diff --git a/src/SMESH_SWIG/smesh.py b/src/SMESH_SWIG/smesh.py index 3bf840eb9..ce9b65b2b 100644 --- a/src/SMESH_SWIG/smesh.py +++ b/src/SMESH_SWIG/smesh.py @@ -576,16 +576,17 @@ class Mesh_Triangle(Mesh_Algorithm): ## Private constructor. def __init__(self, mesh, algoType, geom=0): + self.algoType = algoType if algoType == MEFISTO: self.Create(mesh, geom, "MEFISTO_2D") elif algoType == BLSURF: import BLSURFPlugin self.Create(mesh, geom, "BLSURF", "libBLSURFEngine.so") + self.SetPhysicalMesh() elif algoType == NETGEN: if noNETGENPlugin: print "Warning: NETGENPlugin module has not been imported." self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D", "libNETGENEngine.so") - self.algoType = algoType ## Define "MaxElementArea" hypothesis to give the maximun area of each triangles # @param area for the maximum area of each triangles