mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 10:47:54 +05:00
PR : merge from V7_2_1p1
memory leaks, bug in import 1D for cracks M src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cxx M src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cxx M src/SMESH/SMESH_MesherHelper.cxx M src/SMESHUtils/SMESH_MeshAlgos.cxx M src/SMESHUtils/SMESH_MeshAlgos.hxx M src/SMESHUtils/SMESH_Octree.hxx M src/SMESHUtils/SMESH_Tree.hxx M src/SMESH_PY/smeshstudytools.py M src/StdMeshers/StdMeshers_Import_1D.cxx
This commit is contained in:
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::copyBloc(vtkUnsignedCharArray *newTypes,
int start,
int end)
MESSAGE("copyBloc " << alreadyCopied << " " << start << " " << end << " size: " << end - start << " total: " << alreadyCopied + end - start);
//MESSAGE("copyBloc " << alreadyCopied << " " << start << " " << end << " size: " << end - start << " total: " << alreadyCopied + end - start);
for (int j = start; j < end; j++)
newTypes->SetValue(alreadyCopied, this->Types->GetValue(j));
@ -9891,12 +9891,14 @@ namespace {
\brief Identify the elements that will be affected by node duplication (actual duplication is not performed.
\brief Identify the elements that will be affected by node duplication (actual duplication is not performed).
This method is the first step of DoubleNodeElemGroupsInRegion.
\param theElems - list of groups of elements (edges or faces) to be replicated
\param theNodesNot - list of groups of nodes not to replicated
\param theShape - shape to detect affected elements (element which geometric center
located on or inside shape).
located on or inside shape). If the shape is null, detection is done on faces orientations
(select elements with a gravity center on the side given by faces normals).
This mode (null shape) is faster, but works only when theElems are faces, with coherents orientations.
The replicated nodes should be associated to affected elements.
\return groups of affected elements
\sa DoubleNodeElemGroupsInRegion()
@ -9909,44 +9911,145 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::AffectedElemGroupsInRegion( const TIDSortedElemSet& theEl
TIDSortedElemSet& theAffectedElems)
if ( theShape.IsNull() )
return false;
const double aTol = Precision::Confusion();
auto_ptr< BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier> bsc3d;
auto_ptr<_FaceClassifier> aFaceClassifier;
if ( theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID )
bsc3d.reset( new BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier(theShape));;
else if (theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE )
aFaceClassifier.reset( new _FaceClassifier(TopoDS::Face(theShape)));
std::set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> alreadyCheckedNodes;
std::set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> alreadyCheckedElems;
std::set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> edgesToCheck;
// iterates on indicated elements and get elements by back references from their nodes
TIDSortedElemSet::const_iterator elemItr = theElems.begin();
for ( ; elemItr != theElems.end(); ++elemItr )
SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = (SMDS_MeshElement*)*elemItr;
if (!anElem)
// --- iterates on elements to be replicated and get elements by back references from their nodes
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeItr = anElem->nodesIterator();
while ( nodeItr->more() )
TIDSortedElemSet::const_iterator elemItr = theElems.begin();
int ielem = 1;
for ( ; elemItr != theElems.end(); ++elemItr )
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = cast2Node(nodeItr->next());
if ( !aNode || theNodesNot.find(aNode) != theNodesNot.end() )
SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = (SMDS_MeshElement*)*elemItr;
if (!anElem || (anElem->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face))
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr backElemItr = aNode->GetInverseElementIterator();
while ( backElemItr->more() )
gp_XYZ normal;
SMESH_MeshAlgos::FaceNormal( anElem, normal, /*normalized=*/true );
MESSAGE("element " << ielem++ << " normal " << normal.X() << " " << normal.Y() << " " << normal.Z());
std::set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodesElem;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeItr = anElem->nodesIterator();
while ( nodeItr->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* curElem = backElemItr->next();
if ( curElem && theElems.find(curElem) == theElems.end() &&
( bsc3d.get() ?
