mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 05:48:35 +05:00
23521: EDF 16246 - problems with quadrangles in use case
This commit is contained in:
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ public:
double constValue = 0) const;
double constValue = 0) const;
* \brief Return nodes in the order they encounter while walking along
* \brief Return nodes in the order they encounter while walking along
* the while side or a specified EDGE. For a closed side, the 1st point repeats at end.
* the whole side or a specified EDGE. For a closed side, the 1st point repeats at end.
* \param iE - index of the EDGE. Default is "all EDGEs".
* \param iE - index of the EDGE. Default is "all EDGEs".
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> GetOrderedNodes( int iE = ALL_EDGES ) const;
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> GetOrderedNodes( int iE = ALL_EDGES ) const;
@ -65,10 +65,11 @@
#include "Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx"
#include "Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx"
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/circular_list_algorithms.hpp>
typedef NCollection_Array2<const SMDS_MeshNode*> StdMeshers_Array2OfNode;
typedef NCollection_Array2<const SMDS_MeshNode*> StdMeshers_Array2OfNode;
typedef gp_XY gp_UV;
typedef gp_XY gp_UV;
typedef SMESH_Comment TComm;
typedef SMESH_Comment TComm;
using namespace std;
using namespace std;
@ -1020,25 +1021,424 @@ bool StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D::IsApplicable( const TopoDS_Shape & aShape, bool t
return ( toCheckAll && nbFoundFaces != 0 );
return ( toCheckAll && nbFoundFaces != 0 );
* \brief Return true if only two given edges meat at their common vertex
bool twoEdgesMeatAtVertex(const TopoDS_Edge& e1,
const TopoDS_Edge& e2,
SMESH_Mesh & mesh)
TopoDS_Vertex v;
if (!TopExp::CommonVertex(e1, e2, v))
return false;
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ancestIt(mesh.GetAncestors(v));
for (; ancestIt.More() ; ancestIt.Next())
if (ancestIt.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE)
if (!e1.IsSame(ancestIt.Value()) && !e2.IsSame(ancestIt.Value()))
return false;
return true;
* \brief EDGE of a FACE
struct Edge
TopoDS_Edge myEdge;
TopoDS_Vertex my1stVertex;
int myIndex;
double myAngle; // angle at my1stVertex
int myNbSegments; // discretization
Edge* myPrev; // preceding EDGE
Edge* myNext; // next EDGE
// traits used by boost::intrusive::circular_list_algorithms
typedef Edge node;
typedef Edge * node_ptr;
typedef const Edge * const_node_ptr;
static node_ptr get_next(const_node_ptr n) { return n->myNext; }
static void set_next(node_ptr n, node_ptr next) { n->myNext = next; }
static node_ptr get_previous(const_node_ptr n) { return n->myPrev; }
static void set_previous(node_ptr n, node_ptr prev){ n->myPrev = prev; }
* \brief Four sides of a quadrangle evaluating its quality
struct QuadQuality
typedef std::set< QuadQuality, QuadQuality > set;
Edge* myCornerE[4];
int myNbSeg [4];
// quality criteria to minimize
int myOppDiff;
double myQuartDiff;
double mySumAngle;
// Compute quality criateria and add self to the set of variants
void AddSelf( QuadQuality::set& theVariants )
if ( myCornerE[2] == myCornerE[1] || // exclude invalid variants
