0020749: EDF 1291 SMESH : Create 2D Mesh from 2D improvement

This commit is contained in:
vsr 2010-10-08 13:21:03 +00:00
parent 1057b2c9fc
commit e62fe64c08
5 changed files with 505 additions and 203 deletions

View File

@ -16,235 +16,389 @@
// //
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// //
// File : SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3D.cxx
// Author : Vadim SANDLER, Open CASCADE S.A.S. (vadim.sandler@opencascade.com)
// File : SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp.cxx
// Author : Open CASCADE S.A.S.
// SMESH includes
#include "SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp.h" #include "SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp.h"
#include "SMESHGUI.h" #include "SMESHGUI.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h" #include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_VTKUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MeshUtils.h" #include "SMESHGUI_MeshUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MeshInfosBox.h" #include "SMESH_TypeFilter.hxx"
#include "SMESH_LogicalFilter.hxx"
// SALOME GUI includes // SALOME GUI includes
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h> #include <LightApp_UpdateFlags.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Tools.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h> #include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h> #include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <SUIT_OverrideCursor.h> #include <SUIT_OverrideCursor.h>
#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>
// SALOME KERNEL includes
#include <SALOMEDS_SObject.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDSClient_SObject.hxx>
// Qt includes
// IDL includes // IDL includes
#include <SALOMEconfig.h> #include <SALOMEconfig.h>
#include <QFrame> // Qt includes
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QGroupBox> #include <QGroupBox>
#include <QPushButton> #include <QRadioButton>
#include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QLineEdit>
#include <QCheckBox>
// MESH includes #include <QHBoxLayout>
#include "SMDSAbs_ElementType.hxx" #include <QGridLayout>
#include "SMDSAbs_ElementType.hxx"
#define SPACING 6 #define SPACING 6
#define MARGIN 11 #define MARGIN 11
// =========================================================================================
/*! /*!
* \brief Dialog to show creted mesh statistic \class SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg
\brief Copy Mesh dialog box
*/ */
SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg::SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg( QWidget* parent ) SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg( QWidget* parent )
: SMESHGUI_Dialog( parent, false, true, Close/* | Help*/ ) : SMESHGUI_Dialog( parent, false, true, OK | Apply | Close | Help )
{ {
// title
setWindowTitle( tr("CAPTION") ); setWindowTitle( tr("CAPTION") );
QVBoxLayout* aDlgLay = new QVBoxLayout (mainFrame());
// mesh
setObjectPixmap( "SMESH", tr( "ICON_SELECT" ) );
createObject( tr( "MESH" ), mainFrame(), Mesh );
// mode
QGroupBox* aModeGrp = new QGroupBox( tr( "MODE" ), mainFrame() );
QHBoxLayout* aModeGrpLayout = new QHBoxLayout( aModeGrp );
aModeGrpLayout->setMargin( MARGIN );
aModeGrpLayout->setSpacing( SPACING );
my2dFrom3dRB = new QRadioButton( tr( "2D_FROM_3D" ), aModeGrp );
my1dFrom2dRB = new QRadioButton( tr( "1D_FROM_2D" ), aModeGrp );
my1dFrom3dRB = new QRadioButton( tr( "1D_FROM_3D" ), aModeGrp );
aModeGrpLayout->addWidget( my2dFrom3dRB );
aModeGrpLayout->addWidget( my1dFrom2dRB );
aModeGrpLayout->addWidget( my1dFrom3dRB );
// target
QGroupBox* aTargetGrp = new QGroupBox( tr( "TARGET" ), mainFrame() );
QGridLayout* aTargetGrpLayout = new QGridLayout( aTargetGrp );
aTargetGrpLayout->setMargin( MARGIN );
aTargetGrpLayout->setSpacing( SPACING );
myThisMeshRB = new QRadioButton( tr( "THIS_MESH" ), aTargetGrp );
myNewMeshRB = new QRadioButton( tr( "NEW_MESH" ), aTargetGrp );
myMeshName = new QLineEdit( aTargetGrp );
myCopyCheck = new QCheckBox( tr( "COPY_SRC" ), aTargetGrp );
myMissingCheck = new QCheckBox( tr( "MISSING_ONLY" ), aTargetGrp );
aTargetGrpLayout->addWidget( myThisMeshRB, 0, 0 );
aTargetGrpLayout->addWidget( myNewMeshRB, 1, 0 );
aTargetGrpLayout->addWidget( myMeshName, 1, 1 );
aTargetGrpLayout->addWidget( myCopyCheck, 2, 0 );
aTargetGrpLayout->addWidget( myMissingCheck, 2, 1 );
myGroupCheck = new QCheckBox( tr( "CREATE_GROUP" ), mainFrame() );
myGroupName = new QLineEdit( mainFrame() );
// layout
QGridLayout* aDlgLay = new QGridLayout( mainFrame() );
aDlgLay->setMargin( 0 ); aDlgLay->setMargin( 0 );
aDlgLay->setSpacing( SPACING ); aDlgLay->setSpacing( SPACING );
QFrame* aMainFrame = createMainFrame(mainFrame()); aDlgLay->addWidget( objectWg( Mesh, Label ), 0, 0 );
aDlgLay->addWidget(aMainFrame); aDlgLay->addWidget( objectWg( Mesh, Btn ), 0, 1 );
aDlgLay->setStretchFactor(aMainFrame, 1); aDlgLay->addWidget( objectWg( Mesh, Control ), 0, 2 );
aDlgLay->addWidget( aModeGrp, 1, 0, 1, 3 );
aDlgLay->addWidget( aTargetGrp, 2, 0, 1, 3 );
aDlgLay->addWidget( myGroupCheck, 3, 0 );
aDlgLay->addWidget( myGroupName, 3, 1, 1, 2 );
// connect signals
connect( myThisMeshRB, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( onTargetChanged() ) );
connect( myNewMeshRB, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( onTargetChanged() ) );
connect( myGroupCheck, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( onGroupChecked() ) );
// init dlg
my2dFrom3dRB->setChecked( true );
