mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 17:07:55 +05:00
0022362: EDF SMESH: Quadrangle (mapping) algorithm: enforced vortices
Create GUI
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@ -38,32 +38,12 @@ of a given face.
\image html hypo_quad_params_dialog.png "Quadrangle parameters creation/edition dialog"
<b>Quadrangle parameters</b> is a hypothesis for Quadrangle (Mapping).
<b>Quadrangle parameters</b> is a hypothesis for Quadrangle (Mapping) algorithm.
<b>Base vertex</b> parameter allows using Quadrangle (Mapping)
algorithm for meshing of trilateral faces. In this case it is
necessary to select the vertex, which will be used as the fourth edge
\image html hypo_quad_params_1.png "A face built from 3 edges"
\image html hypo_quad_params_res.png "The resulting mesh"
This parameter can be also used to mesh a segment of a circular face.
Please, consider that there is a limitation on the selection of the
vertex for the faces built with the angle > 180 degrees (see the picture).
\image html hypo_quad_params_2.png "3/4 of a circular face"
In this case, selection of a wrong vertex for the <b>Base vertex</b>
parameter will generate a wrong mesh. The picture below
shows the good (left) and the bad (right) results of meshing.
\image html hypo_quad_params_res_2.png "The resulting meshes"
<b>Type</b> parameter is used on faces with a different number of
segments on opposite sides to define the algorithm of transition
between them. The following types are available:
<b>Transition</b> tab is used to define the algorithm of transition
between opposite sides of faces with a different number of
segments on opposite sides. The following types of transition
algorithms are available:
- <b>Standard</b> is the default case, when both triangles and quadrangles
are possible in the transition area along the finer meshed sides.
@ -92,7 +72,65 @@ between them. The following types are available:
to Nmin segments is log<sub>3</sub>( Nmax / Nmin ). The number of
face rows is equal to the number of segments on each of equally
discretized sides.
\image html reduce_three_to_one.png "The fastest transition pattern: 3 to 1"
\image html reduce_three_to_one.png "The fastest transition pattern: 3 to 1"
<b>Base vertex</b> tab allows using Quadrangle (Mapping)
algorithm for meshing of trilateral faces. In this case it is
necessary to select the vertex, which will be used as the fourth edge
\image html hypo_quad_params_dialog_vert.png "Base Vertex tab of Quadrangle parameters creation/edition dialog"
\image html hypo_quad_params_1.png "A face built from 3 edges"
\image html hypo_quad_params_res.png "The resulting mesh"
This parameter can be also used to mesh a segment of a circular face.
Please, consider that there is a limitation on the selection of the
vertex for the faces built with the angle > 180 degrees (see the picture).
\image html hypo_quad_params_2.png "3/4 of a circular face"
In this case, selection of a wrong vertex for the <b>Base vertex</b>
parameter will generate a wrong mesh. The picture below
shows the good (left) and the bad (right) results of meshing.
\image html hypo_quad_params_res_2.png "The resulting meshes"
\image html hypo_quad_params_dialog_enf.png "Enforced nodes tab of Quadrangle parameters creation/edition dialog"
<b>Enforced nodes</b> tab allows for defining points where the
algorithm should create nodes. There are two ways to define positions
of the enforced nodes.
<li>\b Vertices group allows to set up shapes whose vertices will
define positions of the enforced nodes. Only vertices successfully
projected to the meshed face and located close enough to the
meshed face will be used to create the enforced nodes.</li>
<li> \b Points group allows to explicitly define coordinates of
points used to create the enforced nodes. Only points successfully
projected to the meshed face and located close enough to the
meshed face will be used to create the enforced nodes.</li>
Algorithm of creation of the enforced nodes is following.
\image html hypo_quad_params_enfnodes_algo.png "Steps of the algorithm of creation of the enforced nodes"
<li> Left image: Positions of nodes are computed without taking into
account the enforced vertex (yellow point).</li>
<li> Middle image: A node closest to the enforced vertex is
detected. Extreme nodes of the row and column of the detected node
are used to create virtual edges (yellow lines) ending at the
enforced vertex. </li>
<li> Right image: The meshed face is thus divided by the virtual
edges into four quadrilateral sub-domains each of which is meshed
as usually: the nodes of the row and column of detected node are
moved to the virtual edges and the quadrilateral elements are
If there are several enforced vertices, the algorithm is applied
recursively to the formed sub-domains.
