mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 19:51:16 +05:00
Dump Puthon extension
This commit is contained in:
@ -281,6 +281,48 @@ module SMESH
in double AngleInRadians,
in long NbOfSteps,
in double Tolerance);
* \brief Genarate dim+1 elements by rotation of the object around axis
* \param theObject - object containing elements to ratate
* \param Axix - rotation axis
* \param AngleInRadians - rotation angle
* \param NbOfSteps - number of elements to generate from one element
void RotationSweepObject1D(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in AxisStruct Axix,
in double AngleInRadians,
in long NbOfSteps,
in double Tolerance);
* \brief Same as previous but additionally create groups of elements
* generated from elements belonging to preexisting groups
ListOfGroups RotationSweepObject1DMakeGroups(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in AxisStruct Axix,
in double AngleInRadians,
in long NbOfSteps,
in double Tolerance);
* \brief Genarate dim+1 elements by rotation of the object around axis
* \param theObject - object containing elements to ratate
* \param Axix - rotation axis
* \param AngleInRadians - rotation angle
* \param NbOfSteps - number of elements to generate from one element
void RotationSweepObject2D(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in AxisStruct Axix,
in double AngleInRadians,
in long NbOfSteps,
in double Tolerance);
* \brief Same as previous but additionally create groups of elements
* generated from elements belonging to preexisting groups
ListOfGroups RotationSweepObject2DMakeGroups(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in AxisStruct Axix,
in double AngleInRadians,
in long NbOfSteps,
in double Tolerance);
* \brief Genarate dim+1 elements by extrusion of elements along vector
* \param IDsOfElements - elements to sweep
@ -386,6 +428,42 @@ module SMESH
in PointStruct RefPoint,
out Extrusion_Error Error);
Extrusion_Error ExtrusionAlongPathObject1D(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in SMESH_Mesh PathMesh,
in GEOM::GEOM_Object PathShape,
in long NodeStart,
in boolean HasAngles,
in double_array Angles,
in boolean HasRefPoint,
in PointStruct RefPoint);
ListOfGroups ExtrusionAlongPathObject1DMakeGroups(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in SMESH_Mesh PathMesh,
in GEOM::GEOM_Object PathShape,
in long NodeStart,
in boolean HasAngles,
in double_array Angles,
in boolean HasRefPoint,
in PointStruct RefPoint,
out Extrusion_Error Error);
Extrusion_Error ExtrusionAlongPathObject2D(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in SMESH_Mesh PathMesh,
in GEOM::GEOM_Object PathShape,
in long NodeStart,
in boolean HasAngles,
in double_array Angles,
in boolean HasRefPoint,
in PointStruct RefPoint);
ListOfGroups ExtrusionAlongPathObject2DMakeGroups(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in SMESH_Mesh PathMesh,
in GEOM::GEOM_Object PathShape,
in long NodeStart,
in boolean HasAngles,
in double_array Angles,
in boolean HasRefPoint,
in PointStruct RefPoint,
out Extrusion_Error Error);
* Compute rotation angles for ExtrusionAlongPath as linear variation
* of given angles along path steps
@ -483,45 +483,7 @@ bool SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::ClickOnApply()
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = new SMESH::long_array;
if (MeshCheck->isChecked()) {
// If "Select whole mesh, submesh or group" check box is on ->
// get all elements of the required type from the object selected
// if MESH object is selected
if (!CORBA::is_nil(SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow(myIDSource))) {
// get mesh
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow(myIDSource);
// get IDs from mesh...
if (Elements1dRB->isChecked())
// 1d elements
anElementsId = aMesh->GetElementsByType(SMESH::EDGE);
else if (Elements2dRB->isChecked()) {
anElementsId = aMesh->GetElementsByType(SMESH::FACE);
// SUBMESH is selected
if (!CORBA::is_nil(SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow(myIDSource))) {
// get submesh
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow(myIDSource);
// get IDs from submesh
if (Elements1dRB->isChecked())
// 1d elements
anElementsId = aSubMesh->GetElementsByType(SMESH::EDGE);
else if (Elements2dRB->isChecked())
// 2d elements
anElementsId = aSubMesh->GetElementsByType(SMESH::FACE);
// GROUP is selected
if (!CORBA::is_nil(SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow(myIDSource))) {
// get smesh group
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow(myIDSource);
// get IDs from group
// 1d elements or 2d elements
if (Elements1dRB->isChecked() && aGroup->GetType() == SMESH::EDGE ||
Elements2dRB->isChecked() && aGroup->GetType() == SMESH::FACE)
anElementsId = aGroup->GetListOfID();
} else {
if (!MeshCheck->isChecked()) {
// If "Select whole mesh, submesh or group" check box is off ->
// use only elements of given type selected by user
@ -546,10 +508,10 @@ bool SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::ClickOnApply()
if (anElementsId->length() <= 0) {
return false;
if (anElementsId->length() <= 0) {
return false;
if (StartPointLineEdit->text().trimmed().isEmpty()) {
@ -596,17 +558,47 @@ bool SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::ClickOnApply()
anAngles = aMeshEditor->LinearAnglesVariation( myPathMesh, myPathShape, anAngles );
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error retVal;
if ( MakeGroupsCheck->isEnabled() && MakeGroupsCheck->isChecked() )
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPathMakeGroups(anElementsId, myPathMesh,
myPathShape, aNodeStart,
AnglesGrp->isChecked(), anAngles,
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint, retVal);
retVal = aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPath(anElementsId, myPathMesh,
myPathShape, aNodeStart,
AnglesGrp->isChecked(), anAngles,
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint);
if ( MakeGroupsCheck->isEnabled() && MakeGroupsCheck->isChecked() ) {
if( MeshCheck->isChecked() ) {
if( GetConstructorId() == 0 )
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPathObject1DMakeGroups(myIDSource, myPathMesh,
myPathShape, aNodeStart,
AnglesGrp->isChecked(), anAngles,
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint, retVal);
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPathObject2DMakeGroups(myIDSource, myPathMesh,
myPathShape, aNodeStart,
AnglesGrp->isChecked(), anAngles,
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint, retVal);
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPathMakeGroups(anElementsId, myPathMesh,
myPathShape, aNodeStart,
AnglesGrp->isChecked(), anAngles,
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint, retVal);
else {
if( MeshCheck->isChecked() ) {
if( GetConstructorId() == 0 )
retVal = aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPathObject1D(myIDSource, myPathMesh,
myPathShape, aNodeStart,
AnglesGrp->isChecked(), anAngles,
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint);
retVal = aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPathObject2D(myIDSource, myPathMesh,
myPathShape, aNodeStart,
AnglesGrp->isChecked(), anAngles,
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint);