isInside( curElem, *bsc3d, aTol ) :
isInside( curElem, *aFaceClassifier, aTol )))
theAffectedElems.insert( curElem );
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = cast2Node(nodeItr->next());
std::set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator nodit = nodesElem.begin();
for (; nodit != nodesElem.end(); nodit++)
MESSAGE(" noeud ");
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = *nodit;
if ( !aNode || theNodesNot.find(aNode) != theNodesNot.end() )
if (alreadyCheckedNodes.find(aNode) != alreadyCheckedNodes.end())
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr backElemItr = aNode->GetInverseElementIterator();
while ( backElemItr->more() )
MESSAGE(" backelem ");
const SMDS_MeshElement* curElem = backElemItr->next();
if (alreadyCheckedElems.find(curElem) != alreadyCheckedElems.end())
if (theElems.find(curElem) != theElems.end())
double x=0, y=0, z=0;
int nb = 0;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeItr2 = curElem->nodesIterator();
while ( nodeItr2->more() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* anotherNode = cast2Node(nodeItr2->next());
x += anotherNode->X();
y += anotherNode->Y();
z += anotherNode->Z();
gp_XYZ p;
p.SetCoord( x/nb -aNode->X(),
y/nb -aNode->Y(),
z/nb -aNode->Z() );
MESSAGE(" check " << p.X() << " " << p.Y() << " " << p.Z());
if (normal*p > 0)
MESSAGE(" --- inserted")
theAffectedElems.insert( curElem );
else if (curElem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Edge)
// --- add also edges lying on the set of faces (all nodes in alreadyCheckedNodes)
std::set<const SMDS_MeshElement*>::iterator eit = edgesToCheck.begin();
for( ; eit != edgesToCheck.end(); eit++)
bool onside = true;
const SMDS_MeshElement* anEdge = *eit;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeItr = anEdge->nodesIterator();
while ( nodeItr->more() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = cast2Node(nodeItr->next());
if (alreadyCheckedNodes.find(aNode) == alreadyCheckedNodes.end())
onside = false;
if (onside)
MESSAGE(" --- edge onside inserted")
const double aTol = Precision::Confusion();
auto_ptr< BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier> bsc3d;
auto_ptr<_FaceClassifier> aFaceClassifier;
if ( theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID )
bsc3d.reset( new BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier(theShape));;
else if (theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE )
aFaceClassifier.reset( new _FaceClassifier(TopoDS::Face(theShape)));
// iterates on indicated elements and get elements by back references from their nodes
TIDSortedElemSet::const_iterator elemItr = theElems.begin();
int ielem = 1;
for ( ; elemItr != theElems.end(); ++elemItr )
MESSAGE("element " << ielem++);
SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = (SMDS_MeshElement*)*elemItr;
if (!anElem)
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeItr = anElem->nodesIterator();
while ( nodeItr->more() )
MESSAGE(" noeud ");
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = cast2Node(nodeItr->next());
if ( !aNode || theNodesNot.find(aNode) != theNodesNot.end() )
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr backElemItr = aNode->GetInverseElementIterator();
while ( backElemItr->more() )
MESSAGE(" backelem ");
const SMDS_MeshElement* curElem = backElemItr->next();
if ( curElem && theElems.find(curElem) == theElems.end() &&
( bsc3d.get() ?
isInside( curElem, *bsc3d, aTol ) :
isInside( curElem, *aFaceClassifier, aTol )))
theAffectedElems.insert( curElem );
@ -909,6 +909,7 @@ bool SMESH_MesherHelper::CheckNodeU(const TopoDS_Edge& E,
double r = Max( 0.5, 1 - tol*n->GetID()); // to get a unique u on edge
u = f*r + l*(1-r);
MESSAGE("curve.IsNull: " << u);
@ -944,6 +945,7 @@ bool SMESH_MesherHelper::CheckNodeU(const TopoDS_Edge& E,
Quantity_Parameter U = projector->LowerDistanceParameter();
u = double( U );
MESSAGE(" f " << f << " l " << l << " u " << u);
curvPnt = curve->Value( u );
dist = nodePnt.Distance( curvPnt );
if ( distXYZ ) {
@ -964,10 +966,12 @@ bool SMESH_MesherHelper::CheckNodeU(const TopoDS_Edge& E,
else if ( fabs( u ) > numeric_limits<double>::min() )
MESSAGE("fabs( u ) > numeric_limits<double>::min() ; u " << u << " f " << f << " l " << l);
setPosOnShapeValidity( shapeID, true );
if (( u < f-tol || u > l+tol ) && force )
MESSAGE("u < f-tol || u > l+tol ; u " << u << " f " << f << " l " << l);
// node is on vertex but is set on periodic but trimmed edge (issue 0020890)
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
void getElementsInSphere ( const gp_XYZ& center,
const double radius, TIDSortedElemSet& foundElems);
size_t getSize() { return std::max( _size, _elements.size() ); }
virtual ~ElementBndBoxTree();
ElementBndBoxTree():_size(0) {}
@ -410,6 +410,10 @@ namespace // Utils used in SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::FindElementsByPoint()
struct SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl: public SMESH_ElementSearcher
SMDS_Mesh* _mesh;
@ -423,7 +427,7 @@ struct SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl: public SMESH_ElementSearcher
SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl( SMDS_Mesh& mesh, SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt=SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr())
: _mesh(&mesh),_meshPartIt(elemIt),_ebbTree(0),_nodeSearcher(0),_tolerance(-1),_outerFacesFound(false) {}
virtual ~SMESH_ElementSearcherImpl()
if ( _ebbTree ) delete _ebbTree; _ebbTree = 0;
if ( _nodeSearcher ) delete _nodeSearcher; _nodeSearcher = 0;
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ struct SMESH_ElementSearcher
* \brief Find out if the given point is out of closed 2D mesh.
virtual TopAbs_State GetPointState(const gp_Pnt& point) = 0;
virtual ~SMESH_ElementSearcher();
namespace SMESH_MeshAlgos
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ public:
// Constructor. limit must be provided at tree root construction.