myCornerE[2] == myCornerE[3] )
// count nb segments between corners
mySumAngle = 0;
double totNbSeg = 0;
for ( int i1 = 3, i2 = 0; i2 < 4; i1 = i2++ )
myNbSeg[ i1 ] = 0;
for ( Edge* e = myCornerE[ i1 ]; e != myCornerE[ i2 ]; e = e->myNext )
myNbSeg[ i1 ] += e->myNbSegments;
mySumAngle -= myCornerE[ i1 ]->myAngle / M_PI; // [-1,1]
totNbSeg += myNbSeg[ i1 ];
myOppDiff = ( Abs( myNbSeg[0] - myNbSeg[2] ) +
Abs( myNbSeg[1] - myNbSeg[3] ));
double nbSideIdeal = totNbSeg / 4.;
myQuartDiff = -( Min( Min( myNbSeg[0], myNbSeg[1] ),
Min( myNbSeg[1], myNbSeg[2] )) / nbSideIdeal );
theVariants.insert( *this );
#ifndef _DEBUG_
if ( theVariants.size() > 1 ) // erase a worse variant
theVariants.erase( ++theVariants.begin() );
// first criterion - equality of nbSeg of opposite sides
int crit1() const { return myOppDiff; }
// second criterion - equality of nbSeg of adjacent sides and sharpness of angles
double crit2() const { return myQuartDiff + mySumAngle; }
bool operator () ( const QuadQuality& q1, const QuadQuality& q2) const
if ( q1.crit1() < q2.crit1() )
return true;
if ( q1.crit1() > q2.crit1() )
return false;
return q1.crit2() < q2.crit2();
* \brief Unite EDGEs to get a required number of sides
* \param [in] theNbCorners - the required number of sides
* \param [in] theConsiderMesh - to considered only meshed VERTEXes
* \param [in] theFaceSide - the FACE EDGEs
* \param [out] theVertices - the found corner vertices
void uniteEdges( const int theNbCorners,
const bool theConsiderMesh,
const StdMeshers_FaceSide& theFaceSide,
const TopoDS_Shape& theBaseVertex,
std::vector<TopoDS_Vertex>& theVertices )
// form a circular list of EDGEs
std::vector< Edge > edges( theFaceSide.NbEdges() );
boost::intrusive::circular_list_algorithms< Edge > circularList;
circularList.init_header( &edges[0] );
edges[0].myEdge = theFaceSide.Edge( 0 );
edges[0].myIndex = 0;
edges[0].myNbSegments = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i < theFaceSide.NbEdges(); ++i )
edges[ i ].myEdge = theFaceSide.Edge( i );
edges[ i ].myIndex = i;
edges[ i ].myNbSegments = 0;
circularList.link_after( &edges[ i-1 ], &edges[ i ] );
// remove degenerated edges
int nbEdges = edges.size();
Edge* edge0 = &edges[0];
for ( size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i )
if ( SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( edges[i].myEdge ))
edge0 = circularList.unlink( &edges[i] );
// sort edges by angle
std::multimap< double, Edge* > edgeByAngle;
int i, iBase = -1, nbConvexAngles = 0;
Edge* e = edge0;
for ( i = 0; i < nbEdges; ++i, e = e->myNext )
e->my1stVertex = SMESH_MesherHelper::IthVertex( 0, e->myEdge );
if ( e->my1stVertex.IsSame( theBaseVertex ))
iBase = e->myIndex;
e->myAngle = -2 * M_PI;
if ( !theConsiderMesh || theFaceSide.VertexNode( e->myIndex ))
e->myAngle = SMESH_MesherHelper::GetAngle( e->myPrev->myEdge, e->myEdge,
theFaceSide.Face(), e->my1stVertex );
if ( e->myAngle > 2 * M_PI ) // GetAngle() failed
e->myAngle *= -1.;
edgeByAngle.insert( std::make_pair( e->myAngle, e ));
nbConvexAngles += ( e->myAngle > 0 );
if ( !theConsiderMesh || theNbCorners < 4 || nbConvexAngles <= theNbCorners )
// return corners with maximal angles
std::set< int > cornerIndices;
if ( iBase != -1 )
cornerIndices.insert( iBase );