retVal = aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPath(anElementsId, myPathMesh,
myPathShape, aNodeStart,
AnglesGrp->isChecked(), anAngles,
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint);
if( retVal == SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::EXTR_OK )
myMesh->SetParameters( SMESHGUI::JoinObjectParameters(aParameters) );
@ -87,7 +87,8 @@
SMESHGUI_ExtrusionDlg::SMESHGUI_ExtrusionDlg (SMESHGUI* theModule)
: QDialog( SMESH::GetDesktop( theModule ) ),
mySMESHGUI( theModule ),
mySelectionMgr( SMESH::GetSelectionMgr( theModule ) )
mySelectionMgr( SMESH::GetSelectionMgr( theModule ) ),
QPixmap image0 (SMESH::GetResourceMgr( mySMESHGUI )->loadPixmap("SMESH", tr("ICON_DLG_EDGE")));
QPixmap image1 (SMESH::GetResourceMgr( mySMESHGUI )->loadPixmap("SMESH", tr("ICON_DLG_TRIANGLE")));
@ -382,11 +383,29 @@ bool SMESHGUI_ExtrusionDlg::ClickOnApply()
SUIT_OverrideCursor aWaitCursor;
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = myMesh->GetMeshEditor();
if ( MakeGroupsCheck->isEnabled() && MakeGroupsCheck->isChecked() )
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionSweepMakeGroups(myElementsId.inout(), aVector, aNbSteps);
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionSweep(myElementsId.inout(), aVector, aNbSteps);
if ( MakeGroupsCheck->isEnabled() && MakeGroupsCheck->isChecked() ) {
if( CheckBoxMesh->isChecked() ) {
if( GetConstructorId() == 0 )
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionSweepObject1DMakeGroups(mySelectedObject, aVector, aNbSteps);
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionSweepObject2DMakeGroups(mySelectedObject, aVector, aNbSteps);
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionSweepMakeGroups(myElementsId.inout(), aVector, aNbSteps);
else {
if( CheckBoxMesh->isChecked() ) {
if( GetConstructorId() == 0 )
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionSweepObject1D(mySelectedObject, aVector, aNbSteps);
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionSweepObject2D(mySelectedObject, aVector, aNbSteps);
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionSweep(myElementsId.inout(), aVector, aNbSteps);
myMesh->SetParameters( SMESHGUI::JoinObjectParameters(aParameters) );
@ -398,6 +417,7 @@ bool SMESHGUI_ExtrusionDlg::ClickOnApply()
mySMESHGUI->updateObjBrowser(true); // new groups may appear
mySelectedObject = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_nil();
return true;
@ -561,41 +581,21 @@ void SMESHGUI_ExtrusionDlg::SelectionIntoArgument()
if (CheckBoxMesh->isChecked()) {
SMESH::ElementType neededType = GetConstructorId() ? SMESH::FACE : SMESH::EDGE;
SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedIObjects(mySelectionMgr, aString);
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Mesh>(IO);
if (!mesh->_is_nil()) { //MESH
// get elements from mesh
myElementsId = mesh->GetElementsByType(neededType);
aNbElements = myElementsId->length();
} else {
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh =
if (!aSubMesh->_is_nil()) { //SUBMESH
// get IDs from submesh
myElementsId = aSubMesh->GetElementsByType(neededType);
aNbElements = myElementsId->length();
} else {
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup =
if (!aGroup->_is_nil() && aGroup->GetType() == neededType) { // GROUP
// get IDs from smesh group
myElementsId = aGroup->GetListOfID();
aNbElements = myElementsId->length();
if (!SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>(IO)->_is_nil())
mySelectedObject = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>(IO);
} else {
// get indices of selcted elements
TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger aMapIndex;
aNbElements = aMapIndex.Extent();
if (aNbElements < 1)
myElementsId = new SMESH::long_array;
myElementsId->length( aNbElements );
aString = "";
@ -603,9 +603,6 @@ void SMESHGUI_ExtrusionDlg::SelectionIntoArgument()
aString += QString(" %1").arg( myElementsId[ i ] = aMapIndex( i+1 ) );
if (aNbElements < 1)
myNbOkElements = true;
@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ private:
int myNbOkElements; /* to check when elements are defined */
SVTK_Selector* mySelector;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var mySelectedObject;
bool myBusy;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myMesh;
SMESH::long_array_var myElementsId;
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
SMESHGUI_RevolutionDlg::SMESHGUI_RevolutionDlg( SMESHGUI* theModule )
: QDialog( SMESH::GetDesktop( theModule ) ),
mySMESHGUI( theModule ),
mySelectionMgr( SMESH::GetSelectionMgr( theModule ) )
mySelectionMgr( SMESH::GetSelectionMgr( theModule ) ),
mySimulation = new SMESHGUI_MeshEditPreview(SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ));
@ -494,12 +495,31 @@ bool SMESHGUI_RevolutionDlg::ClickOnApply()
SUIT_OverrideCursor aWaitCursor;
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = myMesh->GetMeshEditor();
if ( MakeGroupsCheck->isEnabled() && MakeGroupsCheck->isChecked() )
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->RotationSweepMakeGroups(anElementsId.inout(), anAxis,
anAngle, aNbSteps, aTolerance);
if ( MakeGroupsCheck->isEnabled() && MakeGroupsCheck->isChecked() ) {
if( CheckBoxMesh->isChecked() ) {
if( GetConstructorId() == 0 )
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->RotationSweepObject1DMakeGroups(mySelectedObject, anAxis,
anAngle, aNbSteps, aTolerance);
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->RotationSweepObject2DMakeGroups(mySelectedObject, anAxis,
anAngle, aNbSteps, aTolerance);
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->RotationSweepMakeGroups(anElementsId.inout(), anAxis,
anAngle, aNbSteps, aTolerance);
else {
if( CheckBoxMesh->isChecked() ) {
if( GetConstructorId() == 0 )
aMeshEditor->RotationSweepObject1D(mySelectedObject, anAxis, anAngle, aNbSteps, aTolerance);
aMeshEditor->RotationSweepObject2D(mySelectedObject, anAxis, anAngle, aNbSteps, aTolerance);
aMeshEditor->RotationSweep(anElementsId.inout(), anAxis, anAngle, aNbSteps, aTolerance);
myMesh->SetParameters( SMESHGUI::JoinObjectParameters(aParameters) );
} catch (...) {
@ -510,6 +530,7 @@ bool SMESHGUI_RevolutionDlg::ClickOnApply()
mySMESHGUI->updateObjBrowser(true); // new groups may appear
mySelectedObject = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_nil();
@ -689,77 +710,18 @@ void SMESHGUI_RevolutionDlg::SelectionIntoArgument()
if (CheckBoxMesh->isChecked()) {
int aConstructorId = GetConstructorId();
SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedIObjects(mySelectionMgr, aString);
if (!SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Mesh>(IO)->_is_nil()) { //MESH
// get IDs from mesh
SMDS_Mesh* aSMDSMesh = myActor->GetObject()->GetMesh();
if (!aSMDSMesh)
if (aConstructorId == 0) {
SMDS_EdgeIteratorPtr anIter = aSMDSMesh->edgesIterator();
while (anIter->more()) {
const SMDS_MeshEdge * edge = anIter->next();
if (edge) {
myElementsId += QString(" %1").arg(edge->GetID());
} else if (aConstructorId == 1) {
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anIter = aSMDSMesh->facesIterator();
while (anIter->more()) {
const SMDS_MeshFace * face = anIter->next();
if (face) {
myElementsId += QString(" %1").arg(face->GetID());
