mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 05:10:33 +05:00
Merge from V5_1_main 26/11/2010
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ copyright = '2010 EDF R&D'
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = '5.1.4'
version = '6.2.0'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = '5.1.4'
release = '6.2.0'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
@ -315,6 +315,31 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::AddTLinkNode(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
myTLinkNodeMap.insert( make_pair(link,n12));
* \brief Return true if position of nodes on the shape hasn't yet been checked or
* the positions proved to be invalid
bool SMESH_MesherHelper::toCheckPosOnShape(int shapeID ) const
map< int,bool >::const_iterator id_ok = myNodePosShapesValidity.find( shapeID );
return ( id_ok == myNodePosShapesValidity.end() || !id_ok->second );
* \brief Set validity of positions of nodes on the shape.
* Once set, validity is not changed
void SMESH_MesherHelper::setPosOnShapeValidity(int shapeID, bool ok ) const
((SMESH_MesherHelper*)this)->myNodePosShapesValidity.insert( make_pair( shapeID, ok));
//function : GetUVOnSeam
//purpose : Select UV on either of 2 pcurves of a seam edge, closest to the given UV
@ -477,7 +502,8 @@ bool SMESH_MesherHelper::CheckNodeUV(const TopoDS_Face& F,
const double tol,
const bool force) const
if ( force || !myOkNodePosShapes.count( n->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() ))
int shapeID = n->GetPosition()->GetShapeId();
if ( force || toCheckPosOnShape( shapeID ))
// check that uv is correct
TopLoc_Location loc;
@ -488,6 +514,7 @@ bool SMESH_MesherHelper::CheckNodeUV(const TopoDS_Face& F,
Precision::IsInfinite( uv.Y() ) ||
nodePnt.Distance( surface->Value( uv.X(), uv.Y() )) > tol )
setPosOnShapeValidity( shapeID, false );
// uv incorrect, project the node to surface
GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf& projector = GetProjector( F, loc, tol );
projector.Perform( nodePnt );
@ -504,10 +531,14 @@ bool SMESH_MesherHelper::CheckNodeUV(const TopoDS_Face& F,
MESSAGE( "SMESH_MesherHelper::CheckNodeUV(), invalid projection" );
return false;
// store the fixed UV on the face
if ( myShape.IsSame(F) && shapeID == myShapeID )
( SMDS_PositionPtr( new SMDS_FacePosition( shapeID, U, V )));
else if ( uv.Modulus() > numeric_limits<double>::min() )
((SMESH_MesherHelper*) this)->myOkNodePosShapes.insert( n->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() );
setPosOnShapeValidity( shapeID, true );
return true;
@ -657,7 +688,8 @@ bool SMESH_MesherHelper::CheckNodeU(const TopoDS_Edge& E,
const bool force,
double* distance) const
if ( force || !myOkNodePosShapes.count( n->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() ))
int shapeID = n->GetPosition()->GetShapeId();
if ( force || toCheckPosOnShape( shapeID ))
// check that u is correct
TopLoc_Location loc; double f,l;
@ -678,6 +710,7 @@ bool SMESH_MesherHelper::CheckNodeU(const TopoDS_Edge& E,
if ( distance ) *distance = dist;
if ( dist > tol )
setPosOnShapeValidity( shapeID, false );
// u incorrect, project the node to the curve
int edgeID = GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( E );
TID2ProjectorOnCurve& i2proj = const_cast< TID2ProjectorOnCurve&>( myEdge2Projector );
@ -704,11 +737,14 @@ bool SMESH_MesherHelper::CheckNodeU(const TopoDS_Edge& E,
MESSAGE( "SMESH_MesherHelper::CheckNodeU(), invalid projection" );
return false;
