mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 06:27:54 +05:00
52504: Projection 1D2D fails to project from a half-disk to a half-cone.
This commit is contained in:
@ -157,8 +157,9 @@ void SMESH_HypoFilter::IsMoreLocalThanPredicate::findPreferable()
bool SMESH_HypoFilter::IsMoreLocalThanPredicate::IsOk(const SMESH_Hypothesis* aHyp,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape) const
if ( aShape.IsSame( _mesh.GetShapeToMesh() ))
return false; // aHyp is global
if ( aShape.IsSame( _mesh.GetShapeToMesh() ) || // aHyp is global
aShape.IsSame( _shape ))
return false;
if ( SMESH_MesherHelper::IsSubShape( aShape, /*mainShape=*/_shape ))
return true;
@ -1245,8 +1245,9 @@ bool StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::FindSubShapeAssociation(const TopoDS_Shape& the
double minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for ( int nbChecked=0; edge1 != allBndEdges1.end() && nbChecked++ < 10; ++edge1 )
TopExp::Vertices( TopoDS::Edge( edge1->Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)), VV1[0], VV1[1]);
if ( VV1[0].IsSame( VV1[1] ))
TopoDS_Vertex edge1VV[2];
TopExp::Vertices( TopoDS::Edge( edge1->Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)), edge1VV[0], edge1VV[1]);
if ( edge1VV[0].IsSame( edge1VV[1] ))
continue;//RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Only closed edges");
// find vertices closest to 2 linked vertices of shape 1
@ -1254,7 +1255,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::FindSubShapeAssociation(const TopoDS_Shape& the
TopoDS_Vertex edge2VV[2];
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < 2; ++i1 )
gp_Pnt p1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt( VV1[ i1 ]);
gp_Pnt p1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt( edge1VV[ i1 ]);
p1.Scale( gc[0], scale );
p1.Translate( vec01 );
if ( !i1 ) {
@ -1290,6 +1291,8 @@ bool StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::FindSubShapeAssociation(const TopoDS_Shape& the
if ( dist2[0] + dist2[1] < minDist ) {
VV1[0] = edge1VV[0];
VV1[1] = edge1VV[1];
VV2[0] = edge2VV[0];
VV2[1] = edge2VV[1];
minDist = dist2[0] + dist2[1];
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ namespace {
bool isOldNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* node/*, const bool is1DComputed*/ )
bool isOldNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* node )
// old nodes are shared by edges and new ones are shared
// only by faces created by mapper
@ -404,23 +404,30 @@ namespace {
* \brief Compose TSideVector for both FACEs keeping matching order of EDGEs
* and fill src2tgtNodes map
bool getWires(const TopoDS_Face& tgtFace,
const TopoDS_Face& srcFace,
SMESH_Mesh * tgtMesh,
SMESH_Mesh * srcMesh,
const TAssocTool::TShapeShapeMap& shape2ShapeMap,
TSideVector& srcWires,
TSideVector& tgtWires,
const bool is1DComputed)
TError getWires(const TopoDS_Face& tgtFace,
const TopoDS_Face& srcFace,
SMESH_Mesh * tgtMesh,
SMESH_Mesh * srcMesh,
const TAssocTool::TShapeShapeMap& shape2ShapeMap,
TSideVector& srcWires,
TSideVector& tgtWires,
TAssocTool::TNodeNodeMap& src2tgtNodes,
bool& is1DComputed)
SMESHDS_Mesh* tgtMeshDS = tgtMesh->GetMeshDS();
SMESHDS_Mesh* srcMeshDS = srcMesh->GetMeshDS();
// get ordered src EDGEs
TError err;
srcWires = StdMeshers_FaceSide::GetFaceWires( srcFace, *srcMesh,/*skipMediumNodes=*/0, err);
if ( err && !err->IsOK() )
return false;
return err;
// make corresponding sequence of tgt EDGEs
tgtWires.resize( srcWires.size() );
@ -431,13 +438,14 @@ namespace {
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape edgeMap; // to detect seam edges
for ( int iE = 0; iE < srcWire->NbEdges(); ++iE )
TopoDS_Edge E = TopoDS::Edge( shape2ShapeMap( srcWire->Edge( iE ), /*isSrc=*/true));
TopoDS_Edge srcE = srcWire->Edge( iE );
TopoDS_Edge tgtE = TopoDS::Edge( shape2ShapeMap( srcE, /*isSrc=*/true));
// reverse a seam edge encountered for the second time
const int index = edgeMap.Add( E );
const int index = edgeMap.Add( tgtE );
if ( index < edgeMap.Extent() ) // E is a seam
// check which of edges to reverse, E or one already being in tgtEdges