} else if (!SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_subMesh>(IO)->_is_nil()) { //SUBMESH
// get submesh
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_subMesh>(IO);
// get IDs from submesh
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsIds = new SMESH::long_array;
if (aConstructorId == 0)
anElementsIds = aSubMesh->GetElementsByType(SMESH::EDGE);
else if (aConstructorId == 1)
anElementsIds = aSubMesh->GetElementsByType(SMESH::FACE);
for (int i = 0; i < anElementsIds->length(); i++)
myElementsId += QString(" %1").arg(anElementsIds[i]);
aNbUnits = anElementsIds->length();
} else { // GROUP
// get smesh group
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup =
if (aGroup->_is_nil())
if ((aConstructorId == 0 && aGroup->GetType()!= SMESH::EDGE) ||
(aConstructorId == 1 && aGroup->GetType()!= SMESH::FACE))
// get IDs from smesh group
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsIds = new SMESH::long_array;
anElementsIds = aGroup->GetListOfID();
for (int i = 0; i < anElementsIds->length(); i++) {
myElementsId += QString(" %1").arg(anElementsIds[i]);
aNbUnits = anElementsIds->length();
if (!SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>(IO)->_is_nil())
mySelectedObject = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>(IO);
} else {
aNbUnits = SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedElements(mySelector, IO, aString);
myElementsId = aString;
if (aNbUnits < 1)
if (aNbUnits < 1)
myNbOkElements = true;
} else {
aNbUnits = SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedNodes(mySelector, IO, aString);
@ -1064,11 +1026,20 @@ void SMESHGUI_RevolutionDlg::onDisplaySimulation(bool toDisplayPreview)
try {
SUIT_OverrideCursor aWaitCursor;
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = myMesh->GetMeshEditPreviewer();
if( CheckBoxMesh->isChecked() ) {
if( GetConstructorId() == 0 )
aMeshEditor->RotationSweepObject1D(mySelectedObject, anAxis,
anAngle, aNbSteps, aTolerance);
aMeshEditor->RotationSweepObject2D(mySelectedObject, anAxis,
anAngle, aNbSteps, aTolerance);
SMESH::MeshPreviewStruct_var aMeshPreviewStruct = aMeshEditor->GetPreviewData();
} catch (...) {}
@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ private:
QWidget* myEditCurrentArgument; /* Current argument */
SVTK_Selector* mySelector;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var mySelectedObject;
bool myBusy;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myMesh;
SMESH_Actor* myActor;
@ -90,7 +90,8 @@
SMESHGUI_SmoothingDlg::SMESHGUI_SmoothingDlg( SMESHGUI* theModule )
: QDialog( SMESH::GetDesktop( theModule ) ),
mySMESHGUI( theModule ),
mySelectionMgr( SMESH::GetSelectionMgr( theModule ) )
mySelectionMgr( SMESH::GetSelectionMgr( theModule ) ),
QPixmap image0 (SMESH::GetResourceMgr( mySMESHGUI )->loadPixmap("SMESH", tr("ICON_DLG_SMOOTHING")));
QPixmap image1 (SMESH::GetResourceMgr( mySMESHGUI )->loadPixmap("SMESH", tr("ICON_SELECT")));
@ -350,12 +351,22 @@ bool SMESHGUI_SmoothingDlg::ClickOnApply()
SUIT_OverrideCursor aWaitCursor;
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = myMesh->GetMeshEditor();
if ( CheckBoxParametric->isChecked() )
aResult = aMeshEditor->SmoothParametric(anElementsId.inout(), aNodesId.inout(),
anIterationLimit, aMaxAspectRatio, aMethod);
aResult = aMeshEditor->Smooth(anElementsId.inout(), aNodesId.inout(),
anIterationLimit, aMaxAspectRatio, aMethod);
if ( CheckBoxParametric->isChecked() ) {
aResult = aMeshEditor->SmoothParametricObject(mySelectedObject, aNodesId.inout(),
anIterationLimit, aMaxAspectRatio, aMethod);
aResult = aMeshEditor->SmoothParametric(anElementsId.inout(), aNodesId.inout(),
anIterationLimit, aMaxAspectRatio, aMethod);
else {
aResult = aMeshEditor->SmoothObject(mySelectedObject, aNodesId.inout(),
anIterationLimit, aMaxAspectRatio, aMethod);
aResult = aMeshEditor->Smooth(anElementsId.inout(), aNodesId.inout(),
anIterationLimit, aMaxAspectRatio, aMethod);
myMesh->SetParameters( SMESHGUI::JoinObjectParameters(aParameters) );
@ -370,6 +381,8 @@ bool SMESHGUI_SmoothingDlg::ClickOnApply()
mySelectionMgr->setSelectedObjects(aList, false);
mySelectedObject = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_nil();
@ -543,48 +556,15 @@ void SMESHGUI_SmoothingDlg::SelectionIntoArgument()
if (CheckBoxMesh->isChecked()) {
SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedIObjects(mySelectionMgr, aString);
if (!SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Mesh>(IO)->_is_nil()) { //MESH
// get IDs from mesh
SMDS_Mesh* aSMDSMesh = myActor->GetObject()->GetMesh();
if (!aSMDSMesh)
for (int i = aSMDSMesh->MinElementID(); i <= aSMDSMesh->MaxElementID(); i++ ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement * e = aSMDSMesh->FindElement(i);
if (e) {
myElementsId += QString(" %1").arg(i);
} else if (!SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_subMesh>(IO)->_is_nil()) { //SUBMESH
// get submesh
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_subMesh>(IO);
// get IDs from submesh
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsIds = new SMESH::long_array;
anElementsIds = aSubMesh->GetElementsId();
for (int i = 0; i < anElementsIds->length(); i++) {
myElementsId += QString(" %1").arg(anElementsIds[i]);
aNbUnits = anElementsIds->length();
} else { // GROUP
// get smesh group
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup =
if (aGroup->_is_nil())
// get IDs from smesh group
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsIds = new SMESH::long_array;
anElementsIds = aGroup->GetListOfID();
for (int i = 0; i < anElementsIds->length(); i++) {
myElementsId += QString(" %1").arg(anElementsIds[i]);
aNbUnits = anElementsIds->length();
if (!SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>(IO)->_is_nil())
mySelectedObject = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>(IO);
} else {
aNbUnits = SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedElements(mySelector, IO, aString);
myElementsId = aString;
if (aNbUnits < 1)
} else if (myEditCurrentArgument == LineEditNodes && !myMesh->_is_nil() && myActor) {
myNbOkNodes = 0;
@ -592,9 +572,6 @@ void SMESHGUI_SmoothingDlg::SelectionIntoArgument()
} else {
if (aNbUnits < 1)
myBusy = true;
myBusy = false;
@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ private:
QLineEdit* myEditCurrentArgument; /* Current LineEdit */
SVTK_Selector* mySelector;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var mySelectedObject;
bool myBusy;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myMesh;
SMESH_Actor* myActor;
@ -255,6 +255,13 @@ Handle(_pyCommand) _pyGen::AddCommand( const TCollection_AsciiString& theCommand
map< _pyID, Handle(_pyMeshEditor) >::iterator id_editor = myMeshEditors.find( objID );
if ( id_editor != myMeshEditors.end() ) {
id_editor->second->Process( aCommand );
TCollection_AsciiString processedCommand = aCommand->GetString();
// some commands of SMESH_MeshEditor create meshes
if ( aCommand->GetMethod().Search("MakeMesh") != -1 ) {
Handle(_pyMesh) mesh = new _pyMesh( aCommand, aCommand->GetResultValue() );
aCommand->GetString() = processedCommand; // discard changes made by _pyMesh
myMeshes.insert( make_pair( mesh->GetID(), mesh ));
return aCommand;
// SMESH_Hypothesis method?