// limit will be deleted by SMESH_Octree
SMESH_Octree (SMESH_TreeLimit* limit=0);
virtual ~SMESH_Octree() {};
// Compute the bigger dimension of my box
double maxSize() const;
@ -219,6 +219,8 @@ void SMESH_Tree<BND_BOX,NB_CHILDREN>::buildChildren()
myChildren[i] = newChild();
// and we assign to him its box.
myChildren[i]->myFather = this;
if (myChildren[i]->myLimit)
delete myChildren[i]->myLimit;
myChildren[i]->myLimit = myLimit;
myChildren[i]->myLevel = myLevel + 1;
myChildren[i]->myBox = newChildBox( i );
@ -27,10 +27,9 @@ import salome
SMESH = None # SMESH module is loaded only when needed
from salome.kernel.studyedit import getStudyEditor
from salome.gui import helper
except ImportError:
from salome.kernel.deprecation import is_called_by_sphinx
if not is_called_by_sphinx():
from salome.gui import helper
class SMeshStudyTools:
@ -621,6 +621,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape & th
if ( !_sourceHyp ) return false;
//MESSAGE("---------> StdMeshers_Import_1D::Compute");
const vector<SMESH_Group*>& srcGroups = _sourceHyp->GetGroups(/*loaded=*/true);
if ( srcGroups.empty() )
return error("Invalid source groups");
@ -650,9 +651,11 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape & th
n = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( v, tgtMesh );
//MESSAGE("_gen->Compute " << n);
if ( !n ) return false; // very strange
vertexNodes.push_back( SMESH_TNodeXYZ( n ));
//MESSAGE("SMESH_Algo::VertexNode " << n->GetID() << " " << n->X() << " " << n->Y() << " " << n->Z() );
// import edges from groups
@ -670,17 +673,19 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape & th
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr srcElems = srcGroup->GetElements();
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> newNodes;
SMDS_MeshNode *tmpNode = helper.AddNode(0,0,0);
double u = 0;
double u = 0.314159; // "random" value between 0 and 1, avoid 0 and 1, false detection possible on edge restrictions
while ( srcElems->more() ) // loop on group contents
const SMDS_MeshElement* edge = srcElems->next();
// find or create nodes of a new edge
newNodes.resize( edge->NbNodes() );
//MESSAGE("edge->NbNodes " << edge->NbNodes());
newNodes.back() = 0;
SMDS_MeshElement::iterator node = edge->begin_nodes();
SMESH_TNodeXYZ a(edge->GetNode(0));
// --- define a tolerance relative to the length of an edge
double mytol = a.Distance(edge->GetNode(edge->NbNodes()-1))/25;
//mytol = max(1.E-5, 10*edgeTol); // too strict and not necessary
//MESSAGE("mytol = " << mytol);
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < newNodes.size(); ++i, ++node )
@ -697,22 +702,26 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape & th
for ( vNIt = vertexNodes.begin(); vNIt != vertexNodes.end(); ++vNIt)
if ( vNIt->SquareDistance( *node ) < checktol)
//MESSAGE("SquareDistance " << vNIt->SquareDistance( *node ) << " checktol " << checktol);
//MESSAGE("SquareDistance " << vNIt->SquareDistance( *node ) << " checktol " << checktol <<" "<<vNIt->X()<<" "<<vNIt->Y()<<" "<<vNIt->Z());
(*n2nIt).second = vNIt->_node;
vertexNodes.erase( vNIt );
else if ( vNIt->SquareDistance( *node ) < 10*checktol)
MESSAGE("SquareDistance missed" << vNIt->SquareDistance( *node ) << " checktol " << checktol <<" "<<vNIt->X()<<" "<<vNIt->Y()<<" "<<vNIt->Z());
if ( !n2nIt->second )
// find out if node lies on theShape
//double dxyz[4];
tmpNode->setXYZ( (*node)->X(), (*node)->Y(), (*node)->Z());
if ( helper.CheckNodeU( geomEdge, tmpNode, u, mytol, /*force=*/true ))
if ( helper.CheckNodeU( geomEdge, tmpNode, u, mytol, /*force=*/true)) // , dxyz )) // dxyz used for debug purposes
SMDS_MeshNode* newNode = tgtMesh->AddNode( (*node)->X(), (*node)->Y(), (*node)->Z());
n2nIt->second = newNode;
tgtMesh->SetNodeOnEdge( newNode, shapeID, u );
//MESSAGE("u=" << u);
//MESSAGE("u=" << u << " " << newNode->X()<< " " << newNode->Y()<< " " << newNode->Z());
//MESSAGE("d=" << dxyz[0] << " " << dxyz[1] << " " << dxyz[2] << " " << dxyz[3]);
if ( !(newNodes[i] = n2nIt->second ))
@ -730,7 +739,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Import_1D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape & th
newEdge = tgtMesh->AddEdge( newNodes[0], newNodes[1], newNodes[2] );
newEdge = tgtMesh->AddEdge( newNodes[0], newNodes[1]);
//MESSAGE("add Edge");
//MESSAGE("add Edge " << newNodes[0]->GetID() << " " << newNodes[1]->GetID());
tgtMesh->SetMeshElementOnShape( newEdge, shapeID );
e2e->insert( make_pair( edge, newEdge ));
Reference in New Issue
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