PAL20948 EDF 1468 SMESH: Histogram of the quality controls

This commit is contained in:
vsr 2010-10-20 20:13:44 +00:00
parent a415d418f6
commit eddb6a7516
4 changed files with 212 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
#include <SMESH_Client.hxx>
#include <SMESH_Actor.h>
#include <SMESH_TypeFilter.hxx>
#include "SMESH_ControlsDef.hxx"
// SALOME GUI includes
#include <SalomeApp_Tools.h>
@ -124,6 +125,7 @@
// Qt includes
// #define INCLUDE_MENUITEM_DEF // VSR commented ????????
#include <QMenu>
#include <QTextStream>
// BOOST includes
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
@ -173,14 +175,14 @@
std::string myExtension;
if ( theCommandID == 113 ) {
filter.append( QObject::tr( "MED files (*.med)" ) );
filter.append( QObject::tr( "All files (*)" ) );
filter.append( QObject::tr( "MED_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.med)" );
filter.append( QObject::tr( "ALL_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*)" );
else if ( theCommandID == 112 ) {
filter.append( QObject::tr( "IDEAS files (*.unv)" ) );
filter.append( QObject::tr( "IDEAS_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.unv)" );
else if ( theCommandID == 111 ) {
filter.append( QObject::tr( "DAT files (*.dat)" ) );
filter.append( QObject::tr( "DAT_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.dat)" );
QString anInitialPath = "";
@ -333,7 +335,7 @@
QList<SALOMEDS::Color> aReservedColors;
QString aFilter, aTitle = QObject::tr("Export mesh");
QString aFilter, aTitle = QObject::tr("SMESH_EXPORT_MESH");
QMap<QString, SMESH::MED_VERSION> aFilterMap;
QMap<QString, int> aFilterMapSTL;
switch ( theCommandID ) {
@ -356,13 +358,13 @@
// PAL18696
QString v21 (aMesh->GetVersionString(SMESH::MED_V2_1, 2));
QString v22 (aMesh->GetVersionString(SMESH::MED_V2_2, 2));
aFilterMap.insert( QString("MED ") + v21 + " (*.med)", SMESH::MED_V2_1 );
aFilterMap.insert( QString("MED ") + v22 + " (*.med)", SMESH::MED_V2_2 );
aFilterMap.insert( QObject::tr( "MED_VX_FILES_FILTER" ).arg( v21 ) + " (*.med)", SMESH::MED_V2_1 );
aFilterMap.insert( QObject::tr( "MED_VX_FILES_FILTER" ).arg( v22 ) + " (*.med)", SMESH::MED_V2_2 );
case 124:
case 121:
aFilter = QObject::tr("DAT files (*.dat)");
aFilter = QObject::tr( "DAT_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.dat)";
case 126:
case 123:
@ -377,7 +379,7 @@
if (aRet != 0)
aFilter = QObject::tr("IDEAS files (*.unv)");
aFilter = QObject::tr( "IDEAS_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.unv)";
case 140:
@ -405,8 +407,8 @@
aFilterMapSTL.insert( QObject::tr("STL ASCII (*.stl)"), 1 ); // 1 - ASCII mode
aFilterMapSTL.insert( QObject::tr("STL Binary (*.stl)"), 0 ); // 0 - Binary mode
aFilterMapSTL.insert( QObject::tr( "STL_ASCII_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.stl)", 1 ); // 1 - ASCII mode
aFilterMapSTL.insert( QObject::tr( "STL_BIN_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.stl)", 0 ); // 0 - Binary mode
@ -441,7 +443,7 @@
SUIT_FileDlg* fd = new SUIT_FileDlg( SMESHGUI::desktop(), false, true, true );
fd->setWindowTitle( aTitle );
fd->setNameFilters( filters );
fd->selectNameFilter( QObject::tr("STL ASCII (*.stl)") );
fd->selectNameFilter( QObject::tr( "STL_ASCII_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.stl)" );
if ( !anInitialPath.isEmpty() )
fd->setDirectory( anInitialPath );
@ -712,6 +714,103 @@
QString functorToString( SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr f )
QString type = QObject::tr( "UNKNOWN_CONTROL" );
if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Volume* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "VOLUME_3D_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::MaxElementLength2D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::MaxElementLength3D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::MinimumAngle* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "MINIMUMANGLE_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::AspectRatio* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "ASPECTRATIO_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::AspectRatio3D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "ASPECTRATIO_3D_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Warping* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "WARP_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Taper* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "TAPER_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Skew* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "SKEW_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Area* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "AREA_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Length* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "LENGTH_EDGES" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Length2D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "LENGTH2D_EDGES" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::MultiConnection* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "MULTI_BORDERS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::MultiConnection2D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "MULTI2D_BORDERS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::FreeNodes* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "FREE_NODES" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::FreeEdges* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "FREE_EDGES" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::FreeBorders* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "FREE_BORDERS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::FreeFaces* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "FREE_FACES" );
return type;
void SaveDistribution()
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() == 1 ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = selected.First();
if ( anIO->hasEntry() ) {
SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( anIO->getEntry() );
if ( anActor && anActor->GetScalarBarActor() && anActor->GetControlMode() != SMESH_Actor::eNone ) {
vtkScalarBarActor* aScalarBarActor = anActor->GetScalarBarActor();
SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr aFunctor = anActor->GetFunctor();
if ( aScalarBarActor && aFunctor ) {
SMESH::Controls::NumericalFunctor* aNumFun = dynamic_cast<SMESH::Controls::NumericalFunctor*>( aFunctor.get() );
if ( aNumFun ) {
int nbRanges = aScalarBarActor->GetMaximumNumberOfColors();
std::vector<int> nbEvents;
std::vector<double> funValues;
aNumFun->GetHistogram( nbRanges, nbEvents, funValues );
QString anInitialPath = "";
if ( SUIT_FileDlg::getLastVisitedPath().isEmpty() )
anInitialPath = QDir::currentPath();
QString aMeshName = anIO->getName();
QStringList filter;
filter.append( QObject::tr( "TEXT_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.txt)" );
filter.append( QObject::tr( "ALL_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*)" );
QString aFilename = anInitialPath + "/" + aMeshName + "_" +
functorToString( aFunctor ).toLower().simplified().replace( QRegExp( " |-" ), "_" ) + ".txt";
aFilename = SUIT_FileDlg::getFileName( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
false );
if ( !aFilename.isEmpty() ) {
QFile f( aFilename );
if ( QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate ) ) {
QTextStream out( &f );
out << "# Mesh: " << aMeshName << endl;
out << "# Control: " << functorToString( aFunctor ) << endl;
out << "#" << endl;
out.setFieldWidth( 10 );
for ( int i = 0; i < qMin( nbEvents.size(), funValues.size()-1 ); i++ )
out << funValues[i] << "\t" << funValues[i+1] << "\t" << nbEvents[i] << endl;
void DisableAutoColor(){
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
@ -994,85 +1093,66 @@
if( !selected.IsEmpty() ){
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = selected.First();
QString aTitle;
SMESH_Actor::eControl aControl = SMESH_Actor::eNone;
if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(anIO->getEntry())){
switch ( theCommandID ){
case 6001:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "LENGTH_EDGES" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eLength;
case 6018:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "LENGTH2D_EDGES" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eLength2D;
case 6002:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "FREE_EDGES" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eFreeEdges;
case 6003:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "FREE_BORDERS" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eFreeBorders;
case 6004:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "MULTI_BORDERS" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eMultiConnection;
case 6005:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "FREE_NODES" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eFreeNodes;
case 6019:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "MULTI2D_BORDERS" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eMultiConnection2D;
case 6011:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "AREA_ELEMENTS" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eArea;
case 6012:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "TAPER_ELEMENTS" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eTaper;
case 6013:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "ASPECTRATIO_ELEMENTS" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eAspectRatio;
case 6017:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "ASPECTRATIO_3D_ELEMENTS" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eAspectRatio3D;
case 6014:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "MINIMUMANGLE_ELEMENTS" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eMinimumAngle;