std::multimap< double, Edge* >::reverse_iterator a2e = edgeByAngle.rbegin();
for (; (int) cornerIndices.size() < theNbCorners; ++a2e )
cornerIndices.insert( a2e->second->myIndex );
std::set< int >::iterator i = cornerIndices.begin();
for ( ; i != cornerIndices.end(); ++i )
theVertices.push_back( edges[ *i ].my1stVertex );
// get nb of segments
int totNbSeg = 0; // tatal nb segments
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodes;
for ( i = 0, e = edge0; i < nbEdges; ++i, e = e->myNext )
theFaceSide.GetEdgeNodes( e->myIndex, nodes, /*addVertex=*/false, false );
e->myNbSegments += nodes.size() + 1;
totNbSeg += nodes.size() + 1;
// join with the previous edge those edges with concave angles
if ( e->myAngle <= 0 )
e->myPrev->myNbSegments += e->myNbSegments;
e = circularList.unlink( e )->myPrev;
if ( edge0->myNext->myPrev != edge0 ) // edge0 removed, find another edge0
for ( size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i )
if ( edges[i].myNext->myPrev == & edges[i] )
edge0 = &edges[i];
// sort different variants by quality
QuadQuality::set quadVariants;
// find index of a corner most opposite to corner of edge0
int iOpposite0, nbHalf = 0;
for ( e = edge0; nbHalf <= totNbSeg / 2; e = e->myNext )
nbHalf += e->myNbSegments;
iOpposite0 = e->myIndex;
// compose different variants of quadrangles
QuadQuality quad;
for ( ; edge0->myIndex != iOpposite0; edge0 = edge0->myNext )
quad.myCornerE[ 0 ] = edge0;
// find opposite corner 2
for ( nbHalf = 0, e = edge0; nbHalf < totNbSeg / 2; e = e->myNext )
nbHalf += e->myNbSegments;
if ( e == edge0->myNext ) // no space for corner 1
e = e->myNext;
quad.myCornerE[ 2 ] = e;
bool moreVariants2 = ( totNbSeg % 2 || nbHalf != totNbSeg / 2 );
// enumerate different variants of corners 1 and 3
for ( Edge* e1 = edge0->myNext; e1 != quad.myCornerE[ 2 ]; e1 = e1->myNext )
quad.myCornerE[ 1 ] = e1;
// find opposite corner 3
for ( nbHalf = 0, e = e1; nbHalf < totNbSeg / 2; e = e->myNext )
nbHalf += e->myNbSegments;
if ( e == quad.myCornerE[ 2 ] )
e = e->myNext;
quad.myCornerE[ 3 ] = e;
bool moreVariants3 = ( totNbSeg % 2 || nbHalf != totNbSeg / 2 );
quad.AddSelf( quadVariants );
// another variants
if ( moreVariants2 )
quad.myCornerE[ 2 ] = quad.myCornerE[ 2 ]->myPrev;
quad.AddSelf( quadVariants );
quad.myCornerE[ 2 ] = quad.myCornerE[ 2 ]->myNext;
if ( moreVariants3 )
quad.myCornerE[ 3 ] = quad.myCornerE[ 3 ]->myPrev;
quad.AddSelf( quadVariants );
if ( moreVariants2 )
quad.myCornerE[ 2 ] = quad.myCornerE[ 2 ]->myPrev;
quad.AddSelf( quadVariants );
quad.myCornerE[ 2 ] = quad.myCornerE[ 2 ]->myNext;
const QuadQuality& bestQuad = *quadVariants.begin();
theVertices.resize( 4 );
theVertices[ 0 ] = bestQuad.myCornerE[ 0 ]->my1stVertex;
theVertices[ 1 ] = bestQuad.myCornerE[ 1 ]->my1stVertex;
theVertices[ 2 ] = bestQuad.myCornerE[ 2 ]->my1stVertex;
theVertices[ 3 ] = bestQuad.myCornerE[ 3 ]->my1stVertex;
} // namespace
* \brief Return true if only two given edges meat at their common vertex
* \brief Finds vertices at the most sharp face corners
* \param [in] theFace - the FACE
* \param [in,out] theWire - the ordered edges of the face. It can be modified to
* have the first VERTEX of the first EDGE in \a vertices
* \param [out] theVertices - the found corner vertices in the order corresponding to
