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synced 2025-03-14 02:01:33 +05:00
[bos #42217][EDF 28921] Horseshoe with bodyfitting. Added subdivision for overlapped polygons and removing of polygons with edges those are not connected with any other polygon in a volume.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2934,6 +2934,21 @@ int Hexahedron::addVolumes( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper )
if ( !useQuanta )
// Try to find and fix geometry issues
const bool isDivided = volDef->divideOverlappingPolygons();
const bool isRemoved = volDef->removeOpenEdgesPolygons();
// Update nodes if the geometry was changed
if (isDivided || isRemoved)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i)
nodes[i] = volDef->_nodes[i].Node();
// split polyhedrons of with disjoint volumes
std::vector<std::vector<int>> splitQuantities;
std::vector<std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > > splitNodes;
@ -3175,6 +3190,330 @@ bool Hexahedron::checkPolyhedronSize( bool cutByInternalFace, double & volume) c
return volume > initVolume / _grid->_sizeThreshold;
* \brief Returns an index of the first node of the given polygon in the _nodes container.
int Hexahedron::_volumeDef::getStartNodeIndex(const int polygon) const
return std::accumulate(_quantities.begin(), _quantities.begin() + polygon, 0);
* \brief Returns a vector of sets of edges like {{ nodeId1, nodeId2 }, { nodeId2, nodeId3 }}
* where an index of element in the vector is an index of polygon in the volume.
* Nodes ids in the pairs are sorted, so index of a first node is always less than second.
std::vector<std::set<std::pair<int, int>>> Hexahedron::_volumeDef::getPolygonsEdges() const
if (_quantities.empty())
return {};
const int numOfPolygons = _quantities.size();
std::vector<std::set<std::pair<int, int>>> polygonsEdges(numOfPolygons);
auto storeEdge = [&](const int polygon, const int idx1, const int idx2) -> void
const int firstNode = _nodes[idx1].Node()->GetID();
const int secondNode = _nodes[idx2].Node()->GetID();
std::min(firstNode, secondNode), std::max(firstNode, secondNode));
// Go over all polygons in this volume
int numOfNodesCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numOfPolygons; ++i)
const int numOfNodesInPolygon = _quantities[i];
// Iterate pairs of nodes for each edge
const int lastIndex = numOfNodesCounter + numOfNodesInPolygon - 1;
for (int j = numOfNodesCounter; j < lastIndex; ++j)
storeEdge(i, j, j + 1);
// Store an edge connected last and first nodes to close the polygon
storeEdge(i, lastIndex, numOfNodesCounter);
numOfNodesCounter += numOfNodesInPolygon;
// Debug output
// MESSAGE("Collected edges for " << numOfPolygons << " polygons: ");
// for (size_t i = 0; i < polygonsEdges.size(); ++i)
// {
// MESSAGE("Polygon " << i << ": ");
// int j = 0;
// for (const auto& edge : polygonsEdges[i])
// {
// MESSAGE("Edge " << j++ << ": " << edge.first << ", " << edge.second);
// }
// }
return polygonsEdges;
* \brief Finds in the volume a polygon with such a set of edges that is a subset
* of edges of other polygon. Returns a map where a key is a larger polygon,
* the value - is a smaller polygon that is a subset of larger, followed by
* two nodes those we need to connect in a process of cutting of the first polygon.
* If the second poly is a complete clone of the first one, both nodes will be -1.
std::map<int, std::vector<int>> Hexahedron::_volumeDef::findOverlappingPolygons() const
std::vector<std::set<std::pair<int, int>>> polygonsEdges = getPolygonsEdges();
if (polygonsEdges.empty())
return {};
auto isOverlappedSet = [](const std::set<std::pair<int, int>>& set1,
const std::set<std::pair<int, int>>& set2,
std::set<std::pair<int, int>>& diff) -> bool
if (set1.size() > set2.size())
std::set_difference(set2.begin(), set2.end(), set1.begin(), set1.end(), std::inserter(diff, diff.begin()));
std::set_difference(set1.begin(), set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), std::inserter(diff, diff.begin()));
return diff.size() <= 1;
// The key is a larger polygon, the value - is a smaller polygon that is a subset of larger,
// followed by two nodes those we need to connect in a process of cutting of the first polygon.
