mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 21:17:56 +05:00
struct SMESH_ElementSearcher
{ + virtual const SMDS_MeshElement* FindClosestTo( const gp_Pnt& point, + SMDSAbs_ElementType type) = 0; } + int Reorient2D (TIDSortedElemSet & theFaces, + const gp_Dir& theDirection, + const SMDS_MeshElement * theFace); + static double GetDistance( const SMDS_MeshFace* face, const gp_Pnt& point ); + void ElementBndBoxTree::getElementsInSphere ( const gp_XYZ& center, + const double radius, + TIDSortedElemSet& foundElems)
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,6 +97,9 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <Standard_Failure.hxx>
#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
#define cast2Node(elem) static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( elem )
using namespace std;
@ -1051,6 +1054,97 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::Reorient (const SMDS_MeshElement * theElem)
return false;
* \brief Reorient faces.
* \param theFaces - the faces to reorient. If empty the whole mesh is meant
* \param theDirection - desired direction of normal of \a theFace
* \param theFace - one of \a theFaces that sould be orientated according to
* \a theDirection and whose orientation defines orientation of other faces
* \return number of reoriented faces.
int SMESH_MeshEditor::Reorient2D (TIDSortedElemSet & theFaces,
const gp_Dir& theDirection,
const SMDS_MeshElement * theFace)
int nbReori = 0;
if ( !theFace || theFace->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face ) return nbReori;
if ( theFaces.empty() )
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr fIt = GetMeshDS()->facesIterator(/*idInceasingOrder=*/true);
while ( fIt->more() )
theFaces.insert( theFaces.end(), fIt->next() );
// orient theFace according to theDirection
gp_XYZ normal;
SMESH_Algo::FaceNormal( theFace, normal, /*normalized=*/false );
if ( normal * theDirection.XYZ() < 0 )
nbReori += Reorient( theFace );
// Orient other faces
set< const SMDS_MeshElement* > startFaces;
TIDSortedElemSet avoidSet;
set< SMESH_TLink > checkedLinks;
pair< set< SMESH_TLink >::iterator, bool > linkIt_isNew;
if ( theFaces.size() > 1 )// leave 1 face to prevent finding not selected faces
theFaces.erase( theFace );
startFaces.insert( theFace );
set< const SMDS_MeshElement* >::iterator startFace = startFaces.begin();
while ( startFace != startFaces.end() )
theFace = *startFace;
const int nbNodes = theFace->NbCornerNodes();
NLink link( theFace->GetNode( 0 ), 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i ) // loop on links of theFace
link.second = theFace->GetNode(( i+1 ) % nbNodes );
linkIt_isNew = checkedLinks.insert( link );
if ( !linkIt_isNew.second )
// link has already been checked and won't be encountered more
// if the group (theFaces) is manifold
checkedLinks.erase( linkIt_isNew.first );
int nodeInd1, nodeInd2;
const SMDS_MeshElement* otherFace = FindFaceInSet( link.first, link.second,
theFaces, avoidSet,
& nodeInd1, & nodeInd2);
if ( otherFace && otherFace != theFace)
// link must be reversed in otherFace if orientation ot otherFace
// is same as that of theFace
if ( abs(nodeInd2-nodeInd1) == 1 ? nodeInd2 > nodeInd1 : nodeInd1 > nodeInd2 )
// cout << "Reorient " << otherFace->GetID() << " near theFace=" <<theFace->GetID()
// << " \tlink( " << link.first->GetID() << " " << link.second->GetID() << endl;
nbReori += Reorient( otherFace );
startFaces.insert( otherFace );
if ( theFaces.size() > 1 ) // leave 1 face to prevent finding not selected faces
theFaces.erase( otherFace );
std::swap( link.first, link.second );
startFaces.erase( startFace );
startFace = startFaces.begin();
return nbReori;
//function : getBadRate
//purpose :
@ -6063,16 +6157,22 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
ElementBndBoxTree(const SMDS_Mesh& mesh, SMDSAbs_ElementType elemType, SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theElemIt = SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr(), double tolerance = NodeRadius );
void getElementsNearPoint( const gp_Pnt& point, TIDSortedElemSet& foundElems);
