ namespace
gp_XYZ p2 = discret.Value( iP ).XYZ();
double u2 = discret.Parameter( iP );
double zProj2 = planes._zNorm * ( p2 - _grid->_origin );
int iZ2 = iZ1;
int iZ2 = iZ1;
if ( Abs( zProj2 - zProj1 ) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::min() )
locateValue( iZ2, zProj2, planes._zProjs, dIJK[ iDirZ ], tol );
// treat intersections with planes between 2 end points of a segment
@ -2496,16 +2645,16 @@ namespace
// for ( int iF = 0; iF < 6; ++iF )
// {
// _Face& quad = h->_hexQuads[ iF ];
// for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < quad._edgeNodes.size(); ++iP )
// if ( !quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]._node )
// if (( eip = quad._edgeNodes[ iP ].EdgeIntPnt() ))
// quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]._intPoint->_node = helper.AddNode( eip->_point.X(),
// for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < quad._eIntNodes.size(); ++iP )
// if ( !quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]._node )
// if (( eip = quad._eIntNodes[ iP ].EdgeIntPnt() ))
// quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]._intPoint->_node = helper.AddNode( eip->_point.X(),
// eip->_point.Y(),
// eip->_point.Z() );
// }
// for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < hexes[i]->_vertexNodes.size(); ++iP )
// if (( eip = h->_vertexNodes[ iP ].EdgeIntPnt() ))
// h->_vertexNodes[ iP ]._intPoint->_node = helper.AddNode( eip->_point.X(),
// for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < hexes[i]->_vIntNodes.size(); ++iP )
// if (( eip = h->_vIntNodes[ iP ].EdgeIntPnt() ))
// h->_vIntNodes[ iP ]._intPoint->_node = helper.AddNode( eip->_point.X(),
// eip->_point.Y(),
// eip->_point.Z() );
// }
@ -2645,7 +2794,7 @@ namespace
( _grid->_coords[2][ h->_k+1 ] + _grid->_tol < ip._uvw[2] ))
throw SALOME_Exception("ip outside a hex");
h->_edgeIntPnts.push_back( & ip );
h->_eIntPoints.push_back( & ip );
added = true;
@ -2662,26 +2811,26 @@ namespace
chn.push_back( n1 );
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < quad._edgeNodes.size(); ++iP )
if ( !quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]._isUsedInFace &&
n1->IsLinked( quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]._intPoint ) &&
n2->IsLinked( quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]._intPoint ))
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < quad._eIntNodes.size(); ++iP )
if ( !quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]->IsUsedInFace( &quad ) &&
n1->IsLinked( quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]->_intPoint ) &&
n2->IsLinked( quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]->_intPoint ))
chn.push_back( & quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]);
chn.push_back( quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]);
chn.push_back( n2 );
quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]._isUsedInFace = true;
quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]->_usedInFace = &quad;
return true;
bool found;
found = false;
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < quad._edgeNodes.size(); ++iP )
if ( !quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]._isUsedInFace &&
chn.back()->IsLinked( quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]._intPoint ))
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < quad._eIntNodes.size(); ++iP )
if ( !quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]->IsUsedInFace( &quad ) &&
chn.back()->IsLinked( quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]->_intPoint ))
chn.push_back( & quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]);
found = quad._edgeNodes[ iP ]._isUsedInFace = true;
chn.push_back( quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]);
found = quad._eIntNodes[ iP ]->_usedInFace = &quad;
} while ( found && ! chn.back()->IsLinked( n2->_intPoint ) );
@ -2742,10 +2891,10 @@ namespace
// new version is for the case: tangent transition at the 1st node
bool isOut = false;
if ( link._intNodes.size() > 1 )
if ( link._fIntNodes.size() > 1 )
// check transition at the next intersection
switch ( link._intNodes[1].FaceIntPnt()->_transition ) {
switch ( link._fIntPoints[1]->_transition ) {
case Trans_OUT: return false;
case Trans_IN : return true;
default: ; // tangent transition
@ -2755,7 +2904,7 @@ namespace
gp_Pnt p2 = link._nodes[1]->Point();
gp_Pnt testPnt = 0.8 * p1.XYZ() + 0.2 * p2.XYZ();
TGeomID faceID = link._intNodes[0]._intPoint->_faceIDs[0];
TGeomID faceID = link._fIntPoints[0]->_faceIDs[0];
const TopoDS_Face& face = TopoDS::Face( _grid->_shapes( faceID ));
TopLoc_Location loc;
GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf& proj =
@ -2874,7 +3023,7 @@ namespace
bool Hexahedron::isInHole() const
if ( !_vertexNodes.empty() )
if ( !_vIntNodes.empty() )
return false;
const int ijk[3] = { _i, _j, _k };
@ -2906,9 +3055,9 @@ namespace
firstIntPnt = &(*ip);
else if ( !link._intNodes.empty() )
else if ( !link._fIntPoints.empty() )
firstIntPnt = link._intNodes[0].FaceIntPnt();
firstIntPnt = link._fIntPoints[0];
if ( firstIntPnt )
@ -2973,7 +3122,7 @@ namespace
// find a top node above the base node
_Link* link = _polygons[0]._links[iL]._link;
//ASSERT( link->_faces.size() > 1 );
if ( link->_faces.size() < 2 )
if ( !link->_faces[0] || !link->_faces[1] )
return debugDumpLink( link );
// a quadrangle sharing <link> with _polygons[0]
_Face* quad = link->_faces[ bool( link->_faces[0] == & _polygons[0] )];
@ -3004,7 +3153,7 @@ namespace
_Link* link = _polygons[0]._links[0]._link;
//ASSERT( link->_faces.size() > 1 );
if ( link->_faces.size() < 2 )
if ( !link->_faces[0] || !link->_faces[1] )
return debugDumpLink( link );
// a triangle sharing <link> with _polygons[0]
@ -3044,7 +3193,7 @@ namespace
// find a top node above the base node
_Link* link = _polygons[ iTri ]._links[iL]._link;
//ASSERT( link->_faces.size() > 1 );
if ( link->_faces.size() < 2 )
if ( !link->_faces[0] || !link->_faces[1] )
return debugDumpLink( link );
// a quadrangle sharing <link> with a base triangle
_Face* quad = link->_faces[ bool( link->_faces[0] == & _polygons[ iTri ] )];
@ -3084,8 +3233,8 @@ namespace
nodes[3] = _polygons[iQuad]._links[3].FirstNode();
_Link* link = _polygons[iQuad]._links[0]._link;
ASSERT( link->_faces.size() > 1 );
if ( link->_faces.size() < 2 )
//ASSERT( link->_faces.size() > 1 );
if ( !link->_faces[0] || !link->_faces[1] )
return debugDumpLink( link );
// a triangle sharing <link> with a base quadrangle
Reference in New Issue
Block a user