mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 06:27:54 +05:00
54122: Bad quality prismatic mesh
Extract class Delaunay from class Morph + Print warning when creating an algorithm with unexpected arguments (expected ones are algo type and geometry) -- smeshBuilder.py
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ SET(SMESHUtils_HEADERS
# --- sources ---
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ SET(SMESHUtils_SOURCES
# --- rules ---
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
// Copyright (C) 2007-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESH_Delaunay.cxx
// Created : Wed Apr 19 15:41:15 2017
// Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap)
#include "SMESH_Delaunay.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MeshAlgos.hxx"
#include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
#include <BRepMesh_Delaun.hxx>
* \brief Construct a Delaunay triangulation of given boundary nodes
* \param [in] boundaryNodes - vector of nodes of a wire
* \param [in] face - the face
* \param [in] faceID - the face ID
* \param [in] nbNodesToVisit - nb of non-marked nodes on the face
SMESH_Delaunay::SMESH_Delaunay(const std::vector< const UVPtStructVec* > & boundaryNodes,
const TopoDS_Face& face,
const int faceID)
: _face( face ), _faceID( faceID ), _scale( 1., 1. )
// compute _scale
BRepAdaptor_Surface surf( face );
if ( surf.GetType() != GeomAbs_Plane )
const int nbDiv = 100;
const double uRange = surf.LastUParameter() - surf.FirstUParameter();
const double vRange = surf.LastVParameter() - surf.FirstVParameter();
const double dU = uRange / nbDiv;
const double dV = vRange / nbDiv;
double u = surf.FirstUParameter(), v = surf.FirstVParameter();
gp_Pnt p0U = surf.Value( u, v ), p0V = p0U;
double lenU = 0, lenV = 0;
for ( ; u < surf.LastUParameter(); u += dU, v += dV )
gp_Pnt p1U = surf.Value( u, surf.FirstVParameter() );
lenU += p1U.Distance( p0U );
p0U = p1U;
gp_Pnt p1V = surf.Value( surf.FirstUParameter(), v );
lenV += p1V.Distance( p0V );
p0V = p1V;
_scale.SetCoord( lenU / uRange, lenV / vRange );
// count boundary points
int iP = 1, nbP = 0;
for ( size_t iW = 0; iW < boundaryNodes.size(); ++iW ) // loop on wires
nbP += boundaryNodes[iW]->size();
if ( boundaryNodes[iW]->front().node == boundaryNodes[iW]->back().node )
--nbP; // 1st and last points coincide
_bndNodes.resize( nbP );
// fill boundary points
BRepMesh::Array1OfVertexOfDelaun bndVert( 1, 1 + nbP );
BRepMesh_Vertex v( 0, 0, BRepMesh_Frontier );
for ( size_t iW = 0; iW < boundaryNodes.size(); ++iW )
const UVPtStructVec& bndPnt = *boundaryNodes[iW];
int i = 0, nb = bndPnt.size();
if ( bndPnt[0].node == bndPnt.back().node )
for ( ; i < nb; ++i, ++iP )
_bndNodes[ iP-1 ] = bndPnt[i].node;
bndPnt[i].node->setIsMarked( true );
v.ChangeCoord() = bndPnt[i].UV().Multiplied( _scale );
bndVert( iP ) = v;
// triangulate the srcFace in 2D
BRepMesh_Delaun Delaunay( bndVert );
_triaDS = Delaunay.Result();
* \brief Prepare to the exploration of nodes
void SMESH_Delaunay::InitTraversal(const int nbNodesToVisit)
_nbNodesToVisit = (size_t) nbNodesToVisit;
_nbVisitedNodes = _iBndNode = 0;
* \brief Return a node with its Barycentric Coordinates within the triangle
* defined by its node indices (zero based)
* \param [out] bc - Barycentric Coordinates of the returned node
* \param [out] triaNodes - indices of triangle nodes
* \return const SMDS_MeshNode* - the next node or NULL
const SMDS_MeshNode* SMESH_Delaunay::NextNode( double bc[3], int triaNodes[3] )
while ( _nbVisitedNodes < _nbNodesToVisit )
while ( !_noTriQueue.empty() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = _noTriQueue.front().first;
const BRepMesh_Triangle* tria = _noTriQueue.front().second;
if ( node->isMarked() )
node->setIsMarked( true );
// find a Delaunay triangle containing the src node
gp_XY uv = getNodeUV( _face, node );
tria = FindTriangle( uv, tria, bc, triaNodes );
if ( tria )
addCloseNodes( node, tria, _faceID, _noTriQueue );
return node;
for ( ; _iBndNode < _bndNodes.size() && _noTriQueue.empty(); ++_iBndNode )
if ( const BRepMesh_Triangle* tria = GetTriangleNear( _iBndNode ))
addCloseNodes( _bndNodes[ _iBndNode ], tria, _faceID, _noTriQueue );
if ( _noTriQueue.empty() )
// if ( _nbVisitedNodes < _nbNodesToVisit )
// _nbVisitedNodes = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
return NULL;
* \brief Find a Delaunay triangle containing a given 2D point and return
* barycentric coordinates within the found triangle
const BRepMesh_Triangle* SMESH_Delaunay::FindTriangle( const gp_XY& UV,
const BRepMesh_Triangle* tria,
double bc[3],
int triaNodes[3] )
int nodeIDs[3];
gp_XY nodeUVs[3];
int linkIDs[3];
