mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 08:05:38 +05:00
21948: EDF SMESH : Memory is not freed when deleting a mesh
Elimenate memory leaks on CORBA objects, servants of SALOMEDS objects etc
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,11 +26,13 @@
#include "SMESH_2smeshpy.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "SMESH_PythonDump.hxx"
#include "SMESH_NoteBook.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Filter_i.hxx"
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
#include <utilities.h>
#include <Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString.hxx>
#include <Resource_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString.hxx>
@ -431,7 +433,7 @@ _pyGen::_pyGen(Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theEntry2AccessorMethod
// find a GEOM entry
_pyID geomID;
SALOMEDS::SComponent_var geomComp = theStudy->FindComponent("GEOM");
SALOMEDS::SComponent_wrap geomComp = theStudy->FindComponent("GEOM");
if ( geomComp->_is_nil() ) return;
CORBA::String_var entry = geomComp->GetID();
geomID = entry.in();
@ -1329,7 +1331,7 @@ bool _pyGen::IsNotPublished(const _pyID& theObjID) const
// either the SMESH object is not in study or it is a GEOM object
if ( IsGeomObject( theObjID ))
SALOMEDS::SObject_var so = myStudy->FindObjectID( theObjID.ToCString() );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap so = myStudy->FindObjectID( theObjID.ToCString() );
if ( so->_is_nil() ) return true;
CORBA::Object_var obj = so->GetObject();
return CORBA::is_nil( obj );
@ -25,15 +25,17 @@
// Module : SMESH
#include "SMESH_PythonDump.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Filter_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MeshEditor_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_2smeshpy.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Filter_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MeshEditor_i.hxx"
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
#include <TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger.hxx>
#include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
#include <SMESH_Comment.hxx>
#ifdef _DEBUG_
static int MYDEBUG = 0;
@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ namespace SMESH
SMESH_Gen_i* aSMESHGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
std::string aString = myStream.str();
TCollection_AsciiString aCollection(Standard_CString(aString.c_str()));
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = aSMESHGen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = aSMESHGen->GetCurrentStudy();
if(!aStudy->_is_nil() && !aCollection.IsEmpty()){
@ -238,10 +240,13 @@ namespace SMESH
operator<<(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr aSObject)
if ( !aSObject->_is_nil() )
myStream << aSObject->GetID();
if ( !aSObject->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::String_var entry = aSObject->GetID();
myStream << entry.in();
else {
myStream << NotPublishedObjectName();
return *this;
@ -249,9 +254,9 @@ namespace SMESH
operator<<(CORBA::Object_ptr theArg)
SMESH_Gen_i* aSMESHGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = aSMESHGen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObject = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject(aStudy,theArg);
SMESH_Gen_i* aSMESHGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = aSMESHGen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSObject = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject(aStudy,theArg);
if(!aSObject->_is_nil()) {
CORBA::String_var id = aSObject->GetID();
myStream << id;
@ -270,8 +275,8 @@ namespace SMESH
operator<<(SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr theArg)
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen()->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObject = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject(aStudy,theArg);
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen()->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSObject = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject(aStudy,theArg);
if(aSObject->_is_nil() && !CORBA::is_nil(theArg))
myStream << "hyp_" << theArg->GetId();
@ -285,18 +290,22 @@ namespace SMESH
if ( CORBA::is_nil( theArg ) )
return *this << "None";
SMESH_Gen_i* aSMESHGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = aSMESHGen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObject = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject(aStudy,theArg);
SMESH_Gen_i* aSMESHGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = aSMESHGen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSObject = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject(aStudy,theArg);
return *this << aSObject;
if ( SMESH::Filter_i* filter = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH::Filter_i*>( theArg ))
return *this << filter;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = theArg->GetMesh();
if ( !theArg->_is_equivalent( mesh ))
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theArg->GetIDs();
SMESH::array_of_ElementType_var types = theArg->GetTypes();
return *this << aSObject;
if ( SMESH::Filter_i* filter = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH::Filter_i*>( theArg ))
return *this << filter;
if ( SMESH_MeshEditor_i::IsTemporaryIDSource( theArg ))
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = theArg->GetMesh();
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = theArg->GetIDs();
SMESH::array_of_ElementType_var types = theArg->GetTypes();
SMESH::ElementType type = types->length() ? types[0] : SMESH::ALL;
return *this << mesh << ".GetIDSource(" << anElementsId << ", " << type << ")";
@ -590,7 +599,8 @@ Engines::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython (CORBA::Object_ptr theStudy,
if (CORBA::is_nil(aStudy))
return new Engines::TMPFile(0);
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = aStudy->FindComponent(ComponentDataType());
CORBA::String_var compDataType = ComponentDataType();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO = aStudy->FindComponent( compDataType.in() );
if (CORBA::is_nil(aSO))
return new Engines::TMPFile(0);
@ -599,9 +609,9 @@ Engines::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython (CORBA::Object_ptr theStudy,
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString aMapNames;
//TCollection_AsciiString s ("qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM0987654321_");
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var Itr = aStudy->NewChildIterator(aSO);
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap Itr = aStudy->NewChildIterator(aSO);
for (Itr->InitEx(true); Itr->More(); Itr->Next()) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aValue = Itr->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aValue = Itr->Value();
CORBA::String_var anID = aValue->GetID();
CORBA::String_var aName = aValue->GetName();
TCollection_AsciiString aGUIName ( (char*) aName.in() );
@ -613,13 +623,15 @@ Engines::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython (CORBA::Object_ptr theStudy,
// Get trace of restored study
//SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject(theStudy, _this());
//SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject(theStudy, _this());
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr =
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap anAttr =
aStudyBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute(aSO, "AttributePythonObject");
char* oldValue = SALOMEDS::AttributePythonObject::_narrow(anAttr)->GetObject();
TCollection_AsciiString aSavedTrace (oldValue);
SALOMEDS::AttributePythonObject_var pyAttr =
CORBA::String_var oldValue = pyAttr->GetObject();
TCollection_AsciiString aSavedTrace (oldValue.out());
// Add trace of API methods calls and replace study entries by names
TCollection_AsciiString aScript;
@ -675,14 +687,16 @@ void SMESH_Gen_i::SavePython (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy)
TCollection_AsciiString aScript = GetNewPythonLines(theStudy->StudyId());
// Check contents of PythonObject attribute
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = theStudy->FindComponent(ComponentDataType());
//SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject(theStudy, _this());
CORBA::String_var compDataType = ComponentDataType();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO = theStudy->FindComponent( compDataType.in() );
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = theStudy->NewBuilder();
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr =
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap anAttr =
aStudyBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute(aSO, "AttributePythonObject");
char* oldValue = SALOMEDS::AttributePythonObject::_narrow(anAttr)->GetObject();
TCollection_AsciiString oldScript (oldValue);
SALOMEDS::AttributePythonObject_var pyAttr =
CORBA::String_var oldValue = pyAttr->GetObject();
TCollection_AsciiString oldScript (oldValue.out());
if (oldScript.Length() > 0) {
oldScript += "\n";
@ -692,7 +706,7 @@ void SMESH_Gen_i::SavePython (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy)
// Store in PythonObject attribute
SALOMEDS::AttributePythonObject::_narrow(anAttr)->SetObject(oldScript.ToCString(), 1);
pyAttr->SetObject(oldScript.ToCString(), 1);
// Clean trace of API methods calls
@ -776,7 +790,9 @@ namespace {
isValidName = false;
// shorten names like CartesianParameters3D_400_400_400_1000000_1
if ( aName.Length() > 20 && nbUnderscore > 2 )
const int nbAllowedUnderscore = 3; /* changed from 2 to 3 by an user request
posted to SALOME Forum */
if ( aName.Length() > 20 && nbUnderscore > nbAllowedUnderscore )
p = aName.Location( "_", 20, aName.Length());
if ( p > 1 )
@ -792,14 +808,14 @@ namespace {
TCollection_AsciiString SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython_impl
(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theObjectNames,
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theNames,
bool isPublished,
bool isMultiFile,
bool isHistoricalDump,
bool& aValidScript,
const TCollection_AsciiString& theSavedTrace)
bool isPublished,
bool isMultiFile,
bool isHistoricalDump,
bool& aValidScript,
const TCollection_AsciiString& theSavedTrace)
int aStudyID = theStudy->StudyId();
@ -1014,7 +1030,8 @@ TCollection_AsciiString SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython_impl
if (isPublished)
//Output the script that sets up the visual parameters.
char* script = theStudy->GetDefaultScript(ComponentDataType(), "\t");
CORBA::String_var compDataType = ComponentDataType();
char* script = theStudy->GetDefaultScript( compDataType.in(), "\t");
if (script && strlen(script) > 0) {
anUpdatedScript += "\n\n\t### Store presentation parameters of displayed objects\n";
anUpdatedScript += script;
@ -27,15 +27,15 @@
#include "SMESH_Filter_i.hxx"
#include "SMDS_ElemIterator.hxx"
#include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshElement.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_PythonDump.hxx"
#include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshElement.hxx"
#include "SMDS_ElemIterator.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <Geom_CylindricalSurface.hxx>
@ -496,7 +496,9 @@ static TopoDS_Shape getShapeByName( const char* theName )
CORBA::Object_var anObj = aList[ 0 ]->GetObject();
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( anObj );
return aSMESHGen->GeomObjectToShape( aGeomObj );
TopoDS_Shape shape = aSMESHGen->GeomObjectToShape( aGeomObj );
SALOME::UnRegister( aList ); // UnRegister() objects in aList
return shape;
@ -509,7 +511,7 @@ static TopoDS_Shape getShapeByID (const char* theID)
SMESH_Gen_i* aSMESHGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = aSMESHGen->GetCurrentStudy();
if ( !aStudy->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObj = aStudy->FindObjectID(theID);
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSObj = aStudy->FindObjectID(theID);
if ( !aSObj->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::Object_var obj = aSObj->GetObject();
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow(obj);
@ -526,7 +528,7 @@ static std::string getShapeNameByID (const char* theID)
SMESH_Gen_i* aSMESHGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = aSMESHGen->GetCurrentStudy();
if ( !aStudy->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObj = aStudy->FindObjectID(theID);
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSObj = aStudy->FindObjectID(theID);
if ( !aSObj->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::String_var name = aSObj->GetName();
return name.in();
@ -116,6 +116,11 @@
#include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SALOME_ModuleCatalog)
// helpers about SALOME::GenericObj
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_Attributes_wrap.hxx>
#include <GEOM_GenericObjPtr.h>
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdio>
@ -176,16 +181,16 @@ PortableServer::ServantBase_var SMESH_Gen_i::GetServant( CORBA::Object_ptr theOb
CORBA::Object_var SMESH_Gen_i::SObjectToObject( SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject )
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr;
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap anAttr;
CORBA::Object_var anObj;
if ( !theSObject->_is_nil() ) {
try {
if( theSObject->FindAttribute( anAttr, "AttributeIOR" ) ) {
SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR_var anIOR = SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR::_narrow( anAttr );
if( theSObject->FindAttribute( anAttr.inout(), "AttributeIOR" ) ) {
SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR_wrap anIOR = anAttr;
CORBA::String_var aValue = anIOR->Value();
if( strcmp( aValue, "" ) != 0 )
anObj = GetORB()->string_to_object( aValue );
catch( ... ) {
INFOS( "SObjectToObject - Unknown exception was caught!!!" );
@ -234,7 +239,7 @@ SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA* SMESH_Gen_i::GetLCC() {
* Get GEOM::GEOM_Gen reference
GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine() {
GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine() {
//CCRT GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var aGeomEngine =
//CCRT GEOM::GEOM_Gen::_narrow( GetLCC()->FindOrLoad_Component("FactoryServer","GEOM") );
//CCRT return aGeomEngine._retn();
@ -341,7 +346,7 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::~SMESH_Gen_i()
// delete shape reader
if ( !myShapeReader )
if ( myShapeReader )
delete myShapeReader;
@ -604,29 +609,27 @@ void SMESH_Gen_i::setCurrentStudy( SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
myCurrentStudy = SALOMEDS::Study::_duplicate( theStudy );
// create study context, if it doesn't exist and set current study
int studyId = GetCurrentStudyID();
if ( myStudyContextMap.find( studyId ) == myStudyContextMap.end() ) {
if ( myStudyContextMap.find( studyId ) == myStudyContextMap.end() )
myStudyContextMap[ studyId ] = new StudyContext;
// myCurrentStudy may be nil
if ( !theStudyIsBeingClosed && !CORBA::is_nil( myCurrentStudy ) ) {
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder();
if( !myCurrentStudy->FindComponent( "GEOM" )->_is_nil() )
aStudyBuilder->LoadWith( myCurrentStudy->FindComponent( "GEOM" ), GetGeomEngine() );
SALOMEDS::SComponent_wrap GEOM_var = myCurrentStudy->FindComponent( "GEOM" );
if( !GEOM_var->_is_nil() )
aStudyBuilder->LoadWith( GEOM_var, GetGeomEngine() );
// NPAL16168, issue 0020210
// Let meshes update their data depending on GEOM groups that could change
if ( curStudyId != studyId )
//SALOMEDS::SComponent_var me = PublishComponent( myCurrentStudy );
SALOMEDS::SComponent_var me = SALOMEDS::SComponent::_narrow
( myCurrentStudy->FindComponent( ComponentDataType() ) );
CORBA::String_var compDataType = ComponentDataType();
SALOMEDS::SComponent_wrap me = myCurrentStudy->FindComponent( compDataType.in() );
if ( !me->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var anIter = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( me );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap anIter = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( me );
for ( ; anIter->More(); anIter->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var so = anIter->Value();
CORBA::Object_var ior = SObjectToObject( so );
if ( SMESH_Mesh_i* mesh = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( ior ))
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap so = anIter->Value();
CORBA::Object_var ior = SObjectToObject( so );
if ( SMESH_Mesh_i* mesh = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( ior ))
@ -682,7 +685,7 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::CreateHypothesis( const char* theHypNam
// Publish hypothesis/algorithm in the study
if ( CanPublishInStudy( hyp ) ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = PublishHypothesis( myCurrentStudy, hyp );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO = PublishHypothesis( myCurrentStudy, hyp );
if ( !aSO->_is_nil() ) {
// Update Python script
TPythonDump() << aSO << " = " << this << ".CreateHypothesis('"
@ -746,9 +749,11 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::GetHypothesisParameterValues (const char* theHypType,
// check local shape
SMESH::ListOfHypothesis_var aHypList = theMesh->GetHypothesisList( theGeom );
int nbLocalHyps = aHypList->length();
for ( int i = 0; i < nbLocalHyps; i++ )
if ( strcmp( theHypType, aHypList[i]->GetName() ) == 0 ) // FOUND local!
