mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 15:25:37 +05:00
0022103: EDF 2550 SMESH : Allow viscous layer with 3D extrusion
= Allow viscous layers on boundary EDGEs of a 2D sub-mesh Redesign onCriterionChanged() to avoid SIGSEGV on a comboItem of an improper side
This commit is contained in:
@ -1765,185 +1765,216 @@ void SMESHGUI_FilterTable::onCriterionChanged (const int row, const int col, con
Table* aTable = myTables[ aType ];
ComboItem* aCompareItem = (ComboItem*)aTable->item(row, 1);
int aCriterionType = GetCriterionType(row);
// find out type of a existing threshould table item
QtxColorButton* clrBtn = qobject_cast<QtxColorButton*>(aTable->cellWidget(row, 2));
int aComboType = ComboItem::Type();
int aIntSpinType = IntSpinItem::Type();
int aDoubleSpinType = DoubleSpinItem::Type();
QTableWidgetItem* aTableItem = aTable->item(row, 2);
bool isComboItem = false;
bool isIntSpinItem = false;
bool isDoubleSpinItem = false;
if (aTableItem) {
int aTableType = aTable->item(row, 2)->type();
isComboItem = ( aTableType == aComboType );
isIntSpinItem = ( aTableType == aIntSpinType );
isDoubleSpinItem = ( aTableType == aDoubleSpinType );
bool isComboItem = false;
bool isIntSpinItem = false;
bool isDoubleSpinItem = false;
if ( QTableWidgetItem* aTableItem = aTable->item(row, 2) )
int aTableType = aTableItem->type();
isComboItem = ( aTableType == ComboItem::Type() );
isIntSpinItem = ( aTableType == IntSpinItem::Type() );
isDoubleSpinItem = ( aTableType == DoubleSpinItem::Type() );
bool anIsDoubleCriterion =
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_AspectRatio ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_AspectRatio3D ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_Taper ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_Warping ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_MinimumAngle ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_Skew ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_Area ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_Length ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_Length2D ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_MaxElementLength2D ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_MaxElementLength3D ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_Volume3D ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EntityType;
// find out a type of item required by a new criterion and other table features
int aCriterionType = GetCriterionType(row);
bool anIsDoubleCriterion = false;
bool anIsIntCriterion = false;
bool anIsComboCriterion = false;
// other features:
QList<int> comboIDs; // values to show in a combo item
int nbCompareSigns = 0; // possible values are 0,1,3
bool isThresholdEditable = false; // actual for "simple" item types
switch ( aCriterionType )
case SMESH::FT_AspectRatio:
case SMESH::FT_AspectRatio3D:
case SMESH::FT_Warping:
case SMESH::FT_MinimumAngle:
case SMESH::FT_Taper:
case SMESH::FT_Skew:
case SMESH::FT_Area:
case SMESH::FT_Volume3D:
case SMESH::FT_MaxElementLength2D:
case SMESH::FT_MaxElementLength3D:
anIsDoubleCriterion = true; nbCompareSigns = 3; break;
case SMESH::FT_FreeBorders:
case SMESH::FT_FreeEdges:
case SMESH::FT_FreeNodes:
case SMESH::FT_FreeFaces:
case SMESH::FT_EqualNodes:
case SMESH::FT_EqualEdges:
case SMESH::FT_EqualFaces:
case SMESH::FT_EqualVolumes: break;
case SMESH::FT_MultiConnection:
case SMESH::FT_MultiConnection2D: anIsIntCriterion = true; break;
case SMESH::FT_Length:
case SMESH::FT_Length2D: anIsDoubleCriterion = true; break;
case SMESH::FT_BelongToGeom:
case SMESH::FT_BelongToPlane:
case SMESH::FT_BelongToCylinder:
case SMESH::FT_BelongToGenSurface:
case SMESH::FT_LyingOnGeom: nbCompareSigns = 1; isThresholdEditable = true; break;
case SMESH::FT_RangeOfIds: nbCompareSigns = 1; isThresholdEditable = true; break;
case SMESH::FT_BadOrientedVolume:
case SMESH::FT_BareBorderVolume:
case SMESH::FT_BareBorderFace:
case SMESH::FT_OverConstrainedVolume:
case SMESH::FT_OverConstrainedFace:
case SMESH::FT_LinearOrQuadratic: break;
case SMESH::FT_GroupColor: nbCompareSigns = 1; isThresholdEditable = true; break;
case SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType:
comboIDs = geomTypes( aType ); anIsComboCriterion = true; nbCompareSigns = 1; break;
case SMESH::FT_EntityType:
comboIDs = entityTypes( aType ); anIsComboCriterion = true; nbCompareSigns = 1; break;
case SMESH::FT_CoplanarFaces: isThresholdEditable = true; break;
case SMESH::FT_BallDiameter: anIsDoubleCriterion = true; break;