Standard_Boolean ori[3];
gp_XY uv = UV.Multiplied( _scale );
while ( tria )
// check if the uv is in tria
_triaDS->ElementNodes( *tria, nodeIDs );
nodeUVs[0] = _triaDS->GetNode( nodeIDs[0] ).Coord();
nodeUVs[1] = _triaDS->GetNode( nodeIDs[1] ).Coord();
nodeUVs[2] = _triaDS->GetNode( nodeIDs[2] ).Coord();
SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetBarycentricCoords( uv,
nodeUVs[0], nodeUVs[1], nodeUVs[2],
bc[0], bc[1] );
if ( bc[0] >= 0 && bc[1] >= 0 && bc[0] + bc[1] <= 1 )
bc[2] = 1 - bc[0] - bc[1];
triaNodes[0] = nodeIDs[0] - 1;
triaNodes[1] = nodeIDs[1] - 1;
triaNodes[2] = nodeIDs[2] - 1;
return tria;
// look for a neighbor triangle, which is adjacent to a link intersected
// by a segment( triangle center -> uv )
gp_XY gc = ( nodeUVs[0] + nodeUVs[1] + nodeUVs[2] ) / 3.;
gp_XY seg = uv - gc;
tria->Edges( linkIDs, ori );
int triaID = _triaDS->IndexOf( *tria );
tria = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
const BRepMesh_PairOfIndex & triIDs = _triaDS->ElementsConnectedTo( linkIDs[i] );
if ( triIDs.Extent() < 2 )
continue; // no neighbor triangle
// check if a link intersects gc2uv
const BRepMesh_Edge & link = _triaDS->GetLink( linkIDs[i] );
const BRepMesh_Vertex & n1 = _triaDS->GetNode( link.FirstNode() );
const BRepMesh_Vertex & n2 = _triaDS->GetNode( link.LastNode() );
gp_XY uv1 = n1.Coord();
gp_XY lin = n2.Coord() - uv1; // link direction
double crossSegLin = seg ^ lin;
if ( Abs( crossSegLin ) < std::numeric_limits<double>::min() )
continue; // parallel
double uSeg = ( uv1 - gc ) ^ lin / crossSegLin;
if ( 0. <= uSeg && uSeg <= 1. )
tria = & _triaDS->GetElement( triIDs.Index( 1 + ( triIDs.Index(1) == triaID )));
return tria;
* \brief Return a triangle sharing a given boundary node
* \param [in] iBndNode - index of the boundary node
* \return const BRepMesh_Triangle* - a found triangle
const BRepMesh_Triangle* SMESH_Delaunay::GetTriangleNear( int iBndNode )
const BRepMesh::ListOfInteger & linkIds = _triaDS->LinksConnectedTo( iBndNode + 1 );
const BRepMesh_PairOfIndex & triaIds = _triaDS->ElementsConnectedTo( linkIds.First() );
const BRepMesh_Triangle& tria = _triaDS->GetElement( triaIds.Index(1) );
return &tria;
* \brief Return UV of the i-th source boundary node (zero based)
gp_XY SMESH_Delaunay::GetBndUV(const int iNode) const
return _triaDS->GetNode( iNode+1 ).Coord();
* \brief Add non-marked nodes surrounding a given one to a queue
void SMESH_Delaunay::addCloseNodes( const SMDS_MeshNode* node,
const BRepMesh_Triangle* tria,
const int faceID,
TNodeTriaList & _noTriQueue )
// find in-FACE nodes
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elems = node->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face);
while ( elems->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = elems->next();
if ( elem->getshapeId() == faceID )
for ( int i = 0, nb = elem->NbNodes(); i < nb; ++i )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = elem->GetNode( i );
if ( !n->isMarked() /*&& n->getshapeId() == faceID*/ )
_noTriQueue.push_back( std::make_pair( n, tria ));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
// Copyright (C) 2007-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESH_Delaunay.hxx
// Created : Wed Apr 19 15:42:54 2017
// Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap)
#ifndef __SMESH_Delaunay_HXX__
#define __SMESH_Delaunay_HXX__
#include "SMESH_TypeDefs.hxx"
#include <BRepMesh_DataStructureOfDelaun.hxx>
* \brief Create a Delaunay triangulation of nodes on a face boundary
* and provide exploration of nodes shared by elements lying on
* the face. For a returned node, also return a Delaunay triangle
* the node lies in and its Barycentric Coordinates within the triangle.
* Only non-marked nodes are visited. Boundary nodes given at the construction
* are not returned.
* For usage, this class needs to be subclassed to implement getNodeUV();
class SMESHUtils_EXPORT SMESH_Delaunay
// construct a Delaunay triangulation of given boundary nodes
SMESH_Delaunay(const std::vector< const UVPtStructVec* > & boundaryNodes,
const TopoDS_Face& face,
const int faceID);
virtual ~SMESH_Delaunay() {}
// prepare to the exploration of nodes
void InitTraversal(const int nbNodesToVisit = -1);
// return a node with its Barycentric Coordinates within the triangle
// defined by its node indices (zero based)
const SMDS_MeshNode* NextNode( double bc[3], int triaNodes[3] );
// return nb of nodes returned by NextNode()
int NbVisitedNodes() const { return _nbVisitedNodes; }
// find a triangle containing an UV, starting from a given triangle;
// return barycentric coordinates of the UV and the found triangle (indices are zero based).