<b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a
\ref tui_quadrangle_parameters "Quadrangle Parameters" hypothesis.
@ -6002,10 +6002,15 @@ Please specify them and try again</translation>
<translation>No sense in creating a submesh ignored by global algorithm "%1"</translation>
<translation>Geometry object is not defined.
Do you want to create an empty mesh
without algorithms and hypotheses? </translation>
<translation>Geometry object is not defined.
Please specify it and try again</translation>
@ -6071,6 +6076,14 @@ Please enter valid name and try again</translation>
<translation>There is no object for editing. Please
select mesh or sub-mesh and try again</translation>
The assigned algorithm has the same priority as one assigned to an
adjacent sub-mesh, hence it's undefined which algorithm to use for
meshing boundary shared by two sub-meshes. Would you like to set
the order of sub-mesh computation? </translation>
@ -6233,6 +6246,14 @@ It is impossible to read point coordinates from file</translation>
@ -42,8 +42,10 @@
#include "StdMeshers_QuadrangleParams.hxx"
#include "StdMeshers_ViscousLayers2D.hxx"
#include <BRepBndLib.hxx>
#include <BRepClass_FaceClassifier.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
#include <GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf.hxx>
#include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
#include <NCollection_DefineArray2.hxx>
@ -3736,6 +3738,8 @@ void StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D::smooth (FaceQuadStruct::Ptr quad)
// Get nodes to smooth
// TODO: do not smooth fixed nodes
typedef map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, TSmoothNode, TIDCompare > TNo2SmooNoMap;
TNo2SmooNoMap smooNoMap;
@ -4205,6 +4209,9 @@ bool StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D::getEnforcedUV()
surf->Bounds( u1,u2,v1,v2 );
GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf project;
project.Init(surf, u1,u2, v1,v2, tol );
Bnd_Box bbox;
BRepBndLib::Add( face, bbox );
double farTol = 0.01 * sqrt( bbox.SquareExtent() );
for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < points.size(); ++iP )
@ -4217,7 +4224,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D::getEnforcedUV()
<< points[ iP ].X() << ", "<< points[ iP ].Y() << ", "<< points[ iP ].Z() << " )");
if ( project.LowerDistance() > tol*1000 )
if ( project.LowerDistance() > farTol )
if ( isStrictCheck && iP < nbPoints )
return error
@ -23,29 +23,401 @@
#include "StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamWdg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_SpinBox.h"
#include "StdMeshersGUI_SubShapeSelectorWdg.h"
#include "SUIT_ResourceMgr.h"
#include <GEOMBase.h>
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>
#include <SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO.hxx>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
// Qt includes
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QListWidget>
#include <QListWidgetItem>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QTreeWidget>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
// IDL includes
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
#include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SMESH_BasicHypothesis)
#define SPACING 6
#define MARGIN 0
#define MARGIN 11
// function : Constructor
// purpose :
StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator(const QString& aHypType)
: StdMeshersGUI_StdHypothesisCreator( aHypType )
//function : helpPage
//purpose :
QString StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::helpPage() const
return "a2d_meshing_hypo_page.html#hypo_quad_params_anchor";
//function : buildFrame
//purpose :
QFrame* StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::buildFrame()
QFrame* fr = new QFrame();
QGridLayout* lay = new QGridLayout( fr );
lay->setMargin( MARGIN );
lay->setSpacing( SPACING );
int row = 0;
myName = 0;
if ( isCreation() )