ElementBndBoxTree(const SMDS_Mesh& mesh,
SMDSAbs_ElementType elemType,
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theElemIt = SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr(),
double tolerance = NodeRadius );
void getElementsNearPoint( const gp_Pnt& point, TIDSortedElemSet& foundElems );
void getElementsNearLine ( const gp_Ax1& line, TIDSortedElemSet& foundElems);
void getElementsInSphere ( const gp_XYZ& center,
const double radius, TIDSortedElemSet& foundElems);
size_t getSize() { return std::max( _size, _elements.size() ); }
ElementBndBoxTree() {}
ElementBndBoxTree():_size(0) {}
SMESH_Octree* allocateOctreeChild() const { return new ElementBndBoxTree; }
void buildChildrenData();
Bnd_B3d* buildRootBox();
void buildChildrenData();
Bnd_B3d* buildRootBox();
//!< Bounding box of element
struct ElementBox : public Bnd_B3d
@ -6082,6 +6182,7 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
ElementBox(const SMDS_MeshElement* elem, double tolerance);
vector< ElementBox* > _elements;
size_t _size;
@ -6100,10 +6201,7 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
while ( elemIt->more() )
_elements.push_back( new ElementBox( elemIt->next(),tolerance ));
if ( _elements.size() > MaxNbElemsInLeaf )
myIsLeaf = true;
@ -6153,7 +6251,8 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
_size = _elements.size();
SMESHUtils::FreeVector( _elements ); // = _elements.clear() + free memory
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
@ -6162,7 +6261,7 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
child->myIsLeaf = true;
if ( child->_elements.capacity() - child->_elements.size() > 1000 )
child->_elements.resize( child->_elements.size() ); // compact
SMESHUtils::CompactVector( child->_elements );
@ -6175,7 +6274,7 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
void ElementBndBoxTree::getElementsNearPoint( const gp_Pnt& point,
TIDSortedElemSet& foundElems)
if ( level() && getBox().IsOut( point.XYZ() ))
if ( getBox().IsOut( point.XYZ() ))
if ( isLeaf() )
@ -6200,7 +6299,7 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
void ElementBndBoxTree::getElementsNearLine( const gp_Ax1& line,
TIDSortedElemSet& foundElems)
if ( level() && getBox().IsOut( line ))
if ( getBox().IsOut( line ))
if ( isLeaf() )
@ -6216,6 +6315,32 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
* \brief Return elements from leaves intersecting the sphere
void ElementBndBoxTree::getElementsInSphere ( const gp_XYZ& center,
const double radius,
TIDSortedElemSet& foundElems)
if ( getBox().IsOut( center, radius ))
if ( isLeaf() )
for ( int i = 0; i < _elements.size(); ++i )
if ( !_elements[i]->IsOut( center, radius ))
foundElems.insert( _elements[i]->_element );
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
((ElementBndBoxTree*) myChildren[i])->getElementsInSphere( center, radius, foundElems );
* \brief Construct the element box
@ -6228,7 +6353,7 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
_refCount = 1;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = elem->nodesIterator();
while ( nIt->more() )
Add( SMESH_TNodeXYZ( cast2Node( nIt->next() )));
Add( SMESH_TNodeXYZ( nIt->next() ));
Enlarge( tolerance );
@ -6263,6 +6388,8 @@ struct SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl: public SMESH_ElementSearcher
SMDSAbs_ElementType type,
vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* >& foundElements);
virtual TopAbs_State GetPointState(const gp_Pnt& point);
virtual const SMDS_MeshElement* FindClosestTo( const gp_Pnt& point,
SMDSAbs_ElementType type );
void GetElementsNearLine( const gp_Ax1& line,
SMDSAbs_ElementType type,
@ -6548,12 +6675,103 @@ FindElementsByPoint(const gp_Pnt& point,
_ebbTree->getElementsNearPoint( point, suspectElems );
TIDSortedElemSet::iterator elem = suspectElems.begin();
for ( ; elem != suspectElems.end(); ++elem )
if ( !SMESH_MeshEditor::isOut( *elem, point, tolerance ))
if ( !SMESH_MeshEditor::IsOut( *elem, point, tolerance ))
foundElements.push_back( *elem );
return foundElements.size();