myThisMeshRB->setChecked( true );
myMissingCheck->setChecked( true );
} }
// ========================================================================================= SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::~SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg()
* \brief Dialog destructor
{ {
} }
//======================================================================= SMESH::Bnd_Dimension SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::mode() const
// function : createMainFrame()
// purpose : Create frame containing dialog's fields
QFrame* SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg::createMainFrame (QWidget* theParent)
{ {
QFrame* aFrame = new QFrame(theParent); if ( my2dFrom3dRB->isChecked() )
SUIT_ResourceMgr* rm = resourceMgr(); else if ( my1dFrom2dRB->isChecked() )
QPixmap iconCompute (rm->loadPixmap("SMESH", tr("ICON_2D_FROM_3D"))); return SMESH::BND_1DFROM2D;
// Mesh name return SMESH::BND_1DFROM3D;
QGroupBox* nameBox = new QGroupBox(tr("SMESH_MESHINFO_NAME"), aFrame );
QHBoxLayout* nameBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(nameBox);
nameBoxLayout->setMargin(MARGIN); nameBoxLayout->setSpacing(SPACING);
myMeshName = new QLabel(nameBox);
// Mesh Info
myFullInfo = new SMESHGUI_MeshInfosBox(true, aFrame);
// add all widgets to aFrame
QVBoxLayout* aLay = new QVBoxLayout(aFrame);
aLay->setMargin( 0 );
aLay->setSpacing( 0 );
aLay->addWidget( nameBox );
aLay->addWidget( myFullInfo );
((QPushButton*) button( OK ))->setDefault( true );
return aFrame;
} }
//================================================================================ bool SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::needNewMesh() const
* \brief set name of the mesh
void SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg::SetMeshName(const QString& theName)
{ {
myMeshName->setText( theName ); return myNewMeshRB->isChecked();
} }
//================================================================================ QString SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::getNewMeshName() const
* \brief set mesh info
void SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg::SetMeshInfo(const SMESH::long_array& theInfo)
{ {
myFullInfo->SetMeshInfo( theInfo ); return myMeshName->text().trimmed();
void SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::setNewMeshName( const QString& name )
myMeshName->setText( name );
bool SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::needGroup() const
return myGroupCheck->isChecked();
QString SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::getGroupName() const
return myGroupName->text().trimmed();
void SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::setGroupName( const QString& name )
myGroupName->setText( name );
bool SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::copySource() const
return myCopyCheck->isChecked();
bool SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::copyMissingOnly() const
return myMissingCheck->isChecked();
void SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::onTargetChanged()
myMeshName->setEnabled( myNewMeshRB->isChecked() );
myCopyCheck->setEnabled( myNewMeshRB->isChecked() );
myMissingCheck->setEnabled( myNewMeshRB->isChecked() );
void SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::onGroupChecked()
myGroupName->setEnabled( myGroupCheck->isChecked() );
} }
/*! /*!
* \brief Constructor \class SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp
\brief Copy Mesh operation class
*/ */
: SMESHGUI_Operation() : SMESHGUI_SelectionOp()
{ {
myDlg = new SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg(desktop());
} }
* \brief Desctructor
{ {
if ( myDlg )
delete myDlg;
} }
//================================================================================ LightApp_Dialog* SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp::dlg() const
/*! {
* \brief perform it's intention action: compute 2D mesh on 3D return myDlg;
*/ }
void SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp::startOperation() void SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp::startOperation()
{ {
myMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil(); if( !myDlg )
myDlg = new SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg( desktop() );
// check selection mySrc = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_nil();
LightApp_SelectionMgr *Sel = selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected; Sel->selectedObjects( selected );
int nbSel = selected.Extent(); myHelpFileName = "copy_mesh_page.html";
if (nbSel != 1) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning(desktop(), SMESHGUI_SelectionOp::startOperation();
tr("SMESH_WRN_NO_AVAILABLE_DATA")); myDlg->activateObject( SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::Mesh );
onCancel(); myDlg->setNewMeshName( SMESH::UniqueName( "Mesh_1" ) );
return; myDlg->setGroupName( SMESH::UniqueName( "Group" ) );
} }
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = selected.First(); void SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp::selectionDone()
myMesh = SMESH::GetMeshByIO(anIO); {
if (myMesh->_is_nil()) { if ( !dlg() ) return;
tr("SMESH_WRN_WARNING"), if ( dlg()->isVisible() ) {
onCancel(); QStringList names, ids;
return; LightApp_Dialog::TypesList types;
selected( names, types, ids );
if ( names.count() == 1 )
myDlg->selectObject( names, types, ids );
catch ( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex ) {
SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException( S_ex );