case SMESH::FT_ConnectedElements: isThresholdEditable = true; break;
case SMESH::FT_LessThan:
case SMESH::FT_MoreThan:
case SMESH::FT_EqualTo:
case SMESH::FT_LogicalNOT:
case SMESH::FT_LogicalAND:
case SMESH::FT_LogicalOR:
case SMESH::FT_Undefined:
default: return;
// get a precision of a double criterion
int aPrecision = 0;
if ( anIsDoubleCriterion ) {
const char* aPrecisionType = getPrecision( aCriterionType );
const char* aPrecisionType = getPrecision( aCriterionType );
SUIT_ResourceMgr* aResourceMgr = SMESH::GetResourceMgr( mySMESHGUI );
if( aPrecisionType && aResourceMgr )
aPrecision = aResourceMgr->integerValue( "SMESH", aPrecisionType, aPrecision );
// if the precision is to be changed we should remove the existing
// spin item and create another one with new precision
bool anIsPrecisionChanged = false;
if ( anIsDoubleCriterion && isDoubleSpinItem ) {
if ( DoubleSpinItem* aDoubleSpinItem = dynamic_cast<DoubleSpinItem*>( aTable->item( row, 2 ) ) ) {
anIsPrecisionChanged = aDoubleSpinItem->precision() != aPrecision;
// check if the current item type satisfies the criterion
bool itemTypeKO =
( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_GroupColor && !clrBtn) ||
( anIsComboCriterion && !isComboItem ) ||
( anIsIntCriterion && !isIntSpinItem ) ||
( anIsDoubleCriterion && !isDoubleSpinItem );
if ( !itemTypeKO )
if ( anIsDoubleCriterion )
// if the precision is to be changed we should remove the existing
// spin item and create another one with new precision
if ( DoubleSpinItem* aDoubleSpinItem = dynamic_cast<DoubleSpinItem*>( aTable->item( row, 2 )))
itemTypeKO = ( aDoubleSpinItem->precision() != aPrecision );
itemTypeKO = true;
else if ( anIsComboCriterion )
if ( ComboItem* aComboItem = dynamic_cast<ComboItem*>( aTable->item( row, 2 )))
itemTypeKO = ( aComboItem->count() != comboIDs.count() );
itemTypeKO = true;
else if ( !anIsIntCriterion && aCriterionType != SMESH::FT_GroupColor )
itemTypeKO = ( clrBtn || isComboItem || isIntSpinItem || isDoubleSpinItem );
if ( (aCriterionType != SMESH::FT_GroupColor && clrBtn) ||
(aCriterionType != SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType && isComboItem) ||
(aCriterionType != SMESH::FT_EntityType && isComboItem) ||
(aCriterionType != SMESH::FT_MultiConnection && isIntSpinItem) ||
(!anIsDoubleCriterion && isDoubleSpinItem) ||
anIsPrecisionChanged )
// update the table row
bool isSignalsBlocked = aTable->signalsBlocked();
aTable->blockSignals( true );
// update threshold table item
if ( itemTypeKO )
bool isSignalsBlocked = aTable->signalsBlocked();
aTable->blockSignals( true );
aTable->removeCellWidget( row, 2 );
aTable->setItem( row, 2, new QTableWidgetItem() );
aTable->blockSignals( isSignalsBlocked );
if ( (aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_GroupColor && !clrBtn) ||
(aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType && !isComboItem) ||
(aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EntityType && !isComboItem) ||
(aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_MultiConnection && !isIntSpinItem) ||
(anIsDoubleCriterion && !isDoubleSpinItem) ||
anIsPrecisionChanged )
bool isSignalsBlocked = aTable->signalsBlocked();
aTable->blockSignals( true );
if ( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_GroupColor )
if ( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_GroupColor ) // ---------------------- QtxColorButton
aTable->setCellWidget( row, 2, new QtxColorButton( aTable ) );
else if ( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType ) {
QList<int> typeIds = geomTypes( aType );
QMap<int, QString> typeNames;
QList<int>::const_iterator anIter = typeIds.begin();
for ( int i = 0; anIter != typeIds.end(); ++anIter, ++i)
QString typeKey = QString( "GEOM_TYPE_%1" ).arg( *anIter );
typeNames[ *anIter ] = tr( typeKey.toLatin1().data() );
ComboItem* typeBox = new ComboItem( typeNames );
aTable->setItem( row, 2, typeBox );
else if ( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EntityType ) {
QList<int> typeIds = entityTypes( aType );
QMap<int, QString> typeNames;
QList<int>::const_iterator anIter = typeIds.begin();
for ( int i = 0; anIter != typeIds.end(); ++anIter, ++i)
else if ( anIsComboCriterion ) // -------------------------------------------ComboItem
QString msgPrefix
( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType ? "GEOM_TYPE_%1" : "ENTITY_TYPE_%1" );
QMap<int, QString> names;
QList<int>::const_iterator id = comboIDs.begin();
for ( ; id != comboIDs.end(); ++id )
QString typeKey = QString( "ENTITY_TYPE_%1" ).arg( *anIter );