* \brief Find an element of given type most close to the given point
* WARNING: Only face search is implemeneted so far
const SMDS_MeshElement*
SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindClosestTo( const gp_Pnt& point,
SMDSAbs_ElementType type )
const SMDS_MeshElement* closestElem = 0;
if ( type == SMDSAbs_Face )
if ( !_ebbTree || _elementType != type )
if ( _ebbTree ) delete _ebbTree;
_ebbTree = new ElementBndBoxTree( *_mesh, _elementType = type, _meshPartIt );
TIDSortedElemSet suspectElems;
_ebbTree->getElementsNearPoint( point, suspectElems );
if ( suspectElems.empty() && _ebbTree->maxSize() > 0 )
gp_Pnt boxCenter = 0.5 * ( _ebbTree->getBox().CornerMin() +
_ebbTree->getBox().CornerMax() );
double radius;
if ( _ebbTree->getBox().IsOut( point.XYZ() ))
radius = point.Distance( boxCenter ) - 0.5 * _ebbTree->maxSize();
radius = _ebbTree->maxSize() / pow( 2., _ebbTree->getHeight()) / 2;
while ( suspectElems.empty() )
_ebbTree->getElementsInSphere( point.XYZ(), radius, suspectElems );
radius *= 1.1;
double minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
multimap< double, const SMDS_MeshElement* > dist2face;
TIDSortedElemSet::iterator elem = suspectElems.begin();
for ( ; elem != suspectElems.end(); ++elem )
double dist = SMESH_MeshEditor::GetDistance( dynamic_cast<const SMDS_MeshFace*>(*elem),
point );
if ( dist < minDist + 1e-10)
minDist = dist;
dist2face.insert( dist2face.begin(), make_pair( dist, *elem ));
if ( !dist2face.empty() )
multimap< double, const SMDS_MeshElement* >::iterator d2f = dist2face.begin();
closestElem = d2f->second;
// if there are several elements at the same distance, select one
// with GC closest to the point
typedef SMDS_StdIterator< SMESH_TNodeXYZ, SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr > TXyzIterator;
double minDistToGC = 0;
for ( ++d2f; d2f != dist2face.end() && fabs( d2f->first - minDist ) < 1e-10; ++d2f )
if ( minDistToGC == 0 )
gp_XYZ gc(0,0,0);
gc = accumulate( TXyzIterator(closestElem->nodesIterator()),
TXyzIterator(), gc ) / closestElem->NbNodes();
minDistToGC = point.SquareDistance( gc );
gp_XYZ gc(0,0,0);
gc = accumulate( TXyzIterator( d2f->second->nodesIterator()),
TXyzIterator(), gc ) / d2f->second->NbNodes();
double d = point.SquareDistance( gc );
if ( d < minDistToGC )
minDistToGC = d;
closestElem = d2f->second;
// cout << "FindClosestTo( " <<point.X()<<", "<<point.Y()<<", "<<point.Z()<<" ) FACE "
// <<closestElem->GetID() << " DIST " << minDist << endl;
return closestElem;
* \brief Classify the given point in the closed 2D mesh
@ -6607,7 +6825,7 @@ TopAbs_State SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::GetPointState(const gp_Pnt& point)
else if ( ! intersection.IsParallel() && intersection.NbPoints() > 0 )
gp_Pnt intersectionPoint = intersection.Point(1);
if ( !SMESH_MeshEditor::isOut( *face, intersectionPoint, tolerance ))
if ( !SMESH_MeshEditor::IsOut( *face, intersectionPoint, tolerance ))
u2inters.insert(make_pair( intersection.ParamOnConic(1), TInters( *face, fNorm )));
@ -6825,7 +7043,7 @@ SMESH_ElementSearcher* SMESH_MeshEditor::GetElementSearcher(SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr
bool SMESH_MeshEditor::isOut( const SMDS_MeshElement* element, const gp_Pnt& point, double tol )
bool SMESH_MeshEditor::IsOut( const SMDS_MeshElement* element, const gp_Pnt& point, double tol )
if ( element->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Volume)
@ -6872,7 +7090,7 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::isOut( const SMDS_MeshElement* element, const gp_Pnt& poi
for ( i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
SMDS_LinearEdge edge( nodeList[i], nodeList[i+1] );
if ( !isOut( &edge, point, tol ))
if ( !IsOut( &edge, point, tol ))
return false;
return true;
@ -6978,6 +7196,170 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::isOut( const SMDS_MeshElement* element, const gp_Pnt& poi
return true;
// Position of a point relative to a segment
// . .
// . LEFT .
// . .
// VERTEX 1 o----ON-----> VERTEX 2
// . .
// . RIGHT .
// . .