@ -307,17 +314,20 @@ void _pyGen::Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand )
// CreateHypothesis( theHypType, theLibName )
// Compute( mesh, geom )
// mesh creation
if ( theCommand->GetMethod() == "CreateMesh" ||
theCommand->GetMethod() == "CreateEmptyMesh" ||
theCommand->GetMethod() == "CreateMeshesFromUNV" ||
theCommand->GetMethod() == "CreateMeshesFromSTL")
TCollection_AsciiString method = theCommand->GetMethod();
if ( method == "CreateMesh" || method == "CreateEmptyMesh")
Handle(_pyMesh) mesh = new _pyMesh( theCommand );
myMeshes.insert( make_pair( mesh->GetID(), mesh ));
if(theCommand->GetMethod() == "CreateMeshesFromMED")
if ( method == "CreateMeshesFromUNV" || method == "CreateMeshesFromSTL")
Handle(_pyMesh) mesh = new _pyMesh( theCommand, theCommand->GetResultValue() );
myMeshes.insert( make_pair( mesh->GetID(), mesh ));
if( method == "CreateMeshesFromMED")
for(int ind = 0;ind<theCommand->GetNbResultValues();ind++)
@ -327,14 +337,14 @@ void _pyGen::Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand )
// CreateHypothesis()
if ( theCommand->GetMethod() == "CreateHypothesis" )
if ( method == "CreateHypothesis" )
myHypos.push_back( _pyHypothesis::NewHypothesis( theCommand ));
// smeshgen.Compute( mesh, geom ) --> mesh.Compute()
if ( theCommand->GetMethod() == "Compute" )
if ( method == "Compute" )
const _pyID& meshID = theCommand->GetArg( 1 );
map< _pyID, Handle(_pyMesh) >::iterator id_mesh = myMeshes.find( meshID );
@ -347,7 +357,7 @@ void _pyGen::Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand )
// leave only one smeshgen.GetPattern() in the script
if ( theCommand->GetMethod() == "GetPattern" ) {
if ( method == "GetPattern" ) {
if ( myHasPattern ) {
@ -356,9 +366,14 @@ void _pyGen::Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand )
// Concatenate( [mesh1, ...], ... )
if ( theCommand->GetMethod() == "Concatenate" ||
theCommand->GetMethod() == "ConcatenateWithGroups")
if ( method == "Concatenate" || method == "ConcatenateWithGroups")
if ( method == "ConcatenateWithGroups" ) {
theCommand->SetMethod( "Concatenate" );
theCommand->SetArg( theCommand->GetNbArgs() + 1, "True" );
Handle(_pyMesh) mesh = new _pyMesh( theCommand, theCommand->GetResultValue() );
myMeshes.insert( make_pair( mesh->GetID(), mesh ));
AddMeshAccessorMethod( theCommand );
@ -614,18 +629,17 @@ static bool sameGroupType( const _pyID& grpID,
_pyMesh::_pyMesh(const Handle(_pyCommand) theCreationCmd):
_pyObject(theCreationCmd), myHasEditor(false)
_pyMesh::_pyMesh(const Handle(_pyCommand) theCreationCmd)
: _pyObject(theCreationCmd), myHasEditor(false)
// convert my creation command
Handle(_pyCommand) creationCmd = GetCreationCmd();
TCollection_AsciiString str = creationCmd->GetMethod();
//TCollection_AsciiString str = creationCmd->GetMethod();
// if(str != "CreateMeshesFromUNV" &&
// str != "CreateMeshesFromMED" &&
// str != "CreateMeshesFromSTL")
creationCmd->SetObject( SMESH_2smeshpy::SmeshpyName() );
if(str != "CreateMeshesFromUNV" &&
str != "CreateMeshesFromMED" &&
str != "CreateMeshesFromSTL")
creationCmd->SetMethod( "Mesh" );
creationCmd->SetMethod( "Mesh" );
theGen->SetAccessorMethod( GetID(), "GetMesh()" );
@ -898,8 +912,9 @@ void _pyMeshEditor::Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand)
@ -928,8 +943,8 @@ void _pyMeshEditor::Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand)
// meshes made by *MakeMesh() methods are not wrapped by _pyMesh,
// so let _pyMesh care of it (TMP?)
if ( theCommand->GetMethod().Search("MakeMesh") != -1 )
_pyMesh( new _pyCommand( theCommand->GetString(), 0 )); // for theGen->SetAccessorMethod()
// if ( theCommand->GetMethod().Search("MakeMesh") != -1 )
// _pyMesh( new _pyCommand( theCommand->GetString(), 0 )); // for theGen->SetAccessorMethod()
else {
@ -1718,8 +1733,22 @@ const TCollection_AsciiString & _pyCommand::GetObject()
// beginning
int begPos = GetBegPos( RESULT_IND ) + myRes.Length();
if ( begPos < 1 )
if ( begPos < 1 ) {
begPos = myString.Location( "=", 1, Length() ) + 1;
// is '=' in the string argument (for example, name) or not
int nb1 = 0; // number of ' character at the left of =
int nb2 = 0; // number of " character at the left of =
for ( int i = 1; i < begPos-1; i++ ) {
if ( IsEqual(myString.Value( i ), "'" ) )
nb1 += 1;
else if ( IsEqual( myString.Value( i ), '"' ) )
nb2 += 1;
// if number of ' or " is not divisible by 2,
// then get an object at the start of the command
if ( nb1 % 2 != 0 || nb2 % 2 != 0 )
begPos = 1;
// store
myObj = GetWord( myString, begPos, true );
SetBegPos( OBJECT_IND, begPos );
@ -1353,12 +1353,13 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::rotationSweep(const SMESH::long_array & theIDsOfElements,
CORBA::Double theAngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long theNbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double theTolerance,
const bool theMakeGroups)
const bool theMakeGroups,
const SMDSAbs_ElementType theElementType)
TIDSortedElemSet inElements, copyElements;
arrayToSet(theIDsOfElements, GetMeshDS(), inElements);
arrayToSet(theIDsOfElements, GetMeshDS(), inElements, theElementType);
TIDSortedElemSet* workElements = & inElements;
TPreviewMesh tmpMesh( SMDSAbs_Face );
@ -1459,10 +1460,9 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor_i::RotationSweepObject(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject
CORBA::Double theTolerance)
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "axis = " << theAxis;
TPythonDump() << this << ".RotationSweepObject( "
<< theObject
<< ", axis, "
<< theObject << ", "
<< theAxis << ", "
<< theAngleInRadians << ", "
<< theNbOfSteps << ", "
<< theTolerance << " )";
@ -1476,6 +1476,64 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor_i::RotationSweepObject(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject
//function : RotationSweepObject1D
//purpose :
void SMESH_MeshEditor_i::RotationSweepObject1D(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
const SMESH::AxisStruct & theAxis,
CORBA::Double theAngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long theNbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double theTolerance)
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << this << ".RotationSweepObject1D( "
<< theObject << ", "
<< theAxis << ", "
<< theAngleInRadians << ", "
<< theNbOfSteps << ", "
<< theTolerance << " )";
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
//function : RotationSweepObject2D
//purpose :
void SMESH_MeshEditor_i::RotationSweepObject2D(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
const SMESH::AxisStruct & theAxis,
CORBA::Double theAngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long theNbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double theTolerance)
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << this << ".RotationSweepObject2D( "
<< theObject << ", "
<< theAxis << ", "
<< theAngleInRadians << ", "
<< theNbOfSteps << ", "
<< theTolerance << " )";
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
//function : RotationSweepObjectMakeGroups
//purpose :
@ -1496,12 +1554,77 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::RotationSweepObjectMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theO
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "axis = " << theAxis;
TPythonDump aPythonDump;
aPythonDump<< this << ".RotationSweepObjectMakeGroups( "
<< theObject
<< ", axis, "
<< theObject << ", "
<< theAxis << ", "
<< theAngleInRadians << ", "
<< theNbOfSteps << ", "
<< theTolerance << " )";
return aGroups;
//function : RotationSweepObject1DMakeGroups
//purpose :
SMESH_MeshEditor_i::RotationSweepObject1DMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
const SMESH::AxisStruct& theAxis,
CORBA::Double theAngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long theNbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double theTolerance)
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
SMESH::ListOfGroups *aGroups = rotationSweep(anElementsId,
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump aPythonDump;
aPythonDump<< this << ".RotationSweepObject1DMakeGroups( "
<< theObject << ", "
<< theAxis << ", "
<< theAngleInRadians << ", "
<< theNbOfSteps << ", "
<< theTolerance << " )";
return aGroups;
//function : RotationSweepObject2DMakeGroups
//purpose :
SMESH_MeshEditor_i::RotationSweepObject2DMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
const SMESH::AxisStruct& theAxis,
CORBA::Double theAngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long theNbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double theTolerance)
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
SMESH::ListOfGroups *aGroups = rotationSweep(anElementsId,
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump aPythonDump;
aPythonDump<< this << ".RotationSweepObject2DMakeGroups( "
<< theObject << ", "
<< theAxis << ", "
<< theAngleInRadians << ", "
<< theNbOfSteps << ", "
<< theTolerance << " )";
