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synced 2025-03-10 23:24:34 +05:00
Fix types in idl interfaces
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
#include "SALOME_Exception.idl"
#include "SMESH_Hypothesis.idl"
#include "SMESH_Mesh.idl"
#include "SMESH_smIdType.idl"
* StdMeshers: interfaces to standard hypotheses and algorithms
@ -523,16 +523,16 @@ module SMESH
typedef sequence<Criterion> Criteria;
void SetPredicate( in Predicate thePredicate );
void SetMesh( in SMESH_Mesh theMesh );
void SetPredicate( in Predicate thePredicate );
void SetMesh( in SMESH_Mesh theMesh );
smIdType_array GetElementsId( in SMESH_Mesh theMesh );
smIdType_array GetElementsIdFromParts( in ListOfIDSources theParts );
ElementType GetElementType();
Predicate GetPredicate();
smIdType_array GetElementsId( in SMESH_Mesh theMesh );
smIdType_array GetElementsIdFromParts( in ListOfIDSources theParts );
ElementType GetElementType();
Predicate GetPredicate();
boolean GetCriteria( out Criteria theCriteria );
boolean SetCriteria( in Criteria theCriteria );
boolean GetCriteria( out Criteria theCriteria );
boolean SetCriteria( in Criteria theCriteria );
@ -445,17 +445,17 @@ module SMESH
* The returned geometrical object, if not nil, is either found in the
* study or is published by this method with the given name
GEOM::GEOM_Object GetGeometryByMeshElement( in SMESH_Mesh theMesh,
in smIdType theElementID,
in string theGeomName)
GEOM::GEOM_Object GetGeometryByMeshElement( in SMESH_Mesh theMesh,
in smIdType theElementID,
in string theGeomName)
raises ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception );
* Return geometrical object the given element is built on.
* The returned geometrical object not published in study by this method.
GEOM::GEOM_Object FindGeometryByMeshElement( in SMESH_Mesh theMesh,
in smIdType theElementID)
GEOM::GEOM_Object FindGeometryByMeshElement( in SMESH_Mesh theMesh,
in smIdType theElementID)
raises ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception );
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ module SMESH
* Can be used to check if the object was created in the same container, as this engine.
smIdType GetObjectId(in Object theObject);
long GetObjectId(in Object theObject);
* \brief Get version of MED format being used.
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ module SMESH
* Add all elements or nodes from the specified source to the group
long AddFrom( in SMESH_IDSource theSource );
smIdType AddFrom( in SMESH_IDSource theSource );
* Removes elements or nodes with specified identifiers from the group
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
#include "SALOME_Exception.idl"
#include "SALOME_GenericObj.idl"
#include "SMESH_smIdType.idl"
module SMESH
@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ module SMESH
* Get the internal Id
smIdType GetId();
short GetId();
* Set the variable parameter
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ module SMESH
* Node location on a shape
struct NodePosition {
smIdType shapeID;
long shapeID;
GEOM::shape_type shapeType;
double_array params; // [U] on EDGE, [U,V] on FACE, [] on the rest shapes
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ module SMESH
* Element location on a shape
struct ElementPosition {
smIdType shapeID;
long shapeID;
GEOM::shape_type shapeType;
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ module SMESH
struct ElementSubType { ElementType SMDS_ElementType;
boolean isPoly;
smIdType nbNodesInElement; };
short nbNodesInElement; };
typedef sequence<ElementSubType> types_array;
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ module SMESH
* Remove all nodes and elements of submesh
void ClearSubMesh(in smIdType ShapeID)
void ClearSubMesh(in long ShapeID)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ module SMESH
* Get the internal Id
smIdType GetId();
long GetId();
* Obtain instance of SMESH_MeshEditor
@ -860,13 +860,13 @@ module SMESH
GeometryType GetElementShape( in smIdType id )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
smIdType_array GetSubMeshElementsId(in smIdType ShapeID)
smIdType_array GetSubMeshElementsId(in long ShapeID)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
smIdType_array GetSubMeshNodesId(in smIdType ShapeID, in boolean all )
smIdType_array GetSubMeshNodesId(in long ShapeID, in boolean all )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
ElementType GetSubMeshElementType(in smIdType ShapeID)
ElementType GetSubMeshElementType(in long ShapeID)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
@ -926,20 +926,20 @@ module SMESH
* If given element is node returns IDs of shape from position
* If there is not node for given ID - returns -1
smIdType GetShapeID(in smIdType id);
long GetShapeID(in smIdType id);
* For given element returns ID of result shape after
* ::FindShape() from SMESH_MeshEditor
* If there is not element for given ID - returns -1
smIdType GetShapeIDForElem(in smIdType id);
long GetShapeIDForElem(in smIdType id);
* Returns number of nodes for given element
* If there is not element for given ID - returns -1
smIdType GetElemNbNodes(in smIdType id);
short GetElemNbNodes(in smIdType id);
* Returns IDs of nodes of given element
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ module SMESH
* If there is not element for given ID - returns -1
* If there is not node for given index - returns -2
smIdType GetElemNode(in smIdType id, in smIdType index);
smIdType GetElemNode(in smIdType id, in short index);
* Returns true if given node is medium node
@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ module SMESH
* Get the internal Id
smIdType GetId();
long GetId();
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ module SMESH
struct FreeBorderPart
short border; // border index within a sequence<FreeBorder>
smIdType node1; // node index within the border-th FreeBorder
smIdType node2;
smIdType nodeLast;
long node1; // node index within the border-th FreeBorder
long node2;
long nodeLast;
typedef sequence<FreeBorder> ListOfFreeBorders;
typedef sequence<FreeBorderPart> FreeBordersGroup;
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ module SMESH
* \param DuplicateElements to add one more 0D element to a node or not
smIdType Add0DElement(in smIdType IDOfNode,
in boolean DuplicateElements) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
in boolean DuplicateElements) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* Create a ball element on the given node.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ module SMESH
* gives quantity of nodes in face number i.
