diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref21.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref21.png
index 3f6d6bbb6..ddacc6332 100755
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref21.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref21.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref22.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref22.png
index b56c4e540..ff13403fb 100755
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref22.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref22.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref23.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref23.png
index 07858d726..c715ee482 100755
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref23.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref23.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref24.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref24.png
index f1cdcf8fc..167cc0bf0 100755
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref24.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/pref24.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/mesh_preferences.doc b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/mesh_preferences.doc
index 2dd1b7b95..80d751d6f 100644
--- a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/mesh_preferences.doc
+++ b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/mesh_preferences.doc
@@ -9,221 +9,227 @@ later sessions with this module.
\image html pref21.png
-- Automatic Update
-- If you toggle Automatic Update checkbox, the model in your
-viewer automatically updated whenever you make changes in it.
-- Size limit (elements) - allows to specify the maximum
-number of elements in the resulting mesh for which the automatic updating
-of the presentation is performed. This option affects only
-Compute operation. Zero value means "no limit". Default value
-is 500 000 mesh elements.
-- Quality Controls
-- If you toggle Display entity, both faces and edges of an
-object will be displayed in the viewer by default.
-- If you toggle Use precision checkbox, you can display numbers in
-Quality Control diagrams at the necessary level of precision.
-- Number of digits after point - defines precision for Quality Controls. By default, numbers in Quality Control
-diagrams are presented as integers.
-- Double nodes tolerance defines the maximal distance between two
-mesh nodes, at which they are considered coincident by Double nodes
-quality control.
-- Display mode - allows to set Wireframe, Shading, Nodes or Shrink
-presentation mode as default.
-- Representation of the 2D quadratic elements
-- Representation of the 2D quadratic elements combobox - allows
-to select lines or arcs for representation of quadratic elements.
-- Maximum Angle - maximum deviation angle used by the
-application to build arcs.
-- Mesh export
-- If you toggle Automatically create groups for MED export checkbox,
-this operation will be carried out automatically.
-- If you toggle Automatic renumbering checkbox, the exported
-mesh will be renumbered automatically
-- Mesh computation
-- Show a computation result notification combobox allows to
-select the notification mode about a mesh computation result.
-There are 3 possible modes:
-- Never - do not show the result dialog at all;
-- Errors only - the result dialog will be shown if there were
-some errors during a mesh computation;
-- Always - show the result dialog after each mesh
-computation. This is a default mode.
-- Mesh information
-- Mesh element information
- Change the way mesh element
-information is shown:
-- Simple - as a plain text
-- Tree - in a tree-like form
-- Automatic nodes compute limit
- allows to define the size limit for the
-mesh groups for which the number of underlying nodes is calculated
-automatically. If the group size exceeds the value set in the preferences,
-the user will have to press \em Compute button explicitly. Zero value
-means "no limit". By default the value is set to 100 000 mesh elements.
-- Automatic controls compute limit
- allows to define the size limit for the
-mesh elements for which the Aspect Ratio histogram is calculated
-automatically. If the mesh elements size exceeds the value set in the preferences,
-the user will have to press \em Compute button explicitly. Zero value
-means "no limit". By default the value is set to 3 000 mesh elements.
-- Show details on groups in element information tab - when
-this option is switched off (default), only the names of groups, to which the node
-or element belongs, are shown in the \ref mesh_element_info_anchor "Info Tab"
-tab of "Mesh Information" dialog box. If this option is
-switched on, the detailed information on groups is shown.
-- Dump base information - allows to dump base mesh information to the
-file, see \ref mesh_infos_page.
-- Dump element information - allows to dump element information to the
-file, see \ref mesh_infos_page.
-- Dump additional information - allows to dump additional mesh
-information to the file, see \ref mesh_infos_page.
-- Dump controls information - allows to dump quality mesh
-information to the file, see \ref mesh_infos_page.
-- Automatic Parameters
-- Ratio Bounding Box Diagonal / Max Size - this parameter is
-used for automatic meshing: ratio between the bounding box of the
-meshed object and the Max Size of segments.
-- Default Number of Segments - allows defining the default
-number of segments on each edge
-- Mesh loading
-- If No mesh loading from study file at hypothesis modification
- checkbox is on, the mesh data will not be loaded from the study file
- when a hypothesis is modified. This allows saving time by omitting
- loading data of a large mesh that is planned to be recomputed with other parameters.