const BRepMesh_Triangle* FindTriangle( const gp_XY& uv,
const BRepMesh_Triangle* bmTria,
double bc[3],
int triaNodes[3]);
// return any Delaunay triangle neighboring a given boundary node (zero based)
const BRepMesh_Triangle* GetTriangleNear( int iBndNode );
// return source boundary nodes
const std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& GetBndNodes() const { return _bndNodes; }
// return UV of the i-th source boundary node (zero based)
gp_XY GetBndUV(const int iNode) const;
// return scale factor to convert real UV to/from UV used for Delauney meshing:
// delauney_UV = real_UV * scale
const gp_XY& GetScale() const { return _scale; }
// container of a node and a triangle serving as a start while searching a
// triangle including the node UV
typedef std::list< std::pair< const SMDS_MeshNode*, const BRepMesh_Triangle* > > TNodeTriaList;
// return UV of a node on the face
virtual gp_XY getNodeUV( const TopoDS_Face& face, const SMDS_MeshNode* node ) const = 0;
// add non-marked nodes surrounding a given one to a queue
static void addCloseNodes( const SMDS_MeshNode* node,
const BRepMesh_Triangle* bmTria,
const int faceID,
TNodeTriaList & noTriQueue );
const TopoDS_Face& _face;
int _faceID;
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > _bndNodes;
gp_XY _scale;
Handle(BRepMesh_DataStructureOfDelaun) _triaDS;
size_t _nbNodesToVisit, _nbVisitedNodes, _iBndNode;
TNodeTriaList _noTriQueue;
@ -5182,10 +5182,11 @@ omniORB.registerObjref(SMESH._objref_SMESH_Pattern._NP_RepositoryId, Pattern)
## Private class used to bind methods creating algorithms to the class Mesh
class algoCreator:
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, method):
self.mesh = None
self.defaultAlgoType = ""
self.algoTypeToClass = {}
self.method = method
# Store a python class of algorithm
def add(self, algoClass):
@ -5199,25 +5200,48 @@ class algoCreator:
# Create a copy of self and assign mesh to the copy
def copy(self, mesh):
other = algoCreator()
other = algoCreator( self.method )
other.defaultAlgoType = self.defaultAlgoType
other.algoTypeToClass = self.algoTypeToClass
other.algoTypeToClass = self.algoTypeToClass
other.mesh = mesh
return other
# Create an instance of algorithm
def __call__(self,algo="",geom=0,*args):
algoType = self.defaultAlgoType
for arg in args + (algo,geom):
if isinstance( arg, geomBuilder.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object ):
geom = arg
if isinstance( arg, str ) and arg:
algoType = ""
shape = 0
if isinstance( algo, str ):
algoType = algo
elif ( isinstance( algo, geomBuilder.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object ) and \
not isinstance( geom, geomBuilder.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object )):
shape = algo
elif algo:
args += (algo,)
if isinstance( geom, geomBuilder.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object ):
shape = geom
elif not algoType and isinstance( geom, str ):
algoType = geom
elif geom:
args += (geom,)
for arg in args:
if isinstance( arg, geomBuilder.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object ) and not shape:
shape = arg
elif isinstance( arg, str ) and not algoType:
algoType = arg
import traceback, sys
msg = "Warning. Unexpected argument in mesh.%s() ---> %s" % ( self.method, arg )
sys.stderr.write( msg + '\n' )
tb = traceback.extract_stack(None,2)
traceback.print_list( [tb[0]] )
if not algoType:
algoType = self.defaultAlgoType
if not algoType and self.algoTypeToClass:
algoType = self.algoTypeToClass.keys()[0]
if self.algoTypeToClass.has_key( algoType ):
#print "Create algo",algoType
return self.algoTypeToClass[ algoType ]( self.mesh, geom )
return self.algoTypeToClass[ algoType ]( self.mesh, shape )
raise RuntimeError, "No class found for algo type %s" % algoType
return None
@ -5299,7 +5323,7 @@ for pluginName in os.environ[ "SMESH_MeshersList" ].split( ":" ):
if type( algo ).__name__ == 'classobj' and hasattr( algo, "meshMethod" ):
#print " meshMethod:" , str(algo.meshMethod)
if not hasattr( Mesh, algo.meshMethod ):
setattr( Mesh, algo.meshMethod, algoCreator() )
setattr( Mesh, algo.meshMethod, algoCreator( algo.meshMethod ))
getattr( Mesh, algo.meshMethod ).add( algo )
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
#include <GeomLib_IsPlanarSurface.hxx>
#include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
#include <TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
@ -1177,6 +1176,9 @@ bool StdMeshers_Prism_3D::compute(const Prism_3D::TPrismTopo& thePrism)
// use transformation (issue 0020680, IPAL0052499) or a "straight line" approach
StdMeshers_Sweeper sweeper;
sweeper.myHelper = myHelper;
sweeper.myBotFace = thePrism.myBottom;
sweeper.myTopFace = thePrism.myTop;
// load boundary nodes into sweeper
bool dummy;
@ -1213,15 +1215,15 @@ bool StdMeshers_Prism_3D::compute(const Prism_3D::TPrismTopo& thePrism)
double tol = getSweepTolerance( thePrism );
bool allowHighBndError = !isSimpleBottom( thePrism );
myUseBlock = !sweeper.ComputeNodes( *myHelper, tol, allowHighBndError );
myUseBlock = !sweeper.ComputeNodesByTrsf( tol, allowHighBndError );
else if ( sweeper.CheckSameZ() )
myUseBlock = !sweeper.ComputeNodesOnStraightSameZ( *myHelper );
myUseBlock = !sweeper.ComputeNodesOnStraightSameZ();
myUseBlock = !sweeper.ComputeNodesOnStraight( *myHelper, thePrism.myBottom, thePrism.myTop );
myUseBlock = !sweeper.ComputeNodesOnStraight();
myHelper->SetElementsOnShape( false );