@ -1579,9 +1702,8 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor_i::ExtrusionSweepObject(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObjec
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
extrusionSweep (anElementsId, theStepVector, theNbOfSteps, false );
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "stepVector = " << theStepVector;
TPythonDump() << this << ".ExtrusionSweepObject( "
<< theObject << ", stepVector, " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
<< theObject << ", " << theStepVector << ", " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
@ -1597,9 +1719,8 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor_i::ExtrusionSweepObject1D(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObj
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
extrusionSweep (anElementsId, theStepVector, theNbOfSteps, false, SMDSAbs_Edge );
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "stepVector = " << theStepVector;
TPythonDump() << this << ".ExtrusionSweepObject1D( "
<< theObject << ", stepVector, " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
<< theObject << ", " << theStepVector << ", " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
@ -1615,9 +1736,8 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor_i::ExtrusionSweepObject2D(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObj
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
extrusionSweep (anElementsId, theStepVector, theNbOfSteps, false, SMDSAbs_Face );
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "stepVector = " << theStepVector;
TPythonDump() << this << ".ExtrusionSweepObject2D( "
<< theObject << ", stepVector, " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
<< theObject << ", " << theStepVector << ", " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
@ -1655,11 +1775,10 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::ExtrusionSweepObjectMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr the
SMESH::ListOfGroups * aGroups = extrusionSweep (anElementsId, theStepVector, theNbOfSteps, true );
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "stepVector = " << theStepVector;
TPythonDump aPythonDump;
aPythonDump<< this << ".ExtrusionSweepObjectMakeGroups( "
<< theObject << ", stepVector, " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
<< theObject << ", " << theStepVector << ", " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
return aGroups;
@ -1677,11 +1796,10 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::ExtrusionSweepObject1DMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr t
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
SMESH::ListOfGroups * aGroups = extrusionSweep (anElementsId, theStepVector, theNbOfSteps, true, SMDSAbs_Edge );
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "stepVector = " << theStepVector;
TPythonDump aPythonDump;
aPythonDump << this << ".ExtrusionSweepObject1DMakeGroups( "
<< theObject << ", stepVector, " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
<< theObject << ", " << theStepVector << ", " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
return aGroups;
@ -1699,11 +1817,10 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::ExtrusionSweepObject2DMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr t
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
SMESH::ListOfGroups * aGroups = extrusionSweep (anElementsId, theStepVector, theNbOfSteps, true, SMDSAbs_Face );
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "stepVector = " << theStepVector;
TPythonDump aPythonDump;
aPythonDump << this << ".ExtrusionSweepObject2DMakeGroups( "
<< theObject << ", stepVector, " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
<< theObject << ", " << theStepVector << ", " << theNbOfSteps << " )";
return aGroups;
@ -1840,7 +1957,8 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::extrusionAlongPath(const SMESH::long_array & theIDsOfEleme
CORBA::Boolean theHasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct & theRefPoint,
const bool theMakeGroups,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error & theError)
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error & theError,
const SMDSAbs_ElementType theElementType)
@ -1865,7 +1983,7 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::extrusionAlongPath(const SMESH::long_array & theIDsOfEleme
TIDSortedElemSet elements;
arrayToSet(theIDsOfElements, GetMeshDS(), elements);
arrayToSet(theIDsOfElements, GetMeshDS(), elements, theElementType);
list<double> angles;
for (int i = 0; i < theAngles.length(); i++) {
@ -1953,24 +2071,18 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::ExtrusionAlongPathObject(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObje
const SMESH::PointStruct & theRefPoint)
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "rotAngles = " << theAngles;
if ( theHasRefPoint )
TPythonDump() << "refPoint = SMESH.PointStruct( "
<< theRefPoint.x << ", "
<< theRefPoint.y << ", "
<< theRefPoint.z << " )";
TPythonDump() << "refPoint = SMESH.PointStruct( 0,0,0 )";
TPythonDump() << "error = " << this << ".ExtrusionAlongPathObject( "
<< theObject << ", "
<< thePathMesh << ", "
<< thePathShape << ", "
<< theNodeStart << ", "
<< theHasAngles << ", "
<< "rotAngles" << ", "
<< theHasRefPoint << ", refPoint )";
<< theAngles << ", "
<< theHasRefPoint << ", "
<< "SMESH.PointStruct( "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.x : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.y : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.z : 0 ) << " ) )";
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error anError;
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
@ -1987,6 +2099,96 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::ExtrusionAlongPathObject(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObje
return anError;
//function : ExtrusionAlongPathObject1D
//purpose :
SMESH_MeshEditor_i::ExtrusionAlongPathObject1D(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr thePathMesh,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr thePathShape,
CORBA::Long theNodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean theHasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array & theAngles,
CORBA::Boolean theHasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct & theRefPoint)
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "error = " << this << ".ExtrusionAlongPathObject1D( "
<< theObject << ", "
<< thePathMesh << ", "
<< thePathShape << ", "
<< theNodeStart << ", "
<< theHasAngles << ", "
<< theAngles << ", "
<< theHasRefPoint << ", "
<< "SMESH.PointStruct( "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.x : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.y : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.z : 0 ) << " ) )";
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error anError;
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
extrusionAlongPath( anElementsId,
return anError;
//function : ExtrusionAlongPathObject2D
//purpose :
SMESH_MeshEditor_i::ExtrusionAlongPathObject2D(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr thePathMesh,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr thePathShape,
CORBA::Long theNodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean theHasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array & theAngles,
CORBA::Boolean theHasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct & theRefPoint)
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "error = " << this << ".ExtrusionAlongPathObject2D( "
<< theObject << ", "
<< thePathMesh << ", "
<< thePathShape << ", "
<< theNodeStart << ", "
<< theHasAngles << ", "
<< theAngles << ", "
<< theHasRefPoint << ", "
<< "SMESH.PointStruct( "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.x : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.y : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.z : 0 ) << " ) )";
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error anError;
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
extrusionAlongPath( anElementsId,
return anError;
//function : ExtrusionAlongPathMakeGroups
@ -2070,16 +2272,6 @@ ExtrusionAlongPathObjectMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
TPythonDump() << "rotAngles = " << theAngles;
if ( theHasRefPoint )
TPythonDump() << "refPoint = SMESH.PointStruct( "
<< theRefPoint.x << ", "
<< theRefPoint.y << ", "
<< theRefPoint.z << " )";
TPythonDump() << "refPoint = SMESH.PointStruct( 0,0,0 )";
bool isDumpGroups = aGroups && aGroups->length() > 0;
TPythonDump aPythonDump;
if(isDumpGroups) {
@ -2096,8 +2288,124 @@ ExtrusionAlongPathObjectMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
<< thePathShape << ", "
<< theNodeStart << ", "
<< theHasAngles << ", "
<< "rotAngles" << ", "
<< theHasRefPoint << ", refPoint )";
<< theAngles << ", "
<< theHasRefPoint << ", "