std::map<int, std::vector<int>> overlappedPolygons;
// Check all the polygons one by one
const int numOfPolygons = polygonsEdges.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfPolygons - 1; ++i)
const auto& edges = polygonsEdges[i];
bool isOverlapped = false;
int largerPolygon = i;
int smallerPolygon = -1;
std::set<std::pair<int, int>> diff;
for (int j = i + 1; j < numOfPolygons; ++j)
const auto& otherEdges = polygonsEdges[j];
if (isOverlappedSet(edges, otherEdges, diff))
isOverlapped = true;
smallerPolygon = j;
if (edges.size() < otherEdges.size())
largerPolygon = j;
smallerPolygon = i;
// At this moment don't expect more than two overlapped polygons.
// TODO: check if we need to consider the case of multiple polygons.
// Store results
if (isOverlapped)
int node1 = diff.empty() ? -1 : diff.begin()->first;
int node2 = diff.empty() ? -1 : diff.begin()->second;
overlappedPolygons.emplace(largerPolygon, std::vector<int> { smallerPolygon, node1, node2 });
return overlappedPolygons;
* \brief Finds in the volume a polygon with such a set of edges that is a subset
* of edges of other polygon. Then we can remove these edges from a larger
* polygon and have as a result two connected polygons those are
* next to each other instead of being overlapped.
* We can't just delete the smaller polygon, because it could be a part of
* separated volume that can be revealed later in checkPolyhedronValidity().
* Returns true if at least one polygon was changed.
bool Hexahedron::_volumeDef::divideOverlappingPolygons()
// The key is a larger polygon, the value - is a smaller polygon that is a subset of larger,
// followed by two nodes those we need to connect in a process of cutting of the first polygon.
const std::map<int, std::vector<int>> overlappedPolygons = findOverlappingPolygons();
if (overlappedPolygons.empty())
return false;
// Here we have at least one pair of overlapped polygons.
// The smaller one should stay intact, but the larger need to be reduced by nodes
// of the smaller one except nodes for the close edge.
std::set<int> nodesIndexesToErase;
std::map<int, int> quantsUpdatedValues;
for (auto polygon = overlappedPolygons.rbegin(); polygon != overlappedPolygons.rend(); ++polygon)
const int largerPolygon = polygon->first;
const int smallerPolygon = polygon->second[0];
const int edgeNode1 = polygon->second[1];
const int startNodeIndex = getStartNodeIndex(largerPolygon);
MESSAGE("Overlapped: " << largerPolygon << ", " << smallerPolygon << ". Edge node: " << edgeNode1 << ", " << polygon->second[2]);
// We expect to have valid ids here, exclude the case when both polygons are the same (-1 node).
if (edgeNode1 != -1)
// Remove redundant nodes from the larger polygon
const int otherStartNodeIndex = getStartNodeIndex(smallerPolygon);
const int edgeNode2 = polygon->second[2];
quantsUpdatedValues[largerPolygon] = _quantities[largerPolygon];
for (int i = startNodeIndex; i < startNodeIndex + _quantities[largerPolygon]; ++i)
const int thisNodeId = _nodes[i].Node()->GetID();
MESSAGE("thisNodeId " << thisNodeId << " at index " << i);
// Skip nodes from the close edge
if (thisNodeId == edgeNode1 || thisNodeId == edgeNode2)
for (int j = otherStartNodeIndex; j < otherStartNodeIndex + _quantities[smallerPolygon]; ++j)
const int otherNodeId = _nodes[j].Node()->GetID();
MESSAGE("otherNodeId " << otherNodeId << " at index " << j);
if (thisNodeId == otherNodeId)
// Add to be erased later
MESSAGE("Set to erase node " << thisNodeId << " at index " << i);
MESSAGE("Polygons are identical!!!");
// Don't erase a polygon right now to prevent a mess with polygons and nodes ids
const int endNodeIndex = startNodeIndex + _quantities[largerPolygon];
for (int i = startNodeIndex; i < endNodeIndex; ++i)
quantsUpdatedValues[largerPolygon] = 0;
// Erase all nodes from collected indexes in reverse order
for (auto nodeIdx = nodesIndexesToErase.rbegin(); nodeIdx != nodesIndexesToErase.rend(); ++nodeIdx)
MESSAGE("Erased node on index " << *nodeIdx);
_nodes.erase(_nodes.begin() + *nodeIdx);
// Update quantities
for (const auto& quantUpdate : quantsUpdatedValues)
MESSAGE("Quantity for a polygon " << quantUpdate.first << " updated from " << _quantities[quantUpdate.first] << " to " << quantUpdate.second);
_quantities[quantUpdate.first] = quantUpdate.second;
// Now check if we have completely deleted polygons here and erase them
_quantities.erase(std::remove(_quantities.begin(), _quantities.end(), 0), _quantities.end());
return true;
* \brief Finds polygons with at least one edge not connected to any other polygon,
* and removes all of them. Returns true if at least polygon one was removed.