for ( int i = 0; i < nbLocalHyps; i++ ) {
CORBA::String_var hypName = aHypList[i]->GetName();
if ( strcmp( theHypType, hypName.in() ) == 0 ) // FOUND local!
return SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis::_duplicate( aHypList[i] );
// check super shapes
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itShape( mesh->GetAncestors( shape ));
while ( nbLocalHyps == 0 && itShape.More() ) {
@ -896,7 +901,7 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::CreateMesh( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theShapeObj
if ( CanPublishInStudy( mesh ) ) {
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder();
aStudyBuilder->NewCommand(); // There is a transaction
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = PublishMesh( myCurrentStudy, mesh.in() );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO = PublishMesh( myCurrentStudy, mesh.in() );
if ( !aSO->_is_nil() ) {
// Update Python script
@ -927,7 +932,7 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::CreateEmptyMesh()
if ( CanPublishInStudy( mesh ) ) {
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder();
aStudyBuilder->NewCommand(); // There is a transaction
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = PublishMesh( myCurrentStudy, mesh.in() );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO = PublishMesh( myCurrentStudy, mesh.in() );
if ( !aSO->_is_nil() ) {
// Update Python script
@ -958,7 +963,7 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::CreateMeshesFromUNV( const char* theFileName
if ( CanPublishInStudy( aMesh ) ) {
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder();
aStudyBuilder->NewCommand(); // There is a transaction
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = PublishMesh( myCurrentStudy, aMesh.in(), aFileName.c_str() );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO = PublishMesh( myCurrentStudy, aMesh.in(), aFileName.c_str() );
if ( !aSO->_is_nil() ) {
// Update Python script
@ -1020,7 +1025,7 @@ SMESH::mesh_array* SMESH_Gen_i::CreateMeshesFromMEDorSAUV( const char* theFileNa
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = createMesh();
// publish mesh in the study
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO;
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO;
if ( CanPublishInStudy( mesh ) )
aSO = PublishMesh( myCurrentStudy, mesh.in(), (*it).c_str() );
if ( !aSO->_is_nil() ) {
@ -1125,7 +1130,7 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::CreateMeshesFromSTL( const char* theFileName
if ( CanPublishInStudy( aMesh ) ) {
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder();
aStudyBuilder->NewCommand(); // There is a transaction
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = PublishInStudy
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO = PublishInStudy
( myCurrentStudy, SALOMEDS::SObject::_nil(), aMesh.in(), aFileName.c_str() );
if ( !aSO->_is_nil() ) {
@ -1199,15 +1204,17 @@ SMESH::mesh_array* SMESH_Gen_i::CreateMeshesFromCGNS( const char* theFileName,
// publish mesh in the study
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO;
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO;
if ( CanPublishInStudy( mesh ) )
aSO = PublishMesh( myCurrentStudy, mesh.in(), meshName.c_str() );
// Python Dump
if ( !aSO->_is_nil() )
if ( !aSO->_is_nil() ) {
aPythonDump << aSO;
else {
aPythonDump << "mesh_" << i;
@ -1250,7 +1257,7 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::CreateMeshesFromGMF( const char* theFileName,
if ( CanPublishInStudy( aMesh ) ) {
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder();
aStudyBuilder->NewCommand(); // There is a transaction
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = PublishInStudy
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO = PublishInStudy
( myCurrentStudy, SALOMEDS::SObject::_nil(), aMesh.in(), aFileName.c_str() );
if ( !aSO->_is_nil() ) {
@ -1320,16 +1327,16 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::GetAlgoSO(const ::SMESH_Algo* algo)
if ( algo ) {
if ( !myCurrentStudy->_is_nil() ) {
// find algo in the study
SALOMEDS::SComponent_var father = SALOMEDS::SComponent::_narrow
( myCurrentStudy->FindComponent( ComponentDataType() ) );
CORBA::String_var compDataType = ComponentDataType();
SALOMEDS::SComponent_wrap father = myCurrentStudy->FindComponent( compDataType.in() );
if ( !father->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var itBig = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( father );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap itBig = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( father );
for ( ; itBig->More(); itBig->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var gotBranch = itBig->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap gotBranch = itBig->Value();
if ( gotBranch->Tag() == GetAlgorithmsRootTag() ) {
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var algoIt = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( gotBranch );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap algoIt = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( gotBranch );
for ( ; algoIt->More(); algoIt->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var algoSO = algoIt->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap algoSO = algoIt->Value();
CORBA::Object_var algoIOR = SObjectToObject( algoSO );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( algoIOR )) {
SMESH_Hypothesis_i* impl = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Hypothesis_i*>( algoIOR );
@ -1396,11 +1403,14 @@ SMESH::compute_error_array* SMESH_Gen_i::GetComputeErrors( SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr
errStruct.code = -( error->myName < 0 ? error->myName + 1: error->myName ); // -1 -> 0
errStruct.comment = error->myComment.c_str();
errStruct.subShapeID = sm->GetId();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var algoSO = GetAlgoSO( error->myAlgo );
if ( !algoSO->_is_nil() )
errStruct.algoName = algoSO->GetName();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap algoSO = GetAlgoSO( error->myAlgo );
if ( !algoSO->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::String_var algoName = algoSO->GetName();
errStruct.algoName = algoName;
else {
errStruct.algoName = error->myAlgo->GetName();
errStruct.hasBadMesh = !error->myBadElements.empty();
@ -1548,9 +1558,11 @@ SMESH::algo_error_array* SMESH_Gen_i::GetAlgoState( SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMes
errStruct.algoDim = error->_algoDim;
errStruct.isGlobalAlgo = error->_isGlobalAlgo;
errStruct.algoName = "";
SALOMEDS::SObject_var algoSO = GetAlgoSO( error->_algo );
if ( !algoSO->_is_nil() )
errStruct.algoName = algoSO->GetName();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap algoSO = GetAlgoSO( error->_algo );
if ( !algoSO->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::String_var algoName = algoSO->GetName();
errStruct.algoName = algoName.in();
@ -2004,7 +2016,7 @@ SMESH::long_array* SMESH_Gen_i::Evaluate(SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMesh,
* \param theMesh - the mesh the element is in
* \param theElementID - the element ID
* \param theGeomName - the name of the result geom object if it is not yet published
* \retval GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr - the found or just published geom object
* \retval GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr - the found or just published geom object (no need to UnRegister())
@ -2016,31 +2028,34 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeometryByMeshElement( SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMesh,
Unexpect aCatch(SALOME_SalomeException);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var geom = FindGeometryByMeshElement(theMesh, theElementID);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_wrap geom = FindGeometryByMeshElement(theMesh, theElementID);
if ( !geom->_is_nil() ) {
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var mainShape = theMesh->GetShapeToMesh();
GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = GetGeomEngine();
// try to find the corresponding SObject
SALOMEDS::SObject_var SObj = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, geom.in() );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap SObj = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, geom.in() );
if ( SObj->_is_nil() ) // submesh can be not found even if published
// try to find published submesh
GEOM::ListOfLong_var list = geom->GetSubShapeIndices();
if ( !geom->IsMainShape() && list->length() == 1 ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mainSO = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, mainShape );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var it;
if ( !mainSO->_is_nil() )
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mainSO = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, mainShape );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it;
if ( !mainSO->_is_nil() ) {
it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( mainSO );
if ( !it->_is_nil() ) {
for ( it->InitEx(true); SObj->_is_nil() && it->More(); it->Next() ) {
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var subGeom =
GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( SObjectToObject( it->Value() ));
for ( it->InitEx(true); it->More(); it->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap so = it->Value();
CORBA::Object_var obj = SObjectToObject( so );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var subGeom = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( obj );
if ( !subGeom->_is_nil() ) {
GEOM::ListOfLong_var subList = subGeom->GetSubShapeIndices();
if ( subList->length() == 1 && list[0] == subList[0] ) {
SObj = it->Value();
SObj = so;
geom = subGeom;
@ -2051,8 +2066,12 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeometryByMeshElement( SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMesh,
SObj = geomGen->AddInStudy( myCurrentStudy, geom, theGeomName, mainShape );
// return only published geometry
if ( !SObj->_is_nil() )
return geom._retn();
if ( !SObj->_is_nil() ) {
//return geom._retn(); -- servant of geom must be UnRegister()ed;
CORBA::Object_var obj = SObjectToObject( SObj );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var go = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( obj );
return go._retn();
return GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil();
@ -2062,7 +2081,7 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeometryByMeshElement( SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMesh,
* \brief Return geometrical object the given element is built on.
* \param theMesh - the mesh the element is in
* \param theElementID - the element ID
* \retval GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr - the found geom object
* \retval GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr - the found or created (UnRegister()!) geom object
@ -2092,14 +2111,16 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::FindGeometryByMeshElement( SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMesh,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var geom = ShapeToGeomObject( meshDS->IndexToShape( shapeID ));
if ( geom->_is_nil() ) {
// try to find a published sub-shape
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mainSO = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, mainShape );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var it;
if ( !mainSO->_is_nil() )
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mainSO = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, mainShape );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it;
if ( !mainSO->_is_nil() ) {
it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( mainSO );
if ( !it->_is_nil() ) {
for ( it->InitEx(true); it->More(); it->Next() ) {
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var subGeom =
GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( SObjectToObject( it->Value() ));
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap so = it->Value();
CORBA::Object_var obj = SObjectToObject( so );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var subGeom = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( obj );
if ( !subGeom->_is_nil() ) {
GEOM::ListOfLong_var subList = subGeom->GetSubShapeIndices();
if ( subList->length() == 1 && shapeID == subList[0] ) {
@ -2112,11 +2133,13 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::FindGeometryByMeshElement( SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMesh,
if ( geom->_is_nil() ) {
// explode
GEOM::GEOM_IShapesOperations_var op =
geomGen->GetIShapesOperations( GetCurrentStudyID() );
GEOM::ShapesOpPtr op = geomGen->GetIShapesOperations( GetCurrentStudyID() );
if ( !op->_is_nil() )
geom = op->GetSubShape( mainShape, shapeID );
else {
if ( !geom->_is_nil() ) {
GeomObjectToShape( geom ); // let geom client remember the found shape
return geom._retn();
@ -2345,7 +2368,7 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::ConcatenateCommon(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshesArray,
if ( theCommonGroups ) {
for(aGroupType=SMESH::NODE;aGroupType<=SMESH::BALL;aGroupType=(SMESH::ElementType)(aGroupType+1)) {
string str = "Gr";
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aMeshSObj = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, anInitMesh );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshSObj = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, anInitMesh );
str += aMeshSObj->GetName();
str += "_";
@ -2512,7 +2535,7 @@ SMESH_Gen_i::ConcatenateCommon(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshesArray,
// IPAL21468 Change icon of compound because it need not be computed.
