mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 21:17:56 +05:00
0021375: EDF 1671 SMESH: Dump study of current state
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
#include <list>
#include <map>
// ===========================================================================================
* This file was created in order to respond to requirement of bug PAL10494:
@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyObject ,Standard_Transient);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyMesh ,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pySubMesh ,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyGroup ,_pySubMesh);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyMeshEditor,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyHypothesis,_pyObject);
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyAlgorithm ,_pyHypothesis);
@ -111,6 +114,8 @@ public:
TCollection_AsciiString & GetString() { return myString; }
int GetOrderNb() const { return myOrderNb; }
void SetOrderNb( int theNb ) { myOrderNb = theNb; }
typedef void* TAddr;
TAddr GetAddress() const { return (void*) this; }
int Length() { return myString.Length(); }
void Clear() { myString.Clear(); myBegPos.Clear(); myArgs.Clear(); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return myString.IsEmpty(); }
@ -122,6 +127,8 @@ public:
const TCollection_AsciiString & GetMethod();
const TCollection_AsciiString & GetArg( int index );
int GetNbArgs() { FindAllArgs(); return myArgs.Length(); }
bool MethodStartsFrom(const TCollection_AsciiString& beg)
{ GetMethod(); return ( myMeth.Location( beg, 1, myMeth.Length() ) == 1 ); }
//Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfAsciiString) GetArgs();
void SetResultValue( const TCollection_AsciiString& theResult )
{ GetResultValue(); SetPart( RESULT_IND, theResult, myRes ); }
@ -131,10 +138,13 @@ public:
{ GetMethod(); SetPart( METHOD_IND, theMethod, myMeth ); }
void SetArg( int index, const TCollection_AsciiString& theArg);
void RemoveArgs();
void Comment();
static bool SkipSpaces( const TCollection_AsciiString & theSring, int & thePos );
static TCollection_AsciiString GetWord( const TCollection_AsciiString & theSring,
int & theStartPos, const bool theForward,
const bool dotIsWord = false);
static bool IsStudyEntry( const TCollection_AsciiString& str );
static std::list< _pyID > GetStudyEntries( const TCollection_AsciiString& str );
void AddDependantCmd( Handle(_pyCommand) cmd, bool prepend = false)
{ if (prepend) myDependentCmds.push_front( cmd ); else myDependentCmds.push_back( cmd ); }
bool SetDependentCmdsAfter() const;
@ -152,28 +162,56 @@ public:
class _pyObject: public Standard_Transient
Handle(_pyCommand) myCreationCmd;
int myNbCalls;
bool myIsRemoved, myIsProtected;
_pyID myID;
Handle(_pyCommand) myCreationCmd;
std::list< Handle(_pyCommand) > myProcessedCmds;
bool myIsPublished;
void setID(const _pyID& theID);
_pyObject(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd);
const _pyID& GetID() { return myCreationCmd->GetResultValue(); }
_pyObject(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd, const _pyID& theID=_pyID());
const _pyID& GetID() { return myID.IsEmpty() ? myCreationCmd->GetResultValue() : myID; }
static _pyID FatherID(const _pyID & childID);
const Handle(_pyCommand)& GetCreationCmd() { return myCreationCmd; }
int GetNbCalls() const { return myNbCalls; }
bool IsRemovedFromStudy() const { return myIsRemoved; }
void SetCreationCmd( Handle(_pyCommand) cmd ) { myCreationCmd = cmd; }
int GetNbCalls() const { return myProcessedCmds.size(); }
bool IsInStudy() const { return myIsPublished; }
virtual void SetRemovedFromStudy(const bool isRemoved) { myIsPublished = !isRemoved; }
void SetCreationCmd( Handle(_pyCommand) cmd ) { myCreationCmd = cmd; }
int GetCommandNb() { return myCreationCmd->GetOrderNb(); }
void AddProcessedCmd( const Handle(_pyCommand) & cmd )
{ if ( !cmd.IsNull() ) myProcessedCmds.push_back( cmd ); }
virtual void Process(const Handle(_pyCommand) & theCommand) { myNbCalls++; }
{ if (myProcessedCmds.empty() || myProcessedCmds.back()!=cmd) myProcessedCmds.push_back( cmd );}
std::list< Handle(_pyCommand) >& GetProcessedCmds() { return myProcessedCmds; }
virtual void Process(const Handle(_pyCommand) & cmd) { AddProcessedCmd(cmd); }
virtual void Flush() = 0;
virtual const char* AccessorMethod() const;
virtual bool CanClear() { return !myIsPublished; }
virtual void ClearCommands();
virtual void Free() {}
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* \brief Data used to restore cleared Compute() command of an exported mesh
* when an imported mesh is created
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExportedMeshData
Handle(_pyMesh) myMesh;
Handle(_pyCommand) myLastComputeCmd;
TCollection_AsciiString myLastComputeCmdString;
ExportedMeshData() {}
ExportedMeshData( const Handle(_pyMesh)& mesh, Handle(_pyCommand) computeCmd):
