cosmetic changes

This commit is contained in:
eap 2009-12-14 09:26:16 +00:00
parent e7952c1e1e
commit bcb8d2c754

@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ SMESH_Mesh_i::ImportMEDFile( const char* theFileName, const char* theMeshName )
char* SMESH_Mesh_i::GetVersionString(SMESH::MED_VERSION version, CORBA::Short nbDigits)
std::string ver = DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::GetVersionString(MED::EVersion(version),
string ver = DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::GetVersionString(MED::EVersion(version),
return CORBA::string_dup( ver.c_str() );
@ -2611,7 +2611,7 @@ CORBA::Long SMESH_Mesh_i::NbSubMesh()throw(SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
char* SMESH_Mesh_i::Dump()
std::ostringstream os;
ostringstream os;
_impl->Dump( os );
return CORBA::string_dup( os.str().c_str() );
@ -3481,19 +3481,25 @@ static TopAbs_ShapeEnum shapeTypeByDim(const int theDim)
* \brief Internal structure to collect concurent submeshes
* \brief Internal structure used to find concurent submeshes
* It represents a pair < submesh, concurent dimension >, where
* 'concurrent dimension' is dimension of shape where the submesh can concurent
* with another submesh. In other words, it is dimension of a hypothesis assigned
* to submesh.
class SMESH_DimHyp
//! fileds
int _dim;
int _ownDim;
int _dim; //!< a dimension the algo can build (concurrent dimension)
int _ownDim; //!< dimension of shape of _subMesh (>=_dim)
TopTools_MapOfShape _shapeMap;
SMESH_subMesh* _subMesh;
std::list<const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*> _hypothesises;
list<const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*> _hypothesises; //!< algo is first, then its parameters
//! Constructors
SMESH_DimHyp(const SMESH_subMesh* theSubMesh,
const int theDim,
@ -3502,7 +3508,7 @@ class SMESH_DimHyp
_subMesh = (SMESH_subMesh*)theSubMesh;
SetShape( theDim, theShape );
//! set shape
void SetShape(const int theDim,
const TopoDS_Shape& theShape)
@ -3549,18 +3555,24 @@ class SMESH_DimHyp
//! Check if subhape hypothesises is concurrent
//! Check if subshape hypotheses are concurrent
bool IsConcurrent(const SMESH_DimHyp* theOther) const
if ( _subMesh == theOther->_subMesh )
return false; // same subshape - should not be
if ( (_ownDim == theOther->_dim || _dim == theOther->_ownDim ) &&
((_subMesh->GetSubMeshDS() && !(_subMesh->GetSubMeshDS()->IsComplexSubmesh())) ||
(theOther->_subMesh->GetSubMeshDS() && !(theOther->_subMesh->GetSubMeshDS()->IsComplexSubmesh())) ) )
return false; // no concurrence on shape and group (compound)
bool checkSubShape = ( _dim >= theOther->_dim )
? isShareSubShapes( _shapeMap, theOther->_shapeMap, shapeTypeByDim(theOther->_dim) )
: isShareSubShapes( theOther->_shapeMap, _shapeMap, shapeTypeByDim(_dim) ) ;
// if ( <own dim of either of submeshes> == <concurrent dim> &&
// any of the two submeshes is not on COMPOUND shape )
// -> no concurrency
bool meIsCompound = (_subMesh->GetSubMeshDS() && _subMesh->GetSubMeshDS()->IsComplexSubmesh());
bool otherIsCompound = (theOther->_subMesh->GetSubMeshDS() && theOther->_subMesh->GetSubMeshDS()->IsComplexSubmesh());
if ( (_ownDim == _dim || theOther->_ownDim == _dim ) && (!meIsCompound || !otherIsCompound))
return false;
// bool checkSubShape = ( _dim >= theOther->_dim )
// ? isShareSubShapes( _shapeMap, theOther->_shapeMap, shapeTypeByDim(theOther->_dim) )
// : isShareSubShapes( theOther->_shapeMap, _shapeMap, shapeTypeByDim(_dim) ) ;
bool checkSubShape = isShareSubShapes( _shapeMap, theOther->_shapeMap, shapeTypeByDim(_dim));
if ( !checkSubShape )
return false;
@ -3571,35 +3583,35 @@ class SMESH_DimHyp
// check hypothesises for concurrence (skip first as algorithm)
int nbSame = 0;
// pointers should be same, becase it is referenes from mesh hypothesis partition
std::list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator hypIt = _hypothesises.begin();
std::list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator otheEndIt = theOther->_hypothesises.end();