* the order of EDGEs in \a theWire
* \param [out] theNbDegenEdges - nb of degenerated EDGEs in theFace
* \param [in] theConsiderMesh - if \c true, only meshed VERTEXes are considered
* as possible corners
* \return int - number of quad sides found: 0, 3 or 4
static bool twoEdgesMeatAtVertex(const TopoDS_Edge& e1,
int StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D::getCorners(const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
const TopoDS_Edge& e2,
SMESH_Mesh & theMesh,
SMESH_Mesh & mesh)
std::list<TopoDS_Edge>& theWire,
std::vector<TopoDS_Vertex>& theVertices,
int & theNbDegenEdges,
const bool theConsiderMesh)
TopoDS_Vertex v;
theNbDegenEdges = 0;
if (!TopExp::CommonVertex(e1, e2, v))
return false;
SMESH_MesherHelper helper( theMesh );
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ancestIt(mesh.GetAncestors(v));
if ( myHelper )
for (; ancestIt.More() ; ancestIt.Next())
helper.CopySubShapeInfo( *myHelper );
if (ancestIt.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE)
if (!e1.IsSame(ancestIt.Value()) && !e2.IsSame(ancestIt.Value()))
StdMeshers_FaceSide faceSide( theFace, theWire, &theMesh,
return false;
/*isFwd=*/true, /*skipMedium=*/true, &helper );
return true;
// count degenerated EDGEs and possible corner VERTEXes
for ( int iE = 0; iE < faceSide.NbEdges(); ++iE )
if ( SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( faceSide.Edge( iE )))
else if ( !theConsiderMesh || faceSide.VertexNode( iE ))
theVertices.push_back( faceSide.FirstVertex( iE ));
// find out required nb of corners (3 or 4)
int nbCorners = 4;
TopoDS_Shape triaVertex = helper.GetMeshDS()->IndexToShape( myTriaVertexID );
if ( !triaVertex.IsNull() &&
triaVertex.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX &&
helper.IsSubShape( triaVertex, theFace ) &&
theVertices.size() != 4 )
nbCorners = 3;
// check nb of available EDGEs
if ( faceSide.NbEdges() < nbCorners )
return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE,
TComm("Face must have 4 sides and not ") << faceSide.NbEdges() );
if ( theConsiderMesh )
const int nbSegments = Max( faceSide.NbPoints()-1, faceSide.NbSegments() );
if ( nbSegments < nbCorners )
return error(COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, TComm("Too few boundary nodes: ") << nbSegments);
if ( nbCorners == 3 )
if ( theVertices.size() < 3 )
return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE,
TComm("Face must have 3 meshed sides and not ") << theVertices.size() );
else // triaVertex not defined or invalid
if ( theVertices.size() == 3 && theNbDegenEdges == 0 )
if ( myTriaVertexID < 1 )
"No Base vertex provided for a trilateral geometrical face");
TComm comment("Invalid Base vertex: ");
comment << myTriaVertexID << ", which is not in [ ";
comment << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( faceSide.FirstVertex(0) ) << ", ";
comment << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( faceSide.FirstVertex(1) ) << ", ";
comment << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( faceSide.FirstVertex(2) ) << " ]";
return error(COMPERR_BAD_PARMETERS, comment );
if ( theVertices.size() + theNbDegenEdges < 4 )
return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE,
TComm("Face must have 4 meshed sides and not ") << theVertices.size() );
