mirror of
synced 2025-01-27 07:30:32 +05:00
[bos #40649][CEA] Export Structured mesh in CGNS format for 2DQuadrangle and 3DHexahedron(i,j,k).
This commit is contained in:
@ -756,6 +756,9 @@ module SMESH
in string file,
in boolean overwrite,
in boolean groupElemsByType) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void ExportStructuredCGNS( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
in string file,
in boolean overwrite) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void ExportGMF( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
in string file,
in boolean withRequiredGroups) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ SET(_link_LIBRARIES
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ SET(MeshDriverCGNS_HEADERS
# --- rules ---
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
// Copyright (C) 2016-2024 CEA, EDF
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : DriverStructuredCGNS_Write.cxx
// Created : Tuesday March 19 2024
// Author : Cesar Conopoima (cce)
#include "DriverStructuredCGNS_Write.hxx"
#include "SMDS_IteratorOnIterators.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"
#include "SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_GroupBase.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Block.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
#include <TopoDS_Solid.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeReal.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <cgnslib.h>
#if CGNS_VERSION < 3100
# define cgsize_t int
std::string DriverStructuredCGNS_Write::GetGroupName( const int shapeToIndex, int dim )
auto groupBase = myMesh->GetGroups();
for( auto grp : groupBase )
/*associate the group based on geometry*/
if ( dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp ))
SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom * geomGrp = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp );
TopoDS_Shape shape = geomGrp->GetShape();
if( myMesh->ShapeToIndex(shape) == shapeToIndex )
return std::string(geomGrp->GetStoreName());
if ( dim==3 && (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPSOLID || shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND ))
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_SOLID ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
if( myMesh->ShapeToIndex(fEx.Current()) == shapeToIndex )
return std::string(geomGrp->GetStoreName());
if ( dim==2 && (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL || shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND) )
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_SOLID ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
if( myMesh->ShapeToIndex(fEx.Current()) == shapeToIndex )
return std::string(geomGrp->GetStoreName());
return std::string("");
void DriverStructuredCGNS_Write::CheckForGroupNameOnFaceInterfaces( const SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid* grid, std::vector<std::string>& boundaryNames )
auto groupBase = myMesh->GetGroups();
for( auto grp : groupBase )
if ( dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp ) )
SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom * geomGrp = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp );
TopoDS_Shape shape = geomGrp->GetShape();
if( shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE )
SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType f = grid->getFaceTypeByGeomFace( shape );
if ( f != SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_NONE )
boundaryNames[ int(f) ] = geomGrp->GetStoreName();
if ( shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL || shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND )
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_SOLID ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType f = grid->getFaceTypeByGeomFace( fEx.Current() );
if ( f != SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_NONE )
boundaryNames[ int(f) ] = geomGrp->GetStoreName();
void DriverStructuredCGNS_Write::CheckForGroupNameOnEdgeInterfaces( const SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid* grid, std::vector<std::string>& boundaryNames )
auto groupBase = myMesh->GetGroups();
for( auto grp : groupBase )
if ( dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp ) )
SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom * geomGrp = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp );
TopoDS_Shape shape = geomGrp->GetShape();
if( shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE )
SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType e = grid->getEdgeTypeByGeomEdge( shape );
if ( e != SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::NONE )
boundaryNames[ int(e) ] = geomGrp->GetStoreName();
if ( shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND )
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_EDGE ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType e = grid->getEdgeTypeByGeomEdge( fEx.Current() );
if ( e != SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::NONE )
boundaryNames[ int(e) ] = geomGrp->GetStoreName();
* \brief Write the mesh into the CGNS file
Driver_Mesh::Status DriverStructuredCGNS_Write::Perform()
if ( !myMesh || myMesh->GetMeshInfo().NbElements() < 1 )
return addMessage( !myMesh ? "NULL mesh" : "Empty mesh (no elements)", /*fatal = */true );
if ( Driver_Mesh::IsMeshTooLarge< cgsize_t >( myMesh, /*checkIDs =*/ false))
// open the file
if ( cg_open(myFile.c_str(), CG_MODE_MODIFY, &_fn) != CG_OK &&
cg_open(myFile.c_str(), CG_MODE_WRITE, &_fn) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// create a Base
// --------------
const int spaceDim = 3;
int meshDim = 1;
if ( myMesh->NbFaces() > 0 ) meshDim = 2;
if ( myMesh->NbVolumes() > 0 ) meshDim = 3;
if ( myMeshName.empty() )
int nbases = 0;
if ( cg_nbases( _fn, &nbases) == CG_OK )
myMeshName = ( SMESH_Comment("Base_") << nbases+1 );
myMeshName = "Base_0";
int iBase;
if ( cg_base_write( _fn, myMeshName.c_str(), meshDim, spaceDim, &iBase ) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
if ( cg_goto(_fn, iBase, "end") != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
if ( cg_descriptor_write("About", "Created by SMESH") != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// create a structured Zone
// --------------
TopoDS_Shape shape = myMesh->ShapeToMesh();
if ( meshDim == 3 )
std::set<std::string> zNames;
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_SOLID ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
TopoDS_Solid currentSolid = TopoDS::Solid(fEx.Current());
if ( myMesh->HasStructuredGridFilled(currentSolid) )
auto grid = myMesh->GetTheGrid(currentSolid).get();
int imax = grid->nx();
int jmax = grid->ny();
int kmax = grid->nz();
cgsize_t size[9] = {imax, jmax, kmax, imax - 1, jmax - 1, kmax - 1, 0, 0, 0};
std::string zoneName = GetGroupName(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentSolid),meshDim);
zoneName = zoneName.empty() ? "ZONESOLID" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentSolid)) : zoneName;
if ( zNames.count(zoneName) != 0 )
zoneName = zoneName + "_" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentSolid));
zNames.insert( zoneName );
// write Zone
int iZone;
if(cg_zone_write(_fn, iBase, zoneName.c_str(), size,
CGNS_ENUMV(Structured), &iZone) != CG_OK)
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Grid
int iGrid=0;
if(cg_grid_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, "GridCoordinates", &iGrid) != CG_OK)
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write the Coordinates
std::vector< double > coords( grid->Size() /*nx*ny*nz*/);
// write X-Coordinates
auto coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->X();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateX", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Y-Coordinates
coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->Y();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateY", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Z-Coordinates
coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->Z();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateZ", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
//end write Coordinates
// Write Boundary condition for the grid faces
std::vector<std::vector<cgsize_t>> allRanges;
std::vector<std::string> boundaryNames(6,"");
grid->getAllFaceIndexLimits( allRanges );
int faceId = 0;
std::set<std::string> bNames;
for (auto pRange : allRanges)
if(pRange[3] < pRange[0]) {std::swap(pRange[0],pRange[3]);}
if(pRange[4] < pRange[1]) {std::swap(pRange[1],pRange[4]);}
if(pRange[5] < pRange[2]) {std::swap(pRange[2],pRange[5]);}
int cgIndexBoco = 0;
std::string boundaryName = boundaryNames[faceId].empty() ? zoneName + "_" + std::to_string(faceId) : boundaryNames[faceId];
if ( bNames.count(boundaryName)!=0 )
boundaryName = boundaryName + "_" + std::to_string(faceId);
bNames.insert( boundaryName );
if(cg_boco_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, boundaryName.c_str(), CGNS_ENUMV(BCTypeNull),
CGNS_ENUMV(PointRange), 2, &pRange[0], &cgIndexBoco) != CG_OK) return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
// End write boundary
// Writte Interfaces
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_SOLID ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
TopoDS_Solid neighbourSolid = TopoDS::Solid(fEx.Current());
if ( !currentSolid.IsSame( neighbourSolid ) && myMesh->HasStructuredGridFilled(neighbourSolid))
std::vector<int> interface;
grid->GetFaceInterfaces(myMesh->GetTheGrid(neighbourSolid).get(), interface);
if ( !interface.empty() )
int iConn;
std::string neigbourZoneName = GetGroupName(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(neighbourSolid),meshDim);
neigbourZoneName = neigbourZoneName.empty() ? "ZONESOLID" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(neighbourSolid)) : neigbourZoneName;
std::string interfaceName = zoneName + "_" + neigbourZoneName + "_" + std::to_string(interface[0]);
if(cg_1to1_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, interfaceName.c_str(), neigbourZoneName.c_str(),
&interface[1], &interface[7], &interface[13], &iConn) != CG_OK) return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
else if ( meshDim == 2 )
std::set<std::string> zNames;
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_FACE ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
TopoDS_Face currentFace = TopoDS::Face(fEx.Current());
if ( myMesh->HasStructuredGridFilled(currentFace) )
auto grid = myMesh->GetTheGrid(currentFace).get();
int imax = grid->nx();
int jmax = grid->ny();
int iZone;
cgsize_t size[6] = {imax, jmax, imax - 1, jmax - 1, 0, 0};
std::string zoneName = GetGroupName(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentFace),meshDim);
zoneName = zoneName.empty() ? "ZONEFACE" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentFace)) : zoneName;
if ( zNames.count(zoneName) != 0 )
zoneName = zoneName + "_" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentFace));
zNames.insert( zoneName );
// write Zone
if(cg_zone_write(_fn, iBase, zoneName.c_str(), size,
CGNS_ENUMV(Structured), &iZone) != CG_OK)
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Grid
int iGrid;
if(cg_grid_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, "GridCoordinates", &iGrid) != CG_OK)
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write the Coordinates
std::vector< double > coords( grid->Size() /*nx*ny*nz*/);
// write X-Coordinates
auto coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->X();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateX", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Y-Coordinates
coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->Y();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateY", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Z-Coordinates
coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->Z();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateZ", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
//End write Coordinates
// Write Boundary condition for the grid edges
std::vector<std::vector<cgsize_t>> allRanges;
std::vector<std::string> boundaryNames(4,"");
grid->getAllEdgeIndexLimits( allRanges );
int edgeId = 0;
std::set<std::string> bNames;
for (auto pRange : allRanges)
if(pRange[2] < pRange[0]) {std::swap(pRange[0],pRange[2]);}
if(pRange[1] < pRange[3]) {std::swap(pRange[1],pRange[3]);}
int cgIndexBoco = 0;
std::string boundaryName = boundaryNames[edgeId].empty() ? zoneName + "_" + std::to_string(edgeId) : boundaryNames[edgeId];
if ( bNames.count(boundaryName)!=0)
boundaryName = boundaryName + "_" + std::to_string(edgeId);
bNames.insert( boundaryName );
if(cg_boco_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, boundaryName.c_str(), CGNS_ENUMV(BCTypeNull),
CGNS_ENUMV(PointRange), 2, &pRange[0], &cgIndexBoco) != CG_OK) return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
// End write Boundary
// Writte Interfaces
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_FACE ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
TopoDS_Face neighbourFace = TopoDS::Face(fEx.Current());
if ( !currentFace.IsSame( neighbourFace ) && myMesh->HasStructuredGridFilled(neighbourFace) )
std::vector<int> interface;
grid->GetEdgeInterfaces(myMesh->GetTheGrid(neighbourFace).get(), interface);
if ( !interface.empty() )
int iConn;
std::string neigbourZoneName = GetGroupName(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(neighbourFace),meshDim);
neigbourZoneName = neigbourZoneName.empty() ? "ZONEFACE" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(neighbourFace)) : neigbourZoneName;
std::string interfaceName = zoneName + "_" + neigbourZoneName + "_" + std::to_string(interface[0]);
if(cg_1to1_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, interfaceName.c_str(), neigbourZoneName.c_str(),
&interface[1], &interface[5], &interface[9], &iConn) != CG_OK) return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
} /*end if grid filled*/
} /*foreach face*/
return DRS_OK;
* \brief Constructor
DriverStructuredCGNS_Write::DriverStructuredCGNS_Write(): _fn(0)
* \brief Close the cgns file at destruction
if ( _fn > 0 )
cg_close( _fn );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright (C) 2016-2024 CEA, EDF
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : DriverStructuredCGNS_Write.hxx
// Created : Tuesday March 19 2024
// Author : Cesar Conopoima (cce)
#ifndef __DriverStructuredCGNS_Write_HXX__
#define __DriverStructuredCGNS_Write_HXX__
// occt
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
// smesh
#include "SMESH_DriverCGNS.hxx"
#include "SMESH_RegularGridTemplate.hxx"
#include "Driver_SMESHDS_Mesh.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
* \brief Driver writinging a mesh into the CGNS file.