smIdType AddPolyhedralVolume (in smIdType_array IdsOfNodes,
in long_array Quantities) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
in long_array Quantities) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* Create volume of many faces, giving IDs of existing faces.
* \param IdsOfFaces List of face IDs for volume creation.
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ module SMESH
* \param ElementID - element ID
* \param ShapeID - shape ID available through GEOM_Object.GetSubShapeIndices()[0]
void SetMeshElementOnShape(in smIdType ElementID, in smIdType ShapeID)
void SetMeshElementOnShape(in smIdType ElementID, in long ShapeID)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ module SMESH
* \param theCriterion Is used to choose a diagonal for splitting.
* \return TRUE in case of success, FALSE otherwise.
boolean QuadToTri (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
boolean QuadToTri (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in NumericalFunctor Criterion) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* \brief Split quadrangles into triangles.
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ module SMESH
* \return TRUE in case of success, FALSE otherwise.
boolean SplitQuad (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in boolean Diag13) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
in boolean Diag13) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* \brief Split quadrangles into triangles.
@ -444,29 +444,29 @@ module SMESH
boolean Smooth(in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in smIdType_array IDsOfFixedNodes,
in smIdType MaxNbOfIterations,
in double MaxAspectRatio,
in Smooth_Method Method) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
boolean Smooth(in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in smIdType_array IDsOfFixedNodes,
in short MaxNbOfIterations,
in double MaxAspectRatio,
in Smooth_Method Method) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
boolean SmoothObject(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in smIdType_array IDsOfFixedNodes,
in smIdType MaxNbOfIterations,
in double MaxAspectRatio,
in Smooth_Method Method) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
boolean SmoothObject(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in smIdType_array IDsOfFixedNodes,
in short MaxNbOfIterations,
in double MaxAspectRatio,
in Smooth_Method Method) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
boolean SmoothParametric(in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in smIdType_array IDsOfFixedNodes,
in smIdType MaxNbOfIterations,
in double MaxAspectRatio,
in Smooth_Method Method) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
boolean SmoothParametric(in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in smIdType_array IDsOfFixedNodes,
in short MaxNbOfIterations,
in double MaxAspectRatio,
in Smooth_Method Method) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
boolean SmoothParametricObject(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in smIdType_array IDsOfFixedNodes,
in smIdType MaxNbOfIterations,
in double MaxAspectRatio,
in Smooth_Method Method) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
boolean SmoothParametricObject(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in smIdType_array IDsOfFixedNodes,
in short MaxNbOfIterations,
in double MaxAspectRatio,
in Smooth_Method Method) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void ConvertToQuadratic(in boolean theForce3d)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
@ -563,11 +563,11 @@ module SMESH
* \return ListOfGroups - new groups created if \a ToMakeGroups is true
ListOfGroups AdvancedExtrusion(in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in DirStruct StepVector,
in long NbOfSteps,
in long ExtrFlags,
in double SewTolerance,
in boolean ToMakeGroups)
in DirStruct StepVector,
in long NbOfSteps,
in long ExtrFlags,
in double SewTolerance,
in boolean ToMakeGroups)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
enum Extrusion_Error {
@ -612,19 +612,19 @@ module SMESH
enum MirrorType { POINT, AXIS, PLANE };
void Mirror (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in AxisStruct Mirror,
in MirrorType Type,
in boolean Copy)
in AxisStruct Mirror,
in MirrorType Type,
in boolean Copy)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
ListOfGroups MirrorMakeGroups (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in AxisStruct Mirror,
in MirrorType Type)
in AxisStruct Mirror,
in MirrorType Type)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
SMESH_Mesh MirrorMakeMesh (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in AxisStruct Mirror,
in MirrorType Type,
in boolean CopyGroups,
in string MeshName)
in AxisStruct Mirror,
in MirrorType Type,
in boolean CopyGroups,
in string MeshName)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void MirrorObject (in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
@ -644,16 +644,16 @@ module SMESH