@ -4956,13 +4958,13 @@ void StdMeshers_Sweeper::applyBoundaryError(const vector< gp_XYZ >& bndPoints,
* \brief Create internal nodes of the prism
* \brief Create internal nodes of the prism by computing an affine transformation
* from layer to layer
bool StdMeshers_Sweeper::ComputeNodes( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper,
const double tol,
const bool allowHighBndError)
bool StdMeshers_Sweeper::ComputeNodesByTrsf( const double tol,
const bool allowHighBndError)
const size_t zSize = myBndColumns[0]->size();
const size_t zSrc = 0, zTgt = zSize-1;
@ -5229,7 +5231,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Sweeper::ComputeNodes( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper,
for ( size_t z = zSrc + 1; z < zTgt; ++z ) // vertical loop on layers
const gp_XYZ & xyz = intPntsOfLayer[ z ][ iP ];
if ( !( nodeCol[ z ] = helper.AddNode( xyz.X(), xyz.Y(), xyz.Z() )))
if ( !( nodeCol[ z ] = myHelper->AddNode( xyz.X(), xyz.Y(), xyz.Z() )))
return false;
@ -5301,7 +5303,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Sweeper::CheckSameZ()
bool StdMeshers_Sweeper::ComputeNodesOnStraightSameZ( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper )
bool StdMeshers_Sweeper::ComputeNodesOnStraightSameZ()
TZColumn& z = myZColumns[0];
@ -5313,7 +5315,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_Sweeper::ComputeNodesOnStraightSameZ( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper
for ( size_t iZ = 0; iZ < z.size(); ++iZ )
gp_XYZ p = n0 * ( 1 - z[iZ] ) + n1 * z[iZ];
nodes[ iZ+1 ] = helper.AddNode( p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z() );
nodes[ iZ+1 ] = myHelper->AddNode( p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z() );
@ -5327,144 +5329,51 @@ bool StdMeshers_Sweeper::ComputeNodesOnStraightSameZ( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper
bool StdMeshers_Sweeper::ComputeNodesOnStraight( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper,
const TopoDS_Face& botFace,
const TopoDS_Face& topFace )
bool StdMeshers_Sweeper::ComputeNodesOnStraight()
// get data to create a Morph
UVPtStructVec botUV( myBndColumns.size() + 1 );
UVPtStructVec topUV( myBndColumns.size() + 1 );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < myBndColumns.size(); ++i )
TNodeColumn& nodes = *myBndColumns[i];
botUV[i].node = nodes[0];
botUV[i].SetUV( helper.GetNodeUV( botFace, nodes[0] ));
topUV[i].node = nodes.back();
topUV[i].SetUV( helper.GetNodeUV( topFace, nodes.back() ));
botUV[i].node->setIsMarked( true );
botUV.back() = botUV[0];
topUV.back() = topUV[0];
TopoDS_Edge dummyE;
TSideVector botWires( 1, StdMeshers_FaceSide::New( botUV, botFace, dummyE, helper.GetMesh() ));
TSideVector topWires( 1, StdMeshers_FaceSide::New( topUV, topFace, dummyE, helper.GetMesh() ));
// use Morph to make delauney mesh on the FACEs. Locating of a node within a
// delauney triangle will be used to get a weighted Z.
NSProjUtils::Morph botDelauney( botWires );
NSProjUtils::Morph topDelauney( topWires );
if ( helper.GetIsQuadratic() )
// mark all medium nodes of faces on botFace to avoid their treating
SMESHDS_SubMesh* smDS = helper.GetMeshDS()->MeshElements( botFace );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = smDS->GetElements();
while ( eIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* e = eIt->next();
for ( int i = e->NbCornerNodes(), nb = e->NbNodes(); i < nb; ++i )
e->GetNode( i )->setIsMarked( true );
// map to get a node column by a bottom node
TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger iNode2iCol( myIntColumns.size() );
// un-mark nodes to treat (internal bottom nodes); later we will mark treated nodes
for ( size_t i = 0; i < myIntColumns.size(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshNode* botNode = myIntColumns[i]->front();
botNode->setIsMarked( false );
iNode2iCol.Bind( botNode->GetID(), i );
const int botFaceID = helper.GetMesh()->GetSubMesh( botFace )->GetId();
const SMDS_MeshNode *botNode, *topNode;
const BRepMesh_Triangle *botTria, *topTria;
const BRepMesh_Triangle *topTria;
double botBC[3], topBC[3]; // barycentric coordinates
int botTriaNodes[3], topTriaNodes[3];
bool checkUV = true;
// a queue of bottom nodes with starting delauney triangles
NSProjUtils::Morph::TNodeTriaList botNoTriQueue;
int nbInternalNodes = myIntColumns.size();
myBotDelaunay->InitTraversal( nbInternalNodes );
size_t iBndN = 1; // index of a bottom boundary node
int nbNodesToProcess = myIntColumns.size();
while ( nbNodesToProcess > 0 )
while (( botNode = myBotDelaunay->NextNode( botBC, botTriaNodes )))
while ( !botNoTriQueue.empty() ) // treat all nodes in the queue
TNodeColumn* column = myIntColumns[ myNodeID2ColID( botNode->GetID() )];
// find a Delaunay triangle containing the topNode
topNode = column->back();
gp_XY topUV = myHelper->GetNodeUV( myTopFace, topNode, NULL, &checkUV );
// get a starting triangle basing on that top and bot boundary nodes have same index
topTria = myTopDelaunay->GetTriangleNear( botTriaNodes[0] );
topTria = myTopDelaunay->FindTriangle( topUV, topTria, topBC, topTriaNodes );
if ( !topTria )
return false;
// create nodes along a line
SMESH_NodeXYZ botP( botNode ), topP( topNode);
for ( size_t iZ = 0; iZ < myZColumns[0].size(); ++iZ )
botNode = botNoTriQueue.front().first;
botTria = botNoTriQueue.front().second;
if ( botNode->isMarked() )
botNode->setIsMarked( true );