catch ( ... ) {
} }
SMESHGUI_Operation::startOperation(); SUIT_SelectionFilter* SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp::createFilter( const int theId ) const
SUIT_SelectionFilter* f = 0;
// backup mesh info before 2D mesh computation if ( theId == SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::Mesh ) {
SMESH::long_array_var anOldInfo = myMesh->GetMeshInfo(); QList<SUIT_SelectionFilter*> filters;
filters.append( new SMESH_TypeFilter( MESHorSUBMESH ) );
filters.append( new SMESH_TypeFilter( GROUP ) );
if (!compute2DMesh()) { f = new SMESH_LogicalFilter( filters, SMESH_LogicalFilter::LO_OR );
} }
// get new mesh statistic return f;
SMESH::long_array_var aNewInfo = myMesh->GetMeshInfo();
// get difference in mesh statistic from old to new
for ( int i = SMDSEntity_Node; i < SMDSEntity_Last; i++ )
aNewInfo[i] -= anOldInfo[i];
// update presentation
SMESH::Update(anIO, SMESH::eDisplay);
// show computated result
_PTR(SObject) aMeshSObj = SMESH::FindSObject(myMesh);
if ( aMeshSObj )
myDlg->SetMeshName( aMeshSObj->GetName().c_str() );
myDlg->SetMeshInfo( aNewInfo );
myDlg->show(); /*exec();*/
} }
//================================================================================ bool SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp::isValid( QString& msg ) const
/*! {
* \brief compute 2D mesh on initial 3D if ( !dlg() ) return false;
//================================================================================ // check if any source data is selected
QString entry = myDlg->selectedObject( SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::Mesh );
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj;
_PTR(SObject) sobj = SMESHGUI::activeStudy()->studyDS()->FindObjectID( entry.toLatin1().constData() );
if ( sobj )
obj = SMESH::SObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>( sobj );
if ( obj->_is_nil() ) {
msg = tr( "SMESH_ERR_NO_INPUT_MESH" );
return false;
// check if source contains elements of required type
SMESH::Bnd_Dimension mode = myDlg->mode();
SMESH::array_of_ElementType_var types = obj->GetTypes();
bool has3d = false;
bool has2d = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < types->length(); i++ ) {
if ( types[i] == SMESH::VOLUME ) has3d = true;
else if ( types[i] == SMESH::FACE ) has2d = true;
if ( ( mode == SMESH::BND_2DFROM3D || mode == SMESH::BND_1DFROM3D ) && !has3d ) {
msg = tr( "SMESH_ERR_NO_3D_ELEMENTS" );
return false;
else if ( mode == SMESH::BND_1DFROM2D && !has2d ) {
msg = tr( "SMESH_ERR_NO_2D_ELEMENTS" );
return false;
// check if new mesh name is specified
if ( myDlg->needNewMesh() && myDlg->getNewMeshName().isEmpty() ) {
return false;
// check if group name is specified
if ( myDlg->needGroup() && myDlg->getGroupName().isEmpty() ) {
return false;
return true;
bool SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp::compute2DMesh() bool SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp::compute2DMesh()
{ {
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = myMesh->GetMeshEditor();
return aMeshEditor->Make2DMeshFrom3D(); bool ok = false;
try {
QString entry = myDlg->selectedObject( SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg::Mesh );
_PTR(SObject) sobj = SMESHGUI::activeStudy()->studyDS()->FindObjectID( entry.toLatin1().constData() );
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = SMESH::SObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>( sobj );
SMESH::Bnd_Dimension mode = myDlg->mode();
QString meshName = myDlg->needNewMesh() ? myDlg->getNewMeshName() : QString();
QString groupName = myDlg->needGroup() ? myDlg->getGroupName() : QString();
bool copySrc = myDlg->copySource();
bool copyAll = !myDlg->copyMissingOnly();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var srcMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( obj );
if ( CORBA::is_nil( srcMesh ) ) {
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var subMesh = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow( obj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( subMesh ) )
srcMesh = subMesh->GetFather();
if ( CORBA::is_nil( srcMesh ) ) {
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var grp = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( obj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( grp ) )
srcMesh = grp->GetMesh();
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( srcMesh ) ) {
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = srcMesh->GetMeshEditor();
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var newGrp;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = aMeshEditor->MakeBoundaryMesh( obj.in(),
newGrp.out() );
if ( !mesh->_is_nil() ) {
if ( !newGrp->_is_nil() ) {
ok = true;
catch ( ... ) {
return ok;
bool SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp::onApply()
if ( isStudyLocked() )
return false;
QString msg;
if ( !isValid( msg ) ) {
if ( msg != "" )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( myDlg, tr( "SMESH_ERROR" ), msg );
return false;
bool res = false;
try {
res = compute2DMesh();
catch ( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex ) {
SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException( S_ex );
catch ( ... ) {
if ( res ) {
update( UF_ObjBrowser | UF_Model );
myDlg->setNewMeshName( SMESH::UniqueName( "Mesh_1" ) );
myDlg->setGroupName( SMESH::UniqueName( "Group" ) );
else {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( myDlg, tr( "SMESH_ERROR" ), tr( "SMESH_OPERATION_FAILED" ) );
return res;
} }