myMesh( mesh ), myLastComputeCmd( computeCmd )
if ( !myLastComputeCmd.IsNull())
myLastComputeCmdString = myLastComputeCmd->GetString();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* \brief Class corresponding to SMESH_Gen. It holds info on existing
@ -184,27 +222,41 @@ class _pyGen: public _pyObject
_pyGen(Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theEntry2AccessorMethod,
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theObjectNames);
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theObjectNames,
SALOMEDS::Study_ptr& theStudy,
const bool theToKeepAllCommands);
Handle(_pyCommand) AddCommand( const TCollection_AsciiString& theCommand );
void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand );
void Flush();
Handle(_pyHypothesis) FindHyp( const _pyID& theHypID );
Handle(_pyHypothesis) FindAlgo( const _pyID& theGeom, const _pyID& theMesh,
const Handle(_pyHypothesis)& theHypothesis);
Handle(_pySubMesh) FindSubMesh( const _pyID& theSubMeshID );
void ExchangeCommands( Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd1, Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd2 );
void SetCommandAfter( Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd, Handle(_pyCommand) theAfterCmd );
void SetCommandBefore( Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd, Handle(_pyCommand) theBeforeCmd );
Handle(_pyCommand)& GetLastCommand();
std::list< Handle(_pyCommand) >& GetCommands() { return myCommands; }
void SetAccessorMethod(const _pyID& theID, const char* theMethod );
bool AddMeshAccessorMethod( Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd ) const;
bool AddAlgoAccessorMethod( Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd ) const;
const char* AccessorMethod() const;
_pyID GenerateNewID( const _pyID& theID );
void AddObject( Handle(_pyObject)& theObj );
Handle(_pyObject) FindObject( const _pyID& theObjID ) const;
bool IsDead(const _pyID& theObjID) const;
Handle(_pySubMesh) FindSubMesh( const _pyID& theSubMeshID );
Handle(_pyHypothesis) FindHyp( const _pyID& theHypID );
Handle(_pyHypothesis) FindAlgo( const _pyID& theGeom, const _pyID& theMesh,
const Handle(_pyHypothesis)& theHypothesis);
void SetAccessorMethod(const _pyID& theID, const char* theMethod );
bool AddMeshAccessorMethod( Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd ) const;
bool AddAlgoAccessorMethod( Handle(_pyCommand) theCmd ) const;
virtual const char* AccessorMethod() const;
bool IsGeomObject(const _pyID& theObjID) const;
bool IsNotPublished(const _pyID& theObjID) const;
bool IsToKeepAllCommands() const { return myToKeepAllCommands; }
void AddExportedMesh(const TCollection_AsciiString& file, const ExportedMeshData& mesh )
{ myFile2ExportedMesh[ file ] = mesh; }
ExportedMeshData& FindExportedMesh( const TCollection_AsciiString& file )
{ return myFile2ExportedMesh[ file ]; }
virtual void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand );
virtual void Flush();
virtual void ClearCommands();
virtual void Free();
void setNeighbourCommand( Handle(_pyCommand)& theCmd,
@ -222,6 +274,10 @@ private:
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& myObjectNames;
Handle(_pyCommand) myLastCommand;
int myNbFilters;
bool myToKeepAllCommands;
SALOMEDS::Study_var myStudy;
int myGeomIDNb, myGeomIDIndex;
std::map< TCollection_AsciiString, ExportedMeshData > myFile2ExportedMesh;
@ -237,15 +293,29 @@ class _pyMesh: public _pyObject
std::list< Handle(_pyHypothesis) > myHypos;
std::list< Handle(_pyCommand) > myAddHypCmds;
std::list< Handle(_pySubMesh) > mySubmeshes;
bool myHasEditor;
std::list< Handle(_pyGroup) > myGroups;
std::list< Handle(_pyMeshEditor)> myEditors;
//d::list< Handle(_pyMesh) > myFatherMeshes; // this mesh depends on
std::list< Handle(_pyMesh) > myChildMeshes; // depending on me
bool myGeomNotInStudy;
Handle(_pyCommand) myLastComputeCmd;
_pyMesh(const Handle(_pyCommand) creationCmd);
_pyMesh(const Handle(_pyCommand) theCreationCmd, const TCollection_AsciiString & id);
_pyMesh(const Handle(_pyCommand) theCreationCmd, const _pyID & id);
const _pyID& GetGeom() { return GetCreationCmd()->GetArg(1); }
void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
void Flush();
const char* AccessorMethod() const { return _pyMesh_ACCESS_METHOD; }
void AddGroup( const Handle(_pyGroup)& g ) { myGroups.push_back( g ); }
void AddEditor( const Handle(_pyMeshEditor)& e ) { myEditors.push_back( e ); }
bool IsNotGeomPublished() { return myGeomNotInStudy; }
virtual void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
virtual void Flush();
virtual void SetRemovedFromStudy(const bool isRemoved);
virtual bool CanClear();
virtual void ClearCommands();
virtual void Free() { /*myFatherMeshes.clear();*/ myChildMeshes.clear(); }
virtual const char* AccessorMethod() const { return _pyMesh_ACCESS_METHOD; }
void addFatherMesh( const Handle(_pyMesh)& mesh );