<< "SMESH.PointStruct( "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.x : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.y : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.z : 0 ) << " ) )";
return aGroups;
//function : ExtrusionAlongPathObject1DMakeGroups
//purpose :
SMESH::ListOfGroups* SMESH_MeshEditor_i::
ExtrusionAlongPathObject1DMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr thePathMesh,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr thePathShape,
CORBA::Long theNodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean theHasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array& theAngles,
CORBA::Boolean theHasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& theRefPoint,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error)
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
SMESH::ListOfGroups * aGroups = extrusionAlongPath( anElementsId,
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
bool isDumpGroups = aGroups && aGroups->length() > 0;
TPythonDump aPythonDump;
if(isDumpGroups) {
aPythonDump << "("<<aGroups;
aPythonDump << ", error)";
aPythonDump <<"error";
aPythonDump << " = " << this << ".ExtrusionAlongPathObject1DMakeGroups( "
<< theObject << ", "
<< thePathMesh << ", "
<< thePathShape << ", "
<< theNodeStart << ", "
<< theHasAngles << ", "
<< theAngles << ", "
<< theHasRefPoint << ", "
<< "SMESH.PointStruct( "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.x : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.y : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.z : 0 ) << " ) )";
return aGroups;
//function : ExtrusionAlongPathObject2DMakeGroups
//purpose :
SMESH::ListOfGroups* SMESH_MeshEditor_i::
ExtrusionAlongPathObject2DMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr thePathMesh,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr thePathShape,
CORBA::Long theNodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean theHasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array& theAngles,
CORBA::Boolean theHasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& theRefPoint,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error)
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theObject->GetIDs();
SMESH::ListOfGroups * aGroups = extrusionAlongPath( anElementsId,
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
bool isDumpGroups = aGroups && aGroups->length() > 0;
TPythonDump aPythonDump;
if(isDumpGroups) {
aPythonDump << "("<<aGroups;
aPythonDump << ", error)";
aPythonDump <<"error";
aPythonDump << " = " << this << ".ExtrusionAlongPathObject2DMakeGroups( "
<< theObject << ", "
<< thePathMesh << ", "
<< thePathShape << ", "
<< theNodeStart << ", "
<< theHasAngles << ", "
<< theAngles << ", "
<< theHasRefPoint << ", "
<< "SMESH.PointStruct( "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.x : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.y : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( theHasRefPoint ? theRefPoint.z : 0 ) << " ) )";
return aGroups;
@ -183,6 +183,16 @@ class SMESH_MeshEditor_i: public POA_SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor
CORBA::Double AngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long NbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double Tolerance);
void RotationSweepObject1D(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
const SMESH::AxisStruct & Axis,
CORBA::Double AngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long NbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double Tolerance);
void RotationSweepObject2D(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
const SMESH::AxisStruct & Axis,
CORBA::Double AngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long NbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double Tolerance);
void ExtrusionSweep(const SMESH::long_array & IDsOfElements,
const SMESH::DirStruct & StepVector,
@ -221,6 +231,24 @@ class SMESH_MeshEditor_i: public POA_SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor
const SMESH::double_array & Angles,
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct & RefPoint);
ExtrusionAlongPathObject1D(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr PathMesh,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr PathShape,
CORBA::Long NodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array & Angles,
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct & RefPoint);
ExtrusionAlongPathObject2D(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr PathMesh,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr PathShape,
CORBA::Long NodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array & Angles,
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct & RefPoint);
SMESH::double_array* LinearAnglesVariation(SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr PathMesh,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr PathShape,
@ -259,6 +287,16 @@ class SMESH_MeshEditor_i: public POA_SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor
CORBA::Double AngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long NbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double Tolerance);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* RotationSweepObject1DMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Object,
const SMESH::AxisStruct& Axix,
CORBA::Double AngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long NbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double Tolerance);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* RotationSweepObject2DMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Object,
const SMESH::AxisStruct& Axix,
CORBA::Double AngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long NbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double Tolerance);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* ExtrusionSweepMakeGroups(const SMESH::long_array& IDsOfElements,
const SMESH::DirStruct& StepVector,
CORBA::Long NbOfSteps);
@ -294,6 +332,24 @@ class SMESH_MeshEditor_i: public POA_SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* ExtrusionAlongPathObject1DMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Object,
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr PathMesh,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr PathShape,
CORBA::Long NodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* ExtrusionAlongPathObject2DMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Object,
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr PathMesh,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr PathShape,
CORBA::Long NodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* MirrorMakeGroups(const SMESH::long_array& IDsOfElements,
const SMESH::AxisStruct& Mirror,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::MirrorType MirrorType);
@ -445,7 +501,8 @@ private: //!< private methods
CORBA::Double AngleInRadians,
CORBA::Long NbOfSteps,
CORBA::Double Tolerance,
const bool MakeGroups);
const bool MakeGroups,
const SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementType=SMDSAbs_All);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* extrusionSweep(const SMESH::long_array & IDsOfElements,
const SMESH::DirStruct & StepVector,
CORBA::Long NbOfSteps,
@ -466,7 +523,8 @@ private: //!< private methods
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct & RefPoint,
const bool MakeGroups,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error & Error);
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error & Error,
const SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementType=SMDSAbs_All);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* mirror(const SMESH::long_array & IDsOfElements,
const SMESH::AxisStruct & Axis,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::MirrorType MirrorType,
@ -516,7 +516,13 @@ void SMESH_NoteBook::ReplaceVariables()
else if(aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionSweep") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionSweepMakeGroups")) {
aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionSweepObject") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionSweepObject1D") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionSweepObject2D") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionSweepMakeGroups") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionSweepObjectMakeGroups") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionSweepObject1DMakeGroups") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionSweepObject2DMakeGroups")) {
bool isSubstitute = false;
int anArgIndex = 0;
for(int i = 1, n = aCmd->GetNbArgs(); i <= n; i++) {
@ -541,9 +547,12 @@ void SMESH_NoteBook::ReplaceVariables()
else if(aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionAlongPath") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionAlongPathObject") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionAlongPathMakeGroups") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("ExtrusionAlongPathObjectMakeGroups") ||