typeNames[ *anIter ] = tr( typeKey.toLatin1().data() );
QString name = msgPrefix.arg( *id );
names[ *id ] = tr( name.toLatin1().data() );
ComboItem* typeBox = new ComboItem( typeNames );
aTable->setItem( row, 2, typeBox );
ComboItem* comboBox = new ComboItem( names );
aTable->setItem( row, 2, comboBox );
else if ( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_MultiConnection ) {
else if ( anIsIntCriterion ) // ------------------------------------------ IntSpinItem
IntSpinItem* intSpin = new IntSpinItem( 0 );
aTable->setItem( row, 2, intSpin );
else if ( anIsDoubleCriterion ) {
else if ( anIsDoubleCriterion ) // -------------------------------------DoubleSpinItem
DoubleSpinItem* dblSpin = new DoubleSpinItem( 0 );
dblSpin->setPrecision( aPrecision );
aTable->setItem( row, 2, dblSpin );
aTable->blockSignals( isSignalsBlocked );
// set Compare and enable/desable Threshold
if ((aType == SMESH::NODE && (aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_FreeNodes ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EqualNodes )) ||
(aType == SMESH::EDGE && (aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_FreeBorders ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EqualEdges )) ||
(aType == SMESH::FACE && (aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_BareBorderFace ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_OverConstrainedFace ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_FreeEdges ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_FreeFaces ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EqualFaces)) ||
(aType == SMESH::VOLUME && (aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_BadOrientedVolume ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_OverConstrainedVolume ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_BareBorderVolume ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EqualVolumes )) ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_LinearOrQuadratic ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_CoplanarFaces ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ConnectedElements
// - No compare
bool isSignalsBlocked = aTable->signalsBlocked();
aTable->blockSignals( true );
if (aCompareItem->count() > 0)
aTable->setEditable(false, row, 1);
// - Threshold is NOT editable for most of criteria
aTable->item(row, 2)->setText( QString("") );
aTable->setEditable(( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ConnectedElements ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_CoplanarFaces ), row, 2);
aTable->blockSignals( isSignalsBlocked );
else if (aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_RangeOfIds ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_GroupColor ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EntityType ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_BelongToGeom ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_BelongToPlane ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_BelongToCylinder ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_BelongToGenSurface ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_LyingOnGeom)
// - EQUAL_TO compare ONLY
QMap<int, QString> aMap;
aMap[ SMESH::FT_EqualTo ] = tr("EQUAL_TO");
// if (!aTable->isEditable(row, 2))
aTable->setEditable(false, row, 1);
// - Threshold is editable
if (!aTable->isEditable(row, 2))
aTable->setEditable(true, row, 2);
// All compare signs
if (aCompareItem && aCompareItem->count() != 3)
else // --------------------------------------------------------------QTableWidgetItem
// Threshold is editable
if (aTable->item( row, 2 )) {
QString aText = aTable->text(row, 2);
bool isOk = false;
aTable->item( row, 2 )->setText(isOk ? aText : QString(""));
if (!aTable->isEditable(row, 1))
aTable->setEditable(true, row, 1);
if (!aTable->isEditable(row, 2))
aTable->setEditable(true, row, 2);
aTable->setItem( row, 2, new QTableWidgetItem() );
// set Compare
if ( aCompareItem->count() != nbCompareSigns )
switch ( nbCompareSigns ) {
case 0: {
case 1: {
QMap<int, QString> aMap;
aMap[ SMESH::FT_EqualTo ] = tr("EQUAL_TO");
case 3: {
aTable->setEditable( nbCompareSigns == 3, row, 1);
// enable/desable Threshold
if ( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_GroupColor ||
anIsComboCriterion ||
anIsIntCriterion ||
anIsDoubleCriterion )
isThresholdEditable = true;
aTable->setEditable( isThresholdEditable, row, 2);
aTable->blockSignals( isSignalsBlocked );
emit CriterionChanged(row, entityType);
Reference in New Issue
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