myName = new QLineEdit( fr );
QLabel* nameLab = new QLabel( tr("SMESH_NAME"));
lay->addWidget( nameLab, row, 0 );
lay->addWidget( myName, row, 1 );
// Transition type
myTypeWdg = new StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamWdg( fr );
// Vertexes
myVertexSelWdg = new StdMeshersGUI_SubShapeSelectorWdg( fr, TopAbs_VERTEX );
myVertexSelWdg->layout()->setMargin( MARGIN );
// Enforced Points
QWidget* pointsFrame = new QWidget( fr );
QVBoxLayout* pointsLay = new QVBoxLayout( pointsFrame );
// shapes
QGroupBox* shapesGroup = new QGroupBox( tr("SHAPES"), pointsFrame );
myShapesList = new QListWidget( shapesGroup );
myAddShapeBut = new QPushButton( tr("SMESH_BUT_ADD"), shapesGroup );
QPushButton* remShapeBut = new QPushButton( tr("SMESH_BUT_REMOVE"), shapesGroup );
QGridLayout* shapesLay = new QGridLayout( shapesGroup );
shapesLay->addWidget( myShapesList, 0, 0, 3, 2 );
shapesLay->addWidget( myAddShapeBut, 0, 2 );
shapesLay->addWidget( remShapeBut, 1, 2 );
shapesLay->setColumnStretch( 0, 1 );
shapesLay->setRowStretch ( 2, 1 );
// coords
QGroupBox* coordsGroup = new QGroupBox( tr("POINTS"), pointsFrame );
myCoordsTreeWdg = new QTreeWidget( coordsGroup );
myCoordsTreeWdg->setColumnCount ( 3 );
myCoordsTreeWdg->setHeaderLabels( QStringList() << "X" << "Y" << "Z" );
myCoordsTreeWdg->setItemDelegate( new ItemDelegate( myCoordsTreeWdg ));
QPushButton* addCoordBut = new QPushButton( tr("SMESH_BUT_ADD"), coordsGroup );
QPushButton* remCoordBut = new QPushButton( tr("SMESH_BUT_REMOVE"), coordsGroup );
QGridLayout* coordsLay = new QGridLayout( coordsGroup );
coordsLay->addWidget( myCoordsTreeWdg, 0, 0, 3, 2 );
coordsLay->addWidget( addCoordBut, 0, 2 );
coordsLay->addWidget( remCoordBut, 1, 2 );
coordsLay->setColumnStretch( 0, 1 );
coordsLay->setRowStretch ( 2, 1 );
pointsLay->addWidget( shapesGroup );
pointsLay->addWidget( coordsGroup );
// Tabs
myTabs = new QTabWidget( fr );
myTabs->addTab( myTypeWdg, tr("TRANSITION"));
myTabs->addTab( myVertexSelWdg, tr("SMESH_BASE_VERTEX"));
myTabs->addTab( pointsFrame, tr("ENF_NODES"));
lay->addWidget( myTabs, row, 0, 2, 3 );
// signals
connect( myTypeWdg, SIGNAL( typeChanged(int)), SLOT( onTypeChanged(int)));
connect( myAddShapeBut, SIGNAL( clicked()), SLOT( onAddShape() ));
connect( remShapeBut, SIGNAL( clicked()), SLOT( onRemoveShape() ));
connect( addCoordBut, SIGNAL( clicked()), SLOT( onAddPoint() ));
connect( remCoordBut, SIGNAL( clicked()), SLOT( onRemovePoint() ));
connect( myTabs, SIGNAL( currentChanged(int)),SLOT( onTabChanged(int)));
LightApp_SelectionMgr* selMgr = SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->selectionMgr();
connect( selMgr, SIGNAL(currentSelectionChanged()), SLOT( onSelectionChanged()));
return fr;
//function : retrieveParams
//purpose :
void StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::retrieveParams() const
StdMeshers::StdMeshers_QuadrangleParams_var h =
StdMeshers::StdMeshers_QuadrangleParams::_narrow( initParamsHypothesis() );
// name
if( myName )
myName->setText( hypName() );
// main shape
QString anEntry = SMESHGUI_GenericHypothesisCreator::getShapeEntry();
QString aMainEntry = SMESHGUI_GenericHypothesisCreator::getMainShapeEntry();
if ( anEntry.isEmpty() )
anEntry = h->GetObjectEntry();
if ( !isCreation())
// type
// vertex
int vertID = h->GetTriaVertex();
if (vertID > 0) {
SMESH::long_array_var aVec = new SMESH::long_array;
aVec[0] = vertID;
// enforced nodes
GEOM::ListOfGO_var shapes;
SMESH::nodes_array_var points;
h->GetEnforcedNodes( shapes, points );
for ( int i = 0; i < shapes->length(); ++i )
CORBA::String_var name = shapes[i]->GetName();
CORBA::String_var entry = shapes[i]->GetStudyEntry();
QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem( name.in() );
item->setData( Qt::UserRole, entry.in() );
myShapesList->addItem( item );
for ( int i = 0; i < points->length(); ++i )
QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem
( QStringList()