-- Input fields precision
-- Length precision - allows to adjust input precision of coordinates and dimensions.
-- Angular precision - allows to adjust input precision of angles.
-- Length tolerance precision - allows to adjust input precision of tolerance of coordinates and dimensions.
-- Parametric precision - allows to adjust input precision of parametric values.
-- Area precision - allows to adjust input precision of mesh element area.
-- Volume precision - allows to adjust input precision of mesh element volume.
-- Preview
-- Sub-shapes preview chunk size - allows to limit the number
-of previewed sub-shapes shown in the hypotheses creation dialog boxes,
-for example "Reverse Edges" parameter of \ref number_of_segments_anchor "Number of segments" hypothesis.
-- Python Dump
-- Historical python dump checkbox allows switching between
- \a Historical and \a Snapshot dump mode. In \a
- Historical mode, Python Dump script includes all commands
- performed by SMESH engine. In \a Snapshot mode, the commands
- relating to objects removed from the Study as well as the commands
- not influencing the current state of meshes are excluded from the script.
+- Automatic Update
+ - If you toggle Automatic Update checkbox, the model in your
+ viewer automatically updated when you make changes in it, depending on
+ values of additional preferences specified below.
+ - Size limit (elements) - allows to specify the maximum
+ number of elements in the resulting mesh for which the automatic updating
+ of the presentation is performed. This option affects only
+ Compute operation. Zero value means "no limit". Default value
+ is 500 000 mesh elements.
+ - Incremental limit check - when this control is switched on,
+ check for mesh size limit will be applied not to total number of
+ elements in resulting mesh, but iteratively to each entity types
+ in the following order: 0D elements, edges, faces, volumes, balls;
+ at each step number of entities of given type will be added to the
+ total number of elements computed at previous step - if resulting
+ number of elements does not exceed size limit, the entities of
+ this type will be shown, otherwise user will be warned that some
+ entities are not shown.
+- Quality Controls
+ - If you toggle Display entity, both faces and edges of an
+ object will be displayed in the viewer by default.
+ - If you toggle Use precision checkbox, you can display numbers in
+ Quality Control diagrams at the necessary level of precision.
+ - Number of digits after point - defines precision for
+ Quality Controls. By default, numbers in Quality Control
+ diagrams are presented as integers.
+ - Double nodes tolerance defines the maximal distance between two
+ mesh nodes, at which they are considered coincident by Double nodes
+ quality control.
+- Display mode - allows to set Wireframe, Shading, Nodes or Shrink
+ presentation mode as default.
+- Representation of the 2D quadratic elements
+ - Representation of the 2D quadratic elements combobox - allows
+ to select lines or arcs for representation of quadratic elements.
+ - Maximum Angle - maximum deviation angle used by the
+ application to build arcs.
+- Mesh export
+ - If you toggle Automatically create groups for MED export checkbox,
+ this operation will be carried out automatically.
+- Mesh computation
+ - Show a computation result notification combobox allows to
+ select the notification mode about a mesh computation result.
+ There are 3 possible modes:
+ - Never - do not show the result dialog at all;
+ - Errors only - the result dialog will be shown if there were
+ some errors during a mesh computation;
+ - Always - show the result dialog after each mesh
+ computation. This is a default mode.
+- Mesh information
+ - Mesh element information - change the way mesh element
+ information is shown:
+ - Simple - as a plain text
+ - Tree - in a tree-like form
+ - Automatic nodes compute limit - allows to define the size limit for the
+ mesh groups for which the number of underlying nodes is calculated
+ automatically. If the group size exceeds the value set in the preferences,
+ the user will have to press \em Compute button explicitly. Zero value
+ means "no limit". By default the value is set to 100 000 mesh elements.
+ - Automatic controls compute limit - allows to define the size limit for the
+ mesh elements for which the Aspect Ratio histogram is calculated
+ automatically. If the mesh elements size exceeds the value set in the preferences,
+ the user will have to press \em Compute button explicitly. Zero value
+ means "no limit". By default the value is set to 3 000 mesh elements.
+ - Show details on groups in element information tab - when
+ this option is switched off (default), only the names of groups, to which the node
+ or element belongs, are shown in the \ref mesh_element_info_anchor "Info Tab"
+ tab of "Mesh Information" dialog box. If this option is
+ switched on, the detailed information on groups is shown.