View File

@ -16,70 +16,97 @@
// //
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// //
// SMESH SMESHGUI : GUI for SMESH component
// File : SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3D.h // File : SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3D.h
// Author : Open CASCADE S.A.S. // Author : Vadim SANDLER, Open CASCADE S.A.S. (vadim.sandler@opencascade.com)
#ifndef SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp_H #ifndef SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp_H
#define SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp_H #define SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp_H
// SMESH includes // SMESH includes
#include "SMESH_SMESHGUI.hxx" #include "SMESH_SMESHGUI.hxx"
#include "SMESHGUI_Dialog.h" #include "SMESHGUI_Dialog.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Operation.h" #include "SMESHGUI_SelectionOp.h"
// IDL includes
#include <SALOMEconfig.h> #include <SALOMEconfig.h>
class QFrame; class QCheckBox;
class SMESHGUI_MeshInfosBox; class QLineEdit;
class QRadioButton;
/*! /*!
* \brief Dialog to show result mesh statistic * \brief Dialog to show result mesh statistic
*/ */
class SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg : public SMESHGUI_Dialog class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg : public SMESHGUI_Dialog
{ {
public: public:
SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg( QWidget* ); enum { Mesh };
virtual ~SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg();
void SetMeshName(const QString& theName); SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg( QWidget* );
void SetMeshInfo(const SMESH::long_array& theInfo); virtual ~SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg();
SMESH::Bnd_Dimension mode() const;
bool needNewMesh() const;
QString getNewMeshName() const;
void setNewMeshName( const QString& );
bool needGroup() const;
QString getGroupName() const;
void setGroupName( const QString& );
bool copySource() const;
bool copyMissingOnly() const;
private slots:
void onTargetChanged();
void onGroupChecked();
private: private:
QFrame* createMainFrame( QWidget* ); QRadioButton* my2dFrom3dRB;
QRadioButton* my1dFrom2dRB;
private: QRadioButton* my1dFrom3dRB;
QLabel* myMeshName; QRadioButton* myThisMeshRB;
SMESHGUI_MeshInfosBox* myFullInfo; QRadioButton* myNewMeshRB;
QLineEdit* myMeshName;
QCheckBox* myCopyCheck;
QCheckBox* myMissingCheck;
QCheckBox* myGroupCheck;
QLineEdit* myGroupName;
}; };
/*! /*!
* \brief Operation to compute 2D mesh on 3D * \brief Operation to compute 2D mesh on 3D
*/ */
class SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp : public SMESHGUI_Operation class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp : public SMESHGUI_SelectionOp
{ {
public: public:
SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp(); SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp();
virtual ~SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp(); virtual ~SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp();
virtual LightApp_Dialog* dlg() const;
protected: protected:
virtual void startOperation(); virtual void startOperation();
virtual void selectionDone();
virtual SUIT_SelectionFilter* createFilter( const int ) const;
bool isValid( QString& ) const;
protected slots:
virtual bool onApply();
private: private:
bool compute2DMesh(); bool compute2DMesh();
private: private:
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myMesh; SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var mySrc;
QPointer<SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg> myDlg; QPointer<SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg> myDlg;
}; };
#endif // SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp_H #endif // SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp_H