if ((int) theVertices.size() > nbCorners )
// there are more EDGEs than required nb of sides;
// unite some EDGEs to fix the nb of sides
uniteEdges( nbCorners, theConsiderMesh, faceSide, triaVertex, theVertices );
if ( nbCorners == 3 && !triaVertex.IsSame( theVertices[0] ))
// make theVertices begin from triaVertex
for ( size_t i = 0; i < theVertices.size(); ++i )
if ( triaVertex.IsSame( theVertices[i] ))
theVertices.erase( theVertices.begin(), theVertices.begin() + i );
theVertices.push_back( theVertices[i] );
// make theWire begin from the 1st corner vertex
while ( !theVertices[0].IsSame( helper.IthVertex( 0, theWire.front() )) ||
SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( theWire.front() ))
theWire.splice( theWire.end(), theWire, theWire.begin() );
return nbCorners;
@ -4253,388 +4653,6 @@ bool StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D::check()
return isOK;
return isOK;
* \brief Finds vertices at the most sharp face corners
* \param [in] theFace - the FACE
* \param [in,out] theWire - the ordered edges of the face. It can be modified to
* have the first VERTEX of the first EDGE in \a vertices
* \param [out] theVertices - the found corner vertices in the order corresponding to
* the order of EDGEs in \a theWire
* \param [out] theNbDegenEdges - nb of degenerated EDGEs in theFace
* \param [in] theConsiderMesh - if \c true, only meshed VERTEXes are considered
* as possible corners
* \return int - number of quad sides found: 0, 3 or 4
int StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D::getCorners(const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
SMESH_Mesh & theMesh,
std::list<TopoDS_Edge>& theWire,
std::vector<TopoDS_Vertex>& theVertices,
int & theNbDegenEdges,
const bool theConsiderMesh)
theNbDegenEdges = 0;
SMESH_MesherHelper helper( theMesh );
if ( myHelper )
helper.CopySubShapeInfo( *myHelper );
StdMeshers_FaceSide faceSide( theFace, theWire, &theMesh,
/*isFwd=*/true, /*skipMedium=*/true, &helper );
// sort theVertices by angle
multimap<double, TopoDS_Vertex> vertexByAngle;
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeReal angleByVertex;
TopoDS_Edge prevE = theWire.back();
if ( SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( prevE ))
list<TopoDS_Edge>::reverse_iterator edge = ++theWire.rbegin();
while ( SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( *edge ) /*|| helper.IsRealSeam( *edge )*/)
if ( edge == theWire.rend() )
return false;
prevE = *edge;
list<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator edge = theWire.begin();
for ( int iE = 0; edge != theWire.end(); ++edge, ++iE )
if ( SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( *edge ) /*|| helper.IsRealSeam( *edge )*/)
if ( !theConsiderMesh || faceSide.VertexNode( iE ))
TopoDS_Vertex v = helper.IthVertex( 0, *edge );
double angle = helper.GetAngle( prevE, *edge, theFace, v );
vertexByAngle.insert( make_pair( angle, v ));
angleByVertex.Bind( v, angle );
prevE = *edge;
// find out required nb of corners (3 or 4)
int nbCorners = 4;
TopoDS_Shape triaVertex = helper.GetMeshDS()->IndexToShape( myTriaVertexID );
if ( !triaVertex.IsNull() &&
triaVertex.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX &&
helper.IsSubShape( triaVertex, theFace ) &&