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aMeshSObj = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, aNewMesh );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshSObj = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, aNewMesh );
SetPixMap( aMeshSObj, "ICON_SMESH_TREE_MESH" );
if (aNewMeshDS)
@ -2558,7 +2581,7 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::CopyMesh(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
SMESH_Mesh_i* newMesh_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( newMesh );
if ( !newMesh_i )
SALOMEDS::SObject_var meshSO = ObjectToSObject(myCurrentStudy, newMesh );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap meshSO = ObjectToSObject(myCurrentStudy, newMesh );
if ( !meshSO->_is_nil() )
SetName( meshSO, meshName, "Mesh" );
@ -2883,9 +2906,9 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// SetStoreName() to groups before storing hypotheses to let them refer to
// groups using "store name", which is "Group <group_persistent_id>"
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var itBig = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( theComponent );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap itBig = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( theComponent );
for ( ; itBig->More(); itBig->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var gotBranch = itBig->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap gotBranch = itBig->Value();
if ( gotBranch->Tag() > GetAlgorithmsRootTag() ) {
CORBA::Object_var anObject = SObjectToObject( gotBranch );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( anObject ) ) {
@ -2920,9 +2943,9 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// --> iterator for top-level objects
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var itBig = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( theComponent );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap itBig = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( theComponent );
for ( ; itBig->More(); itBig->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var gotBranch = itBig->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap gotBranch = itBig->Value();
// --> hypotheses root branch (only one for the study)
if ( gotBranch->Tag() == GetHypothesisRootTag() ) {
@ -2931,9 +2954,9 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// iterator for all hypotheses
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( gotBranch );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( gotBranch );
for ( ; it->More(); it->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySObject = it->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySObject = it->Value();
CORBA::Object_var anObject = SObjectToObject( mySObject );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( anObject ) ) {
SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_var myHyp = SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis::_narrow( anObject );
@ -3000,9 +3023,9 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// iterator for all algorithms
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( gotBranch );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( gotBranch );
for ( ; it->More(); it->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySObject = it->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySObject = it->Value();
CORBA::Object_var anObject = SObjectToObject( mySObject );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( anObject ) ) {
SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_var myHyp = SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis::_narrow( anObject );
@ -3126,12 +3149,12 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// write reference on a shape if exists
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myRef;
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap myRef;
bool shapeRefFound = false;
bool found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), myRef );
bool found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), myRef.inout() );
if ( found ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myShape;
bool ok = myRef->ReferencedObject( myShape );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap myShape;
bool ok = myRef->ReferencedObject( myShape.inout() );
if ( ok ) {
shapeRefFound = (! CORBA::is_nil( myShape->GetObject() ));
string myRefOnObject = myShape->GetID();
@ -3146,8 +3169,8 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// write applied hypotheses if exist
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myHypBranch;
found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( GetRefOnAppliedHypothesisTag(), myHypBranch );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap myHypBranch;
found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( GetRefOnAppliedHypothesisTag(), myHypBranch.inout() );
if ( found && !shapeRefFound && hasShape) { // remove applied hyps
myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder()->RemoveObjectWithChildren( myHypBranch );
@ -3155,12 +3178,12 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
aGroup = new HDFgroup( "Applied Hypotheses", aTopGroup );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( myHypBranch );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( myHypBranch );
int hypNb = 0;
for ( ; it->More(); it->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySObject = it->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myRefOnHyp;
bool ok = mySObject->ReferencedObject( myRefOnHyp );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySObject = it->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap myRefOnHyp;
bool ok = mySObject->ReferencedObject( myRefOnHyp.inout() );
if ( ok ) {
// san - it is impossible to recover applied hypotheses
// using their entries within Load() method,
@ -3189,8 +3212,9 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// write applied algorithms if exist
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myAlgoBranch;
found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( GetRefOnAppliedAlgorithmsTag(), myAlgoBranch );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap myAlgoBranch;
found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( GetRefOnAppliedAlgorithmsTag(),
myAlgoBranch.inout() );
if ( found && !shapeRefFound && hasShape) { // remove applied algos
myCurrentStudy->NewBuilder()->RemoveObjectWithChildren( myAlgoBranch );
@ -3198,12 +3222,12 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
aGroup = new HDFgroup( "Applied Algorithms", aTopGroup );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( myAlgoBranch );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( myAlgoBranch );
int algoNb = 0;
for ( ; it->More(); it->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySObject = it->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myRefOnAlgo;
bool ok = mySObject->ReferencedObject( myRefOnAlgo );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySObject = it->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap myRefOnAlgo;
bool ok = mySObject->ReferencedObject( myRefOnAlgo.inout() );
if ( ok ) {
// san - it is impossible to recover applied algorithms
// using their entries within Load() method,
@ -3234,18 +3258,18 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// --> submesh objects sub-branches
for ( int i = GetSubMeshOnVertexTag(); i <= GetSubMeshOnCompoundTag(); i++ ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubmeshBranch;
found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( i, mySubmeshBranch );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySubmeshBranch;
found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( i, mySubmeshBranch.inout() );
if ( found ) // check if there is shape reference in submeshes
bool hasShapeRef = false;
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var itSM =
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap itSM =
myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( mySubmeshBranch );
for ( ; itSM->More(); itSM->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubRef, myShape, mySObject = itSM->Value();
if ( mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), mySubRef ))
mySubRef->ReferencedObject( myShape );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySubRef, myShape, mySObject = itSM->Value();
if ( mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), mySubRef.inout() ))
mySubRef->ReferencedObject( myShape.inout() );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( myShape ) && !CORBA::is_nil( myShape->GetObject() ))
hasShapeRef = true;
@ -3296,9 +3320,9 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// iterator for all submeshes of given type
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var itSM = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( mySubmeshBranch );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap itSM = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( mySubmeshBranch );
for ( ; itSM->More(); itSM->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySObject = itSM->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySObject = itSM->Value();
CORBA::Object_var anSubObject = SObjectToObject( mySObject );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( anSubObject ))
@ -3313,9 +3337,9 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// write reference on a shape, already checked if it exists
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubRef, myShape;
if ( mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), mySubRef ))
mySubRef->ReferencedObject( myShape );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySubRef, myShape;
if ( mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), mySubRef.inout() ))
mySubRef->ReferencedObject( myShape.inout() );
string myRefOnObject = myShape->GetID();
if ( myRefOnObject.length() > 0 ) {
aSize[ 0 ] = myRefOnObject.length() + 1;
@ -3326,18 +3350,19 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// write applied hypotheses if exist
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubHypBranch;
found = mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnAppliedHypothesisTag(), mySubHypBranch );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySubHypBranch;
found = mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnAppliedHypothesisTag(),
mySubHypBranch.inout() );
if ( found ) {
aSubSubGroup = new HDFgroup( "Applied Hypotheses", aSubGroup );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( mySubHypBranch );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( mySubHypBranch );
int hypNb = 0;
for ( ; it->More(); it->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubSObject = it->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myRefOnHyp;
bool ok = mySubSObject->ReferencedObject( myRefOnHyp );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySubSObject = it->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap myRefOnHyp;
bool ok = mySubSObject->ReferencedObject( myRefOnHyp.inout() );
if ( ok ) {
//string myRefOnObject = myRefOnHyp->GetID();
CORBA::Object_var anObject = SObjectToObject( myRefOnHyp );
@ -3361,18 +3386,20 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// write applied algorithms if exist
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubAlgoBranch;
found = mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnAppliedAlgorithmsTag(), mySubAlgoBranch );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySubAlgoBranch;
found = mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnAppliedAlgorithmsTag(),
mySubAlgoBranch.inout() );
if ( found ) {
aSubSubGroup = new HDFgroup( "Applied Algorithms", aSubGroup );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( mySubAlgoBranch );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it =
myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( mySubAlgoBranch );
int algoNb = 0;
for ( ; it->More(); it->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubSObject = it->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myRefOnAlgo;
bool ok = mySubSObject->ReferencedObject( myRefOnAlgo );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySubSObject = it->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap myRefOnAlgo;
bool ok = mySubSObject->ReferencedObject( myRefOnAlgo.inout() );
if ( ok ) {
//string myRefOnObject = myRefOnAlgo->GetID();
CORBA::Object_var anObject = SObjectToObject( myRefOnAlgo );
@ -3442,9 +3469,9 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// groups root sub-branch
SALOMEDS::SObject_var myGroupsBranch;
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap myGroupsBranch;
for ( int i = GetNodeGroupsTag(); i <= GetBallElementsGroupsTag(); i++ ) {
found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( i, myGroupsBranch );
found = gotBranch->FindSubObject( i, myGroupsBranch.inout() );
if ( found ) {
char name_group[ 30 ];
if ( i == GetNodeGroupsTag() )
@ -3463,9 +3490,9 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
aGroup = new HDFgroup( name_group, aTopGroup );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( myGroupsBranch );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it = myCurrentStudy->NewChildIterator( myGroupsBranch );
for ( ; it->More(); it->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySObject = it->Value();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySObject = it->Value();
CORBA::Object_var aSubObject = SObjectToObject( mySObject );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( aSubObject ) ) {
SMESH_GroupBase_i* myGroupImpl =
@ -3515,9 +3542,9 @@ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::Save( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom* aGeomGrp =
dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( aGrpBaseDS );
if ( aGeomGrp ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var mySubRef, myShape;
if (mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), mySubRef ) &&
mySubRef->ReferencedObject( myShape ) &&
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap mySubRef, myShape;
if (mySObject->FindSubObject( GetRefOnShapeTag(), mySubRef.inout() ) &&
mySubRef->ReferencedObject( myShape.inout() ) &&
!CORBA::is_nil( myShape->GetObject() ))
string myRefOnObject = myShape->GetID();
@ -3878,10 +3905,10 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
TCollection_AsciiString tmpDir =
isMultiFile ? TCollection_AsciiString( ( char* )theURL ) : ( char* )SALOMEDS_Tool::GetTmpDir().c_str();
INFOS( "THE URL++++++++++++++" )
INFOS( theURL );
INFOS( "THE TMP PATH+++++++++" );
INFOS( tmpDir );
INFOS( "THE URL++++++++++++++" );
INFOS( theURL );
INFOS( "THE TMP PATH+++++++++" );
INFOS( tmpDir );
// Convert the stream into sequence of files to process
SALOMEDS::ListOfFileNames_var aFileSeq = SALOMEDS_Tool::PutStreamToFiles( theStream,
@ -4020,8 +4047,8 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
if ( myImpl ) {
// myImpl->LoadFrom( hypdata.c_str() );
hypDataList.push_back( make_pair( myImpl, hypdata ));
string iorString = GetORB()->object_to_string( myHyp );
int newId = myStudyContext->findId( iorString );
CORBA::String_var iorString = GetORB()->object_to_string( myHyp );
int newId = myStudyContext->findId( iorString.in() );
myStudyContext->mapOldToNew( id, newId );
@ -4120,8 +4147,8 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
if ( myImpl ) {
//myImpl->LoadFrom( hypdata.c_str() );
hypDataList.push_back( make_pair( myImpl, hypdata ));
string iorString = GetORB()->object_to_string( myHyp );
int newId = myStudyContext->findId( iorString );
CORBA::String_var iorString = GetORB()->object_to_string( myHyp );
int newId = myStudyContext->findId( iorString.in() );
myStudyContext->mapOldToNew( id, newId );
@ -4161,8 +4188,8 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
meshGroupList.push_back( make_pair( myNewMeshImpl, aTopGroup ));
string iorString = GetORB()->object_to_string( myNewMesh );
int newId = myStudyContext->findId( iorString );
CORBA::String_var iorString = GetORB()->object_to_string( myNewMesh );
int newId = myStudyContext->findId( iorString.in() );
myStudyContext->mapOldToNew( id, newId );
// ouv : NPAL12872
@ -4178,6 +4205,7 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
aDataset->ReadFromDisk( anAutoColor );
myNewMeshImpl->GetImpl().SetAutoColor( (bool)anAutoColor[0] );
delete [] anAutoColor;
// try to read and set reference to shape
@ -4191,7 +4219,7 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
aDataset->ReadFromDisk( refFromFile );
if ( strlen( refFromFile ) > 0 ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var shapeSO = myCurrentStudy->FindObjectID( refFromFile );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap shapeSO = myCurrentStudy->FindObjectID( refFromFile );
// Make sure GEOM data are loaded first
//loadGeomData( shapeSO->GetFatherComponent() );
@ -4203,6 +4231,7 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
myNewMeshImpl->SetShape( aShapeObject );
delete [] refFromFile;
// issue 20918. Restore Persistent Id of SMESHDS_Mesh
@ -4215,6 +4244,7 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
aDataset->ReadFromDisk( meshPersistentId );
myNewMeshImpl->GetImpl().GetMeshDS()->SetPersistentId( *meshPersistentId );
delete [] meshPersistentId;
@ -4245,8 +4275,8 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
bool hasData = false;
// get mesh old id
string iorString = GetORB()->object_to_string( myNewMeshImpl->_this() );
int newId = myStudyContext->findId( iorString );
CORBA::String_var iorString = GetORB()->object_to_string( myNewMeshImpl->_this() );
int newId = myStudyContext->findId( iorString.in() );
int id = myStudyContext->getOldId( newId );
// try to find mesh data dataset
@ -4265,6 +4295,7 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
// myReader.Perform();
hasData = true;
delete [] strHasData;
// Try to get applied ALGORITHMS (mesh is not cleared by algo addition because
@ -4287,9 +4318,10 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
aDataset->ReadFromDisk( refFromFile );
// san - it is impossible to recover applied algorithms using their entries within Load() method
//SALOMEDS::SObject_var hypSO = myCurrentStudy->FindObjectID( refFromFile );
//SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap hypSO = myCurrentStudy->FindObjectID( refFromFile );
//CORBA::Object_var hypObject = SObjectToObject( hypSO );
int id = atoi( refFromFile );
delete [] refFromFile;
string anIOR = myStudyContext->getIORbyOldId( id );
if ( !anIOR.empty() ) {
CORBA::Object_var hypObject = GetORB()->string_to_object( anIOR.c_str() );
@ -4323,9 +4355,10 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
aDataset->ReadFromDisk( refFromFile );
// san - it is impossible to recover applied hypotheses using their entries within Load() method
//SALOMEDS::SObject_var hypSO = myCurrentStudy->FindObjectID( refFromFile );
//SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap hypSO = myCurrentStudy->FindObjectID( refFromFile );
//CORBA::Object_var hypObject = SObjectToObject( hypSO );
int id = atoi( refFromFile );
delete [] refFromFile;
string anIOR = myStudyContext->getIORbyOldId( id );
if ( !anIOR.empty() ) {
CORBA::Object_var hypObject = GetORB()->string_to_object( anIOR.c_str() );
@ -4393,7 +4426,7 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
aDataset->ReadFromDisk( refFromFile );
if ( strlen( refFromFile ) > 0 ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var subShapeSO = myCurrentStudy->FindObjectID( refFromFile );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap subShapeSO = myCurrentStudy->FindObjectID( refFromFile );
CORBA::Object_var subShapeObject = SObjectToObject( subShapeSO );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( subShapeObject ) ) {
aSubShapeObject = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( subShapeObject );
@ -4543,7 +4576,7 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
aDataset->ReadFromDisk( refFromFile );
if ( strlen( refFromFile ) > 0 ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var shapeSO = myCurrentStudy->FindObjectID( refFromFile );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap shapeSO = myCurrentStudy->FindObjectID( refFromFile );
CORBA::Object_var shapeObject = SObjectToObject( shapeSO );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( shapeObject ) ) {
aShapeObject = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( shapeObject );
@ -4579,7 +4612,7 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::Load( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
string iorSubString = GetORB()->object_to_string( aNewGroup );
int newSubId = myStudyContext->findId( iorSubString );
int newSubId = myStudyContext->findId( iorSubString );
myStudyContext->mapOldToNew( subid, newSubId );
SMESH_GroupBase_i* aGroupImpl = SMESH::DownCast< SMESH_GroupBase_i*>( aNewGroup );
@ -4770,24 +4803,6 @@ void SMESH_Gen_i::Close( SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent )
myStudyContextMap.erase( studyId );
// delete SMESH_Mesh's
// See bug IPAL19437.