class MESHDriverCGNS_EXPORT DriverStructuredCGNS_Write : public Driver_SMESHDS_Mesh
virtual Status Perform();
* \brief Search for a SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom associated to the geometry and return his name
* \param shapeToIndex, the index of the shape as given by shapeToIndex method
* \return the name of the group if found or an empty name
std::string GetGroupName( const int shapeToIndex, int dim );
* \brief Fill name of face interfaces associated to mesh groups
void CheckForGroupNameOnFaceInterfaces( const SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid* grid, std::vector<std::string>& interfaceNames );
* \brief Fill name of edge interfaces associated to mesh groups
void CheckForGroupNameOnEdgeInterfaces( const SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid* grid, std::vector<std::string>& interfaceNames );
int _fn; //!< file index
@ -737,8 +737,7 @@ public:
const int nbnodes,
std::set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& oldNodes );
void setNbShapes( size_t nbShapes );
void setNbShapes( size_t nbShapes );
// Fields PRIVATE
@ -766,7 +765,7 @@ public:
double ymin;
double ymax;
double zmin;
double zmax;
double zmax;
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
#ifdef WITH_CGNS
#include "DriverCGNS_Read.hxx"
#include "DriverCGNS_Write.hxx"
#include "DriverStructuredCGNS_Write.hxx"
#include <GEOMUtils.hxx>
@ -1686,6 +1687,51 @@ void SMESH_Mesh::ExportCGNS(const char * file,
if ( res != Driver_Mesh::DRS_OK )
throw SALOME_Exception("Export failed");
* \brief Export the mesh to the StructuredCGNS file
void SMESH_Mesh::ExportStructuredCGNS(const char * file, const SMESHDS_Mesh* meshPart, const char * meshName)
int res = Driver_Mesh::DRS_OK;
#ifdef WITH_CGNS
auto myMesh = meshPart ? (SMESHDS_Mesh*) meshPart : _meshDS;
if ( myMesh->HasSomeStructuredGridFilled() )
DriverStructuredCGNS_Write writer;
writer.SetFile( file );
writer.SetMesh( const_cast<SMESHDS_Mesh*>( myMesh ));
writer.SetMeshName( SMESH_Comment("Mesh_") << myMesh->GetPersistentId());
if ( meshName && meshName[0] )
writer.SetMeshName( meshName );
res = writer.Perform();
if ( res != Driver_Mesh::DRS_OK )
SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr err = writer.GetError();
if ( err && !err->IsOK() && !err->myComment.empty() )
throw SALOME_Exception(("Export failed: " + err->myComment ).c_str() );
SMESH_CATCH( SMESH::throwSalomeEx );
if ( res == Driver_Mesh::DRS_TOO_LARGE_MESH )
std::cout << "\n\n\n Going into too large mesh file path\n\n\n\n";
throw TooLargeForExport("CGNS");
if ( res != Driver_Mesh::DRS_OK )
throw SALOME_Exception("Export failed");
@ -305,6 +305,9 @@ class SMESH_EXPORT SMESH_Mesh
const SMESHDS_Mesh* mesh,
const char * meshName = 0,
const bool groupElemsByType = false);
void ExportStructuredCGNS(const char * file,
const SMESHDS_Mesh* mesh,
const char * meshName = 0);
void ExportGMF(const char * file,
const SMESHDS_Mesh* mesh,
bool withRequiredGroups = true );
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(
@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ SET(_link_LIBRARIES
@ -37,8 +37,7 @@
#include "SMESHDS_Script.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_TSubMeshHolder.hxx"
#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
#include <Standard_OutOfRange.hxx>
// #include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
@ -48,6 +47,9 @@
#include <TopoDS_Solid.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
#include <Standard_OutOfRange.hxx>
#include "utilities.h"
class SMESHDS_Mesh::SubMeshHolder : public SMESHDS_TSubMeshHolder< const SMESHDS_SubMesh >
@ -1030,6 +1032,8 @@ void SMESHDS_Mesh::RemoveFreeElement(const SMDS_MeshElement * elt,
void SMESHDS_Mesh::ClearMesh()
@ -1483,6 +1487,7 @@ void SMESHDS_Mesh::SetMeshElementOnShape(const SMDS_MeshElement* anElement,
// myScript
delete myScript;
// submeshes
@ -2280,3 +2285,81 @@ bool SMESHDS_Mesh::ModifyCellNodes(vtkIdType vtkVolId, std::map<int,int> localCl
myGrid->ModifyCellNodes(vtkVolId, localClonedNodeIds);
return true;
/* Create a structured grid associated to the shapeId meshed
* @remark the grid dimension (nx, ny, nz) is not associated to a space direction, those dimensions denotes which index
* run faster in the nested loop defining the nodes of a structured grid.
* for( k in range(0,nz) )
* for( j in range(0,ny) )
* for( i in range(0,nx) )
* @param shape been meshed, pass the shape that would be passed to SetNodeOnFace or SetNodeInVolume method.
* @param nx, faster dimension
* @param ny, medium dimension
* @param nz, slower dimension
* @return define a new * SMESH_StructuredGrid to the shapeId.
void SMESHDS_Mesh::SetStructuredGrid( const TopoDS_Shape & shape, const int nx, const int ny, const int nz )
int index = myIndexToShape.FindIndex(shape);
if ( index != 0 )
if ( myRegularGrid.IsBound(index) )
myRegularGrid.Bind(index, std::make_shared<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>(index,nx,ny,nz));
void SMESHDS_Mesh::SetNodeOnStructuredGrid( const TopoDS_Shape & shape, const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt>& P, const int iIndex, const int jIndex, const int kIndex )
int index = myIndexToShape.FindIndex(shape);
if ( index != 0 && myRegularGrid.IsBound(index) )
myRegularGrid.Seek(index)->get()->SetNode( P, iIndex, jIndex, kIndex );
void SMESHDS_Mesh::SetNodeOnStructuredGrid( const TopoDS_Shape & shape, const SMDS_MeshNode* P, const int iIndex, const int jIndex, const int kIndex )
int index = myIndexToShape.FindIndex(shape);
if ( index != 0 && myRegularGrid.IsBound(index) )
myRegularGrid.Seek(index)->get()->SetNode( P, iIndex, jIndex, kIndex );
void SMESHDS_Mesh::SetNodeOnStructuredGrid( const TopoDS_Shape & shape, const SMDS_MeshNode* P, const int index )
int shapeIndex = myIndexToShape.FindIndex(shape);
if ( shapeIndex != 0 && myRegularGrid.IsBound(shapeIndex) )
myRegularGrid.Seek(shapeIndex)->get()->SetNode( P, index );
bool SMESHDS_Mesh::HasStructuredGridFilled( const TopoDS_Shape & shape ) const
int index = myIndexToShape.FindIndex(shape);
if ( index != 0 && myRegularGrid.IsBound(index) )
return true;
return false;
bool SMESHDS_Mesh::HasSomeStructuredGridFilled() const
bool hasSomeStructuredGrid = false;
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( myShape, TopAbs_SOLID ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
TopoDS_Solid solid = TopoDS::Solid(fEx.Current());
if ( HasStructuredGridFilled( solid ) ) hasSomeStructuredGrid = true;
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( myShape, TopAbs_FACE ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(fEx.Current());
if ( HasStructuredGridFilled( face ) ) hasSomeStructuredGrid = true;
return hasSomeStructuredGrid;
const std::shared_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>& SMESHDS_Mesh::GetTheGrid( const TopoDS_Shape & shape )
int index = myIndexToShape.FindIndex(shape);
if ( index != 0 && myRegularGrid.IsBound(index) )
return *myRegularGrid.Seek(index);
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
#include "SMESH_SMESHDS.hxx"
#include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Utils.hxx"
#include "SMESH_RegularGrid.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_SubMesh.hxx"
#include <Basics_OCCTVersion.hxx>
@ -679,6 +681,13 @@ class SMESHDS_EXPORT SMESHDS_Mesh : public SMDS_Mesh
void CleanDownWardConnectivity();
void BuildDownWardConnectivity(bool withEdges);
virtual void SetStructuredGrid( const TopoDS_Shape & shape, const int nx, const int ny, const int nz = 1 );
virtual void SetNodeOnStructuredGrid( const TopoDS_Shape & shape, const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt>& P, const int iIndex, const int jIndex, const int kIndex = 0 );
virtual void SetNodeOnStructuredGrid( const TopoDS_Shape & shape, const SMDS_MeshNode* point, const int iIndex, const int jIndex, const int kIndex = 0 );
virtual void SetNodeOnStructuredGrid( const TopoDS_Shape & shape, const SMDS_MeshNode* point, const int index );
virtual bool HasStructuredGridFilled( const TopoDS_Shape & shape ) const;
virtual bool HasSomeStructuredGridFilled() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>& GetTheGrid( const TopoDS_Shape & shape );
@ -701,6 +710,9 @@ class SMESHDS_EXPORT SMESHDS_Mesh : public SMDS_Mesh
int add( const SMDS_MeshElement* elem, SMESHDS_SubMesh* subMesh );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* getSubmesh( const TopoDS_Shape & shape);
// Index the regular grid associated to the mesh in the geometry index
NCollection_DataMap<int,std::shared_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>> myRegularGrid;