TNodeColumn* column = myIntColumns[ iNode2iCol( botNode->GetID() )];
// find a delauney triangle containing the botNode
gp_XY botUV = helper.GetNodeUV( botFace, botNode, NULL, &checkUV );
botUV *= botDelauney.GetScale();
botTria = botDelauney.FindTriangle( botUV, botTria, botBC, botTriaNodes );
if ( !botTria )
return false;
// find a delauney triangle containing the topNode
topNode = column->back();
gp_XY topUV = helper.GetNodeUV( topFace, topNode, NULL, &checkUV );
topUV *= topDelauney.GetScale();
// get a starting triangle basing on that top and bot boundary nodes have same index
topTria = topDelauney.GetTriangleNear( botTriaNodes[0] );
topTria = topDelauney.FindTriangle( topUV, topTria, topBC, topTriaNodes );
if ( !topTria )
return false;
// create nodes along a line
SMESH_NodeXYZ botP( botNode ), topP( topNode);
for ( size_t iZ = 0; iZ < myZColumns[0].size(); ++iZ )
// use barycentric coordinates as weight of Z of boundary columns
double botZ = 0, topZ = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
// use barycentric coordinates as weight of Z of boundary columns
double botZ = 0, topZ = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
botZ += botBC[i] * myZColumns[ botTriaNodes[i]-1 ][ iZ ];
topZ += topBC[i] * myZColumns[ topTriaNodes[i]-1 ][ iZ ];
double rZ = double( iZ + 1 ) / ( myZColumns[0].size() + 1 );
double z = botZ * ( 1 - rZ ) + topZ * rZ;
gp_XYZ p = botP * ( 1 - z ) + topP * z;
(*column)[ iZ+1 ] = helper.AddNode( p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z() );
// add neighbor nodes to the queue
botDelauney.AddCloseNodes( botNode, botTria, botFaceID, botNoTriQueue );
if ( nbNodesToProcess > 0 ) // fill the queue
// assure that all bot nodes are visited
for ( ; iBndN-1 < myBndColumns.size() && botNoTriQueue.empty(); ++iBndN )
botTria = botDelauney.GetTriangleNear( iBndN );
const SMDS_MeshNode* bndNode = botDelauney.GetBndNodes()[ iBndN ];
botDelauney.AddCloseNodes( bndNode, botTria, botFaceID, botNoTriQueue );
if ( botNoTriQueue.empty() )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < myIntColumns.size(); ++i )
botNode = myIntColumns[i]->front();
if ( !botNode->isMarked() )
botNoTriQueue.push_back( make_pair( botNode, botTria ));
botZ += botBC[i] * myZColumns[ botTriaNodes[i] ][ iZ ];
topZ += topBC[i] * myZColumns[ topTriaNodes[i] ][ iZ ];
double rZ = double( iZ + 1 ) / ( myZColumns[0].size() + 1 );
double z = botZ * ( 1 - rZ ) + topZ * rZ;
gp_XYZ p = botP * ( 1 - z ) + topP * z;
(*column)[ iZ+1 ] = myHelper->AddNode( p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z() );
return true;
return myBotDelaunay->NbVisitedNodes() == nbInternalNodes;
@ -5490,3 +5399,58 @@ void StdMeshers_Sweeper::fillZColumn( TZColumn& zColumn,
zColumn[i] = ( line * vec ) / len2; // param [0,1] on the line
* \brief Initialize *Delaunay members
void StdMeshers_Sweeper::prepareTopBotDelaunay()
UVPtStructVec botUV( myBndColumns.size() );
UVPtStructVec topUV( myBndColumns.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < myBndColumns.size(); ++i )
TNodeColumn& nodes = *myBndColumns[i];
botUV[i].node = nodes[0];
botUV[i].SetUV( myHelper->GetNodeUV( myBotFace, nodes[0] ));
topUV[i].node = nodes.back();
topUV[i].SetUV( myHelper->GetNodeUV( myTopFace, nodes.back() ));
botUV[i].node->setIsMarked( true );
TopoDS_Edge dummyE;
SMESH_Mesh* mesh = myHelper->GetMesh();
TSideVector botWires( 1, StdMeshers_FaceSide::New( botUV, myBotFace, dummyE, mesh ));
TSideVector topWires( 1, StdMeshers_FaceSide::New( topUV, myTopFace, dummyE, mesh ));
// Delaunay mesh on the FACEs.
bool checkUV = false;
myBotDelaunay.reset( new NSProjUtils::Delaunay( botWires, checkUV ));
myTopDelaunay.reset( new NSProjUtils::Delaunay( topWires, checkUV ));
if ( myHelper->GetIsQuadratic() )
// mark all medium nodes of faces on botFace to avoid their treating
SMESHDS_SubMesh* smDS = myHelper->GetMeshDS()->MeshElements( myBotFace );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = smDS->GetElements();
while ( eIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* e = eIt->next();
for ( int i = e->NbCornerNodes(), nb = e->NbNodes(); i < nb; ++i )
e->GetNode( i )->setIsMarked( true );
// map to get a node column by a bottom node
myNodeID2ColID.ReSize( myIntColumns.size() );
// un-mark nodes to treat (internal bottom nodes) to be returned by myBotDelaunay
for ( size_t i = 0; i < myIntColumns.size(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshNode* botNode = myIntColumns[i]->front();
botNode->setIsMarked( false );
myNodeID2ColID.Bind( botNode->GetID(), i );
@ -31,16 +31,18 @@
#include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Block.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx"
#include "SMESH_TypeDefs.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMesh.hxx"
#include "StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils.hxx"
#include <Adaptor2d_Curve2d.hxx>
#include <Adaptor3d_Curve.hxx>
#include <Adaptor3d_Surface.hxx>
#include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
#include <TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger.hxx>
#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
#include <gp_Trsf.hxx>
@ -53,10 +55,6 @@ namespace Prism_3D
struct TNode;
struct TPrismTopo;
namespace StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils
class TrsfFinder3D;
class SMESHDS_SubMesh;
class TopoDS_Edge;
@ -417,23 +415,29 @@ private:
struct StdMeshers_Sweeper