if ( are2dConnected( tgtEdges.back(), E, tgtFace ))
if ( are2dConnected( tgtEdges.back(), tgtE, tgtFace ))
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt = tgtEdges.begin();
std::advance( eIt, index-1 );
@ -445,30 +453,70 @@ namespace {
if ( srcWire->NbEdges() == 1 && tgtMesh == srcMesh ) // circle
// try to verify ori by propagation
pair<int,TopoDS_Edge> nE = StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::GetPropagationEdge
( srcMesh, E, srcWire->Edge( iE ));
pair<int,TopoDS_Edge> nE =
StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::GetPropagationEdge( srcMesh, tgtE, srcE );
if ( !nE.second.IsNull() )
E = nE.second;
tgtE = nE.second;
tgtEdges.push_back( E );
tgtEdges.push_back( tgtE );
// Fill map of src to tgt nodes with nodes on edges
if ( srcMesh->GetSubMesh( srcE )->IsEmpty() ||
tgtMesh->GetSubMesh( tgtE )->IsEmpty() )
// add nodes on VERTEXes for a case of not meshes EDGEs
const TopoDS_Shape& srcV = SMESH_MesherHelper::IthVertex( 0, srcE );
const TopoDS_Shape& tgtV = shape2ShapeMap( srcV, /*isSrc=*/true );
const SMDS_MeshNode* srcN = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( TopoDS::Vertex( srcV ), srcMeshDS );
const SMDS_MeshNode* tgtN = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( TopoDS::Vertex( tgtV ), tgtMeshDS );
if ( srcN && tgtN )
src2tgtNodes.insert( make_pair( srcN, tgtN ));
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* > srcNodes, tgtNodes;
if (( ! SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge( srcMeshDS, TopoDS::Edge( srcE ),
/*ignoreMediumNodes = */true,
srcNodes ))
( ! SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge( tgtMeshDS, TopoDS::Edge( tgtE ),
/*ignoreMediumNodes = */true,
tgtNodes ))
return SMESH_ComputeError::New( COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH,
"Invalid node parameters on edges");
if (( srcNodes.size() != tgtNodes.size() ) && tgtNodes.size() > 0 )
return SMESH_ComputeError::New( COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH,
"Different number of nodes on edges");
if ( !tgtNodes.empty() )
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u_tn = tgtNodes.begin();
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u_sn = srcNodes.begin();
for ( ; u_tn != tgtNodes.end(); ++u_tn, ++u_sn)
src2tgtNodes.insert( make_pair( u_sn->second, u_tn->second ));
is1DComputed = true;
} // loop on EDGEs of a WIRE
tgtWires[ iW ].reset( new StdMeshers_FaceSide( tgtFace, tgtEdges, tgtMesh,
/*theIsForward = */ true,
/*theIgnoreMediumNodes = */false));
if ( is1DComputed &&
srcWires[iW]->GetUVPtStruct().size() !=
return false;
return true;
} // loop on WIREs
return TError();
* \brief Preform projection in case if tgtFace.IsPartner( srcFace ) and in case
@ -481,7 +529,8 @@ namespace {
const TSideVector& tgtWires,
const TSideVector& srcWires,
const TAssocTool::TShapeShapeMap& shape2ShapeMap,
TAssocTool::TNodeNodeMap& src2tgtNodes)
TAssocTool::TNodeNodeMap& src2tgtNodes,
const bool is1DComputed)
SMESH_Mesh * tgtMesh = tgtWires[0]->GetMesh();
SMESH_Mesh * srcMesh = srcWires[0]->GetMesh();
@ -561,61 +610,6 @@ namespace {
return false;
// Fill map of src to tgt nodes with nodes on edges
TAssocTool::TNodeNodeMap::iterator srcN_tgtN;
bool tgtEdgesMeshed = false;
for ( TopExp_Explorer srcExp( srcFace, TopAbs_EDGE); srcExp.More(); srcExp.Next() )
const TopoDS_Shape& srcEdge = srcExp.Current();
const TopoDS_Shape& tgtEdge = shape2ShapeMap( srcEdge, /*isSrc=*/true );
tgtEdgesMeshed != tgtMesh->GetSubMesh( tgtEdge )->IsEmpty();
if ( srcMesh->GetSubMesh( srcEdge )->IsEmpty() ||
tgtMesh->GetSubMesh( tgtEdge )->IsEmpty() )
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* > srcNodes, tgtNodes;
if (( ! SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge( srcMeshDS,
TopoDS::Edge( srcEdge ),
/*ignoreMediumNodes = */true,
srcNodes ))
( ! SMESH_Algo::GetSortedNodesOnEdge( tgtMeshDS,
TopoDS::Edge( tgtEdge ),
/*ignoreMediumNodes = */true,
tgtNodes ))
(( srcNodes.size() != tgtNodes.size() ) && tgtNodes.size() > 0 )
return false;
if ( !tgtNodes.empty() )