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ namespace
format = "CGNS";
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Ball );
else if ( isGMF )
format = "GMF";
@ -677,6 +677,7 @@ namespace
bool toFindOutDim = true;
bool saveNumbers = resMgr->booleanValue( "SMESH", "med_save_numbers", true );
bool toRenumber = true;
bool structureCGNS = false;
double zTol = resMgr->doubleValue( "SMESH", "med_ztolerance", 0. );
QString aFilter, aTitle = QObject::tr("SMESH_EXPORT_MESH");
@ -697,20 +698,51 @@ namespace
anInitialPath + QString("/") + aMeshName,
aFilter, aTitle, false);
else if ( isCGNS || isUNV || isDAT ) // Export to [ CGNS | UNV | DAT ] - one option
else if ( isCGNS )
const char* theOptionResource = isCGNS ? "cgns_group_elems_by_type" : "export_renumber";
const char* theOptionResource = "cgns_group_elems_by_type";
bool option = resMgr->booleanValue( "SMESH", theOptionResource, false );
QStringList checkBoxes;
checkBoxes << QObject::tr( isCGNS ? "CGNS_EXPORT_ELEMS_BY_TYPE" : "SMESH_RENUMBER" );
checkBoxes << QObject::tr( "CGNS_EXPORT_ELEMS_BY_TYPE" ) << QObject::tr("STRUCTUREDCGNS");
SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg* fd = new SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg ( SMESHGUI::desktop(), false, checkBoxes, true, true );
fd->setWindowTitle( aTitle );
fd->setNameFilter( QObject::tr( "CGNS_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.cgns)" );
if ( !anInitialPath.isEmpty() )
fd->setDirectory( anInitialPath );
fd->selectFile( aMeshName );
SMESHGUI_FileValidator* fv = new SMESHGUI_FileValidator( fd );
fd->setValidator( fv );
fd->SetChecked( option, 0 );
if ( fd->exec() )
aFilename = fd->selectedFile();
structureCGNS = fd->IsChecked( 1 );
toOverwrite = fv->isOverwrite( aFilename );
option = fd->IsChecked( 0 );
SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->setValue("SMESH", theOptionResource, option );
toCreateGroups = option;
delete fd;
else if ( isUNV || isDAT ) // Export to [ UNV | DAT ] - one option
const char* theOptionResource = "export_renumber";
bool option = resMgr->booleanValue( "SMESH", theOptionResource, false );
QStringList checkBoxes;
checkBoxes << QObject::tr( "SMESH_RENUMBER" );
SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg* fd =
new SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg ( SMESHGUI::desktop(), false, checkBoxes, true, true );
fd->setWindowTitle( aTitle );
if ( isCGNS )
fd->setNameFilter( QObject::tr( "CGNS_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.cgns)" );
else if ( isUNV )
if ( isUNV )
fd->setNameFilter( QObject::tr( "IDEAS_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.unv)" );
else if ( isDAT )
fd->setNameFilter( QObject::tr( "DAT_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.dat)" );
@ -726,25 +758,25 @@ namespace
toOverwrite = fv->isOverwrite( aFilename );
option = fd->IsChecked( 0 );
SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->setValue("SMESH", theOptionResource, option );
( isCGNS ? toCreateGroups : toRenumber ) = option;
toRenumber = option;
delete fd;
else if ( isSTL ) // Export to STL
QMap<QString, int> aFilterMap;
QStringList filters;
aFilterMap.insert( QObject::tr( "STL_ASCII_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.stl)", 1 );
aFilterMap.insert( QObject::tr( "STL_BIN_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.stl)", 0 );
QStringList filters;
QMap<QString, int>::const_iterator it = aFilterMap.begin();
for ( ; it != aFilterMap.end(); ++it )
filters.push_back( it.key() );
filters.push_back( it.key() );
SUIT_FileDlg* fd = new SUIT_FileDlg( SMESHGUI::desktop(), false, true, true );
fd->setWindowTitle( aTitle );
fd->setNameFilters( filters );
fd->selectNameFilter( QObject::tr( "STL_ASCII_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.stl)" );
if ( !anInitialPath.isEmpty() )
fd->setDirectory( anInitialPath );
@ -752,7 +784,8 @@ namespace
while (!is_ok) {
if ( fd->exec() )
aFilename = fd->selectedFile();
aIsASCII_STL = (aFilterMap[fd->selectedNameFilter()]) == 1 ? true: false;
if ( isSTL )
aIsASCII_STL = (aFilterMap[fd->selectedNameFilter()]) == 1 ? true: false;
is_ok = true;
delete fd;
@ -987,14 +1020,21 @@ namespace
else if ( isCGNS )
aMeshIter = aMeshList.begin();
for( int aMeshIndex = 0; aMeshIter != aMeshList.end(); aMeshIter++, aMeshIndex++ )
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var aMeshOrGroup = (*aMeshIter).first;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMeshItem = aMeshOrGroup->GetMesh();
aMeshItem->ExportCGNS( aMeshOrGroup,
toOverwrite && aMeshIndex == 0,
toCreateGroups );
if ( !structureCGNS )
aMeshItem->ExportCGNS( aMeshOrGroup,
toOverwrite && aMeshIndex == 0,
toCreateGroups );
aMeshItem->ExportStructuredCGNS( aMeshOrGroup,
toOverwrite && aMeshIndex == 0 );
else if ( isGMF )
@ -1024,10 +1064,16 @@ namespace
QObject::tr("SMESH_EXPORT_FAILED_SHORT") + "\n\n" + exText);
else if ( isMED )
QObject::tr("SMESH_EXPORT_FAILED") + SalomeApp_Tools::ExceptionToString(S_ex));
@ -4150,7 +4196,7 @@ void SMESHGUI::createSMESHAction( const int id, const QString& po_id, const QStr
pix = resMgr->loadPixmap( "SMESH", tr( QString( "ICON_%1" ).arg( po_id ).toLatin1().data() ), false );
if ( !pix.isNull() )
icon = QIcon( pix );
QString tooltip = tr( QString( "TOP_%1" ).arg( po_id ).toLatin1().data() ),
menu = tr( QString( "MEN_%1" ).arg( po_id ).toLatin1().data() ),
status_bar = tr( QString( "STB_%1" ).arg( po_id ).toLatin1().data() );
@ -43,6 +43,10 @@
<translation>Group elements by type</translation>
<translation>Structured version (only for Hexahedron(i,j,k) and Quadrangle: Mapping meshes)</translation>
<translation>GMF ASCII files</translation>
@ -43,6 +43,10 @@
<translation>Groupe les éléments par type</translation>
<translation>Format structuré (uniquement pour les maillages Hexahedron(i,j,k) et Quadrangle: Mapping)</translation>
<translation>Fichiers GMF ASCII</translation>
@ -39,6 +39,10 @@
<translation>CGNS 構造化バージョンのエクスポート</translation>
@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ SET(SMESHUtils_HEADERS
# --- sources ---
@ -88,6 +90,7 @@ SET(SMESHUtils_SOURCES
# --- rules ---
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
// Copyright (C) 2016-2024 CEA, EDF
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESH_StructuredGrid.cxx
// Created : Sun March 24 09:58 2024
// Author : Cesar Conopoima (cce)
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"
#include "SMESH_TypeDefs.hxx"
#include "SMESH_RegularGridTemplate.hxx"
using namespace SMESHUtils;
SMESH_RegularGrid::SMESH_RegularGrid( const int id, const int nx, const int ny, const int nz ) :
myCoordinates.Resize(0,mnx*mny*mnz-1, false);
void SMESH_RegularGrid::SetNode( const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt>& point, const int iIndex, const int jIndex, const int zIndex )
int index = zIndex * mnx * mny + jIndex * mnx + iIndex;
if ( mns > 0 && index < mns && myCoordinates[ index ] == nullptr )
myCoordinates[ index ] = point;
void SMESH_RegularGrid::SetNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* point, const int iIndex, const int jIndex, const int zIndex )
int index = zIndex * mnx * mny + jIndex * mnx + iIndex;
if ( mns > 0 && index < mns && myCoordinates[ index ] == nullptr )
myCoordinates[ index ] = std::move( std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(point->X(),point->Y(),point->Z()));
void SMESH_RegularGrid::SetNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* point, const int index )
if ( mns > 0 && index < mns && myCoordinates[ index ] == nullptr )
myCoordinates[ index ] = std::move( std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(point->X(),point->Y(),point->Z()));
const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> SMESH_RegularGrid::GetNode( const int iIndex, const int jIndex, const int zIndex )
int index = zIndex * mnx * mny + jIndex * mnx + iIndex;
if ( index > -1 && index < mns )
return myCoordinates[ index ];
return nullptr;
std::tuple<int,int,int> SMESH_RegularGrid::GetIJK(const int index) const
int K = int(index/(mnx*mny));
int J = int(index/mnx) % mny;
int I = index % mnx;
return std::tuple<int,int,int>(I,J,K);
std::vector<int> SMESH_RegularGrid::getEdgeIndexLimitsInverted( const EdgeType edge ) const
auto limits = getEdgeIndexLimits( edge );
return limits;
std::vector<int> SMESH_RegularGrid::getEdgeIndexLimits( const EdgeType edge ) const
switch ( edge ) {
case EdgeType::BOTTOM:
return std::vector<int>{1,1,mnx,1};
case EdgeType::RIGHT:
return std::vector<int>{mnx,1,mnx,mny};
case EdgeType::TOP:
return std::vector<int>{mnx,mny,1,mny};
case EdgeType::LEFT:
return std::vector<int>{1,mny,1,1};
return std::vector<int>{1,1,mnx,1};
std::vector<int> SMESH_RegularGrid::getFaceIndexLimits( const int start, const int end ) const
auto startIJK = GetIJK(start);
auto endIJK = GetIJK(end);
int iStart = std::get<0>(startIJK);
int jStart = std::get<1>(startIJK);
int kStart = std::get<2>(startIJK);
int iEnd = std::get<0>(endIJK);
int jEnd = std::get<1>(endIJK);
int kEnd = std::get<2>(endIJK);
return std::vector<int>{iStart+1,jStart+1,kStart+1,iEnd+1,jEnd+1,kEnd+1};
std::vector<int> SMESH_RegularGrid::getEdgeIndexLimits( const int start, const int end ) const
auto startIJK = GetIJK(start);
auto endIJK = GetIJK(end);
int iStart = std::get<0>(startIJK);
int jStart = std::get<1>(startIJK);
int iEnd = std::get<0>(endIJK);
int jEnd = std::get<1>(endIJK);
return std::vector<int>{iStart+1,jStart+1,iEnd+1,jEnd+1};
std::vector<int> SMESH_RegularGrid::getFaceIndexLimits( const FaceType face ) const
switch ( face ) {
case FaceType::B_BOTTOM:
return std::vector<int>{1,1,1,mnx,mny,1}; /*V0-V2*/
case FaceType::B_RIGHT:
return std::vector<int>{mnx,1,1,mnx,mny,mnz}; /*V1-V6*/
case FaceType::B_BACK:
return std::vector<int>{1,mny,1,mnx,mny,mnz}; /*V3-V6*/
case FaceType::B_LEFT:
return std::vector<int>{1,1,1,1,mny,mnz}; /*V0-V7*/
case FaceType::B_FRONT:
return std::vector<int>{1,1,1,mnx,1,mnz}; /*V0-V5*/
case FaceType::B_TOP:
return std::vector<int>{1,1,mnz,mnx,mny,mnz}; /*V4-V6*/
return std::vector<int>{1,1,1,mnx,mny,1};
int SMESH_RegularGrid::getEdgeSize( const EdgeType edge ) const
switch ( edge ) {
case EdgeType::BOTTOM:
case EdgeType::TOP:
return mnx;
case EdgeType::RIGHT:
case EdgeType::LEFT:
return mny;
return mnx;
int SMESH_RegularGrid::getFaceSize( const FaceType edge ) const
switch ( edge ) {
case FaceType::B_BOTTOM:
case FaceType::B_TOP:
return mnx*mny;
case FaceType::B_RIGHT:
case FaceType::B_LEFT:
return mny*mnz;
case FaceType::B_FRONT:
case FaceType::B_BACK:
return mnx*mnz;
return mnx;
void SMESH_RegularGrid::getAllEdgeIndexLimits(std::vector<std::vector<int>>& allRanges)
this->foreachGridSide( [&]( EdgeType edge )
allRanges.push_back( getEdgeIndexLimits(edge) );
void SMESH_RegularGrid::getAllFaceIndexLimits(std::vector<std::vector<int>>& allRanges)
this->foreachGridFace( [&]( FaceType face )
allRanges.push_back( getFaceIndexLimits(face) );
std::vector<int> SMESH_RegularGrid::nodesOfFace( SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType face ) const
size_t faceSize=0;
if ( face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_BOTTOM || face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_TOP )
faceSize = mnx*mny;
if ( face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_LEFT || face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_RIGHT )
faceSize = mny*mnz;
if ( face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_BACK || face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_FRONT )
faceSize = mnx*mnz;
std::vector<int> index(faceSize);
switch ( face ) {
case FaceType::B_BOTTOM:
for (size_t i = 0; i < faceSize; i++)
index[ i ] = i;
case FaceType::B_TOP:
for (size_t i = 0; i < faceSize; i++)
index[ i ] = mnx * mny * mnz - mnx * mny + i;
case FaceType::B_RIGHT:
for (size_t i = 0; i < faceSize; i++)
auto dv = std::div(i,mny);
index[ i ] = dv.quot * mnx * mny + (mnx-1)*(dv.rem+1)+dv.rem;
case FaceType::B_LEFT:
for (size_t i = 0; i < faceSize; i++)
auto dv = std::div(i,mny);
index[ i ] = dv.quot * mnx * mny + (dv.rem) * mnx;
case FaceType::B_BACK:
for (size_t i = 0; i < faceSize; i++)
auto dv = std::div(i,mnx);
index[ i ] = dv.quot * mnx * mny + mny * mnx - mnx + dv.rem;
case FaceType::B_FRONT:
for (size_t i = 0; i < faceSize; i++)
auto dv = std::div(i,mnx);
index[ i ] = dv.quot * mnx * mny + dv.rem;
return index;
std::vector<int> SMESH_RegularGrid::nodesOfSide( SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType edge ) const
size_t sideSize = ( edge == SMESH_RegularGrid::BOTTOM ) || ( edge == SMESH_RegularGrid::TOP ) ? mnx : mny;
std::vector<int> index(sideSize);
switch ( edge ) {
case EdgeType::BOTTOM:
for (size_t i = 0; i < sideSize; i++)
index[ i ] = i;
case EdgeType::RIGHT:
for (size_t i = 0; i < sideSize; i++)
index[ i ] = mnx*(i+1)-1;
case EdgeType::TOP:
for (size_t i = 0; i < sideSize; i++)
index[ i ] = mnx*mny-(i+1);
case EdgeType::LEFT:
for (size_t i = 0; i < sideSize; i++)
index[ i ] = mnx*mny-(i+1)*mnx;
return index;
// Return the index of the nodes at begin and end of the edge
std::pair<int,int> SMESH_RegularGrid::getEdgeLimits( const EdgeType edge ) const
switch ( edge ) {
case EdgeType::BOTTOM:
return std::make_pair(0,mnx-1);
case EdgeType::RIGHT:
return std::make_pair(mnx-1,mnx*mny-1);
case EdgeType::TOP:
return std::make_pair(mnx*mny-1,mnx*mny-mnx);
case EdgeType::LEFT:
return std::make_pair(mnx*mny-mnx,0);
return std::make_pair(0,mnx-1);
int SMESH_RegularGrid::getFaceCoordinateIndex( const VertexType v ) const
switch ( v ) {
case VertexType::V0:
return 0;
case VertexType::V1:
return mnx-1;
case VertexType::V2:
return mnx*mny-1;
case VertexType::V3:
return mnx*mny-mnx;
case VertexType::V4:
return mnx*mny*mnz-mnx*mny;
case VertexType::V5:
return mnx*mny*mnz-mnx*mny+mnx-1;
case VertexType::V6:
return mnx*mny*mnz-1;
case VertexType::V7:
return mnx*mny*mnz-mnx;
return 0;
std::tuple<int,int,int,int> SMESH_RegularGrid::getFaceLimits( const FaceType face ) const
switch ( face ) {
case FaceType::B_BOTTOM: /*V0-V2-V1-V3*/
return std::tuple<int,int,int,int>{getFaceCoordinateIndex(VertexType::V0),
case FaceType::B_RIGHT: /*V1-V6-V2-V5*/
return std::tuple<int,int,int,int>{getFaceCoordinateIndex(VertexType::V1),
case FaceType::B_BACK: /*V3-V6-V2-V7*/
return std::tuple<int,int,int,int>{getFaceCoordinateIndex(VertexType::V3),
case FaceType::B_LEFT: /*V0-V7-V3-V4*/
return std::tuple<int,int,int,int>{getFaceCoordinateIndex(VertexType::V0),
case FaceType::B_FRONT: /*V0-V5-V1-V4*/
return std::tuple<int,int,int,int>{getFaceCoordinateIndex(VertexType::V0),
case FaceType::B_TOP:
return std::tuple<int,int,int,int>{getFaceCoordinateIndex(VertexType::V4),
return std::tuple<int,int,int,int>{getFaceCoordinateIndex(VertexType::V0),
void SMESH_RegularGrid::GetCommontInterface( FaceType face, SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface )
const double tol = Precision::Confusion(); /*confusion is 1e-7, the recommended tolerance to find coincident points in 3D*/
auto vertex = getFaceLimits( face );
auto v0 = myCoordinates[std::get<0>(vertex)];
auto v1 = myCoordinates[std::get<1>(vertex)];
auto v2 = myCoordinates[std::get<2>(vertex)];
auto v3 = myCoordinates[std::get<3>(vertex)];
auto foundOneTrue = [](int begin, int end, std::vector<bool>& v ) -> bool
for ( int i = begin; i <= end; i++ )
if ( v[i] )
return true;
return false;
auto foundTrueColum = [](int colum, std::vector<bool>& v ) -> bool
int strikeSize = 4;
for ( int i = 0; i < strikeSize; i++ )
if ( v[colum + i*strikeSize] )
return true;
return false;
grid->foreachGridFace( [&]( FaceType gridFace )
std::vector<int> interfaceRange,interfaceDonor,tranformationRange,tranformationDonor;
auto neighboorVertex = grid->getFaceLimits( gridFace );
auto v4 = grid->GetNode(std::get<0>(neighboorVertex));
auto v5 = grid->GetNode(std::get<1>(neighboorVertex));
auto v6 = grid->GetNode(std::get<2>(neighboorVertex));
auto v7 = grid->GetNode(std::get<3>(neighboorVertex));
std::vector<bool> trueTable({ v0->IsEqual(*v4,tol),v0->IsEqual(*v5,tol),v0->IsEqual(*v6,tol),v0->IsEqual(*v7,tol),
std::vector<bool> trueCorner({foundOneTrue(0,3,trueTable),
foundOneTrue(12,15,trueTable) });
if ( trueCorner[0] &&
trueCorner[1] &&
trueCorner[2] &&
trueCorner[3] ) /*Face to Face interface 100% conform*/
interfaceRange = this->getFaceIndexLimits( face );
interfaceDonor = grid->getFaceIndexLimits( gridFace );
else if ( trueCorner[0] || trueCorner[1] ||
trueCorner[2] || trueCorner[3] ) /*Partial Face to Face. Only one intersection then all the other 3 vertex are: 2 in the edges 1 inside the face*/
// Two possible cases:
// 1) face < gridFace
if ( this->getFaceSize( face ) < grid->getFaceSize( gridFace ) )
auto nodeToSearch = trueCorner[0] ? v1 : trueCorner[2] ? v3 : trueCorner[1] ? v0 : v2;
grid->foreachNodeOnFace( gridFace, [&] (const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> sidePoint, const int nodeIndex)
if ( nodeToSearch->IsEqual( *sidePoint, tol ) )
interfaceRange = this->getFaceIndexLimits( face );
auto startIndex = foundTrueColum(0,trueTable) ? std::get<0>(neighboorVertex) :
foundTrueColum(2,trueTable) ? std::get<2>(neighboorVertex) :
foundTrueColum(1,trueTable) ? std::get<1>(neighboorVertex) :
interfaceDonor = startIndex < nodeIndex ?