// StudyContextStruct* context = myGen.GetStudyContext( studyId );
// map< int, SMESH_Mesh* >::iterator i_mesh = context->mapMesh.begin();
// for ( ; i_mesh != context->mapMesh.end(); ++i_mesh ) {
// printf( "--------------------------- SMESH_Gen_i::Close, delete aGroup = %p \n", i_mesh->second );
// delete i_mesh->second;
// }
// delete SMESHDS_Mesh's
// it's too long on big meshes
// if ( context->myDocument ) {
// delete context->myDocument;
// context->myDocument = 0;
// }
// remove the tmp files meshes are loaded from
SMESH_PreMeshInfo::RemoveStudyFiles_TMP_METHOD( theComponent );
@ -4906,7 +4921,7 @@ void SMESH_Gen_i::SetName(const char* theIOR,
if ( theIOR && strcmp( theIOR, "" ) ) {
CORBA::Object_var anObject = GetORB()->string_to_object( theIOR );
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, anObject );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, anObject );
if ( !aSO->_is_nil() ) {
SetName( aSO, theName );
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public:
// Get SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA object
static SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA* GetLCC();
// Retrieve and get GEOM engine reference
static GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr GetGeomEngine();
static GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var GetGeomEngine();
// Get object of the CORBA reference
static PortableServer::ServantBase_var GetServant( CORBA::Object_ptr theObject );
// Get CORBA object corresponding to the SALOMEDS::SObject
@ -26,16 +26,19 @@
#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Mesh_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Hypothesis_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Algo_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Group_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Hypothesis_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Mesh_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMesh_i.hxx"
#include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SALOME_ModuleCatalog)
#include "utilities.h"
#include "Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx"
#include <utilities.h>
#include <Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_Attributes_wrap.hxx>
#include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Solid.hxx>
@ -182,13 +185,13 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::CanPublishInStudy(CORBA::Object_ptr theIOR)
//function : ObjectToSObject
//purpose :
//purpose : Put a result into a SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap or call UnRegister()!
SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
CORBA::Object_ptr theObject)
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO;
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO;
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( theStudy ) && !CORBA::is_nil( theObject ))
CORBA::String_var objStr = SMESH_Gen_i::GetORB()->object_to_string( theObject );
@ -256,30 +259,33 @@ static SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr publish(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
const char* thePixMap = 0,
const bool theSelectable = true)
SALOMEDS::SObject_var SO = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theIOR );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap SO = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theIOR );
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = theStudy->NewBuilder();
if ( SO->_is_nil() ) {
if ( theTag == 0 )
SO = aStudyBuilder->NewObject( theFatherObject );
else if ( !theFatherObject->FindSubObject( theTag, SO ))
else if ( !theFatherObject->FindSubObject( theTag, SO.inout() ))
SO = aStudyBuilder->NewObjectToTag( theFatherObject, theTag );
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr;
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap anAttr;
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( theIOR )) {
anAttr = aStudyBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( SO, "AttributeIOR" );
CORBA::String_var objStr = SMESH_Gen_i::GetORB()->object_to_string( theIOR );
SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR::_narrow(anAttr)->SetValue( objStr.in() );
SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR_wrap iorAttr = anAttr;
iorAttr->SetValue( objStr.in() );
if ( thePixMap ) {
anAttr = aStudyBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( SO, "AttributePixMap" );
SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap_var pm = SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap::_narrow( anAttr );
SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap_wrap pm = anAttr;
pm->SetPixMap( thePixMap );
if ( !theSelectable ) {
anAttr = aStudyBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( SO, "AttributeSelectable" );
SALOMEDS::AttributeSelectable::_narrow( anAttr )->SetSelectable( false );
anAttr = aStudyBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( SO, "AttributeSelectable" );
SALOMEDS::AttributeSelectable_wrap selAttr = anAttr;
selAttr->SetSelectable( false );
return SO._retn();
@ -293,18 +299,18 @@ void SMESH_Gen_i::SetName(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
const char* theDefaultName)
if ( !theSObject->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = theSObject->GetStudy()->NewBuilder();
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr =
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = theSObject->GetStudy();
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap anAttr =
aStudyBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( theSObject, "AttributeName" );
SALOMEDS::AttributeName_var aNameAttr = SALOMEDS::AttributeName::_narrow( anAttr );
SALOMEDS::AttributeName_wrap aNameAttr = anAttr;
if ( theName && strlen( theName ) != 0 )
aNameAttr->SetValue( theName );
else {
CORBA::String_var curName = CORBA::string_dup( aNameAttr->Value() );
if ( strlen( curName ) == 0 ) {
TCollection_AsciiString aName( (char*) theDefaultName );
aName += TCollection_AsciiString("_") + TCollection_AsciiString( theSObject->Tag() );
aNameAttr->SetValue( aName.ToCString() );
CORBA::String_var curName = aNameAttr->Value();
if ( strlen( curName.in() ) == 0 ) {
SMESH_Comment aName(theDefaultName);
aNameAttr->SetValue( ( aName<< "_" << theSObject->Tag()).c_str() );
@ -320,11 +326,11 @@ void SMESH_Gen_i::SetPixMap(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
if ( !theSObject->_is_nil() && thePixMap && strlen( thePixMap ))
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = theSObject->GetStudy();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = theSObject->GetStudy();
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr =
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap anAttr =
aStudyBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( theSObject, "AttributePixMap" );
SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap_var aPMAttr = SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap::_narrow( anAttr );
SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap_wrap aPMAttr = anAttr;
aPMAttr->SetPixMap( thePixMap );
@ -339,24 +345,27 @@ static void addReference (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
CORBA::Object_ptr theToObject,
int theTag = 0)
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aToObjSO = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theToObject );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aToObjSO = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theToObject );
if ( !aToObjSO->_is_nil() && !theSObject->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = theStudy->NewBuilder();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aReferenceSO;
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aReferenceSO;
if ( !theTag ) {
// check if the reference to theToObject already exists
// and find a free label for the reference object
bool isReferred = false;
int tag = 1;
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var anIter = theStudy->NewChildIterator( theSObject );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap anIter = theStudy->NewChildIterator( theSObject );
for ( ; !isReferred && anIter->More(); anIter->Next(), ++tag ) {
if ( anIter->Value()->ReferencedObject( aReferenceSO )) {
if ( strcmp( aReferenceSO->GetID(), aToObjSO->GetID() ) == 0 )
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap curSO = anIter->Value();
if ( curSO->ReferencedObject( aReferenceSO.inout() )) {
CORBA::String_var refEntry = aReferenceSO->GetID();
CORBA::String_var toEntry = aToObjSO->GetID();
if ( strcmp( refEntry, toEntry ) == 0 )
isReferred = true;
else if ( !theTag ) {
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr;
if ( !anIter->Value()->FindAttribute( anAttr, "AttributeIOR" ))
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap anAttr;
if ( !curSO->FindAttribute( anAttr.inout(), "AttributeIOR" ))
theTag = tag;
@ -365,7 +374,7 @@ static void addReference (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
if ( !theTag )
theTag = tag;
if ( !theSObject->FindSubObject( theTag, aReferenceSO ))
if ( !theSObject->FindSubObject( theTag, aReferenceSO.inout() ))
aReferenceSO = aStudyBuilder->NewObjectToTag( theSObject, theTag );
aStudyBuilder->Addreference( aReferenceSO, aToObjSO );
@ -386,7 +395,7 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishInStudy(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
Unexpect aCatch(SALOME_SalomeException);
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO;
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO;
if ( CORBA::is_nil( theStudy ) || CORBA::is_nil( theIOR ))
return aSO._retn();
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("PublishInStudy");
@ -432,8 +441,8 @@ SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishComponent(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theSt
return SALOMEDS::SComponent::_nil();
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("PublishComponent");
SALOMEDS::SComponent_var father =
SALOMEDS::SComponent::_narrow( theStudy->FindComponent( ComponentDataType() ) );
CORBA::String_var compDataType = ComponentDataType();
SALOMEDS::SComponent_wrap father = theStudy->FindComponent( compDataType.in() );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( father ) )
return father._retn();
@ -442,20 +451,21 @@ SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishComponent(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theSt
if ( CORBA::is_nil( aCat ) )
return father._retn();
SALOME_ModuleCatalog::Acomponent_var aComp = aCat->GetComponent( ComponentDataType() );
SALOME_ModuleCatalog::Acomponent_var aComp = aCat->GetComponent( compDataType.in() );
if ( CORBA::is_nil( aComp ) )
return father._retn();
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = theStudy->NewBuilder();
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr;
SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap_var aPixmap;
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = theStudy->NewBuilder();
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap anAttr;
SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap_wrap aPixmap;
father = aStudyBuilder->NewComponent( ComponentDataType() );
father = aStudyBuilder->NewComponent( compDataType.in() );
aStudyBuilder->DefineComponentInstance( father, SMESH_Gen::_this() );
anAttr = aStudyBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( father, "AttributePixMap" );
aPixmap = SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap::_narrow( anAttr );
aPixmap ->SetPixMap( "ICON_OBJBROWSER_SMESH" );
SetName( father, aComp->componentusername(), "MESH" );
aPixmap = anAttr;
aPixmap->SetPixMap( "ICON_OBJBROWSER_SMESH" );
CORBA::String_var userName = aComp->componentusername();
SetName( father, userName.in(), "MESH" );
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("PublishComponent--END");
return father._retn();
@ -475,9 +485,10 @@ static long findMaxChildTag( SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject )
if ( !theSObject->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = theSObject->GetStudy();
if ( !aStudy->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var anIter = aStudy->NewChildIterator( theSObject );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap anIter = aStudy->NewChildIterator( theSObject );
for ( ; anIter->More(); anIter->Next() ) {
long nTag = anIter->Value()->Tag();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap anSO = anIter->Value();
long nTag = anSO->Tag();
if ( nTag > aTag )
aTag = nTag;
@ -502,10 +513,10 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishMesh (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
// find or publish a mesh
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aMeshSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theMesh );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theMesh );
if ( aMeshSO->_is_nil() )
SALOMEDS::SComponent_var father = PublishComponent( theStudy );
SALOMEDS::SComponent_wrap father = PublishComponent( theStudy );
if ( father->_is_nil() )
return aMeshSO._retn();
@ -531,9 +542,10 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishMesh (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
// Publish global hypotheses
SMESH::ListOfHypothesis_var hypList = theMesh->GetHypothesisList( aShapeObject );
for ( int i = 0; i < hypList->length(); i++ ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < hypList->length(); i++ )
SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_var aHyp = SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis::_narrow( hypList[ i ]);
PublishHypothesis( theStudy, aHyp );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap so = PublishHypothesis( theStudy, aHyp );
AddHypothesisToShape( theStudy, theMesh, aShapeObject, aHyp );
@ -549,7 +561,7 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishMesh (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_ptr aSubMesh = (*subIt).second->_this();
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( aSubMesh )) {
aShapeObject = aSubMesh->GetSubShape();
PublishSubMesh( theStudy, theMesh, aSubMesh, aShapeObject );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap( PublishSubMesh( theStudy, theMesh, aSubMesh, aShapeObject ));
@ -560,12 +572,11 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishMesh (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr aGroup = (*it).second;
if ( !aGroup->_is_nil() ) {
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aShapeObj;
SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom_var aGeomGroup =
SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom::_narrow( aGroup );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aShapeObj;
SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom_var aGeomGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom::_narrow( aGroup );
if ( !aGeomGroup->_is_nil() )
aShapeObj = aGeomGroup->GetShape();
PublishGroup( theStudy, theMesh, aGroup, aShapeObj );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap( PublishGroup( theStudy, theMesh, aGroup, aShapeObj ));
@ -588,10 +599,10 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishSubMesh (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theS