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u_tn = tgtNodes.begin();
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u_sn = srcNodes.begin();
for ( ; u_tn != tgtNodes.end(); ++u_tn, ++u_sn)
src2tgtNodes.insert( make_pair( u_sn->second, u_tn->second ));
// check nodes on VERTEXes for a case of not meshes EDGEs
for ( TopExp_Explorer srcExp( srcFace, TopAbs_VERTEX); srcExp.More(); srcExp.Next() )
const TopoDS_Shape& srcV = srcExp.Current();
const TopoDS_Shape& tgtV = shape2ShapeMap( srcV, /*isSrc=*/true );
const SMDS_MeshNode* srcN = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( TopoDS::Vertex( srcV ), srcMeshDS );
const SMDS_MeshNode* tgtN = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( TopoDS::Vertex( tgtV ), tgtMeshDS );
if ( !srcN )
if ( !tgtN || tgtV.ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX )
return false;
src2tgtNodes.insert( make_pair( srcN, tgtN ));
// Make new faces
// prepare the helper to adding quadratic elements if necessary
@ -623,13 +617,14 @@ namespace {
helper.IsQuadraticSubMesh( tgtFace );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* srcSubDS = srcMeshDS->MeshElements( srcFace );
if ( !tgtEdgesMeshed && srcSubDS->NbElements() )
if ( !is1DComputed && srcSubDS->NbElements() )
helper.SetIsQuadratic( srcSubDS->GetElements()->next()->IsQuadratic() );
SMESH_MesherHelper srcHelper( *srcMesh );
srcHelper.SetSubShape( srcFace );
const SMDS_MeshNode* nullNode = 0;
TAssocTool::TNodeNodeMap::iterator srcN_tgtN;
// indices of nodes to create properly oriented faces
bool isReverse = ( !trsf.IsIdentity() );
@ -747,8 +742,8 @@ namespace {
const TSideVector& tgtWires,
const TSideVector& srcWires,
const TAssocTool::TShapeShapeMap& shape2ShapeMap,
const bool is1DComputed,
TAssocTool::TNodeNodeMap& src2tgtNodes)
TAssocTool::TNodeNodeMap& src2tgtNodes,
const bool is1DComputed)
SMESH_Mesh * tgtMesh = tgtWires[0]->GetMesh();
SMESH_Mesh * srcMesh = srcWires[0]->GetMesh();
@ -831,33 +826,6 @@ namespace {
// 2) Projection
TAssocTool::TNodeNodeMap::iterator srcN_tgtN;
// fill src2tgtNodes in with nodes on EDGEs
for ( size_t iW = 0; iW < srcWires.size(); ++iW )
if ( is1DComputed )
const vector<UVPtStruct>& srcUVs = srcWires[iW]->GetUVPtStruct();
const vector<UVPtStruct>& tgtUVs = tgtWires[iW]->GetUVPtStruct();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < srcUVs.size(); ++i )
src2tgtNodes.insert( make_pair( srcUVs[i].node, tgtUVs[i].node ));
for ( int iE = 0; iE < srcWires[iW]->NbEdges(); ++iE )
TopoDS_Vertex srcV = srcWires[iW]->FirstVertex(iE);
TopoDS_Vertex tgtV = tgtWires[iW]->FirstVertex(iE);
const SMDS_MeshNode* srcNode = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( srcV, srcMesh->GetMeshDS() );
const SMDS_MeshNode* tgtNode = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( tgtV, tgtMesh->GetMeshDS() );
if ( tgtNode && srcNode )
src2tgtNodes.insert( make_pair( srcNode, tgtNode ));
// make elements
SMESHDS_SubMesh* srcSubDS = srcMesh->GetMeshDS()->MeshElements( srcFace );
SMESH_MesherHelper helper( *tgtMesh );
@ -874,6 +842,7 @@ namespace {
srcHelper.SetSubShape( srcFace );
const SMDS_MeshNode* nullNode = 0;
TAssocTool::TNodeNodeMap::iterator srcN_tgtN;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = srcSubDS->GetElements();
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > tgtNodes;
@ -938,7 +907,8 @@ namespace {
void fixDistortedFaces( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper )
void fixDistortedFaces( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper,
TSideVector& )
// Detect bad faces
@ -995,17 +965,40 @@ namespace {
for ( faceIt = smDS->GetElements(); faceIt->more(); )
faces.insert( faces.end(), faceIt->next() );
// choose smoothing algo
//SMESH_MeshEditor:: SmoothMethod algo = SMESH_MeshEditor::CENTROIDAL;
bool isConcaveBoundary = false;
TError err;
TSideVector tgtWires =
StdMeshers_FaceSide::GetFaceWires( F, *helper.GetMesh(),/*skipMediumNodes=*/0, err);
for ( size_t iW = 0; iW < tgtWires.size() && !isConcaveBoundary; ++iW )
TopoDS_Edge prevEdge = tgtWires[iW]->Edge( tgtWires[iW]->NbEdges() - 1 );