+ - Dump base information - allows to dump base mesh information to the
+ file, see \ref mesh_infos_page.
+ - Dump element information - allows to dump element information to the
+ file, see \ref mesh_infos_page.
+ - Dump additional information - allows to dump additional mesh
+ information to the file, see \ref mesh_infos_page.
+ - Dump controls information - allows to dump quality mesh
+ information to the file, see \ref mesh_infos_page.
+- Automatic Parameters
+ - Ratio Bounding Box Diagonal / Max Size - this parameter is
+ used for automatic meshing: ratio between the bounding box of the
+ meshed object and the Max Size of segments.
+ - Default Number of Segments - allows defining the default
+ number of segments on each edge.
+- Mesh loading
+ - If No mesh loading from study file at hypothesis modification
+ checkbox is on, the mesh data will not be loaded from the study file
+ when a hypothesis is modified. This allows saving time by omitting
+ loading data of a large mesh that is planned to be recomputed with other parameters.
+- Input fields precision
+ - Length precision - allows to adjust input precision of coordinates and dimensions.
+ - Angular precision - allows to adjust input precision of angles.
+ - Length tolerance precision - allows to adjust input precision of tolerance of coordinates and dimensions.
+ - Parametric precision - allows to adjust input precision of parametric values.
+ - Area precision - allows to adjust input precision of mesh element area.
+ - Volume precision - allows to adjust input precision of mesh element volume.
+- Preview
+ - Sub-shapes preview chunk size - allows to limit the number
+ of previewed sub-shapes shown in the hypotheses creation dialog boxes,
+ for example "Reverse Edges" parameter of \ref number_of_segments_anchor "Number of segments" hypothesis.
+- Python Dump
+ - Historical python dump checkbox allows switching between
+ \a Historical and \a Snapshot dump mode:
+ - In \a Historical mode, Python Dump script includes all commands
+ performed by SMESH engine.
+ - In \a Snapshot mode, the commands relating to objects removed
+ from the Study as well as the commands not influencing the
+ current state of meshes are excluded from the script.
Mesh Preferences
\image html pref22.png
-- Nodes
-- Color - allows to select the color of nodes. Click on the
-colored line to access to the Select Color dialog box.
-- Type of marker - allows to define the shape of nodes.
-- Scale of marker - allows to define the size of nodes.
-- Elements
-- Surface color - allows to select the surface color of elements
-(seen in Shading mode). Click on the colored line to access to the Select Color dialog box.
-- Back surface color - allows to select the interior surface color
-of elements. Use the slider to select the color generated basing on
-the Surface color by changing its brightness and saturation.
-- Outline color - allows to select the color of element
-borders. Click on the colored line to access to the Select Color dialog box.
-- Wireframe color - allows to select the color of borders of
-elements in the wireframe mode. Click on the colored line to access to the Select Color dialog box.
-- Width - allows to define the width of lines (edges and borders of elements).
-- Shrink coef. - allows to define relative space of elements
-compared to gaps between them in shrink mode.
-- Orientation of Faces - allows to define the behavior of
-Orientation of faces functionality
-- \b Color - allows to define the color of orientation vertors;
-- \b Scale - allows to define the size of orientation vectors;
-- 3D Vector checkbox allows to choose between 2D planar
-and 3D vectors.
+- Nodes
+ - Color - allows to select the color of nodes. Click on the
+ colored line to access to the Select Color dialog box.
+ - Type of marker - allows to define the shape of nodes.
+ - Scale of marker - allows to define the size of nodes.
+- Elements
+ - Surface color - allows to select the surface color of 2D elements
+ (seen in Shading mode). Click on the colored line to access to the
+ Select Color dialog box.
+ - Back surface color - allows to select the back surface color
+ of 2D elements. This is useful to differ 2d elements with
+ reversed orientation. Use the slider to select the color generated basing on
+ the Surface color by changing its brightness and saturation.
+ - Volume color - allows to select the surface color of 3D elements
+ (seen in Shading mode).
+ - Reversed volume color - allows to select the surface color
+ of reversed 3D elements. Use the slider to select the color generated basing on
+ the Volume color by changing its brightness and saturation.
+ - 0D elements - allows to choose color of 0D mesh elements.
+ - Balls - allows to choose color of discrete mesh elements (balls).
+ - Outline color - allows to select the color of element
+ borders.