//u = double( U );
// store the fixed U on the edge
if ( myShape.IsSame(E) && shapeID == myShapeID )
( SMDS_PositionPtr( new SMDS_EdgePosition( shapeID, U )));
else if ( fabs( u ) > numeric_limits<double>::min() )
((SMESH_MesherHelper*) this)->myOkNodePosShapes.insert( n->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() );
setPosOnShapeValidity( shapeID, true );
if (( u < f-tol || u > l+tol ) && force )
@ -751,6 +787,10 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMESH_MesherHelper::GetMediumNode(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
SMDS_MeshNode* n12;
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = GetMeshDS();
if ( IsSeamShape( n1->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() ))
// to get a correct UV of a node on seam, the second node must have checked UV
std::swap( n1, n2 );
// get type of shape for the new medium node
int faceID = -1, edgeID = -1;
const SMDS_PositionPtr Pos1 = n1->GetPosition();
@ -1665,9 +1705,9 @@ namespace { // Structures used by FixQuadraticElements()
node2()->GetID() < other.node2()->GetID() :
node1()->GetID() < other.node1()->GetID());
struct PtrComparator {
bool operator() (const QLink* l1, const QLink* l2 ) const { return *l1 < *l2; }
// struct PtrComparator {
// bool operator() (const QLink* l1, const QLink* l2 ) const { return *l1 < *l2; }
// };
// ---------------------------------------------------------
@ -1714,7 +1754,7 @@ namespace { // Structures used by FixQuadraticElements()
* \brief Face shared by two volumes and bound by QLinks
struct QFace: public TIDSortedElemSet
struct QFace: public TIDSortedNodeSet
mutable const SMDS_MeshElement* _volumes[2];
mutable vector< const QLink* > _sides;
@ -1753,6 +1793,8 @@ namespace { // Structures used by FixQuadraticElements()
bool Contains( const SMDS_MeshNode* node ) const { return count(node); }
bool IsSpoiled(const QLink* bentLink ) const;
TLinkInSet GetBoundaryLink( const TLinkSet& links,
const TChainLink& avoidLink,
TLinkInSet * notBoundaryLink = 0,
@ -1797,7 +1839,7 @@ namespace { // Structures used by FixQuadraticElements()
ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const QFace& f)
out <<"QFace nodes: "/*<< &f << " "*/;
for ( TIDSortedElemSet::const_iterator n = f.begin(); n != f.end(); ++n )
for ( TIDSortedNodeSet::const_iterator n = f.begin(); n != f.end(); ++n )
out << (*n)->GetID() << " ";
out << " \tvolumes: "
<< (f._volumes[0] ? f._volumes[0]->GetID() : 0) << " "
@ -2139,6 +2181,37 @@ namespace { // Structures used by FixQuadraticElements()
return fullLen;
* \brief Checks if the face is distorted due to bentLink
bool QFace::IsSpoiled(const QLink* bentLink ) const
// code is valid for convex faces only
gp_XYZ gc(0,0,0);
for ( TIDSortedNodeSet::const_iterator n = begin(); n!=end(); ++n)
gc += XYZ( *n ) / size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _sides.size(); ++i )
if ( _sides[i] == bentLink ) continue;
gp_Vec linkNorm = _normal ^ gp_Vec( XYZ(_sides[i]->node1()), XYZ(_sides[i]->node2()));
gp_Vec vecOut( gc, _sides[i]->MiddlePnt() );
if ( linkNorm * vecOut < 0 )
double mag2 = linkNorm.SquareMagnitude();
if ( mag2 > numeric_limits<double>::min() )
linkNorm /= sqrt( mag2 );
gp_Vec vecBent ( _sides[i]->MiddlePnt(), bentLink->MediumPnt());
gp_Vec vecStraight( _sides[i]->MiddlePnt(), bentLink->MiddlePnt());
if ( vecBent * linkNorm > -0.1*vecStraight.Magnitude() )
return true;
return false;
* \brief Find pairs of continues faces