<< QString::number( points[i].x )
<< QString::number( points[i].y )
<< QString::number( points[i].z ));
item->setFlags( item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable );
myCoordsTreeWdg->addTopLevelItem( item );
((StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator*) this)->onSelectionChanged();
//function : storeParams
//purpose :
QString StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::storeParams() const
StdMeshers::StdMeshers_QuadrangleParams_var h =
StdMeshers::StdMeshers_QuadrangleParams::_narrow( hypothesis() );
// name
if( myName )
SMESH::SetName( SMESH::FindSObject( h ), myName->text().toLatin1().constData() );
// transition
h->SetQuadType( StdMeshers::QuadType( myTypeWdg->GetType()) );
// vertex
if ( myVertexSelWdg->GetListSize() > 0 )
h->SetTriaVertex( myVertexSelWdg->GetListOfIDs()[0] ); // getlist must be called once
h->SetObjectEntry( myVertexSelWdg->GetMainShapeEntry() );
h->SetTriaVertex( -1 );
// enfored nodes
GEOM::ListOfGO_var goList = new GEOM::ListOfGO;
int nbShapes = 0;
goList->length( myShapesList->count() );
for ( int i = 0; i < myShapesList->count(); ++i )
QListWidgetItem* item = myShapesList->item(i);
QString entry = item->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString();
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io =
new SALOME_InteractiveObject( entry.toStdString().c_str(), "GEOM" );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var go = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject( io );
if ( !go->_is_nil() )
goList[ nbShapes++ ] = go;
goList->length( nbShapes );
SMESH::nodes_array_var points = new SMESH::nodes_array;
points->length( myCoordsTreeWdg->topLevelItemCount() );
for ( int i = 0; i < myCoordsTreeWdg->topLevelItemCount(); ++i )
QTreeWidgetItem* item = myCoordsTreeWdg->topLevelItem( i );
points[i].x = item->text(0).toInt();
points[i].y = item->text(1).toInt();
points[i].z = item->text(2).toInt();
h->SetEnforcedNodes( goList, points );
return "";
//function : onTypeChanged
//purpose :
void StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::onTypeChanged(int type)
myTabs->setTabEnabled( TAB_ENF_POINTS, ( type != StdMeshers::QUAD_REDUCED ));
//function : onAddShape
//purpose :
void StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::onAddShape()
if ( !mySelectedShapeIO.IsNull() )
QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem( mySelectedShapeIO->getName() );
item->setData( Qt::UserRole, mySelectedShapeIO->getEntry() );
myShapesList->addItem( item );
myAddShapeBut->setEnabled( false );
//function : onRemoveShape
//purpose :
void StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::onRemoveShape()
if ( QListWidgetItem * item = myShapesList->currentItem() )
delete item;
//function : onAddPoint
//purpose :
void StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::onAddPoint()
QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem( QStringList() << "0" << "0" << "0" );
item->setFlags( item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable );
myCoordsTreeWdg->addTopLevelItem( item );
//function : onRemovePoint
//purpose :
void StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::onRemovePoint()
if ( myCoordsTreeWdg->topLevelItemCount() )
delete myCoordsTreeWdg->currentItem();
//function : onSelectionChanged
//purpose :
void StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::onSelectionChanged()
// find a sole selected geometry
LightApp_SelectionMgr* selMgr = SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selList;
selMgr->selectedObjects( selList );
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO selIt( selList );
for ( ; selIt.More(); selIt.Next() )
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var go = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject( selIt.Value() );
if ( !go->_is_nil() )
if ( !mySelectedShapeIO.IsNull() )
mySelectedShapeIO = selIt.Value();