+ - Wireframe color - allows to select the color of borders of
+ elements in the wireframe mode.
+ - Size of 0D elements - specifies default size of 0D elements.
+ - Size of ball elements - specifies default size of discrete
+ elements (balls).
+ - Line width - allows to define the width of 1D elements (edges).
+ - Outline width - allows to define the width of borders of
+ 2D and 3D elements (shown in the Shading mode).
+ - Shrink coef. - allows to define relative space of elements
+ compared to gaps between them in shrink mode.
+- Groups allows to define groups default properties:
+ - Names color - specifies color of group names to be used in
+ 3D viewer.
+ - Default color - specifies default group color.
+- Numbering allows to define properties of numbering functionality:
+ - Nodes - specifies text properties of nodes numbering
+ (font family, size, attributes, color).
+ - Elements - same for elements.
+- Orientation of Faces - allows to define the behavior of
+ Orientation of faces functionality:
+ - \b Color - allows to define the color of orientation vertors;
+ - \b Scale - allows to define the size of orientation vectors;
+ - 3D Vector checkbox allows to choose between 2D planar
+ and 3D vectors.
Selection Preferences
\image html pref23.png
-- Selection - performed with mouse-indexing (preselection)
-and left-clicking on an object, whose appearance changes as defined in
-the Preferences.
-- Object Color - allows to select the color of mesh (edges and
-borders of meshes) of the selected entity. Click on the colored line
-to access to the Select Color dialog
-- Element color - allows to select the color of surface of selected
-elements (seen in Shading mode). Click on the colored line to access
-to the Select Color dialog box.
-- Preselection - performed with mouse-indexing on an object,
-whose appearance changes as defined in the Preferences.
-- Highlight Color - allows to select the color of mesh (edges and
-borders of meshes) of the entity . Click on the colored line to access
-to the Select Color dialog box.
-- Precision - in this menu you can set the value of precision
-used for Nodes, Elements and Objects.
+- Selection - performed with mouse-indexing (preselection)
+ and left-clicking on an object, whose appearance changes as defined in
+ the Preferences.
+ - Object Color - allows to select the color of mesh (edges and
+ borders of meshes) of the selected entity. Click on the colored line
+ to access to the Select Color dialog box.
+ - Element color - allows to select the color of surface of selected
+ elements (seen in Shading mode). Click on the colored line to access
+ to the Select Color dialog box.
+- Preselection - performed with mouse-indexing on an object,
+ whose appearance changes as defined in the Preferences.
+ - Highlight Color - allows to select the color of mesh (edges and
+ borders of meshes) of the entity . Click on the colored line to access
+ to the Select Color dialog box.
+- Precision - in this menu you can set the value of precision
+ used for Nodes, Elements and Objects.
Scalar Bar Preferences
\image html pref24.png
-- Font - in this menu you can set type, face and color for
-the font of Title and Labels.
-- Colors & Labels - in this menu you can set the number of
-colors and the number of labels in use.
-- Orientation - here you can choose between vertical and
-horizontal orientation of the Scalar Bar
-- Origin & Size Vertical & Horizontal - allows to define
-placement (X and Y) and lookout (Width and
-Height) of Scalar Bars
-- X: abscissa of the point of origin (from the left
-- Y: ordinate of the origin of the bar (from the bottom)
-- Distribution in this menu you can Show/Hide distribution histogram of the values of the Scalar Bar and specify the Coloring Type of the histogram
-- Multicolor the histogram is colored as Scalar Bar
-- Monocolor the histogram is colored as selected with Distribution color selector
+- Font - in this menu you can set type, face and color for
+ the font of Title and Labels.
+- Colors & Labels - in this menu you can set the number of
+ colors and the number of labels in use.
+- Orientation - here you can choose between vertical and
+ horizontal orientation of the Scalar Bar
+- Origin & Size Vertical & Horizontal - allows to define
+ placement (X and Y) and lookout (Width and
+ Height) of Scalar Bars.
+ - X: abscissa of the point of origin (from the left
+ side)
+ - Y: ordinate of the origin of the bar (from the bottom)
+- Distribution in this menu you can Show/Hide distribution
+ histogram of the values of the Scalar Bar and specify the
+ Coloring Type of the histogram:
+ - Multicolor the histogram is colored as Scalar Bar
+ - Monocolor the histogram is colored as selected with
+ Distribution color selector