@ -2284,41 +2357,20 @@ namespace { // Structures used by FixQuadraticElements()
TLinkSet linkSet( allLinks.begin(), allLinks.end());
TLinkInSet linkIt = linkSet.begin(), linksEnd = linkSet.end();
// move in 2d if we are on geom face
// TopoDS_Face face;
// TopLoc_Location loc;
// SMESH_MesherHelper faceHelper( *helper.GetMesh());
// while ( linkIt->IsBoundary()) ++linkIt;
// if ( linkIt == linksEnd ) return;
// if ( (*linkIt)->MediumPos() == SMDS_TOP_FACE ) {
// bool checkPos = true;
// TopoDS_Shape f = helper.GetSubShapeByNode( (*linkIt)->_mediumNode, helper.GetMeshDS() );
// if ( !f.IsNull() && f.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE ) {
// face = TopoDS::Face( f );
// helper.GetNodeUV( face, (*linkIt)->_mediumNode, 0, &checkPos);
// if (checkPos)
// face.Nullify();
// else
// faceHelper.SetSubShape( face );
// }
// }
for ( linkIt = linkSet.begin(); linkIt != linksEnd; ++linkIt)
if ( linkIt->IsBoundary() && !(*linkIt)->IsStraight() && linkIt->_qfaces[0])
// if ( !face.IsNull() ) {
// const SMDS_MeshNode* inFaceNode =
// faceHelper.GetNodeUVneedInFaceNode() ? linkIt->_qfaces[0]->GetNodeInFace() : 0;
// gp_XY uvm = helper.GetNodeUV( face, (*linkIt)->_mediumNode, inFaceNode );
// gp_XY uv1 = helper.GetNodeUV( face, (*linkIt)->node1(), inFaceNode);
// gp_XY uv2 = helper.GetNodeUV( face, (*linkIt)->node2(), inFaceNode);
// gp_XY uvMove = uvm - helper.GetMiddleUV( BRep_Tool::Surface(face,loc), uv1, uv2);
// gp_Vec move( uvMove.X(), uvMove.Y(), 0 );
// linkIt->_qfaces[0]->MoveByBoundary( *linkIt, move, linkSet, &faceHelper );
// }
// else {
linkIt->_qfaces[0]->MoveByBoundary( *linkIt, (*linkIt)->_nodeMove, linkSet );
// move iff a boundary link is bent towards inside of a face (issue 0021084)
const QFace* face = linkIt->_qfaces[0];
gp_XYZ pIn = ( face->_sides[0]->MiddlePnt() +
face->_sides[1]->MiddlePnt() +
face->_sides[2]->MiddlePnt() ) / 3.;
gp_XYZ insideDir( pIn - (*linkIt)->MiddlePnt());
bool linkBentInside = ((*linkIt)->_nodeMove.Dot( insideDir ) > 0 );
//if ( face->IsSpoiled( linkIt->_qlink ))
if ( linkBentInside )
face->MoveByBoundary( *linkIt, (*linkIt)->_nodeMove, linkSet );
@ -2589,7 +2641,7 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(bool volumeOnly)
bool isCurved = false;
//bool hasRectFaces = false;
set<int> nbElemNodeSet;
//set<int> nbElemNodeSet;
if ( elemType == SMDSAbs_Volume )
@ -2602,7 +2654,7 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(bool volumeOnly)
for ( int iF = 0; iF < volTool.NbFaces(); ++iF ) // loop on faces of volume
int nbN = volTool.NbFaceNodes( iF );
nbElemNodeSet.insert( nbN );
//nbElemNodeSet.insert( nbN );
const SMDS_MeshNode** faceNodes = volTool.GetFaceNodes( iF );
vector< const QLink* > faceLinks( nbN/2 );
for ( int iN = 0; iN < nbN; iN += 2 ) // loop on links of a face
@ -2644,7 +2696,7 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(bool volumeOnly)
const SMDS_MeshElement* face = elemIt->next();
if ( !face->IsQuadratic() )
nbElemNodeSet.insert( face->NbNodes() );
//nbElemNodeSet.insert( face->NbNodes() );
int nbN = face->NbNodes()/2;
vector< const QLink* > faceLinks( nbN );
for ( int iN = 0; iN < nbN; ++iN ) // loop on links of a face
@ -501,7 +501,10 @@ protected:
// to create quadratic elements
bool myCreateQuadratic;
bool mySetElemOnShape;
std::set< int > myOkNodePosShapes;
std::map< int,bool > myNodePosShapesValidity;
bool toCheckPosOnShape(int shapeID ) const;
void setPosOnShapeValidity(int shapeID, bool ok ) const;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user