grid->getFaceIndexLimits( startIndex, nodeIndex ) :
grid->getFaceIndexLimits( nodeIndex, startIndex );
// 2) face > gridEdge
else if ( this->getFaceSize( face ) > grid->getFaceSize( gridFace ) )
auto nodeToSearch = foundTrueColum(0,trueTable) ? v5 :
foundTrueColum(2,trueTable) ? v7 :
foundTrueColum(1,trueTable) ? v4 : v6;
this->foreachNodeOnFace( face, [&] (const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> sidePoint, const int nodeIndex )
if ( nodeToSearch->IsEqual( *sidePoint, tol ) )
auto startIndex = trueCorner[0] ? std::get<0>(vertex) :
trueCorner[2] ? std::get<2>(vertex) :
trueCorner[1] ? std::get<1>(vertex) : std::get<3>(vertex);
interfaceRange = startIndex < nodeIndex ?
this->getFaceIndexLimits( startIndex, nodeIndex) :
this->getFaceIndexLimits( nodeIndex, startIndex );
interfaceDonor = grid->getFaceIndexLimits( gridFace );
if ( !interfaceRange.empty() && !interfaceDonor.empty() )
tranformationRange = this->computeTransformation( face, gridFace, interfaceRange, interfaceDonor );
tranformationDonor = grid->computeTransformation( gridFace, face, interfaceDonor, interfaceRange );
interface = std::vector<int>{(int)face}+interfaceRange+interfaceDonor+tranformationRange;
auto dualInterface = std::vector<int>{(int)face}+interfaceDonor+interfaceRange+tranformationDonor;
this->setInterface( face, grid->id(), interface );
grid->setInterface( gridFace, this->id(), dualInterface );
void SMESH_RegularGrid::GetCommontInterface( EdgeType edge, SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface )
const double tol = Precision::Confusion(); /*confusion is 1e-7, the recommended tolerance to find coincident points in 3D*/
auto vertex = getEdgeLimits( edge );
auto v0 = myCoordinates[vertex.first];
auto v1 = myCoordinates[vertex.second];
grid->foreachGridSide( [&]( EdgeType gridEdge )
std::vector<int> interfaceRange,interfaceDonor,tranformationRange,tranformationDonor;
auto neighboorVertex = grid->getEdgeLimits( gridEdge );
auto v2 = grid->GetNode(neighboorVertex.first);
auto v3 = grid->GetNode(neighboorVertex.second);
std::vector<bool> trueTable({ v0->IsEqual(*v2,tol),
v1->IsEqual(*v3,tol) });
if ( (trueTable[0] || trueTable[1] ) && /*Case start-end vertex are coincident in both edges trivial*/
(trueTable[2] ||trueTable[3] ) )
interfaceRange = this->getEdgeIndexLimits( edge );
interfaceDonor = grid->getEdgeIndexLimitsInverted( gridEdge );
else if ( trueTable[0] || /*Case start OR end vertex are coincident in both edges*/
trueTable[1] ||
trueTable[2] ||
trueTable[3] )
// Two possible cases:
// 1) edge < gridEdge means that v1 is going to be found as an intersection inside gridEdge side!!!
if ( this->getEdgeSize( edge ) < grid->getEdgeSize( gridEdge ) )
auto nodeToSearch = (trueTable[0] || trueTable[1]) ? v1 : v0;
grid->foreachNodeOnSide( gridEdge, [&] (const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> sidePoint, const int nodeIndex)
if ( nodeToSearch->IsEqual( *sidePoint, tol ) )
interfaceRange = this->getEdgeIndexLimits( edge );
auto startIndex = (trueTable[0] || trueTable[2]) ? neighboorVertex.first : neighboorVertex.second;
interfaceDonor = startIndex < nodeIndex ?
grid->getEdgeIndexLimits( startIndex, nodeIndex ) :
grid->getEdgeIndexLimits( nodeIndex, startIndex );
// 2) edge > gridEdge means that v2 or v3 are going to be found as an intersection inside edge side!!!
else if ( this->getEdgeSize( edge ) > grid->getEdgeSize( gridEdge ) )
auto nodeToSearch = (trueTable[0] || trueTable[2]) ? v3 : v2;
this->foreachNodeOnSide( edge, [&] (const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> sidePoint, const int nodeIndex)
if ( nodeToSearch->IsEqual( *sidePoint, tol ) )
auto startIndex = (trueTable[0] || trueTable[1]) ? vertex.first : vertex.second;
interfaceRange = startIndex < nodeIndex ?
this->getEdgeIndexLimits( startIndex, nodeIndex) :
this->getEdgeIndexLimits( nodeIndex, startIndex );
interfaceDonor = grid->getEdgeIndexLimitsInverted( gridEdge );
else /*Case nor start nor end are coincident in both edges but one of the edges can be embemded completly in the other*/
// Discard quickly non parallel and far edges
auto v01 = v1->Coord()-v0->Coord();
auto v23 = v3->Coord()-v2->Coord();
if ( std::fabs( v01.Dot(v23) ) == 1.0 /*parallel edges might have intersection*/ )
double v01Module = v01.Modulus();
double v23Module = v23.Modulus();
auto ref = v01Module > v23Module ? v01 : v23;
auto v0Ref = v01Module > v23Module ? v0->Coord() : v2->Coord();
auto v2Ref = v01Module > v23Module ? std::pair<gp_XYZ,gp_XYZ>(v2->Coord(),v3->Coord()) : std::pair<gp_XYZ,gp_XYZ>(v0->Coord(),v1->Coord());
auto t = ref.X() != 0. ? std::pair<double,double>( (v2Ref.first.X()-v0Ref.X())/ref.X(), (v2Ref.second.X()-v0Ref.X())/ref.X()) :
ref.Y() != 0. ? std::pair<double,double>( (v2Ref.first.Y()-v0Ref.Y())/ref.Y(), (v2Ref.second.Y()-v0Ref.Y())/ref.Y()) :
std::pair<double,double>( (v2Ref.first.Z()-v0Ref.Z())/ref.Z(), (v2Ref.second.Z()-v0Ref.Z())/ref.Z());
// check if the smaller edge contains a point inside the bigger one
// use the 3D line equation for this.
// 1) t goes from [0,1] in the reference (bigger) edge. Check if any of the points of the other edge is 0 <= t12 <= 1
if ( (t.first >= 0. && t.first <= 1.) || (t.second >= 0. && t.second <= 1.) )
bool isFirstVertex = t.first >= 0. && t.first <= 1.;
bool isSecondVertex = t.second >= 0. && t.second <= 1.;
if ( v01Module > v23Module && (isFirstVertex && isSecondVertex) /*100% edge embeded in the other && edge>gridEdge*/ )
int startIndex = -1;
int endIndex = -1;
bool firstToBeFound = true;
this->foreachNodeOnSide( edge, [&] (const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> sidePoint, const int nodeIndex)
if ( v2->IsEqual( *sidePoint, tol ) || v3->IsEqual( *sidePoint, tol ) )
if ( firstToBeFound )
startIndex = nodeIndex;
firstToBeFound = false;
endIndex = nodeIndex;
if ( startIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1 )
interfaceRange = this->getEdgeIndexLimits( startIndex, endIndex );
interfaceDonor = grid->getEdgeIndexLimitsInverted( gridEdge );
else if ( (isFirstVertex && isSecondVertex) /*100% edge embeded in the other && gridEdge>edge*/ )
int startIndex = -1;
int endIndex = -1;
bool firstToBeFound = true;
grid->foreachNodeOnSide( gridEdge, [&] (const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> sidePoint, const int nodeIndex)
if ( v0->IsEqual( *sidePoint, tol ) || v1->IsEqual( *sidePoint, tol ) )
if ( firstToBeFound )
startIndex = nodeIndex;
firstToBeFound = false;
endIndex = nodeIndex;
if ( startIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1 )
interfaceRange = this->getEdgeIndexLimits( edge );
interfaceDonor = grid->getEdgeIndexLimits( startIndex, endIndex );
if ( !interfaceRange.empty() && !interfaceDonor.empty() )
tranformationRange = this->computeTransformation( edge, gridEdge, interfaceRange, interfaceDonor );
tranformationDonor = grid->computeTransformation( gridEdge, edge, interfaceDonor, interfaceRange );
interface = std::vector<int>{(int)edge} + interfaceRange+interfaceDonor+tranformationRange;
auto dualInterface = std::vector<int>{(int)edge} + interfaceDonor+interfaceRange+tranformationDonor;
this->setInterface( edge, grid->id(), interface );
grid->setInterface( gridEdge, this->id(), dualInterface );
std::vector<int> SMESH_RegularGrid::computeTransformation( const SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType edge, SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType gridDonorEdge,
std::vector<int>& interfaceRange, std::vector<int>& interfaceDonor ) const
std::vector<int> transform(2);
int r[2], d[2];
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
r[i] = interfaceRange[i + 2] - interfaceRange[i];
d[i] = interfaceDonor[i + 2] - interfaceDonor[i];
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
transform[i] = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
if(std::abs(r[i]) == std::abs(d[j])) { // == 0 on an interface
transform[i] = j + 1;
if(!r[i] && !d[j]) { // on an interface
// both interfaces correspond to a min index or to a max index
bool topBottom = (edge == SMESH_RegularGrid::BOTTOM || edge == SMESH_RegularGrid::TOP) && (gridDonorEdge == SMESH_RegularGrid::BOTTOM || gridDonorEdge == SMESH_RegularGrid::TOP);
bool leftRight = (edge == SMESH_RegularGrid::RIGHT || edge == SMESH_RegularGrid::LEFT) && (gridDonorEdge == SMESH_RegularGrid::RIGHT || gridDonorEdge == SMESH_RegularGrid::LEFT);
if( topBottom || leftRight )
transform[i] *= -1;
else {
if(r[i] * d[j] < 0) transform[i] *= -1;
return transform;
std::vector<int> SMESH_RegularGrid::computeTransformation( const SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType face, SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType gridDonorFace,
std::vector<int>& interfaceRange, std::vector<int>& interfaceDonor ) const
std::vector<int> transform(3);
int r[3], d[3];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
r[i] = interfaceRange[i + 3] - interfaceRange[i];
d[i] = interfaceDonor[i + 3] - interfaceDonor[i];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
transform[i] = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if(std::abs(r[i]) == std::abs(d[j])) { // == 0 on an interface
transform[i] = j + 1;
if(!r[i] && !d[j]) { // on an interface
// both interfaces correspond to a min index or to a max index
bool bothMin = ( face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_BOTTOM ||
face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_LEFT ||
face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_FRONT ) &&
(gridDonorFace == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_BOTTOM ||
gridDonorFace == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_LEFT ||
gridDonorFace == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_FRONT );
bool bothMax = (face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_TOP ||
face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_RIGHT ||
face == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_BACK ) &&
(gridDonorFace == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_TOP ||
gridDonorFace == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_RIGHT ||
gridDonorFace == SMESH_RegularGrid::B_FRONT );
if( bothMin || bothMax )
transform[i] *= -1;
else {
if(r[i] * d[j] < 0) transform[i] *= -1;
return transform;
void SMESH_RegularGrid::setInterface( SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType edge, const int gridId, std::vector<int>& interface )
myInterfaceMap[edge][gridId] = interface;
void SMESH_RegularGrid::setInterface( SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType face, const int gridId, std::vector<int>& interface )
myFaceInterafaceMap[face][gridId] = interface;
SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType SMESH_RegularGrid::getFaceTypeByGeomFace( TopoDS_Shape shapeFace ) const