bool Hexahedron::_volumeDef::removeOpenEdgesPolygons()
if (_quantities.empty())
MESSAGE("Volume doesn't have any polygons");
return false;
// Check every polygon if it has at least one edge not connected to other polygon
const int numOfPolygons = _quantities.size();
std::vector<std::set<std::pair<int, int>>> edgesByPolygon = getPolygonsEdges();
// Check if nodes pairs presented in other polygons
for (int i = 0; i < numOfPolygons - 1; ++i)
auto& edges = edgesByPolygon[i];
for (auto edge = edges.begin(); edge != edges.end(); /* ++edge */)
// Iterate other polygons to find matching pairs
bool edgeFound = false;
for (int j = i + 1; j < numOfPolygons; ++j)
auto& otherEdges = edgesByPolygon[j];
auto foundEdge = otherEdges.find(*edge);
if (foundEdge != otherEdges.end())
// We can have more than two the same edges in the volume.
// For example, when two parts of the volume connected by one polygon.
// So, we can't break here and must continue to search.
edgeFound = true;
if (edgeFound)
auto curEdge = edge;
// At this point for correct polyhedron all pairs of edges must be erased.
// Check if we have some edges without pairs and remove related polygons.
bool isRemoved = false;
for (int i = edgesByPolygon.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (edgesByPolygon[i].empty())
MESSAGE("Found not connected edges for polygon " << i << " :");
for (auto& edge : edgesByPolygon[i])
MESSAGE("Edge: " << edge.first << ", " << edge.second);
// Erase redundant nodes
auto first = _nodes.begin() + getStartNodeIndex(i);
auto last = first + _quantities[i];
_nodes.erase(first, last);
// Erase quantities
_quantities.erase(_quantities.begin() + i);
isRemoved = true;
return isRemoved;
* \brief Check that all faces in polyhedron are connected so a unique volume is defined.
@ -409,6 +409,24 @@ namespace Cartesian3D
{ return static_cast< const StdMeshers::Cartesian3D::E_IntersectPoint* >( _intPoint ); }
_ptr Ptr() const { return Node() ? (_ptr) Node() : (_ptr) EdgeIntPnt(); }
bool operator==(const _nodeDef& other ) const { return Ptr() == other.Ptr(); }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const _nodeDef& node)
if (node._node)
os << "Node at hexahedron corner: ";
else if (node._intPoint && node._intPoint->_node)
os << "Node at intersection point: ";
node._intPoint->_node->Print(os); // intersection point
os << "mesh node is null\n";
return os;
std::vector< _nodeDef > _nodes;
@ -442,6 +460,11 @@ namespace Cartesian3D
bool IsPolyhedron() const { return ( !_quantities.empty() ||
( _next && !_next->_quantities.empty() )); }
std::vector<std::set<std::pair<int, int>>> getPolygonsEdges() const;
int getStartNodeIndex(const int polygon) const;
std::map<int, std::vector<int>> findOverlappingPolygons() const;
bool divideOverlappingPolygons();
bool removeOpenEdgesPolygons();
struct _linkDef: public std::pair<_ptr,_ptr> // to join polygons in removeExcessSideDivision()
@ -464,6 +487,22 @@ namespace Cartesian3D
_next = next;
next->_prev = this;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const _linkDef& link)
os << "Link def:\n";
os << link._node1;
if (link.first)
os << "first: " << link.first;
if (link.second)
os << "second: " << link.second;
os << "_loopIndex: " << link._loopIndex << '\n';
return os;
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