std::vector< TNodeColumn* > myBndColumns; // boundary nodes
std::vector< TNodeColumn* > myIntColumns; // internal nodes
SMESH_MesherHelper* myHelper;
TopoDS_Face myBotFace;
TopoDS_Face myTopFace;
std::vector< TNodeColumn* > myBndColumns; // boundary nodes
std::vector< TNodeColumn* > myIntColumns; // internal nodes
typedef std::vector< double > TZColumn;
std::vector< TZColumn > myZColumns; // Z distribution of boundary nodes
std::vector< TZColumn > myZColumns; // Z distribution of boundary nodes
bool ComputeNodes( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper,
const double tol,
const bool allowHighBndError );
StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::DelaunayPtr myTopDelaunay;
StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::DelaunayPtr myBotDelaunay;
TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger myNodeID2ColID;
bool ComputeNodesByTrsf( const double tol,
const bool allowHighBndError );
bool CheckSameZ();
bool ComputeNodesOnStraightSameZ( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper );
bool ComputeNodesOnStraightSameZ();
bool ComputeNodesOnStraight( SMESH_MesherHelper& helper,
const TopoDS_Face& bottom,
const TopoDS_Face& top);
bool ComputeNodesOnStraight();
@ -459,6 +463,8 @@ private:
static void fillZColumn( TZColumn& zColumn,
TNodeColumn& nodes );
void prepareTopBotDelaunay();
// ===============================================
@ -478,6 +478,26 @@ namespace {
return !allBndEdges.empty();
* \brief Convertor used in Delaunay constructor
struct SideVector2UVPtStructVec
std::vector< const UVPtStructVec* > _uvVecs;
SideVector2UVPtStructVec( const TSideVector& wires )
_uvVecs.resize( wires.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < wires.size(); ++i )
_uvVecs[ i ] = & wires[i]->GetUVPtStruct();
operator const std::vector< const UVPtStructVec* > & () const
return _uvVecs;
} // namespace
@ -2795,126 +2815,6 @@ namespace StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils
return true;
* \brief Add in-FACE nodes surrounding a given node to a queue
void Morph::AddCloseNodes( const SMDS_MeshNode* srcNode,
const BRepMesh_Triangle* bmTria,
const int srcFaceID,
TNodeTriaList & noTriQueue )
// find in-FACE nodes
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elems = srcNode->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face);
while ( elems->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = elems->next();
if ( elem->getshapeId() == srcFaceID )
for ( int i = 0, nb = elem->NbNodes(); i < nb; ++i )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = elem->GetNode( i );
if ( !n->isMarked() /*&& n->getshapeId() == srcFaceID*/ )
noTriQueue.push_back( make_pair( n, bmTria ));
* \brief Find a delauney triangle containing a given 2D point and return
* barycentric coordinates within the found triangle
const BRepMesh_Triangle* Morph::FindTriangle( const gp_XY& uv,
const BRepMesh_Triangle* bmTria,
double bc[3],
int triaNodes[3] )
int nodeIDs[3];
gp_XY nodeUVs[3];
int linkIDs[3];
Standard_Boolean ori[3];
while ( bmTria )
// check bmTria
_triaDS->ElementNodes( *bmTria, nodeIDs );
nodeUVs[0] = _triaDS->GetNode( nodeIDs[0] ).Coord();
nodeUVs[1] = _triaDS->GetNode( nodeIDs[1] ).Coord();
nodeUVs[2] = _triaDS->GetNode( nodeIDs[2] ).Coord();
SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetBarycentricCoords( uv,
nodeUVs[0], nodeUVs[1], nodeUVs[2],
bc[0], bc[1] );
if ( bc[0] >= 0 && bc[1] >= 0 && bc[0] + bc[1] <= 1 )
bc[2] = 1 - bc[0] - bc[1];
triaNodes[0] = nodeIDs[0];
triaNodes[1] = nodeIDs[1];
triaNodes[2] = nodeIDs[2];
return bmTria;
// look for a neighbor triangle, which is adjacent to a link intersected
// by a segment( triangle center -> uv )
gp_XY gc = ( nodeUVs[0] + nodeUVs[1] + nodeUVs[2] ) / 3.;
gp_XY seg = uv - gc;
bmTria->Edges( linkIDs, ori );
int triaID = _triaDS->IndexOf( *bmTria );
bmTria = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
const BRepMesh_PairOfIndex & triIDs = _triaDS->ElementsConnectedTo( linkIDs[i] );
if ( triIDs.Extent() < 2 )
continue; // no neighbor triangle
// check if a link intersects gc2uv
const BRepMesh_Edge & link = _triaDS->GetLink( linkIDs[i] );
const BRepMesh_Vertex & n1 = _triaDS->GetNode( link.FirstNode() );
const BRepMesh_Vertex & n2 = _triaDS->GetNode( link.LastNode() );
gp_XY uv1 = n1.Coord();
gp_XY lin = n2.Coord() - uv1; // link direction
double crossSegLin = seg ^ lin;
if ( Abs( crossSegLin ) < std::numeric_limits<double>::min() )
continue; // parallel
double uSeg = ( uv1 - gc ) ^ lin / crossSegLin;
if ( 0. <= uSeg && uSeg <= 1. )
bmTria = & _triaDS->GetElement( triIDs.Index( 1 + ( triIDs.Index(1) == triaID )));
return bmTria;
* \brief Return a triangle sharing a given boundary node
* \param [in] iBndNode - index of the boundary node
* \return const BRepMesh_Triangle* - a found triangle
const BRepMesh_Triangle* Morph::GetTriangleNear( int iBndNode )
const BRepMesh::ListOfInteger & linkIds = _triaDS->LinksConnectedTo( iBndNode );
const BRepMesh_PairOfIndex & triaIds = _triaDS->ElementsConnectedTo( linkIds.First() );
const BRepMesh_Triangle& tria = _triaDS->GetElement( triaIds.Index(1) );
return &tria;
* \brief triangulate the srcFace in 2D
@ -2922,58 +2822,10 @@ namespace StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils
Morph::Morph(const TSideVector& srcWires)
Morph::Morph(const TSideVector& srcWires):
_delaunay( srcWires, /*checkUV=*/true )
_srcSubMesh = srcWires[0]->GetMesh()->GetSubMesh( srcWires[0]->Face() );