list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator hypIt = _hypothesises.begin();
list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator otheEndIt = theOther->_hypothesises.end();
for ( hypIt++ /*skip first as algo*/; hypIt != _hypothesises.end(); hypIt++ )
if ( find( theOther->_hypothesises.begin(), otheEndIt, *hypIt ) != otheEndIt )
// the submeshes is concurrent if their algorithms has different parameters
// the submeshes are concurrent if their algorithms has different parameters
return nbSame != theOther->_hypothesises.size() - 1;
}; // end of SMESH_DimHyp
typedef std::list<SMESH_DimHyp*> TDimHypList;
typedef list<SMESH_DimHyp*> TDimHypList;
static void addDimHypInstance(const int theDim,
const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
const SMESH_Algo* theAlgo,
const SMESH_subMesh* theSubMesh,
const std::list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>& theHypList,
const list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>& theHypList,
TDimHypList* theDimHypListArr )
TDimHypList& listOfdimHyp = theDimHypListArr[theDim];
if ( !listOfdimHyp.size() || listOfdimHyp.back()->_subMesh != theSubMesh ) {
if ( listOfdimHyp.empty() || listOfdimHyp.back()->_subMesh != theSubMesh ) {
SMESH_DimHyp* dimHyp = new SMESH_DimHyp( theSubMesh, theDim, theShape );
listOfdimHyp.push_back( dimHyp );
SMESH_DimHyp* dimHyp = listOfdimHyp.back();
std::list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator hypIt = theHypList.begin();
list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator hypIt = theHypList.begin();
for( ; hypIt != theHypList.end(); hypIt++ )
dimHyp->_hypothesises.push_back( *hypIt );
@ -3629,7 +3641,7 @@ static void unionLists(TListOfInt& theListOfId,
for ( int i = 0; it != theListOfListOfId.end(); it++, i++ ) {
if ( i < theIndx )
continue; //skip already treated lists
// check is other list has any same submesh object
// check if other list has any same submesh object
TListOfInt& otherListOfId = *it;
if ( find_first_of( theListOfId.begin(), theListOfId.end(),
otherListOfId.begin(), otherListOfId.end() ) == theListOfId.end() )
@ -3672,44 +3684,50 @@ SMESH::submesh_array_array* SMESH_Mesh_i::GetMeshOrder()
return aResult._retn();
::SMESH_Mesh& mesh = GetImpl();
TListOfListOfInt anOrder = mesh.GetMeshOrder();
TListOfListOfInt anOrder = mesh.GetMeshOrder(); // is there already defined order?
if ( !anOrder.size() ) {
// collect submeshes detecting concurrent algorithms and hypothesises
TDimHypList* dimHypListArr = new TDimHypList[4]; // dimHyp list for each shape dimension
TDimHypList dimHypListArr[4]; // dimHyp list for each shape dimension
map<int, ::SMESH_subMesh*>::iterator i_sm = _mapSubMesh.begin();
for ( ; i_sm != _mapSubMesh.end(); i_sm++ ) {
::SMESH_subMesh* sm = (*i_sm).second;
// get shape of submesh
// shape of submesh
const TopoDS_Shape& aSubMeshShape = sm->GetSubShape();
// get list of assigned hypothesises
const std::list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>& hypList = mesh.GetHypothesisList(aSubMeshShape);
std::list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator hypIt = hypList.begin();
// list of assigned hypothesises
const list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>& hypList = mesh.GetHypothesisList(aSubMeshShape);
// Find out dimensions where the submesh can be concurrent.
// We define the dimensions by algo of each of hypotheses in hypList
list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator hypIt = hypList.begin();
for( ; hypIt != hypList.end(); hypIt++ ) {
SMESH_Algo* anAlgo = 0;
const SMESH_Hypothesis* hyp = dynamic_cast<const SMESH_Hypothesis*>(*hypIt);
if ( hyp->GetType() != SMESHDS_Hypothesis::PARAM_ALGO )
// hyp it-self is algo
anAlgo = (SMESH_Algo*)dynamic_cast<const SMESH_Algo*>(hyp);
else {
// try to find algorithm with helkp of subshapes
// try to find algorithm with help of subshapes
TopExp_Explorer anExp( aSubMeshShape, shapeTypeByDim(hyp->GetDim()) );
for ( ; !anAlgo && anExp.More(); anExp.Next() )
anAlgo = mesh.GetGen()->GetAlgo( mesh, anExp.Current() );
if (!anAlgo) // shopuld not be, but...