void addFatherMesh( const _pyID& meshID );
static bool NeedMeshAccess( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand );
static void AddMeshAccess( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand )
{ theCommand->SetObject( theCommand->GetObject() + "." _pyMesh_ACCESS_METHOD ); }
@ -265,8 +335,10 @@ class _pyMeshEditor: public _pyObject
TCollection_AsciiString myCreationCmdStr;
_pyMeshEditor(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd);
void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
_pyID GetMesh() const { return myMesh; }
virtual void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
virtual void Flush() {}
virtual bool CanClear();
@ -300,6 +372,15 @@ protected:
TColStd_SequenceOfInteger myNbArgsByMethod; // nb args set by each method
std::list<Handle(_pyCommand)> myArgCommands;
std::list<Handle(_pyCommand)> myUnknownCommands;
std::list<Handle(_pyObject) > myReferredObjs;
// maps used to clear commands setting parameters if result of setting is not
// used (no mesh.Compute()) or discared (e.g. by mesh.Clear())
std::map<TCollection_AsciiString, std::list<Handle(_pyCommand)> > myMeth2Commands;
std::map< _pyCommand::TAddr, std::list<Handle(_pyCommand) > > myComputeAddr2Cmds;
std::list<Handle(_pyCommand) > myComputeCmds;
void rememberCmdOfParameter( const Handle(_pyCommand) & cmd );
bool isCmdUsedForCompute( const Handle(_pyCommand) & cmd,
_pyCommand::TAddr avoidComputeAddr=NULL ) const;
_pyHypothesis(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd);
void SetConvMethodAndType(const char* creationMethod, const char* type)
@ -323,14 +404,24 @@ public:
{ return myType2CreationMethod.find( algoType ) != myType2CreationMethod.end(); }
const TCollection_AsciiString& GetCreationMethod(const TCollection_AsciiString& algoType) const
{ return myType2CreationMethod.find( algoType )->second; }
static Handle(_pyHypothesis) NewHypothesis( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd);
virtual bool IsWrappable(const _pyID& theMesh) const;
virtual bool Addition2Creation( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theAdditionCmd,
const _pyID& theMesh);
static Handle(_pyHypothesis) NewHypothesis( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd);
void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
void Flush();
virtual void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
virtual void Flush();
virtual void Free() { myReferredObjs.clear(); }
virtual void Assign( const Handle(_pyHypothesis)& theOther,
const _pyID& theMesh );
virtual bool CanClear();
virtual void ClearCommands();
virtual bool GetReferredMeshesAndGeom( std::list< Handle(_pyMesh) >& meshes );
void MeshComputed ( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theComputeCommand );
void ComputeDiscarded( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theComputeCommand );
//void ComputeSaved ( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theComputeCommand );
@ -346,7 +437,7 @@ public:
_pyAlgorithm(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd);
virtual bool Addition2Creation( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theAdditionCmd,
const _pyID& theMesh);
const char* AccessorMethod() const { return "GetAlgorithm()"; }
virtual const char* AccessorMethod() const { return "GetAlgorithm()"; }
virtual bool IsWrappable(const _pyID& theMesh) { return !myIsWrapped; }
@ -361,8 +452,8 @@ class _pyComplexParamHypo: public _pyHypothesis
_pyComplexParamHypo(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd): _pyHypothesis(theCreationCmd) {}
void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
void Flush();
virtual void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
virtual void Flush();
DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI (_pyComplexParamHypo)
@ -380,10 +471,11 @@ class _pyLayerDistributionHypo: public _pyHypothesis
_pyLayerDistributionHypo(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd, const char* algoMethod):
_pyHypothesis(theCreationCmd), myAlgoMethod((char*)algoMethod) {}
void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
void Flush();
bool Addition2Creation( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theAdditionCmd,
const _pyID& theMesh);
virtual void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
virtual void Flush();
virtual bool Addition2Creation( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theAdditionCmd,
const _pyID& theMesh);
virtual void Free() { my1dHyp.Nullify(); }
DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI (_pyLayerDistributionHypo)
@ -443,31 +535,33 @@ DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pySelfEraser, _pyObject);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class _pySubMesh: public _pyObject
Handle(_pyObject) myCreator;
Handle(_pyMesh) myMesh;
_pySubMesh(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd):_pyObject(theCreationCmd) {}