// compute _scale
BRepAdaptor_Surface surf( srcWires[0]->Face() );
const int nbDiv = 100;
const double uRange = surf.LastUParameter() - surf.FirstUParameter();
const double vRange = surf.LastVParameter() - surf.FirstVParameter();
const double dU = uRange / nbDiv;
const double dV = vRange / nbDiv;
double u = surf.FirstUParameter(), v = surf.FirstVParameter();
gp_Pnt p0U = surf.Value( u, v ), p0V = p0U;
double lenU = 0, lenV = 0;
for ( ; u < surf.LastUParameter(); u += dU, v += dV )
gp_Pnt p1U = surf.Value( u, surf.FirstVParameter() );
lenU += p1U.Distance( p0U );
p0U = p1U;
gp_Pnt p1V = surf.Value( surf.FirstUParameter(), v );
lenV += p1V.Distance( p0V );
p0V = p1V;
_scale.SetCoord( lenU / uRange, lenV / vRange );
// count boundary points
int iP = 1, nbP = 0;
for ( size_t iW = 0; iW < srcWires.size(); ++iW )
nbP += srcWires[iW]->NbPoints() - 1; // 1st and last points coincide
_bndSrcNodes.resize( nbP + 1 ); _bndSrcNodes[0] = 0;
// fill boundary points
BRepMesh::Array1OfVertexOfDelaun srcVert( 1, 1 + nbP );
BRepMesh_Vertex v( 0, 0, BRepMesh_Frontier );
for ( size_t iW = 0; iW < srcWires.size(); ++iW )
const UVPtStructVec& srcPnt = srcWires[iW]->GetUVPtStruct();
for ( int i = 0, nb = srcPnt.size() - 1; i < nb; ++i, ++iP )
_bndSrcNodes[ iP ] = srcPnt[i].node;
srcPnt[i].node->setIsMarked( true );
v.ChangeCoord() = srcPnt[i].UV().Multiplied( _scale );
srcVert( iP ) = v;
// triangulate the srcFace in 2D
BRepMesh_Delaun delauney( srcVert );
_triaDS = delauney.Result();
@ -2994,32 +2846,27 @@ namespace StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils
const TNodeNodeMap& src2tgtNodes,
const bool moveAll)
// get tgt boundary points corresponding to _bndSrcNodes
// get tgt boundary points corresponding to src boundary nodes
size_t nbP = 0;
for ( size_t iW = 0; iW < tgtWires.size(); ++iW )
nbP += tgtWires[iW]->NbPoints() - 1; // 1st and last points coincide
if ( nbP != _bndSrcNodes.size() - 1 )
if ( nbP != _delaunay.GetBndNodes().size() )
return false;
BRepMesh::Array1OfVertexOfDelaun tgtVert( 1, 1 + nbP );
BRepMesh_Vertex v( 0, 0, BRepMesh_Frontier );
for ( size_t iW = 0, iP = 1; iW < tgtWires.size(); ++iW )
std::vector< gp_XY > tgtUV( nbP );
for ( size_t iW = 0, iP = 0; iW < tgtWires.size(); ++iW )
const UVPtStructVec& tgtPnt = tgtWires[iW]->GetUVPtStruct();
for ( int i = 0, nb = tgtPnt.size() - 1; i < nb; ++i, ++iP )
v.ChangeCoord() = tgtPnt[i].UV().Multiplied( _scale );
tgtVert( iP ) = v;
tgtUV[ iP ] = tgtPnt[i].UV();
const TopoDS_Face& srcFace = TopoDS::Face( _srcSubMesh->GetSubShape() );
const int srcFaceID = _srcSubMesh->GetId();
SMESHDS_Mesh* tgtMesh = tgtHelper.GetMeshDS();
const SMDS_MeshNode *srcNode, *tgtNode;
const BRepMesh_Triangle *bmTria;
// un-mark internal src nodes; later we will mark moved nodes
// un-mark internal src nodes in order iterate them using _delaunay
int nbSrcNodes = 0;
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = _srcSubMesh->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
if ( !nIt || !nIt->more() ) return true;
@ -3038,82 +2885,75 @@ namespace StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils
// Move tgt nodes
double bc[3]; // barycentric coordinates
int nodeIDs[3];
bool checkUV = true;
int nodeIDs[3]; // nodes of a delaunay triangle
const SMDS_FacePosition* pos;
// a queue of nodes with starting triangles
TNodeTriaList noTriQueue;
size_t iBndSrcN = 1;
_delaunay.InitTraversal( nbSrcNodes );
while ( nbSrcNodes > 0 )
while (( srcNode = _delaunay.NextNode( bc, nodeIDs )))
while ( !noTriQueue.empty() )
srcNode = noTriQueue.front().first;
bmTria = noTriQueue.front().second;
if ( srcNode->isMarked() )
srcNode->setIsMarked( true );
// compute new coordinates for a corresponding tgt node
gp_XY uvNew( 0., 0. ), nodeUV;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
uvNew += bc[i] * tgtUV[ nodeIDs[i]];
gp_Pnt xyz = tgtSurface->Value( uvNew );
// find a delauney triangle containing the src node
gp_XY uv = tgtHelper.GetNodeUV( srcFace, srcNode, NULL, &checkUV );
uv *= _scale;
bmTria = FindTriangle( uv, bmTria, bc, nodeIDs );
if ( !bmTria )
// find and move tgt node
TNodeNodeMap::const_iterator n2n = src2tgtNodes.find( srcNode );
if ( n2n == src2tgtNodes.end() ) continue;
tgtNode = n2n->second;
tgtMesh->MoveNode( tgtNode, xyz.X(), xyz.Y(), xyz.Z() );
// compute new coordinates for a corresponding tgt node
gp_XY uvNew( 0., 0. ), nodeUV;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
uvNew += bc[i] * tgtVert( nodeIDs[i]).Coord();
uvNew.SetCoord( uvNew.X() / _scale.X(),
uvNew.Y() / _scale.Y() );
gp_Pnt xyz = tgtSurface->Value( uvNew );
if (( pos = dynamic_cast< const SMDS_FacePosition* >( tgtNode->GetPosition() )))
const_cast<SMDS_FacePosition*>( pos )->SetParameters( uvNew.X(), uvNew.Y() );
// find and move tgt node
TNodeNodeMap::const_iterator n2n = src2tgtNodes.find( srcNode );
if ( n2n == src2tgtNodes.end() ) continue;
tgtNode = n2n->second;
tgtMesh->MoveNode( tgtNode, xyz.X(), xyz.Y(), xyz.Z() );
if (( pos = dynamic_cast< const SMDS_FacePosition* >( tgtNode->GetPosition() )))
const_cast<SMDS_FacePosition*>( pos )->SetParameters( uvNew.X(), uvNew.Y() );
AddCloseNodes( srcNode, bmTria, srcFaceID, noTriQueue );
if ( nbSrcNodes > 0 )
// assure that all src nodes are visited
for ( ; iBndSrcN < _bndSrcNodes.size() && noTriQueue.empty(); ++iBndSrcN )
const BRepMesh_Triangle* tria = GetTriangleNear( iBndSrcN );