/* workaround for a bug in the command parsing algorithm */
aCmd->GetString().Search("ExtrusionAlongPathMakeGroups") != -1) {
aCmd->GetString().Search("ExtrusionAlongPathMakeGroups") != -1 ||
aCmd->GetString().Search("ExtrusionAlongPathObjectMakeGroups") != -1 ) {
int aNbAngles = aCurrentStateSize-3; // State looks like "Angle1:...:AngleN:X:Y:Z"
bool isSubstitute = false;
int anArgIndex = 0;
@ -580,7 +589,9 @@ void SMESH_NoteBook::ReplaceVariables()
else if(aMethod.IsEqual("Smooth") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("SmoothParametric")) {
aMethod.IsEqual("SmoothObject") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("SmoothParametric") ||
aMethod.IsEqual("SmoothParametricObject")) {
int anArgIndex = aCmd->GetNbArgs() - 2;
for(int j = 0; j < aCurrentStateSize; j++) {
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ def DegreesToRadians(AngleInDegrees):
return AngleInDegrees * pi / 180.0
# Salome notebook variable separator
variable_separator = ":"
var_separator = ":"
# Parametrized substitute for PointStruct
class PointStructStr:
@ -294,34 +294,34 @@ class DirStructStr:
# Returns list of variable values from salome notebook
def ParsePointStruct(Point):
Parameters = "::"
Parameters = 2*var_separator
if isinstance(Point, PointStructStr):
Parameters = str(Point.xStr) + ":" + str(Point.yStr) + ":" + str(Point.zStr)
Parameters = str(Point.xStr) + var_separator + str(Point.yStr) + var_separator + str(Point.zStr)
Point = PointStruct(Point.x, Point.y, Point.z)
return Point, Parameters
# Returns list of variable values from salome notebook
def ParseDirStruct(Dir):
Parameters = "::"
Parameters = 2*var_separator
if isinstance(Dir, DirStructStr):
pntStr = Dir.pointStruct
if isinstance(pntStr, PointStructStr6):
Parameters = str(pntStr.x1Str) + ":" + str(pntStr.x2Str) + ":"
Parameters += str(pntStr.y1Str) + ":" + str(pntStr.y2Str) + ":"
Parameters += str(pntStr.z1Str) + ":" + str(pntStr.z2Str)
Parameters = str(pntStr.x1Str) + var_separator + str(pntStr.x2Str) + var_separator
Parameters += str(pntStr.y1Str) + var_separator + str(pntStr.y2Str) + var_separator
Parameters += str(pntStr.z1Str) + var_separator + str(pntStr.z2Str)
Point = PointStruct(pntStr.x2 - pntStr.x1, pntStr.y2 - pntStr.y1, pntStr.z2 - pntStr.z1)
Parameters = str(pntStr.xStr) + ":" + str(pntStr.yStr) + ":" + str(pntStr.zStr)
Parameters = str(pntStr.xStr) + var_separator + str(pntStr.yStr) + var_separator + str(pntStr.zStr)
Point = PointStruct(pntStr.x, pntStr.y, pntStr.z)
Dir = DirStruct(Point)
return Dir, Parameters
# Returns list of variable values from salome notebook
def ParseAxisStruct(Axis):
Parameters = 5*variable_separator
Parameters = 5*var_separator
if isinstance(Axis, AxisStructStr):
Parameters = str(Axis.xStr) + variable_separator + str(Axis.yStr) + variable_separator + str(Axis.zStr) + variable_separator
Parameters += str(Axis.dxStr) + variable_separator + str(Axis.dyStr) + variable_separator + str(Axis.dzStr)
Parameters = str(Axis.xStr) + var_separator + str(Axis.yStr) + var_separator + str(Axis.zStr) + var_separator
Parameters += str(Axis.dxStr) + var_separator + str(Axis.dyStr) + var_separator + str(Axis.dzStr)
Axis = AxisStruct(Axis.x, Axis.y, Axis.z, Axis.dx, Axis.dy, Axis.dz)
return Axis, Parameters
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ def ParseAngles(list):
Parameters = Parameters + str(parameter)
Parameters = Parameters + ":"
Parameters = Parameters + var_separator
Parameters = Parameters[:len(Parameters)-1]
return Result, Parameters
@ -2431,7 +2431,7 @@ class Mesh:
if TotalAngle and NbOfSteps:
AngleInRadians /= NbOfSteps
NbOfSteps,Tolerance,Parameters = geompyDC.ParseParameters(NbOfSteps,Tolerance)
Parameters = AxisParameters + ":" + AngleParameters + ":" + Parameters
Parameters = AxisParameters + var_separator + AngleParameters + var_separator + Parameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.RotationSweepMakeGroups(IDsOfElements, Axis,
@ -2452,18 +2452,98 @@ class Mesh:
# @ingroup l2_modif_extrurev
def RotationSweepObject(self, theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians, NbOfSteps, Tolerance,
MakeGroups=False, TotalAngle=False):
flag = False
if isinstance(AngleInRadians,str):
flag = True
AngleInRadians,AngleParameters = geompyDC.ParseParameters(AngleInRadians)
if flag:
AngleInRadians = DegreesToRadians(AngleInRadians)
if ( isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
if ( isinstance( Axis, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
Axis = self.smeshpyD.GetAxisStruct(Axis)
Axis,AxisParameters = ParseAxisStruct(Axis)
if TotalAngle and NbOfSteps:
AngleInRadians /= NbOfSteps
NbOfSteps,Tolerance,Parameters = geompyDC.ParseParameters(NbOfSteps,Tolerance)
Parameters = AxisParameters + var_separator + AngleParameters + var_separator + Parameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.RotationSweepObjectMakeGroups(theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians,
NbOfSteps, Tolerance)
self.editor.RotationSweepObject(theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians, NbOfSteps, Tolerance)
return []
## Generates new elements by rotation of the elements of object around the axis
# @param theObject object which elements should be sweeped
# @param Axis the axis of rotation, AxisStruct or line(geom object)
# @param AngleInRadians the angle of Rotation
# @param NbOfSteps number of steps
# @param Tolerance tolerance
# @param MakeGroups forces the generation of new groups from existing ones
# @param TotalAngle gives meaning of AngleInRadians: if True then it is an angular size
# of all steps, else - size of each step
# @return the list of created groups (SMESH_GroupBase) if MakeGroups=True, empty list otherwise
# @ingroup l2_modif_extrurev
def RotationSweepObject1D(self, theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians, NbOfSteps, Tolerance,
MakeGroups=False, TotalAngle=False):
flag = False
if isinstance(AngleInRadians,str):
flag = True
AngleInRadians,AngleParameters = geompyDC.ParseParameters(AngleInRadians)
if flag:
AngleInRadians = DegreesToRadians(AngleInRadians)
if ( isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
if ( isinstance( Axis, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
Axis = self.smeshpyD.GetAxisStruct(Axis)
Axis,AxisParameters = ParseAxisStruct(Axis)
if TotalAngle and NbOfSteps:
AngleInRadians /= NbOfSteps
NbOfSteps,Tolerance,Parameters = geompyDC.ParseParameters(NbOfSteps,Tolerance)
Parameters = AxisParameters + var_separator + AngleParameters + var_separator + Parameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.RotationSweepObject1DMakeGroups(theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians,
NbOfSteps, Tolerance)
self.editor.RotationSweepObject1D(theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians, NbOfSteps, Tolerance)
return []
## Generates new elements by rotation of the elements of object around the axis
# @param theObject object which elements should be sweeped
# @param Axis the axis of rotation, AxisStruct or line(geom object)
# @param AngleInRadians the angle of Rotation
# @param NbOfSteps number of steps
# @param Tolerance tolerance
# @param MakeGroups forces the generation of new groups from existing ones
# @param TotalAngle gives meaning of AngleInRadians: if True then it is an angular size
# of all steps, else - size of each step
# @return the list of created groups (SMESH_GroupBase) if MakeGroups=True, empty list otherwise
# @ingroup l2_modif_extrurev
def RotationSweepObject2D(self, theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians, NbOfSteps, Tolerance,
MakeGroups=False, TotalAngle=False):
flag = False
if isinstance(AngleInRadians,str):
flag = True
AngleInRadians,AngleParameters = geompyDC.ParseParameters(AngleInRadians)
if flag:
AngleInRadians = DegreesToRadians(AngleInRadians)
if ( isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
if ( isinstance( Axis, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
Axis = self.smeshpyD.GetAxisStruct(Axis)
Axis,AxisParameters = ParseAxisStruct(Axis)
if TotalAngle and NbOfSteps:
AngleInRadians /= NbOfSteps
NbOfSteps,Tolerance,Parameters = geompyDC.ParseParameters(NbOfSteps,Tolerance)
Parameters = AxisParameters + var_separator + AngleParameters + var_separator + Parameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.RotationSweepObject2DMakeGroups(theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians,
NbOfSteps, Tolerance)
self.editor.RotationSweepObject2D(theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians, NbOfSteps, Tolerance)
return []
## Generates new elements by extrusion of the elements with given ids
# @param IDsOfElements the list of elements ids for extrusion
# @param StepVector vector, defining the direction and value of extrusion
@ -2478,7 +2558,7 @@ class Mesh:
StepVector = self.smeshpyD.GetDirStruct(StepVector)