enum PositionName { POS_LEFT = 1, POS_VERTEX = 2, POS_RIGHT = 4, //POS_ON = 8,
struct PointPos
PositionName _name;
int _index; // index of vertex or segment
PointPos( PositionName n, int i=-1 ): _name(n), _index(i) {}
bool operator < (const PointPos& other ) const
if ( _name == other._name )
return ( _index < 0 || other._index < 0 ) ? false : _index < other._index;
return _name < other._name;
* \brief Return of a point relative to a segment
* \param point2D - the point to analyze position of
* \param xyVec - end points of segments
* \param index0 - 0-based index of the first point of segment
* \param posToFindOut - flags of positions to detect
* \retval PointPos - point position
PointPos getPointPosition( const gp_XY& point2D,
const gp_XY* segEnds,
const int index0 = 0,
const int posToFindOut = POS_ALL)
const gp_XY& p1 = segEnds[ index0 ];
const gp_XY& p2 = segEnds[ index0+1 ];
const gp_XY grad = p2 - p1;
if ( posToFindOut & POS_VERTEX )
// check if the point2D is at "vertex 1" zone
gp_XY pp1[2] = { p1, gp_XY( p1.X() - grad.Y(),
p1.Y() + grad.X() ) };
if ( getPointPosition( point2D, pp1, 0, POS_LEFT|POS_RIGHT )._name == POS_LEFT )
return PointPos( POS_VERTEX, index0 );
// check if the point2D is at "vertex 2" zone
gp_XY pp2[2] = { p2, gp_XY( p2.X() - grad.Y(),
p2.Y() + grad.X() ) };
if ( getPointPosition( point2D, pp2, 0, POS_LEFT|POS_RIGHT )._name == POS_RIGHT )
return PointPos( POS_VERTEX, index0 + 1);
double edgeEquation =
( point2D.X() - p1.X() ) * grad.Y() - ( point2D.Y() - p1.Y() ) * grad.X();
return PointPos( edgeEquation < 0 ? POS_LEFT : POS_RIGHT, index0 );
* \brief Return minimal distance from a point to a face
* Currently we ignore non-planarity and 2nd order of face
double SMESH_MeshEditor::GetDistance( const SMDS_MeshFace* face,
const gp_Pnt& point )
double badDistance = -1;
if ( !face ) return badDistance;
// coordinates of nodes (medium nodes, if any, ignored)
typedef SMDS_StdIterator< SMESH_TNodeXYZ, SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr > TXyzIterator;
vector<gp_XYZ> xyz( TXyzIterator( face->nodesIterator()), TXyzIterator() );
xyz.resize( face->NbCornerNodes()+1 );
// transformation to get xyz[0] lies on the origin, xyz[1] lies on the Z axis,
// and xyz[2] lies in the XZ plane. This is to pass to 2D space on XZ plane.
gp_Trsf trsf;
gp_Vec OZ ( xyz[0], xyz[1] );
gp_Vec OX ( xyz[0], xyz[2] );
if ( OZ.Magnitude() < std::numeric_limits<double>::min() )
if ( xyz.size() < 4 ) return badDistance;
OZ = gp_Vec ( xyz[0], xyz[2] );
OX = gp_Vec ( xyz[0], xyz[3] );
gp_Ax3 tgtCS;
try {
tgtCS = gp_Ax3( xyz[0], OZ, OX );
catch ( Standard_Failure ) {
return badDistance;
trsf.SetTransformation( tgtCS );
// move all the nodes to 2D
vector<gp_XY> xy( xyz.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0;i < xyz.size()-1; ++i )
gp_XYZ p3d = xyz[i];
trsf.Transforms( p3d );
xy[i].SetCoord( p3d.X(), p3d.Z() );
xyz.back() = xyz.front();
xy.back() = xy.front();
// // move the point in 2D
gp_XYZ tmpPnt = point.XYZ();
trsf.Transforms( tmpPnt );
gp_XY point2D( tmpPnt.X(), tmpPnt.Z() );
// loop on segments of the face to analyze point position ralative to the face
set< PointPos > pntPosSet;
for ( size_t i = 1; i < xy.size(); ++i )
PointPos pos = getPointPosition( point2D, &xy[0], i-1 );
pntPosSet.insert( pos );
// compute distance
PointPos pos = *pntPosSet.begin();
// cout << "Face " << face->GetID() << " DIST: ";
switch ( pos._name )
case POS_LEFT: {
// point is most close to a segment
gp_Vec p0p1( point, xyz[ pos._index ] );
gp_Vec p1p2( xyz[ pos._index ], xyz[ pos._index+1 ]); // segment vector
double projDist = p0p1 * p1p2; // distance projected to the segment
gp_Vec projVec = p1p2 * projDist;
gp_Vec distVec = p0p1 - projVec;
// cout << distVec.Magnitude() << ", SEG " << face->GetNode(pos._index)->GetID()
// << " - " << face->GetNodeWrap(pos._index+1)->GetID() << endl;
return distVec.Magnitude();
case POS_RIGHT: {
// point is inside the face
double distToFacePlane = tmpPnt.Y();
// cout << distToFacePlane << ", INSIDE " << endl;
return Abs( distToFacePlane );
case POS_VERTEX: {
// point is most close to a node
gp_Vec distVec( point, xyz[ pos._index ]);
// cout << distVec.Magnitude() << " VERTEX " << face->GetNode(pos._index)->GetID() << endl;
return distVec.Magnitude();
return badDistance;
//function : SimplifyFace
//purpose :
Reference in New Issue
Block a user