void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
_pySubMesh(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd);
virtual void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
virtual void Flush();
virtual Handle(_pyMesh) GetMesh() { return myMesh; }
virtual void Free() { myCreator.Nullify(); myMesh.Nullify(); }
void SetCreator( const Handle(_pyObject)& theCreator ) { myCreator = theCreator; }
Handle(_pyObject) myCreator;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* \brief To convert creation of a group by filter
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class _pyGroup: public _pyObject
class _pyGroup: public _pySubMesh
_pyGroup(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd):_pyObject(theCreationCmd) {}
void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
_pyGroup(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd, const _pyID & id=_pyID())
:_pySubMesh(theCreationCmd) { setID( id ); }
virtual void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
virtual void Flush() {}
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyGroup, _pyObject);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -477,10 +571,14 @@ DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (_pyGroup, _pyObject);
class _pyFilter: public _pyObject
_pyID myNewID;
std::list< Handle(_pyObject) > myUsers;
_pyFilter(const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCreationCmd, const _pyID& newID="");
void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
void AddUser( const Handle(_pyObject)& user) { myUsers.push_back( user ); }
virtual void Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand);
virtual void Flush();
virtual bool CanClear();
virtual void Free() { myUsers.clear(); }
const _pyID& GetNewID() const { return myNewID; }
@ -571,8 +571,8 @@ Engines::TMPFile* SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython (CORBA::Object_ptr theStudy,
// Add trace of API methods calls and replace study entries by names
TCollection_AsciiString aScript;
aScript += DumpPython_impl(aStudy, aMap, aMapNames,
isPublished, isMultiFile, isValidScript, aSavedTrace);
aScript += DumpPython_impl(aStudy, aMap, aMapNames, isPublished, isMultiFile,
myIsHistoricalPythonDump, isValidScript, aSavedTrace);
int aLen = aScript.Length();
unsigned char* aBuffer = new unsigned char[aLen+1];
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ namespace {
(p = aName.FirstLocationNotInSet(allowedChars, p, aName.Length())))
if ( p == 1 || p == aName.Length() || aName.Value(p-1) == '_')
aName.Remove( p, 1 ); // remove double _ and from the start and the end
aName.Remove( p, 1 ); // remove double _ from the start and the end
aName.SetValue(p, '_'), nbUnderscore++;
isValidName = false;
@ -745,6 +745,7 @@ TCollection_AsciiString SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython_impl
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theNames,
bool isPublished,
bool isMultiFile,
bool isHistoricalDump,
bool& aValidScript,
const TCollection_AsciiString& theSavedTrace)
@ -812,13 +813,15 @@ TCollection_AsciiString SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython_impl
// Some objects are wrapped with python classes and
// Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString holds methods returning wrapped objects
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString anEntry2AccessorMethod;
aScript = SMESH_2smeshpy::ConvertScript( aScript, anEntry2AccessorMethod, theObjectNames );
if ( !getenv("NO_2smeshpy_conversion"))
aScript = SMESH_2smeshpy::ConvertScript( aScript, anEntry2AccessorMethod,
theObjectNames, theStudy, isHistoricalDump );
// Find entries to be replaced by names
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) aSeq = FindEntries(aScript);
Standard_Integer aLen = aSeq->Length();
if (aLen == 0)
if (aLen == 0 && isMultiFile)
return aScript;
// Replace entries by the names
@ -828,7 +831,7 @@ TCollection_AsciiString SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython_impl
Standard_Integer objectCounter = 0, aStart = 1, aScriptLength = aScript.Length();
TCollection_AsciiString anUpdatedScript, anEntry, aName, aBaseName("smeshObj_");
// Collect names of GEOM objects to exclude same names for SMESH objects
// Collect names of GEOM objects to exclude same names of SMESH objects
GEOM::string_array_var aGeomNames = geom->GetAllDumpNames();
int ign = 0, nbgn = aGeomNames->length();
for (; ign < nbgn; ign++) {
@ -896,7 +899,7 @@ TCollection_AsciiString SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython_impl
anUpdatedScript.Insert ( 1, initPart );
// add final part of aScript
if (aSeq->Value(aLen) < aScriptLength)
if (aLen && aSeq->Value(aLen) < aScriptLength)
anUpdatedScript += aScript.SubString(aSeq->Value(aLen) + 1, aScriptLength);
// Remove removed objects
Reference in New Issue
Block a user