View File

@ -82,4 +82,44 @@ namespace SMESH
} }
return baseName; return baseName;
} }
QString UniqueName(const QString& theBaseName, _PTR(SObject) theParent, const QString& thePostfix)
QString baseName = thePostfix.isEmpty() ?
theBaseName : theBaseName + "_" + thePostfix;
QString name = baseName;
if ( _PTR(Study) aStudy = GetActiveStudyDocument() ) {
_PTR(SObject) p = theParent;
if ( !p ) p = aStudy->FindComponent( "SMESH" );
if ( p ) {
_PTR(ChildIterator) iter = aStudy->NewChildIterator( p );
int idx = 0;
while( true ) {
bool found = false;
for ( ; iter->More(); iter->Next() ) {
_PTR(SObject) so = iter->Value();
if ( !so ) continue; // skip bad objects
_PTR(SObject) ref;
if ( so->ReferencedObject( ref ) ) continue; // skip references
QString n = so->GetName().c_str();
if ( !n.isEmpty() && n == name ) {
QStringList names = name.split("_", QString::KeepEmptyParts);
if ( names.count() > 0 ) {
bool ok;
names.last().toInt( &ok );
if ( ok )
names.append( QString::number( ++idx ) );
name = names.join( "_" );
found = true;
if ( !found ) break;
return name;
} // end of namespace SMESH } // end of namespace SMESH

View File

@ -36,10 +36,15 @@
// SALOME GUI includes // SALOME GUI includes
#include <SALOME_InteractiveObject.hxx> #include <SALOME_InteractiveObject.hxx>
// SALOME KERNEL includes
#include <SALOMEDSClient_definitions.hxx>
// IDL includes // IDL includes
#include <SALOMEconfig.h> #include <SALOMEconfig.h>
class SALOMEDSClient_SObject;
namespace SMESH namespace SMESH
{ {
@ -47,6 +52,8 @@ namespace SMESH
QString UniqueMeshName( const QString&, const QString& = QString() ); QString UniqueMeshName( const QString&, const QString& = QString() );
QString UniqueName( const QString&, _PTR(SObject) = _PTR(SObject)(), const QString& = QString() );
} }

View File

@ -5257,4 +5257,78 @@ It is impossible to read point coordinates from file</translation>
<translation>Construct group with newly created elements</translation> <translation>Construct group with newly created elements</translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<translation>Copy mesh elements</translation>
<translation>Mesh, submesh or group</translation>
<translation>2D from 3D</translation>
<translation>1D from 3D</translation>
<translation>1D from 2D</translation>
<translation>This mesh</translation>
<translation>New mesh</translation>
<translation>Copy source mesh</translation>
<translation>Copy missing elements only</translation>
<translation>Create group</translation>
<translation>Source mesh, sub-mesh or group is not specified</translation>
<translation>The source object does not contain 3D elements</translation>
<translation>The source object does not contain 2D elements</translation>
<translation>New mesh name is not specified</translation>
<translation>Group name is not specified</translation>
</TS> </TS>