( vertexByAngle.size() != 4 || vertexByAngle.begin()->first < 5 * M_PI/180. ))
nbCorners = 3;
// check nb of available corners
if ( faceSide.NbEdges() < nbCorners )
return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE,
TComm("Face must have 4 sides but not ") << faceSide.NbEdges() );
if ( theConsiderMesh )
const int nbSegments = Max( faceSide.NbPoints()-1, faceSide.NbSegments() );
if ( nbSegments < nbCorners )
return error(COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, TComm("Too few boundary nodes: ") << nbSegments);
if ( nbCorners == 3 )
if ( vertexByAngle.size() < 3 )
return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE,
TComm("Face must have 3 sides but not ") << vertexByAngle.size() );
if ( vertexByAngle.size() == 3 && theNbDegenEdges == 0 )
if ( myTriaVertexID < 1 )
"No Base vertex provided for a trilateral geometrical face");
TComm comment("Invalid Base vertex: ");
comment << myTriaVertexID << " its ID is not among [ ";
multimap<double, TopoDS_Vertex>::iterator a2v = vertexByAngle.begin();
comment << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( a2v->second ) << ", "; a2v++;
comment << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( a2v->second ) << ", "; a2v++;
comment << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( a2v->second ) << " ]";
return error(COMPERR_BAD_PARMETERS, comment );
if ( vertexByAngle.size() + ( theNbDegenEdges > 0 ) < 4 &&
vertexByAngle.size() + theNbDegenEdges != 4 )
return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE,
TComm("Face must have 4 sides but not ") << vertexByAngle.size() );
// put all corner vertices in a map
TopTools_MapOfShape vMap;
if ( nbCorners == 3 )
vMap.Add( triaVertex );
multimap<double, TopoDS_Vertex>::reverse_iterator a2v = vertexByAngle.rbegin();
for ( int iC = 0; a2v != vertexByAngle.rend() && iC < nbCorners; ++a2v, ++iC )
vMap.Add( (*a2v).second );
// check if there are possible variations in choosing corners
bool haveVariants = false;
if ((int) vertexByAngle.size() > nbCorners )
double lostAngle = a2v->first;
double lastAngle = ( --a2v, a2v->first );
haveVariants = ( lostAngle * 1.1 >= lastAngle );
const double angleTol = 5.* M_PI/180;
myCheckOri = ( (int)vertexByAngle.size() > nbCorners ||
vertexByAngle.begin()->first < angleTol );
// make theWire begin from a corner vertex or triaVertex
if ( nbCorners == 3 )
while ( !triaVertex.IsSame( ( helper.IthVertex( 0, theWire.front() ))) ||
SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( theWire.front() ))
theWire.splice( theWire.end(), theWire, theWire.begin() );
while ( !vMap.Contains( helper.IthVertex( 0, theWire.front() )) ||
SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( theWire.front() ))
theWire.splice( theWire.end(), theWire, theWire.begin() );
// fill the result vector and prepare for its refinement
vector< double > angles;
vector< TopoDS_Edge > edgeVec;
vector< int > cornerInd, nbSeg;
int nbSegTot = 0;
angles .reserve( vertexByAngle.size() );
edgeVec.reserve( vertexByAngle.size() );
nbSeg .reserve( vertexByAngle.size() );
cornerInd.reserve( nbCorners );
for ( edge = theWire.begin(); edge != theWire.end(); ++edge )
if ( SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( *edge ))
TopoDS_Vertex v = helper.IthVertex( 0, *edge );