const double tol = Precision::Confusion();
SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType foundFace = SMESH_RegularGrid::B_NONE;
this->foreachGridFace( [&]( FaceType face )
auto faceLimits = getFaceLimits(face);
auto v0 = myCoordinates[std::get<0>(faceLimits)];
auto v1 = myCoordinates[std::get<1>(faceLimits)];
auto v2 = myCoordinates[std::get<2>(faceLimits)];
auto v3 = myCoordinates[std::get<3>(faceLimits)];
int nVertex = 0;
int nVertexInFace = 0;
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shapeFace, TopAbs_VERTEX ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
gp_Pnt pV = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex(fEx.Current()) );
nVertexInFace += int( v0->IsEqual(pV,tol) ) + int( v1->IsEqual(pV,tol) ) + int( v2->IsEqual(pV,tol) ) + int( v3->IsEqual(pV,tol) ) ;
if ( nVertex == nVertexInFace )
foundFace = face;
return foundFace;
SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType SMESH_RegularGrid::getEdgeTypeByGeomEdge( TopoDS_Shape shapeEdge ) const
const double tol = Precision::Confusion();
SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType foundEdge = SMESH_RegularGrid::NONE;
this->foreachGridSide ( [&]( EdgeType edge )
auto edgeLimits = getEdgeLimits(edge);
auto v0 = myCoordinates[edgeLimits.first];
auto v1 = myCoordinates[edgeLimits.second];
int nVertex = 0;
int nVertexInEdge = 0;
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shapeEdge, TopAbs_VERTEX ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
gp_Pnt pV = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex(fEx.Current()) );
nVertexInEdge += int( v0->IsEqual(pV,tol) ) + int( v1->IsEqual(pV,tol) );
if ( nVertex == nVertexInEdge )
foundEdge = edge;
return foundEdge;
bool SMESH_RegularGrid::GetPrecomputedInterface( EdgeType edge, const SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface )
if ( myInterfaceMap.count(edge) && myInterfaceMap[edge].count(grid->id()) )
interface = myInterfaceMap[edge][grid->id()];
return true;
return false;
bool SMESH_RegularGrid::GetPrecomputedInterface( FaceType face, const SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface )
if ( myFaceInterafaceMap.count(face) && myFaceInterafaceMap[face].count(grid->id()) )
interface = myFaceInterafaceMap[face][grid->id()];
return true;
return false;
void SMESH_RegularGrid::GetEdgeInterfaces( SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface )
this->foreachGridSide( [&]( EdgeType edge )
if ( !this->GetPrecomputedInterface( edge, grid, interface ) )
this->GetCommontInterface( edge, grid, interface );
void SMESH_RegularGrid::GetFaceInterfaces( SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface )
this->foreachGridFace( [&]( FaceType face )
if ( !this->GetPrecomputedInterface( face, grid, interface ) )
this->GetCommontInterface( face, grid, interface );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
// Copyright (C) 2016-2024 CEA, EDF
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESH_RegularGrid.hxx
// Created : Sun March 24 09:58 2024
// Author : Cesar Conopoima (cce)
#ifndef __SMESH_RegularGrid_HXX__
#define __SMESH_RegularGrid_HXX__
#include <Precision.hxx>
#include <NCollection_Array1.hxx>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include "SMESH_Utils.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"
#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeReal.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
class Adaptor3d_Surface;
class Adaptor2d_Curve2d;
class Adaptor3d_Curve;
class gp_Pnt;
class gp_XYZ;
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> operator+(std::vector<T> const &x, std::vector<T> const &y)
std::vector<T> vec;
vec.reserve(x.size() + y.size());
vec.insert(vec.end(), x.begin(), x.end());
vec.insert(vec.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
return vec;
namespace SMESHUtils
* \brief Define a regular grid of nx,ny,nz dimension. A vector with gp_Pnt is
* defined by default by a canonical order, the canonical order is:
* i-index goes faster, then j-index and finaly z-index.
* This data structure was created to index mesh nodes created by Quadrangle_2D and Prism_3D meshers.
* The StructuredCGNS export driver uses this data structure to define zones, grid coordinate points and interfaces.
class SMESHUtils_EXPORT SMESH_RegularGrid
SMESH_RegularGrid( const int id, const int nx, const int ny, const int nz = 1 );
void SetNode( const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt>& point, const int iIndex, const int jIndex, const int zIndex = 0 );
void SetNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* point, const int iIndex, const int jIndex, const int zIndex = 0 );
void SetNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* point, const int index );
const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> GetNode( const int index ) const { return myCoordinates[index]; };
const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> GetNode( const int iIndex, const int jIndex, const int zIndex );
int nx() const { return mnx; };
int ny() const { return mny; };
int nz() const { return mnz; };
int Size() { return mns;};
NCollection_Array1<std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt>>::Iterator CoordinateBegin() { return NCollection_Array1<std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt>>::Iterator( myCoordinates ); };
int id() const { return myId; };
* o------TOP (j=ny-1)----o
* | |
* | |
* | |
* LEFT (i=0) RIGTH(i=nx-1)
* | |
* | |
* | |
* o------BOTTOM(j=0)-----o
enum EdgeType
NONE /**/
enum VertexType
/* Define vertex numeration convention
* V7 V6
* +--------+--------+--------+
* / / / /|
* +--------+--------+--------+ |
* / / / /| |
* +--------+--------+--------+ | +
* / / / V5 /| |/|
* V4 +--------+--------+--------+ | + |
* | | | |/| |
* | | | + | +
* | | |/| |/|
* + | | + |
* | | | |/| |
* | +-------+----------+-| + | + V2
* | / V3 |/| |/
* + / | +
* | / | |/
* | / | +
* |/ |/
* +--------+--------+--------+
* V0 V1
* Canonical cartesian axis orientation
* ^ ^ j (or y)
* k (or z)| /
* | /
* |/
* +------> i (or x)
enum FaceType
B_BOTTOM, /*k=0 move (i,j)*/
B_RIGHT, /*i=mnx move (j,k)*/
B_BACK, /*j=mny move (i,k)*/
B_LEFT, /*i=0 move (j,k) */
B_FRONT, /*j=0 move (i,k)*/
B_TOP, /*k=mnz move (i,j) */
B_NONE /**/
* +--------+--------+--------+
* / / / /|
* +--------+--------+--------+ |
* / / Top / /| |
* +--------+--------+--------+ | +
* / / / /| |/|
* +--------+--------+--------+ | + |
* | | | | |/| | <- Right
* | | | | + | +
* | | | |/| |/|
* +--------+--------+--------+ | + |
* Left -> | | Front | | |/| |
* | | | | + | +
* | | | |/| |/
* +--------+--------+--------+ | +
* | | | | |/
* | | | | +
* | | | |/
* +--------+--------+--------+
* ^
* |
* Bottom
* Canonical cartesian axis orientation
* ^ ^ j (or y)
* k (or z)| /
* | /
* |/
* +------> i (or x)
// \brief Given a grid and a potentially neigbor grid return the vector describing the interface used by the cgns mesh format
// \remark the interface vector has the follow informations:
// id the target range the donor range the transformation
// {edgeId, ibegin,jbegin, iend,jend, transformation}
// \remark As interfaces are unique, the dual interface (interaction of the neighbor grid and the current one) is also defined
// \param the neighbor grid
// \return the interface vector filled
void GetEdgeInterfaces( SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface );
// \brief Given a grid and a potentially neigbor grid return the vector describing the interface used by the cgns mesh format
// \remark the interface vector has the follow informations:
// id the target range the donor range the transformation
// {edgeId, ibegin,jbegin,kbegin, iend,jend,kend, transformation}
// \remark As interfaces are unique, the dual interface (interaction of the neighbor grid and the current one) is also defined
// \param the neighbor grid
// \return the interface vector filled
void GetFaceInterfaces( SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface );
// \brief Fill the allRanges vector with the boundaries of the grid
void getAllEdgeIndexLimits( std::vector<std::vector<int>>& allRanges );
// \brief Fill the allRanges vector with the boundaries of the grid
void getAllFaceIndexLimits( std::vector<std::vector<int>>& allRanges );
// \brief Get limits of the edge in the order (ibegin,jbegin,iend,jend)+1 because index in CGNS are not zero based
std::vector<int> getEdgeIndexLimits( const EdgeType edge ) const;
// \brief Get limits of the edge in the order (iend,jend,ibegin,jbegin)+1 because index in CGNS are not zero based
std::vector<int> getEdgeIndexLimitsInverted( const EdgeType edge ) const;
// \brief Get limits of the face in the order (ibegin,jbegin,kbegin,iend,jend,kend)+1 because index in CGNS are not zero based
std::vector<int> getFaceIndexLimits( SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType face ) const;
// \brief Return the faceType to which the passed geometrical face belows to
SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType getFaceTypeByGeomFace( TopoDS_Shape shapeFace ) const;
// \brief Return the edgeType to which the passed geometrical edge belows to
SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType getEdgeTypeByGeomEdge( TopoDS_Shape shapeEdge ) const;
// Utility functions
// \brief Given one of the edge types and a grid determine whether or not they are adjacent on that side
// \remark There are three types of interfaces.
// 1) end to end intersection, both sides are exactly the same
// 2) one of the sides is smaller than the other but the grid are conform so the intersection is given exacly node by node
// 3) the same for 2) but nodes are not coincident
// \param edge, the edge where we are checking for interface
// \param grid, a neighbor grid
// \return interface, the interface vector filled in case an interface was found
void GetCommontInterface( EdgeType edge, SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface );
void GetCommontInterface( FaceType face, SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface );
// \brief Accessor method to interfaces already computed by other grid
// \param edge, the edge where we are checking for interface
// \param grid, a neighbor grid
// \param interface, the interface vector filled in case an interface was found
bool GetPrecomputedInterface( EdgeType edge, const SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface );
// \brief Accessor method to interfaces already computed by other grid
// \param face, the face where we are checking for interface
// \param grid, a neighbor grid
// \param interface, the interface vector filled in case an interface was found
bool GetPrecomputedInterface( FaceType face, const SMESH_RegularGrid * grid, std::vector<int>& interface );
// \brief Set the interface found between two neighbor grids.