if ( !mySelectedShapeIO->getName() || !mySelectedShapeIO->getName()[0] )
// check if a selected geometry is not already in myShapesList
if ( !mySelectedShapeIO.IsNull() )
for ( int i = 0; i < myShapesList->count(); ++i )
if ( myShapesList->item(i)->data( Qt::UserRole ) == mySelectedShapeIO->getEntry() )
myAddShapeBut->setEnabled( !mySelectedShapeIO.IsNull() );
//function : onTabChanged
//purpose :
void StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::onTabChanged(int i)
myVertexSelWdg->showPreview( i == TAB_VERTEX );
// function : Constructor
// purpose :
StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamWdg::StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamWdg (QWidget * parent)
: QWidget(parent),
: QWidget(parent), myType(0)
myType = new QButtonGroup (this);
@ -71,6 +443,8 @@ StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamWdg::StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamWdg (QWidget * pa
connect( myType, SIGNAL( buttonClicked(int)), this, SIGNAL( typeChanged(int)));
@ -98,3 +472,25 @@ int StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamWdg::GetType()
return myType->checkedId();
\brief Constructor
ItemDelegate::ItemDelegate( QObject* parent ) : QItemDelegate( parent )
\brief Create item editor widget
QWidget* StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::
ItemDelegate::createEditor( QWidget* parent,
const QStyleOptionViewItem& option,
const QModelIndex& index ) const
SMESHGUI_SpinBox* sb = new SMESHGUI_SpinBox( parent );
sb->RangeStepAndValidator( COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, 10 );
return sb;
@ -24,26 +24,104 @@
// SMESH includes
#include "SMESH_StdMeshersGUI.hxx"
#include "StdMeshersGUI_StdHypothesisCreator.h"
#include <SALOME_InteractiveObject.hxx>
// Qt includes
#include <QWidget>
#include <QItemDelegate>
class QButtonGroup;
class QLineEdit;
class QListWidget;
class QPushButton;
class QTabWidget;
class QTreeWidget;
class StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamWdg;
class StdMeshersGUI_SubShapeSelectorWdg;
* \brief Quadrangle Parameters Creator
class STDMESHERSGUI_EXPORT StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator : public StdMeshersGUI_StdHypothesisCreator
class ItemDelegate;
StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator( const QString& aHypType );
//virtual bool checkParams( QString& ) const;
virtual QString helpPage() const;
virtual QFrame* buildFrame();
virtual void retrieveParams() const;
virtual QString storeParams() const;
private slots:
void onTypeChanged(int type);
void onAddShape();
void onRemoveShape();
void onAddPoint();
void onRemovePoint();
void onSelectionChanged();
void onTabChanged(int);
QLineEdit* myName;
StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamWdg* myTypeWdg;
StdMeshersGUI_SubShapeSelectorWdg* myVertexSelWdg;
QListWidget* myShapesList;
QPushButton* myAddShapeBut;
QTreeWidget* myCoordsTreeWdg;
QTabWidget* myTabs;
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) mySelectedShapeIO;
* \brief Transition type widget
class STDMESHERSGUI_EXPORT StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamWdg : public QWidget
StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamWdg (QWidget* parent = 0);
void SetType (int theType);
int GetType ();
// Quadranle preference, Triangle preference, Reduced
QButtonGroup* myType;
GEOM::ListOfGO* GetShapes();
SMESH::nodes_array* GetPoints();
void Set( GEOM::ListOfGO_var shapes, SMESH::nodes_array_var points );
void typeChanged(int);
QButtonGroup* myType; // Quadranle preference, Triangle preference, Reduced
* \brief Item delegate for a tree widget
class StdMeshersGUI_QuadrangleParamCreator::ItemDelegate : public QItemDelegate
ItemDelegate( QObject* );
QWidget* createEditor( QWidget*, const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QModelIndex& ) const;
@ -492,6 +492,29 @@
<translation>Enforced nodes</translation>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user