StepVector,StepVectorParameters = ParseDirStruct(StepVector)
NbOfSteps,Parameters = geompyDC.ParseParameters(NbOfSteps)
Parameters = StepVectorParameters + ":" + Parameters
Parameters = StepVectorParameters + var_separator + Parameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.ExtrusionSweepMakeGroups(IDsOfElements, StepVector, NbOfSteps)
@ -2518,6 +2598,10 @@ class Mesh:
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
if ( isinstance( StepVector, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
StepVector = self.smeshpyD.GetDirStruct(StepVector)
StepVector,StepVectorParameters = ParseDirStruct(StepVector)
NbOfSteps,Parameters = geompyDC.ParseParameters(NbOfSteps)
Parameters = StepVectorParameters + var_separator + Parameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.ExtrusionSweepObjectMakeGroups(theObject, StepVector, NbOfSteps)
self.editor.ExtrusionSweepObject(theObject, StepVector, NbOfSteps)
@ -2535,6 +2619,10 @@ class Mesh:
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
if ( isinstance( StepVector, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
StepVector = self.smeshpyD.GetDirStruct(StepVector)
StepVector,StepVectorParameters = ParseDirStruct(StepVector)
NbOfSteps,Parameters = geompyDC.ParseParameters(NbOfSteps)
Parameters = StepVectorParameters + var_separator + Parameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.ExtrusionSweepObject1DMakeGroups(theObject, StepVector, NbOfSteps)
self.editor.ExtrusionSweepObject1D(theObject, StepVector, NbOfSteps)
@ -2552,6 +2640,10 @@ class Mesh:
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
if ( isinstance( StepVector, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
StepVector = self.smeshpyD.GetDirStruct(StepVector)
StepVector,StepVectorParameters = ParseDirStruct(StepVector)
NbOfSteps,Parameters = geompyDC.ParseParameters(NbOfSteps)
Parameters = StepVectorParameters + var_separator + Parameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.ExtrusionSweepObject2DMakeGroups(theObject, StepVector, NbOfSteps)
self.editor.ExtrusionSweepObject2D(theObject, StepVector, NbOfSteps)
@ -2590,7 +2682,7 @@ class Mesh:
if HasAngles and Angles and LinearVariation:
Angles = self.editor.LinearAnglesVariation( PathMesh, PathShape, Angles )
Parameters = AnglesParameters + ":" + RefPointParameters
Parameters = AnglesParameters + var_separator + RefPointParameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathMakeGroups(IDsOfElements, PathMesh,
@ -2620,6 +2712,8 @@ class Mesh:
def ExtrusionAlongPathObject(self, theObject, PathMesh, PathShape, NodeStart,
HasAngles, Angles, HasRefPoint, RefPoint,
MakeGroups=False, LinearVariation=False):
Angles,AnglesParameters = ParseAngles(Angles)
RefPoint,RefPointParameters = ParsePointStruct(RefPoint)
if ( isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
if ( isinstance( RefPoint, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
@ -2629,6 +2723,8 @@ class Mesh:
if HasAngles and Angles and LinearVariation:
Angles = self.editor.LinearAnglesVariation( PathMesh, PathShape, Angles )
Parameters = AnglesParameters + var_separator + RefPointParameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathObjectMakeGroups(theObject, PathMesh,
PathShape, NodeStart, HasAngles,
@ -2637,6 +2733,90 @@ class Mesh:
NodeStart, HasAngles, Angles, HasRefPoint,
## Generates new elements by extrusion of the elements which belong to the object
# The path of extrusion must be a meshed edge.
# @param theObject the object which elements should be processed
# @param PathMesh mesh containing a 1D sub-mesh on the edge, along which the extrusion proceeds
# @param PathShape shape(edge) defines the sub-mesh for the path
# @param NodeStart the first or the last node on the edge. Defines the direction of extrusion
# @param HasAngles allows the shape to be rotated around the path
# to get the resulting mesh in a helical fashion
# @param Angles list of angles
# @param HasRefPoint allows using the reference point
# @param RefPoint the point around which the shape is rotated (the mass center of the shape by default).
# The User can specify any point as the Reference Point.
# @param MakeGroups forces the generation of new groups from existing ones
# @param LinearVariation forces the computation of rotation angles as linear
# variation of the given Angles along path steps
# @return list of created groups (SMESH_GroupBase) and SMESH::Extrusion_Error if MakeGroups=True,
# only SMESH::Extrusion_Error otherwise
# @ingroup l2_modif_extrurev
def ExtrusionAlongPathObject1D(self, theObject, PathMesh, PathShape, NodeStart,
HasAngles, Angles, HasRefPoint, RefPoint,
MakeGroups=False, LinearVariation=False):
Angles,AnglesParameters = ParseAngles(Angles)
RefPoint,RefPointParameters = ParsePointStruct(RefPoint)
if ( isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
if ( isinstance( RefPoint, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
RefPoint = self.smeshpyD.GetPointStruct(RefPoint)
if ( isinstance( PathMesh, Mesh )):
PathMesh = PathMesh.GetMesh()
if HasAngles and Angles and LinearVariation:
Angles = self.editor.LinearAnglesVariation( PathMesh, PathShape, Angles )
Parameters = AnglesParameters + var_separator + RefPointParameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathObject1DMakeGroups(theObject, PathMesh,
PathShape, NodeStart, HasAngles,
Angles, HasRefPoint, RefPoint)
return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathObject1D(theObject, PathMesh, PathShape,
NodeStart, HasAngles, Angles, HasRefPoint,
## Generates new elements by extrusion of the elements which belong to the object
# The path of extrusion must be a meshed edge.
# @param theObject the object which elements should be processed
# @param PathMesh mesh containing a 1D sub-mesh on the edge, along which the extrusion proceeds
# @param PathShape shape(edge) defines the sub-mesh for the path
# @param NodeStart the first or the last node on the edge. Defines the direction of extrusion
# @param HasAngles allows the shape to be rotated around the path
# to get the resulting mesh in a helical fashion
# @param Angles list of angles
# @param HasRefPoint allows using the reference point
# @param RefPoint the point around which the shape is rotated (the mass center of the shape by default).
# The User can specify any point as the Reference Point.
# @param MakeGroups forces the generation of new groups from existing ones
# @param LinearVariation forces the computation of rotation angles as linear
# variation of the given Angles along path steps
# @return list of created groups (SMESH_GroupBase) and SMESH::Extrusion_Error if MakeGroups=True,
# only SMESH::Extrusion_Error otherwise
# @ingroup l2_modif_extrurev
def ExtrusionAlongPathObject2D(self, theObject, PathMesh, PathShape, NodeStart,
HasAngles, Angles, HasRefPoint, RefPoint,
MakeGroups=False, LinearVariation=False):
Angles,AnglesParameters = ParseAngles(Angles)
RefPoint,RefPointParameters = ParsePointStruct(RefPoint)
if ( isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
if ( isinstance( RefPoint, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
RefPoint = self.smeshpyD.GetPointStruct(RefPoint)
if ( isinstance( PathMesh, Mesh )):
PathMesh = PathMesh.GetMesh()
if HasAngles and Angles and LinearVariation:
Angles = self.editor.LinearAnglesVariation( PathMesh, PathShape, Angles )
Parameters = AnglesParameters + var_separator + RefPointParameters
if MakeGroups:
return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathObject2DMakeGroups(theObject, PathMesh,
PathShape, NodeStart, HasAngles,
Angles, HasRefPoint, RefPoint)
return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathObject2D(theObject, PathMesh, PathShape,
NodeStart, HasAngles, Angles, HasRefPoint,
## Creates a symmetrical copy of mesh elements
# @param IDsOfElements list of elements ids
# @param Mirror is AxisStruct or geom object(point, line, plane)
@ -2811,7 +2991,7 @@ class Mesh:
if ( isinstance( Axis, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
Axis = self.smeshpyD.GetAxisStruct(Axis)
Axis,AxisParameters = ParseAxisStruct(Axis)
Parameters = AxisParameters + ":" + Parameters
Parameters = AxisParameters + var_separator + Parameters
if Copy and MakeGroups:
return self.editor.RotateMakeGroups(IDsOfElements, Axis, AngleInRadians)
@ -2838,7 +3018,7 @@ class Mesh:
if ( isinstance( Axis, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
Axis = self.smeshpyD.GetAxisStruct(Axis)
Axis,AxisParameters = ParseAxisStruct(Axis)
Parameters = AxisParameters + ":" + Parameters
Parameters = AxisParameters + var_separator + Parameters
mesh = self.editor.RotateMakeMesh(IDsOfElements, Axis, AngleInRadians,
MakeGroups, NewMeshName)
@ -4351,7 +4531,7 @@ def ParseParameters(last, nbParams,nbParam, value):
result = value
if nbParams - 1 != counter:
strResult=strResult+variable_separator #":"
strResult=strResult+var_separator #":"
counter = counter+1
return result, strResult
Reference in New Issue
Block a user