bool isCorner = vMap.Contains( v );
if ( isCorner )
theVertices.push_back( v );
cornerInd.push_back( angles.size() );
angles .push_back( angleByVertex.IsBound( v ) ? angleByVertex( v ) : -M_PI );
edgeVec.push_back( *edge );
if ( theConsiderMesh && haveVariants )
if ( SMESHDS_SubMesh* sm = helper.GetMeshDS()->MeshElements( *edge ))
nbSeg.push_back( sm->NbNodes() + 1 );
nbSeg.push_back( 0 );
nbSegTot += nbSeg.back();
// refine the result vector - make sides equal by length if
// there are several equal angles
if ( haveVariants )
if ( nbCorners == 3 )
angles[0] = 2 * M_PI; // not to move the base triangle VERTEX
// here we refer to VERTEX'es and EDGEs by indices in angles and edgeVec vectors
typedef int TGeoIndex;
// for each vertex find a vertex till which there are nbSegHalf segments
const int nbSegHalf = ( nbSegTot % 2 || nbCorners == 3 ) ? 0 : nbSegTot / 2;
vector< TGeoIndex > halfDivider( angles.size(), -1 );
int nbHalfDividers = 0;
if ( nbSegHalf )
// get min angle of corners
double minAngle = 10.;
for ( size_t iC = 0; iC < cornerInd.size(); ++iC )
minAngle = Min( minAngle, angles[ cornerInd[ iC ]]);
// find halfDivider's
for ( TGeoIndex iV1 = 0; iV1 < TGeoIndex( angles.size() ); ++iV1 )
int nbSegs = 0;
TGeoIndex iV2 = iV1;
do {
nbSegs += nbSeg[ iV2 ];
iV2 = helper.WrapIndex( iV2 + 1, nbSeg.size() );
} while ( nbSegs < nbSegHalf );
if ( nbSegs == nbSegHalf &&
angles[ iV1 ] + angleTol >= minAngle &&
angles[ iV2 ] + angleTol >= minAngle )
halfDivider[ iV1 ] = iV2;
set< TGeoIndex > refinedCorners, treatedCorners;
for ( size_t iC = 0; iC < cornerInd.size(); ++iC )
TGeoIndex iV = cornerInd[iC];
if ( !treatedCorners.insert( iV ).second )
list< TGeoIndex > equVerts; // inds of vertices that can become corners
equVerts.push_back( iV );
int nbC[2] = { 0, 0 };
// find equal angles backward and forward from the iV-th corner vertex
for ( int isFwd = 0; isFwd < 2; ++isFwd )
int dV = isFwd ? +1 : -1;
int iCNext = helper.WrapIndex( iC + dV, cornerInd.size() );
TGeoIndex iVNext = helper.WrapIndex( iV + dV, angles.size() );
while ( iVNext != iV )
bool equal = Abs( angles[iV] - angles[iVNext] ) < angleTol;
if ( equal )
equVerts.insert( isFwd ? equVerts.end() : equVerts.begin(), iVNext );
if ( iVNext == cornerInd[ iCNext ])
if ( !equal )
if ( angles[iV] < angles[iVNext] )
refinedCorners.insert( iVNext );
nbC[ isFwd ]++;
treatedCorners.insert( cornerInd[ iCNext ] );
iCNext = helper.WrapIndex( iCNext + dV, cornerInd.size() );
iVNext = helper.WrapIndex( iVNext + dV, angles.size() );
if ( iVNext == iV )
break; // all angles equal
const bool allCornersSame = ( nbC[0] == 3 );
if ( allCornersSame && nbHalfDividers > 0 )
// select two halfDivider's as corners
TGeoIndex hd1, hd2 = -1;
size_t iC2;
for ( iC2 = 0; iC2 < cornerInd.size() && hd2 < 0; ++iC2 )
hd1 = cornerInd[ iC2 ];
hd2 = halfDivider[ hd1 ];
if ( std::find( equVerts.begin(), equVerts.end(), hd2 ) == equVerts.end() )
hd2 = -1; // hd2-th vertex can't become a corner
if ( hd2 >= 0 )
angles[ hd1 ] = 2 * M_PI; // make hd1-th vertex no more "equal"
angles[ hd2 ] = 2 * M_PI;
refinedCorners.insert( hd1 );
refinedCorners.insert( hd2 );
treatedCorners = refinedCorners;
// update cornerInd
equVerts.push_front( equVerts.back() );
equVerts.push_back( equVerts.front() );
list< TGeoIndex >::iterator hdPos =