// \remark fill the inner map between edges and grids used to recover precomputed interfaces with GetPrecomputedInterface method
void setInterface( SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType edge, const int gridId, std::vector<int>& interface );
// \brief Set the interface found between two neighbor grids.
// \remark fill the inner map between edges and grids used to recover precomputed interfaces with GetPrecomputedInterface method
void setInterface( SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType face, const int gridId, std::vector<int>& interface );
// \brief Get the coordinate indexes defining the limit of the edge
std::pair<int,int> getEdgeLimits( const SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType edge ) const;
// \brief Get the coordinate indexes defining the limit of the face
std::tuple<int,int,int,int> getFaceLimits( const SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType face ) const;
// \brief Get limits of the edge in the order (ibegin,jbegin,iend,jend)+1 because index in CGNS are not zero based
std::vector<int> getEdgeIndexLimits( const int start, const int end ) const;
std::vector<int> getFaceIndexLimits( const int start, const int end ) const;
// \brief Compute the tranformation vector following the rules of the cgns format
std::vector<int> computeTransformation( const SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType edge, SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType gridDonorEdge, std::vector<int>& interfaceRange, std::vector<int>& interfaceDonor ) const;
// \brief Compute the tranformation vector following the rules of the cgns format
std::vector<int> computeTransformation( const SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType face, SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType gridDonorFace, std::vector<int>& interfaceRange, std::vector<int>& interfaceDonor ) const;
// \brief Number of nodes on the edge
int getEdgeSize(const EdgeType edge ) const;
// \brief Number of nodes on the face
int getFaceSize(const FaceType face ) const;
// \brief Coordinate index of the given vertex
int getFaceCoordinateIndex( const VertexType v ) const;
// \brief Given the index of a coordinate return his (i,j,k) location in the grid
// \param the index in the coordinates vector
// \return a tuple with the (i,j,k) coordinates of the point in the grid
std::tuple<int,int,int> GetIJK( const int index ) const;
// \brief Iterator function to execute the 'fSide' function for each edge side of the grid
// \remark utility function to be used as:
// grid->foreachGridSide( [&]( EdgeType edge )
// {
// // Inner logic to be execute for each side of the grid
// });
template<typename FUNCTION>
void foreachGridSide( const FUNCTION& fSide ) const;
// \brief Iterator function to execute the 'fSide' function for each face side of the grid
// \remark utility function to be used as:
// grid->foreachGridFace( [&]( FaceType face )
// {
// // Inner logic to be execute for each face side of the grid
// });
template<typename FUNCTION>
void foreachGridFace( const FUNCTION& fSide ) const;
// \brief Iterator function to execute the lambda function with argument for each grid point and index in the gridEdge
// \remark utility function to be used as:
// grid->foreachNodeOnSide( gridEdge, [&]( (const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> , const int nodeIndex ) )
// {
// // Inner logic to be execute for each node and index of the passed grid edge side
// });
void foreachNodeOnSide( SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType edge, const std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> point, const int index )>& function ) const;
// \brief Iterator function to execute the lambda function with argument for each grid point and index in the gridFace
// \remark utility function to be used as:
// grid->foreachNodeOnFace( gridFace, [&]( (const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt>, const int nodeIndex ) )
// {
// // Inner logic to be execute for each node and index of the passed grid face side
// });
void foreachNodeOnFace( SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType face, const std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> point, const int index )>& function ) const;
// \brief Get all the indices of nodes in an edge side
// \param edge, the edge of the grid
// \return the index of all the nodes in the edge
std::vector<int> nodesOfSide( SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType edge ) const;
// \brief Get all the indices of nodes in an face side
// \param face, the face of the grid
// \return the index of all the nodes in the face
std::vector<int> nodesOfFace( SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType face ) const;
int myId;
int mnx,mny,mnz,mns;
NCollection_Array1<std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt>> myCoordinates;
std::map<SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType,std::map<int,std::vector<int>>> myInterfaceMap;
std::map<SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType,std::map<int,std::vector<int>>> myFaceInterafaceMap;
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// Copyright (C) 2016-2024 CEA, EDF
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESH_TemplateRegularGrid.hxx
// Created : Fry April 05 11:20 2024
// Author : Cesar Conopoima (cce)
#ifndef __SMESH_RegularGridTemplate_HXX__
#define __SMESH_RegularGridTemplate_HXX__
#include <functional>
#include "SMESH_RegularGrid.hxx"
namespace SMESHUtils
template<typename FUNCTION>
void SMESH_RegularGrid::foreachGridSide( const FUNCTION& fSide ) const
for (size_t edgeType = BOTTOM; edgeType <= LEFT; edgeType++)
fSide( static_cast<EdgeType>( edgeType ) );
template<typename FUNCTION>
void SMESH_RegularGrid::foreachGridFace( const FUNCTION& fSide ) const
for (size_t faceType = B_BOTTOM; faceType <= B_TOP; faceType++)
fSide( static_cast<FaceType>( faceType ) );
void SMESH_RegularGrid::foreachNodeOnSide( SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType edge, const std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> point, const int index )>& function ) const
for (auto node : nodesOfSide(edge))
void SMESH_RegularGrid::foreachNodeOnFace( SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType face, const std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<gp_Pnt> point, const int index )>& function ) const
for (auto node : nodesOfFace(face))
@ -4511,7 +4511,7 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::ExportPartToSTL(::SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
* \brief Export a part of mesh to an STL file
* \brief Export a part of mesh to an CGNS file
@ -4551,6 +4551,50 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::ExportCGNS(::SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
* \brief Export a part of mesh to an StructuredCGNS file
void SMESH_Mesh_i::ExportStructuredCGNS( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
const char* file,
CORBA::Boolean overwrite )
#ifdef WITH_CGNS
if ( _preMeshInfo )
std::string meshName("");
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap so = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( meshPart );
if ( !so->_is_nil() )
CORBA::String_var name = so->GetName();
meshName = name.in();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = meshPart->GetMesh();
SMESH_Mesh_i* mesh_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( mesh );
auto myMesh = mesh_i->GetImpl().GetMeshDS();
_impl->ExportStructuredCGNS(file, myMesh, meshName.c_str());
SMESH_CATCH( SMESH::throwCorbaException );
TPythonDump() << SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var(_this()) << ".ExportStructuredCGNS( "
"r'" << file << "', " << overwrite << ", " << meshPart << ")";
SMESH_CATCH( SMESH::throwCorbaException );
* \brief Export a part of mesh to a GMF file
@ -218,6 +218,11 @@ public:
void ExportDAT( const char* file, const CORBA::Boolean renumber );
void ExportUNV( const char* file, const CORBA::Boolean renumber );
void ExportSTL( const char* file, bool isascii );
void ExportStructuredCGNS(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
const char* file,
CORBA::Boolean overwrite);
void ExportCGNS(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
const char* file,
CORBA::Boolean overwrite,
@ -268,7 +273,7 @@ public:
CORBA::Boolean renumber);
void ExportPartToSTL(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
const char* file,
CORBA::Boolean isascii);
CORBA::Boolean isascii);
CORBA::Double GetComputeProgress();
@ -2588,6 +2588,26 @@ class Mesh(metaclass = MeshMeta):
meshPart = self.mesh
self.mesh.ExportCGNS(meshPart, f, overwrite, groupElemsByType)
def ExportStructuredCGNS(self, f, overwrite=1, meshPart=None ):
Export the mesh in a file in Structured CGNS format
f: is the file name
overwrite: boolean parameter for overwriting/not overwriting the file
meshPart: a part of mesh (:class:`sub-mesh, group or filter <SMESH.SMESH_IDSource>`) to export instead of the mesh
unRegister = genObjUnRegister()
if isinstance( meshPart, list ):
meshPart = self.GetIDSource( meshPart, SMESH.ALL )
unRegister.set( meshPart )
if isinstance( meshPart, Mesh ):
meshPart = meshPart.mesh
elif not meshPart:
meshPart = self.mesh
self.mesh.ExportStructuredCGNS(meshPart, f, overwrite)
def ExportGMF(self, f, meshPart=None):
Export the mesh in a file in GMF format.