case 6015:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "WARP_ELEMENTS" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eWarping;
case 6016:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "SKEW_ELEMENTS" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eSkew;
case 6009:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "SMESH_VOLUME" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eVolume3D;
case 6021:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "FREE_FACES" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eFreeFaces;
case 6022:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eMaxElementLength2D;
case 6023:
aTitle = QObject::tr( "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D" );
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eMaxElementLength3D;
anActor->GetScalarBarActor()->SetTitle( functorToString( anActor->GetFunctor() ).toLatin1().constData() );
@ -1694,6 +1774,12 @@ bool SMESHGUI::OnGUIEvent( int theCommandID )
SMESHGUI_Preferences_ScalarBarDlg::ScalarBarProperties( this );
case 202:
// dump control distribution data to the text file
// Auto-color
case 1136:
@ -3105,6 +3191,7 @@ void SMESHGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
createSMESHAction( 200, "RESET" );
createSMESHAction( 201, "SCALAR_BAR_PROP" );
createSMESHAction( 202, "SAVE_DISTRIBUTION" );
createSMESHAction( 211, "WIRE", "ICON_WIRE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( 212, "SHADE", "ICON_SHADE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( 213, "SHRINK", "ICON_SHRINK", 0, true );
@ -3705,6 +3792,11 @@ void SMESHGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
popupMgr()->insert( action( 201 ), anId, -1 ); // SCALAR_BAR_PROP
popupMgr()->setRule( action( 201 ), aMeshInVTK + "&& controlMode <> 'eNone'", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( 202 ), anId, -1 ); // SAVE_DISTRIBUTION
popupMgr()->setRule( action( 202 ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isNumFunctor", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, -1 );

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ QVariant SMESHGUI_Selection::parameter( const int ind, const QString& p ) const
else if ( p=="shrinkMode" ) val = QVariant( shrinkMode( ind ) );
else if ( p=="entityMode" ) val = QVariant( entityMode( ind ) );
else if ( p=="controlMode" ) val = QVariant( controlMode( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isNumFunctor" ) val = QVariant( isNumFunctor( ind ) );
else if ( p=="displayMode" ) val = QVariant( displayMode( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isComputable" ) val = QVariant( isComputable( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isPreComputable" ) val = QVariant( isPreComputable( ind ) );
@ -285,6 +286,35 @@ QString SMESHGUI_Selection::controlMode( int ind ) const
return "eNone";
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isNumFunctor( int ind ) const
bool result = false;
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
if ( actor ) {
switch( actor->GetControlMode() ) {
case SMESH_Actor::eLength:
case SMESH_Actor::eLength2D:
case SMESH_Actor::eMultiConnection:
case SMESH_Actor::eMultiConnection2D:
case SMESH_Actor::eArea:
case SMESH_Actor::eVolume3D:
case SMESH_Actor::eMaxElementLength2D:
case SMESH_Actor::eMaxElementLength3D:
case SMESH_Actor::eTaper:
case SMESH_Actor::eAspectRatio:
case SMESH_Actor::eAspectRatio3D:
case SMESH_Actor::eMinimumAngle:
case SMESH_Actor::eWarping:
case SMESH_Actor::eSkew:
result = true;
return result;
//function : facesOrientationMode
//purpose :

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ public:
virtual QString shrinkMode( int ) const;
virtual QList<QVariant> entityMode( int ) const;
virtual QString controlMode( int ) const;
virtual bool isNumFunctor( int ) const;
virtual QString facesOrientationMode( int ) const;
virtual QString groupType( int ) const;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,42 @@
<TS version="2.0" language="en_US">
<translation>Export mesh</translation>
<translation>MED files</translation>
<translation>IDEAS files</translation>
<translation>DAT files</translation>
<translation>TXT files</translation>
<translation>MED %1 files</translation>
<translation>STL ASCII files</translation>
<translation>STL binary files</translation>
<translation>All files</translation>
@ -567,6 +603,10 @@
<translation>Export Distribution...</translation>
@ -2504,6 +2544,10 @@ Consider saving your work before application crash</translation>
<translation>Save distribution to the file</translation>
@ -3032,6 +3076,10 @@ Consider saving your work before application crash</translation>
<translation>Export distribution</translation>
@ -3164,9 +3212,13 @@ Consider saving your work before application crash</translation>
@ -3266,6 +3318,10 @@ Input value precision can be adjusted using
<translation>Removed %1 node(s).</translation>
<translation>Export Distribution</translation>