theSubMesh->_is_nil() || theShapeObject->_is_nil() )
return SALOMEDS::SObject::_nil();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSubMeshSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theSubMesh );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSubMeshSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theSubMesh );
if ( aSubMeshSO->_is_nil() )
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aMeshSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theMesh );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theMesh );
if ( aMeshSO->_is_nil() ) {
aMeshSO = PublishMesh( theStudy, theMesh );
if ( aMeshSO->_is_nil())
@ -632,8 +643,11 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishSubMesh (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theS
// Find or create submesh root
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aRootSO = publish (theStudy, CORBA::Object::_nil(),
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aRootSO = publish (theStudy, CORBA::Object::_nil(),
aMeshSO, aRootTag, 0, false );
if ( aRootSO->_is_nil() )
return aSubMeshSO._retn();
SetName( aRootSO, aRootName );
// Add new submesh to corresponding sub-tree
@ -652,13 +666,12 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishSubMesh (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theS
// Publish hypothesis
SMESH::ListOfHypothesis * hypList = theMesh->GetHypothesisList( theShapeObject );
if ( hypList )
for ( int i = 0; i < hypList->length(); i++ ) {
SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_var aHyp = SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis::_narrow( (*hypList)[ i ]);
PublishHypothesis( theStudy, aHyp );
AddHypothesisToShape( theStudy, theMesh, theShapeObject, aHyp );
SMESH::ListOfHypothesis_var hypList = theMesh->GetHypothesisList( theShapeObject );
for ( int i = 0; i < hypList->length(); i++ ) {
SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_var aHyp = SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis::_narrow( hypList[ i ]);
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap so = PublishHypothesis( theStudy, aHyp );
AddHypothesisToShape( theStudy, theMesh, theShapeObject, aHyp );
return aSubMeshSO._retn();
@ -677,10 +690,10 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishGroup (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy
if (theStudy->_is_nil() || theMesh->_is_nil() || theGroup->_is_nil() )
return SALOMEDS::SObject::_nil();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aGroupSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theGroup );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aGroupSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theGroup );
if ( aGroupSO->_is_nil() )
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aMeshSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theMesh );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theMesh );
if ( aMeshSO->_is_nil() ) {
aMeshSO = PublishInStudy( theStudy, SALOMEDS::SObject::_nil(), theMesh, "");
if ( aMeshSO->_is_nil())
@ -698,8 +711,10 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::PublishGroup (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy
long aRootTag = GetNodeGroupsTag() + aType - 1;
// Find or create groups root
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aRootSO = publish (theStudy, CORBA::Object::_nil(),
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aRootSO = publish (theStudy, CORBA::Object::_nil(),
aMeshSO, aRootTag, 0, false );
if ( aRootSO->_is_nil() ) return SALOMEDS::SObject::_nil();
if ( aType < sizeof(aRootNames)/sizeof(char*) )
SetName( aRootSO, aRootNames[aType] );
@ -746,35 +761,34 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr
if (theStudy->_is_nil() || theHyp->_is_nil())
return SALOMEDS::SObject::_nil();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aHypSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theHyp );
CORBA::String_var hypType = theHyp->GetName();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aHypSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theHyp );
if ( aHypSO->_is_nil() )
SALOMEDS::SComponent_var father = PublishComponent( theStudy );
SALOMEDS::SComponent_wrap father = PublishComponent( theStudy );
if ( father->_is_nil() )
return aHypSO._retn();
//Find or Create Hypothesis root
bool isAlgo = ( !SMESH::SMESH_Algo::_narrow( theHyp )->_is_nil() );
int aRootTag = isAlgo ? GetAlgorithmsRootTag() : GetHypothesisRootTag();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aRootSO =
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aRootSO =
publish (theStudy, CORBA::Object::_nil(),father, aRootTag,
SetName( aRootSO, isAlgo ? "Algorithms" : "Hypotheses" );
// Add New Hypothesis
string aPmName = isAlgo ? "ICON_SMESH_TREE_ALGO_" : "ICON_SMESH_TREE_HYPO_";
aPmName += theHyp->GetName();
aPmName += hypType.in();
// prepend plugin name to pixmap name
string pluginName = myHypCreatorMap[string(theHyp->GetName())]->GetModuleName();
string pluginName = myHypCreatorMap[ hypType.in() ]->GetModuleName();
if ( pluginName != "StdMeshers" )
aPmName = pluginName + "::" + aPmName;
aHypSO = publish( theStudy, theHyp, aRootSO, 0, aPmName.c_str() );
if ( !aHypSO->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::String_var aHypName = CORBA::string_dup( theHyp->GetName() );
SetName( aHypSO, theName, aHypName );
SetName( aHypSO, theName, hypType.in() );
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("PublishHypothesis--END")
return aHypSO._retn();
@ -791,7 +805,7 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theShape)
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GetMeshOrSubmeshByShape")
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aMeshOrSubMesh;
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshOrSubMesh;
if (theMesh->_is_nil() || ( theShape->_is_nil() && theMesh->HasShapeToMesh()))
return aMeshOrSubMesh._retn();
@ -834,15 +848,15 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::AddHypothesisToShape(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
&& theMesh->HasShapeToMesh()) )
return false;
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aMeshSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theMesh );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theMesh );
if ( aMeshSO->_is_nil() )
aMeshSO = PublishMesh( theStudy, theMesh );
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aHypSO = PublishHypothesis( theStudy, theHyp );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aHypSO = PublishHypothesis( theStudy, theHyp );
if ( aMeshSO->_is_nil() || aHypSO->_is_nil())
return false;
// Find a mesh or submesh refering to theShape
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aMeshOrSubMesh =
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshOrSubMesh =
GetMeshOrSubmeshByShape( theStudy, theMesh, theShape );
if ( aMeshOrSubMesh->_is_nil() )
@ -861,15 +875,14 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::AddHypothesisToShape(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
//Find or Create Applied Hypothesis root
bool aIsAlgo = !SMESH::SMESH_Algo::_narrow( theHyp )->_is_nil();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var AHR =
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap AHR =
publish (theStudy, CORBA::Object::_nil(), aMeshOrSubMesh,
aIsAlgo ? GetRefOnAppliedAlgorithmsTag() : GetRefOnAppliedHypothesisTag(),
SetName( AHR, aIsAlgo ? "Applied algorithms" : "Applied hypotheses" );
if ( AHR->_is_nil() )
return false;
addReference( theStudy, AHR, theHyp );
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("AddHypothesisToShape--END")
return true;
@ -889,27 +902,36 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::RemoveHypothesisFromShape(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy
&& theMesh->HasShapeToMesh()))
return false;
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aHypSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theHyp );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aHypSO = ObjectToSObject( theStudy, theHyp );
if ( aHypSO->_is_nil() )
return false;
CORBA::String_var hypEntry = aHypSO->GetID();
// Find a mesh or submesh refering to theShape
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aMeshOrSubMesh =
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshOrSubMesh =
GetMeshOrSubmeshByShape( theStudy, theMesh, theShape );
if ( aMeshOrSubMesh->_is_nil() )
return false;
// Find and remove a reference to aHypSO
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aRef, anObj;
CORBA::String_var anID = CORBA::string_dup( aHypSO->GetID() );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var it = theStudy->NewChildIterator( aMeshOrSubMesh );
for ( it->InitEx( true ); it->More(); it->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aRef, anObj;
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap it = theStudy->NewChildIterator( aMeshOrSubMesh );
bool found = false;
for ( it->InitEx( true ); ( it->More() && !found ); it->Next() ) {
anObj = it->Value();
if (anObj->ReferencedObject( aRef ) && strcmp( aRef->GetID(), anID ) == 0 ) {
theStudy->NewBuilder()->RemoveObject( anObj );
if (anObj->ReferencedObject( aRef.inout() ))
CORBA::String_var refEntry = aRef->GetID();
found = ( strcmp( refEntry, hypEntry ) == 0 );
if ( found )
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var builder = theStudy->NewBuilder();
builder->RemoveObject( anObj );
return true;
@ -919,7 +941,7 @@ bool SMESH_Gen_i::RemoveHypothesisFromShape(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy
void SMESH_Gen_i::UpdateParameters(/*CORBA::Object_ptr theObject,*/ const char* theParameters)
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = GetCurrentStudy();
if ( aStudy->_is_nil() )
@ -950,11 +972,11 @@ void SMESH_Gen_i::UpdateParameters(/*CORBA::Object_ptr theObject,*/ const char*
// cout<<"UpdateParameters : "<<theParameters<<endl;
// //SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = GetCurrentStudy();
// //SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = GetCurrentStudy();
// if(aStudy->_is_nil() || CORBA::is_nil(theObject))
// return;
// SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObj = ObjectToSObject(aStudy,theObject);
// SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSObj = ObjectToSObject(aStudy,theObject);
// if(aSObj->_is_nil())
// return;
@ -1066,22 +1088,21 @@ char* SMESH_Gen_i::ParseParameters(const char* theParameters)
//function : GetParameters
//purpose :
char* SMESH_Gen_i::GetParameters(CORBA::Object_ptr theObject)
TCollection_AsciiString aResult;
CORBA::String_var aResult("");
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObj = ObjectToSObject(aStudy,theObject);
if(!aStudy->_is_nil() &&
!CORBA::is_nil(theObject) &&
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr;
if ( aSObj->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeString")) {
aResult = TCollection_AsciiString(SALOMEDS::AttributeString::_narrow(anAttr)->Value());
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSObj = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy,theObject);
if ( !aSObj->_is_nil() )
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap attr;
if ( aSObj->FindAttribute( attr.inout(), "AttributeString"))
SALOMEDS::AttributeString_wrap strAttr = attr;
aResult = strAttr->Value();
return CORBA::string_dup( aResult.ToCString() );
return CORBA::string_dup( aResult.in() );
@ -25,11 +25,14 @@
// Author : Paul RASCLE, EDF
// Module : SMESH
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "SMESH_Hypothesis_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
#include <utilities.h>
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ using namespace std;
SMESH_Hypothesis_i::SMESH_Hypothesis_i( PortableServer::POA_ptr thePOA )
: SALOME::GenericObj_i( thePOA )
: SALOME::GenericObj_i( thePOA )
MESSAGE( "SMESH_Hypothesis_i::SMESH_Hypothesis_i / Début" );
myBaseImpl = 0;
@ -127,12 +130,13 @@ CORBA::Long SMESH_Hypothesis_i::GetId()
bool SMESH_Hypothesis_i::IsPublished(){
bool SMESH_Hypothesis_i::IsPublished()
bool res = false;
SMESH_Gen_i *gen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var SO =
SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject(gen->GetCurrentStudy() , SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis::_narrow(_this()));
if ( SMESH_Gen_i *gen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen())
SALOMEDS::Study_var study = gen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap SO = SMESH_Gen_i::ObjectToSObject( study, _this());
res = !SO->_is_nil();
return res;
@ -210,105 +214,6 @@ void SMESH_Hypothesis_i::setOldParameters (const char* theParameters)
* SMESH_Hypothesis_i::SetParameters()
// void SMESH_Hypothesis_i::SetParameters(const char* theParameters)
// {
// SMESH_Gen_i *gen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
// //char * aParameters = CORBA::string_dup(theParameters);
// if(gen){
// gen->UpdateParameters(theParameters);
// // if(IsPublished()) {
// // SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen()->UpdateParameters(SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis::_narrow(_this()),aParameters);
// // }
// // else {
// // myBaseImpl->SetParameters(gen->ParseParameters(aParameters));
// // }
// }
// }
// //=============================================================================
// /*!
// * SMESH_Hypothesis_i::GetParameters()
// *
// */
// //=============================================================================
// char* SMESH_Hypothesis_i::GetParameters()
// {
// SMESH_Gen_i *gen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
// char* aResult;
// if(IsPublished()) {
// MESSAGE("SMESH_Hypothesis_i::GetParameters() : Get Parameters from SObject");
// aResult = gen->GetParameters(SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis::_narrow(_this()));
// }
// else {
// MESSAGE("SMESH_Hypothesis_i::GetParameters() : Get local parameters");
// aResult = myBaseImpl->GetParameters();
// }
// return CORBA::string_dup(aResult);
// }
// //=============================================================================
// /*!
// * SMESH_Hypothesis_i::GetLastParameters()
// *
// */
// //=============================================================================
// SMESH::ListOfParameters* SMESH_Hypothesis_i::GetLastParameters()
// {
// SMESH::ListOfParameters_var aResult = new SMESH::ListOfParameters();
// SMESH_Gen_i *gen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
// if(gen) {
// char *aParameters;
// if(IsPublished())
// aParameters = GetParameters();
// else
// aParameters = myBaseImpl->GetLastParameters();
// SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = gen->GetCurrentStudy();
// if(!aStudy->_is_nil()) {
// SALOMEDS::ListOfListOfStrings_var aSections = aStudy->ParseVariables(aParameters);
// if(aSections->length() > 0) {
// SALOMEDS::ListOfStrings aVars = aSections[aSections->length()-1];
// aResult->length(aVars.length());
// for(int i = 0;i < aVars.length();i++)
// aResult[i] = CORBA::string_dup( aVars[i]);
// }
// }
// }
// return aResult._retn();
// }
// //=============================================================================
// /*!