@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Hexa_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & aMesh,
// compute internal node coordinates
gp_XYZ coords;
SMESH_Block::ShellPoint( params, pointsOnShapes, coords );
column[ z ] = helper.AddNode( coords.X(), coords.Y(), coords.Z() );
column[ z ] = helper.AddNode( coords.X(), coords.Y(), coords.Z() );
} // z loop
if ( toRenumber )
@ -926,7 +926,6 @@ bool StdMeshers_Hexa_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & aMesh,
// 5) Create hexahedrons
// ---------------------
for ( x = 0; x < xSize-1; ++x ) {
for ( y = 0; y < ySize-1; ++y ) {
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& col00 = columns[ colIndex( x, y )];
@ -936,12 +935,16 @@ bool StdMeshers_Hexa_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & aMesh,
for ( z = 0; z < zSize-1; ++z )
// bottom face normal of a hexa mush point outside the volume
if ( toRenumber )
if ( toRenumber )
helper.AddVolume(col00[z], col01[z], col01[z+1], col00[z+1],
col10[z], col11[z], col11[z+1], col10[z+1]);
col10[z], col11[z], col11[z+1], col10[z+1]);
helper.AddVolume(col00[z], col01[z], col11[z], col10[z],
col00[z+1], col01[z+1], col11[z+1], col10[z+1]);
col00[z+1], col01[z+1], col11[z+1], col10[z+1]);
@ -949,6 +952,11 @@ bool StdMeshers_Hexa_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & aMesh,
if ( toRenumber )
meshDS->SetStructuredGrid( aShape, zSize, ySize, xSize );
for ( x = 0; x < xSize; ++x )
for ( y = 0; y < ySize; ++y )
for ( z = 0; z < zSize; ++z )
meshDS->SetNodeOnStructuredGrid( aShape, columns[colIndex(x,y)][z], z, y, x );
if ( _blockRenumberHyp )
@ -431,6 +431,16 @@ bool StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D::computeQuadDominant(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS();
Handle(Geom_Surface) S = BRep_Tool::Surface(aFace);
int i,j, geomFaceID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex(aFace);
meshDS->SetStructuredGrid( aFace, nbhoriz, nbvertic );
for (j = 0; j < nbvertic; j++)
for (i = 0; i < nbhoriz; i++)
UVPtStruct& uvPnt = quad->UVPt( i, j );
auto P = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>( S->Value( uvPnt.u, uvPnt.v ).Coord() );
meshDS->SetNodeOnStructuredGrid( aFace, P, i, j );
for (i = 1; i < nbhoriz - 1; i++)
for (j = 1; j < nbvertic - 1; j++)
@ -46,3 +46,22 @@ FOREACH(_test ${GOOD_TESTS})
SET(testname "TESTS_${testname}")
add_executable(${_test} ${_test}.cxx)
target_link_libraries(${_test} SMESHUtils SMDS )
ADD_TEST(NAME ${testname}
@ -34,3 +34,10 @@ FOREACH(tfile ${SESSION_FREE_TESTS})
ADD_TEST(${TEST_NAME} python ${tfile})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
// Copyright (C) 2016-2024 CEA, EDF
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESH_RegularGridTest.cxx (unit test)
// Author : Cesar Conopoima (cce)
// std
#include <memory>
// smesh
#include "SMESH_RegularGridTemplate.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"
bool testConstructor()
auto regularGrid2D = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(0,5,4));
if ( regularGrid2D->Size() != 5*4 ) throw std::runtime_error("2D Grid size not match in testConstructor()\n");
auto regularGrid3D = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(0,5,4,20));
if ( regularGrid3D->Size() != 5*4*20 ) throw std::runtime_error("3D Grid size not match in testConstructor()\n");
return true;
bool testSetGetNode()
auto regularGrid = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(0,5,4));
double x,y;
for (size_t j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
x = i * 0.1;
y = j * 0.1;
auto node = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>( x, y, 0. );
regularGrid->SetNode( node, i, j );
for (size_t j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
x = i * 0.1;
y = j * 0.1;
auto node = regularGrid->GetNode( i, j, 0 );
if ( node == nullptr ) throw std::runtime_error("error getting node in testSetGetNode()\n");
if ( node->X() != x ||
node->Y() != y ||
node->Z() != 0. ) throw std::runtime_error("error for node not in the correct position in testSetGetNode()\n");
return true;
bool testGetCommontInterface1D()
int mnx = 5, mny = 4;
auto regularGrid0 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(0,mnx,mny));
auto regularGrid1 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(1,mnx,mny));
double x,y;
/*side by side grid with 1to1 interface*/
/* o-o-o-o-oxo-o-o-o-o */
/* o-oG0-o-oxo-o-G1o-o */
/* o-o-o-o-oxo-o-o-o-o */
/* o-o-o-o-oxo-o-o-o-o */
for (size_t j = 0; j < mny; j++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mnx; i++)
x = i * 0.1;
y = j * 0.1;
auto node0 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,0.);
regularGrid0->SetNode( node0, i, j );
x = i * 0.1 + 0.4;
y = j * 0.1;
auto node1 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,0.);
regularGrid1->SetNode( node1, i, j );
std::vector<int> interface; /* interface at right */
regularGrid0->GetEdgeInterfaces( regularGrid1.get(), interface );
std::vector<int> expectedRange = regularGrid0->getEdgeIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::RIGHT);
std::vector<int> expectedDonorRange = regularGrid1->getEdgeIndexLimitsInverted(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::LEFT);
if ( interface.size() != 1+mny*2+2 )
throw std::runtime_error("1to1 edge interface not found in testGetCommontInterface1D()\n");
if ( interface[0] != int(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::RIGHT) )
throw std::runtime_error("edge found in interface is incorrect testGetCommontInterface1D()\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if ( interface[i+1] != expectedRange[i])
throw std::runtime_error("interface range index is incorrect in testGetCommontInterface1D()\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if ( interface[i+5] != expectedDonorRange[i])
throw std::runtime_error("interface donor index is incorrect in testGetCommontInterface1D()\n");
return true;
bool testGetCommontInterface2D()
int mnx = 5, mny = 4, mnz = 2;
auto regularGrid0 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(0,mnx,mny,mnz));
auto regularGrid1 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(1,mnx,mny,mnz));
auto regularGrid2 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(2,mnx,mny,mnz));
auto regularGrid3 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(3,mnx,mny,mnz));
auto regularGrid4 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(4,mnx,mny,mnz));
auto regularGrid5 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(5,mnx,mny,mnz));
auto regularGrid6 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(6,mnx,mny,mnz));
double x,y,z;
for (size_t k = 0; k < mnz; k++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < mny; j++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mnx; i++)
x = i * 0.1;
y = j * 0.1;
z = k * 0.1;
auto node0 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,z);
regularGrid0->SetNode( node0, i, j, k );
// Grid at botton
x = i * 0.1;
y = j * 0.1;
z = k * 0.1-0.1;
auto node1 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,z);
regularGrid1->SetNode( node1, i, j, k );
// Grid at right
x = i * 0.1+0.4;
y = j * 0.1;
z = k * 0.1;
auto node2 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,z);
regularGrid2->SetNode( node2, i, j, k );
// Grid at back
x = i * 0.1;
y = j * 0.1+0.3;
z = k * 0.1;
auto node3 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,z);
regularGrid3->SetNode( node3, i, j, k );
// Grid at left
x = i * 0.1-0.4;
y = j * 0.1;
z = k * 0.1;
auto node4 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,z);
regularGrid4->SetNode( node4, i, j, k );
// Grid at front
x = i * 0.1;
y = j * 0.1-0.3;
z = k * 0.1;
auto node5 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,z);
regularGrid5->SetNode( node5, i, j, k );
// Grid on top
x = i * 0.1;
y = j * 0.1;
z = k * 0.1+0.1;
auto node6 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,z);
regularGrid6->SetNode( node6, i, j, k );
std::vector<std::vector<int>> interface(6);
std::vector<std::vector<int>> expectedRange(6);
std::vector<std::vector<int>> expectedDonorRange(6);
regularGrid0->GetFaceInterfaces( regularGrid1.get(), interface[0] );
regularGrid0->GetFaceInterfaces( regularGrid2.get(), interface[1] );
regularGrid0->GetFaceInterfaces( regularGrid3.get(), interface[2] );
regularGrid0->GetFaceInterfaces( regularGrid4.get(), interface[3] );
regularGrid0->GetFaceInterfaces( regularGrid5.get(), interface[4] );
regularGrid0->GetFaceInterfaces( regularGrid6.get(), interface[5] );
expectedRange[0] = regularGrid0->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_BOTTOM);
expectedRange[1] = regularGrid0->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_RIGHT);
expectedRange[2] = regularGrid0->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_BACK);
expectedRange[3] = regularGrid0->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_LEFT);
expectedRange[4] = regularGrid0->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_FRONT);
expectedRange[5] = regularGrid0->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_TOP);
expectedDonorRange[0] = regularGrid1->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_TOP);
expectedDonorRange[1] = regularGrid2->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_LEFT);
expectedDonorRange[2] = regularGrid3->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_FRONT );
expectedDonorRange[3] = regularGrid4->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_RIGHT);
expectedDonorRange[4] = regularGrid5->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_BACK);
expectedDonorRange[5] = regularGrid6->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_BOTTOM);
int interfaceSize = 1+6*2+3;
for ( auto itf : interface )
if ( itf.size() != interfaceSize )
throw std::runtime_error("1to1 face interface not found in testGetCommontInterface2D()\n");
int count = 0;
for ( auto itf : interface )
if ( itf[0] != count /*face id of the interface*/)
throw std::runtime_error("face found in interface is incorrect testGetCommontInterface2D()\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if ( itf[i+1] != expectedRange[count][i])
throw std::runtime_error("interface range index is incorrect in testGetCommontInterface2D()\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if ( itf[i+7] != expectedDonorRange[count][i])
throw std::runtime_error("interface donor index is incorrect in testGetCommontInterface2D()\n");
return true;
bool testGetPartialInterface2D()
int mnx = 5, mny = 4, mnz = 3;
int mnxf = 2, mnyf = 2, mnzf = 2;
int mnxl = 2, mnyl = 3, mnzl = 2;
auto regularGrid0 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(0,mnx,mny,mnz));
auto regularGrid1 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(1,mnxf,mnyf,mnzf));
auto regularGrid2 = std::unique_ptr<SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid>( new SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid(2,mnxl,mnyl,mnzl));
double x,y,z;
for (size_t k = 0; k < mnz; k++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < mny; j++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mnx; i++)
x = i * 0.1;
y = j * 0.1;
z = k * 0.1;
auto node0 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,z);
regularGrid0->SetNode( node0, i, j, k );
for (size_t k = 0; k < mnzf; k++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < mnyf; j++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mnxf; i++)
// Grid at front
x = i * 0.1+0.3;
y = -j * 0.1;
z = k * 0.1+0.1;
auto node1 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,z);
regularGrid1->SetNode( node1, i, j, k );
for (size_t k = 0; k < mnzl; k++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < mnyl; j++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mnxl; i++)
// Grid at left
x = -i * 0.1;
y = j * 0.1+0.1;
z = k * 0.1;
auto node2 = std::make_shared<gp_Pnt>(x,y,z);
regularGrid2->SetNode( node2, i, j, k );
std::vector<std::vector<int>> interface(2);
std::vector<int> faceId = {SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_FRONT,SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_LEFT}; /*faces where interfaces are*/
std::vector<std::vector<int>> expectedRange(2);
std::vector<std::vector<int>> expectedDonorRange(2);
regularGrid0->GetFaceInterfaces( regularGrid1.get(), interface[0] );
regularGrid0->GetFaceInterfaces( regularGrid2.get(), interface[1] );
expectedRange[0] = std::vector<int>({4,1,2,5,1,3});
expectedRange[1] = std::vector<int>({1,4,1,1,2,2});
expectedDonorRange[0] = regularGrid1->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_FRONT);
expectedDonorRange[1] = regularGrid2->getFaceIndexLimits(SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_LEFT);
int interfaceSize = 1+6*2+3;
for ( auto itf : interface )
if ( itf.size() != interfaceSize )
throw std::runtime_error("1to1 face interface not found in testGetPartialInterface2D()\n");
int count = 0;
for ( auto itf : interface )
if ( itf[0] != faceId[count] /*face id of the interface*/)
throw std::runtime_error("face found in interface is incorrect testGetPartialInterface2D()\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if ( itf[i+1] != expectedRange[count][i])
throw std::runtime_error("interface range index is incorrect in testGetPartialInterface2D()\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if ( itf[i+7] != expectedDonorRange[count][i])
throw std::runtime_error("interface donor index is incorrect in testGetPartialInterface2D()\n");
return true;
int main()
if ( !testConstructor() || !testSetGetNode() ||
!testGetCommontInterface1D() || !testGetCommontInterface2D() ||
!testGetPartialInterface2D() )
return 1;
return 0;
@ -122,6 +122,11 @@ SET(GOOD_TESTS
# The following tests can be executed without driver, just by python.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference in New Issue
Block a user