AddCloseNodes( _bndSrcNodes[ iBndSrcN ], tria, srcFaceID, noTriQueue );
if ( noTriQueue.empty() )
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = _srcSubMesh->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
while ( nIt->more() )
srcNode = nIt->next();
if ( !srcNode->isMarked() )
noTriQueue.push_back( make_pair( srcNode, bmTria ));
return true;
return nbSrcNodes == 0;
} // Morph::Perform
gp_XY Morph::GetBndUV(const int iNode) const
//function : Delaunay
//purpose : construct from face sides
Delaunay::Delaunay( const TSideVector& wires, bool checkUV ):
SMESH_Delaunay( SideVector2UVPtStructVec( wires ),
TopoDS::Face( wires[0]->FaceHelper()->GetSubShape() ),
wires[0]->FaceHelper()->GetSubShapeID() )
return _triaDS->GetNode( iNode ).Coord();
_wire = wires[0]; // keep a wire to assure _helper to keep alive
_helper = _wire->FaceHelper();
_checkUVPtr = checkUV ? & _checkUV : 0;
//function : Delaunay
//purpose : construct from UVPtStructVec's
Delaunay::Delaunay( const std::vector< const UVPtStructVec* > & boundaryNodes,
SMESH_MesherHelper& faceHelper,
bool checkUV):
SMESH_Delaunay( boundaryNodes,
TopoDS::Face( faceHelper.GetSubShape() ),
faceHelper.GetSubShapeID() )
_helper = & faceHelper;
_checkUVPtr = checkUV ? & _checkUV : 0;
//function : getNodeUV
//purpose :
gp_XY Delaunay::getNodeUV( const TopoDS_Face& face, const SMDS_MeshNode* node ) const
return _helper->GetNodeUV( face, node, 0, _checkUVPtr );
} // namespace StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
#include "SMESH_StdMeshers.hxx"
#include "StdMeshers_FaceSide.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshElement.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Delaunay.hxx"
#include "StdMeshers_FaceSide.hxx"
#include <BRepMesh_DataStructureOfDelaun.hxx>
#include <ShapeAnalysis_Surface.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape.hxx>
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class SMESH_Mesh;
class SMESH_subMesh;
class TopoDS_Shape;
* \brief Struct used instead of a sole TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape to avoid
* problems with bidirectional bindings
@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ namespace StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils
TIDCompare> TNodeNodeMap;
* \brief Finds transformation between two sets of 2D points using
* a least square approximation
@ -114,6 +116,7 @@ namespace StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils
bool IsIdentity() const { return ( _trsf.Form() == gp_Identity ); }
* \brief Finds transformation between two sets of 3D points using
* a least square approximation
@ -139,16 +142,44 @@ namespace StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils
bool Invert();
* \brief Create a Delaunay triangulation of nodes on a face boundary
* and provide exploration of nodes shared by elements lying on
* the face. For a returned node, also return a Delaunay triangle
* the node lies in and its Barycentric Coordinates within the triangle.
* Only non-marked nodes are visited.
* The main methods are defined in ../SMESHUtils/SMESH_Delaunay.hxx
class Delaunay : public SMESH_Delaunay
Delaunay( const TSideVector& wires, bool checkUV = false );
Delaunay( const std::vector< const UVPtStructVec* > & boundaryNodes,
SMESH_MesherHelper& faceHelper,
bool checkUV = false);
virtual gp_XY getNodeUV( const TopoDS_Face& face, const SMDS_MeshNode* node ) const;
SMESH_MesherHelper* _helper;
StdMeshers_FaceSidePtr _wire;
bool *_checkUVPtr, _checkUV;
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Delaunay > DelaunayPtr;
* \brief Morph mesh on the target FACE to lie within FACE boundary w/o distortion
class Morph
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > _bndSrcNodes;
Handle(BRepMesh_DataStructureOfDelaun) _triaDS;
SMESH_subMesh* _srcSubMesh;
bool _moveAll;
gp_XY _scale;
Delaunay _delaunay;
SMESH_subMesh* _srcSubMesh;
Morph(const TSideVector& srcWires);
@ -158,37 +189,9 @@ namespace StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils
Handle(ShapeAnalysis_Surface) tgtSurface,
const TNodeNodeMap& src2tgtNodes,
const bool moveAll);
// find a triangle containing an UV starting from a given triangle;
// return barycentric coordinates of the UV in the found triangle
const BRepMesh_Triangle* FindTriangle( const gp_XY& uv,
const BRepMesh_Triangle* bmTria,
double bc[3],
int triaNodes[3]);
// return any delauney triangle neighboring a given boundary node
const BRepMesh_Triangle* GetTriangleNear( int iBndNode );
// return source boundary nodes. 0-th node is NULL so that indices of
// boundary nodes correspond to indices used by Delauney mesh
const std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& GetBndNodes() const { return _bndSrcNodes; }
// return UV of the i-th source boundary node
gp_XY GetBndUV(const int iNode) const;
// return scale factor to convert real UV to/from UV used for Delauney meshing:
// delauney_UV = real_UV * scale
const gp_XY& GetScale() const { return _scale; }
typedef std::list< std::pair< const SMDS_MeshNode*, const BRepMesh_Triangle* > > TNodeTriaList;
// add non-marked nodes surrounding a given one to a list
static void AddCloseNodes( const SMDS_MeshNode* node,
const BRepMesh_Triangle* bmTria,
const int faceID,
TNodeTriaList & noTriQueue );
* \brief Looks for association of all sub-shapes of two shapes
* \param theShape1 - shape 1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user