// * SMESH_Hypothesis_i::SetLastParameters()
// *
// */
// //=============================================================================
// void SMESH_Hypothesis_i::SetLastParameters(const char* theParameters)
// {
// if(!IsPublished()) {
// myBaseImpl->SetLastParameters(theParameters);
// }
// }
// //=============================================================================
// /*!
// * SMESH_Hypothesis_i::ClearParameters()
// *
// */
// //=============================================================================
// void SMESH_Hypothesis_i::ClearParameters()
// {
// myMethod2VarParams.clear();
// // if(!IsPublished()) {
// // myBaseImpl->ClearParameters();
// // }
// }
* SMESH_Hypothesis_i::GetImpl
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
#include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_SubMesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MEDSupport_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MEDFamily_i.hxx"
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
@ -46,15 +49,13 @@
#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
#include "utilities.h"
#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
#include <utilities.h>
#include <Utils_CorbaException.hxx>
#include "SMESH_MEDSupport_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MEDFamily_i.hxx"
# include "Utils_ORB_INIT.hxx"
# include "Utils_SINGLETON.hxx"
# include "Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx"
#include <Utils_ORB_INIT.hxx>
#include <Utils_SINGLETON.hxx>
#include <Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
extern "C"
@ -119,11 +120,12 @@ char *SMESH_MEDMesh_i::getName() throw(SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
SMESH_Gen_i* gen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SALOMEDS::Study_var study = gen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var meshSO = gen->ObjectToSObject( study, _mesh_i->_this());
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap meshSO = gen->ObjectToSObject( study, _mesh_i->_this());
if ( meshSO->_is_nil() )
return CORBA::string_dup("toto");
CORBA::String_var name = meshSO->GetName();
return CORBA::string_dup( name.in() );
@ -856,50 +858,8 @@ void SMESH_MEDMesh_i::addInStudy(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr myStudy,
if (_meshId != "")
MESSAGE("Mesh already in Study");
* SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var myBuilder = myStudy->NewBuilder();
* // Create SComponent labelled 'MED' if it doesn't already exit
* SALOMEDS::SComponent_var medfather = myStudy->FindComponent("MED");
* if ( CORBA::is_nil(medfather) )
* {
* MESSAGE("Add Component MED");
* medfather = myBuilder->NewComponent("MED");
* //myBuilder->AddAttribute (medfather,SALOMEDS::Name,"MED");
* SALOMEDS::AttributeName_var aName = SALOMEDS::AttributeName::_narrow(
* myBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute(medfather, "AttributeName"));
* aName->SetValue("MED");
* myBuilder->DefineComponentInstance(medfather,myIor);
* } ;
* MESSAGE("Add a mesh Object under MED");
* myBuilder->NewCommand();
* SALOMEDS::SObject_var newObj = myBuilder->NewObject(medfather);
* ORB_INIT &init = *SINGLETON_<ORB_INIT>::Instance() ;
* ASSERT(SINGLETON_<ORB_INIT>::IsAlreadyExisting()) ;
* CORBA::ORB_var &orb = init(0,0);
* CORBA::String_var iorStr = orb->object_to_string(myIor);
* //myBuilder->AddAttribute(newObj,SALOMEDS::IOR,iorStr.in());
* SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR_var aIOR = SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR::_narrow(
* myBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute(newObj, "AttributeIOR"));
* aIOR->SetValue(iorStr.c_str());
* //myBuilder->AddAttribute(newObj,SALOMEDS::Name,_mesh_i->getName().c_str());
* SALOMEDS::AttributeName_var aName = SALOMEDS::AttributeName::_narrow(
* myBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute(newObj, "AttributeName"));
* aName->SetValue(_mesh_i->getName().c_str());
* _meshId = newObj->GetID();
* myBuilder->CommitCommand();
END_OF("Mesh_i::addInStudy(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr myStudy)");
@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
#include "SMESH_MeshEditor_i.hxx"
#include "DriverMED_R_SMESHDS_Mesh.h"
#include "DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh.h"
#include "SMDS_EdgePosition.hxx"
#include "SMDS_ElemIterator.hxx"
#include "SMDS_FacePosition.hxx"
@ -41,34 +39,24 @@
#include "SMDS_MeshVolume.hxx"
#include "SMDS_PolyhedralVolumeOfNodes.hxx"
#include "SMDS_SetIterator.hxx"
#include "SMDS_SetIterator.hxx"
#include "SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_Command.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_CommandType.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_Group.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom.hxx"
#include "SMESH_ControlsDef.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Filter_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Filter_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Group.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Group_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Group_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MEDMesh_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MeshEditor.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MeshPartDS.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx"
#include "SMESH_PreMeshInfo.hxx"
#include "SMESH_PythonDump.hxx"
#include "SMESH_PythonDump.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMeshEventListener.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMesh_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMesh_i.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx"
#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
#include <utilities.h>
#include <Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx>
#include <Utils_CorbaException.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
#include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
@ -112,7 +100,7 @@ namespace MeshEditor_I {
SMDSAbs_ElementType myPreviewType; // type to show
//!< Constructor
TPreviewMesh(SMDSAbs_ElementType previewElements = SMDSAbs_All) {
_isShapeToMesh = (_id =_studyId =_idDoc = 0);
_isShapeToMesh = (_id =_studyId = 0);
_myMeshDS = new SMESHDS_Mesh( _id, true );
myPreviewType = previewElements;
@ -709,6 +697,11 @@ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr SMESH_MeshEditor_i::MakeIDSource(const SMESH::long_arr
return anIDSourceVar._retn();
bool SMESH_MeshEditor_i::IsTemporaryIDSource( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr& idSource )
return SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_MeshEditor_i::_IDSource*>( idSource );
void SMESH_MeshEditor_i::deleteAuxIDSources()
std::list< _IDSource* >::iterator idSrcIt = myAuxIDSources.begin();
@ -5281,10 +5274,10 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor_i::ConvertFromQuadraticObject(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr th
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_MeshEditor_i::makeMesh(const char* theMeshName)
SMESH_Gen_i* gen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = gen->CreateEmptyMesh();
SALOMEDS::Study_var study = gen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var meshSO = gen->ObjectToSObject( study, mesh );
SMESH_Gen_i* gen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = gen->CreateEmptyMesh();
SALOMEDS::Study_var study = gen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap meshSO = gen->ObjectToSObject( study, mesh );
gen->SetName( meshSO, theMeshName, "Mesh" );
@ -50,12 +50,16 @@
#include "SMESH_subMesh_i.hxx"
#include <OpUtil.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_Attributes_wrap.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
#include <SALOME_NamingService.hxx>
#include <Utils_CorbaException.hxx>
#include <Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx>
#include <Utils_SINGLETON.hxx>
#include <utilities.h>
#include <GEOMImpl_Types.hxx>
#include <GEOM_GenericObjPtr.h>
// OCCT Includes
#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
@ -92,9 +96,6 @@ using SMESH::TPythonDump;
int SMESH_Mesh_i::_idGenerator = 0;
//To disable automatic genericobj management, the following line should be commented.
//Otherwise, it should be uncommented. Refer to KERNEL_SRC/src/SALOMEDSImpl/SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeIOR.cxx
@ -108,10 +109,10 @@ SMESH_Mesh_i::SMESH_Mesh_i( PortableServer::POA_ptr thePOA,
: SALOME::GenericObj_i( thePOA )
_impl = NULL;
_gen_i = gen_i;
_id = _idGenerator++;
_studyId = studyId;
_impl = NULL;
_gen_i = gen_i;
_id = _idGenerator++;
_studyId = studyId;
_preMeshInfo = NULL;
@ -125,50 +126,38 @@ SMESH_Mesh_i::~SMESH_Mesh_i()
// destroy groups
map<int, SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr>::iterator itGr;
for (itGr = _mapGroups.begin(); itGr != _mapGroups.end(); itGr++) {
if ( CORBA::is_nil( itGr->second ))
SMESH_GroupBase_i* aGroup = dynamic_cast<SMESH_GroupBase_i*>(SMESH_Gen_i::GetServant(itGr->second).in());
if (aGroup) {
// this method is called from destructor of group (PAL6331)
for (itGr = _mapGroups.begin(); itGr != _mapGroups.end(); itGr++)
if (SMESH_GroupBase_i* aGroup = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_GroupBase_i*>(itGr->second))
// _impl->RemoveGroup() is called by ~SMESH_GroupBase_i() (PAL6331)
//_impl->RemoveGroup( aGroup->GetLocalID() );
aGroup->myMeshServant = 0;
// destroy submeshes
map<int, SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_ptr>::iterator itSM;
for ( itSM = _mapSubMeshIor.begin(); itSM != _mapSubMeshIor.end(); itSM++ ) {
if ( CORBA::is_nil( itSM->second ))
SMESH_subMesh_i* aSubMesh = dynamic_cast<SMESH_subMesh_i*>(SMESH_Gen_i::GetServant(itSM->second).in());
if (aSubMesh) {
for ( itSM = _mapSubMeshIor.begin(); itSM != _mapSubMeshIor.end(); itSM++ )
if ( SMESH_subMesh_i* aSubMesh = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_subMesh_i*>( itSM->second ))
// destroy hypotheses
map<int, SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr>::iterator itH;
for ( itH = _mapHypo.begin(); itH != _mapHypo.end(); itH++ ) {
if ( CORBA::is_nil( itH->second ))
SMESH_Hypothesis_i* aHypo = dynamic_cast<SMESH_Hypothesis_i*>(SMESH_Gen_i::GetServant(itH->second).in());
if (aHypo) {
for ( itH = _mapHypo.begin(); itH != _mapHypo.end(); itH++ )
if ( SMESH_Hypothesis_i* aHypo = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Hypothesis_i*>( itH->second ))
delete _impl; _impl = NULL;
if ( _preMeshInfo ) delete _preMeshInfo; _preMeshInfo = NULL;
delete _preMeshInfo; _preMeshInfo = NULL;
@ -280,6 +269,8 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::Clear() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
catch(SALOME_Exception & S_ex) {
TPythonDump() << _this() << ".Clear()";
@ -302,6 +293,9 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::ClearSubMesh(CORBA::Long ShapeID)
catch(SALOME_Exception & S_ex) {
TPythonDump() << _this() << ".ClearSubMesh( " << ShapeID << " )";
@ -621,9 +615,7 @@ SMESH_Hypothesis::Hypothesis_Status
status = _impl->AddHypothesis(myLocSubShape, hypId);
if ( !SMESH_Hypothesis::IsStatusFatal(status) ) {
_mapHypo[hypId] = SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis::_duplicate( myHyp );
// assure there is a corresponding submesh
if ( !_impl->IsMainShape( myLocSubShape )) {
int shapeId = _impl->GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( myLocSubShape );
@ -827,7 +819,7 @@ SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::GetSubMesh(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr aSubShap
if ( subMesh->_is_nil() )
subMesh = createSubMesh( aSubShapeObject );
if ( _gen_i->CanPublishInStudy( subMesh )) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO =
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO =
_gen_i->PublishSubMesh(_gen_i->GetCurrentStudy(), aMesh,
subMesh, aSubShapeObject, theName );
if ( !aSO->_is_nil()) {
@ -850,27 +842,31 @@ SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::GetSubMesh(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr aSubShap
void SMESH_Mesh_i::RemoveSubMesh( SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_ptr theSubMesh )
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SMESH_Mesh_i::RemoveSubMesh");
if ( theSubMesh->_is_nil() )
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aSubShapeObject;
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
if ( !aStudy->_is_nil() ) {
// Remove submesh's SObject
SALOMEDS::SObject_var anSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( aStudy, theSubMesh );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap anSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( aStudy, theSubMesh );
if ( !anSO->_is_nil() ) {
long aTag = SMESH_Gen_i::GetRefOnShapeTag();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var anObj, aRef;
if ( anSO->FindSubObject( aTag, anObj ) && anObj->ReferencedObject( aRef ) )
aSubShapeObject = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( aRef->GetObject() );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap anObj, aRef;
if ( anSO->FindSubObject( aTag, anObj.inout() ) &&
anObj->ReferencedObject( aRef.inout() ))
CORBA::Object_var obj = aRef->GetObject();
aSubShapeObject = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( obj );
// if ( aSubShapeObject->_is_nil() ) // not published shape (IPAL13617)
// aSubShapeObject = theSubMesh->GetSubShape();
// if ( aSubShapeObject->_is_nil() ) // not published shape (IPAL13617)
// aSubShapeObject = theSubMesh->GetSubShape();
aStudy->NewBuilder()->RemoveObjectWithChildren( anSO );
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var builder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
builder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( anSO );
// Update Python script
TPythonDump() << _this() << ".RemoveSubMesh( " << anSO << " )";
@ -900,7 +896,7 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Group_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::CreateGroup( SMESH::ElementType theElemType
SMESH::SMESH_Group::_narrow( createGroup( theElemType, theName ));
if ( _gen_i->CanPublishInStudy( aNewGroup ) ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO =
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO =
_gen_i->PublishGroup(_gen_i->GetCurrentStudy(), _this(),
aNewGroup, GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), theName);
if ( !aSO->_is_nil()) {
@ -937,7 +933,7 @@ SMESH_Mesh_i::CreateGroupFromGEOM (SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
( createGroup( theElemType, theName, aShape ));
if ( _gen_i->CanPublishInStudy( aNewGroup ) ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO =
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO =
_gen_i->PublishGroup(_gen_i->GetCurrentStudy(), _this(),
aNewGroup, theGeomObj, theName);
if ( !aSO->_is_nil()) {
@ -987,7 +983,7 @@ SMESH_Mesh_i::CreateGroupFromFilter(SMESH::ElementType theElemType,
if ( _gen_i->CanPublishInStudy( aNewGroup ) )
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO =
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO =
_gen_i->PublishGroup(_gen_i->GetCurrentStudy(), _this(), aNewGroup,
GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), theName);
if ( !aSO->_is_nil()) {
@ -1017,16 +1013,17 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::RemoveGroup( SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr theGroup )
if ( !aGroup )
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
if ( !aStudy->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aGroupSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( aStudy, theGroup );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aGroupSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( aStudy, theGroup );
if ( !aGroupSO->_is_nil() ) {
// Update Python script
TPythonDump() << _this() << ".RemoveGroup( " << aGroupSO << " )";
// Remove group's SObject
aStudy->NewBuilder()->RemoveObjectWithChildren( aGroupSO );
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var builder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
builder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( aGroupSO );
@ -1147,6 +1144,8 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Group_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::UnionGroups( SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr the
theGroup1->GetType() != theGroup2->GetType() )
return SMESH::SMESH_Group::_nil();
TPythonDump pyDump;
// Create Union
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aResGrp = CreateGroup( theGroup1->GetType(), theName );
if ( aResGrp->_is_nil() )
@ -1173,15 +1172,10 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Group_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::UnionGroups( SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr the
aResGrp->Add( aResIds );
// Clear python lines, created by CreateGroup() and Add()
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
// Update Python script
TPythonDump() << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".UnionGroups( "
<< theGroup1 << ", " << theGroup2 << ", '"
<< theName << "' )";
pyDump << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".UnionGroups( "
<< theGroup1 << ", " << theGroup2 << ", '"
<< theName << "' )";
return aResGrp._retn();
@ -1239,6 +1233,8 @@ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
TPythonDump pyDump;
// Create group
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aResGrp = CreateGroup( aType, theName );
if ( aResGrp->_is_nil() )
@ -1248,22 +1244,13 @@ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
SMESH::long_array_var aResIds = new SMESH::long_array;
aResIds->length( anIds.size() );
//NCollection_Map< int >::Iterator anIter( anIds );
for ( int i = 0; i<anIds.size(); i++ )
for ( size_t i = 0; i<anIds.size(); i++ )
aResIds[ i ] = anIds[i];
aResGrp->Add( aResIds );
// Clear python lines, created by CreateGroup() and Add()
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
_gen_i->RemoveLastFromPythonScript( aStudy->StudyId() );
_gen_i->RemoveLastFromPythonScript( aStudy->StudyId() );
// Update Python script
TPythonDump() << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".UnionListOfGroups( "
<< &theGroups << ", '" << theName << "' )";
pyDump << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".UnionListOfGroups( "
<< &theGroups << ", '" << theName << "' )";
return aResGrp._retn();
@ -1281,7 +1268,7 @@ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
SMESH::SMESH_Group_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::IntersectGroups( SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr theGroup1,
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr theGroup2,
const char* theName )
const char* theName )
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
if ( _preMeshInfo )
@ -1291,6 +1278,8 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Group_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::IntersectGroups( SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr
theGroup1->GetType() != theGroup2->GetType() )
return SMESH::SMESH_Group::_nil();
TPythonDump pyDump;
// Create Intersection
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aResGrp = CreateGroup( theGroup1->GetType(), theName );
if ( aResGrp->_is_nil() )
@ -1305,27 +1294,19 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Group_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::IntersectGroups( SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr
aMap1.Add( anIds1[ i1 ] );
TColStd_SequenceOfInteger aSeq;
for ( int i2 = 0, n2 = anIds2->length(); i2 < n2; i2++ )
if ( aMap1.Contains( anIds2[ i2 ] ) )
aSeq.Append( anIds2[ i2 ] );
SMESH::long_array_var aResIds = new SMESH::long_array;
aResIds->length( aSeq.Length() );
for ( int resI = 0, resN = aSeq.Length(); resI < resN; resI++ )
for ( size_t resI = 0, resN = aSeq.Length(); resI < resN; resI++ )
aResIds[ resI ] = aSeq( resI + 1 );
aResGrp->Add( aResIds );
// Clear python lines, created by CreateGroup() and Add()
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
// Update Python script
TPythonDump() << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".IntersectGroups( "
<< theGroup1 << ", " << theGroup2 << ", '" << theName << "')";
pyDump << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".IntersectGroups( "
<< theGroup1 << ", " << theGroup2 << ", '" << theName << "')";
return aResGrp._retn();
@ -1394,6 +1375,8 @@ SMESH_Mesh_i::IntersectListOfGroups(const SMESH::ListOfGroups& theGroups,
anIds.push_back( aCurrId );
TPythonDump pyDump;
// Create group
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aResGrp = CreateGroup( aType, theName );
if ( aResGrp->_is_nil() )
@ -1403,22 +1386,13 @@ SMESH_Mesh_i::IntersectListOfGroups(const SMESH::ListOfGroups& theGroups,
SMESH::long_array_var aResIds = new SMESH::long_array;
aResIds->length( anIds.size() );
//NCollection_Map< int >::Iterator aListIter( anIds );
for ( int i = 0; i<anIds.size(); i++ )
for ( size_t i = 0; i<anIds.size(); i++ )
aResIds[ i ] = anIds[i];
aResGrp->Add( aResIds );
// Clear python lines, created by CreateGroup() and Add()
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
_gen_i->RemoveLastFromPythonScript( aStudy->StudyId() );
_gen_i->RemoveLastFromPythonScript( aStudy->StudyId() );
// Update Python script
TPythonDump() << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".IntersectListOfGroups( "
<< &theGroups << ", '" << theName << "' )";
pyDump << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".IntersectListOfGroups( "
<< &theGroups << ", '" << theName << "' )";
return aResGrp._retn();
@ -1446,6 +1420,8 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Group_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::CutGroups( SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr theGr
theGroup1->GetType() != theGroup2->GetType() )
return SMESH::SMESH_Group::_nil();
TPythonDump pyDump;
// Perform Cutting
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aResGrp = CreateGroup( theGroup1->GetType(), theName );
if ( aResGrp->_is_nil() )
@ -1469,18 +1445,12 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Group_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::CutGroups( SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr theGr
for ( int resI = 0, resN = aSeq.Length(); resI < resN; resI++ )
aResIds[ resI ] = aSeq( resI + 1 );
aResGrp->Add( aResIds );
// Clear python lines, created by CreateGroup() and Add()
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
// Update Python script
TPythonDump() << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".CutGroups( "
<< theGroup1 << ", " << theGroup2 << ", '"
<< theName << "' )";
pyDump << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".CutGroups( "
<< theGroup1 << ", " << theGroup2 << ", '"
<< theName << "' )";
return aResGrp._retn();
@ -1567,6 +1537,8 @@ SMESH_Mesh_i::CutListOfGroups(const SMESH::ListOfGroups& theMainGroups,
TPythonDump pyDump;
// Create group
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aResGrp = CreateGroup( aType, theName );
if ( aResGrp->_is_nil() )
@ -1577,21 +1549,13 @@ SMESH_Mesh_i::CutListOfGroups(const SMESH::ListOfGroups& theMainGroups,
aResIds->length( anIds.size() );
for (int i=0; i<anIds.size(); i++ )
aResIds[ i ] = anIds[i];
aResGrp->Add( aResIds );
// Clear python lines, created by CreateGroup() and Add()
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
_gen_i->RemoveLastFromPythonScript( aStudy->StudyId() );
_gen_i->RemoveLastFromPythonScript( aStudy->StudyId() );
// Update Python script
TPythonDump() << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".CutListOfGroups( "
<< &theMainGroups << ", " << &theToolGroups << ", '"
<< theName << "' )";
pyDump << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".CutListOfGroups( "
<< &theMainGroups << ", " << &theToolGroups << ", '"
<< theName << "' )";
return aResGrp._retn();
@ -1736,6 +1700,8 @@ SMESH_Mesh_i::CreateDimGroup(const SMESH::ListOfGroups& theGroups,
// Create group
TPythonDump pyDump;
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aResGrp = CreateGroup( theElemType, theName );
if ( aResGrp->_is_nil() )
return SMESH::SMESH_Group::_nil();
@ -1748,15 +1714,9 @@ SMESH_Mesh_i::CreateDimGroup(const SMESH::ListOfGroups& theGroups,
aResIds[ i ] = aResultIds[i];
aResGrp->Add( aResIds );
// Remove strings corresponding to group creation
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
_gen_i->RemoveLastFromPythonScript( aStudy->StudyId() );
_gen_i->RemoveLastFromPythonScript( aStudy->StudyId() );
// Update Python script
TPythonDump() << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".CreateDimGroup( "
<< &theGroups << ", " << theElemType << ", '" << theName << "' )";
pyDump << aResGrp << " = " << _this() << ".CreateDimGroup( "
<< &theGroups << ", " << theElemType << ", '" << theName << "' )";
return aResGrp._retn();
@ -1778,13 +1738,13 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::addGeomGroupData(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theGeomObj,
if ( CORBA::is_nil( theGeomObj ) || theGeomObj->GetType() != GEOM_GROUP )
// group SO
SALOMEDS::Study_var study = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var groupSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( study, theGeomObj );
SALOMEDS::Study_var study = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap groupSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( study, theGeomObj );
if ( groupSO->_is_nil() )
// group indices
GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var geomGen = _gen_i->GetGeomEngine();
GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_var groupOp =
GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_wrap groupOp =
geomGen->GetIGroupOperations( _gen_i->GetCurrentStudyID() );
GEOM::ListOfLong_var ids = groupOp->GetObjects( theGeomObj );
@ -1832,7 +1792,7 @@ TopoDS_Shape SMESH_Mesh_i::newGroupShape( TGeomGroupData & groupData)
// get geom group
SALOMEDS::Study_var study = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
if ( study->_is_nil() ) return newShape; // means "not changed"
SALOMEDS::SObject_var groupSO = study->FindObjectID( groupData._groupEntry.c_str() );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap groupSO = study->FindObjectID( groupData._groupEntry.c_str() );
if ( !groupSO->_is_nil() )
CORBA::Object_var groupObj = _gen_i->SObjectToObject( groupSO );
@ -1842,9 +1802,9 @@ TopoDS_Shape SMESH_Mesh_i::newGroupShape( TGeomGroupData & groupData)
// get indices of group items
set<int> curIndices;
GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var geomGen = _gen_i->GetGeomEngine();
GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_var groupOp =
GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_wrap groupOp =
geomGen->GetIGroupOperations( _gen_i->GetCurrentStudyID() );
GEOM::ListOfLong_var ids = groupOp->GetObjects( geomGroup );
GEOM::ListOfLong_var ids = groupOp->GetObjects( geomGroup );
for ( int i = 0; i < ids->length(); ++i )
curIndices.insert( ids[i] );
@ -1859,7 +1819,7 @@ TopoDS_Shape SMESH_Mesh_i::newGroupShape( TGeomGroupData & groupData)
TCollection_AsciiString groupIOR = geomGen->GetStringFromIOR( geomGroup );
geomClient->RemoveShapeFromBuffer( groupIOR );
newShape = _gen_i->GeomObjectToShape( geomGroup );
if ( newShape.IsNull() ) {
// geom group becomes empty - return empty compound
@ -2084,10 +2044,10 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::CheckGeomGroupModif()
if ( _mapGroups.find( oldID ) == _mapGroups.end() )
// get group name
SALOMEDS::SObject_var groupSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( study,_mapGroups[oldID] );
CORBA::String_var name = groupSO->GetName();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap groupSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( study,_mapGroups[oldID] );
CORBA::String_var name = groupSO->GetName();
// update
SMESH_GroupBase_i* group_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_GroupBase_i*>(_mapGroups[oldID] );
SMESH_GroupBase_i* group_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_GroupBase_i*>(_mapGroups[oldID] );
int newID;
if ( group_i && _impl->AddGroup( geomType->second, name.in(), newID, geom._shape ))
group_i->changeLocalId( newID );
@ -2101,7 +2061,7 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::CheckGeomGroupModif()
// Update icons
CORBA::Long newNbEntities = NbNodes() + NbElements();
list< SALOMEDS::SObject_var > soToUpdateIcons;
list< SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap > soToUpdateIcons;
if ( newNbEntities != nbEntities )
// Add all SObjects with icons to soToUpdateIcons
@ -2116,7 +2076,7 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::CheckGeomGroupModif()
soToUpdateIcons.push_back( _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( study, i_gr->second ));
list< SALOMEDS::SObject_var >::iterator so = soToUpdateIcons.begin();
list< SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap >::iterator so = soToUpdateIcons.begin();
for ( ; so != soToUpdateIcons.end(); ++so )
_gen_i->SetPixMap( *so, "ICON_SMESH_TREE_MESH_WARN" );
@ -2156,15 +2116,15 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Group_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::ConvertToStandalone( SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase
_mapGroups.erase( anId );