if (!anAlgo)
continue; // no assigned algorithm to current submesh
int dim = anAlgo->GetDim();
// create instance od dimension-hypiotheis for founded concurrent dimension and algorithm
int dim = anAlgo->GetDim(); // top concurrent dimension (see comment to SMESH_DimHyp)
// the submesh can concurrent at <dim> (or lower dims if !anAlgo->NeedDescretBoundary())
// create instance of dimension-hypothesis for found concurrent dimension(s) and algorithm
for ( int j = anAlgo->NeedDescretBoundary() ? dim : 1, jn = dim; j <= jn; j++ )
addDimHypInstance( j, aSubMeshShape, anAlgo, sm, hypList, dimHypListArr );
} // end iterations on submesh
// iteartes on create dimension-hypothesises and check for concurrents
// iterate on created dimension-hypotheses and check for concurrents
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
const std::list<SMESH_DimHyp*>& listOfDimHyp = dimHypListArr[i];
const list<SMESH_DimHyp*>& listOfDimHyp = dimHypListArr[i];
// check for concurrents in own and other dimensions (step-by-step)
TDimHypList::const_iterator dhIt = listOfDimHyp.begin();
for ( ; dhIt != listOfDimHyp.end(); dhIt++ ) {
@ -3728,7 +3746,6 @@ SMESH::submesh_array_array* SMESH_Mesh_i::GetMeshOrder()
delete[] dimHypListArr;
// now, minimise the number of concurrent groups
// Here we assume that lists of submhes can has same submesh
@ -3756,13 +3773,13 @@ SMESH::submesh_array_array* SMESH_Mesh_i::GetMeshOrder()
static void findCommonSubMesh
(std::list<const SMESH_subMesh*>& theSubMeshList,
(list<const SMESH_subMesh*>& theSubMeshList,
const SMESH_subMesh* theSubMesh,
std::set<const SMESH_subMesh*>& theCommon )
set<const SMESH_subMesh*>& theCommon )
if ( !theSubMesh )
std::list<const SMESH_subMesh*>::const_iterator it = theSubMeshList.begin();
list<const SMESH_subMesh*>::const_iterator it = theSubMeshList.begin();
for ( ; it != theSubMeshList.end(); it++ )
theSubMesh->FindIntersection( *it, theCommon );
theSubMeshList.push_back( theSubMesh );
@ -3793,8 +3810,8 @@ static void findCommonSubMesh
// Collect subMeshes which should be clear
// do it list-by-list, because modification of submesh order
// take effect between concurrent submeshes only
std::set<const SMESH_subMesh*> subMeshToClear;
std::list<const SMESH_subMesh*> subMeshList;
set<const SMESH_subMesh*> subMeshToClear;
list<const SMESH_subMesh*> subMeshList;
for ( int j = 0, jn = aSMArray.length(); j < jn; j++ )
const SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var subMesh = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_duplicate(aSMArray[j]);
@ -3802,15 +3819,15 @@ static void findCommonSubMesh
aPythonDump << ", ";
aPythonDump << subMesh;
subMeshIds.push_back( subMesh->GetId() );
// detech common parts of submeshes
// detect common parts of submeshes
if ( _mapSubMesh.find(subMesh->GetId()) != _mapSubMesh.end() )
findCommonSubMesh( subMeshList, (*_mapSubMesh.find(subMesh->GetId())).second, subMeshToClear );
findCommonSubMesh( subMeshList, _mapSubMesh[ subMesh->GetId() ], subMeshToClear );
aPythonDump << " ]";
subMeshOrder.push_back( subMeshIds );
// clear collected submeshes
std::set<const SMESH_subMesh*>::iterator clrIt = subMeshToClear.begin();
set<const SMESH_subMesh*>::iterator clrIt = subMeshToClear.begin();
for ( ; clrIt != subMeshToClear.end(); clrIt++ ) {
SMESH_subMesh* sm = (SMESH_subMesh*)*clrIt;
if ( sm )
@ -3860,7 +3877,7 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::convertMeshOrder
if ( _mapSubMeshIor.find(*subIt) == _mapSubMeshIor.end() )
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var subMesh =
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_duplicate( (*_mapSubMeshIor.find(*subIt)).second );
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_duplicate( _mapSubMeshIor[*subIt] );
if ( theIsDump ) {
if ( j > 0 )
aPythonDump << ", ";