std::find( equVerts.begin(), equVerts.end(), hd2 );
if ( hdPos == equVerts.end() ) break;
cornerInd[ helper.WrapIndex( iC2 + 0, cornerInd.size()) ] = hd1;
cornerInd[ helper.WrapIndex( iC2 + 1, cornerInd.size()) ] = *( --hdPos );
cornerInd[ helper.WrapIndex( iC2 + 2, cornerInd.size()) ] = hd2;
cornerInd[ helper.WrapIndex( iC2 + 3, cornerInd.size()) ] = *( ++hdPos, ++hdPos );
theVertices[ 0 ] = helper.IthVertex( 0, edgeVec[ cornerInd[0] ]);
theVertices[ 1 ] = helper.IthVertex( 0, edgeVec[ cornerInd[1] ]);
theVertices[ 2 ] = helper.IthVertex( 0, edgeVec[ cornerInd[2] ]);
theVertices[ 3 ] = helper.IthVertex( 0, edgeVec[ cornerInd[3] ]);
iC = -1;
// move corners to make sides equal by length
int nbEqualV = equVerts.size();
int nbExcessV = nbEqualV - ( 1 + nbC[0] + nbC[1] );
if ( nbExcessV > 0 ) // there are nbExcessV vertices that can become corners
// calculate normalized length of each "side" enclosed between neighbor equVerts
vector< double > accuLength;
double totalLen = 0;
vector< TGeoIndex > evVec( equVerts.begin(), equVerts.end() );
size_t iEV = 0;
TGeoIndex iE = cornerInd[ helper.WrapIndex( iC - nbC[0] - 1, cornerInd.size() )];
TGeoIndex iEEnd = cornerInd[ helper.WrapIndex( iC + nbC[1] + 1, cornerInd.size() )];
while ((int) accuLength.size() < nbEqualV + int( !allCornersSame ) )
// accumulate length of edges before iEV-th equal vertex
accuLength.push_back( totalLen );
do {
accuLength.back() += SMESH_Algo::EdgeLength( edgeVec[ iE ]);
iE = helper.WrapIndex( iE + 1, edgeVec.size());
if ( iEV < evVec.size() && iE == evVec[ iEV ] ) {
break; // equal vertex reached
while( iE != iEEnd );
totalLen = accuLength.back();
accuLength.resize( equVerts.size() );
for ( size_t iS = 0; iS < accuLength.size(); ++iS )
accuLength[ iS ] /= totalLen;
// find equVerts most close to the ideal sub-division of all sides
int iBestEV = 0;
int iCorner = helper.WrapIndex( iC - nbC[0], cornerInd.size() );
int nbSides = Min( nbCorners, 2 + nbC[0] + nbC[1] );
for ( int iS = 1; iS < nbSides; ++iS, ++iBestEV )
double idealLen = iS / double( nbSides );
double d, bestDist = 2.;
for ( iEV = iBestEV; iEV < accuLength.size(); ++iEV )
d = Abs( idealLen - accuLength[ iEV ]);
// take into account presence of a corresponding halfDivider
const double cornerWgt = 0.5 / nbSides;
const double vertexWgt = 0.25 / nbSides;
TGeoIndex hd = halfDivider[ evVec[ iEV ]];
if ( hd < 0 )
d += vertexWgt;
else if( refinedCorners.count( hd ))
d -= cornerWgt;
d -= vertexWgt;
// choose vertex with the best d
if ( d < bestDist )
bestDist = d;
iBestEV = iEV;
if ( iBestEV > iS-1 + nbExcessV )
iBestEV = iS-1 + nbExcessV;
theVertices[ iCorner ] = helper.IthVertex( 0, edgeVec[ evVec[ iBestEV ]]);
cornerInd [ iCorner ] = evVec[ iBestEV ];
refinedCorners.insert( evVec[ iBestEV ]);
iCorner = helper.WrapIndex( iCorner + 1, cornerInd.size() );
} // if ( nbExcessV > 0 )
refinedCorners.insert( cornerInd[ iC ]);
} // loop on cornerInd
// make theWire begin from the cornerInd[0]-th EDGE
while ( !theWire.front().IsSame( edgeVec[ cornerInd[0] ]))
theWire.splice( theWire.begin(), theWire, --theWire.end() );
} // if ( haveVariants )
return nbCorners;
* \brief Constructor of a side of quad
* \brief Constructor of a side of quad
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