for ( int iE = 0; iE < tgtWires[iW]->NbEdges() && !isConcaveBoundary; ++iE )
double angle = helper.GetAngle( prevEdge, tgtWires[iW]->Edge( iE ),
F, tgtWires[iW]->FirstVertex( iE ));
isConcaveBoundary = ( angle < -5. * M_PI / 180. );
prevEdge = tgtWires[iW]->Edge( iE );
SMESH_MeshEditor:: SmoothMethod algo =
isConcaveBoundary ? SMESH_MeshEditor::CENTROIDAL : SMESH_MeshEditor::LAPLACIAN;
// smoothing
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> fixedNodes;
editor.Smooth( faces, fixedNodes, SMESH_MeshEditor::CENTROIDAL, 5 );
editor.Smooth( faces, fixedNodes, algo, /*nbIterations=*/ 10,
/*theTgtAspectRatio=*/1.0, /*the2D=*/false);
} // namespace
//function : Compute
//purpose :
//purpose :
bool StdMeshers_Projection_2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& theShape)
@ -1072,22 +1065,13 @@ bool StdMeshers_Projection_2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape&
// Projection
// ===========
// find out if EDGEs are meshed or not
bool is1DComputed = false;
SMESH_subMeshIteratorPtr smIt = tgtSubMesh->getDependsOnIterator(/*includeSelf=*/false,
while ( smIt->more() && !is1DComputed )
SMESH_subMesh* sm = smIt->next();
if ( sm->GetSubShape().ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE )
is1DComputed = sm->IsMeshComputed();
// get ordered src and tgt EDGEs
TSideVector srcWires, tgtWires;
if ( !getWires( tgtFace, srcFace, tgtMesh, srcMesh,
shape2ShapeMap, srcWires, tgtWires, is1DComputed ))
return false;
bool is1DComputed = false; // if any tgt EDGE is meshed
TError err = getWires( tgtFace, srcFace, tgtMesh, srcMesh,
shape2ShapeMap, srcWires, tgtWires, _src2tgtNodes, is1DComputed );
if ( err && !err->IsOK() )
return error( err );
bool done = false;
@ -1095,13 +1079,13 @@ bool StdMeshers_Projection_2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape&
// try to project from the same face with different location
done = projectPartner( tgtFace, srcFace, tgtWires, srcWires,
shape2ShapeMap, _src2tgtNodes );
shape2ShapeMap, _src2tgtNodes, is1DComputed );
if ( !done )
// projection in case if the faces are similar in 2D space
done = projectBy2DSimilarity( tgtFace, srcFace, tgtWires, srcWires,
shape2ShapeMap, is1DComputed, _src2tgtNodes);
shape2ShapeMap, _src2tgtNodes, is1DComputed);
SMESH_MesherHelper helper( theMesh );
@ -1213,7 +1197,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Projection_2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape&
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mapper doesn't take care of nodes already existing on edges and vertices,
// so we must merge nodes created by it with existing ones
// so we must merge nodes created by it with existing ones
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMESH_MeshEditor::TListOfListOfNodes groupsOfNodes;
@ -1221,7 +1205,8 @@ bool StdMeshers_Projection_2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape&
// Make groups of nodes to merge
// loop on EDGE and VERTEX sub-meshes of a target FACE
smIt = tgtSubMesh->getDependsOnIterator(/*includeSelf=*/false,/*complexShapeFirst=*/false);
SMESH_subMeshIteratorPtr smIt = tgtSubMesh->getDependsOnIterator(/*includeSelf=*/false,
while ( smIt->more() )
SMESH_subMesh* sm = smIt->next();
@ -1229,7 +1214,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Projection_2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape&
if ( !smDS || smDS->NbNodes() == 0 )
//if ( !is1DComputed && sm->GetSubShape().ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE )
// break;
if ( helper.IsDegenShape( sm->GetId() ) ) // to merge all nodes on degenerated
@ -1375,7 +1360,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Projection_2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape&
// boundary -- fix bad faces by smoothing
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
fixDistortedFaces( helper );
fixDistortedFaces( helper, tgtWires );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// The mapper can't create quadratic elements, so convert if needed
Reference in New Issue
Block a user