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void Translate (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in DirStruct Vector,
in boolean Copy)
in DirStruct Vector,
in boolean Copy)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
ListOfGroups TranslateMakeGroups (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in DirStruct Vector)
in DirStruct Vector)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
SMESH_Mesh TranslateMakeMesh (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in DirStruct Vector,
in boolean CopyGroups,
in string MeshName)
in DirStruct Vector,
in boolean CopyGroups,
in string MeshName)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void TranslateObject (in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
@ -686,19 +686,19 @@ module SMESH
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void Rotate (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in AxisStruct Axis,
in double AngleInRadians,
in boolean Copy)
in AxisStruct Axis,
in double AngleInRadians,
in boolean Copy)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
ListOfGroups RotateMakeGroups (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in AxisStruct Axis,
in double AngleInRadians)
in AxisStruct Axis,
in double AngleInRadians)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
SMESH_Mesh RotateMakeMesh (in smIdType_array IDsOfElements,
in AxisStruct Axis,
in double AngleInRadians,
in boolean CopyGroups,
in string MeshName)
in AxisStruct Axis,
in double AngleInRadians,
in boolean CopyGroups,
in string MeshName)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void RotateObject (in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
@ -800,8 +800,8 @@ module SMESH
* 'ALL' type means elements of any type excluding nodes and 0D elements
smIdType_array FindAmongElementsByPoint(in SMESH_IDSource elements,
in double x, in double y, in double z,
in ElementType type)
in double x, in double y, in double z,
in ElementType type)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
@ -811,11 +811,11 @@ module SMESH
* In the case if nothing found, return -1 and []
smIdType ProjectPoint(in double x,
in double y,
in double z,
in ElementType type,
in SMESH_IDSource meshObject,
out double_array projecton)
in double y,
in double z,
in ElementType type,
in SMESH_IDSource meshObject,
out double_array projecton)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
@ -905,8 +905,8 @@ module SMESH
in smIdType FirstNodeID2,
in smIdType SecondNodeID2,
in smIdType LastNodeID2,
in boolean CreatePolygons,
in boolean CreatePolyedrs)
in boolean CreatePolygons,
in boolean CreatePolyedrs)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Sew_Error SewConformFreeBorders (in smIdType FirstNodeID1,
@ -921,16 +921,16 @@ module SMESH
in smIdType LastNodeIDOnFreeBorder,
in smIdType FirstNodeIDOnSide,
in smIdType LastNodeIDOnSide,
in boolean CreatePolygons,
in boolean CreatePolyedrs)
in boolean CreatePolygons,
in boolean CreatePolyedrs)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Sew_Error SewSideElements (in smIdType_array IDsOfSide1Elements,
in smIdType_array IDsOfSide2Elements,
in smIdType NodeID1OfSide1ToMerge,
in smIdType NodeID1OfSide2ToMerge,
in smIdType NodeID2OfSide1ToMerge,
in smIdType NodeID2OfSide2ToMerge)
in smIdType NodeID1OfSide1ToMerge,
in smIdType NodeID1OfSide2ToMerge,
in smIdType NodeID2OfSide1ToMerge,
in smIdType NodeID2OfSide2ToMerge)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ module SMESH
* If number of nodes is not corresponded to type of
* element - returns false
boolean ChangeElemNodes(in smIdType ide, in smIdType_array newIDs)
boolean ChangeElemNodes(in smIdType id, in smIdType_array newIDs)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
@ -1054,8 +1054,8 @@ module SMESH
* \return TRUE if operation has been completed successfully, FALSE otherwise
* \sa DoubleNodeGroupInRegion(), DoubleNodeGroupsInRegion()
boolean DoubleNodeElemInRegion( in smIdType_array theElems,
in smIdType_array theNodesNot,
boolean DoubleNodeElemInRegion( in smIdType_array theElems,
in smIdType_array theNodesNot,
in GEOM::GEOM_Object theShape )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ module SMESH
* the loaded pattern to mesh faces. The first key-point
* will be mapped into <theNodeIndexOnKeyPoint1>-th node of each face
point_array ApplyToMeshFaces(in SMESH_Mesh theMesh,
point_array ApplyToMeshFaces(in SMESH_Mesh theMesh,
in smIdType_array theFacesIDs,
in smIdType theNodeIndexOnKeyPoint1,
in boolean theReverse);
in short theNodeIndexOnKeyPoint1,
in boolean theReverse);
* Compute nodes coordinates applying
@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ module SMESH
* The (0,0,1) key-point will be mapped into <theNode001Index>-th
* node of each volume.
point_array ApplyToHexahedrons(in SMESH_Mesh theMesh,
point_array ApplyToHexahedrons(in SMESH_Mesh theMesh,
in smIdType_array theVolumesIDs,
in smIdType theNode000Index,
in smIdType theNode001Index);
in short theNode000Index,
in short theNode001Index);
* Create nodes and elements in <theMesh> using nodes
Reference in New Issue
Block a user