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var builder;
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aGroupSO;
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
if ( !aStudy->_is_nil() ) {
builder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aGroupSO;
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
if ( !aStudy->_is_nil() ) {
builder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
aGroupSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( aStudy, theGroup );
if ( !aGroupSO->_is_nil() ) {
if ( !aGroupSO->_is_nil() )
// remove reference to geometry
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var chItr = aStudy->NewChildIterator(aGroupSO);
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap chItr = aStudy->NewChildIterator(aGroupSO);
for ( ; chItr->More(); chItr->Next() )
// Remove group's child SObject
builder->RemoveObject( chItr->Value() );
@ -2180,28 +2140,24 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Group_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::ConvertToStandalone( SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase
const int isEmpty = ( elemTypes->length() == 0 );
if ( !isEmpty )
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr =
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap anAttr =
builder->FindOrCreateAttribute( aGroupSO, "AttributePixMap" );
SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap_var pm = SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap::_narrow( anAttr );
SALOMEDS::AttributePixMap_wrap pm = anAttr;
// PAL7962: san -- To ensure correct mapping of servant and correct reference counting in GenericObj_i
SMESH_Gen_i::GetPOA()->activate_object( aGroupImpl );
// PAL7962: san -- To ensure correct mapping of servant and correct reference counting in GenericObj_i
// remember new group in own map
aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_Group::_narrow( aGroupImpl->_this() );
_mapGroups[anId] = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_duplicate( aGroup );
// register CORBA object for persistence
/*int nextId =*/ _gen_i->RegisterObject( aGroup );
_gen_i->RegisterObject( aGroup );
builder->SetIOR( aGroupSO, _gen_i->GetORB()->object_to_string( aGroup ) );
CORBA::String_var ior = _gen_i->GetORB()->object_to_string( aGroup );
builder->SetIOR( aGroupSO, ior.in() );
return aGroup._retn();
@ -2339,11 +2295,6 @@ SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr SMESH_Mesh_i::createGroup (SMESH::ElementType
aGroupImpl = new SMESH_Group_i( SMESH_Gen_i::GetPOA(), this, anId );
// PAL7962: san -- To ensure correct mapping of servant and correct reference counting in GenericObj_i
SMESH_Gen_i::GetPOA()->activate_object( aGroupImpl );
// PAL7962: san -- To ensure correct mapping of servant and correct reference counting in GenericObj_i
aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( aGroupImpl->_this() );
_mapGroups[anId] = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_duplicate( aGroup );
@ -2731,25 +2682,23 @@ string SMESH_Mesh_i::prepareMeshNameAndGroups(const char* file,
// Perform Export
PrepareForWriting(file, overwrite);
string aMeshName = "Mesh";
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
if ( !aStudy->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aMeshSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( aStudy, _this() );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aMeshSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( aStudy, _this() );
if ( !aMeshSO->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::String_var name = aMeshSO->GetName();
aMeshName = name;
// asv : 27.10.04 : fix of 6903: check for StudyLocked before adding attributes
if ( !aStudy->GetProperties()->IsLocked() )
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr;
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap anAttr;
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
SALOMEDS::AttributeExternalFileDef_var aFileName;
anAttr=aStudyBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute(aMeshSO, "AttributeExternalFileDef");
aFileName = SALOMEDS::AttributeExternalFileDef::_narrow(anAttr);
SALOMEDS::AttributeExternalFileDef_wrap aFileName = anAttr;
SALOMEDS::AttributeFileType_var aFileType;
anAttr=aStudyBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute(aMeshSO, "AttributeFileType");
aFileType = SALOMEDS::AttributeFileType::_narrow(anAttr);
SALOMEDS::AttributeFileType_wrap aFileType = anAttr;
@ -2924,9 +2873,9 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::ExportPartToMED(::SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr meshPart,
PrepareForWriting(file, overwrite);
string aMeshName = "Mesh";
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
if ( !aStudy->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var SO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( aStudy, meshPart );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap SO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( aStudy, meshPart );
if ( !SO->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::String_var name = SO->GetName();
aMeshName = name;
@ -3803,7 +3752,6 @@ CORBA::Long SMESH_Mesh_i::GetShapeIDForElem(const CORBA::Long id)
return -1;
//SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = SMESH_Mesh_i::GetMeshEditor();
::SMESH_MeshEditor aMeshEditor(_impl);
int index = aMeshEditor.FindShape( elem );
@ -4146,7 +4094,7 @@ SMESH::double_array* SMESH_Mesh_i::BaryCenter(const CORBA::Long id)
void SMESH_Mesh_i::CreateGroupServants()
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
set<int> addedIDs;
::SMESH_Mesh::GroupIteratorPtr groupIt = _impl->GetGroups();
@ -4172,10 +4120,6 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::CreateGroupServants()
aGroupImpl = new SMESH_Group_i( SMESH_Gen_i::GetPOA(), this, anId );
// To ensure correct mapping of servant and correct reference counting in GenericObj_i
SMESH_Gen_i::GetPOA()->activate_object( aGroupImpl );
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var groupVar =
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( aGroupImpl->_this() );
_mapGroups[anId] = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_duplicate( groupVar );
@ -4255,7 +4199,7 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::checkGroupNames()
if ( !nbGrp )
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = _gen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
if ( aStudy->_is_nil() )
return; // nothing to do
@ -4271,7 +4215,7 @@ void SMESH_Mesh_i::checkGroupNames()
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr aGrp = (*grpList)[ gIndx ];
if ( !aGrp )
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aGrpSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( aStudy, aGrp );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aGrpSO = _gen_i->ObjectToSObject( aStudy, aGrp );
if ( aGrpSO->_is_nil() )
// correct name of the mesh group if necessary
@ -4315,7 +4259,7 @@ SMESH::string_array* SMESH_Mesh_i::GetLastParameters()
SMESH_Gen_i *gen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
if(gen) {
char *aParameters = GetParameters();
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = gen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = gen->GetCurrentStudy();
if(!aStudy->_is_nil()) {
SALOMEDS::ListOfListOfStrings_var aSections = aStudy->ParseVariables(aParameters);
if(aSections->length() > 0) {
@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
#include <TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString.hxx>
#include <TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_Attributes_wrap.hxx>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
@ -642,14 +645,14 @@ void SMESH_NoteBook::ReplaceVariables()
// this (and above) code can work wrong since nb of states can differ from nb of
// dumped calls due to the fix of
// issue 0021364:: Dump of netgen parameters has duplicate lines
SMESH_Gen_i *aGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = aGen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var sobj = aStudy->FindObjectID( (*it).first.ToCString() );
CORBA::Object_var obj = aGen->SObjectToObject( sobj );
SMESH_Gen_i * aGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = aGen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap sobj = aStudy->FindObjectID( (*it).first.ToCString() );
CORBA::Object_var obj = aGen->SObjectToObject( sobj );
if ( SMESH_Hypothesis_i* h = SMESH::DownCast< SMESH_Hypothesis_i*>( obj ))
TState aCurrentState = aStates->GetCurrectState();
int argIndex = h->getParamIndex( aMethod, aCurrentState.size() );
int argIndex = h->getParamIndex( aMethod, aCurrentState.size() );
if ( 0 <= argIndex && argIndex < aCurrentState.size() &&
!aCurrentState[argIndex].IsEmpty() )
aCmd->SetArg( 1, aCurrentState[argIndex] );
@ -681,22 +684,26 @@ void SMESH_NoteBook::InitObjectMap()
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr aStudy = aGen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = aGen->GetCurrentStudy();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = aStudy->FindComponent(aGen->ComponentDataType());
CORBA::String_var compDataType = aGen->ComponentDataType();
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSO = aStudy->FindComponent( compDataType.in() );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var Itr = aStudy->NewChildIterator(aSO);
char* aParameters;
for(Itr->InitEx(true); Itr->More(); Itr->Next()) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObject = Itr->Value();
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr;
if ( aSObject->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeString")) {
aParameters = SALOMEDS::AttributeString::_narrow(anAttr)->Value();
SALOMEDS::ListOfListOfStrings_var aSections = aStudy->ParseVariables(aParameters);
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap Itr = aStudy->NewChildIterator(aSO);
CORBA::String_var aParameters;
for( Itr->InitEx(true); Itr->More(); Itr->Next())
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap aSObject = Itr->Value();
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_wrap anAttr;
if ( aSObject->FindAttribute( anAttr.inout(), "AttributeString"))
SALOMEDS::AttributeString_wrap strAttr = anAttr;
aParameters = strAttr->Value();
SALOMEDS::ListOfListOfStrings_var aSections = aStudy->ParseVariables(aParameters.in());
cout<<"Entry : "<< aSObject->GetID()<<endl;
cout<<"aParameters : "<<aParameters<<endl;
@ -718,12 +725,13 @@ void SMESH_NoteBook::InitObjectMap()
if(anObjType == "LayerDistribution")
aState = new LayerDistributionStates();
aState = new SMESH_ObjectStates(anObjType);
aState = new SMESH_ObjectStates(anObjType);
for(int i = 0; i < aSections->length(); i++) {
TState aVars;
SALOMEDS::ListOfStrings aListOfVars = aSections[i];
for(int j = 0;j<aListOfVars.length();j++) {
for ( int j = 0; j<aListOfVars.length(); j++)
TCollection_AsciiString aVar(aListOfVars[j].in());
if(!aVar.IsEmpty() && aStudy->IsVariable(aVar.ToCString())) {
aVar.InsertBefore(1, SMESH::TVar::Quote() );
@ -888,7 +896,7 @@ bool SMESH_NoteBook::GetReal(const TCollection_AsciiString& theVarName, double&
const char* aName = aVarName.ToCString();
if(aStudy->IsVariable(aName) && (aStudy->IsReal(aName) || aStudy->IsInteger(aName))) {
theValue = aStudy->GetReal(aVarName.ToCString());
theValue = aStudy->GetReal(aName);
ok = true;
@ -38,12 +38,14 @@
#include "SMESH_Mesh_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMesh_i.hxx"
#include <MED_Factory.hxx>
#include <HDFarray.hxx>
#include <HDFdataset.hxx>
#include <HDFfile.hxx>
#include <HDFgroup.hxx>
#include <MED_Factory.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_Tool.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
#include <Standard_Failure.hxx>
@ -143,8 +145,8 @@ namespace
SALOMEDS::Study_var study = gen->GetCurrentStudy();
if ( !study->_is_nil() && study->StudyId() == mesh->GetStudyId() )
SALOMEDS::SObject_var meshSO = gen->ObjectToSObject(study, mesh->_this() );
CORBA::Object_var obj = gen->GetNS()->Resolve( "/Kernel/Session" );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap meshSO = gen->ObjectToSObject(study, mesh->_this() );
CORBA::Object_var obj = gen->GetNS()->Resolve( "/Kernel/Session" );
_session = SALOME::Session::_narrow( obj );
if ( !meshSO->_is_nil() && !_session->_is_nil() )
@ -929,6 +931,7 @@ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::readSubMeshes(DriverMED_R_SMESHDS_Mesh* reader) const
aDataset->ReadFromDisk( isModified );
_mesh->GetImpl().SetIsModified( bool(*isModified));
delete [] isModified;
bool submeshesInFamilies = ( ! aTopGroup->ExistInternalObject( "Submeshes" ));
@ -1165,9 +1168,9 @@ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::ForgetAllData() const
map<int, SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_ptr>::iterator id2sm = _mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.begin();
for ( ; id2sm != _mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.end(); ++id2sm )
if ( SMESH_subMesh_i* sm = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_subMesh_i*>( id2sm->second ))
if ( SMESH_subMesh_i* sm_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_subMesh_i*>( id2sm->second ))
SMESH_PreMeshInfo* & info = sm->changePreMeshInfo();
SMESH_PreMeshInfo* & info = sm_i->changePreMeshInfo();
delete info;
info = NULL;
@ -1195,6 +1198,18 @@ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::ForgetAllData() const
// PreMeshInfo_CATCH;
* \brief remove all SMESH_PreMeshInfo fields from mesh and its child objects w/o data loading
void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::ForgetAllData( SMESH_Mesh_i* mesh )
if ( mesh && mesh->changePreMeshInfo() )
* \brief Calls either FullLoadFromFile() or ForgetAllData() depending on preferences
@ -1274,10 +1289,10 @@ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::RemoveStudyFiles_TMP_METHOD(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr sme
SALOMEDS::Study_var study = smeshComp->GetStudy();
if ( theStudyIDToMeshCounter[ (int) study->StudyId() ] > 0 )
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_var itBig = study->NewChildIterator( smeshComp );
SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap itBig = study->NewChildIterator( smeshComp );
for ( ; itBig->More(); itBig->Next() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var gotBranch = itBig->Value();
CORBA::Object_var anObject = SMESH_Gen_i::SObjectToObject( gotBranch );
SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap gotBranch = itBig->Value();
CORBA::Object_var anObject = SMESH_Gen_i::SObjectToObject( gotBranch );
if ( SMESH_Mesh_i* mesh = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( anObject ))
if ( mesh->changePreMeshInfo() )
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